Living here, while being there.

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Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
How to live in a body on earth, .....while walking in the Spirit : as a "new Creation".

Let me say that again..

How to live in a body on earth, ....while walking in the SPIRIT, as a new creation...

That is "Christianity".

Do you know what it means to do that?
Its this...

'"working out your salvation"..

To work out your salvation, is not to try to perform good works, hoping that if you DO, then God is happy with you, and will keep you.

Now listen carefully....God will never keep you, if you are bad, and God will never keep you, if you are good.
God will only keep you, if you are born again.

See,...for God to keep you, you have to be a part of His Spirit.
You have to become "ONE with God and Christ", so that you exist as this..
""as JESUS ARE the born again....on the earth"..

Now, you have never heard this before,
and some of you are in Church all you life.
Yet what i just showed you, is the most basic understanding, = simple NT doctrine regarding "justification" based on the Blood Atonement.

Maybe you need to find a new Church.....
Or maybe all you have needed is just a solid and true teacher to show you very simply basic Keys, a few simple spiritual lessons, to get you on the Path of Light so that you can be all you can be for Father God.

Could be...

So, to work out your salvation, is to Live down here, while walking up there...
"up THERE">.. where is that ?????
That is the Kingdom of God, that is INSIDE YOU.

To walk in the Spirit, is not to speak in tongues while you are in the shower.
And its not to try to force all sinful imaginations out of your head, by self effort, as much as possible.

"working out your salvation, and walking in the Spirit", is the same thing, principally, but, there are DEPTHS of it, that is only related to RIGHT BELIEVING.

Walking in the Spirit, as "working out your salvation", starts by being born again, and end up, as...>"the fullness of the Stature of Christ".
Or as Paul teaches..>>"as many as be PERFECT"..

A Carnal Christian thinks...."ok, i can do this thing.....i can force the bad out of my head, all thoughts of sinful pleasure..... and i can keep trying to do that, keep striving to do that, straining at the straps...confessing when i fail......and if I endure this way to the end, i'll keep myself saved, and that is walking in the Spirit".

And that is exactly wrong.....

And if you are doing that, you are sinning more and confessing, which accomplishes nothing, and you are STUCK in this Cycle, going round and round like a revolving REPENTING door that wont let you out.
And Saint, that is not DISCIPLESHIP. That is a carnal understanding, a misapplication of knowledge, a Theological deceit, and the perfect way to remain a basically useless to God- babe in Christ, till you die.
And that of course, is the Devil's plan.
He wants you to stay sucking your thumb, on the "tit" for life, theologically dumbed down, useless for God, and failing to live Holy with Grace perfected consistency.

It does not have to be that way for you Reader.
So, how do you get off the thumb, and off the Milk Bottle, and into the LIGHT?


1.) You learn what this verse means, and you live in it, you LIVE IN IT.. in your Heart.

STUDY = Hebrews 13:9

2.) Stop trying to stay saved. As this is proof you are not actually in FAITH, which is to actually believe that Jesus is the Savior.
See, if you say...>" i know that Jesus is the savior"< >YET =you are trying to keep yourself saved, then He is not YOUR FAITH anymore, as you now have faith in YOU, to try to do what only He can do for you.
See it?

What does it mean to walk in the Spirit.?

It simply means to have the right mind, the right BELIEF.. which is to rest completely from all ideas about trying not to sin, and trying to be good, and turn your mind and faith to this..... and LIVE THERE.....= God's Grace is why i have the power to live holy, and God's Grace is why i am always KEPT in perfect peace with God.
Its God Grace that is the reason i am going to go to heaven.

Walking in the Spirit, is to stop trying to do it, as you can't.
You also can't stop committing works of the flesh (sin) by trying to stop.

Saint.....You can't please God by trying to DO Stuff.

And the reason you can't is that pleasing God is not related to Self EFFORT...its only accomplished by RESTING from effort, by Right Believing.
"without FAITH, its impossible to please God"....means....that without correct understanding of GRACE, and living THERE in your Faith, you can't please God.

Pleasing God, is Resting from trying to Perform to be accepted by God, is Right Believing.
Pleasing God, is Resting from trying to stop sinning, by self effort, is Right Believing.

Walking in the Spirit, is to understand that God's Grace, is what you are to live, within your Faith, within your mind, which is Right Believing.

Establishing your HEART of FAITH with GRACE, is Right Believing.

And to do that, you have to deeply understand God's Grace.

GRACE is this : God, as Jesus's Sacrifice, has already done everything for you to make you Holy and keep you Holy. = "The Gift of Righteousness".
God, as Jesus's sacrifice, has already done everything for you to make you Clean, and keep you clean.
God, as Jesus's sacrifice, has already done everything for you so that you are accepted by God, and kept for all eternity.
God, as Jesus's sacrifice, has done everything for you, so that all your sin, is gone.
To understand Grace is to BELIEVE that the Blood Atonement is not temporary, or related to your BEHAVIOR.

Understanding the Grace of God, is to understand that God has done everything necessary, Himself, through Jesus's Blood, for you to stay always at peace with God, no matter what.... = having full assurance that this can never be changed by your behavior.

How powerful is the blood atonement ????
How powerful is GOD's BLOOD ? is so powerful,... so eternally powerful.... that it has already, 2000 yrs ago, paid for all the sin of the world, forever.
It is so powerful, that it recreates you as a "new Creation"... and keeps you always as if you have never sinned.
That is Salvation.
That is the GIFT of Salvation, that is available to everyone who by Faith will come to God through Christ's eternal redemption, and be born again into God.
The blood of Jesus, saves you, and keeps you saved.
If you cant understand this yet, or if you doubt that this is true, then you have not understood Grace, or you are "fallen from Grace".
Thats a fact.

See, when you think that your behavior can undo, or delete, or set aside, God's Grace, ....(Jesus's Blood).... then what you are doing is believing that YOU have more power to stop God's Grace, then God has the Power to perform it, faithfully for eternity.
Philippians 1:6

And THAT, Saint, is the heart of pride, and self righteousness.....which is to believe that you have the power to stop God's Salvation.

Listen to me.... if that is YOUR Theology, your belief...
Then turn from that wrong Believing. Repent of that Wrong Believing, and you'll start to find the Light of God's Grace that IS the Power of Christ, and this continual power will direct you and empower you to be able to live a perfected discipleship.
=That is "victorious living", and that is how God REcreated you to exist as a born again "new creation" "in Christ", within the Kingdom of God.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 4, 2018
United States
How to live in a body on earth, .....while walking in the Spirit : as a "new Creation".

Let me say that again..

How to live in a body on earth, ....while walking in the SPIRIT, as a new creation...

That is "Christianity".

Do you know what it means to do that?
Its this...

'"working out your salvation"..

To work out your salvation, is not to try to perform good works, hoping that if you DO, then God is happy with you, and will keep you.

Now listen carefully....God will never keep you, if you are bad, and God will never keep you, if you are good.
God will only keep you, if you are born again.

See,...for God to keep you, you have to be a part of His Spirit.
You have to become "ONE with God and Christ", so that you exist as this..
""as JESUS ARE the born again....on the earth"..

Now, you have never heard this before,
and some of you are in Church all you life.
Yet what i just showed you, is the most basic understanding, = simple NT doctrine regarding "justification" based on the Blood Atonement.

Maybe you need to find a new Church.....
Or maybe all you have needed is just a solid and true teacher to show you very simply basic Keys, a few simple spiritual lessons, to get you on the Path of Light so that you can be all you can be for Father God.

Could be...

So, to work out your salvation, is to Live down here, while walking up there...
"up THERE">.. where is that ?????
That is the Kingdom of God, that is INSIDE YOU.

To walk in the Spirit, is not to speak in tongues while you are in the shower.
And its not to try to force all sinful imaginations out of your head, by self effort, as much as possible.

"working out your salvation, and walking in the Spirit", is the same thing, principally, but, there are DEPTHS of it, that is only related to RIGHT BELIEVING.

Walking in the Spirit, as "working out your salvation", starts by being born again, and end up, as...>"the fullness of the Stature of Christ".
Or as Paul teaches..>>"as many as be PERFECT"..

A Carnal Christian thinks...."ok, i can do this thing.....i can force the bad out of my head, all thoughts of sinful pleasure..... and i can keep trying to do that, keep striving to do that, straining at the straps...confessing when i fail......and if I endure this way to the end, i'll keep myself saved, and that is walking in the Spirit".

And that is exactly wrong.....

And if you are doing that, you are sinning more and confessing, which accomplishes nothing, and you are STUCK in this Cycle, going round and round like a revolving REPENTING door that wont let you out.
And Saint, that is not DISCIPLESHIP. That is a carnal understanding, a misapplication of knowledge, a Theological deceit, and the perfect way to remain a basically useless to God- babe in Christ, till you die.
And that of course, is the Devil's plan.
He wants you to stay sucking your thumb, on the "tit" for life, theologically dumbed down, useless for God, and failing to live Holy with Grace perfected consistency.

It does not have to be that way for you Reader.
So, how do you get off the thumb, and off the Milk Bottle, and into the LIGHT?


1.) You learn what this verse means, and you live in it, you LIVE IN IT.. in your Heart.

STUDY = Hebrews 13:9

2.) Stop trying to stay saved. As this is proof you are not actually in FAITH, which is to actually believe that Jesus is the Savior.
See, if you say...>" i know that Jesus is the savior"< >YET =you are trying to keep yourself saved, then He is not YOUR FAITH anymore, as you now have faith in YOU, to try to do what only He can do for you.
See it?

What does it mean to walk in the Spirit.?

It simply means to have the right mind, the right BELIEF.. which is to rest completely from all ideas about trying not to sin, and trying to be good, and turn your mind and faith to this..... and LIVE THERE.....= God's Grace is why i have the power to live holy, and God's Grace is why i am always KEPT in perfect peace with God.
Its God Grace that is the reason i am going to go to heaven.

Walking in the Spirit, is to stop trying to do it, as you can't.
You also can't stop committing works of the flesh (sin) by trying to stop.

Saint.....You can't please God by trying to DO Stuff.

And the reason you can't is that pleasing God is not related to Self EFFORT...its only accomplished by RESTING from effort, by Right Believing.
"without FAITH, its impossible to please God"....means....that without correct understanding of GRACE, and living THERE in your Faith, you can't please God.

Pleasing God, is Resting from trying to Perform to be accepted by God, is Right Believing.
Pleasing God, is Resting from trying to stop sinning, by self effort, is Right Believing.

Walking in the Spirit, is to understand that God's Grace, is what you are to live, within your Faith, within your mind, which is Right Believing.

Establishing your HEART of FAITH with GRACE, is Right Believing.

And to do that, you have to deeply understand God's Grace.

GRACE is this : God, as Jesus's Sacrifice, has already done everything for you to make you Holy and keep you Holy. = "The Gift of Righteousness".
God, as Jesus's sacrifice, has already done everything for you to make you Clean, and keep you clean.
God, as Jesus's sacrifice, has already done everything for you so that you are accepted by God, and kept for all eternity.
God, as Jesus's sacrifice, has done everything for you, so that all your sin, is gone.
To understand Grace is to BELIEVE that the Blood Atonement is not temporary, or related to your BEHAVIOR.

Understanding the Grace of God, is to understand that God has done everything necessary, Himself, through Jesus's Blood, for you to stay always at peace with God, no matter what.... = having full assurance that this can never be changed by your behavior.

How powerful is the blood atonement ????
How powerful is GOD's BLOOD ? is so powerful,... so eternally powerful.... that it has already, 2000 yrs ago, paid for all the sin of the world, forever.
It is so powerful, that it recreates you as a "new Creation"... and keeps you always as if you have never sinned.
That is Salvation.
That is the GIFT of Salvation, that is available to everyone who by Faith will come to God through Christ's eternal redemption, and be born again into God.
The blood of Jesus, saves you, and keeps you saved.
If you cant understand this yet, or if you doubt that this is true, then you have not understood Grace, or you are "fallen from Grace".
Thats a fact.

See, when you think that your behavior can undo, or delete, or set aside, God's Grace, ....(Jesus's Blood).... then what you are doing is believing that YOU have more power to stop God's Grace, then God has the Power to perform it, faithfully for eternity.
Philippians 1:6

And THAT, Saint, is the heart of pride, and self righteousness.....which is to believe that you have the power to stop God's Salvation.

Listen to me.... if that is YOUR Theology, your belief...
Then turn from that wrong Believing. Repent of that Wrong Believing, and you'll start to find the Light of God's Grace that IS the Power of Christ, and this continual power will direct you and empower you to be able to live a perfected discipleship.
=That is "victorious living", and that is how God REcreated you to exist as a born again "new creation" "in Christ", within the Kingdom of God.
Pretty well sums up what you have been speaking of in other threads. Brings these biblical concepts all together and into one view.

Victorious living indeed is way to be and grow while on this earth. Many do miss the simple and very significant parts of scripture that applies to their 'new' life, today. Many would rather get caught up into complicated and wrong ideas that seem trendy, intriguing, although keeps them wanting to be come back and be fed more lies, as a strong and yet comforting and 'happy' drug. You have said it well already....Blessings to you and family......APAK


Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
Pretty well sums up what you have been speaking of in other threads. Brings these biblical concepts all together and into one view.

Victorious living indeed is way to be and grow while on this earth. Many do miss the simple and very significant parts of scripture that applies to their 'new' life, today. Many would rather get caught up into complicated and wrong ideas that seem trendy, intriguing, although keeps them wanting to be come back and be fed more lies, as a strong and yet comforting and 'happy' drug. You have said it well already....Blessings to you and family......APAK

People make Christianity difficult, while God made it as easy as always resting in His Grace.

Blessings to you and yours, also. thank you.
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