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Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2019
United States
This is an easy one for me. I won't vote for any party that has abortion (murder) as part of its major beliefs.
Well you know according to the vote....if it is accurate....our country is divided in half.....a good part of our populous preferring communism, atheism, and drug use. We will see where this goes.


My eldest granddaughter showing the result of her
Feb 27, 2008
Melbourne Australia
but you must be aware of political parties who approve, sanction and give the green light to those manufacturing arms?
That wasn't your original question. There are a lot of things political parties do and say and I don't expect them to make my views the platform of the party. Under freedom of speech and belief I am entitled to decide which party to support, if any and the reason I do or do not support. My main focus is to save the lives of innocent babies who have done no wrong so when a Party says that it will facilitate the killing of babies from the conception to birth as the Democrats do my choice is very easy to make.

Gospel Believer

Well-Known Member
Aug 2, 2019
Columbus Ohio
United States
Well you know according to the vote....if it is accurate....our country is divided in half.....a good part of our populous preferring communism, atheism, and drug use. We will see where this goes.

Really? “Communism, Atheism ,Drug use “..... many people “Support” these things? much?


Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2019
United States
Really? “Communism, Atheism ,Drug use “..... many people “Support” these things? much?

Many people support these things.....I think that is what I said.....
But they are not part of the Republican party's platform or initiatives.
Exaggeration? Not at all....and I do not think the following is a complete list.
Taking these democrat initiatives into consideration.

Gun Control
High they are in the process of hiring a large army of internal revenue agents.
Open borders---invasion of illegal aliens receiving government subsidies---Opposed security wall. Sanctuary cities for illegal aliens. Offering tax payer social services and medical to illegal aliens.

Against election security---No ID's required---illegal aliens voting---students on visas---Not allowing law enforcement---covering windows---running ballots after the monitors have left. Since they desire Marxism or communism they do not want fair and honest elections so they do everything they can to make it easy to cheat.

Federal prisoners voting---voter fraud on several levels.

Trying to program our children in school and collages to learn critical race theory and cancel culture history and communism and normalization of homosexualality and anti-Christian beliefs.

Support drug use --- pot stores---legalization of drugs, lenient on drug offenders.

Soft on crime, revolving door courts that gets people killed. Short prison sentences.

Anti-law enforcement---defund the police---supporting resisting arrest---blame everything on law enforcement.

Reduction of the military.

Working hard and as quick as possible to destroy the economy and jobs. Moving into a recession now.

Doing everything possible to cause inflation, concentrating on what will cause price increases a crossed the board. Groceries, clothes, automobiles, nearly everything.

Democrats are against gas and oil and shutdown wells and pipelines causing high gas prices at the pump and home heating. Purchasing oil from over sea so the prices will be higher.

All this adds up to supply chain issues and bare shelves for essentials.

Anti-Christian---forbid assembly of churches---arrest pastors.

Promoting the idea that if you are white and Christian, and a patriot, you are a white supremacist.

Promoting LGBTQ, communism, atheism, cancel culture, and disrespect towards their mother and fathers in our schools and colleges.

Supported the BLM riots---BLM leaders declare they are Marxist and chat cuss words to Christ as they march---burning Bibles---and churches---take cities hostage---burning and looting---assaults---rapes---murders---going to the homes of politicians they did not like and harassing them---democrats give a big thumbs up to all these hate crimes.

Cancel culture---the democrat attack on all we value and hold good. Physical attack on landmarks. But they salute those Pot stores and abortion clinics...LOL.

Support every give me – hand out Socialist program possible.

Some strange brand of communism.

Trying to get us all to drive electric cars…LOL And hiding all the dangers of them as well as the fact they are just not practical for most people.

Are the democrats behind the movement to lower the age of consent? So they can have sex with 14 year old boys and girls? And if they impregnate them the children can choose to have an abortion. Or go to the doctor privately if they catch a venereal disease. Are they behind human trafficking? Are they using human trafficking to fulfill their lusts until they can lower the age of consent? This is something that is going on under the radar.

It is the whole environment that they desire that makes me think it is possible. LGBTQ and the promotion of drugs and pot stores and other perversions. Watching Biden fondle children in front of the camera is sickening. Like father, like son, his son is a drug user and child molester. And of course his vice-president openly admits to being a druggie. Extremely serious and evil topics that people need to look into. How prevalent is human trafficking in your area? You need to know.

Then we have the crazy corner....stupid or decide?
The democrats have forbid any member of the party to identify what a woman is? I have personally seen them on TV refusing to identify what a female is. Even a female that is a candidate for the Supreme Court. Why? Because they support the LGBTQ community and want male transvestites to play in female sports...That is high school, collage, and the Olympics.

Of course it was Barak Hussein Obama that initiated this but still stupid. Uni-sex restrooms in high schools and collages. On how many levels is this wrong? One of many reasons you do not want to send your kids to a public school. Well you might want to check because the democrats are trying to force it on private schools.
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Gospel Believer

Well-Known Member
Aug 2, 2019
Columbus Ohio
United States
Many people support these things.....I think that is what I said.....
But they are not part of the Republican party's platform or initiatives.
Exaggeration? Not at all....and I do not think the following is a complete list.
Taking these democrat initiatives into consideration.

Gun Control
High they are in the process of hiring a large army of internal revenue agents.
Open borders---invasion of illegal aliens receiving government subsidies---Opposed security wall. Sanctuary cities for illegal aliens. Offering tax payer social services and medical to illegal aliens.

Against election security---No ID's required---illegal aliens voting---students on visas---Not allowing law enforcement---covering windows---running ballots after the monitors have left. Since they desire Marxism or communism they do not want fair and honest elections so they do everything they can to make it easy to cheat.

Federal prisoners voting---voter fraud on several levels.

Trying to program our children in school and collages to learn critical race theory and cancel culture history and communism and normalization of homosexualality and anti-Christian beliefs.

Support drug use --- pot stores---legalization of drugs, lenient on drug offenders.

Soft on crime, revolving door courts that gets people killed. Short prison sentences.

Anti-law enforcement---defund the police---supporting resisting arrest---blame everything on law enforcement.

Reduction of the military.

Working hard and as quick as possible to destroy the economy and jobs. Moving into a recession now.

Doing everything possible to cause inflation, concentrating on what will cause price increases a crossed the board. Groceries, clothes, automobiles, nearly everything.

Democrats are against gas and oil and shutdown wells and pipelines causing high gas prices at the pump and home heating. Purchasing oil from over sea so the prices will be higher.

All this adds up to supply chain issues and bare shelves for essentials.

Anti-Christian---forbid assembly of churches---arrest pastors.

Promoting the idea that if you are white and Christian, and a patriot, you are a white supremacist.

Promoting LGBTQ, communism, atheism, cancel culture, and disrespect towards their mother and fathers in our schools and colleges.

Supported the BLM riots---BLM leaders declare they are Marxist and chat cuss words to Christ as they march---burning Bibles---and churches---take cities hostage---burning and looting---assaults---rapes---murders---going to the homes of politicians they did not like and harassing them---democrats give a big thumbs up to all these hate crimes.

Cancel culture---the democrat attack on all we value and hold good. Physical attack on landmarks. But they salute those Pot stores and abortion clinics...LOL.

Support every give me – hand out Socialist program possible.

Some strange brand of communism.

Trying to get us all to drive electric cars…LOL And hiding all the dangers of them as well as the fact they are just not practical for most people.

Are the democrats behind the movement to lower the age of consent? So they can have sex with 14 year old boys and girls? Are they behind human trafficking? Are they using human trafficking to fulfill their lusts until they can lower the age of consent? This is something that is going on under the radar.

It is the whole environment that they desire that makes me think it is possible. LGBTQ and the promotion of drugs and pot stores and other perversions. Watching Biden fondle children in front of the camera is sickening. Like father, like son, his son is a drug user and child molester. And of course his vice-president openly admits to being a druggie. Extremely serious and evil topics that people need to look into. How prevalent is human trafficking in your area? You need to know.

Then we have the crazy corner....stupid or decide?
The democrats have forbid any member of the party to identify what a woman is? I have personally seen them on TV refusing to identify what a female is. Even a female that is a candidate for the Supreme Court. Why? Because they support the LGBTQ community and want male transvestites to play in female sports...That is high school, collage, and the Olympics.

Of course it was Barak Hussein Obama that initiated this but still stupid. Uni-sex restrooms in high schools and collages. On how many levels is this wrong? One of many reasons you do not want to send your kids to a public school. Well you might want to check because the democrats are trying to force it on private schools.

I hate the lying, wicked Orange Hitler.....does that mean I like Biden or the rest of the stupid , soft- headed Democrats? Neither side deserves’s just like Winston Churchill said — “ The Republicans have no hearts and the Democrats have no Brains” ......I hate trump yet agree with many Republican ideas.....Fir all their faults, the Democrats manned- up when they lost elections and did not come up with a “ Big Lie” just because some Goon was unable to put on his “ Big Boy Pants” and admit that he lost the election.....The Democrats never were traitors that tried to overthrow a Democracy because they would not abide by the Rule of Law —- the Backbone and Essence Of Democracy—- a Democracy That the MAGA crowd never appreciated or understood.

Some lady had a sign on her lawn and it said: “ I may be a Republican, but I ain’t Stupid!” Too many members of Rump’s Sap Brigade are showing more” Stupidity” than the Democrats ever Dreamed Of! Trump is simply a Con Man and he is the most Transparent Con Man That ever lived—- Those That did not see through him years ago are the ones that got Conned....they were his “ Mark” , as they say.....Thank God, there are signs that the Orange Hater is increasingly becoming something that is in the rear- view mirror now, politically speaking.....can you say “ Joe Mc Carthy? He too had his time in the sun.....It appears that like Mc Carthy and “ his” lies —- Rump will soon join that Fool in the land of Political Infamy .....It’s like Lincoln said—- “ You can’t fool all of the people all of the time”......This Ignorant and hate- filled Ghoul has fooled too many for too long.....


Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2019
United States
I hate the lying, wicked Orange Hitler.....does that mean I like Biden or the rest of the stupid , soft- headed Democrats? Neither side deserves’s just like Winston Churchill said — “ The Republicans have no hearts and the Democrats have no Brains” ......I hate trump yet agree with many Republican ideas.....Fir all their faults, the Democrats manned- up when they lost elections and did not come up with a “ Big Lie” just because some Goon was unable to put on his “ Big Boy Pants” and admit that he lost the election.....The Democrats never were traitors that tried to overthrow a Democracy because they would not abide by the Rule of Law —- the Backbone and Essence Of Democracy—- a Democracy That the MAGA crowd never appreciated or understood.

Some lady had a sign on her lawn and it said: “ I may be a Republican, but I ain’t Stupid!” Too many members of Rump’s Sap Brigade are showing more” Stupidity” than the Democrats ever Dreamed Of! Trump is simply a Con Man and he is the most Transparent Con Man That ever lived—- Those That did not see through him years ago are the ones that got Conned....they were his “ Mark” , as they say.....Thank God, there are signs that the Orange Hater is increasingly becoming something that is in the rear- view mirror now, politically speaking.....can you say “ Joe Mc Carthy? He too had his time in the sun.....It appears that like Mc Carthy and “ his” lies —- Rump will soon join that Fool in the land of Political Infamy .....It’s like Lincoln said—- “ You can’t fool all of the people all of the time”......This Ignorant and hate- filled Ghoul has fooled too many for too long.....

Well few things in this world are black and white.....but obviously you are one of millions that cannot see the simple truth of it all. But it is true politicians and entertainers are usually a mess. But it all comes down to how they vote and that is what we vote for. We are not voting for preachers. I do not care if a Republican comes to work in a clown suit and is never sober, but if he votes for God and country, he has my vote. What is the alternative?.....the list still stands as true.

Why do people vote democrat?....are they all evil? Not all. Most vote democrat out of stupidity but for some its all about the drugs and the culture that the democrats support. You got those that think give me programs can go on forever never reaching the bottom of the well never thinking past their nose to realize that eventually they will pay one way or another.

There was a time when the democrats were for the working man......1940's Now a days the democrats rely on the taxes of the working man to give to the low lifes.
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Gospel Believer

Well-Known Member
Aug 2, 2019
Columbus Ohio
United States
There was a time when the democrats were for the working man......1940's Now a days the democrats rely on the taxes of the working man to give to the low lifes.

....and the Republicans make damned sure that the taxes of the Billionaires don't go to help what you refer to as “ low life’s”....... they are too busy giving them $2 trillion dollar tax cuts .....the only thing I can remember Orange Hitler accomplishing while he was the “ Aberration- In - Chief”.......

Rumps #1 Problem was that he had a Black Heart...your remark about the “ low life’s” is typical of his many Republican Worshippers....proving Churchill’s observation to be true.....


Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2019
United States
There was a time when the democrats were for the working man......1940's Now a days the democrats rely on the taxes of the working man to give to the low lifes.

....and the Republicans make damned sure that the taxes of the Billionaires don't go to help what you refer to as “ low life’s”....... they are too busy giving them $2 trillion dollar tax cuts .....the only thing I can remember Orange Hitler accomplishing while he was the “ Aberration- In - Chief”.......

Rumps #1 Problem was that he had a Black Heart...your remark about the “ low life’s” is typical of his many Republican Worshippers....proving Churchill’s observation to be true.....
You do know the more you make the more you are taxed.....and the tax laws and deductions apply to everybody. The hatred of the rich.... jealous? Poor people do not employ people. Average income people do not give large amounts to charity. Low lifes....parasites in society, drug users, illegal aliens etc

Gospel Believer

Well-Known Member
Aug 2, 2019
Columbus Ohio
United States
You do know the more you make the more you are taxed.....and the tax laws and deductions apply to everybody. The hatred of the rich.... jealous? Poor people do not employ people. Average income people do not give large amounts to charity. Low lifes....parasites in society, drug users, illegal aliens etc

I do not envy the rich.....some people are so poor , all that they have is their money.....

The more you make the more you are taxed ? are kidding, right ? Ask an honest billionaire like Warren Buffet’s all about percentages and he will tell you that his secretary pays a higher percentage in taxes than he does....

It’s been shown that the average income person gives a higher percentage of their income than the rich do...

I have no use for any “ parasites” either ......but unlike you and the others that lack any compassion, I don’t want to see scores of innocent children or truly disabled people go hungry just to insure that one who abuses the system does not get an undeserved “ break”.....” But for the Grace of God, there go YOU” need to take that to heart, “ christian”.....


Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2019
United States
It’s been shown that the average income person gives a higher percentage of their income than the rich do...
Again the tax laws are the some. They do not have tax laws for the rich.

I don’t want to see scores of innocent children or truly disabled people go hungry

I would not know because no one goes hungry around here. The haves and have nots....part of reality. I see the homeless but ya know I have worked with the homeless and it is a complicated scenario. Most are there by their own choices, for different reasons. Some are mental where as they cannot work with their own families or anybody that tries to help them. You could put them in a house and they would walk away. Some have drug addictions where the only thing that is important is their next hit of drugs. So it is mostly about their choices and what is important to them. But it is not the fault of the wealthy. And there are a few that come upon dire straits by no fault of their own, but they usually work their way out of it.
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Well-Known Member
May 4, 2018
That wasn't your original question. There are a lot of things political parties do and say and I don't expect them to make my views the platform of the party. Under freedom of speech and belief I am entitled to decide which party to support, if any and the reason I do or do not support. My main focus is to save the lives of innocent babies who have done no wrong so when a Party says that it will facilitate the killing of babies from the conception to birth as the Democrats do my choice is very easy to make.
justifying war by the manufacture of arms/weapons designed for killing other mothers/fathers sons and daughters. How is that different to aborting children......either way its killing.

So, blaming one political party because they don't push the barrow you want them to push only ends up pointing the finger at yourself?


My eldest granddaughter showing the result of her
Feb 27, 2008
Melbourne Australia
justifying war by the manufacture of arms/weapons designed for killing other mothers/fathers sons and daughters. How is that different to aborting children......either way its killing.

So, blaming one political party because they don't push the barrow you want them to push only ends up pointing the finger at yourself?
Thankyou for your red herring.


Well-Known Member
Aug 7, 2021
Birmingham, Al
United States
Stop swallowing the "Kool Aid" of lies and deceit. The above is nothing but propaganda!

It is more than acceptable to vote according to whatever one believes is best for themselves and society as a whole.

Romans has a lot to say about condoning sin ......I suggest you read the book again .....


Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2019
United States
Anybody can call themselves Christian......that is obvious.
But if you call yourself a the democrat initiatives or vote democrat???
post 227 lays out their initiatives and if that is what you think is are one messed up Christian.


Well-Known Member
Jun 26, 2018
United States
I put this in Theology because it is a question of Christian morals.

Taking these democrat initiatives into consideration.

Gun Control
High taxes
Open borders---invasion of illegal aliens receiving government subsidies---Opposed security wall. Sanctuary cities for illegal aliens. Offering tax payer social services and medical to illegal aliens.

Against election security---No ID's required---illegal aliens voting---students on visas---Not allowing law enforcement---covering windows---running ballots after the monitors have left. Since they desire Marxism or communism they do not want fair and honest elections so they do everything they can to make it easy to cheat.

Federal prisoners voting---voter fraud on several levels.

Trying to program our children in school and collages to learn critical race theory and cancel culture history and communism and normalization of homosexualality and anti-Christian beliefs.

Support drug use --- pot stores---lenient on drug offenders.

Soft on crime, revolving door courts that gets people killed. Short prison sentences.

Anti-law enforcement---defund the police---supporting resisting arrest---blame everything on law enforcement.

Reduction of the military.

Working hard and as quick as possible to destroy the economy and jobs. Moving into a recession now.

Doing everything possible to cause inflation, concentrating on what will cause price increases a crossed the board. Groceries, clothes, automobiles, nearly everything.

Democrats are against gas and oil and shutdown wells and pipelines causing high gas prices at the pump and home heating. Purchasing oil from over sea so the prices will be higher.

Anti-Christian---forbid assembly of churches---arrest pastors.

Promoting the idea that if you are white and Christian, and a patriot, you are a white supremacist.

Promoting LGBTQ, communism, atheism, cancel culture, and disrespect towards their mother and fathers in our schools and colleges.

Supported the BLM riots---BLM leaders declare they are Marxist and chat cuss words to Christ as they march---burning Bibles---and churches---take cities hostage---burning and looting---assaults---rapes---murders---going to the homes of politicians they did not like and harassing them---democrats give a big thumbs up to all these hate crimes.

Cancel culture---the democrat attack on all we value and hold good. Physical attack on landmarks. But they salute those Pot stores and abortion clinics...LOL.

Support every give me – hand out Socialist program possible.

Some strange brand of communism.

Trying to get us all to drive electric cars…LOL And hiding all the dangers of them.

Are the democrats behind the movement to lower the age of consent? So they can have sex with 14 year old boys and girls? Are they behind human trafficking? Are they using human trafficking to fulfill their lusts until they can lower the age of consent? This is something that is going on under the radar.
It is the whole environment that they desire that makes me think it is possible. LGBTQ and the promotion of drugs and pot stores and other perversions. Watching Biden fondle children in front of the camera is sickening. Like father, like son, his son is a drug user and child molester. And of course his vice-president openly admits to being a druggie. Extremely serious and evil topics that people need to look into. How prevalent is human trafficking in your area? You need to know.

Then we have the crazy corner....stupid or decide?
The democrats have forbid any member of the party to identify what a woman is? I have personally seen them on TV refusing to identify what a female is. Even a female that is a candidate for the Supreme Court. Why? Because they support the LGBTQ community and want male transvestites to play in female sports...That is high school, collage, and the Olympics.

Of course it was Barak Hussein Obama that initiated this but still stupid. Uni-sex restrooms in high schools and collages. On how many levels is this wrong? One of many reasons you do not want to send your kids to a public school. Well you might want to check because the democrats are trying to force it on private schools.

Not long ago I met a person that claimed to be a Christian that was a Democrat and was shocked! I honestly didn't think they existed! Matthew 7:21-23 will apply to them.


Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2019
United States
Not long ago I met a person that claimed to be a Christian that was a Democrat and was shocked! I honestly didn't think they existed! Matthew 7:21-23 will apply to them.

Greetings 1stCenturyLady.....Hope you have a delightful and safe Easter.
At one time as part of my studies I would randomly pick churches in Missouri to visit and I did the same thing when I visited military sites up and down the eastern seaboard. And I would ask this question directly in Sunday School classes......Can a democrat be a Christian? And should a Christian vote for a democrat?

At first the answers I got surprised me.....but then some of the answers seemed to be consistent no matter where I was.
1. Those that voted for a democrat said they voted for the person not the party.
I point out that the person had to pick the party and they generally vote the same way to support these initiatives.
(I use to have a list of democrat initiates that I carried with me.)

2. Those that called themselves democrats and voted democrat had different reasons....none of them made any sense.
A. Their whole family were democrats.....usually only a small portion being church going Christians.
B. They felt that voting Republican went against separation of church and state. Why? Because they felt that Republican were more religious. They felt that conservativism would infringe on people rights.....And yes I did at times remind them that they were in a church. And yes this does not make any sense.

C. They felt that democrats were for the working man and Republicans were for the rich. My mom use to tell me I told them what I told my mom.....Back before the 50's there was some truth to that. But now a days, it is not true. The Republican are for setting up the working economics so working men and women can succeed and cutting taxes. The highest level of home ownership by blacks was during Trump's reign. The only reason the democrats are interested in the working man, is that they want their tax dollars to give to give me programs and illegal aliens and the rest of their initiatives that I listed. And a lot if it is the Marxist concept that everyone should live at a equal level.

D. And most silly....give me the deer in the headlights look and admit they do not know.

E. And a lot of Christians do not vote for various reasons.

And yes some times these discussions got a little heated....particular after I handed out copies of the democrat initiatives. Just a few year back they would deny being socialists...They gave that up, but now they are something between communist, green initiatives, and atheists that support drug use......the power behind the Pot stores. The democrats openly supported the BLM riots and the BLM organizers...leaders are openly Marxist.

As it is now if you vote democrat you are voting against Christ and our country.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 26, 2018
United States
Greetings 1stCenturyLady.....Hope you have a delightful and safe Easter.
At one time as part of my studies I would randomly pick churches in Missouri to visit and I did the same thing when I visited military sites up and down the eastern seaboard. And I would ask this question directly in Sunday School classes......Can a democrat be a Christian? And should a Christian vote for a democrat?

At first the answers I got surprised me.....but then some of the answers seemed to be consistent no matter where I was.
1. Those that voted for a democrat said they voted for the person not the party.
I point out that the person had to pick the party and they generally vote the same way to support these initiatives.
(I use to have a list of democrat initiates that I carried with me.)

2. Those that called themselves democrats and voted democrat had different reasons....none of them made any sense.
A. Their whole family were democrats.....usually only a small portion being church going Christians.
B. They felt that voting Republican went against separation of church and state. Why? Because they felt that Republican were more religious. They felt that conservativism would infringe on people rights.....And yes I did at times remind them that they were in a church. And yes this does not make any sense.

C. They felt that democrats were for the working man and Republicans were for the rich. My mom use to tell me I told them what I told my mom.....Back before the 50's there was some truth to that. But now a days, it is not true. The Republican are for setting up the working economics so working men and women can succeed and cutting taxes. The highest level of home ownership by blacks was during Trump's reign. The only reason the democrats are interested in the working man, is that they want their tax dollars to give to give me programs and illegal aliens and the rest of their initiatives that I listed. And a lot if it is the Marxist concept that everyone should live at a equal level.

D. And most silly....give me the deer in the headlights look and admit they do not know.

And yes some times these discussions got a little heated....particular after I handed out copies of the democrat initiatives. Just a few year back they would deny being socialists...They gave that up, but now they are something between communist, green initiatives, and atheists that support drug use......the power behind the Pot stores. The democrats openly supported the BLM riots and the BLM organizers...leaders are openly Marxist.

As it is now if you vote democrat you are voting against Christ and our country.
I'm 76 and remember the time before Roe vs. Wade. My family were always Republicans. But there wasn't that great a difference between the two parties as there is today. Today, only a lukewarm and spiritually ignorant Christian could possibly choose to be a Democrat.
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