Do you recall about a week ago, or obo, that i explained to you, that the "T", in UPLIP, is falsely teaching that depravity extends to the will, so that even the will can't be free will?
See that TULIP Lie?
I already explained this to you, and you forgot.
You have forgotten many posts ive sent to you for months, that explain and expose John Calvinism.
So, again, lets try this one.. one more time.
"T" proclaims that this "depravity" extends to the "WILL"< .. so, Calvinism falsely concludes that its TOTAL., and that is why most deeply entrenched Calvinists, deny that a person has FREE- WILL.
However the BIBLE states in at least 2 places that Man does have FREE-WILL.
Ezra : Chapter 7 (KJV) says its 2x.... "Free WILL"... whereas the phrase "Total Depravity" is not found in any Bible.
And in another place Joshua says....>"CHOOSE This day, whom YOU will serve".. (Joshua 24).
And the Calvinist, blinded ...says..>"well that word CHOOSE", does not mean "FREE WILL">..... "and Ezra, was wrong"...
So, here is the bottom line
@Ronald Nolette ..
You are what Ministers like me, refer to as.. "hardened into your position"... so,.....= my anti-John Calvinism Posts & Threads, are for the non Calvinized.<>Members.... who find them..... And what you are providing this Forum, is a way to Keep THEM from being lost inside John Calvin's hellish Theology.