Once Blood Bought and Justified, Always Blood Bought and Justified? ... You Betcha!

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Well-Known Member
Jul 29, 2018
Mid-west USA
United States
Why do I believe that Mormonism propagates a counterfeit form of Christianity. Well, for starters, the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS Church) believes in baptismal regeneration. Therefore, they reject that justification, or right standing before God, comes by grace through faith alone in Christ's atoning work ... apart from works such as water baptism. [Ephesians 2:8-9; John 3:16; Titus 3:5]. Now, I'm not saying that you as an individual necessarily believe in that heresy, but it simply makes no sense to me why any person would want to identify themselves with a religion that rejects the only means in which a person can be saved.
(Normally I would defer this to PM to avoid derailing the thread, but as this is your thread ok).

You are obviously welcomed to believe whatever you do.
To clarify what I & other LDS Christians believe: yes, Jesus Christ is the Son of God. Divine. He is God. He is MY Savior (+everyone else's). Salvation comes through faith in Him. True saving faith is not a whimsical "yeah I believe" & continuing to kiss Satan's feet the exact same as before-- no cheap grace. Rather, saving faith is an entire rebirth of the person- give our heart/soul/might/everything to Him. A believer is baptized as part of their proclamation of the their love of Him, symbolically showing the old man being buried and new on resurrecting in Christ.
"Protestants can call each other heretics but with so many Protestant denominations it is whole lot mud slinging."

So I guess there's no such thing as a heresies after all? Am I to suppose to believe that the truth doesn't exist since there are so many opinions over the question, "what must I do to be saved? Some call it "mud slinging", while others call it contending for the faith once delivered to the saints [Jude 1:3].
Charity is essential when sharing what we believe. Want to approach with love, showing the love through & through-- His love. Speak truth in that kindness. Still showing that love to all- regardless of what the other person believe or if they are a sinner / tax collector / whatever.

amigo de christo

Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
San angelo
United States
Actual “Mormon” here, only one on this site:

Jesus Christ is the divine Son of God. He is God. My Savior, my King, and without Him I wouldn’t be here at all.
But dont forget the part that says IF ONE believes not that JOSEPH SMITH is the PROPHET
they are DAMNED . Sounds to me like they put as much faith in ol jospeh and they claim to be putting IN CHRIST .
You might want to seriously examine some of your churches earliest teachings .
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Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2019
United States
"Protestants can call each other heretics but with so many Protestant denominations it is whole lot mud slinging."

So I guess there's no such thing as a heresies after all? Am I to suppose to believe that the truth doesn't exist since there are so many opinions over the question, "what must I do to be saved? Some call it "mud slinging", while others call it contending for the faith once delivered to the saints [Jude 1:3].
Look into the history of heresy, interesting.

Beliefs, Truths, Facts......Christianity has had 2000 years to weave a lot of beliefs together. It is kind of like that Ripley's Believe it or not giant ball of twine. It takes some time and effort to unravel the details A lot of false beliefs and man-made sins. So many man-made sins that it makes a Christians life like a minefield of sins and fakes sins where you can end up stepping on a real sin, while trying to avoid a fake sin. Learn what the biblical sins are.

The details are a matter of unraveling the truth, but the Good News....the Gospel of salvation is relatively clear, so you can be confident in that. That is really all the early Christians had....Gospel by word of mouth....No Bibles. The public did not have Bibles until the 1500's. So salvation does not require understanding the whole bible. All you got to know are the basics, just like the early Christians.

So what do ya got to do....
Accept Christ as your Savior, believing that Yeshua is the Son of God, a full fledged God, Messiah Savior, this is fundamental.

Repentance is simple, if you are a believer and follower of Christ, you and your life will change because you will realize that what you were doing was wrong....If there is no change...there is no salvation.....not to be confused with perfection....no one is perfect.....we start our journey....working out our salvation with fear and trembling. Philippians 2:12-13

You get Baptized believing it is a miraculous event.....if you think it is merely a public display, then that is all it is and you remain in your sins. After Baptism you are a new person in Christ and your sins are between you and Christ.
My little children, I am writing these things to you so that you may not sin. And if anyone sins, we have an Advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous; 1st John 2:1
If we confess our sins, He is faithful and righteous to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. 1st John 1:9

Participating in the Bread and Wine Ritual?

Then be a Christian, emulating Christ…Be good and do good to others.

As far as mudslinging??? Number 1, be more concerned with what you believe and do, rather than what others believe and do.

But it does not hurt to debate beliefs understanding that the details of the scriptures can honestly be interpreted different ways. That is not heresy.

There is line where they cross over to evil beliefs....Beliefs that are sacrilegious to God or will lead you and others to Hell....OSAS.....Calvinist beliefs that portray God as an evil puppet master or Jehovah’s Witnesses.


Well-Known Member
Jul 29, 2018
Mid-west USA
United States
But dont forget the part that says IF ONE believes not that JOSEPH SMITH is the PROPHET
they are DAMNED . Sounds to me like they put as much faith in ol jospeh and they claim to be putting IN CHRIST .
You might want to seriously examine some of your churches earliest teachings .
Don’t worry Amigo, I’ve spent decades thoroughly examining actual LDS Christian beliefs :)


Well-Known Member
Mar 22, 2022
United States

John 3:17-21

17 For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved.

18 He that believeth on him is not condemned: but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God.
19 And this is the condemnation, that light is come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil.
20 For every one that doeth evil hateth the light, neither cometh to the light, lest his deeds should be reproved.
21 But he that doeth truth cometh to the light, that his deeds may be made manifest, that they are wrought in God.

KJB dictionary
To condemn means “to pronounce to be guilty, to sentence to punishment, or to pass judgment against.”

Rapture Bound

Jun 26, 2023
United States

“Christian Deconversion”? – Part 2​

In my prior post I wrote, “In other words, did these people [professing Christian “deconverters”] ever truly believe that it is only “by grace through faith and not of works” that a person can be saved with such admissions? The following video is just one, in the avalanche of testimonial videos, which illustrates this recurring theme :

“Leaving Evangelical Christianity – An Intro”

Starting @6:38 mins. into her videos she says, “I just thought about that because this person was a fine person, they were living their life and they just didn’t seem to need the Christian teaching”. So that kept happening …”they don’t need this Christian stuff, their lives are fine without it. They are playing their part in society, they’re doing well, they’re benefiting by being good people in society.” …

Who am I to tell people in Australia, in a completely different culture than me, who are doing fine following their own versions of life? They are not hurting anybody and they are doing just fine. Who am I to infiltrate their life and say, “hey you need this Jesus stuff, and if you don’t accept it, unfortunately you are going to go to hell?”

So, in a nutshell, she’s declaring that “good people don’t need the salvation that Jesus offers.”

So I ask you, does it appear to you like this woman [“Dee”], or the multitudes of people that share similar testimonies, ever believed that they were sinners in danger of the wrath of God, and in desperate need of His forgiveness? Did they ever actually understand or receive as truth the clear declaration of Ephesians 2:8-9 that clearly states … not of works [not because of any of our “superlative feats of morality” that we perform]?

To further illustrate, in another one of her videos entitled, “Why Christians argue about who ‘Real’ Christians are”, she says [similar to the masses of “deconverters”]…

“The whole saying, a “True Scotsman” applies to Christianity when people like to point at people who used to be Christians and say, ‘they were never true Christians’, or ‘they just didn’t understand’ … it has to do with their theological standpoints though. People who can’t admit that their theology could be wrong, it’s not complicated, it’s just a lot to unpack. If somebody says that to you and they are a fundamentalist type of Christian, it’s because they literally cannot accept your past as being reality, because if they do, that means they will have to admit their theology is wrong. ****They have to go with the Bible is true over what may happen in reality. If they conflict, they automatically support what the bible says, even if it doesn’t match reality”****

****Did you catch that?****… in the end, it’s reality a question of [human] subjective truth [what I feel, what I experience] or [scriptural] objective truth [what God’s Word declares as reality], that is to say, which one ‘trumps’ or ‘takes precedence over’ the other [which does not imply the total elimination of the another] … these “deconverters” have chosen the wrong answer … subjective truth.****

It appears to me that closely related to this issue is the “deconverters” rejection of Biblical reliability. They claim that there really isn’t any solid evidence for the scriptures being inspired by God. Here’s a breathtaking video that I would highly recommend to those scoffers who make that assertion :

“Evidence of God in Mathematics -Truth Project 37, Full Documentary of Proofs of Bible Reliability”

Hell will be filled to the brim with “good men”… “moral” men … as well as “religious” men who all have this one thing in common … they have never been born again. Those who have been born again do not boast in their so-called “moral excellence” as the basis or ground for their right-standing [justification] before God; they boast in the cross of Christ alone [Galatians 6:14]. What a man might see in another man as “good”, God sees as one that is “dead” …. dead in trespasses and sins [Ephesians 2:1].

To miss this great truth, is in essence, to miss the central message of the Gospel. So, how does Christianity differ from all other religions? If I had to summarize it in one word, it would be “Grace”. Other religions require people to try really, really hard to be worthy enough to earn acceptance before their deities. Only in Christianity does God himself come to us to make us worthy, not as a reward for our hard work and striving to obey His rules, but as a free gift of grace for those who would trust in Christ’s atoning work rather than their own.

So many stumble right here by choosing to believe that the salvation that God offers[ by grace through faith and not of works] is “too easy” or “too good to be true” [but in truth, they have rejected God’s only appointed road to Heaven, it’s the very heart of the Gospel message]. Others, who claim to have entered through that narrow gate, are yet striving to be accepted by God through their obedience to God’s rules… does that sound like a person who believes that they have been redeemed by Christ’s blood? … “oh yeah”, they say, “I’ve been redeemed by Christ’s blood for now, but I’ve got a little more work to do if I plan on making Heaven my home someday … but I’m not working for my salvation.”

How many people out there do you suppose trust in their good deeds outweighing their bad deeds when those accumulated works are placed on their imaginary, metaphoric, “Great Scale in Heaven” on Judgment day for their admittance into Heaven? Personally, I believe it’s very likely that the majority of mankind has bought into this lie fabricated from the demonic hordes.

Here’s another shocking and frightening aspect to the scenario … there are many out there who consider themselves genuine, born-again, blood-bought children of God, that aren’t in actuality that far apart from that mind-set … the parallel is undeniable.

“This is how the enemy works :

A BELIEVING person goes to God, to the Cross, on the day they
are saved, and they are so thankful that GOD saved them. They
know that day, they are saved and who did it, and they know
they are going to HEAVEN, because of God and Christ and The Cross.

2 Yrs later, they are on a forum teaching …”Here is how you
lose salvation”…..>”here are the commandments you need to keep,
and the works you need to do, to STAY SAVED”…

Yet, the day they were saved, they KNEW why they were going to heaven, as they had the truth then.., and now….= over time they’ve been conned out of it by “theology” deceivers.”

Galatians 1:9-10, “As we said before, so say I now again, if any man preach any other gospel unto you than that ye have received, let him be accursed. For do I now persuade men, or God? or do I seek to please men? for if I yet pleased men, I should not be the servant of Christ.”

Galatians 6:14, “But God forbid that I should glory, save in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, by whom the world is crucified unto me, and I unto the world.”
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Rapture Bound

Jun 26, 2023
United States
Look into the history of heresy, interesting.

Beliefs, Truths, Facts......Christianity has had 2000 years to weave a lot of beliefs together. It is kind of like that Ripley's Believe it or not giant ball of twine. It takes some time and effort to unravel the details A lot of false beliefs and man-made sins. So many man-made sins that it makes a Christians life like a minefield of sins and fakes sins where you can end up stepping on a real sin, while trying to avoid a fake sin. Learn what the biblical sins are.

The details are a matter of unraveling the truth, but the Good News....the Gospel of salvation is relatively clear, so you can be confident in that. That is really all the early Christians had....Gospel by word of mouth....No Bibles. The public did not have Bibles until the 1500's. So salvation does not require understanding the whole bible. All you got to know are the basics, just like the early Christians.

So what do ya got to do....
Accept Christ as your Savior, believing that Yeshua is the Son of God, a full fledged God, Messiah Savior, this is fundamental.

Repentance is simple, if you are a believer and follower of Christ, you and your life will change because you will realize that what you were doing was wrong....If there is no change...there is no salvation.....not to be confused with perfection....no one is perfect.....we start our journey....working out our salvation with fear and trembling. Philippians 2:12-13

You get Baptized believing it is a miraculous event.....if you think it is merely a public display, then that is all it is and you remain in your sins. After Baptism you are a new person in Christ and your sins are between you and Christ.
My little children, I am writing these things to you so that you may not sin. And if anyone sins, we have an Advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous; 1st John 2:1
If we confess our sins, He is faithful and righteous to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. 1st John 1:9

Participating in the Bread and Wine Ritual?

Then be a Christian, emulating Christ…Be good and do good to others.

As far as mudslinging??? Number 1, be more concerned with what you believe and do, rather than what others believe and do.

But it does not hurt to debate beliefs understanding that the details of the scriptures can honestly be interpreted different ways. That is not heresy.

There is line where they cross over to evil beliefs....Beliefs that are sacrilegious to God or will lead you and others to Hell....OSAS.....Calvinist beliefs that portray God as an evil puppet master or Jehovah’s Witnesses.

I get it ... you call it "mudslinging" - lol

Rapture Bound

Jun 26, 2023
United States
The question of justification by faith alone was the centerpiece of the Protestant Reformation. Sadly, today, many who are non-Roman Catholics share the same false doctrine of justification, while, at the same time tell me, "Yeah, we need to reach them lost Roman Catholics with the true gospel message" ... not even realizing that they also do not understand or flat out reject the message of the true gospel... they have placed themselves in the same boat, they are in essence of 'like-faith' [although I realize that some of them are good with this since they openly agree and associate with the R.C. false gospel].

This grand issue which was brought to the forefront at the Protestant reformation has never went away, it unsurprisingly resurfaces time and time again in various forms since it intricately connects with the most important question that one can ask, "What must I do to be saved?"

Rapture Bound

Jun 26, 2023
United States
"So in reality there are only two possible options to acceptance with God. There is what Jesus called the narrow way, and the broad way. They both say Heaven, they both don't go there .The narrow way is the way of the gospel, the way of grace, the way of faith and it leads to life. The broad road is the way of works and religion, and it says Heaven, but it goes directly to hell. There's no salvation apart from belief in the true Gospel. All other messages, all other religions , all other gospels are demonic deceptions, satanic religions in one form or another."-- John MacArthur


Well-Known Member
Mar 22, 2022
United States
Hold fast , continue stedfast in the faith...Revelation 2:25
“But that which ye have already hold fast till I come.”.
1Cor.15:58 Therefore, my beloved brethren, be ye steadfast, unmovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, forasmuch as ye know that your labour is not in vain in the Lord. OUR REDEMPTION DRAWETH NIGH.

Rapture Bound

Jun 26, 2023
United States

“Christian Deconversion”? – Part 2​

In my prior post I wrote, “In other words, did these people [professing Christian “deconverters”] ever truly believe that it is only “by grace through faith and not of works” that a person can be saved with such admissions? The following video is just one, in the avalanche of testimonial videos, which illustrates this recurring theme :

“Leaving Evangelical Christianity – An Intro”

Starting @6:38 mins. into her videos she says, “I just thought about that because this person was a fine person, they were living their life and they just didn’t seem to need the Christian teaching”. So that kept happening …”they don’t need this Christian stuff, their lives are fine without it. They are playing their part in society, they’re doing well, they’re benefiting by being good people in society.” …

Who am I to tell people in Australia, in a completely different culture than me, who are doing fine following their own versions of life? They are not hurting anybody and they are doing just fine. Who am I to infiltrate their life and say, “hey you need this Jesus stuff, and if you don’t accept it, unfortunately you are going to go to hell?”

So, in a nutshell, she’s declaring that “good people don’t need the salvation that Jesus offers.”

So I ask you, does it appear to you like this woman [“Dee”], or the multitudes of people that share similar testimonies, ever believed that they were sinners in danger of the wrath of God, and in desperate need of His forgiveness? Did they ever actually understand or receive as truth the clear declaration of Ephesians 2:8-9 that clearly states … not of works [not because of any of our “superlative feats of morality” that we perform]?

To further illustrate, in another one of her videos entitled, “Why Christians argue about who ‘Real’ Christians are”, she says [similar to the masses of “deconverters”]…

“The whole saying, a “True Scotsman” applies to Christianity when people like to point at people who used to be Christians and say, ‘they were never true Christians’, or ‘they just didn’t understand’ … it has to do with their theological standpoints though. People who can’t admit that their theology could be wrong, it’s not complicated, it’s just a lot to unpack. If somebody says that to you and they are a fundamentalist type of Christian, it’s because they literally cannot accept your past as being reality, because if they do, that means they will have to admit their theology is wrong. ****They have to go with the Bible is true over what may happen in reality. If they conflict, they automatically support what the bible says, even if it doesn’t match reality”****

****Did you catch that?****… in the end, it’s reality a question of [human] subjective truth [what I feel, what I experience] or [scriptural] objective truth [what God’s Word declares as reality], that is to say, which one ‘trumps’ or ‘takes precedence over’ the other [which does not imply the total elimination of the another] … these “deconverters” have chosen the wrong answer … subjective truth.****

It appears to me that closely related to this issue is the “deconverters” rejection of Biblical reliability. They claim that there really isn’t any solid evidence for the scriptures being inspired by God. Here’s a breathtaking video that I would highly recommend to those scoffers who make that assertion :

“Evidence of God in Mathematics -Truth Project 37, Full Documentary of Proofs of Bible Reliability”

Hell will be filled to the brim with “good men”… “moral” men … as well as “religious” men who all have this one thing in common … they have never been born again. Those who have been born again do not boast in their so-called “moral excellence” as the basis or ground for their right-standing [justification] before God; they boast in the cross of Christ alone [Galatians 6:14]. What a man might see in another man as “good”, God sees as one that is “dead” …. dead in trespasses and sins [Ephesians 2:1].

To miss this great truth, is in essence, to miss the central message of the Gospel. So, how does Christianity differ from all other religions? If I had to summarize it in one word, it would be “Grace”. Other religions require people to try really, really hard to be worthy enough to earn acceptance before their deities. Only in Christianity does God himself come to us to make us worthy, not as a reward for our hard work and striving to obey His rules, but as a free gift of grace for those who would trust in Christ’s atoning work rather than their own.

So many stumble right here by choosing to believe that the salvation that God offers[ by grace through faith and not of works] is “too easy” or “too good to be true” [but in truth, they have rejected God’s only appointed road to Heaven, it’s the very heart of the Gospel message]. Others, who claim to have entered through that narrow gate, are yet striving to be accepted by God through their obedience to God’s rules… does that sound like a person who believes that they have been redeemed by Christ’s blood? … “oh yeah”, they say, “I’ve been redeemed by Christ’s blood for now, but I’ve got a little more work to do if I plan on making Heaven my home someday … but I’m not working for my salvation.”

How many people out there do you suppose trust in their good deeds outweighing their bad deeds when those accumulated works are placed on their imaginary, metaphoric, “Great Scale in Heaven” on Judgment day for their admittance into Heaven? Personally, I believe it’s very likely that the majority of mankind has bought into this lie fabricated from the demonic hordes.

Here’s another shocking and frightening aspect to the scenario … there are many out there who consider themselves genuine, born-again, blood-bought children of God, that aren’t in actuality that far apart from that mind-set … the parallel is undeniable.

“This is how the enemy works :

A BELIEVING person goes to God, to the Cross, on the day they
are saved, and they are so thankful that GOD saved them. They
know that day, they are saved and who did it, and they know
they are going to HEAVEN, because of God and Christ and The Cross.

2 Yrs later, they are on a forum teaching …”Here is how you
lose salvation”…..>”here are the commandments you need to keep,
and the works you need to do, to STAY SAVED”…

Yet, the day they were saved, they KNEW why they were going to heaven, as they had the truth then.., and now….= over time they’ve been conned out of it by “theology” deceivers.”

Galatians 1:9-10, “As we said before, so say I now again, if any man preach any other gospel unto you than that ye have received, let him be accursed. For do I now persuade men, or God? or do I seek to please men? for if I yet pleased men, I should not be the servant of Christ.”

Galatians 6:14, “But God forbid that I should glory, save in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, by whom the world is crucified unto me, and I unto the world.”

Just recently I've added another video to my above article which provides further compelling mathematical evidence for the Divine inspiration of the Bible. You really don't want to miss this one!

"URGENT! New Discovery in FIRST and LAST Verses of the King James Bible! [2023]"


Rapture Bound

Jun 26, 2023
United States
Do you possess a true or false sense of security/ assurance concerning your salvation?

The following post features an extremely important conversation that I had with a friend who holds to the LOS [Loss Of Salvation] position.

The question that we were discussing was, "Are all of a believers sins [past, present, and future] already forgiven as it pertains to a believer's justified standing before God?"

Here's the dialogue which, in essence, displays the distinction between a person's possession of a true or a false sense of eternal security before God :

Me : Another way to perceive the question would be, "Can believers possess a present assurance of a future entrance into Heaven? ... or will failure on the part of some to confess or repent of their future sins "sufficiently" disqualify them from their Heavenly inheritance [in which case will necessarily render the impossibility of any single believer from possessing the present assurance that their future sins will never disqualify them]?

Many of those who believe that some genuine believers will lose [forfeit] their salvation agree that the believer can [and must] have assurance that they are a child of God. However, they don't believe this assurance includes a "future tense assurance." That is to say, they claim that this assurance can only be a present possession - believers are yet in some type of "probationary standing" in which they may yet fail to inherit what God has promised them [concerning their Heavenly inheritance ... future tense]. And if what they are saying is true, they cannot even logically claim to possess assurance that they will "remain saved" come next week or even tomorrow for that matter!

As I see it, the crucial question to ponder in the midst of this is, "Were genuine believers merely placed into some sort of probationary period [the first of a "two-step process" necessary to make the "final cut"?]. Or, did Christ's blood shed at Calvary actually and decisively atone for, and end once for all, the question of the issue of God's wrath and condemnation as it relates to those who have been washed by the precious blood of Jesus? It is my strong conviction that the latter is the gospel truth... it truly is the Good News that God legitimately offers to all.

To illustrate my assertion - What if a friend of mine was to say to me, "Today I've received Jesus as my Lord and Savior! I've placed all my faith and hope in His atoning work for the forgiveness of my sins; it's like a ten ton weight has been lifted off of me!!"? ... Should I respond by saying, "Praise God for this amazing news, I hope and pray that you make it to Heaven someday, I hope that you realize that you are still on probation despite the fact that you have been washed and cleansed you by the blood of Jesus?" ... I certainly hope that wouldn't be your response [whether it be verbal or your internal mind-set].

Now, it may be true that I may wonder if he or she truly placed their faith in Christ's atoning work on their behalf, and have asked for forgiveness solely on that basis. And, I may anxiously await to see if their are any fruits or evidence of the Holy Spirit's indwelling presence subsequent to my friend's profession of faith. But once again, the question revolves full circle back to question of genuineness. Was that person's faith truly "saving", was their faith directed, and placed upon the proper object of faith?... that being Christ's atoning work and His righteousness alone apart from anything that they can offer.

The real question at hand here is NOT, "will any person who has been justified before God lose or forfeit that position?"...but rather, "did that person ever experience the regenerating work of the Holy Spirit and a justified standing before God?"

Friend : It's an important questions that you bring up. I guess if you believe you can be saved and down the road lose your salvation, you can only be 100% sure of your present state of being a saved person.

But even if you can forfeit salvation for whatever reason, it doesn't mean there must be insecurity. Like being a dad to a child. The possibility of you leaving your child is there, but it's not like you are afraid this might happen, or feel insecure about it. Yet such things happen, even to good people.

Me : You replied "But even if you can forfeit salvation for whatever reason, it doesn't mean there must be insecurity."

Well, from my perspective, it doesn't seem logically possible that at least some degree of insecurity doesn't exist in the minds of those who believe in LOS [Loss Of Salvation]. If they claim that some genuine blood-bought believers will ultimately perish, what then provides them with the assurance that they will not be one of those casualties? What then is it exactly that makes them so [presently] assured that they [specifically] are not going to be counted among those casualties? ...what makes them [as individuals] so special? ...what then provides [them] any type of genuine security or guarantee?

Keep in mind that it's exclusively those who assert that at least some genuine believers will necessarily and ultimately be cast into the Lake of Fire [LOS] that can logically claim that their future sins have not yet been forgiven [present tense] and covered by trusting in [past tense] the blood of Christ. In other words, in their case, and in their minds, they may or may not continue in their justified status before God [i.e. - their eternal destiny is yet (presently) in jeopardy].

Therefore, if their eternal destiny is yet in jeopardy, it appears to me that there must necessarily be some degree of present insecurity. After all, according to the LOS mindset, they may or may not remain in a justified standing before God next month or even next week [varying and depending upon just how short of a time period each individual LOS person reckons is sufficient to potentially forfeit their justified status].

Friend : You stated, "Keep in mind that it's exclusively those who assert that at least some genuine believers will necessarily and ultimately be cast into the Lake of Fire [LOS] that can logically claim that their future sins have not yet been forgiven [present tense] and covered by trusting in [past tense] the blood of Christ."

Check Lutheran theology. They certainly believe God has forgiven us past, present and future sins, yet they believe you can forfeit your salvation.

No genuine believer will be cast into the lake of fire, but if you can stop being a genuine believer in the future the possibility is there.

The security for the Lutheran comes from knowing that God will keep you as long as you keep trusting in Him alone for your salvation. Lutherans believe if you start to include works into the equation you have gone from grace to putting yourself under the law, and is thereby putting your salvation at risk.

Ask Lutherans if they feel uncertain about their future salvation. I know the answer. They will most certainly tell you "no!"

Me : You replied, "Ask Lutherans if they feel uncertain about their future salvation. I know the answer. They will most certainly tell you "no!"

It seems to me that that type of security is a false sense of security ... Why? as I clearly demonstrated in my prior post, by their own admission they say that some of them will forfeit their justified status [i.e - their justified status in in jeopardy ... it is changeable/alterable. Some "Protestants" or "non- Roman Catholics" even believe that they can "morph in and out of their justified status" [i.e - born again, "un-born again", then - "born again ... again", "un-born again ... again" ...etc., etc. etc. - can you see the folly in this?] - which is clearly the Roman Catholic Church position]. Why do they presume that they are one of those who will "pass the test"? What is the basis or grounding for their so-called "assurance"? ... it simply does not exist, that is, if their claim is true that some blood-bought believers will actually forfeit their justified status and perish eternally?

You said, "The security for the Lutheran comes from knowing that God will keep you as long as you keep trusting in Him alone for your salvation."

My question to them would be, "How can I be assured that I will keep trusting in Him?" ..."what exactly is the basis or grounding for such a presumption? ... again, that is, if their claim is true that some blood-bought believers will actually forfeit their justified status and perish eternally? ... it simply doesn't exist.

Friend : no further response.

Rapture Bound

Jun 26, 2023
United States
"Saved; yet so as by Fire" :

1 Corinthians 3:15 "If anyone’s work shall be burned, he will suffer loss; but he himself shall be saved, yet so as by fire." [KJV]....

Verses 10-14 :
"According to the grace of God which is given unto me, as a wise masterbuilder, I have laid the foundation, and another buildeth thereon. But let every man take heed how he buildeth thereupon. For other foundation can no man lay than that is laid, which is Jesus Christ. Now if any man build upon this foundation gold, silver, precious stones, wood, hay, stubble; every man's work shall be made manifest: for the day shall declare it, because it shall be revealed by fire; and the fire shall try every man's work of what sort it is. If any man's work abide which he hath built thereupon, he shall receive a reward."

As a "Once Justified, Always Justified" proponent, a common question that is asked of me concerning the above verses runs along the following lines:

" If you've got these people who are not building with the right materials and not building on the right foundation, it seems like, fire is going to come, it's going to test it, if their work is burned up, this person's going to suffer loss, though he himself will be saved, but only as through fire. So, if you've got a person who goes to the Judgment Seat of God in the end, and everything gets burned up, how is that different from a lost person who shows up at Judgment Day and has no good works?"

My Perspective :

The context of 1 Corinthians 3:10-17 is primarily concerned with the role of teachers in the building up of the church. However, I think the principle behind the text "..will be saved, but only as through fire." (v15), is something that should concern all believers. For it seems to be a reference to the Judgment Seat of Christ; hence verse 13, "each one's work will become manifest, for the Day will disclose it, because it will be revealed by fire..." [note: the terms 'each one' and 'anyone' could be referring to all believers].

All believers will stand before the Judgment Seat of Christ [not just those in ministry leadership roles], as in 2 Corinthians 5:10, "For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ, so that each one may receive what is due for what he has done in the body, whether good or evil.

Notice also that the text (i.e. 1 Corinthians 3:15) was originally addressed to believers who Paul referred to as 'carnal' or 'infants' in Christ [1 Corinthians 3:1], because of all their divisions, envy and strife [1 Corinthians 3:3]. One could argue that such believers will be saved, but only as through fire [i.e. by the skin of their teeth]. So the text (1 Cor 3:15) could arguably apply to spiritually immature as well.

Returning to the main text -- verse 15, ""If anyone’s work shall be burned, he will suffer loss; but he himself shall be saved, yet so as by fire."

It's unthinkable to me that there will be a single genuine believer who will arrive at the end of their life and 'the fire is going to hit them', and nothing in his/her life will be deemed to be according to the will of God. It appears to me that there will be nobody entering into Heaven who didn't live a life that was consistent with doing the will of God.

Instead, I propose that there are two main takeaways or precious truths contained within it :

(1) There will be eternal rewards awaiting those who diligently seek to do the will of God and have been regenerated by the Holy Spirit. We only get one "shot" at those rewards ... there will be no "do-overs" ... so we should earnestly strive for those rewards.

(2) Salvation is simply granted to man as a free gift, through God's immeasurable grace and mercy ... not of works. Those who are not genuine believers [i.e. - "lost people"] imagine this scriptural reality to be either "too easy" or "too good to be true". They somehow cling to the demonic delusion that they can somehow merit a Heavenly inheritance by their moral performance.

The various questions that arise from our main text [1 Cor. 3:10-15] revolve full circle back to the issue of the relationship between faith and works. Faith and works are clearly revealed throughout scripture as being polar opposites concerning their roles in a person's justified status before God. A person can only be considered righteous before God by faith in Christ's atoning work on their behalf.

Ephesians 2:8-9, "For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: ... v.9 ,"Not of works, lest any man should boast."

Romans 4:5, "But to him that worketh not, but believeth on him that justifieth the ungodly, his faith is counted for righteousness."

It is vital to understand that [saving] faith is merely an instrument that grasps Christ, and, as such, is intrinsically unworthy in itself: . . . we are righteous by faith, that is, through mercy for the sake of Christ we are righteous, not because faith is a virtue which merits the remission of sins by its own worthiness. . . . Therefore we do not say that we are righteous by faith in the sense that this is a worthiness of such great power that it merits remission, but in the sense that there must be some instrument/faculty in us by which we lay hold upon our Mediator who intercedes for us, and on account of whom the Father is favorable toward us.

amigo de christo

Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
San angelo
United States
Hold fast , continue stedfast in the faith...Revelation 2:25
“But that which ye have already hold fast till I come.”.
1Cor.15:58 Therefore, my beloved brethren, be ye steadfast, unmovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, forasmuch as ye know that your labour is not in vain in the Lord. OUR REDEMPTION DRAWETH NIGH.
View attachment 34521
You are missed lamb .

Rapture Bound

Jun 26, 2023
United States

“Christian Deconversion”? – Part 3​

Deconversion, Deconstruction, and Reconstruction – A deeper look down the rabbit hole :

What is a deconstruction story in Christianity? –
Faith deconstruction, also known as deconstructing faith, evangelical deconstruction, the deconstruction movement, or simply deconstruction, is a Christian phenomenon where people unpack, rethink and examine their belief systems. This may lead to dropping one’s professed faith altogether [deconversion] or may result in a stronger faith [reconstruction].

“What is Christian Deconstruction | Zach Davies | Ep. 29

@20:29 mins – “When I talk to people, the problem is not with Jesus. The problem often revolves around church … church herds, and things that they misunderstood, or have heard Christians say that doesn’t reconcile for them with who they understand Jesus to be.”….. And so, as long as we are keeping the foundation [the work and person of Jesus Christ], you’re in a good spot.”

Please do not confuse leaving a particular version [or all versions] of the organized “church” systems with departing from a relationship with the person of Jesus Christ … they are two entirely different concepts. This is explained in part in the following article [which I can so relate to, since many aspects of Ken Eckerty’s journey mirrors my own].

“Why I Left the Organized Church – A Personal Testimony”

Introduction to Ken Eckerty’s personal testimony :

The word used in the new Testament for “church” is the Greek word ekklesia which literally means a “gathering” or an “assembly” of believers. It is the means and the vehicle that God has chosen to fill all things with the glory and preeminence of His Son. The saints gather together to manifest Christ and encourage and build one another up in Him. Each member manifests a measure of Christ thus bringing fulness to His Body.

Jesus said in Matthew 18:20 that “where two or three are gathered together in His name, He is in their midst”. This could take place anywhere ; in a home, on a boat, in a park, and yes, even in a “church” building. When two or three [or more] saints gather and sing together, or pray together, or exhort one another then they have fulfilled the New Testament meaning of ekklesia. In other words, God’s true Assembly is not a building, or an organization which holds to a particular creed, but a people who have been redeemed by grace through faith in Jesus Christ – and understanding this truth is so very critical to understanding what true Christianity consists of.

Going to a church building is done perhaps a few times a week … being the Church is a daily lifestyle. Many accuse those of “forsaking the assembling of believers” because they do not “go to church” or meet the way they think “church” must be done… they simply have an impaired understanding of what the word ekklesia denotes in scripture. The New Testament does not tell us how to worship, it simply tells us to do it. Just because some elect to not worship the way the majority of professing believers do today, does not mean that they have forsaken the assembly of themselves with fellow believers.

When I refer to the term “organized church”, I’m referring to that system of denominationalism that says “worship must be conducted in a certain manner”, and “sign on to an entire list of doctrinal truth statements [whether you believe in the entire list or not … not simply the primary doctrines concerning salvation] in order to become a “member” of their organization” – which they deem to be the true test of a person’s genuineness… this is how far have we fallen [as a whole] from New Testament Christianity in these last of the last days prior to Christ’s return to the Earth.

The scriptures make it clear that the very moment that a person is born again and indwelt with the Holy Spirit, they become joints heirs with Christ and members of the [universal] Body of Christ [1 Corinthians 12:12-27] … the hard questions one must ask at this point is, “how can such a spiritual blindness/ mind-set exist in a genuine follower of Jesus Christ? and, “why do so many professing Christians have such a hard time comprehending this?”

Perhaps some of you can relate to the following narrative described by Micah Murray :

“when we criticize the church”
When We Criticize the Church – Micah J. Murray

“We were sold a package deal…

Truth and lies, hope and despair, real and fake – all tied up in a neat package with a bow and sold to us with the label of “Christianity”. The men in the suits with all the words told us that what they taught was true. They said it would fill the aching emptiness in our hearts, that it would get us into Heaven. They told us that it was the only way. We believed them because we were children, and because their voices were the only voices we’d ever heard. With piles of Bible verses and mountains of logic and waves of emotion, they constructed a package deal. And we bought it.

Then we grew up.

When we grew up, we stepped outside the doors of the churches where we had been sold “Christianity” and found that the package wasn’t enough. The neat answers and the principles and the trite songs and the out-of-context Bible verses were dissonant and flat in the world we discovered. Many of us have never set foot inside a church since then.

Some of us clung to the right answers, trying to “walk by faith”, trusting that “His ways are higher than our ways”. Ignoring the cognitive dissonance. Ignoring the unanswerable questions. Trying so desperately hard to please God. Trying so desperately hard to convince ourselves that this was “life more abundantly”. Always nagged by the thought that maybe we just weren’t trying hard enough. Nagged by the fear that the whole thing, the whole package deal named “Christianity”, was a lie.

Then somewhere between the aching loneliness and the lurking agnosticism, in the terrifying darkness, we saw a glimmer of hope. The voice of Jesus whispering above all the words we’d heard about Him. His love reaching past all we’d seen done in His name. His hands gently beginning to untie the neat bow that had tied up the package deal so cleanly and kept us so cruelly from freedom.

So we began, unconsciously, the process of deconstructing our “Christianity”. It’s a long and difficult journey, and often it feels like there’s no compass. See, we’d been taught the Bible was the source of all truth, and that whatever was footnoted with a Bible verse was true. We’d been told that there was only one way to interpret it, and that any other way was wrong and dangerous. Then we began to realize that many of those things so neatly footnoted with Bible verses were simply not true. Not because the Bible was not true, but because the hermeneutic was flawed. We realized that you could find a Bible verse to support any view, no matter how broken or twisted. And so the admonition to “just trust the Bible” held little comfort, because we were unable to read the Bible without hearing the words of all those men in suits selling us truth and lies mixed together.

With that package finally torn open and spilled out, we’re now analyzing it piece by piece.”


Active Member
Jul 22, 2023
Paducah Kentucky
United States
What does it mean to be 'bought with a price'? That God was willing to obtain possession of us on Calvary by paying the ultimate price ... the blood of His own Son. The blood of Christ not only paid for the liberation of all those who have placed their faith in Christ's atoning work, setting them free from the dominion of sin, His sacrifice changed their ownership ... they have become the eternal possessions of God. My friends, it just doesn't get any better than this!

Romans 5:1,9 "Therefore being justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ: ... "Much more then, being now justified by his blood, we shall be saved from wrath through him." [KJV]

Romans 3:24, "Being justified freely by his grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus:" [KJV]

Hebrews 10:14, " For by one offering he hath perfected for ever them that are sanctified." KJV]

Hebrews 9:12, "neither by the blood of goats and calves, but by his own blood he entered in once into the holy place, having obtained eternal redemption for us." [KJV]

Now, there are some who mistakenly suppose that some of those redeemed, regenerated, born again children of God will ultimately become "un-redeemed", "un-regenerated" and "un-born again". That is to say, they will forfeit their salvation and ultimately eternally perish in the Lake of Fire. Nothing could be further from the gospel truth.

This is how the enemy works :

A believing person goes to God, to the Cross, on the day they
are saved, and they are so thankful that God saved them. They
know that day, they are saved and who did it, and they know
they are going to Heaven, because of God and Christ and the cross.

2 Yrs later, they are on a forum teaching … "Here is how you
lose salvation" ... "here are the commandments you need to keep,
and the works you need to do, to stay saved" ...

Yet, the day they were saved, they knew why they were going to heaven, as they had the truth then ... and now, over time, they’ve been conned out of it by "theology” deceivers".

Galatians 3:1-3, "O foolish Galatians, who hath bewitched you, that ye should not obey the truth, before whose eyes Jesus Christ hath been evidently set forth, crucified among you?

2 This only would I learn of you, Received ye the Spirit by the works of the law, or by the hearing of faith?

3 Are ye so foolish? having begun in the Spirit, are ye now made perfect by the flesh?" [KJV]

No genuine, regenerated, child of God [having placed their faith in Christ's atoning work] will ever forfeit or "lose" their salvation that was purchased for them at Calvary by the precious blood of Jesus Christ ... it is the very essence of the gospel. To deny this is to essentially deny [or totally misunderstand] the efficacy of Christ's atoning work.

Tragically, there are those who believe God's promise of eternal redemption to be merely 'probational' and potentially temporary. They view sole trust in Christ's cross work as being either "too good to be true", or "too easy" to be fulfilled on the part of man [i.e. - a form of 'easy believism'] ... this I have found to be the case with so very many professing Christians. The question I pose to them is this, "if it's so "easy" to believe, then why do so very few believe it? ... hint - "because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it." Matthew 7:14 [KJV]

Every child of God has been purchased by the blood of Jesus Christ, resulting in the forgiveness of all of their sins [past, present, future]. They become His possession eternally at that point in time [as a result of a free will decision that they have made]. I hope and pray that that truth doesn't frighten you ... we are now 'stuck' with the dilemma of Heaven being our eternal dwelling place. No genuine child of God will regret making that irreversible decision. As the by-product of receiving a new nature at the point of their regeneration, they will be sickened and repulsed by the very thought of rescinding their initial decision to place their faith in Christ.
You need further study of scripture.
Nothing could be further from God's word and His intent. Anyone who thinks it is easy to keep God's word is not thinking clearly or is badly influenced by means other than the Bible.

Rapture Bound

Jun 26, 2023
United States
You need further study of scripture.
Nothing could be further from God's word and His intent. Anyone who thinks it is easy to keep God's word is not thinking clearly or is badly influenced by means other than the Bible.

Who said it was easy to keep God's word? Although, there is a sense in which obeying God's commandments are said to be "easy" ... 1 John 5:3, " For this is the love of God, that we keep His commandments; and His commandments are not burdensome."
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