Joe Biden just promised real food shortages in Europe and the U.S. due to Russian sanctions

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amigo de christo

Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
San angelo
United States
I am prepping as well . Storing up the teachings of our LORD upon my heart .
A wise man looks into the future and prepares himself . THE DAY OF JESUS CHRIST IS COMING
be ye prepared for that day , be ye ready for that day , for no man knows their final day .
Tommorrow in this world is not gauranteed . BUT ONE DAY IS gauranteed
and whether we wake or are already asleep THAT DAY IS GAURANTEED TO COME .
SO be prepared for HIS DAY and be storing up upon the heart and the mind HIS EVERY teaching , His every word .
In this world ye shall have tribulations , but be OF GOOD CHEER . JESUS HAS OVERCOME THE WORLD
our FAITH IN HIM overcomes . Now march on and let the glorious Lord be praised .
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amigo de christo

Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
San angelo
United States
Be storing your treasures above , where moth nor rust does corrupt , where no thief can break in or steal .
JESUS has come to give us the abundant life . The life that TRUSTS IN HIM and has all HOPE in HIM .
The LIFE that giveth peace of mind , for its TRUST IS IN THE LORD . March on in the glorious LORD my peoples
and let us learn well our bibles .

Ronald Nolette

Well-Known Member
Aug 24, 2020
South Carolina
United States
I would not eat that either dear sister . synthetic meat . It aint the way the LORD made it . Let us simply
eat the foods that grow of the ground and meats that have not been tampered with .
That sounds nasty sister . synthetic meat sounds foul .

Well in this day and age all the food we buy from the stores unless they are certified 100% organic have been modified. Vegetables have been genetically modified to withstand drought, pests and produce in abundance.

Meats are injected with antibiotics and chickens modified to grow large breasts etc.etc. But I agree- synthetic meat sounds gross! Like tang which is synthetic OJ.
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amigo de christo

Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
San angelo
United States
Well in this day and age all the food we buy from the stores unless they are certified 100% organic have been modified. Vegetables have been genetically modified to withstand drought, pests and produce in abundance.

Meats are injected with antibiotics and chickens modified to grow large breasts etc.etc. But I agree- synthetic meat sounds gross! Like tang which is synthetic OJ.
Yes indeed most of it is now . And some products are far worse than others too .
I stick as much as i can to the organic grown . and stay as far away as i can from the processed stuff .
They wonder why immune disorders and other stuff has grown over the years .
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Ronald Nolette

Well-Known Member
Aug 24, 2020
South Carolina
United States
Yes indeed most of it is now . And some products are far worse than others too .
I stick as much as i can to the organic grown . and stay as far away as i can from the processed stuff .
They wonder why immune disorders and other stuff has grown over the years .

Well canned veggies and meats are pretty clean, veggies just teh vegetable, water and some salt. I have my own garden and bought a large supply of wheat grain to make my own bread now.
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Scott Downey

Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2021
New Brunswick
Scott it sounds like to me , you have sat under some of those who taught the power of postive thought .
My advice is , simply TRUST what JESUS TUAGHT .
No, I am not of those word of faith folk, not speaking a positive confession to make things happen in the spiritual realm.
I am not God who calls those things which do not exist as though they did;
Read Hebrews 11 about faith, such a faith is not of themselves, it is the gift of God.
However people of faith will do great and good things having a great reward as they have pleased God.
  1. Hebrews 11:5
    By faith Enoch was taken away so that he did not see death, “and was not found, because God had taken him”; for before he was taken he had this testimony, that he pleased God.
    In Context | Full Chapter | Other Translations
  2. Hebrews 11:6
    But without faith it is impossible to please Him, for he who comes to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him.
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amigo de christo

Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
San angelo
United States
No, I am not of those word of faith folk, not speaking a positive confession to make things happen in the spiritual realm.
I am not God who calls those things which do not exist as though they did;
Read Hebrews 11 about faith, such a faith is not of themselves, it is the gift of God.
However people of faith will do great and good things having a great reward as they have pleased God.
  1. Hebrews 11:5
    By faith Enoch was taken away so that he did not see death, “and was not found, because God had taken him”; for before he was taken he had this testimony, that he pleased God.
    In Context | Full Chapter | Other Translations
  2. Hebrews 11:6
    But without faith it is impossible to please Him, for he who comes to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him.
Well i am happy to see that you know those folks are false .
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amigo de christo

Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
San angelo
United States
Of course. Not too hard to tell is it.
There is also their 'little gods' teaching, honestly it is some cringeworthy stuff some of their leaders are teaching.
They too busy trying to be as GOD and loving the power of being self exalted ,
but have long forgotten that JESUS CHRIST HIMSELF wore a crown of thorns and walked lowly and humble .
Very dangerous doctrine they teach indeed my friend .
They busy heaping up more than man could ever need , talking about golden crowns
and being gods , yet have long forgotten that JESUS never ate better , never had more money than
EVEN HIS OWN DESICPLES . I say we need to learn the JESUS of that bible well .
THEY holler that we must HOLLER to GOD for what we want and demand it .
YET What kind of faith pleased JESUS . The ones who knew they were not WORTHY
the ones who were humble and KNEW GOD alone was worthy and not themselves .
I tell us all this faith word lil god stuff is coming right from the devil and it feeds the pride of man .
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Scott Downey

Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2021
New Brunswick
They too busy trying to be as GOD and loving the power of being self exalted ,
but have long forgotten that JESUS CHRIST HIMSELF wore a crown of thorns and walked lowly and humble .
Very dangerous doctrine they teach indeed my friend .
They busy heaping up more than man could ever need , talking about golden crowns
and being gods , yet have long forgotten that JESUS never ate better , never had more money than
EVEN HIS OWN DESICPLES . I say we need to learn the JESUS of that bible well .
THEY holler that we must HOLLER to GOD for what we want and demand it .
YET What kind of faith pleased JESUS . The ones who knew they were not WORTHY
the ones who were humble and KNEW GOD alone was worthy and not themselves .
I tell us all this faith word lil god stuff is coming right from the devil and it feeds the pride of man .

I also hate their teaching of Christ being tortured in Hell.
He was not tortured in hell.
He said it was finished on the cross.
He did go and preach Himself to some of those in Hades-Hell.
There is never any scripture teaching of Christ tormented in hell.

in truth Christ tells one of the thieves on the cross, that day he would be with Christ in Paradise.
Not torture, but Paradise, where all the OT righteous saints when they died would go to be, in Paradise.
Granted that paradise was a compartment of Hades or Hell, Hades being the place of the dead, those who died before the Resurrection, but not in a place of torment.. which was its own separate compartment, refer to the parable of Lazarus and the rich man.

Acts 2:23-32
New King James Version

23 Him, being delivered by the determined purpose and foreknowledge of God, you have taken by lawless hands, have crucified, and put to death; 24 whom God raised up, having loosed the pains of death, because it was not possible that He should be held by it. 25 For David says concerning Him:

‘I foresaw the Lord always before my face,
For He is at my right hand, that I may not be shaken.
26 Therefore my heart rejoiced, and my tongue was glad;
Moreover my flesh also will rest in hope.
27 For You will not leave my soul in Hades,
27 KJV uses HELL here
"27 Because thou wilt not leave my soul in hell"
Nor will You allow Your Holy One to see corruption.
28 You have made known to me the ways of life;
You will make me full of joy in Your presence.’

29 “Men and brethren, let me speak freely to you of the patriarch David, that he is both dead and buried, and his tomb is with us to this day. 30 Therefore, being a prophet, and knowing that God had sworn with an oath to him that of the fruit of his body, according to the flesh, He would raise up the Christ to sit on his throne, 31 he, foreseeing this, spoke concerning the resurrection of the Christ, that His soul was not left in Hades, KJV uses hell here, "his soul was not left in hell", nor did His flesh see corruption. 32 This Jesus God has raised up, of which we are all witnesses.

However the part of hell-hades for them was Paradise, as Hell-Hades is compartmented, including Tartarus for the fallen angels, they are bound right now in Tartarus

2 Peter 3
18 For Christ also suffered once for sins, the just for the unjust, that He might bring us to God, being put to death in the flesh but made alive by the Spirit, 19 by whom also He went and preached to the spirits in prison, 20 who formerly were disobedient, when once the Divine longsuffering waited in the days of Noah, while the ark was being prepared, in which a few, that is, eight souls, were saved through water.
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Scott Downey

Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2021
New Brunswick
If you see a freight train barreling towards you down the tracks do you step out of the way, or let it hit you? Maybe so if your self destructive, how many of you hate your own flesh.

Ephesians 5:29 For no one ever hated his own flesh, but nourishes and cherishes it, just as the Lord does the church.

UN Food Chief Warns of Global Crisis Not Seen Since World War II

UN Food Chief Warns of Global Crisis Not Seen Since World War II
By Isabel van Brugen March 30, 2022 Updated: March 30, 2022biggersmaller Print
The U.N. food chief on Tuesday warned that Russia’s Ukraine invasion will have a global impact “beyond anything we’ve seen since World War II” and that the war has created “a catastrophe on top of a catastrophe.”

“We would have never dreamed anything like this would be possible,” David Beasley, executive director of the U.N. World Food Program told the U.N. Security Council.

Already high food prices are skyrocketing, said Beasley, because many of the Ukrainian farmers who produce a significant amount of the world’s wheat are now fighting Russians.

The U.N. Food and Agriculture Organization warned earlier this month of a looming global food crisis, with supplies of crucial staple crops threatened amid the ongoing conflict. Russia and Ukraine are key exporters of grain, supplying nearly 30 percent of wheat and nearly 20 percent of corn in the global market.

Prior to Russian President Vladimir Putin’s invasion of Ukraine on Feb. 24, Beasley said his agency was feeding 125 million people globally.

The agency has now been forced to cut rations due to skyrocketing food, fuel, and shipping costs, he explained. The rising costs have caused a $71 million per month increase in the agency’s operational costs, according to Beasley.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2020
Northeast USA
United States
If you see a freight train barreling towards you down the tracks do you step out of the way, or ley it hit you?

Stop being absurd.

But here’s some more OT scripture for you:

“The LORD knoweth the days of the upright: and their inheritance shall be for ever. They shall not be ashamed in the evil time: and in the days of famine they shall be satisfied.” (Psalms 37:18-19)

Scott Downey

Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2021
New Brunswick
The Ukraine invasion is turning “the breadbasket of the world to breadlines” for millions of its people, while devastating countries like Egypt which normally gets 85 percent of its grain from Ukraine, and Lebanon which got 81 percent in 2020, Beasley said.

Beasley said the World Food Program buys 50 percent of its grain from Ukraine.

Wendy Sherman, the U.S. Deputy Secretary of State, told the Council that things will continue to deteriorate globally.

“So long as Putin continues his war, so long as Russian forces continue to bombard Ukrainian cities and block aid convoys, so long as besieged civilians are unable to get to safety, this humanitarian crisis will only get worse—in Ukraine, for the Russian people, and around the world,” said Sherman.

Beasley expressed a similar sentiment.

“If we end the conflict, address the needs, we can avoid famine, destabilization of nations, and mass migration,” he said. “But if we don’t, the world will pay a mighty price and the last thing we want to do as the World Food Program is taking food from hungry children to give to starving children.”
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