Nothing much left to say

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Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2020
Maine, USA
United States
many folks are overlooking this my friend . Do watch it real carefully . SOUNDS SO FAMILIAR DONT IT .
take close heed to what also gets said after about eight mins in , wait for it . wait for the answer
to the question . THEN KNOW and UNDERSTAND what days we are in , what SYSTEM we see .
PROPHECY IS FULLFILLING quicker and quicker .
It's going to come in many forms.



Well-Known Member
Aug 8, 2021
Jesus said to spread the word. He never said to force them to eat it.
You do you brother.
We'll love you just the same.
I don't want your love :) I want someone else's love. I'll destroy this whole planetary system if human beings keep getting in the way of that possibility.


Well-Known Member
Aug 8, 2021
Imagine what it's like trying to describe the colors of the rainbow to a blind person.
That's the same as trying to explain spiritual things to carnally minded people.
They just can't see it.
That's what all religions say (More or less) Even members of cult's report these effects on their inner senses. Scientology and Mormonism has people believing everyone around them is spiritually blind. Oh? There possessed by foul spirits? How do you know your not possessed with some foul spirit? Jesus did say that even the elite could be led astray.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 8, 2021
I don't want your love :) I want someone else's love. I'll destroy this whole planetary system if human beings keep getting in the way of that possibility.
Let me correct something here. I am not going to destroy the whole solar system, I am going to eat it instead. That's better right? You can all live forever inside the void you created. Yum yum yum.

amigo de christo

Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
San angelo
United States
Then you do that. Just don't expect that other people have to follow what you believe God wants them to do. Remember it's my choice to believe in God.
The truth of GOD is eternal . And since i desire none to perish its dire important to tell of the glorious gospel of Christ .
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Active Member
Jan 30, 2021
Other Faith
United Kingdom
Gen 2:15
And the LORD God took the man, and put him into the garden of Eden to dress it and to keep it.

Consider this:
Rev 21:2
And I John saw the holy city, new Jerusalem, coming down from God out of heaven, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband.

Gen 2:5
And every plant of the field before it was in the earth, and every herb of the field before it grew: for the LORD God had not caused it to rain upon the earth, and there was not a man to till the ground.

Psa 92:12
The righteous shall flourish like the palm tree: he shall grow like a cedar in Lebanon.
Psa 92:13
Those that be planted in the house of the LORD shall flourish in the courts of our God.
Psa 92:14
They shall still bring forth fruit in old age; they shall be fat and flourishing;

Speaking of tending and keeping the garden:

Unchecked Copy Box
1Co 3:5
Who then is Paul, and who is Apollos, but ministers by whom ye believed, even as the Lord gave to every man?
1Co 3:6
I have planted, Apollos watered; but God gave the increase.
1Co 3:7
So then neither is he that planteth any thing, neither he that watereth; but God that giveth the increase.
1Co 3:8
Now he that planteth and he that watereth are one: and every man shall receive his own reward according to his own labour.
1Co 3:9
For we are labourers together with God: ye are God's husbandry, ye are God's building.
1Co 3:10
According to the grace of God which is given unto me, as a wise masterbuilder, I have laid the foundation, and another buildeth thereon. But let every man take heed how he buildeth thereupon.

Instead of Paul and Apollos, you could say Who then is Adam, and who is Eve....

Your not very good with poetry are you?

You need to learn to think outside the matrix.

The irony here is that you are quoting passages you don't understand. Passages that refer to alchemy allegorically.
It is you that need to cast aside the nonsense you've been made to swallow, empty your cup and start afresh.

"And every plant of the field before it was in the earth, and every herb of the field before it grew: for the Lord God had not caused it to rain upon the earth, and there was not a man to till the ground."
6 But there went up a mist from the earth, and watered the whole face of the ground."


Proverbs 3:13-20
"The LORD by wisdom hath founded the earth; by understanding hath he established the heavens. By his knowledge the depths
are broken up, and the clouds drop down the dew."

"Tao is eternal, one without a second; simple indeed, yet so subtle that no one can master it. If princes and kings could just hold it, all things would flock to their kingdom, Heaven and Earth would rejoice, with the dripping of sweet dew"
Tao Te Ching, by Lao Tzu

"When it has been placed in its natural soil, and watered with rain and dew, the moisture of heaven, and roused into life by the warmth of the Sun and Moon, it produces fruit after its own kind. These two sowings are peculiar characteristics of our Art. For the Sun and Moon are our grain, which we put into our soil, as soul and spirit—and such as are the father and the mother will be the children that they generate. Thus, my sons, you know our Stone, our earth, our grain, our meal, our ferment, our manure, our verdigris, our Sun and Moon. You understand our whole magistery, and may joyfully congratulate yourselves that you have at length risen above the level of those blind charlatans of whom I spoke"
The Glory of the World, Or, Table of Paradise, by Anonymous, 1526 AD

"And indeed the philosophers have a garden, where the sun as well morning as evening remains with a moist sweet dew, without ceasing, with which it is sprinkled and moistened"
Flamel's Summary of Philosophy

and so on

Empty your cup


Active Member
Jan 30, 2021
Other Faith
United Kingdom
take close heed to what also gets said after about eight mins in , wait for it . wait for the answer
to the question . THEN KNOW and UNDERSTAND what days we are in , what SYSTEM we see .
PROPHECY IS FULLFILLING quicker and quicker .
Good god are you chumps only now learning about the advent of implanted RFID chips ?!!!! I was posting on forums about this years ago. 10,000s of people already have them and have had them for quite some years now.
Do you carry a bank card around? Do you wave your card over a card reader at the store to pay for goods? Contactless payments?
Yep that's an RFID chip right there. You've been using one for years.

Got a Kindle? It's got an RFID chip inside it. So in theory you could be tracked wherever you take it if they chose to set up RFID scanners.

There are RFID chips in just about everything these days.

The leap being made is to put the chip under your skin in your hand between thumb and forefinger. As stated 10,000s of people already have them. Now they can pay for things by waving their hand over a card reader rather than waving a card. They can open a security door with a wave of their hand rather than carrying a security card round their neck all day on a lanyard.

This is all old hat. Your scaremongering attempts are somewhat childish TBH but there will be more and more of them as time goes on. Lots of waxing lyrical about the "mark of the beast" and so on.


Active Member
Jan 30, 2021
Other Faith
United Kingdom
no . but disobeying GOD IS evil . GOD said dont eat from the tree , they DISOBEYED .
There was GOOD reason why GOD had said not too .
Was there a good reason? Why shouldn't man learn more? Don't we seek to teach our children? To enable them to acquire more and more information and be able to make more informed decisions and survive better? Do we suppress knowledge? Do we stop our children learning about finance or nature or food or sex or relationships? Wouldn't suppressing such knowledge be EVIL?

The excuse of "God said NO" isn't enough I'm afraid. Unless you're resolved to be a gutless coward and a human sap who can't think for himself, who needs a life of breast feeding, a bicycle with stabilisers, to be spoon-feed the rest of his life and to effectively be a slave to a dictator. A life spent tending a garden, pruning the shrubs, tilling the soil . . . for someone else . . . for eternity. You wouldn't have even been taught about sex, you'd have been wandering a garden butt naked never knowing what sex was. That's what ignorance is. That's what happens when people are repressed, forbidden to learn, kept in the dark so they can be exploited.

The story of Adam and Eve is a truly terrible one when read with un-indoctrinated eyes. Thankfully it's purely allegorical not literal.


Active Member
Jan 30, 2021
Other Faith
United Kingdom
Imagine what it's like trying to describe the colors of the rainbow to a blind person.
That's the same as trying to explain spiritual things to carnally minded people.
They just can't see it.

No it's the same as trying to explain truth and reality to terminally indoctrinated and brainwashed people



Active Member
Jan 30, 2021
Other Faith
United Kingdom
And since i desire none to perish its dire important to tell of the glorious gospel of Christ .
Wouldn't it be far simpler if your Santa Claus god just abolished hell and decided that people would not perish? I mean he's all-powerful isn't he? And supposedly all-loving . . . . .!


Well-Known Member
Feb 6, 2020
Estimates from 2021 suggest that of the entire U.S. population (332 million) about 63% is Christian (210 million). I presume you're not going to be so gullible as to suggest that all the messed up Americans are the non-Christians . . . .
Nope. Nor would I agree with those numbers. Nominal Christians maybe, but the genuine article wouldn't amount to more than 10-15%, maybe. Like Jesus said, by their fruit you shall know them. How many Christians do you know living up to their profession of faith?
Then you don't believe the OT accounts are true. You don't believe the Bible is true. Fair enough.
The Bible is true alright, but any Tom, Dick and Lapiderm can give their own personal nuance to language and context to suit their preferred belief system, depending on their own apprehension as to who God is like. And the lies of those who hate Him.
Totally correct. Which is why the (allegorical) story of Adam and Eve is so eye-opening. God tried to keep knowledge from them, denied them access to knowledge. He wanted them ignorant and effectively kept as goldfish in a bowl. When they succumbed to their natural desire to learn and get more knowledge and ate from the tree, god punished them severely. That's a pretty poor situation. People should really think through what really happened in that story.
You guys have a weird logic. You claim The Christian God to be either non existent, or a warped version of the God we profess to believe in... You claim the Bible to be a fraud and full of myths and legends and allegory and metaphors that must be critically interpreted in order to understand, or the the whole thing is made up in order to dupe the readers into a belief system that holds them to some form of slavery.
What you don't seem to take into account is the brilliance and genius of the writers; that you, who would claim to possess more than 2 brain cells, think that someone 3500 years ago would be so illogical and mindless to think that a story line such as you described could be imagined to capture the minds and hearts of millions over 1000s years if it weren't true. Fairy tales simply do not have that power.


Well-Known Member
Feb 6, 2020
I don't think that is what the story is trying to communicate. I think God was warning Adam not to eat from the tree of knowledge of good and evil at that time because he knew about what the serpent was going to do. God was not keeping Adam or Eve from anything in the garden.
A God of love who desires to share everything that is good about life and relationships with His created brings did not want a forced subservience. Love is always a matter of choice. God was offering Adam and Eve a choice. It was actually a very easy one. One tree amongst thousands forbidden. It wasn't the tree itself that brought the knowledge of evil... It was the decision they made to not believe God, but believe His enemy, not heeding the warning given, that the result would be death. That it didn't take place immediately was God's grace and mercy working to give them opportunity to repent. But they eventually did die, and their offspring, to this day, have grown steadily worse.
One more thing. Death is an inevitable natural result of sin. Sin separates man from God. Separation from the only source of life will inevitably bring death. Which is what God knew from the beginning, and why He wants everyone, through the scriptures, that the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life for those who choose to love God and keep His commandments.


Active Member
Jan 30, 2021
Other Faith
United Kingdom
Nope. Nor would I agree with those numbers. Nominal Christians maybe, but the genuine article wouldn't amount to more than 10-15%, maybe. Like Jesus said, by their fruit you shall know them. How many Christians do you know living up to their profession of faith?
Oh dear. There's a tetchy little poster here who won't like to hear that. He likes to believe there are billions of Christians.
I of course agree with you. There's going to be a hell of a lot of disappointed pious zealots when the time comes.

The Bible is true alright, but any Tom, Dick and Lapiderm can give their own personal nuance to language and context to suit their preferred belief system, depending on their own apprehension as to who God is like. And the lies of those who hate Him.
But the same is true of anyone who reads the Bible and especially those who seek to perpetuate their systems of human control and keep people enslaved to the doctrine through fear and guilt. Psychological abuse.

Truth is always simple, beautiful and in harmony with nature.

You guys have a weird logic. You claim The Christian God to be either non existent, or a warped version of the God we profess to believe in

God is many things to many people. It is horribly arrogant and pious to suggest that your particular interpretation or "flavour" of god is the right one, or the only one.

You claim the Bible to be a fraud
No I don't. I claim the Bible to be a highly censored, edited and crafted set of historical works that contain great and important secrets as well of course as many useful adages on how to live peacefully and happily.

and full of myths and legends and allegory and metaphors that must be critically interpreted in order to understand
Yes most definitely. It is part of the enormous collective of such cryptic clues veiled in allegories that form Ariadne's Thread that has been unfolding for 1000s of years and which has been laid out for us by 100s of prophets, sages, philosopher's and other enlightend luminaries.

or the the whole thing is made up in order to dupe the readers into a belief system that holds them to some form of slavery.
Yes, the highly censored, edited and crafted collective we refer to as the Bible today is most certainly a highly divisive work moulded by MEN with the intent of using it as the foundation of a religious system of human control. All the pertinent facts and knowledge that did not fit in with that system/agenda were deliberately stripped out and omitted from the final work. This includes the true life of Jesus, his relationships with others including Mary Magdalene and so on.

What you don't seem to take into account is the brilliance and genius of the writers; that you, who would claim to possess more than 2 brain cells, think that someone 3500 years ago would be so illogical and mindless to think that a story line such as you described could be imagined to capture the minds and hearts of millions over 1000s years if it weren't true. Fairy tales simply do not have that power.
Patently false.

Mythology has been capturing hearts and minds and resulting in societal control systems for 1000s of years from Egyptian to Greek to Roman and to todays farcical religions. The Greeks worshipped a wide collection of gods and goddesses as did the Romans. Yet hidden in all these allegorical mythical tales and sagas has been the same underlying secret all along, hidden in plain sight for those with the "eyes to see".

amigo de christo

Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
San angelo
United States
Wouldn't it be far simpler if your Santa Claus god just abolished hell and decided that people would not perish? I mean he's all-powerful isn't he? And supposedly all-loving . . . . .!
FATHER if it be possible let this cup pass . ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE with you .
GOD has already determined what had to be done . JESUS prayed saying this . BUT HE ALSO SAID
never the less YOUR WILL BE DONE . SEE GOD has already CHOSEN how to save the world .
JESUS WOULD have to pay the price . The WORD was made flesh .
Its not my will , IT SURE AINT YOUR WILL . ITS GOD , HIS WILL . AND HE has already chosen HOW to save the world .
By the preaching of the gospel . that all who do believe will be saved . the pot cannot argue with the potter .
The lake of fire will not be omitted . JUST as JESUS had to drink of the cup , FOR HE was to be the salvation of the world that all who do
believe would be saved . GOD did not allow the cup to be passed . JESUS had to endure what he had to endure
for the sake of HUMANITY . JESUS being who HE IS , never sinning once , KNEW to say never the less YOUR WILL BE DONE .
HE SUFFERED MASSIVELY . NOW BELIEVE INHIM , or face the lake of fire you surely will .
The pot has not right to accuser the potter . RATHER BELIEVE IN CHRIST and YOU wont have to face the lake of fire .
YOU LOVE YOUR SIN and dont want to be reproved so you make any excuse to attack the very truth that could have saved you .
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amigo de christo

Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
San angelo
United States
Was there a good reason? Why shouldn't man learn more? Don't we seek to teach our children? To enable them to acquire more and more information and be able to make more informed decisions and survive better? Do we suppress knowledge? Do we stop our children learning about finance or nature or food or sex or relationships? Wouldn't suppressing such knowledge be EVIL?

The excuse of "God said NO" isn't enough I'm afraid. Unless you're resolved to be a gutless coward and a human sap who can't think for himself, who needs a life of breast feeding, a bicycle with stabilisers, to be spoon-feed the rest of his life and to effectively be a slave to a dictator. A life spent tending a garden, pruning the shrubs, tilling the soil . . . for someone else . . . for eternity. You wouldn't have even been taught about sex, you'd have been wandering a garden butt naked never knowing what sex was. That's what ignorance is. That's what happens when people are repressed, forbidden to learn, kept in the dark so they can be exploited.

The story of Adam and Eve is a truly terrible one when read with un-indoctrinated eyes. Thankfully it's purely allegorical not literal.
THERE was a good reason . In the day they ate they died to GOD and the world fell under the curse .
Dont blame GOD for all the evil you see in the world , HE TOLD adam NOT TO EAT of that tree . MAN DID THIS .
and all have sinned . The next time a baby is murdered by someone , DONT BLAME GOD . HE TOLD adam not
to eat of that tree . THE CURSE came upon the world through man . NOT GOD . through man . ITS OUR FAULT . NOT GODS .
BUT i got real good news , a new heaven and a new earth is on the way where no evil will ever exist again .
ALL evil will one day be destroyed . MY ADVICE IS . RUN TO JESUS so you WONT be destroyed . but rather you can HAVE ETERNAL LIFE IN HIM . HURRY NOW . HURRY .


Active Member
Jan 30, 2021
Other Faith
United Kingdom
A God of love who desires to share everything that is good about life and relationships with His created brings did not want a forced subservience. Love is always a matter of choice.
Yet god created Adam and Eve to literally be servants, slaves to tend the garden presumably forever.

Gen 2:15
"The Lord God took the man and put him in the Garden of Eden to work it and take care of it. 16 And the Lord God commanded the man . . . "

There's no choice or free will in the above account. God "took the man" and "put him". No choice whatsoever on Adam's side. And god then proceeded to "command" i.e. to dictate.

Any way you slice and dice this it IS forced subservience. Only indoctrinated blinkers would make you not see it.

God was offering Adam and Eve a choice. It was actually a very easy one. One tree amongst thousands forbidden. It wasn't the tree itself that brought the knowledge of evil... It was the decision they made to not believe God, but believe His enemy, not heeding the warning given, that the result would be death.
It was "Hobson's Choice" and therefore no choice at all. Choose A or else you die. Do what I say or else you die. This is not free will or choice. It IS forced submission through threat of violence or death. And since it simply concerned the acquisition of knowledge, man's natural instinct to learn, be wiser, know more, it makes the whole story even more wicked and tyrannical. They made the right decision. For it IS GOOD AND RIGHT to seek to learn and improve and gain more knowledge. Throughout history it has been the wicked and evil dictators that have sought to suppress knowledge to shackle people and keep them ignorant. Like Hitler burning books.
There is no defending the indefensible here.

That it didn't take place immediately was God's grace and mercy working to give them opportunity to repent. But they eventually did die, and their offspring, to this day, have grown steadily worse.
That it happened at all reveals the nature of your Santa Claus god. No loving parent would actually punish their child by death for reading a book they had been told they must not read. The mere notion of this is appalling and tyrannical. If god were indeed all-powerful as you claim him to be then he could have prevented the deaths of Adam and Eve with a flick of a finger, with a nano-second of his will. So much for all-loving !

One more thing. Death is an inevitable natural result of sin. Sin separates man from God.
Sin is the invention of the church and its wicked system of human control, there to make people accept a position of weakness, vulnerability requiring the solution offered by the same church. The medical industry preys on people in a similar manner.
No death is inevitable. All death can be prevented. Death happens for one reason only, and that is because mankind no longer has access to the real food needed which sustains our bodies and minds indefinitely. That in turn is because selfish and wicked tyrants keep it for themselves and jealously guard it because they enjoy the power it gives them. If we were all to gain the same immortality and knowledge then they would be like everyone else, no longer special, no longer in power. Such have been the divisions of society for millennia.

Separation from the only source of life will inevitably bring death.
Correct and that source of life is the Elixir (Soma, Stone, Pearl, Ambrosia) mentioned in every form of mythology for 1000s of years.

Which is what God knew from the beginning, and why He wants everyone, through the scriptures, that the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life for those who choose to love God and keep His commandments.

True love is unconditional.

Thus the gift of eternal life must come without caveats, without conditions, freely to all. Otherwise it is a truth that has been perverted by selfishness and evil, a love that has been tainted. Throughout time this great secret of immortality has been jealously guarded by key figures including Jesus instead of being freely given to all mankind. Jesus kept it for himself and his disciples, only they were given the knowledge and secrets:

(Matthew 13:10-17)
10"And when he was alone, they that were about him with the twelve asked of him the parable. 11And he said unto them, Unto you it is given to know the mystery of the kingdom of God: but unto them that are without, all these things are done in parables: 12That seeing they may see, and not perceive; and hearing they may hear, and not understand"

In other words the true secrets were given to his disciples and for everyone else it was DELIBERATELY hidden and concealed so that they would not see or understand. Thanks a heap Jesus !

What a shame he didn't just give this wondrous substance to all of mankind so that they could share in the total healing and immortality that it bestows.

A god of love??????? . . . . . .

We live in a world where billions of people are afflicted with diseases and illnesses, dying of horrible ailments, suffering awfully.

All of that could be eradicated by releasing the Stone to all of humanity.

But those that have it, keep it for themselves.

Including Jesus


Active Member
Jan 30, 2021
Other Faith
United Kingdom
THERE was a good reason . In the day they ate they died to GOD and the world fell under the curse .
Dont blame GOD for all the evil you see in the world , HE TOLD adam NOT TO EAT of that tree . MAN DID THIS .
and all have sinned . The next time a baby is murdered by someone , DONT BLAME GOD . HE TOLD adam not
to eat of that tree . THE CURSE came upon the world through man . NOT GOD . through man . ITS OUR FAULT . NOT GODS .
BUT i got real good news , a new heaven and a new earth is on the way where no evil will ever exist again .
ALL evil will one day be destroyed . MY ADVICE IS . RUN TO JESUS so you WONT be destroyed . but rather you can HAVE ETERNAL LIFE IN HIM . HURRY NOW . HURRY .

Honestly I wish you could see how ridiculous and futile this psychobabble is.
It's like people are still stuck in the Middle Ages