In regard to what Jesus said to Peter, it appears that the Apostle John's presumption is in error.

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Well-Known Member
Mar 22, 2022
United States
I agree with you that @The Third One has a gift of "gab." He says many things without really saying any truths, and without any Scriptures to back up what he says (all opinions), for he speaks of this world's wisdom.

He sounds to be lacking in the things of God and who better to tell him than a child of God.

Myself have never put anyone in the "ignore list" as it only defeats my purpose. Consider what Peter conveyed in 1 Peter 3:15-17 which reads:
15) But sanctify the Lord God in your hearts: and be ready always to give an answer to every man that asketh you a reason of the hope that is you with meekness and fear:
16) Having a good conscience; that, whereas they speak evil of you, as of evil doers, they may be ashamed that falsely accuse your good conversation (conduct) with Christ.
17) For it is better, if the will of God be so, that you suffer for well doing, than for evil doing.

To God Be The Glory

I have flaws that will surely get me banned if I continue to engage with some ppl.

I'm impulsive, impetitious and have a very frazzled filter from brain to mouth.

Good for you for having to NOT ignore.
It is GOOD for me to do so.

Only the Holy Spirit of God can reach ppl that are blind with a gaping mouth, have loose thoughts, follow or INVENT false doctrine and belong to their father, which CAN APPEAR as an angel of light!

Waiting on him

Well-Known Member
Dec 21, 2018
North America
United States
I have flaws that will surely get me banned if I continue to engage with some ppl.

I'm impulsive, impetitious and have a very frazzled filter from brain to mouth.

Good for you for having to NOT ignore.
It is GOOD for me to do so.

Only the Holy Spirit of God can reach ppl that are blind with a gaping mouth, have loose thoughts, follow or INVENT false doctrine and belong to their father, which CAN APPEAR as an angel of light!
Seems now days many Christians lack temperance.
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The Third One

Oct 1, 2022
St Louis
United States

Wow. It takes so much time to address ALL this in one gulp. But, here goes.

Overall, I like what you have shared thus far. I do not agree with ALL of it. I will say, you do make some of the most interesting comments I have ever heard and you do ask the best questions. Again, I am not attempting to blow smoke up your skirt. It is simply the Truth. Has anyone ever told you that you have wisdom beyond your years? You are an old soul, my dear. Trust me. It takes one to know one.

You write:

“What is odd to me is (everyone in here) arguing over Paul so much.”

It’s hard to avoid the subject. my dear. Christianity is based upon Paul’s manifesto. “Ramblings,” as some in here like to refer to deep, passionately involved writing. From Paul’s deep, passionately involved, theological/philosophical... endless writing… came a Religion… in which its Dogma is… at present-day… at least… 95% in abject error… and, getting worse (and worser) as the years go on.

Christians have been taught that, since Paul’s writings somehow found their way into “the Bible,” whatever Paul/Rocky decided to reduce to paper, is 100% Truth — as if it fell straight out of the mouth of God.

Jesus blasted a number of errors prevalent in both Pharisee and Sadducee camps back in the day. I have yet to find a Mature-Christian, who has not been programmed to “believe” in Pharisee Extremism, which is at the very ROOT of Paul’s counterproductive writing. Much of which it was so unnecessary… in my humble, yet considered opinion.

These “ROOTS” are nowhere near to what Jesus taught.

So, where should we start, Victory?

Jesus referred to the Truth (the Word, proclaiming exactly what Jesus came here to do for us) as the Wheat.

The falsehoods that were sure to come (designed by the Forces of Darkness to choke out the Wheat) — Jesus referred to these Truth-Killers as “Tares.” Weeds.

In our generation, the productive Wheat can no long be readily found on the surface. There is none left anymore (even growing side by side… along side… the Tares). The path is long gone… and… in its place, we have inherited “a field” totally overgrown in Weeds — tares, thistles, etcetera.

So… how should we go about accomplishing the obvious task at hand? Harvesting the Word?

This is precisely why I need your help, Victory. Your Lantern, to guide the way through. Whatever peeks your interest the most. Or happens to catch your eye (out of ALL this). There is so much false territory to cover. And, so much Truth to uncover. In which direction should I smash out of this lion’s den?

Do we even continue onward in here? Is it worth ALL the trouble to find the Wheat?

This thread is seen (by the few passengers who have stepped on board) as a nuisance to the flight plan. So much so, the thread is perceived mostly as an opportunity to bang on the cockpit door:

Hey! Either you are going in the wrong direction! Or I’ve gotten on the wrong flight!

Why are they ALL in such an uproar? This flight is not the fairytale they have come to hold dear to themselves — the “Faith.” Rather, this flight has a Real destination in mind. KNOWING what’s been done for us on the cross… and truly accepting it.

That's TOO Real for the average person to swallow ALL at once. These are good folks, who are used to flying FCA (Fundamental Christian Airlines).

Geese! What a company. Somehow, “the blind” found their way out of “the ditch,” went to Flight School For The Blind (run by the blind), got a DD Degree, a holy scarf and a clip-on microphone. Pilots… continuing… the ongoing pattern. Flying the plane in a never-ending circle. Unfortunately, the Church-Fathers in charge of stocking the in-flight meals saw (and see) the Weeds as the Wheat. And, ALL the passengers on board, fully “believe” that they have been flown (and are still being flown) in the right direction. This Religion should be called “Weed Airlines.” Not for what it seems like everyone’s been smoking (lol). Rather, because of the total infestation of Weeds, plaguing its dogma.

The task seems daunting.

Should we do as Jesus first suggested? Implement his initial plan for tackling the infestation he saw quickly coming in the immediate AD centuries? Pull up ALL the Weeds (get them ALL up and out of the way and tie them into huge bundles) so that we can then clearly SEE… to harvest… and put the Wheat into our storage bins?

Even that has become a multiple process at this point. For, the Wheat is buried.

So then... once the Weeds are ALL pulled up and out of the way, at that point, should we continue onward with doing exactly what Jesus had in mind? Bring in the heavy equipment and go about unburying, raising up and unwrapping the Wheat?

Or… should we clear out one little section at a time… then, raise up whatever portion is hidden underneath?

Should we go directly to the Wheat? Straight to the five Batteries that ENPOWER the Gift? Just say the Word, Victory, and I will unwrap them in detail, one Battery at a time. I have a PERFECT Geological Underground Survey Map of exactly what these Batteries entail, what they are made of, and how deep they have been buried. You know what Batteries I am talking about. I have already mentioned them numerous times: RANSOM, AWAY, PERFECT, FREEDOM and ALL. The whole room should look forward to touching them — just to touch the surface of them.

We have yet to ponder over these five wonderful Words of Jesus. By “we” I don’t just mean us, here in this room. I mean US — humanity — for the last 2000 years.

What have we been doing ALL this Time… instead?

The Third One

Oct 1, 2022
St Louis
United States
Pondering over the words of Paul/Rocky. Pondering Religion. SEALING-UP ALL that new wine… that Rocky put into those old wineskins.

Paul’s roots — roots rooted in Religion. Rocky’s-Roots. Sounds like a Western Junk-Food snack. Yet, they were very important to Rocky. He had a huge desire to… somehow… make the old ways and the new “Jesus Thing” work hand-in-hand together.

Victory, I get the idea from you (as with most Christians), Paul’s words are very important to you. You would very much like to make them work with what this room sees as “The Third One’s Thing.” I am ALL ears, and I will continue to carefully consider your thoughts on that specific matter — in those instances where you see Paul and I on the same page. However, my dear friend, I have been to the Tenth Floor and back. (There are not many folks who could even physically survive that trip — much less, still be around 36 years later). And, as it has worked out, throughout my many years since then, in close friendship and in deep tutelage with the Living God of Light, I have found that (now... this is ALL me, personally, talking) I have come to distance myself from what Paul has to say, while embracing a thousand-times-over what Jesus has to say.

Anyway… in my walk, that is simply the way I have come to see it. I promise you, I will keep an open mind as to how you see it, and what that insight brings to the table.

After the Plane Crash, Paul is the one who tried to put “the plane” back together. Wrecked parts. Fouled fuel. New wine. Old wineskins. There’s got to be a way to make it ALL fit, somehow. In the process of doing so, Paul created a brand new Religion. A Frankenstein invention.

There is still quite a lot about Paul that we could cover in detail — with you asking the questions, of course. Just to highlight some topics we could still cover:

*The aftermath of the Plane Crash.

*Paul’s descent into madness.

*Paul’s accent, back from madness — bringing with him much of his insane theology and then sewing it ALL together with Pharisee catgut, creating brand new theology.

*We could cover the specific downfalls (“the fruit” as Jesus says) of the Paul/Rocky-Theology (which I have already highlighted twice). This makes it... thrice: a manifesto teeming with judgment after judgment; hatred of the flesh, Life and self; a piling on of rules and regulations; the endeavor to be “Christ-like” (a concept found in no Gospel, which, if pursued, is doomed to failure for anyone but Christ); and the ultimate, becoming DEAD to one’s self.

*We could even cover “The Breadcrumbs.” Yep. The Living God left them ALL for us. They remain untouched by the birds. I am speaking of Bible verse, which has neither been altered nor removed (trail-signposts, which the birds never ate). These Bible verses prove beyond ALL doubt that there never was any “miraculous connection” between Paul and Jesus. Need I be specific? “The Breadcrumbs” prove the fallacy of Paul’s Road to Damascus story.

Why is ALL this so important to KNOW?

Because it helps us to Deprogram AWAY from Cult-Paul (the Mad-Man part of Paul), which helps (big-time) to bring us ALL back to Reality.

Cult-Paul. It IS a cult… where every member must “believe” that every word reduced to paperby Paulmust be… “the Holy Truth, fallen out of the very Mouth of Almighty God.” And, ALL things… EVERYTHING… MUST be made to work hand-in-hand with Paul’s manifesto. Otherwise, it cannot be “Truth.” In other words, ALL things must be tested (even whatever Jesus says) by what PAUL says. It would seem that PAUL is the UNIVERSAL STANDARD, against which ALL Truth must be tested.

When, in Reality, we should be testing ALL things (including whatever falls out of Paul’s mouth) by the Living POWER of the Holy Spirit.

In Reality, we should be concentrating on what DOES fall out of the mouth of Almighty God. Yes, that does include the proven Words of Paul (that do pass the test). What the Father teaches us. The proven Words of Jesus. And, the proven Words of the Holy Spirit.

Humanity’s problem is not spiritual. Our problem is psychological. And, Religion ALWAYS does nothing but exacerbate the problem.

Our problem has multiplied exponentially into a HUGE problem. We have missed the BIG picture because of IT. We need to get back to basics… and SEE the big picture.

To say we (human beings — our core selves) are not GOOD is to say Creation is not GOOD, which is to say our Creator is not GOOD.

Our Creator is PERFECTLY GOOD. And, we are our Creator’s PERFECT marvel. Our Creator looked upon Creation (including us — human beings — the epitome of His Creation) and declared that WE are “Very GOOD.”

GOD STILL SEES US (ALL the way THROUGH our HUGE problem) AS WE ACTUALLY ARE. As we are ACTUALLY made: “Very GOOD.”

Well, then, with Jesus having such a close relationship with God the Father; and, with God the Father, having such a PERFECT idea of “GOOD,” the Divine answer to the predicament we’ve gotten ourselves into — the cure to fix what ails us — is for us to change our way of thinking ALL the way back to the best mindset we ever had.

We need to (once again) SEE ourselves as GOD already SEES us. We need to get our HUGE problem out of OUR way. We need to SEE ourselves as…

“Very GOOD.” (Again, Genesis 1:31)

This is God’s accurate assessment of our ORIGINAL Factory-Set Mental-Outlook. Our noeo. Remember the Greek word, noeo? It means, “thinking.” And, meta means, “change.” Thus, we get that wonderful compound Word, often heard from the mouth of Jesus: metanoeo. “Change your mind.” Or “Change your way of thinking.”

Do you suppose Jesus meant for us to change our way of thinking… for the better?

Duh. We would ALL have to agree... yes.

“Very GOOD.” (Again, Genesis 1:31)

Keep in mind, this is also God’s assessment of our ORIGINAL Factory-Set Feeling. Our mellamai. Yes, the Greek word is, mellamai. It means “emotions.” And, meta means “change.” Thus, we get that wonderful compound Word from the mouth of Jesus, metamellamai. “Change your emotions.” Or “change the way you feel.”

Do you suppose Jesus meant for us to change the way we feel… for the better?

No doubt. The very best we ever felt.

Our Creator assessed our “Factory Setting.” Yes, that is what the Holy Spirit calls it (Words @ScottA has now taken to actually scoffing at. Dude — we ALL enjoy your little visits, but please… be careful). Our “Factory Setting” — our original emotions, our original thinking and our original physical and spiritual state. Our Creator assessed ALL THIS in wonderfully simple Words of PERFECT GOODNESS.

“Very GOOD.”

The Third One

Oct 1, 2022
St Louis
United States
Humanity is a huge part of GOD’S Creation-Assessment. Quite a compliment to ALL of humanity from the Highest Voice that can be heard in the Absolute of EVERYTHING.

From our perspective? We simply do not realize HOW great a compliment. For, we are terrifically incapable of fully considering the Source. Even many of the most terrific minds among us are terrifically incapable of fully considering “The Origin” of us.

This is God, talking about ALL of us — ALL human beings on planet Earth at that particular moment in Time (before the idea of “Good & Evil” came into our heads). This is God — Who designed us, made us and gave us His seal of approval. ALL systems working:


This is GOD talking about His Creation. Most specifically, the most accomplished aspect of His Creation. Humanity. A work of wonder and absolute uniqueness in comparison to everything else in the Relative universe. Physical Spiritual Emotional Consciousness:

“Very GOOD.”

This is GOD’S assessment of our mental outlook:

“Very GOOD.”

This is GOD’S assessment of our feelings — how we ALL felt about the physical world around us. And, most unique and significant, our awareness of our own self-assessment. How we ALL felt about ourselves within the Relative Timework of the Absolute of EVERYTHING. Our very GOOD being-here feeling. A feeling that would make us ALL purr (in any day and age) if only we happened to be kittens:

PERRRFECT — even as our Father in Heaven is PERFECT.

Our problem? IT is psychological. Somewhat emotional. Mostly psychological.

What’s-Been-Done-For-Us-On-the-Cross is… a Gift… that allows us to eliminate our problem. However… “Batteries Required.” Five-Batteries (a BIG portion of the Wheat) are required to Light up the Gift (so we can actually SEE exactly what it is) and… for our minds to give the Gift overwhelming, undefeatable and eternal POWER… so that the Gift can do exactly what the Gift is meant to do. Take ALL of our sin… AWAY. Which leads to ALL of those GOOD Truths Jesus promises us — GOOD Truths found IN the Kingdom of Heaven. Among these Truths: Truly loving ourselves. Truly loving others as we love ourselves. Truly loving God with ALL we’ve got.

These are just suggestions, Victory, of what we could cover.

It is ALL up to you, my dear. You are doing great so far, on your own, without any encouragement or suggestion from me.

See, folks, this is how one uses one’s eyes. Open them. Which usually leads to questions.

Victory writes:

“Instead (of being) offended by what you say concerning Paul...there has been no notice or comments concerning the multiple times you have said; ‘her’ or ‘she.’ Is that where your screen name comes from? It could be assumed you are 'the third one' in reference to yourself? Or does your screen name have nothing to do with you, instead, in reference to "her" or "she"? If not, can I ask about your screen name?

By ALL those “Her” and “She” comments, I am referring to the Holy Spirit. Jesus calls Her, our “Comforter.” No surprise. Naturally, a Mother is the Greatest Comfort to any little child. Jesus left HER to guide us. Not Paul. And, to a certainty, Jesus did not leave Religion to guide us (meaning, Paul’s Church).

What? Ya’ll actually missed something? LOL! Hard to “believe,” considering how diligent you guys are about carefully reading every Word I’ve reduced to these posts (LOL!). As I ramble on… and on and on. What? Didn’t y’all notice that I always capitalize “Her” or “She” whenever I refer to Her?

I always capitalize “Life” and “Reality” as well. We have these things, because They are Part of the very Personage of the Holy Trinity — the Living God of Light.

Yes, Victory. You may ask about my screen name. Would that — you, knowing even more about the "someone" who is me — add more credence to the Truths I have been telling you?

Perhaps. However… Truth is the Truth.

Truth stands ALL by itself.

Whether you hear it from an aardvark or from an Archangel.

Likely… sharing more about my screen name (within this thread)… will simply add more scoffing from the bulk of our participating friends in here. I now have critics popping in out of the woodwork. (lol) Here is one of the latest “assessments” of me: “He says many things without really saying any truths, and without any Scriptures to back up what he says.” We ALL know… even the participants in here, who have outright disagreed with what I say — we ALL KNOW what an absolute LIE that is! I have posted almost 200 verses of Scripture in support of the Truths I have shared (thus far) within this thread.

Yes, Victory. My screen name is in reference to myself. My core self. (Isn’t that what screen names are suppose to reference?) “The Third One” is what I am. I say that because it happens to be my official title in the Kingdom of Heaven; AKA: “the Vanguard of the Father.”

As the preacher says, in reference to the keyboardist in his house (see Samuel Jackson’s character in the Tarentino flick, Part Two of the “Kill Bill” anthology) “Rufus — he’s the man.” That is really a GOOD clue for ya, Victory. There could not be a more PERFECT analogy, in Living parabolic banter, as to what the Living God says in reference to The Third One… along with my full capacity… in His House.

No, this does not make me in any way… “Divine.” Nor am I a prophet (for the fourth time). I am very much a human being.

Still, no matter how close a relationship any spirit has with the Father, the spirit of “someone” what is to be a human being (which, by the way, is present at conception, even before a heartbeat is detectable) is born into the rest of humanity that is already here. Into a population suffering from a mental disease. A pandemic more contagious than the Omicron variant of COVID.

The Third One

Oct 1, 2022
St Louis
United States
We usually become infected with the disease (our problem) around the age of two.

Apparently, ScottA doesn’t “believe” a human being is born with a spirit. Which (using his words), seriously… makes it worse with him than I thought!

Apparently, ScottA does not know what it is for a human being to be born — much less, born again.

If a human being doesn’t even have “a spirit” until “it” is “born again” then why should anyone be concerned about abortion? Or, for that matter, killing any human being who has yet to be “born again” (by Scott’s definition of what it is to be born again)?

Scott, are you doing like most Christians? Confusing being “born again” with the physical act of baptism?

A lot of Christians do so, because of water being involved (which is eternal, by the way).

Do you know that an infant’s “flesh” is nearly 80% water? (Not to mention the water surrounding the little child as it grows in the womb.) So, according to the Gospel of Scott, the abortionist is merely sucking what amounts to 20% primordial goop and a bunch of (non-born again) soupy water into the “doctor’s” vacuum cleaner. A grown man not born again (by Scott’s standards) is about 60% water and 40% primordial goop. To shoot a forty-year-old (un-born-again) man in the heart with your trusty ol’ 30 ’ought 6, is no worse that taking out a deer, right?

And, (as I sincerely hope is the case) if ScottA actually does “believe” that a human being is born with a spirit… then the optimum question becomes clear and academic.

Where does Scott “believe” a man’s spirit comes from?

Does man’s spirit just magically materialize out of NOTHING? Perverse as such a theory would be? My guess is (like everything else Scott has been duped into “believing,” Scott buys into the Neanderthal-Augustine/Church-Theory. Correct? What about it Scott? Have you been Church-Taught and (therefore) wholeheartedly “believe” that the universe was Created Ex Nihilo? From out of NOTHING? I have asked Scott, repeatedly, if he “believes” in the Church-Theory of “Original Sin.” There has been no answer from him whatsoever. For that matter, no answer from anyone in here. To me? That is remarkable! These are theories that make up the very foundation of Christian-Thinking. Yet, no one in here wants to step up and support “Original Sin” or Creatio ex Nihilo (Creation out of NOTHING).

Victory, at some point, we should discuss these HUGE foundational errors:

The fairytale of “Original Sin” is a complete falsehood.

The profane idea that “our Creator created the universe out of NOTHING” is a complete falsehood.

How about a Loony-Tunes theory? Perhaps man’s spirit comes in a box… from the Acme Spirit Company?

Allow me to propose a common Truth, in which (I hope) everyone in this room is in PERFECT agreement: The “soul” of “someone” — a human being (our “spirit,” “the individual spirit of a person”) — contained within every little child conceived… and then born… comes from the Living God.

Scott, to answer your question (if Victory doesn’t mind me talking this much to other people in my posts to her, which, I trust: she doesn’t mind). Yes, Scott. I do understand the big picture. So, yes, Scott. I do understand what Jesus means by being “born again.”

Jesus is talking about what he ALWAYS talks about. The first thing he started talking about: “Change your mind! For, the Kingdom of Heaven is near!”

Matthew 4:17 (Original Greek) “From then began Jesus to preach and to say, ‘Change your way of thinking. And, the Kingdom of Heaven will soon be here.’”

At that exact same moment in time (100 miles AWAY in the Judean wilderness), John the Baptist is preaching THE EXACT SAME thing, Word for Word:

Matthew 3:1-2 (Original Greek) “Now, in those days comes John the Baptist, in the wilderness of Judea proclaiming, ‘Change your way of thinking. And, the Kingdom of Heaven will soon be here.’”

Change our way of thinking… from WHAT?

From our problem-way of thinking, of course.

Which started when, where and how?

IT started way back at the beginning. In the Garden of Eden. With Adam and Eve, opening the door to The Knowledge of Good & Evil.

As to WHY Religion likes to call IT, “The Fall of Man,” I have no idea. More like: “The Stupidity of Man.” And… a continuing example of that very stupidity is the non-Biblical idea of “Original Sin.” A falsehood that only helps to cover up the problem.

Every grown adult human, being infected with The Knowledge of Good & Evil, must change his way of thinking. This “Knowledge” must be made inconsequential to humanity… in order for The Living God’s completion of ALL things to take place.

Scott, enamored as you are by “the end of the world,” skip through the possibility of GOD ripping the world apart… and check out the very end of the Book of Revelation.

The Living God… is going to bring His Kingdom… INTO Creation — INTO this tangible world He created. Oh, yes, it will be made BRAND NEW before He gets here — yet, understand — it is INTO His tangible Creation, where He is coming!

GOD does NOT need to rip the world apart to accomplish this. Yes… that possibility is still waiting in the wings. Similar to MAN, playing “god” and our possibility-of-ending-the-world… still waiting in the wings. Yep. We have nuclear missiles waiting in their silos — a series of launch codes and two keys start the process. Likewise, with the Real GOD: Seven Seals — the first one broke-open starts the process.

It doesn’t ever need to happen.

Read the entire 16th chapter of the Book of Ezekiel. God can say “I will do something” and then, quite simply, change His mind… and not do it.

The Third One

Oct 1, 2022
St Louis
United States
Armageddon does not have to happen. Calling ALL Christians: Quit trying to make it into a self-fulfilling prophecy! GOD can do anything GOD wants to do.

The Jesus Concept still has a very GOOD chance of working… if we just give it an honest chance. It’s been 2000 years and we have yet to do that. Folks…

Why not give the Jesus Concept an honest chance?

ScottA proclaims: “As it is written, ‘First the natural, and afterward the spiritual’.”

“As it is written…” How confining it must be to BE in Cult-Paul. As it is written… where?

In the middle of Paul/Rocky’s manifesto. That’s where.

Paul bases the entire premise of this statement (1 Corinthians 15:46) on his own invented fairytale — that human beings are “raised from THE DEAD into spiritual bodies.”

Where does Paul get that?

That concoction is ALL-Paul.

Even Paul’s Pharisee brethren did not “believe” in such a thing-of-fiction.

The Sadducees did not “believe” in a resurrection (at ALL). And, so… Jesus tells these well-taught, Neanderthal morons (taught and enslaved by Religion) exactly how the resurrection actually works. “Although men of past generations may seem DEAD to you, they are still very much ALIVE from the Living God of Light’s perspective.” (Luke 20:38) Without fail, Jesus is telling these men the absolute Truth. But, of course, those taught by Religion did not understand Jesus… then.

And, likewise, those taught by Religion STILL do not understand Jesus… now.

The Living God SEES ALL human beings as what they are, LIVING persons, still very much ALIVE — spirit in flesh — on the Present Line.

Unfortunately, those taught by Religion do not even know what “the Present Line” IS. Equally ignorant, those taught by Science have yet to figure it out.

Consequentially, the world has no idea what the Present Line IS.

With Master Knowledge of Good & Evil leading our Church AND our Science down the nowhere path, our Knowledge of Heaven & Earth remains dummied down and quite stupid. We have working toilets and automobiles in 2022 AD; yet, our physicists do not understand the basics of Time. Our “scientists” have no comprehension of what Gravity is. The smartest of our physicists have never even heard of “Structured Reality.” And, none of our scientists fully understand the mystery of “lift” — as in, what actually keeps a heavy airplane, flying in midair.

Our “scientists” talk about “evolution.” Truly accepting what’s been done for us on the cross IS the evolution of humankind. Us, going forward… with The Knowledge of Good & Evil rendered… inconsequential.

What happens then?

Our imaginations naturally tune in, turn on and pursue The Knowledge of Heaven & Earth. Every aspect of our Lives will astronomically improve to the betterment of humankind. As we stand (once again) in the Garden of Eden (before disaster struck). This change of mind will usher in a technological revolution… the likes of which we have never seen.

Paul sees the past generations of humanity as “DEAD persons.” Therefore, since Jesus literally raised up Jesus to Life from DEATH (same as Jesus raised up Lazarus to Life from DEATH), Paul sees Jesus, raising “DEAD people” up… from the GRAVE.

Along with the majority of humanity, Paul has no understanding of the Reality of Time. ALL of Time (from the beginning of this Age to the end of this Age) is what makes up the Present Line.


Every moment of Time throughout ALL of Creation is happening simultaneously.


Every moment of every human Life, from beginning to end, is still physically happening (IN THE FLESH) on the Present Line.

And, so… what does that mean, for those of us (whom we see in our “past,” by our perspective of Time) who have “died” prior to GOD bringing His Kingdom to Planet Earth?

GOD does not resurrect those of us from “out of” our graves; rather, those of us (whom we see in our “past,” by our perspective of Time, who have “died” prior to GOD bringing His Kingdom to Planet Earth) are “resurrected” directly from “out of” our LIVES within the total span of Time on the Present Line.

The Church (and, consequentially, the whole world along with it) has no clue what Jesus is talking about as he says: “If you hold on to your Life you will lose it; however, if you give up your Life (aka: pick up your Life — aka: take up your cross) and follow me (to where GOD is waiting for us in the future), you will save it.”

Oh, did you forget? Sometime in the future, GOD is bringing His Kingdom to Planet Earth.

Attention ALL fellow human beings: The Kingdom of Heaven is not a fairytale (located somewhere up in the sky). The Kingdom of Heaven is within you and ALL around you.

As it is written, (lol) “The Absolute LOVES to become the Relative.”

See? There it is. I just wrote it. The difference between what I just wrote and what Paul wrote (at 1 Corinthians 15:46), is that I can fully support my statement with Scripture.

Outside of blindly calling 1 Corinthians 15:46, “scripture,” no apologist can support 1 Corinthians 15:46 with any actual Scripture. Instead… one has to resort to citing something else within the rest of Paul’s writings to support such a falsehood. For that matter, I know of nothing else even within what Paul wrote, that can support 1 Corinthians 15:46! It’s one of those Paul-Verses that stands alone — like a sore thumb.

First the natural, and afterward the spiritualis a sore thumb in comparison to what Jesus, the Old Testament prophets, God the Father and the Holy Spirit have to say.

To say “First the natural, and afterward the spiritual” is to say that you do not know Whom the Living God WAS. To say “First the natural, and afterward the spiritual” is to say that you have no idea how important Creation is to GOD. Creation is so important to GOD, that GOD had to change Himself to bring about Creation.

Put the writings of Paul aside and read what John wrote at Revelation 1:8. GOD does not refer to Himself as “the One Who has always Been the same.”

Nope. Quite the contrary. GOD refers to Himself as “the One WHO IS, the One Who WAS and the One Who IS TO COME.”

“The Living God Who WAS” WAS infinitely Spiritual. And, then…

Ever since Creation… there IS… “the Living God Who IS.”

This may seem difficult (even impossible) for you to understand, but GOD had to change EVERYTHING (including Infinity Itself) to bring about Creation.

Simply put, the “Big Picture” goes from a PRE-CREATION-Reality… to a CREATION-Reality.

As for… the Living God “Who IS TO COME”? At the conclusion of this Age, GOD is coming to us. Not the other way around — us going to GOD.

GOD has made it, so that humanity will make this happen. As Isaiah says, “YOU have to prepare the way for the Lord.”

The Third One

Oct 1, 2022
St Louis
United States
Folks (I’ll be the first one to agree) let’s put aside our 2000-Year Progress Report. It doesn’t really matter, the abject stupidity that we have continuously been doing — twiddling our thumbs for the last 2000 years. What’s 2000 years in the whole scheme of things? The much bigger error would be for us to KEEP twiddling our thumbs for another 2000 years!

Folks, the Jesus Concept can still help us make “the Living God ‘Who IS TO COME’” happen. We just have to truly… TAKE… the Gift that Jesus left for us on the table.

ALL it takes is one taker. One leads to few. Few leads to many. And, many leads to ALL.

We have to SEE the Kingdom of Heaven. Then and only then can we GET the Kingdom of Heaven.

I, for one, can SEE the Kingdom of Heaven.

I can SEE the Kingdom of Heaven inside of myself. And, as I look outside of my own self, I can SEE the Kingdom of Heaven inside of each and every one of you, as well. For, I am one with my Creator. And, I am in love with His creation — me.

ALL of you are exactly the same as me — we are ALL human beings. Within this Truth and, in this exact Way, I see you (my fellow man) as your Creator sees you. ONLY because, I can SEE me… as my Creator SEES me.

I can SEE past ALL the “Good & Evil” garbage in your thinking and SEE you as you Truly are — as you are Truly made. ALL GOOD. As GOD says, “Very GOOD.”

If I was able to talk to you (that is to say if I was able to talk) five days after I was born into this world, I would have told you THE EXACT SAME THING. I SEE myself and ALL of you as “VERY GOOD.”

Yes, at five-days-old, as I looked at the sky and the trees and the rest of God’s GOOD Creation (especially human beings) for the very first time with my own working eyes — IN THE FLESH — my mind was in tune with THE Universal-Truth. You, too. Yes, if any one of us could have spoke — at 5-days-old — we would honestly proclaim this exact Universal-Truth to the world: IT’S ALL GOOD!

I am here to tell ya… I have REGAINED and RETAINED that Universal-Truth as a grown man.

By truly accepting what’s been done for us on the cross, 100%, with no ifs, ands or buts, I have made Master Knowledge of Good & Evil DEAD in my mind. As a grown man ALIVE in the FLESH, I can honestly SEE things as I did as a 5-day-old. Yet, now, as a grown man, I can verbally proclaim that exact same Universal-Truth.


That is precisely why I can Truly proclaim: that I am… “born again.”

Read for yourself what Jesus says to Nicodemus. (John 3:1-16) What is Jesus talking about, when he tells this guy that a grown man needs to be… “born again”?

In order for the human mind to change its mindset from: Good & Evil (a mind “kidnapped” by the Forces of Darkness) back to: IT’S ALL GOOD (back to the mind’s God-Given Factory Setting, set in PERFECT sync with the Forces of Light) a man must be… “born again.”

This allows a man to clearly SEE the Kingdom of Heaven in both directions, on the inside and on the outside:

John 3:3 (Original Greek): “Truly, truly, I say to you, unless someone is born again, he is not able to SEE the Kingdom of God.”

At John 3:5, in the Original Greek version, “spirit” is not capitalized. ALL Christian-Bible-Makers (immersed in Christian Dogma) assume that when Jesus says “spirit,” Jesus is talking about the Holy Spirit here (at John 3:5). Wrong. Jesus is simply talking about a “spirit.” “Someone.” Meaning, a “person’s spirit.” Take note, at John 3:5, Jesus is NOT talking about being born again. Jesus is talking about simply being born!

That should make PERFECT sense. A man has to be “born” into this world (to begin with) before he can be… “born again.” Correct?

Look closely at John 3:5. Jesus is talking about simply coming into this world as a human being. And, what IS a human being... born into this world? “Someone” born “of water” (meaning, born into the flesh; remember, a baby’s entire body — brain, bone, gut and FLESH — is 80% water) “and spirit.” This is also a direct reference (of Jesus) to Creation — and so, Jesus speaks of our bodies as “water” instead of flesh. For, the Living God’s first act in the Tangible-Creation process (the creation of ALL things tangible) is GOD calling the waters to be separated from the waters. (Genesis 1:6)

John 3:5 (Original Greek): “Answered Jesus, “Truly, truly I say to you, unless someone is born of water and spirit, he is not able to enter into the Kingdom of God.”

One must be born into this tangible world in order to enter the Kingdom of God. For, remember, it is in THIS tangible world (Tangible-Creation) where GOD will ultimately set up His eternal Kingdom.

Thus… every “someone” must be a Living human being — both Living spirit and Living flesh — in order to enter the Kingdom of the Living God.

Of ALL things (aka: ALL “kinds”) aka: ALL creations of the Living GOD — only a Living human being is unique in this manner: born both of flesh and spirit. For, as Jesus continues to clarify, the thing having been born only of flesh (such as animals, fish, birds) is only flesh. And, the thing having been born only of spirit (such as angels) is only spirit.

John 3:6 (Original Greek): “The thing having been born of the flesh is flesh, and the thing having been born of the spirit is spirit.”

It is not until John 3:8 (in his dissertation to Nicodemus) that Jesus talks about the Holy Spirit. And, get this, Jesus talks about the Holy Spirit (at John 3:8) from the angels’ perspective. The Wind (aka: the Spirit of the Living God — aka: the Holy Spirit) goes where She wants to go, and although the angels hear Her Voice, they do not know where She comes from — for… before there ever was an angel, the Living God Infinitely WAS.

And… as to where She goes… (from the angels’ current perspective)… AWAY.

The Living God (Who Is To Come) is bringing His Kingdom INTO tangible Creation.

John 3:8 (Original Greek) “The Wind, where it wishes blows, and the sound of it you hear, but you do not know where it comes from and where it goes AWAY; so it is, everyone having been born of the spirit.”

The Holy Spirit is going “AWAY” from “spiritual Heaven.” Certainly, She follows the Father as He transfers His Kingdom… to Heaven on Earth.

The Third One

Oct 1, 2022
St Louis
United States
Always remember the first Words Jesus spoke, concerning the GOOD News. “The Kingdom of Heaven is near!” (And, what should we, as human beings, do… for that to happen? Turn our problem into a pillar of salt!) “Change your way of thinking!”

Speaking to me, ScottA calls “ALL of what I’ve written”…

Your own gospel.” Enjoy it while it lasts, because it will all be over soon. The "Factory setting" was cursed to die, and that is the way one will stay if they are not also born again of the spirit of God. The only exception is Israel His chosen, who were taken with Christ dead unto resurrection.

Wow, Scott. From which Gospel is that from? What sentence of Jesus can you cite to support your paragraph (directly above)?

I submit to you (and to the rest of the room) that you cannot support one sentence of that paragraph you just wrote with anything found in the New Testament Gospels. Nor in the Old Testament, for that matter, starting with Genesis. (wow… especially Genesis)

Is that your Gospel, Scott? Pardon my rhetorical question. I know exactly who’s gospel it is that you are quoting. Bravo, Scott. That’s a pretty good summation of the Gospel of Paul. Spoken by a true member of Cult-Paul.

You know what you need, Scott? You need to be Deprogrammed.

Exactly like a member of any cult, you have become totally brainwashed and precisely programmed to hear only the Cult-Master’s voice. Saul/Paul/Rocky, whom, in your mind (Scott), is the voice of God-Himself. Am I correct? You know I am correct. For, you have been hammered into “believing” that every word that ever proceeded from Paul and was ever reduced to paper by Paul… is… as if God-Himself had spoke it and as if God-Himself had reduced it to paper. Correct? Yes, again. You know I am correct.

We, your friends and family, need to do for you the exact same thing that friends and family of Moonie-Cult-Members used to do for them. Remember, Scott, back in the 70’s? It is pretty extreme, but it has been known to work. We need to kidnap you, take you to a hotel room and tie you to the bed in restraints (for your own GOOD, of course). We will feed you plenty of chicken soup and other GOOD stuff. Most of which will be spit into our faces (as you struggle with us to FREE yourself from us). No problem. We’ll have plenty of towels to wipe ALL the food off of us, and to keep you clean as well, and warm and well fed and well rested. We’ll continue like that for days, lovingly stroking your hair and constantly telling you GOOD things about yourself.

You see, the goal is to get the Cultist to eventually LISTEN. Any previous Cult-Victim, who has been successfully Deprogrammed will tell you: “Eventually each person Deprograms himself. Eventually a person talks out ALL the defenses until they’re tired of talking out their defenses, and then they begin to listen.”

Scott, I know, there is no sense in talking to you right now. Because, right now, you are programmed to hear only Paul’s voice, speaking to you from what you “believe” is “the inerrant Bible.”

Even if Paul, himself, were to physically come to you and disclaim the false things and very unproductive things he has written — things that diminish the Kingdom of God and deprecate what’s been done for us on the cross — you would not “believe” him. You would convince yourself that “this apparition,” standing before you, is Satan! Only dressed up to look like Paul!

Even if Jesus, Moses and the Archangel, Gabriel, were to come to you… and Jesus himself were to preach the Gospel of Jesus to you (which, certainly, would differ from the gospel that Paul has given you) while Moses and Gabriel nod their heads in total agreement… you would do exactly what your Cult-Leader has instructed you to do. You would curse Jesus, Moses and Gabriel, and stick to “believing” in every word of the gospel that Paul has taught you.

Yes, Scott, if only family and friends could get you AWAY from your fellow Cult-Members long enough. And, once we had enough chicken soup in you. And, you had had enough rest. I (your Deprogrammer) would then start to get you to see the Truth… by letting you hear your own words… played back to you.

That’s right, Scott. You didn’t realize it at the time, but we had a tape recorder going when you were spitting chicken soup at us — which was a whole lot better for us than that False-Cult gospel you kept preaching at us (lol):

The "Factory setting" was cursed to DIE! And, THAT is the way one will STAY (DEAD) if they are not also born again of the spirit of God! The only exception is Israel His chosen, who were taken with Christ DEAD unto resurrection!

Okay, Scott, now that you’ve heard yourself, are you really wanting to hold on to that idea… that the exact WAY our Creator MADE us ALIVE… (our “Factory Setting”) — what our Creator assessed through Moses in the Book of Genesis as, “Very GOOD” — “was cursed to DIE”?

Are you sure you want to stick with that premise, Scott? Do you really want to say that THE EXACT WAY the Living God MADE US… “was cursed to DIE”?

If that is the case, Scott, then which Team (Team Light or Team Darkness) is doing the cursing?

Let’s have a little prayer session and get some advice from the Holy Spirit. We have a question for you, Holy Spirit. This stuff that just came out of Scott’s mouth — is it inspired by Team Light or by Team Darkness?

I got the answer immediately from the Holy Spirit.

Come on, Scott. What’s the problem? Do you dare? Go ahead. Can you honestly ask that question of the Holy Spirit? If so, what does the Holy Spirit tell you?

Oh, wait a second, Scott. She’s got something else She’d like for me to ask you while I’ve got Her on the phone (so to speak). Let me put Her on the loud speaker for you:

“Hello, Scott! You are giving people the impression that you are… “born again of the spirit of God.” Your words, not Mine. Your statement is very confusing. You say that The Third One is DEAD because he is LIVING in THE EXACT WAY in which the Father CREATED him to LIVE. Because of this, you think The Third One is DEAD, or at least deluded — and that you are welcome to decide for yourself. However, may I assure you, The Third One is telling you the Truth about how he sees himself and world around him. Truly, The Third One loves himself and he loves everyone else around him AS he loves himself. You, on the other hand, have been taught to believe that there is nothing *GOOD* in your flesh for you to love. And, seriously, Scott… what the Father has put into your flesh… is you. Paul’s idea and, therefore your idea of being “born again of the spirit of God”… is… for you to somehow flush yourself completely clean of you, so that “Christ” can come into the empty shell that has been flushed clean of you and live… in place of you. So, I’d really love to know. How is being “born again of the spirit of God” working out… for you?”

That’s a GOOD question, Scott. You’re saying that I’m the one who’s DEAD, because I’ve completely changed my mind back to its Factory Setting. It seems to me you’ve got... the Truth... ass-backwards. Paul is the one who tells us to become DEAD to ourselves. Kill the “old man” (so to speak, as Paul likes to say). By crucifixion, no less. For, according to Paul, you were “crucified WITH Christ.” And, so, again, to quote Paul, “You are no longer living as ‘you’.” And, as the Holy Spirit suggests (a bit sarcastically, in my opinion): Supposedly“Christ,” now “lives” in the shell that has been completely flushed clean… of you.”

So what is your testimony, ScottA?

The Third One

Oct 1, 2022
St Louis
United States
As the Holy Spirit asks of you, Scott... “How’s that workin’ out for you?”

If you truly buy into Paul’s philosophy, any answer is impossible for “you” to say. For… by the full plate of what Paul has gotten you and the rest of his Cult-Members to eat, “You are no longer living as ‘you’.” Which Truly means (if you buy into this madness)… you are no longer Living. And… DEAD men tell no tales. That’s why I say it is impossible for “you” to say “how’s it workin’ out for you.”

By Paul’s assessment of what it means to be “born again of the spirit of God” (if, Truly, one buys into it), you are the one who is DEAD, Scott.

You may not admit that you “believe” that you are DEAD, same as you refuse to admit that you “believe” in “Original Sin.” But, yet… you HAVE to “believe” in “Original Sin” and the insanity that “you are DEAD,” Scott, because ALL True members of Cult-Paul “believe” in these insanities. I have talked with MANY of your BEST Apologist Cult-Members. Apologists, who have tried their very best to support these falsehoods. The “Original Sin” lie. That “GOD created the universe out of NOTHING” (which even Paul didn’t “believe” that lie, but his Church does). I have had many of Paul’s Cult-Members stare me square in the face and claim to me that they ARE DEAD to themselves. God as my witness, they’re proud of it! It is no longer them Living; rather, it is “Christ” living in the place of them.

Obviously, these folks are faking it. “They” (their souls) are still “in there” (in their fleshly bodies) somewhere… deep down. Otherwise, they’d already BE “Christ”… instead of hopelessly trying to be “christ-like.”

The human mind is a powerful thing. ALL you have to do is truly accept, 100%, with no ifs, ands or buts… that you were killed on a cross. Nevertheless, “you” “live” (but not really “you”). Rather, it is “Christ” that now lives in the place of you.

I agree with the Holy Spirit, it is rather confusing, but you’ll get there, eventually, if you think about it long enough. (lol)

Anyone thinking: Where can I sign up for this? So I can turn myself into a non-ME?

Easy. Pick any Christian church that follows the letters of Paul to the letter. Don’t have to drive far to find one. Only, you won’t be able to find an honest marquee (outside a single one of these churches) that honestly reads: REPLACE YOURSELF WITH CHRIST.


Because saying it Truthfully like that, makes it sounds like an insane horror movie.

The worse scene in this horror show comes from the Cult-Members who are NOT faking it. If there truly is any “me” still left in this murdering of one’s self, ultimately, one can only be looking AT one’s self… AS Christ. The reverend Jim Jones (of the Guyana tragedy) and David Koresh (of the Waco tragedy) are two of the more popularized examples of this caustic-dogma taken to its disastrous conclusion. It happens more often than you would care to know (much more often than the average Paul-Following Christian wants to know). It is a common plague, afflicting the Christian population. The Gospel of O Death, in full regale.

The individual tragedy in both of these infamous cases is that both Jim Jones and David Koresh were godly men, simply overtaken by this desolate-insanity.

Let’s quickly dispose of the last part of Scott’s statement so we can move on: The only exception is Israel His chosen, who were taken with Christ DEAD unto resurrection!

That God revealed Himself (and His ambulance ride) through the Jewish people will, ultimately, be of little consequence to the Absolute of EVERYTHING. Is it of any consequence to us that the numeric decimal system was revealed to us through the Hindu people? No. What IS important to us is KNOWING the numbers “0” through “9.”

Likewise, what IS of imperative consequence to the Absolute of EVERYTHING is us (ALL of us) knowing the Living God and truly accepting what’s been done for us on the cross.

Ultimately, there will be no distinction of men as Hindus or Christians or Muslims or Jews or Buddhists. ALL people of ALL “beliefs” from ALL the ends of the earth will truly accept what’s been done for us on the cross. The Lord commands it:

Isaiah 45:22 (KJV) “Look unto me, and be ye **saved** ALL the ends of the earth: for I am God, and there is none else.”

Yeah, I know. It reads “saved” — that’s how the KJV is written. Actual Hebrew to English? “Delivered.” Delivered by RANSOM, of course. Again, John’s Gospel. This time at Chapter 6, verse 45 — tell ’em Jesus:

“And they shall be ALL taught-ones of God. Everyone therefore having heard from the Father and having learned, comes to me.”

“Having learned” what “RANSOM” means.

“Having learned” what “AWAY” means.

“Having learned” what “PERFECT” and “FREEDOM” means.

“Having learned” what “ALL” means. (It IS a wonderfully simple Word.)

EVERYONE. Christian, Jew, Muslim, Hindu, Atheist — however we wish to divide ourselves. The Father has sent His Son for ALL of us:

Isaiah 53:6 “ALL we, like sheep, have gone astray; we have turned every one to his own way; and the Lord hath laid on him the iniquity of us ALL.”


John 3:16 (Original Greek) “For God thus loved THE WORLD, that he gave the Son, the unique one, that EVERYONE trusting in him may not perish, but have Life eternal.”

The ultimate GOOD News (which Jesus laid on Nicodemus that night). By the way, that is correct. The Word is... “EVERYONE.”

The Third One

Oct 1, 2022
St Louis
United States
Is that the first time you ever read John 3:16? I mean the original version? The Koine-Greek version? “For God thus loved the world, that he gave the Son, the unique one, that EVERYONE trusting in him may not perish, but have Life eternal.”

If the Apostle John were a court reporter, then John 3:16 would be Jesus’ deposition. John 3:16 is Jesus, speaking about himself. And, exactly, like a tape recorder (or “faithful slave”) the Apostle, John has authentically recorded the exact Words of Jesus.

In the original Greek (at John 3:16) the Apostle John records Jesus, saying:

“Everyone trusting in him.”

“Trusting in” ...exactly WHAT... about “him”?

Trusting what’s been done for us on the cross, of course. So that “EVERYONE” “may not perish, but have eternal Life.”

And, how ...exactly... DOES one ACTIVELY prove one’s “trust” in a gift? 100%? With no “ifs,” “ands” or “buts”?

By simply and truly accepting it.

Keep in mind, “everyone” is Jesus’ Word. Do not take my word for it. Look it up for yourself in the original Greek. For the last four-hundred years and counting, John 3:16 has been translated (actually, mutated) into the English language to read, “whosoever believeth in Him.” Instead of, “EVERYONE trusting in him...” Actually, trusting… in what Jesus has given us. The word “EVERYONE” in the original Greek PERFECTLY compliments Jesus’ sacred promise (at John 12:32) — his sacred promise to ALL of us. The KJV translation ignores Jesus’ Reality of ALL and implies division.

The KJV word “whosoever” suggests that; ultimately, there will be those who will “‘believeth’ in him” and those who will not. The icon verse of ALL verses, John 3:16 (our Christian banner) has been terribly mistranslated to us.

Victory, you write:

I don’t see Paul speaking of "the Baptism of Death".

Well, my dear, that’s exactly what Paul says. Verbatim… from what Paul writes. “DEATH” is the word Paul uses… at Romans 6:3. “Into the DEATH of (Christ) they were baptized.” See also... Romans 6:7 (KJV) “For he that is DEAD is freed from sin.”

Victory, you go on to write:

What stands out to me there is not the baptism into death but instead the baptism into life by bearing fruit... the attributes of Charity. Patience, long-suffering, hoping all things, believing all things, bearing all things, enduring all things…

Those are nice thoughts, and it is commendable to a huge extent that you are trying to carve Paul’s actual words into something more suitable to the ear; however, there comes a time when even the most avid Paul-Disciple has to face Reality. These ARE the words that Paul is using. “DEATH” and “SLAVERY.”

Bearing fruit? What is the fruit that HAS come from these morsels? From Paul feeding the sheep? Charity? Patience? Or a pretty dismal 2000 years?

It’s not that Paul is destined for eternal damnation (if that’s what you mean by “reprobate”). None of us are destined for “eternal damnation.” Yes, there is a Hell, but it is not eternal. Victory, we also could cover ALL that, if and when you decide we should unwrap “ALL.”

You write:

To me it is supernatural because all Paul can do is submit to the Spirit and "wait on" their "obedience unto righteousness"

Paul’s “obedience unto righteousness” is ALL about SELF-EARNED righteousness. Living-up to Paul’s terms — based upon Paul’s Pharisee Extremist laundry list of dos and don’ts. Paul’s “obedience unto righteousness” is NOT based upon simply and truly accepting what’s been done for us on the cross. The True cure is NOT supernatural. The True cure is very much down to earth. The True cure is psychological.

You’re right. Paul’s “solution” is supernatural. Fairytale-Supernatural. Paul “believes” that SIN can be wrestled with by fighting against “the works of the devil” and that we can self-earn our righteousness by struggling with SIN. Whereas, the Jesus Concept is ALL about us psychologically sending ALL of our SIN… AWAY... once and for ALL.

Truly accepting the concept that we have “SIN” is nothing more than a psychological concept to begin with.

Truly accepting that ALL of our “sin” has been taken AWAY by what’s been done for us on the cross is a MUCH MORE POWERFUL psychological concept.

Now is the Time. One can “wait on” into oblivion. As the Holy Spirit says, “It can take two seconds or it can take a million years.” One must grab the bull by the horns. Simply TAKE the True cure that is sitting right here, in front of us, on the table.

Is that the same you are waiting for in here? “Live!” i do not see this as obedience unto death... but obedience--movement-- unto "better"--movement unto "a change your mind."

VictoryinJesus, if through Paul’s writings, you have come to somehow realize: (1) The destructive mindset of The Knowledge of Good & Evil needs to be made inconsequential throughout your entire mind. And… (2) the only way to accomplish that is by truly accepting what’s been done for us on the cross. (3) By truly doing so, you systematically change your way of thinking ALL the back to the mindset you had on the very day you were born: IT’S ALL GOOD. If ALL that (those three sentences) is what you take AWAY from the entire span of Paul’s writing, Victory, I take my hat off to you.

The Third One

Oct 1, 2022
St Louis
United States
Save for the first five and a half chapters of Romans, that is not at ALL what I get out of Paul’s writing. Nor does anyone one else I’ve ever talked to within Christendom.

You write:

I am really confused when you said Paul only gives two choices; both slavery. Two, muddled together choices were both (as trickery) lead to death. Is Paul tricking them by even though they refer to him as a reprobate …the Fathers perfection is …what did HE do for those reprobates yet dead in their sins? By sin… dead in their own judgements …who is preventing reconciliation of brother to brother there? Is it Paul in his trickery? Or their Judgement of Paul as being the reprobate?

Paul is not tying to purposefully trick anyone. Like his Cult-Members, Paul really “believes” this stuff. If by “their Judgment of Paul” by “their” you mean the Jews and everyone else Paul knocked heads with… and/or… the Pharisee Dogma that had been hammered into Paul’s head since Paul was old enough to read (which is the religious Box that Paul Lived in) then, yes, my dear, the answer is, both. Human judgments and trickery — not Paul’s trickery; rather, that of the Forces of Darkness.

You say you are confused when I say that Paul gives us two (and only two) choices —both slavery. ALL you have to do is read it with opened eyes. This IS Romans 6:16.

I don’t know how either Paul (or I) can make it any clearer to you than we both already have — I, in my breakdown of the Plane Crash, and Paul, as he clearly reduced the Plane Crash to paper in his Sixth Chapter of Romans. Paul questions the actual mechanics of PERFECT-Grace at Romans 6:15. Since PERFECT-Grace obliterates Sin and always out-trumps the Law (exactly what the Holy Spirit is saying at 6:14), Paul finds the need to ask his fearful yet untrusting question: does this mean that we can go ahead and sin and not worry about it? Paul obviously missed the Reality: that PERFECT-Grace obliterates sin. For, Paul is still very much concerned about sin. Paul is fearful that, if what’s been done for us on the cross, is TRULY ACCEPTED, such acceptance is likely to promote lawlessness (aka: even more sin). So… as for his “remedy” (to quench his fear), Paul writes 6:16. The Plane Crash. AKA: The reversal. You can be the obedient slave of sin, or you can be the obedient slave of obedience. Both choices are slavery. Slave to sin... OR… Slave to Self-Earned Righteousness. Which of these choices (what kind of a Slave you choose to be) has anything to do with truly accepting what’s been done for us on the cross?


Upon a man truly accepting what’s been done for us on the cross, for him to continue “in sin” or for him to continue “struggling with sin” is no kind of a rational answer. For, to the man who HAS truly accepted, 100%, with no ifs, ands or buts, that what’s been done for us on the cross, truly takes ALL of his sin AWAY, the entire “idea of sin” (to that person) IS… no longer. “Sin” (to that person) has been turned… into NOTHING.

Truly accepting what’s been done for us on the cross does not have anything to do with “obedience.” One cannot OBEY what’s been done for us on the cross. Truly accepting what’s been done for us on the cross has nothing to do with Slavery. One, certainly, cannot become a SLAVE to what’s been done for us on the cross.

One must simply and truly ACCEPT what’s been done for us on the cross.

It’s on the table, right in front of you. Simply take it.

You ask:

“Does Adam and Christ; both lead to death also?”

Adam and Eve opened the door to The Knowledge of Good & Evil, which led to Conscience, Judgment, Guilt, Religion, Sin, Law… and, yes… Death.

Truly accepting what’s been done for us on the cross takes AWAY ALL of what anyone (including yourself) can say is sinful and/or evil in your Life, past present and future. It also takes AWAY ALL Guilt and ALL Judgments. You gain instant PERFECTION and FREEDOM, plus the ability to truly love yourself and others as you love yourself. Your “way of thinking” returns to IT’S ALL GOOD, which is what leads to eternal Life.

Sorry, Victory, I’m not getting your connection with what Paul is saying in this verse (2 Corinthians 13:6) and what I told my son.

Paul sees nothing GOOD inside himself (Romans 7:18). Paul sees ALL other human beings the same way. That is why Paul concludes that “we need to become DEAD to ourselves.”

I said exactly the exact opposite to my son. I see him (his core-self) as God sees him. “Very GOOD.” ALL GOOD. PERFECT even as his Father in Heaven is PERFECT.

You ask:

“What if I told you that the reason I see so much helpful in your post... the majority of it... is because of what Paul penned? Not being in contradiction of, but for?”

I’d say you SEE something that I simply do not see.

The Words I speak are the Father’s Words. Which go hand-in hand with Jesus’ Words. And, throughout Paul’s total manifesto, I SEE very little of Jesus’ Words. Yes, there are plenty of bright spots where the Holy Spirit pushes through (the BIGGEST section can be found in the first five and-a-half chapters of Romans); but, overall, what I SEE is the "Christian" manifesto of a Pharisee Extremist.

Jesus constantly butted heads with the Pharisees; Paul would have been no exception.

You write:

I do not see a contradiction in "Put away your childish things."

Paul said, “When he was a child HE THOUGHT as a child.” As an adult he “put AWAY those childish things.” Granted, Paul doesn’t specifically say, “LITTLE child,” yet that is the impression I get. Paul is VERY MUCH a slave to Master Knowledge of Good & Evil. Master Knowledge of Good & Evil is “the Master-Carpenter” that built Paul’s house.

The “old man” that Paul is trying to stone to death is NOT Master Knowledge of Good & Evil. Paul’s “old man” is what Paul sees as “the sinful nature of man,” described so clearly at Romans 7:18. And, as you say, “There is a long sheet full of men's exclusions to being “a child for whom Christ died." Yep. Paul has written the longest list himself. Paul’s list goes on and on and on. For many, Paul claims, "will not be allowed in the Kingdom of Heaven." Those are Paul’s words that Paul will be held accountable and that Paul will (gladly) retract.

For, Jesus will draw ALL of us (EVERYONE) to himself. (John 12:32)

Look forward to hearing from you soon again, Victory,

Much love and peace,

The Third One


Well-Known Member
Jan 26, 2017
United States
no one in here wants to step up and support “Original Sin” or Creatio ex Nihilo (Creation out of NOTHING).

Victory, at some point, we should discuss these HUGE foundational errors:

The fairytale of “Original Sin” is a complete falsehood.

Original sin …I may do a poor attempt at touching this but what it means to me is …as you mentioned: always at some early age, no one knows for sure how early on, at some point after birth a wear-and -tear “overrides” trusting, hopeful and quickly to forgive …but as you said that “overwriting” does happen. I’ve heard it referred to as a “blank slate” where soon things are written engraved in that blank-slate, “impressionable” mind …quickly learning “conformed to this worlds” way of “thinking”. Im glad you feel confident in having told your son he is perfect. See, I loss this confidence long ago. With my first grandson there was an immediate connection, and I gushed how innocent and trusting and loving he was. To be honest …I wasn’t even wanting our daughter to have him. (My writing) One look at this baby and my mind was changed. He was a child who smiled and lit up wherever he went; “what a sweet child”. Same with all my grandchildren…another grandson with an absent father as well…but as I’ve said one by one they get a new message and “conform”. Just my opinion but you can see it happen; this conforming …as strong and ever-changing into a thing; like a new convert conforming to a new religion for the first time where new ideas and beliefs become the new program that spills out into every thought and action from there forward. How is conforming to sin…when I think of “original” I think of the nothing new under the sun …but is common to all…this new concert into being conformed as fully and as boldly as one who decides to become Catholic, JW or Baptist… it is a “becoming” of with beliefs, ideas, a likeness…

This grandson became a massive “wish bone” literally, or the way I see it …in the midst of lies, deceit, hatefulness, growling, fear, and circumstances of life which came —one after another—loss after loss with manipulation on all parts, even the death of his father from an overdose. At five we stood with him by his fathers casket. later he as good as admitted to “playing a role” for us grown ups in the room of what was expected upon him. Appeasing the adults. See, I don’t know what your son has gone through and it is great his holding tight to your “you are perfect” proclamation over him. But by my perspective not every one so easily is NOT touched by “it must have been my fault? Was it Something I did wrong?” Where you can say a thousand times over “you are perfect” and they just “blink” without trust, or belief to what anyone says, thinking you are full of it, definitely not full of the truth by their experiences which were very real to them.

Not every one has the up bringing where one “you are perfect” from someone —unless it comes from God directly— can diminish all the crap thrown upon them day after day that conforms them to “hardened” stone. Like “rocky” how does the earth grow into “hardened””stone”? A little at a time (Imo). Who can break up hardened stone? So when you say there is no original sin…what I question is: what is it then that conforms unto destruction instead of transforms unto edification? What do you tell one who little by little has conformed, that once blank slate being WELL written with countless words and circumstances, eroding any trust, or hope, or “tender softness” turning little by little more hardened of heart?
That one thing …being soft instead of hardened …being the very thing they fear “to soft” the most…for you’ll never make it without a shield of “strength” to protect …the heart? The mind? Who wants ridicule to come, evidenced by circumstances that it does come…better to be prepared hardened instead of soft. No original sin? Then where does hardness of heart come from? Faith to me is trusting it isn’t hardness of the heart that protects (which is deceptive ) adding worse upon worse …but Faith in God and not our own protective means…just my opinion. I guess what I’m saying is that maybe our family is different, with different circumstances…we are dysfunctional at this point, in every direction. Further and further a part. Yet we are calling “it is all good.”

Original sin to me…
Original implies “original” nothing new under the sun …nothing out of the ordinary but is common to all. “in common”
Because while I could talk about my grandchildren…it is common to my children…it was common to my husband and I way back at an young age…and to our parents and grandparents alike “original” nothing new but common.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 26, 2017
United States
A contradiction for me is when the church or Christians say: all babies are born sin.
then why do they (the church) respond to the verses concerning you must become as a little child …when asked …the reason is children are trusting, quick to forgive, open to giving and receiving, caring and don’t hold grudges…they accept easily without all the… what if, and buts. And just do.

To say babies are born with sin.
He said you will know them by their fruit.
Why does He say we must become like little children? The church replies “look at the fruits …how children are so quick to forgive, to trust, counting no wrongs, full of hope, open to give and receive.” Yet…out of the same mouth “all babies are born sin.” “Born dead” is more bluntly said, not literally dead but “spiritually dead” …then how do they (children)have fruits that the church looks on as; you must become like? …go on and ask a Christin why Jesus said you must become as little children and they will give a list of good things about children but then say they are dead spiritually??
To me that is contradictory. Makes no sense??
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Well-Known Member
Jan 26, 2017
United States
Those are nice thoughts, and it is commendable to a huge extent that you are trying to carve Paul’s actual words into something more suitable to the ear; however, there comes a time when even the most avid Paul-Disciple has to face Reality. These ARE the words that Paul is using. “DEATH” and “SLAVERY.”

Trying to carve Paul’s actual words into something suitable for the ear…I get that.

But to me the passage where Paul speaks of his willingness to become weak that they be made strong. Seems to me…I could be wrong but it seems Paul is urging them on to perfection.

To me it goes back to:
Matthew 5:46-48 For if you love them which love you, what reward have you? do not even the publicans the same? [47] And if you salute your brethren only, what do you more than others ? do not even the publicans so? [48] Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect.

You say carving it into what is suitable to the ear? what I see is happening(again I could be wrong) but in that passage they are calling Paul a reprobate, as one who fails. I have to ask are they loving him? No they are judging him a reprobate which many “extremist Pharisees” would bluster heavily at …Paul doesn’t thumb-his-nose at them but urges for their movement closer “okay. I will be a reprobate, that is what you said I am. then LOVE me even though… I am what you said I am.” is what I hear. His urging them towards Matthew 5:46-48 by the way who in that passage is wanting better for someone calling them a name “reprobate” most Pharisee extremists would be done with immediately appalled “how dare you call me such a thing!” Who even being called this …is willing…that you be made perfect.

If it is for their good to be the children spoken of in Matthew 5:46-48; Then how is Paul against Christ but instead for Christ in his wanting them to be made perfectly Strong. Paul heavily emphasizes “even though you call me a reprobate” …more simply should Paul ask instead “should I then become no reprobate in your perspective, or in your eyes, before you can love me?” Is the problem Pauls being a reprobate or their refusal to love him even though (they call him reprobate …as one who fails? Christ seemed to lay this out often before “talkers” asking then for their action to follow their talk. If Paul is the reprobate….then let those not reprobate, called the children of God …do as their Father.

Just an opinion.
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The Third One

Oct 1, 2022
St Louis
United States

You have picked the PERFECT topic. What better place for us to start than at the beginning — with the problem, ITSELF? As we have already established in this thread, The Knowledge of Good & Evil (in and of ITSELF) is the problem. The problem we face is psychological, not theological. Humanity is suffering from a psychological problem; and, Religion, Itself, is a contributing factor to that problem.

We see “evil” within ourselves. Deprecation of self is exactly what you saw happen to your children. You see IT happening in your grandchildren. Truly accepting what’s been done for us on the cross is the solution to this problem.

But, how can we even talk to our children about “Jesus,” when “Church” has destroyed the very name of Jesus by associating Church (and ALL of what Church is ALL about)… with Jesus. Have you ever seen a person actually cringe when you bring up the Word… “Jesus”?

They do not CRINGE because of anything that Jesus ever did.

So… a very important aspect within the process of ALL of us GETTING WELL is us to separate Church… from Jesus.

Let's take a close look at the problem and see how it actually got started. The actual psychology of IT.

In doing so, we will pull up the Church-Tare — the falsehood — the engrained Weed that has served as a foundation for many other falsehoods to grow. Of course, I am speaking of the subject that you have chosen for us, first, to address. One of the Church’s HUGE foundation beams. A Church-Original. One can certainly call it a Church-Invention. “Original Sin.” For, that is exactly what it is — an invention.

On this Christian chat site there is another thread going on, right now, with the title: “Original Sin (or sin nature) in the Bible.” Instead of addressing that thread directly (as I was ALL set to do) the Holy Spirit suggested that I deal with the issue of Original Sin right here, in this thread. Especially since this thread has already exposed the REAL problem.

Not much of an exposé, considering The Knowledge of Good & Evil is clearly documented in Scripture (while the term, “Original Sin” is found NOWHERE in Scripture). “The Knowledge of Good & Evil” is Scriptural. The Knowledge of Good & Evil is the “Forbidden Fruit.” The Knowledge of Good & Evil is to what Adam and Even exposed themselves. The Knowledge of Good & Evil is our fatal mental disease.

Victory, you have pointed out the fallacy.

“A contradiction for me is when the church or Christians say: all babies are born in sin. Then why do they (the church) respond to the verses concerning you must become as a little child?”

We are not BORN with the fatal mental disease (The Knowledge of Good & Evil); however, the vast majority of humankind does indeed contract it… usually, somewhere around the age of two. As you state, Victory, you have seen the process take place. We ALL have.

The concept of “Original Sin” serves as a cover-up to the REAL problem — The Knowledge of Good & Evil. You don’t see Christians, starting threads about The Knowledge of Good & Evil (and how the Church is completely EAT UP WITH IT).

The Church-Taught do not see how terribly infected they are by IT. They are oblivious to the power IT has over them: “The Knowledge of Good & Evil” thing? Awh! That was way back... yesterday’s deal… way back in Eden.

In the other thread: the “Original Sin (or sin nature) in the Bible” thread, @Bible Highlighter lays out the entire “Scriptural evidence” the Church-Taught have devised to support the Church's Neanderthal notion of "Original Sin." Three classic “Original Sin Verses” have always been used... and Bible Highlighter throws in five more verses of his own for *Good* measure. EVERYONE TAKE NOTICE: Not a single Scripture verse quote from Jesus is found among them.

Of course not. Jesus would never stupidly contradict himself in such a manner. First, by Jesus telling us that we need to become like little children; and, then, secondly, to falsely propose that little children are born into this world... in sin.

On the contrary, the fact that little children do not have The Knowledge of Good & Evil, is exactly why they are PERFECTLY sinless. It is impossible for anyone to commit a sin unless one first has The Knowledge of Good & Evil.

Actually, Jesus flat our declares that there is no such thing as “Original Sin.”

Would you like to hear when and where?

Well… there were certain Pharisees who HAD NO SIN whatsoever... before Jesus came among them and caused them to sin.

That is an absolute Truth... which destroys a number of Christian dogmas (“Original Sin” being merely one of them).

What am I talking about? I’m telling you. Until Jesus came and did his works “among them,” there were members of the Pharisees (within the Pharisees) who HAD NO SIN. That’s correct. The consciences of these Pharisees were PERFECTLY clean — “cloaked” by how they saw themselves. And, how did they see themselves? They saw themselves as PERFECTLY sinless. That’s a big part of the OVERALL psychology lesson, as well. Don’t forget Proverbs 23:7. A human being IS… what? Exactly what he thinks he is. Thus, if a man PERFECTLY thinks, 100%, with no ifs, ands or buts, that he has no sin, then, guess what? HE HAS NO SIN. As was the case with certain Pharisees within the ranks of the first century Pharisees. Before Jesus came into their world, these men HAD NO SIN whatsoever.

Don’t take my word for it. Let Jesus tell you ALL about it:

John 15:22-24 (KJV) “If I had not come and spoken unto them (the Pharisees) THEY HAD NOT HAD SIN: but now they have no cloak for their sin. He that hateth me hateth my Father also. If I had not done among them the works which none other man did, THEY HAD NOT HAD SIN: but now have they both seen and hated both me and my Father.”

Truth out of the mouth of Jesus: These Pharisees “HAD NOT HAD SIN.”

Truth out of the mouth of Jesus: Then Jesus came into their midst, CAUSING them to sin. Specifically, causing them to hate the Living God.

The God’s-honest Truth? None of these Truths can be reconciled by ANY Christian apologist (short of deleting John 15:22-24 out of every Bible). To its very core, these Truths obliterate ALL Foundational Christian Dogma. Period.

The Third One

Oct 1, 2022
St Louis
United States
This is a PERFECT example of why “Christianity” is not an Organized Religion; rather, a very Unorganized one.

First: Jesus says that these men, “HAD NOT HAD SIN.” Please take notice. This specifically means that these men did not haveOriginal Sin” (clear testimony of Jesus that there is no such thing AS Original Sin). According to Jesus, “They HAD NOT HAD SIN” — neither Original nor Extra Crispy. Yet, Christian Dogma decrees: It is impossible for a man to HAVE NO SIN in this world. For any man to claim otherwise, makes him a liar (making Jesus “a liar”).

Second: Jesus proclaims by his own lips that HE is the one who CAUSED these sinless men to sin. Yet, Christian Dogma decrees: If you CAUSE a person to sin, that makes YOU also a sinner (by Christian standards, making Jesus even more of a sinner... on top of “lying”).

Don’t fret. Jesus is not a sinning-liar (nor a lying-sinner). It is “Christianity” that is stock full of... (I’ll be nice and call it... “error”) 95% error.

Two of his own verses @Bible Highlighter adds to “the classic Original Sin verses” are Paul quotes. Romans 5:12 and Ephesians 2:1.

Precisely why the Holy Spirit wants the proponents of Original Sin slammed and corrected in THIS thread. For... how does this thread begin? With Jesus predicting that Paul would bind Peter’s hands (and ALL of our hands with him), gird Peter and lead him off as a SLAVE. Paul is a poor source to cite for “proving” the validity of the depraved nature of man and “Original Sin.” It's like citing something that came out of John Kerry’s mouth (flying ALL over the world in his private jet) to prove the validity of climate change and “The Green Deal.”

Point being? Paul is a total victim of the disease — The Knowledge of Good & Evil. Paul sees nothing *Good* inside himself:

Romans 7:18 (Original Greek) “I know that there dwells nothing good in my flesh.”

Truly, a wonderfully great soul (Paul/Rocky), despite his self-deprecating, self-disclaimer (stated directly above). The God’s-honest Truth? In Paul’s flesh lay the exact same makings that formed the creation of Adam’s flesh — the GOOD work of the Living God of Light.

Therefore, the falsehood — “There dwells nothing good in my flesh!” — comes to us not out of the God-Given soul of Paul. It comes to us from a very specific voice of Darkness, speaking out of Paul. A voice that kicks into high gear at Chapter 7 (immediately following Romans, Chapter 6, no less). The Holy Spirit has a name for this very specific voice of NOTHING — a voice which proceeds out of the Darkness, Itself:


What else could be expected immediately following the plane crash? The very devilment that led John Calvin into his “total depravity” assessment of humanity:

We are ALL debase and perverted to the core.

Mind you, this is a collective judgment against ALL human beings.

Attention Bible-Reader. Why should such noise be of any concern to you... as you merrily drive down Romans Highway? Why is “THERE IS NOTHING GOOD IN MY FLESH!” exactly like a foreign chunk of dirt stuck in your water pump? Clank! Clank! Clank!

Why is the red idiot-light on?

Because human beings are made by the Living God in His Own Image. Including our flesh and everything He placed within our flesh. As Jesus says:

Luke 11:40 (NIV) “Did not the One who made the outside make the inside also?”

Yet, Paul condemns what is in our flesh and... inadvertently... the One who made it.

Always beware of this specific voice of Darkness wherever and whenever you hear it. Be alert to the red engine light. Recognize the voice of the Miserable Comforter:

“I know that there dwells nothing good in my flesh.”

Such statements are hurtful to our wellbeing and heartbreaking to our Father in Heaven Who created us. The deep cry of despair that truly accompanies these words of Darkness honestly comes out of us. As far back as humans are recorded on parchment.

Take notice: @Bible Highlighter also adds a quote from the Book of Job into his Bible-Support-System for “Original Sin.” As if the swill he quotes from the Book of Job... actually came out of Job’s mouth! (It didn't.)

What if the Church had come up with a religious theory that Satan can give you the entire world and ALL that is in it… if you simply drop to your knees and worship Satan. For Biblical proof the Church-Taught cite what comes out of Satan’s mouth in the Gospel of Matthew… where Satan tempts Jesus in the desert. (Only… the Church-Taught leave out Jesus’ reply!)

Job, the book, is the oldest in the Bible. Job, the man, is one of four men (besides Jesus) whom, by his own rectitude, the Scriptures declare as PERFECT, upright and completely righteous. In response to Job’s anguish, Eliphaz the Termanite tries his best (actually, his worst) to convince Job, that Job’s level of righteousness is not PERFECT — that Job must have done something *wrong* to have brought ALL this calamity upon himself. Like Paul of Tarsus and John Calvin after him, Eliphaz (truly evident by these outbursts) is the puppet of Darkness. Eliphaz speaks against humanity, using the most miserable of ALL voices. The voice Jesus tells us is the exact opposite voice of the Holy Spirit (the Comforter). Only a voice completely opposing the Holy Spirit would assess our very nature as perverted and depraved. For, our Father in Heaven created our very nature. Therefore, wherever and whenever you hear this miserable voice... take caution.

Pull over. The red idiot light is on. Listen to the voice of the Miserable Comforter:

Job 15:14-16 (KJV) “What is man, that he should be clean? and he which is born of a woman, that he should be righteous? Behold, He (God) putteth no trust in His saints; yea, the Heavens are not clean in His sight. How much more abominable and filthy is man, which drinketh iniquity like water?”

What does Job say to Eliphaz, in return?

Job 16:1-2 (KJV) “Then Job answered and said, ‘I have heard many such things: Miserable Comforters are ye ALL.’”

The Third One

Oct 1, 2022
St Louis
United States
Perhaps the worse part of any belief system is the need for a belief system. “Believing” is an iffy proposition. With “belief,” there always has to be some measure of doubt — even if infinitesimal. If doubt were not involved, “belief” would not qualify as belief.

That is why the most important thing Jesus ever gave us is something that does not require “belief.”

A gift.

You do not have to “believe” a gift. You simply have to accept it. Take it.

Like air. Air is actually quite an unbelievable gift. Universal space is a dead vacuum. Therefore, by ALL logic, air is analytically unbelievable. Yet, we ALL take air into our lungs every day, every minute. Any PhD can scientifically break down the components of air for us. He or she can tell us how it is made by trees and plants, using energy from sunlight to make glucose from carbon dioxide and water to release oxygen. However, in the long run, the PhD will still be left with an overrated and unbelievable guess as to how the sun, the trees, the water and the air actually got here... in the middle of a dead vacuum.

Point being? Air works the same, whether we “believe” it or not.

You do not have to “believe” in air to get the benefit of it. ALL you have to do is simply accept it into your lungs.

Take it.

The gift Jesus gives us is similar. We do not have to “believe” it. And, that is a good thing. Because, more so than air, the gift itself (along with what we gain by simply and truly taking it) is PERFECTLY unbelievable.

The gift is a done deal, sitting on the table right in front of us. If we want it, ALL we have to do is take it. Only, what we gain from this gift is a much-needed change of mind. Therein lies the rub. The Catch-22. The very thing keeping us from truly taking the gift is the very thing we need the gift to change.

Our minds.

Our heads have been failsafe-set to a worldwide-recorded-program that tells us: The last thing on this planet we need to do is to take this gift, 100%, with no ifs, ands or buts. We do have to know that we need it. If we are Church-Taught, we have to know that we really need it.

So... let’s unwrap it. Yes, even before we unwrap the five essential batteries to eternally empower our gift — those five wonderfully simple Words of Jesus. (Yes, BATTERIES REQUIRED.) First, let’s unwrap the gift itself.

Let’s tear off the pretty Church paper (ooh, they did such a great job of wrapping it up) and let’s take it out of the Box. This is not only the giddy-fun part about getting a gift, it is also quite necessary. First, so we can see exactly what it is. Which, undoubtedly, satisfies the big secondary question.

Is this something we really need?

Wow! After taking a good look at it — in sufficient light — what it actually is, is a replacement gift. A replacement gift for something we ALL had a long, long time ago, very early on in our Lives.

It is likely you forgot about ever having this gift. For, when you had it, you were merely a little child. And, by carelessness and just plain not knowing any better, it got broke, fell through the grid and ended up in a hole in the basement floor. To this day, it was the absolute best thing that anyone could ever have; but, regrettably, it is gone forever.

Do you remember what it was?


Then, I will be happy to remind you. It was your way of thinking.


IT’S-ALL-GOOD was your Factory Setting. This was your way of thinking from the moment you had your first thought in the womb until one of two things happened.

1.) (And, this one is way out of the ordinary) Something very terrible happened to you as an infant.


2.) You naturally reached the age of two — or three (generally speaking, it happens no later than age four).

Prior to either of these events — during your initial, wonderful mindset — the world was very GOOD. And, you were very GOOD. Matter of fact, you were PERFECTLY innocent. You could do no wrong. For, you were entirely oblivious to the concept of “wrong.”

Then... ALL that changed in a New York second.

One moment it was ALL-GOOD. The next moment — the time it takes to bite into an apple — little you was gone forever, fallen into a hole dug out of the basement floor.

Disregarding the extraordinary (that something terrible did happen to you early on) try to remember. How were you, before you were two years of age?

The Third One

Oct 1, 2022
St Louis
United States
I’ll be happy to remind you if you don’t know. You were a FREE, pure and very GOOD soul. ALL to you and ALL about you was not merely “good” as a grown-up perceives “good” — but rather, VERY GOOD, as God perceives GOOD.

Such it was with Adam and Eve. Whether you “believe” in them or not, think them Story-Book or Real. They were FREE, pure and very GOOD souls. Mind you, although Adam and Eve were fully-grown, adult human beings, they were very GOOD. In other words, they were PERFECTLY righteous (also known as totally sinless).

In “The Before Time” (as Gene Rodenberry coined the phrase), EVERYTHING under God’s Heaven was very GOOD — PERFECTLY righteous (aka: totally sinless). Including ALL of adult humanity. ALL two of us.

Genesis 1:31 (NIV) “God saw ALL that he had made, and it was very good.”

Then... ALL that changed in a New York second.

Whoosh. Like morning mist reaching up from the grave... comes the ALL-important question.

What changed?

Well... the pilots flying the airplane have put together an imperfect answer to this question. These imperfect answers have become big imperfect theological doctrines within our Christian “belief” system. “The Fall of Man” and “Original Sin.”

Beyond imperfect, these doctrines are found nowhere in the Word of God — what Mature-Christians like to call “non-Biblical” (I prefer non-Scriptural). Worse than being non-Biblical, placing one’s trust in these doctrines is counterproductive to truly understanding and, consequentially, truly accepting Jesus’ Concept.

Remarkably, our Church-Taught “belief” system is built upon these big imperfect doctrines.

The God’s-honest Truth? You will not even find these big imperfect doctrines NAMED in the Scriptures. Still... they became the big pile-driven pillars of our “belief” system. Knotted stilts driven deep into beachfront property. They are holding up the Church’s answer to our big question — a question, we as good Christians, dare not to ask. For, as good Christians, we have already been properly Church-Taught the proper answer.

A whispering ground is ALL that is left of Abel’s blood. And, so, the ground itself from which we were made and to where we must return must whisper the question for us.

What changed?

How is it that EVERYTHING was once “Very GOOD”? And, now... it is what it is? How is it that we were once PERFECTLY righteous and totally sinless, but are now... well... as we are?

What changed?

Our minds.

The God’s-honest Truth of what happened to us (and consequentially to our world) is what Jesus calls (in Greek) metanoeo. In plain English: We changed our minds.

Humankind did not “fall.” Meaning, if we ever did, off of what? Our pedestals? Granted, we did end up in a hole, but...


We did not “fall.” We simply changed our way of thinking.

To know this Truth is vital for understanding Jesus, Jesus’ Mission, Jesus’ Concept and, most especially, Jesus’ positive use of the Word metanoeo. Jesus is ALL about changing our way of thinking back to our original way of thinking. Our natural mindset. Our Factory Setting.

And, contrary to Christian folklore and popular intellectual “belief,” our natural, God-Given mindset has zero to do with sin (neither “Original” nor “Extra Crispy”). Remember, God looked upon us as we originally were and declared us “very GOOD” — aka: PERFECTLY righteous, aka: totally sinless.

According to Church-Dogma: Original Sin is Adam and Eve’s disobedience to God. This specific original sin is past on to ALL humankind through our flesh and through our blood. Accordingly, Original Sin is with us at birth. Even before birth — Original Sin is with us in the womb.

The Faithful are convinced that human beings pop into this world “estranged from the womb” and “speaking lies.” Of course, @Bible Highlighter includes this classic Church-Taught verse in his “proof” verses:

Psalms 58:3 (KJV) “The wicked are estranged from the womb: they go astray as soon as they be born, speaking lies.”

The King James Bible is one of the first bibles specifically translated for public consumption. Mostly pristine; however, certain verses were MANipulated to fit Church-Agenda — such as Psalms 58:3 (directly above). This verse is brutally Dogma-Spoiled. Keep in mind, when the KJV came into being, the concept of Original Sin had already been certified Church doctrine for over thirteen-hundred years. (A classic example of dogma influencing Scripture, instead of the other way around.) It is fair to say, our Church-Influenced Bible-Makers took Psalms 58:3 to the tailor... and had it altered.

Let us take a closer look. Whom (or what) are the Subjects of Psalms 58:3?

“The wicked.”

The Third One

Oct 1, 2022
St Louis
United States
Okay. Whom (or what) are “the wicked” which the psalmist, David, is referencing here?

Well... that depends on which Christian Church-Influenced version of the Bible you are reading. For example, according to the New International Version, the wicked are “you rulers.” Here is the NIV translation, top to bottom, verses 1-3.

Psalms 58:1-3 (NIV) “For the director of music. To the tune of ‘Do Not Destroy.’ Of David. A miktam. Do YOU RULERS indeed speak justly? Do you judge people with equity? 2 No, in your heart you devise injustice, and your hands mete out violence on the earth. 3 Even from birth the wicked go astray; from the womb they are wayward, spreading lies.”

What is the name of this game show?

It’s... Let’s Create A Translation That Fits Our Agenda! (Applause)

Get this. The translation, “you rulers” (the Subject in the New International Version of Psalms 58:1 above) is translated in the KJV to read, “O congregation.”

Psalms 58:1 (KJV) “Do ye indeed speak righteousness, O CONGREGATION?”

“O congregation” being the most confusing translation imaginable. In the Catholic approved New American Bible, the same Hebrew-to-English reads, “like gods.”

Psalms 58:1 (NAB) “Do you indeed LIKE GODS pronounce justice?”

Don’t laugh, ye Reformers. Your NIV translation offers no better help. (“you rulers”)

As we continue to look at each Christian Bible-Translation, one after another, we begin to sense that something quite terribly wrong is amiss here at Psalms 58:1. Keep in mind, “O congregation,” “like gods” and “you rulers” are ALL Christian-Approved translations of the exact same original Hebrew. Diversified as they ALL are, none of these renderings accurately translate the Subject of this psalm from Hebrew into plain English.

The God’s-honest Truth? David is not singing about human beings nor human “gods” nor human “congregations” nor human “rulers.” Consequentially, it is not you, me, we, humans that: “go astray; from the womb” “spreading lies.”

Therefore, it is utter nonsense for any theologian to construe from this verse that, “Original Sin” is passed down to us through human procreation, making us naturally depraved souls that burst into the world practicing sinfulness.

If not humanity, whom or what are the subjects in David’s song?

Our Bible-Making theologians did get two things right. One, David is a songwriter. And, two, the name of the song is “Do Not Destroy.” What David is concerned the Subjects of the verse may destroy is the Absolute of EVERYTHING.

The ESV (English Standard Version) of Psalms 58:1 has a more accurate translation for the Subjects in David’s song. “You gods.”

The NAS Bible version sites “O gods” as their translation (we’re getting closer).

The original Hebrew actually reads, “O Silent Ones.”

The New King James Version has corrected the KJV to read, “you silent ones.”

Psalms 58:1 (NKJV) “Do you indeed speak righteousness, YOU SILENT ONES?”

Who are the O Silent Ones?

The King James boys got the “O” part right in the original translation. Nevertheless, the old KJV to the new adaptation (NKJV) plainly demonstrates the overall deception — “O congregation” being such a distant cry from “you silent ones.” Here is an interesting clue. ALL English translations (save for the early printings of The Living Bible) ignore the need for Divine Capitalization.

Within the human-made box of Christian theology, it is difficult for one to say exactly... Whom (or What)... the O Silent Ones are. For, in ALL truthfulness, They are-not.

One must have wisdom given directly from God to know such things. That is exactly what a miktam is. A bit of parted God-Wisdom relayed by someone who shares an extraordinarily-close relationship with the Living God of Light. And, yet, this parted Wisdom is shielded by attaching no explanation to it whatsoever. It is meant to be understood only by someone who shares at least the same level of relationship with the Living God. Better known examples? Jesus’ parables were miktams. As for the multitudes (who were clueless to the meaning of his parables — including ALL but one of his Apostles) Jesus observed:

“They see, yet they do not know, they hear, yet they do not understand.”

Would it suffice for you, my dear Victory (and ALL others following in the wings), simply to take me at my word that these are not “human beings” that David is referencing here at Psalms 58:1-3?

Probably not. Am I right? Why would you consider... me... correct, in such a huge matter of theology? Plainly stated: Why should you “believe” little me instead of the big Church? Perhaps because the big Church translates “O Silent Ones” into English fifteen different ways to Sunday?

Yes, that is a good reason. Better still, I can reveal the miktam. In the process of deciding whether to do so (or not) I found myself left with no better choice than to reveal the meaning. I did ask the Lord God: “should I reveal” or “should I not reveal.” He left it up to me. After much deliberation, I decided... it is better to break a sacred trust than to help support a destructive lie by adding more to the silence.

There are three “O Silent Ones.” For lack of a common term, I personally refer to Them collectively as “the Dying God of Darkness.” They indwell the Absolute of NOTHING. The Mightiest (the Most-Empty of these) is the Father of NOTHING, “O Death” — mentioned numerous times throughout ancient Old Testament texts... that is... before 5th Century BC Jewish sages edited the prophetic books. The plot thickens.

Why would honorable sages edit sacred Scripture?

To insure the shielding of knowledge considered “too dreadful” (too dreadful, the sages thought, for anyone with less wisdom than a sage).
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