My heart is hurting.. Praying for my Mom

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New Member
Mar 20, 2018
United States
Hello everybody.. I just found this site by looking up prayers for my mom and I don't believe it was a coincidence.. Jesus brought me here as he knows I need comfort and all of the prayers for my mom and that is very powerful . My mom was just diagnosed with stage 4 small lung cancer on Friday and I do not know how to wrap my hands around it. It has spread to her bones and lymph nodes. I am so scared but trust my everything that God and know he has a plan.. I'm praying that the chemotherapy will stop this cancer in its tracks. I'm praying for my mom to regain her health back and for this cancer to leave her body. I have never been so afraid in my life. I feel so incredibly sad and alone and I know I need to be strong for the rest of my family. I'm a single mother and I own a business on top of all of this and I need to remain strong and not crumble. I'm very thankful I found this site. I ask for prayers and guidance. Thank you all im advance and God bless♡
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Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2017
Hi TbyG
My mother died of ovarian cancer.
I can tell you that right now is the scariest time for you.
You'll find that as time goes on, you'll receive the strength you need.
God gives us the strength we need for today, not the strength we need for tomorrow. One day at a time, sweet Jesus.

I pray that your mother recovers. And I pray for your strength to deal with this as time goes on. God will always help us to accept His will if we trust Him. Sometimes we don't trust Him 100%. Don't let this frighten you. We're still human. But you'll find in the end, that God is trustworthy.

His blessings be with you.


Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2011
Hello everybody.. I just found this site by looking up prayers for my mom and I don't believe it was a coincidence.. Jesus brought me here as he knows I need comfort and all of the prayers for my mom and that is very powerful . My mom was just diagnosed with stage 4 small lung cancer on Friday and I do not know how to wrap my hands around it. It has spread to her bones and lymph nodes. I am so scared but trust my everything that God and know he has a plan.. I'm praying that the chemotherapy will stop this cancer in its tracks. I'm praying for my mom to regain her health back and for this cancer to leave her body. I have never been so afraid in my life. I feel so incredibly sad and alone and I know I need to be strong for the rest of my family. I'm a single mother and I own a business on top of all of this and I need to remain strong and not crumble. I'm very thankful I found this site. I ask for prayers and guidance. Thank you all im advance and God bless♡

Hello there.
We also are glad that you found this Site.

Does your mother know the Lord ? Does she have the peace of knowing that He is with her in this trial?
Even the doctors tell us the the cancer patient that have a positive outlook and hope, are the ones who usually do better through the treatments and recovery.
So , firstly she need peace, the peace that comes from knowing that she is loved and connected to God who is our Healer.
Secondly, you also need peace in your displace that consuming fear. I am sure most of us here have had times of the consuming, dark, suffocating, fear. Panic attacks and the such like. In that you are not alone.
We all have normal keep us safe, so we don't burn ourself or step of a cliff for fun. So in that fear is good...but the fear that comes from the Devil is what squeezes the life out of us..
You , being your mothers chief cheerleader need all the peace you can get.
When she sees you in peace then she will be open to hear all your encouragements.
Bless is not easy...we wont lie and tell you it will be a piece of cake.
It will be a fight...but when you get hold of God...He and He alone will bring such good things out of a bad situation.

Take a deep breath, and let God love you.

And we will pray for you, and for your mother.
What is your mothers name...?
Expect good things my friend.
We are praying too.
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Prayer Warrior
Staff member
Feb 4, 2011
Land of the Long White Cloud
New Zealand
@TouchedbyGrace Welcome to CyB. I will be adding you and your mom to my daily prayer list. We serve a God of miracles. Nothing is impossible to him. I pray that you may know his peace and presence at this very difficult time and that whatever happens, we know that God has ordained the number of our days. May he be glorified whatever the outcome. Blessings and Peace to you and yours!
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Frank Lee

Well-Known Member
Feb 23, 2017
Ouachita Mountains
United States
Prayers for all.

He shall not be afraid of evil tidings his heart is fixed trusting in the Lord. Psalm 112:7

Luke 18:1 KJVS
And he spake a parable unto them to this end , that men ought always to pray, and not to faint;

1 John 4:18-19 KJVS
There is no fear in love; but perfect love casteth out fear: because fear hath torment. He that feareth is not made perfect in love. [19] We love him, because he first loved us.
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Well-Known Member
May 30, 2009
West Australia
@TouchedbyGrace ..Hello...Will most certainly seek the Lord on behalf of your mum.....First my lovely, you MUST resist that fear...Fear and faith is opposite things of the same coin....Faith is believing in something good coming and fear is believing something bad is coming.......It is a very fine line.
We are told in the Bible to "Submit yourself therefore unto God, resist the devil and he will flee from you "....many will quote to us the part about resisting, but few mention the first part....Submit unto God, get in agreement with what He says, whether your brain can comprehend it or not....We need spend zero time trying to work out how God can and or will do something, out of the normal expectations of life....We do however need to spend a little time going over what He says about healing, about what He is willing to do, all the examples we read about in the Bible, and then get in complete agreement with Him...Say it out loud, as many times as you have to, till you know that you are really paying attention... :).....Then say it some more, til you 'feel' the faith spreading in you.....Then remember that He also said that "God will draw near to those who draw near to Him.", and really BELIEVE that..
I am not suggesting this is all easy...It does take a little time and effort, but you will find that it takes less and less effort, the closer you get to Him, and suddenly you can't wait to spend that time in His presence, as it would now be apparent to you, that He is with you always....All the best...right there along with the others and yourself :D
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