Mark of the Beast?

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Spiritual Warrior
Staff member
May 10, 2018
United States
Unfortunately Base12 has some very WEIRD interpretations. Look out.
Actually, I can understand it quite well because of my medical background. And he hasn't misinterpreted any scripture but he has connected our created body and how it's in harmony with God and scripture and why we are considered His Temple, His Body, His Church....etc.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 27, 2019
United States
What does that mean?
Man 2.0 is on the way and we will soon become obsolete.

We are talking about changing the DNA of every cell in the Body in an attempt to become 'Gods'...

Genesis 3:5
"For God doth know that in the day ye eat thereof, then your eyes shall be opened, and ye shall be as gods, knowing good and evil"

It's that old promise the Serpent made with Mankind... that we 'shall not surely die'.

I'm convinced this Global Pandemic is because we 'added' unto DNA which is the Word of God in our Cells...

Revelation 22:18
"For I testify unto every man that heareth the words of the prophecy of this book, If any man shall add unto these things, God shall add unto him the plagues that are written in this book"

I warned this would happen in other Forums after China created those Designer Babies not too long ago.

I was able to prepare months in advance for this... even to the point of moving to a new state and small town.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 1, 2020
Tulsa, OK
United States

What Does the Bible Say? Conundrums & Controversy: Mike Hoggard - Anti-apostasy Teacher or the Next Harold Camping?

Just a couple short excerpts here: (a long webpage/site at the url, and others available)
"The next teaching that I will mention here is the one about there not being a physical temple in Jerusalem. He is teaching that the temple referred to in 2 Thessalonians 2:3-4 “Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition; Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, shewing himself that he is God,” is speaking about the human heart. He comes to this conclusion on the following basis. The word temple is used as many times in the Bible as the human body has bones. According to what I learned in science, the human body has 206 bones. Now I have counted this twice, and the word temple is used 203 times in the Bible. There are three different Hebrew words that are translated “temple”, and two different Greek words that are translated “temple.” Further the plural “temples” is used nine times – two different Hebrew words, and one Greek word. So what is the first conclusion I can make? That Hoggard has lied and manipulated information to try to make his point."

"Next he says that the heart has four chambers, and there are four cherubim around the throne of God. The two lungs stand for the O.T. and N.T. Your breath stands for the Holy Spirit. The seven vascular bundles in the lungs called nodes stand for the seven spirits which is the seven branched candlestick in Revelation. The twenty-four ribs are the twenty-four elders around the throne. Thus, instead of taking God's Word literally and believing that He meant a real temple, we are supposed to understand from Hoggard's “revelation” that these things correspond to the temple, thus our body is the temple spoken of in Matthew and Thessalonians. I will not deny that God uses patterns over and over in His creation. The largest thing, the universe, and the smallest thing, the atom have the same form or pattern. God reuses His patterns in a multitude of ways, so as He designed our bodies to house His spirit when we accept Him, it is not hard to imagine that He did use the same template. HOWEVER, Hoggard comes to this conclusion without taking into consideration what the Scriptures blatantly tell us. "


Well-Known Member
Apr 1, 2020
Tulsa, OK
United States
Unfortunately Base12 has some very WEIRD interpretations. Look out.
Same person who believes in re-incarnation here ? >>
Reincarnation is a lie. - Page 4
Just as I thought. You just came up with your own 'rule' talking about 'natural death'.
I see no verse talking about a 'natural death'.
Please provide two verses backing your statement up that 'second death' and 'die once' do not contradict one another.
Quoting: Base12"

I think it's obvious, and needs no further explanation than what I already provided.
ONe natural death and one supernatural death. Notice Jesus didn't say "the 2343 death" He would have if reincarnation were true....He said the "2nd death" and that was only for those who were condemned."
=====end quote=====================================================


Well-Known Member
May 4, 2018
It is worship - spiritual transactions.
H2S...This exert from your first post is in my view the defining factor. It is worship, who and how that is the identifying factor of the number 666. The mark, the name or the number....three identifiers all leading to the same.

Allow me a small digression....The issue with Eve and the Serpent was worship as it was with Cain and Able as it was with Noah and the Antediluvians. It was the same with Elijah and Israel, who will they choose to worship....we can continue on all through the record of scripture In fact the issue that draws the line in the sand throughout history is that of worship. It will be no different at its close.

Sooo, just to get back on track, 666 represents a focus in on man's way/system of doing it; if you like, man man is the number of man or a man (representative).

Making the effort to join the dots in their intended order so to speak will result in dividends .....It is not a tattoo, it is not anything to do with anything that is not about worship.
Now....we must define what worship consists of and how it applies to who and how.

I'll leave it at that for now.


Spiritual Warrior
Staff member
May 10, 2018
United States
H2S...This exert from your first post is in my view the defining factor. It is worship, who and how that is the identifying factor of the number 666. The mark, the name or the number....three identifiers all leading to the same.

Allow me a small digression....The issue with Eve and the Serpent was worship as it was with Cain and Able as it was with Noah and the Antediluvians. It was the same with Elijah and Israel, who will they choose to worship....we can continue on all through the record of scripture In fact the issue that draws the line in the sand throughout history is that of worship. It will be no different at its close.

Sooo, just to get back on track, 666 represents a focus in on man's way/system of doing it; if you like, man man is the number of man or a man (representative).

Making the effort to join the dots in their intended order so to speak will result in dividends .....It is not a tattoo, it is not anything to do with anything that is not about worship.
Now....we must define what worship consists of and how it applies to who and how.

I'll leave it at that for now.
Thank you for this...I do agree it is about worship...Revelation warns about worshipping the false this is paramount to all other specified subject matter....this is spiritual. Receiving the mark is whoever worships the false messiah (spiritual) will receive his mark (tangible).


Spiritual Warrior
Staff member
May 10, 2018
United States

What Does the Bible Say? Conundrums & Controversy: Mike Hoggard - Anti-apostasy Teacher or the Next Harold Camping?

Just a couple short excerpts here: (a long webpage/site at the url, and others available)
"The next teaching that I will mention here is the one about there not being a physical temple in Jerusalem. He is teaching that the temple referred to in 2 Thessalonians 2:3-4 “Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition; Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, shewing himself that he is God,” is speaking about the human heart. He comes to this conclusion on the following basis. The word temple is used as many times in the Bible as the human body has bones. According to what I learned in science, the human body has 206 bones. Now I have counted this twice, and the word temple is used 203 times in the Bible. There are three different Hebrew words that are translated “temple”, and two different Greek words that are translated “temple.” Further the plural “temples” is used nine times – two different Hebrew words, and one Greek word. So what is the first conclusion I can make? That Hoggard has lied and manipulated information to try to make his point."

"Next he says that the heart has four chambers, and there are four cherubim around the throne of God. The two lungs stand for the O.T. and N.T. Your breath stands for the Holy Spirit. The seven vascular bundles in the lungs called nodes stand for the seven spirits which is the seven branched candlestick in Revelation. The twenty-four ribs are the twenty-four elders around the throne. Thus, instead of taking God's Word literally and believing that He meant a real temple, we are supposed to understand from Hoggard's “revelation” that these things correspond to the temple, thus our body is the temple spoken of in Matthew and Thessalonians. I will not deny that God uses patterns over and over in His creation. The largest thing, the universe, and the smallest thing, the atom have the same form or pattern. God reuses His patterns in a multitude of ways, so as He designed our bodies to house His spirit when we accept Him, it is not hard to imagine that He did use the same template. HOWEVER, Hoggard comes to this conclusion without taking into consideration what the Scriptures blatantly tell us. "
He compared our temple ( the temple of the Holy Spirit) to the construct of His Holy Temple. He never said anything about there not being a physical temple in Jerusalem.
The structure with which we are made of consists of the same blue print...he is speaking of our design.


Well-Known Member
Apr 1, 2020
Tulsa, OK
United States
He compared our temple ( the temple of the Holy Spirit) to the construct of His Holy Temple. He never said anything about there not being a physical temple in Jerusalem.
The structure with which we are made of consists of the same blue print...he is speaking of our design.
What does the Bible say about re-incarnation ?


Millennial Christian
Staff member
Jul 19, 2015
The Land of Aus
I know this is a topic that has been discussed endlessly among Christians but if you will endure one more thread I have been searching this for a while now.

What first caught my attention and got my mind to seek a deeper understanding was the scripture in
1 Kings 10:14
14 Now the weight of gold that came to Solomon in one year was six hundred threescore and six talents of gold.

If we look back at the law for kings in Deuteronomy 17, It prohibits the king from multiplying horses and chariots, wives, and wealth. This is exactly what Solomon is doing in 1 Kings 10-11. Chapter ten begins by commending his great wisdom, but then steps through his decline - that is, he begins violating the rules for kings by multiplying gold (666 talents a year), multiplying horses and chariots, and finally multiplying wives who turn his heart away from following Yahweh. He sets up centers of false worship for all the foreign gods of his wives. So, the number 666 is associated with Solomon in his fall, his abuse of power, and his turning away from true worship of Yahweh.

In Revelation, Jesus sets up worship interactions under the symbol of business transactions - buying and selling.

I counsel you to buy from me gold refined by fire, so that you may be rich, and white garments so that you may clothe yourself and the shame of your nakedness may not be seen, and salve to anoint your eyes, so that you may see.

This is picked up in chapter 13 with reference to worship in the false temple - the image set up by the beast which must be worshiped on pain of death. Everyone must worship the image, but no one may do so without the mark. The buying and selling referred to here is of the same kind established by Jesus in chapter 3. It is worship - spiritual transactions.

Now go to Nebuchadnezzar....
Daniel 3:1 1King Nebuchadnezzar made a golden statue sixty cubits high and six cubits wide, and he set it up on the plain of Dura in the province of Babylon.

King Nebuchadnezzar made an image of gold, whose height was sixty cubits and its breadth six cubits... And the herald proclaimed aloud, “You are commanded, O peoples, nations, and languages, that when you hear the sound of the horn, pipe, lyre, trigon, harp, bagpipe, and every kind of music, you are to fall down and worship the golden image that King Nebuchadnezzar has set up. And whoever does not fall down and worship shall immediately be cast into a burning fiery furnace.”

Nebuchadnezzar is acting as a beast (and later, even more so) and sets up an image to be worshiped. Again, we have six and sixty associated with worship of a false image on pain of death.

All of this comes together in the name and number of the man - 666. This sums up man in his fallen state. The number carries with it the fallen glory of Solomon, his degraded wisdom, his failure to follow the word of God, his abuse of power, and his allowing himself to be turned aside to the worship of impotent gods.

Now let's move to the NT:
1 Timothy 6:10 King James Version (KJV)
10 For the love of money is the root of all evil: which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows.

There are more scriptures but here is my point...
wealth was the downfall of Solomon, Nebuchadnezzar, and according to 1 Timothy caused many to err from the faith when they coveted it.
Money is an idol to so many people.

So now to today's economy....if the U.S. economy collapses the whole world economy collapses....
Digital money is now being sold and bought as a world currency....(bitcoins for one)
Is it possible that the mark of the Beast will be this world currency in the form of digital money?

any thoughts?

Very good post, I would have to dive into Revelation again, but there is a belief though the mark of the beast will be quite literal, don't think I have read anything that suggests a chip would be inserted in the palm of your hand as that being the mark to buy and sell.

There is also the interpretation that those that are true Christians would be already caught up in the clouds even before the events of Rev 13 and 14 happen, and the 144,000 will be Jewish evangelists (turned Christian) on this earth during the tribulation.

I think we got to ask the question would a God of grace that loves us so much, that sent his only Son to die for our sins, who resurrected on the third day, that has his promises of grace to those who believe, would he really put real Christians through the Tribulation in Revelation?


Well-Known Member
Apr 1, 2020
Tulsa, OK
United States
He compared our temple ( the temple of the Holy Spirit) to the construct of His Holy Temple. He never said anything about there not being a physical temple in Jerusalem.
The structure with which we are made of consists of the same blue print...he is speaking of our design.
btw, this is right, I believe. Who is "He" at the beginning of the sentence? At first I thought you meant Hoggard....


Well-Known Member
Apr 1, 2020
Tulsa, OK
United States
would he really put real Christians through the Tribulation in Revelation?
See Corrie ten Boom's Letter about that online. Definitely yes , as she proved worldwide from Scripture, and is noted as one of the few women having a faithful testimony in the public eye worldwide.


Well-Known Member
Oct 15, 2019
Somewhere in the USA
United States
See David...that is just a negative does enlighten me, teach me, or tell me anything at all!! o_O
See Helen, if you would simply read about the Mark of the Beast from Scripture you would know it could not possibly be digital currency. The mark is the name or number of the beast on the hand or forehead. It is an identifying symbol, not currency. Revelation 13.


Spiritual Warrior
Staff member
May 10, 2018
United States
What does the Bible say about re-incarnation ?
I do not believe in reincarnation.
But I do what God said about death....He said it is appointed unto to man to die once...and then comes judgment.
Hebrews 9 (KJV)
²⁷ And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment:
²⁸ So Christ was once offered to bear the sins of many; and unto them that look for him shall he appear the second time without sin unto salvation.


Well-Known Member
Apr 1, 2020
Tulsa, OK
United States
I do not believe in reincarnation.
But I do what God said about death....He said it is appointed unto to man to die once...and then comes judgment.
Hebrews 9 (KJV)
²⁷ And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment:
²⁸ So Christ was once offered to bear the sins of many; and unto them that look for him shall he appear the second time without sin unto salvation.
Good and Right and Truthful here.

As Josho requested, I'm starting a thread about this question. It is VERY PERTINENT for you, here.


Spiritual Warrior
Staff member
May 10, 2018
United States
btw, this is right, I believe. Who is "He" at the beginning of the sentence? At first I thought you meant Hoggard....
I was speaking of Hoggard. I also researched his credentials and He is a pastor of the Freewill Baptist Church...

Michael W. Hoggard is the senior pastor of Bethel Free Will Baptist Church in Festus, Missouri.

Aside from his pastoral duties, he is known for a multitude of independently produced videos which specialize in scripture numerics, Bible prophecy, occult practices and freemasonry.

He is the host of three regular online TV shows, he writes, produces and stars in numerous online TV specials and documentaries, and also preaches at various Bible conferences and church services, many of which are broadcast live online.

He is the author of four books -- "By Divine Order", "The King James Code", "The Babel Conspiracy", and "Capital Secrets" -- as well as the "Watchman Companion Series" which features transcripts of his TV and video work, all of which are published independently.

He was the founder and principle of Liberty Christian Academy, and is also the founder and director of Prophetic Research Ministries.

He has spent many years researching the Scriptures and has discovered several biblical principles for understanding the Word of God as a prophetic voice. He has been called upon to lecture on college campuses, Bible conferences, and local churches.

Mike is married to Lisa Hoggard, and together they have five children and five grandchildren.


Well-Known Member
Apr 1, 2020
Tulsa, OK
United States
base12 claims on his website that Hoggard is his favorite teacher or pastor. But disagrees with you and him?
Here's base12's website >>> (same pictures too, as posted on this forum, btw)... the same? different?
On other sites he claims reincarnation is real and happens, and disputes everyone who disagrees with him.

"Proof Reincarnation is Biblical - Most Holy Place › book-02_chapter-k0z

This is going to be a basic “Meat and Potatoes” study on whether or not Reincarnation is Biblical. Many verses will be provided as Witnesses to prove this out."


Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2011
See Helen, if you would simply read about the Mark of the Beast from Scripture you would know it could not possibly be digital currency. The mark is the name or number of the beast on the hand or forehead. It is an identifying symbol, not currency. Revelation 13.

Hi David
Thanks for your response .
I agree a symbol of some kind. But it seems to me that it can't be something nebulous ...but something evil as a symbol that man has to choose to take or not. It can't be something that doesn't have some satanic obvious mark.

At the moment none of us KNOW anything. So it has not yet been revealed.

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