uncle silas
BrakeliteWhen I received Christ as my Saviour, I also accepted Him as my Lord, confessing Him as my Creator/Maker, and thus unconsciously at the time, committing myself to a life of obedience.
Thank you for taking the time to write what you did, of your life and beliefs. I will reciprocate.
I was raised in a church that preached holiness to a very high decree. At the age of ten I responded to an altar call. The first noticeable difference I found in my life was, I became conscious of my sin/imperfections in a very real and profound way. This was something new, that I had never previously known. I know now it was evidence of me being in covenant, God had placed applicable law within me, and as you would agree:
Through the law we become conscious of sin Rom3:20
I would hear it often stated: ‘We must obey the TC’’
Whenever I heard that my thoughts turned inward and I felt much guilt. I didn’t have any problem not committing murder, adultery, stealing, taking the Lord’s name in vain, but it was if I instinctively knew I had to obey on the inside to obey the TC. I put that down to having the law in my heart and mind. I was right, Romch7 proves it. Paul himself stated he had to die to the law as he put it because he could not obey the law no one he and God need know he broke. And he referenced one of the TC concerning this.
So, I felt much guilt and shame because I could not obey the TC on the inside. Sin is sin-right? We cannot pick and choose what we obey and do not obey of applicable law. Paul himself said his sin on the inside condemned him as a pharisee, so he obviously felt it mattered.
I started to fear hell, I was not obeying the TC, the more I feared hell the worse the sin got. How did I end up? If you read Rom7:7-11 KJV, that is my testimony word for word of that time in my life. My experience was Saul the pharisees experience, so, I had tried to attain to Heaven as he had, and got the same result he got. For a while I left the church, dispirited at my faliure to conform to the law.
A few years later, someone asked me to read a book, in it was a chapter on Paul’s core gospel message. I was literally stunned by what I read. Christians had no righteousness of obeying the law. I actually dared to believe I could be a Christian after all as this was the case. I looked away from the law and to Christ, trusting he was my righteousness before God. When I did that, the sin lessened, before it had only got worse.
Concerning applicable law. At a very young age I understood what obeying the TC entailed, I did not know by reading the letter of them, my eyes were opened from within. Many today who read the letter of the TC don’t understand what obedience involves, they only have a shallow understanding, so, the greater conviction always come from within, not through reading the letter.
Thou shalt NOT, no wiggle room for error, perfectly obey them or stand guilty before them
Our experiences are very different. All I can say is, in all sincerity, as the law is now in my most inward parts, I cannot hide from any of it. If I looked to the TC, I would only see my shortcomings before them. If I look to Jesus, I have peace. Does this mean I can ignore applicable law and act however I like? Impossible, in my mind I know how God wants me to life, and in my heart(not my flesh) I want to live that way, for that is where law now is, in my heart.
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