is doing sexual things with a boyfriend/girlfriend sin...

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Hidden In Him

Well-Known Member
May 10, 2018
Lafayette, LA
United States
I don't believe it just women who should set boundaries. Saying it's up for women only to set boundaries seems to be saying that if sex does happen it's always the woman's fault.

I said it is usually up to women. Different thing.

Happy Thanksgiving, Barney. Hope you have a blessed day tomorrow.
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Nov 27, 2021
United States
I said it is usually up to women. Different thing.

Happy Thanksgiving, Barney. Hope you have a blessed day tomorrow.

As my first post as a NEW member, I want to say you are 100% correct. If the woman does not hit the brakes, the man will have her in bed on the second date. In todays view that might be a "slow" guy. I can tell you from being around 64 years and talking to many, many men over my years, most men hold back all the time. Just looking at some women will have the men ready to go. Don't need any touching. In my personal life I have always been idling at 90% and that other 10% is just a look away!. Women have to be brought up to look after themselves (unwanted pregnancy) which means saying "no" or "wait" to the man. Problem is that today women are brought up to go for it at age 14 or 15 when the concept of birth control has not really taken hold in their young brain. Fathers need to bring up their daughters so they are extremely knowledgeable about how quick and overwhelming a young mans rocket launch can be AND the disastrous effects of a young fatherless baby. Just wanted to add in how serious and on the money your posts on this thread have been.

Hidden In Him

Well-Known Member
May 10, 2018
Lafayette, LA
United States
As my first post as a NEW member, I want to say you are 100% correct. If the woman does not hit the brakes, the man will have her in bed on the second date. In todays view that might be a "slow" guy. I can tell you from being around 64 years and talking to many, many men over my years, most men hold back all the time. Just looking at some women will have the men ready to go. Don't need any touching. In my personal life I have always been idling at 90% and that other 10% is just a look away!. Women have to be brought up to look after themselves (unwanted pregnancy) which means saying "no" or "wait" to the man. Problem is that today women are brought up to go for it at age 14 or 15 when the concept of birth control has not really taken hold in their young brain. Fathers need to bring up their daughters so they are extremely knowledgeable about how quick and overwhelming a young mans rocket launch can be AND the disastrous effects of a young fatherless baby. Just wanted to add in how serious and on the money your posts on this thread have been.

I agree, and thank you for the response. It's not as if I blame women, or claim they are the only ones responsible for doing the right thing. But testosterone once the launch sequence is in effect is REALLY something to put down. Reminds me of Joseph running out the door on Potipher's wife, because that's really about the only sensible thing a man can do to save himself from disaster, IMO. Any other course of action is doomed to failure, and I don't hear a lot of counseling to young men these days that begins with the words, "Step #1: Run For Your Bloody Life!" Lol.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2017
Thomaston Georgia
United States
I think you need to touch each other to find out if there is chemistry, especially if you intend to be in a permanent relationship at sometime. A marriage without chemistry would be exceedingly boring.

What do you mean by touch each other.


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2017
Thomaston Georgia
United States
Grailhunter said,
Find it. Thou shalt not have sex unless you are married first. There would be no marriages.
People can go by their own definition of fornication but the Greek word pornia which is translated fornication includes all forms of sexual immorality, Including sex outside of wedlock. People want to ignore the scriptures that show a faithful servant of God would marry before having sex. I imagine many of the Jews didn't go by the standards of the true God and had sex with anyone without getting married, but they weren't doing things YHWH God way by his standards, but the true servants of God married before having sex.


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2017
Thomaston Georgia
United States
Depends what you mean by 'wedlock'.

In the scriptures regarding true servants of the true God they would be married before the woman went into the man's tent. Attaining a wife one would first see if the father was agreeable to the arrangement then a bride price is paid to the father. No sex was done between the man and woman until this process was finished. When this process had finished and everyone was in agreement the woman was consider the wife of the man who paid the bride price. She then went into the man's tent and consummated the arrangement.


Well-Known Member
May 4, 2018
In the scriptures regarding true servants of the true God they would be married before the woman went into the man's tent. Attaining a wife one would first see if the father was agreeable to the arrangement then a bride price is paid to the father. No sex was done between the man and woman until this process was finished. When this process had finished and everyone was in agreement the woman was consider the wife of the man who paid the bride price. She then went into the man's tent and consummated the arrangement.
Have you considered that human beings irrespective of culture and profession have done pretty much what they do today when it comes to sexual practices?


Well-Known Member
Mar 22, 2022
United States
Agreed on both counts.

Just understand. For a man, kissing and even hugging can "start the launch sequence" if you will, and lead to things escalating quickly. No matter how innocent a kiss was intended to be, male psyche and anatomy can take it like a column of lights turning green, and it can be tough slowing down 8,000 horsepower worth of machine once he thinks he might have just gotten the signal to put the gas pedal down.

This is especially true of younger men, because many of them have been waiting at that light for what seems like an ETERNITY, LoL.

I like your bluntness and style as I share the same charistics.
If asked.....ALWAYS give the truth,even when it may be rejected and offend.

Hidden In Him

Well-Known Member
May 10, 2018
Lafayette, LA
United States
I like your bluntness and style as I share the same charistics.
If asked.....ALWAYS give the truth,even when it may be rejected and offend.

Barney has a habit of resurrecting old threads, and this one was actually so log ago that I hardly remember it. But I think the sister who posted it really did need to hear the truth, and guard herself from trouble. As I recall, she was very lonely and wanted friends very badly. Being in that kind of a position can make a woman vulnerable to temptation and sin, so I hope things turned out alright for her.


Well-Known Member
Mar 22, 2022
United States
Precisely, and that is something I think most younger woman don't fully understand: What even their mere appearance can do to men.

She's sitting there in church enjoying the service and thinking she looks pretty, and he's sitting there looking over at her with her legs crossed wearing a short skirt and boots on, and goes...


Forgets the service entirely

:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D o_O
I like it a lot...........hahahahahahahaha.
A good belly laugh for your chivalry and humour !
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Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2019
United States
Grailhunter said,
Find it. Thou shalt not have sex unless you are married first. There would be no marriages.

Barney said....People can go by their own definition of fornication but the Greek word pornia which is translated fornication includes all forms of sexual immorality, Including sex outside of wedlock. People want to ignore the scriptures that show a faithful servant of God would marry before having sex. I imagine many of the Jews didn't go by the standards of the true God and had sex with anyone without getting married, but they weren't doing things YHWH God way by his standards, but the true servants of God married before having sex.

Here is the good news....the sinking ship you are on as far as understanding the Bible is full. So you will not be alone....religious belief....a religion between your ears....a religious fantasy world that is not in the Bible....what is wrong with that? Well first of all I get a kick out of Bible only people that do not understand the Bible.

Part of understanding the Bible is understanding the language.

Pornia does not translated to fornification and the word and the general concept of fornication is more of a religious scam than anything. And it has caused about every type of atrocities in Christianity.

In the Bible....two unmarried people had sex to form a requirement for a wedding ceremony Old or New Testament. So your statement "People want to ignore the scriptures that show a faithful servant of God would marry before having sex. And but the true servants of God married before having sex." It is wrong and shows that you do not understand the scriptures or the history behind Christianity. And I am thinking you know you are wrong and cannot find a scripture that says you must have a wedding ceremony to be married ....not even one.

I understand that this is a difficult topic for this forum because people are not really knowledgeable on the topic.
But it is a serious question for Christians and should be answered with intelligence, not some made up beliefs.

The fact is that the New Testament does not address romantic love...for a couple reasons. So Christians are left with no real biblical guidance on the topic and modern Christianity is not much better. But it does have one thing going for it. All of the sources for wedding ceremonies are Pagan....but Pagan converts...Gentiles, took over the helm of Christianity shortly after the first century, and with them came some of their customs. And even today, Christian wedding ceremonies are modeled after Roman weddings. There are quite a few Pagan ritual imbedded in most Christian weddings.....unless you are getting married by the justice of the peace.

The first documented Christian wedding ceremony occurred in the 9th century. (I am sure Christian weddings occurred before that.) The Gentiles brought the custom of wedding ceremonies into Christianity. The Catholics were not really on board with this, it was the custom of the people. It was actually the Protestants that saw the wisdom in this and made wedding ceremonies a requirement in the mid 1500's. The legal requirement for public wedding ceremonies did not happen until 1753.

There are a lot of things that the Holy Spirit taught Christians after the biblical era....the need for wedding ceremonies was one of them and very important one. I have always said that I am a big fan of fancy weddings. But that has nothing to do with two people in love...making love.

And that is one of the most important points.....biblically speaking are married if you have you might want to keep that in mind. But as far as Christian romantic relationships and how we conduct ourselves is a matter of respect ...intelligence....and character. Respect for ourselves and respect for others. The act itself is designed by God to produce babies. We fight for the lives of babies by standing against abortion....we believe that life is beautiful and important. But just as important, those babies deserve to have a family and a mother and a father that love one another.

So sex is not for fun! It is serious business. It only should occur between two people that have their hearts already entwined. That takes time. So Christians that are dating should agree on how they will conduct themselves when they get into those romantic situations.

Are we sure this is the person that we want to spend the rest of our life with?
Are they the person that would make a good father or mother of our child?

Sex drives are pretty powerful and it is easy to get carried away, so you have to be careful. But if it happens there is no sin there.....But as a Christian you must understand.....biblically speaking you are officially married. Congratulations!

Lets see how can I word this next thing?....I am going to catch heat on it no matter what. The question of caressing and using our mouth in our not addressed in the Bible, so it does not form a marriage. But in this day and age you better know your partner....well. But still the Bible does not designate it as a sin. And still it is a matter of respect for yourself and your partner. Christians that are in serious relationships should discuss this. And this should never happen unless you are in a serious relationship.

Alternatively, can we develop strong enough feelings for each other to warrant a life long commitment without any sexual contact? Reality....asks the question. Then the funny side of it many people lie about not having sex before they had a wedding ceremony? LOL

Had a preach say that if you have sex before "a wedding ceremony" that your marriage is damned and your children are damned. This is the sort of stupid rhetoric that not only shows no biblical understanding or even a connection to reality.

The bottom line is that sex is serious business and should only happen between people that are in love. And as Christians it our responsibility and our character to treat one one another with respect and love

When does sin raise its ugly head? When people use other people just to satisfy their sexual desires.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2017
Thomaston Georgia
United States
Have you considered that human beings irrespective of culture and profession have done pretty much what they do today when it comes to sexual practices?

I know that many of mankind have always went their own way, instead of living the way God says we should live. The scriptures show us God's way which I agree only a few people have followed in comparison to the majority of mankind.


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2017
Thomaston Georgia
United States
Barney said....People can go by their own definition of fornication but the Greek word pornia which is translated fornication includes all forms of sexual immorality, Including sex outside of wedlock. People want to ignore the scriptures that show a faithful servant of God would marry before having sex. I imagine many of the Jews didn't go by the standards of the true God and had sex with anyone without getting married, but they weren't doing things YHWH God way by his standards, but the true servants of God married before having sex.

Here is the good news....the sinking ship you are on as far as understanding the Bible is full. So you will not be alone....religious belief....a religion between your ears....a religious fantasy world that is not in the Bible....what is wrong with that? Well first of all I get a kick out of Bible only people that do not understand the Bible.

Part of understanding the Bible is understanding the language.

Pornia does not translated to fornification and the word and the general concept of fornication is more of a religious scam than anything. And it has caused about every type of atrocities in Christianity.

In the Bible....two unmarried people had sex to form a requirement for a wedding ceremony Old or New Testament. So your statement "People want to ignore the scriptures that show a faithful servant of God would marry before having sex. And but the true servants of God married before having sex." It is wrong and shows that you do not understand the scriptures or the history behind Christianity. And I am thinking you know you are wrong and cannot find a scripture that says you must have a wedding ceremony to be married ....not even one.

I understand that this is a difficult topic for this forum because people are not really knowledgeable on the topic.
But it is a serious question for Christians and should be answered with intelligence, not some made up beliefs.

The fact is that the New Testament does not address romantic love...for a couple reasons. So Christians are left with no real biblical guidance on the topic and modern Christianity is not much better. But it does have one thing going for it. All of the sources for wedding ceremonies are Pagan....but Pagan converts...Gentiles, took over the helm of Christianity shortly after the first century, and with them came some of their customs. And even today, Christian wedding ceremonies are modeled after Roman weddings. There are quite a few Pagan ritual imbedded in most Christian weddings.....unless you are getting married by the justice of the peace.

The first documented Christian wedding ceremony occurred in the 9th century. (I am sure Christian weddings occurred before that.) The Gentiles brought the custom of wedding ceremonies into Christianity. The Catholics were not really on board with this, it was the custom of the people. It was actually the Protestants that saw the wisdom in this and made wedding ceremonies a requirement in the mid 1500's. The legal requirement for public wedding ceremonies did not happen until 1753.

There are a lot of things that the Holy Spirit taught Christians after the biblical era....the need for wedding ceremonies was one of them and very important one. I have always said that I am a big fan of fancy weddings. But that has nothing to do with two people in love...making love.

And that is one of the most important points.....biblically speaking are married if you have you might want to keep that in mind. But as far as Christian romantic relationships and how we conduct ourselves is a matter of respect ...intelligence....and character. Respect for ourselves and respect for others. The act itself is designed by God to produce babies. We fight for the lives of babies by standing against abortion....we believe that life is beautiful and important. But just as important, those babies deserve to have a family and a mother and a father that love one another.

So sex is not for fun! It is serious business. It only should occur between two people that have their hearts already entwined. That takes time. So Christians that are dating should agree on how they will conduct themselves when they get into those romantic situations.

Are we sure this is the person that we want to spend the rest of our life with?
Are they the person that would make a good father or mother of our child?

Sex drives are pretty powerful and it is easy to get carried away, so you have to be careful. But if it happens there is no sin there.....But as a Christian you must understand.....biblically speaking you are officially married. Congratulations!

Lets see how can I word this next thing?....I am going to catch heat on it no matter what. The question of caressing and using our mouth in our not addressed in the Bible, so it does not form a marriage. But in this day and age you better know your partner....well. But still the Bible does not designate it as a sin. And still it is a matter of respect for yourself and your partner. Christians that are in serious relationships should discuss this. And this should never happen unless you are in a serious relationship.

Alternatively, can we develop strong enough feelings for each other to warrant a life long commitment without any sexual contact? Reality....asks the question. Then the funny side of it many people lie about not having sex before they had a wedding ceremony? LOL

Had a preach say that if you have sex before "a wedding ceremony" that your marriage is damned and your children are damned. This is the sort of stupid rhetoric that not only shows no biblical understanding or even a connection to reality.

The bottom line is that sex is serious business and should only happen between people that are in love. And as Christians it our responsibility and our character to treat one one another with respect and love

When does sin raise its ugly head? When people use other people just to satisfy their sexual desires.

Sexual immortality, which is disapproved relations, include a variety of acts such as sexual intercourse, oral sex, anal sex, and fondling another person’s genitals in a sexual way.
Bible writers who wrote in Greek used the word, "porneia" to describe sexual immorality. That word includes (1) sexual relations between people who are not married to each other, (2) homosexuality, and (3) bestiality. We please YHWH God and benefit ourselves when we “abstain from sexual immorality.”(1 Thessalonians 4:3)


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Encounter Team
Apr 9, 2019
United Kingdom
In the scriptures regarding true servants of the true God they would be married before the woman went into the man's tent. Attaining a wife one would first see if the father was agreeable to the arrangement then a bride price is paid to the father. No sex was done between the man and woman until this process was finished. When this process had finished and everyone was in agreement the woman was consider the wife of the man who paid the bride price. She then went into the man's tent and consummated the arrangement.
That was how it was done until the CC ordained that a priest was needed.
There is nobody in my family who have been 'married' before living together. No way was it immoral. And that isn't fornication or promiscuity but total commitment because we have all been with our individual partners forever. Married by mutual consent and eventually married by a registrar to make it legal for inheritance reasons etc.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2017
Thomaston Georgia
United States
Back during the time of the Hebrews before the law covenant the wedding itself, the central and characteristic feature was the solemn bringing of the bride from her father’s home to her husband’s home on the date agreed upon, in which act the significance of marriage as representing admission of the bride into the family of her husband found expression. (Matthew 1:24) This constituted the wedding in patriarchal days before the Law. There was no religious ceremony or form, and no priest or clergyman officiated or validated the marriage. The bridegroom took the bride to his house or to the tent or house of his parents. The matter was publicly made known, acknowledged, and recorded, and the marriage was binding.(Genesis 24:67)

However, as soon as marriage arrangements had been made and the parties were engaged, they were considered bound in marriage. Lot’s daughters were still in his house, under his jurisdiction, but the men engaged to them were termed Lot’s “sons-in-law who were to take his daughters.” (Genesis 19:14) The Law stated that if an engaged girl committed fornication, she and the guilty man were to be put to death. Because she and the man were guilty of adultery. The scriptures show that a virgin who was an engaged woman if she was violated against her will, the man was to be put to death. Any case involving an unengaged girl was handled differently. The man who had violated her had to pay the bride price that the father of the woman set and the woman would become his wife and he would never be able to divorce her. (Deuteronomy 22:22-27)

These scriptures concerning marriage were written down to teach us, to set matters straight.The scriptures show that although Joseph had no relations with the virgin named Mary she was still considered to be his wife. These scriptures show us how the faithful servants of the true God behaved regarding sexual relations. That no sexual relations happened until after the woman was taken into the man's tent until the agreed upon time. So anyone trying to promote having sex out of wedlock isn't going by the teaching of the true God. Sexual immorality includes a man and a woman who are not married to anyone having sex with each other.

To those who say that I have a habit of resurrecting old threads, I say to them that sexual immorality is prevalent today and needs to be told to those who will listen not to agree with those that say it's ok in the eyes of the true God for a man and a woman who are not married to anyone to have sex with each other. Those who want to teach you that it's ok for unmarried people to have sex with each other want to spread the teaching that sexual immorality is ok in the eyes of the true God.


Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2019
United States
Sexual immortality, which is disapproved relations, include a variety of acts such as sexual intercourse, oral sex, anal sex, and fondling another person’s genitals in a sexual way.

Barnity....that is a good name for your on fantasy religion.
first off you are not showing any scriptures but it would not matter because you would give me scriptures from the number one most inaccurate Bible in print.

Bible writers who wrote in Greek used the word, "porneia" to describe sexual immorality.

If you are going to talk about the Greek language you need to learn about the Greek language, not make it up as you go.

Bible writers who wrote in Greek used the word, "porneia" to describe sexual immorality. That word includes (1) sexual relations between people who are not married to each other, (2) homosexuality, and (3) bestiality. We please YHWH God and benefit ourselves when we “abstain from sexual immorality.”(1 Thessalonians 4:3)

No variation of word porneia means fornification.
The only meaning of the word porneia that defines sin for two unmarried prostitution.
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