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Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola

Are you looking for a ministry?
Do you want the Lord to use you?

Then practice this until it becomes your life and lifestyle.

A.) "Trust in the Lord...and do good".

See that?

"Trust in the Lord...........and do good".

Practice that everyday, all the time, and in time you will see God do His work in you come out.......and that is the real ministry.


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Encounter Team
Apr 9, 2019
United Kingdom
One night I spent some time praying for the people who would be taking a leading role in the worship at church the next day. I prayed for the musicians, the worship leader and whoever would be preaching. I asked God to let his Holy Spirit fill them and guide them in all aspects of their ministry so that they would bring his word to us and be a blessing to us all.

As I was praying I started to realise that although I’m not called by God to preach or lead worship I am called to do something else; and even though it might be a something else that seems insignificant and unimportant to my eyes, in God’s scheme of things it is just as relevant as those other high profile, front of house ministries. And just as they need the infilling of the Holy Spirit to help them to lead worship or preach I too need that same source of enabling to do the small tasks he requires of me.

Last week after the meeting a lady who doesn’t normally come to our church asked me if the person who had preached was ‘one of the top ones’ and I was able to tell her in all honesty that there are no ‘top ones’ in our church, nobody is more important than anybody else but that we all have a part to play in the life of the church as God gives us the gifting. Whether it is preaching or cleaning the loos we will do it better if we do it with the Holy Spirit inside us. But it is not up to us to choose our 'ministries'.

amigo de christo

Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
San angelo
United States
Atheists sometimes ask- "I'm a nice person and do lots of good things, so will I be going to heaven or hell?"
What should we tell them?
That all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of GOD . They are in dire danger of hell fire , LEST THEY BELIEVE ON HE , JESUS CHRIST , whom GOD did send .


Well-Known Member
Jun 2, 2022
Plymouth UK
United Kingdom
I’m not called by God to preach or lead worship I am called to do something else; and even though it might be a something else that seems insignificant and unimportant to my eyes, in God’s scheme of things it is just as relevant as those other high profile, front of house ministries..

"We have different gifts, according to the grace given to each of us. If your gift is preaching, then preach in accordance with your faith; if it is serving, then serve; if it is teaching, then teach; if it is to encourage, then give encouragement; if it is giving, then give generously; if it is to lead, do it diligently; if it is to show mercy, do it cheerfully" (Romans 12:6-8)
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Well-Known Member
Staff member
Encounter Team
Feb 6, 2018
United States
United States
Atheists sometimes ask- "I'm a nice person and do lots of good things, so will I be going to heaven or hell?"
What should we tell them?

Perhaps it would interest them to know the Original meaning of the word NICE.

nice (adj.)​

late 13c., "foolish, ignorant, frivolous, senseless," from Old French nice (12c.) "careless, clumsy; weak; poor, needy; simple, stupid, silly, foolish," from Latin nescius "ignorant, unaware," literally "not-knowing," from ne- "not" (from PIE root *ne- "not") + stem of scire "to know" (see science). "The sense development has been extraordinary, even for an adj." [Weekley] — from "timid, faint-hearted" (pre-1300); to "fussy, fastidious" (late 14c.); to "dainty, delicate" (c. 1400); to "precise, careful" (1500s, preserved in such terms as a nice distinction and nice and early); to "agreeable, delightful" (1769); to "kind, thoughtful" (1830).

Additionally, the word NICE does not appear in Scripture, so “claiming to be NICE”, would have what to do wIth HOW God VIEWS them?

Good and Righteous does appear in scripture.
Maybe ask them IF they consider themselves Good and Righteous....and does what “they” think Good and Righteous mean the same thing, as what God considers “good and righteous”?

So the conversation can spawn into ... they DO Good things.... like what?
Help a neighbor? Donate to charities? Lend a helping hand to a stranger?

AND...Did they receive a Thank YOU, a gift, a pat on the back?
That was “THEIR” reward, “THEIR” glory.

How did that Glorify God? It’s didn’t.
How a WORKS of man, Glorifies God, is when a man does a WORKS, and when said to him...Thank YOU...the man speaks up and say...the CREDIT “I” was ABLE to Help YOU, is because God has Blessed “ME” with an abundance, or ability, talent....to Help YOU.

THAT glorifies God.
THAT becomes a DEBT, God will “OWN” that man. (Did you know that?)
THAT DEBT, is PAID by God to the Man, in the form of a REWARD.
It’s is called (storing up Treasures IN Heaven)...
* God keeps a tracking record of Every Works a man does that Glorifies God.
* God shall (paid His DEBT to that man), called a REWARD, WHEN the man is RISEN UP ... in his glorious BODY....

Jer 25:
[14] For many nations and great kings shall serve themselves of them also: and I will recompense them according to their deeds, and according to the works of their own hands.

Matt 6:
[19] Lay not up for yourselves treasures upon earth, where moth and rust doth corrupt, and where thieves break through and steal:
[20] But lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust doth corrupt, and where thieves do not break through nor steal:

Rev 22:
[12] And, behold, I come quickly; and my reward is with me, to give every man according as his work shall be.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 2, 2022
Plymouth UK
United Kingdom
Maybe ask them IF they consider themselves Good and Righteous....and does what “they” think Good and Righteous mean the same thing, as what God considers “good and righteous”?

No doubt the atheistic politically-correct 'woke' brigade think the universe will like them for being 'good and righteous' by supporting GLBT perversion and nonchristian heathen immigration etc, but whether God himself considers them 'good and righteous' remains to be seen..:)
After all, Pol-correctism and Wokism are their 'gods' in direct violation of the First Commandment-


amigo de christo

Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
San angelo
United States
You should tell them about the Cross as its the Gospel of their Salvation.
Tell that to harold and others . Who preach this other go spell which aint no GOSPEL .
I find it so sad that todays mainstream ideal within EVEN christanity is
that they preach it dont matter what you beleive , what god ye follow , all are saved .
out for the DEVIL who sold them a false love that cant save them or any who beleives its LIE
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Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
One night I spent some time praying for the people who would be taking a leading role in the worship at church the next day. I prayed for the musicians, the worship leader and whoever would be preaching. I asked God to let his Holy Spirit fill them and guide them in all aspects of their ministry so that they would bring his word to us and be a blessing to us all.

As I was praying I started to realise that although I’m not called by God to preach or lead worship I am called to do something else; and even though it might be a something else that seems insignificant and unimportant to my eyes, in God’s scheme of things it is just as relevant as those other high profile, front of house ministries. And just as they need the infilling of the Holy Spirit to help them to lead worship or preach I too need that same source of enabling to do the small tasks he requires of me.

Last week after the meeting a lady who doesn’t normally come to our church asked me if the person who had preached was ‘one of the top ones’ and I was able to tell her in all honesty that there are no ‘top ones’ in our church, nobody is more important than anybody else but that we all have a part to play in the life of the church as God gives us the gifting. Whether it is preaching or cleaning the loos we will do it better if we do it with the Holy Spirit inside us. But it is not up to us to choose our 'ministries'.

Life is short
and soon will pass
only what's done for Christ
will last.

the world is dark and the born again are the light........ and the path we light for the world leads them to Jesus who is the Light of the World.

This use to be called "soul winning"., and its far and away the most important ministry of all., as winning one soul for Christ, keeps them out of the Lake of Fire.
All the born again have this "ministry".

Imagine that a person spends their entire Christian life worrying about "speaking in tongues" or "gifts of the spirit", or chasing obscure unimportant rabbit trail theologies related to John's Revelation.
And that is all they ever do.., other then argue mindlessly about the same on a forum.
Then one day, they die., and they meet Jesus, who says......>"what did you do for me in MY Body".... "the body of Christ". "what did you do with what i died to give you".. ???
And all they can say is..>"well, i spoke in tongues a lot, and was always worried about that, and i learned 25 different ways to try to misunderstand John's Revelation".
And there is Jesus, with His nail scars, foot tapping, saying........>"hummmmmmmm".... "wasted it".

See the problem with the "modern church"?

But then, you have #2... and they have led 2, 5, 10, 100, people To Christ, ...........and Jesus meets this person, and He is smiling at them.

Reader, Don't you want to make Jesus smile when you meet Him?

Then dont waste your time with water baptism nonsense and self righteous works and meaningless theological rabbit trails.

Instead, just look around you at all the LOST SOULS that Jesus died to SAVE, and let them become Deeply MEANINGFUL to you, and if you will, then God will manifest.
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Well-Known Member
Staff member
Encounter Team
Apr 9, 2019
United Kingdom
I get what you're saying about winning souls for Jesus by spreading the Gospel but personally I think I have only 'won' two, although I wish it were more. But there may still be time.

I do try to reflect Jesus in my everyday life even though most of it is spent at home these days and I really only engage with the people on this forum.


Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
I get what you're saying about winning souls for Jesus by spreading the Gospel but personally I think I have only 'won' two, although I wish it were more. But there may still be time.

I do try to reflect Jesus in my everyday life even though most of it is spent at home these days and I really only engage with the people on this forum.

First of all, my Post was not a criticism or critique... of your thoughts and actions.

But your post is a great observation, so, it allowed for a response.

You posted a valid observation about end times "ministry", as there is a hyped commercialism that has taken root within Christianity, that leads many to think that unless its BIG is not important.

Some people would believe that if the Church holds 20,000 every Sunday, than God must be in there.
But i'll tell you that the reason that they have so many members, is usually because they are preaching "child psychology" to 20,000 spiritual infants who need a thumb to suck, and the preacher is giving them a big one, most Sunday's.
They are being told a lot about "health and money" and how to chase "gifts of the spirit"..... but very little about real Christianity, regarding real discipleship.

Listen, i can preach "health and money" and they will come.

The rule of thumb is........the more truth you preach, the smaller the crowd you get., as truth is not popular within a world system that is built on lies.
See, people have "itching ears", and they want a message about prosperity that tells them all about health and money.
And that message IS valid, as long as that is not the ONLY Message.......and unfortunately, that is the core message of most gigantic (useless) ministries.
Sad but true.

And as far as your souls....Thats 2 for God's Glory, so PRAISE GOD !!!!!!!!!.......thats wonderful Pearl.
Most have not led one soul to Him.
Some will argue that its not their part to play.
Others would tell you that "everyone is already saved".

Id say that every street in every city in every country has people who are not saved living there, in a house or similar.

And if someone finds this post or my Threads and you become inspired to share the Cross of Christ, then remember, you can't save them, and its not your job to try to do that, at all.
We are not the Savior...we are the message bringer, the missionary, the "light" bearers.... and you dont have to be "called" to the Jungles, to be one of those., as you were already born again as one, reader.
Our job is to share the love of God with them, who is Christ their Redeemer.
Listen Saint, the effort is up to us, but the RESULTS are up to God.

One thing you do need to do, to be a successful "minister"..... is learn how to teach someone that Christ is their Salvation, and they are not.
That's Job one to teach a new convert.
So, you have to learn that for yourself...........so very important.

Hebrews 13:9
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