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Again, you go to the exclamation that is not even a sentence.Such irony indeed! No Scripture? Of course you don't have any.
John 20 Thomas said to Jesus, "My Lord and MY GOD"!
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Again, you go to the exclamation that is not even a sentence.Such irony indeed! No Scripture? Of course you don't have any.
John 20 Thomas said to Jesus, "My Lord and MY GOD"!
I believe Jesus was God in flesh:You should believe Jesus, all his real followers do-John 17:3--This means eternal life, their knowing you(Father) THE ONLY TRUE GOD and the one whom you sent forth Christ Jesus---all can see 2 points there taught by Jesus--1) The Father is the only true God, and God did not come he sent one named Jesus as a mortal.
Oh, so Jesus Christ is an IDOL now?Then you ADD to God's word as nowhere is says merely a part of Jesus died. This shows you're willing to distort God's word to protect your IDOL.
As you know, An idol is something man-made that is worshipped. This includes the man-is-god thesis.Oh, so Jesus Christ is an IDOL now?
Wow. That's fresh!
And behind every idol is a demon.As you know, An idol is something man-made that is worshipped. This includes the man-is-god thesis.
Yes its Gods active force, not a living being.
You can't even name ONE Bible! Who told you that your opinions overrule our Bible? Kingdom Hall maybe?
What I would like to know is why would somebody or something want Christians to believe the Holy Spirit is a person. Who does it benefit? What does it produce? I have the same question with why make Jesus God. If there is no Trinity. Then who does it benefit to believe there is? Certainly not the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.
i just showed you, in every translation on earth Jesus teaches the Father is the only true God.I believe Jesus was God in flesh:
"Behold, a virgin shall conceive and bear a son,
and his name shall be called Emmanuel"
(which means, God with us). Matthew 1:23 RSV
You have a fantasy idea regarding the Holy Spirit.
Too many movies.
Jesus says...>
""""""But when HE, the Spirit of truth, comes, HE will guide you into all the truth. HE will not speak on his own; HE will speak only what he hears, and HE will tell you what is yet to come."""
Do you notice the "HE" HE" "HE" ??
That is not a "force". That is a person, the person of the Holy Spirit. = "HE".
Yes, and I believe, as the scripture I quoted seems to verify, that Jesus is God in flesh - God with us.i just showed you, in every translation on earth Jesus teaches the Father is the only true God.
Mistranslation?Do you notice the "HE" HE" "HE" ??
That is not a "force". That is a person
That would mean the bible contradicts itself, and we know that isnt true. Trinity bibles contradict Jesus to the core by the errors translated in by Catholicism to fit their false council teachings. Trinity scholars know 100% the God Israel served was never a trinity.Yes, and I believe, as the scripture I quoted seems to verify, that Jesus is God in flesh - God with us.
That would mean the bible contradicts itself, and we know that isnt true. Trinity bibles contradict Jesus to the core by the errors translated in by Catholicism to fit their false council teachings. Trinity scholars know 100% the God Israel served was never a trinity.
God gave the Scriptures to the Jewish people, and the Jewish religion and worship that comes from that revelation does not contain any reference to or teachings about a triune God. Surely the Jewish people were qualified to read and understand it, but they never saw the doctrine of the Trinity, but rather just the opposite as all throughout their history they fiercely defended the fact that there was only one God. Jesus himself tied the greatest commandment in the Law together with there being only one God when an expert in Old Testament law asked him which of the commandments was the most important. Jesus said to him “The first of all the commandments is, Hear, O Israel; The Lord our God is one Lord: And thou shalt love the Lord thy God….” (Mark 12:29-30).
No - God was trying to do (at least) two things by coming down in human form, I believe. He was trying to teach us, but he was also trying to set an example for us. He couldn't say, "I am God," because he didn't want us running around saying, "I am God."That would mean the bible contradicts itself, and we know that isnt true. Trinity bibles contradict Jesus to the core by the errors translated in by Catholicism to fit their false council teachings. Trinity scholars know 100% the God Israel served was never a trinity.
The problem is that those in fear of using Gods name in vain( because they did) removed Gods name in nearly 7000 places( 6800-OT-200 NT) In the Ot replaced Gods name=YHWH with GOD or LORD all capitols. So when trinitarians read LORD they assume its speaking of Jesus( 1Cor 8:6) but LORD does not belong in those spots. It was removed by satans will to mislead. The prime example of that is Joel 2:21-22--Those who call on the name of YHWH(Jehovah) will be saved--quoted in the NT at Acts 2:21 and Romans 10:13, but since LORD is in their OT, Lord is in their NT at both spots. Thus they will call on the name Jesus to be saved and fail what the bible really teaches them to do-Call on the name of YHWH(Jehovah) to be saved.
The bible is clear--God sent one named Jesus as a mortal. One cannot send themselves. And proof is at Rev 1:1--a revelation of Jesus Christ which God gave to him--- see 2 beings there, one is God one is Jesus-There is only 1 God.No - God was trying to do (at least) two things by coming down in human form, I believe. He was trying to teach us, but he was also trying to set an example for us. He couldn't say, "I am God," because he didn't want us running around saying, "I am God."
Philippians 2:11
And that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.
The title "Lord" (Greek, Kurious) as Kittel's observes, means "one who has full authority." (7) In the Old Testament, God alone had "full authority" and filled both functions of Creator (Elohim) and Lord (Jehovah). Jehovah is used in connection with men with whom He has entered into some kind of covenant, starting with Adam in Genesis 2:7, and including Israel. Several redemptive characteristics and divine functions are associated with the sacred name Jehovah (Yahweh), including giving righteousness (Jeremiah 23:6), healing (Exodus 15:26), sanctification (Exodus 31:13), providing (Genesis 22:14), protection from enemies (Exodus 17:15), giving peace (Judges 6:24), and being continually present (Ezekiel 48:35). These functions can be assumed and/or delegated by persons having the authority. God has delegated many, if not all of these divine functions to Jesus Christ to share in as "Lord."