One last question!

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Well-Known Member
Aug 4, 2020
Las Vegas
United States
Is this true for rapists too?

They get saved but they are still raping women but over time we hope they rape fewer and fewer women.

If all future sins are already forgiven, then the Lord won't mind if the guy goes on raping women as long as he is making some progress where he's raping fewer and fewer woman as he grows spiritually?
Are you SERIOUS? You're paying WAY TOO MUCH ATTENTION to what some pastor said, and not ENOUGH attention to the BIBLE!!!

Show me a bible verse...ANY bible verse where it says, "YEAH! Repeat this prayer! And keep on doing what you KNOW is wrong! You're forgiven ANYWAY!"

Son, that dog won't hunt...


Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
After all, while being formed in the womb, isn't MY DNA intermingled with my husband's DNA? Is a baby born of a criminal destined to BE a criminal?

We all have the same "Adamic nature" in our blood, in our DNA at birth.

Have you noticed that little Children don't have to be taught how to LIE?

We, are born, with the innate nature of the Devil. Thats our "sin nature".

Sinners LOVE sin, and He is the Father of it.,.. and "all have sinned"...

When we are born again, we get a new nature, that is not related to loving sin, but we have a mind that is "the flesh", and it didnt forget what sin is like.

So, its that situation that has to be rescued by the Grace of God, vs, us trying to deal with it.. As when we try to deal with our FLESH, then the Law, has a spiritual power that empowers our flesh to want to enjoy MORE carnality.

Thats the "curse of the Law" and "Jesus has redeemed us from the Curse of the Law".

So, what we do, is understand and believe that we are always "in Christ", "one with God", and we get that MIND... and once that mind is established as our real faith, then God's Grace, becomes our power and our freedom from all that bondage to the flesh.

Developing Children, learn... and that is the Brain, as a blank tape, gathering Data.

Children learn curse words, from parents, brothers, friends.

Homosexuality is connected to being associated with it, visually, and mentally.

"So as a person TNINKS, so are they"..

And what you THINK< is mostly what you have learned.. or watched.

Philippians tells us to think on GOOD CLEAN things...

That's difficult for a Christian to do who is hooked on Twitter, and Social Media, and HBO, and Netflix, and similar.


Well-Known Member
Aug 4, 2020
Las Vegas
United States
Smart Therapist....

We've all heard the Sunday School for Children teaching..

"we are all born with a hole in our heart, that only God can fill".

That hole is "bottomless want"..

"lust of the eye"... etc.

"why am i never satisfied".. "why is nothing ever good enough"..

I know people who "binge buy".. expensive items, .. they research them for weeks, and finally purchase, and before the item is arrived, they are already looking for the next one, while thinking about how to try to sell the one that has not yet arrived.

I know other people who are unhappy.... and they buy, they spend, because this dulls their pain.......and they just keep doing that... burning money...trying to feel better.

Only God can satisfy all that, as that hole is designed to be filled with Him.. and He is able to satisfy.

That contentment is what Jesus said is '"My Peace i give unto you...leave with you". "that passes all understanding".

That is "godliness with Contentment"..

Paul teaching : 1 Timothy 6:6
Yup. Seen it before myself. Knew a man who had EVERYTHING. Beautiful home...furnishings...friends...a beautiful daughter...great career as a in the bank...

...and was ANGRY at God for not giving him MORE..

For some, EVERYTHING isn't enough...

And yet...we see pictures/videos of some people who live in absolute poverty...and are smiling!

What do THEY have that the 'rich' person doesn't have? (I can already guess the answer...;) )


Well-Known Member
Aug 4, 2020
Las Vegas
United States
We all have the same "Adamic nature" in our blood, in our DNA at birth.

Have you noticed that little Children don't have to be taught how to LIE?

We, are born, with the innate nature of the Devil. Thats our "sin nature".

Sinners LOVE sin, and He is the Father of it.,.. and "all have sinned"...

When we are born again, we get a new nature, that is not related to loving sin, but we have a mind that is "the flesh", and it didnt forget what sin is like.

So, its that situation that has to be rescued by the Grace of God, vs, us trying to deal with it.. As when we try to deal with our FLESH, then the Law, has a spiritual power that empowers our flesh to want to enjoy MORE carnality.

Thats the "curse of the Law" and "Jesus has redeemed us from the Curse of the Law".
I was with you until what's bolded. The "curse of the law" means different things to different people. For *me* the 'curse of the law' means a release from Mosaic law; not NATURAL law.

If Jesus tells us we are to "love God, and love each other", is that "Law"?
So, what we do, is understand and believe that we are always "in Christ", "one with God", and we get that MIND... and once that mind is established as our real faith, then God's Grace, becomes our power and our freedom from all that bondage to the flesh.

Developing Children, learn... and that is the Brain, as a blank tape, gathering Data.

Children learn curse words, from parents, brothers, friends.

Homosexuality is connected to being associated with it, visually, and mentally.

"So as a person TNINKS, so are they"..

And what you THINK< is mostly what you have learned.. or watched.

Philippians tells us to think on GOOD CLEAN things...

That's difficult for a Christian to do who is hooked on Twitter, and Social Media, and HBO, and Netflix, and similar.


Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
I was with you until what's bolded. The "curse of the law" means different things to different people.

"Jesus is the END of the Law for Righteousness, to everyone who BELIEVES"

"Believes" = this is the born again Believer, who is "not under the Law, but under Grace".

"The Law came by Moses... but Grace and Truth came by Jesus The Christ.'"""

For *me* the 'curse of the law' means a release from Mosaic law; not NATURAL law.

By natural law you mean our natural desires and drives?

So, those are to be controlled by God's Grace, vs, trying to strive against them, as when you repress natural urges you literally enhance them, and make them stronger.

"The LAW, is the power of sin"... empowering sin... .causing you to want to live carnally, the more you try to stop.

"Curse of the Law".

When Paul said, "i can do all things Through Christ", he's talking about the whole Christian life of Discipleship.

We have to stay in the Grace of God, or else we are "in the Flesh" trying to control what is uncontrollable.

When Paul said..."I die Daily", he was talking about dying to self ... which is also ending trying to control self desires.

See, Christianity is ALL of GOD, and its received.... Its "the GIFT of Salvation".. "Believe and Receive".

We walk "IN THE SPIRIT" , .. which is to be in the place of God's Empowering Grace.

Otherwise we are "in the flesh" trying to do what on only the Grace of God can do...through us.

If Jesus tells us we are to "love God, and love each other", is that "Law"?

Its not a "moses law", its a Spiritual Principle.

"God is A Spirit" and "God is Love".

So, the agape love, vs the eros love, or any other type of love.. .is unique to God and unique to Christians.

God tells us to love our enemies, and that is not possible unless God's love is loving them through us.

CHRISTianity, is God in us, having accepted us through Christ, and now God lives His life through us as we learn to submit to this as our life.
That's "Discipleship".

Here is the difference between our love and God's love..

We would die for a friend or a family member.
God died for His ENEMIES.
Jesus looked down from the Cross into the faces, the hateful eyes, of the people who were saying..."if you are the ONE, then come off those nails". "fly on down here" and we'll believe you then,. "you walked on water, didn't you son of Joseph, so it should be no prob, for you to fly off that Cross"....

And Jesus said.. "Father forgive them"...

That is GOD loving them... and that is what He does through us, otherwise, He would not tell us to love our enemies., ect, ect.


Well-Known Member
Jan 26, 2008
United States
That is absolutely true.

As a matter of fact, the "world system" creates a lot of super smart people, who are always coming to the knowledge of the Truth, but never enter in, and that is because their logic prohibits faith.
Faith to them, is similar to Myth, regarding Christianity.

Faith in Christ, is not related to Logic.
Religion, can be logical, but faith based CHRISTianity, is nothing like that...

Religion is man made, its rules and regulations, and its designed to try to reach God or become like one.

Most of its Teachers are __________.
Someone like The Buddha.
Smart, but disconnected from reality.
He teaches that to arrive at a place where you dont want anything... "freedom from want".. is essentially Nirvana, ...
God does not teach you not to want.. He teaches you to be satisfied with what you have...
That is completely different.
God has no issue with you wanting things. Its ok to want, but its not ok to LUST...
We are created to WANT.... its a part of our design... and so, wanting isn't the problem, its wanting what is bad for you,... lusting for that,.. .is where you hit the wall and crash and burn.

CHRISTianity, is FAITH IN The Virgin Born Son of God you can't SEE...., who was in Heaven before He came down here and died on a Cross, for the sin of the world.

That is not logical. That is not analytically designed DATA.
If you try to think logically and understand it, then give up now, as you can't figure that out.. you just have to believe it.
And people who went to hell today, who never believed because it "didnt make sense"... currently and for eternity would give anything for a 2nd chance to come back HERE and BELIEVE.
Everyone who went to hell, now believes in Jesus., and they now believe in Hell, also.
See, Reader, hell will prove that its true to the unbelievers..., so its best to believe in Jesus while you are still breathing, as "today is the day of salvation".

Christianity is a FAITH BASED TRUTH, and what is more... is that this Dead and now Risen Jew, is Himself THE TRUTH.

John 14:6
Thanks for the amplification.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 4, 2020
Las Vegas
United States
"Jesus is the END of the Law for Righteousness, to everyone who BELIEVES"

"Believes" = this is the born again Believer, who is "not under the Law, but under Grace".

"The Law came by Moses... but Grace and Truth came by Jesus The Christ.'"""
What does that even MEAN? I am SO TIRED about hearing about "justification" and "sanctification" and "belief" in this and that...

Seriously, I don't believe that God meant this to be so hard.
By natural law you mean our natural desires and drives?

So, those are to be controlled by God's Grace, vs, trying to strive against them, as when you repress natural urges you literally enhance them, and make them stronger.

"The LAW, is the power of sin"... empowering sin... .causing you to want to live carnally, the more you try to stop.

"Curse of the Law".

When Paul said, "i can do all things Through Christ", he's talking about the whole Christian life of Discipleship.

We have to stay in the Grace of God, or else we are "in the Flesh" trying to control what is uncontrollable.

When Paul said..."I die Daily", he was talking about dying to self ... which is also ending trying to control self desires.

See, Christianity is ALL of GOD, and its received.... Its "the GIFT of Salvation".. "Believe and Receive".

We walk "IN THE SPIRIT" , .. which is to be in the place of God's Empowering Grace.

Otherwise we are "in the flesh" trying to do what on only the Grace of God can do...through us.

Its not a "moses law", its a Spiritual Principle.

"God is A Spirit" and "God is Love".

So, the agape love, vs the eros love, or any other type of love.. .is unique to God and unique to Christians.

God tells us to love our enemies, and that is not possible unless God's love is loving them through us.

CHRISTianity, is God in us, having accepted us through Christ, and now God lives His life through us as we learn to submit to this as our life.
That's "Discipleship".

Here is the difference between our love and God's love..

We would die for a friend or a family member.
God died for His ENEMIES.
Jesus looked down from the Cross into the faces, the hateful eyes, of the people who were saying..."if you are the ONE, then come off those nails". "fly on down here" and we'll believe you then,. "you walked on water, didn't you son of Joseph, so it should be no prob, for you to fly off that Cross"....

And Jesus said.. "Father forgive them"...

That is GOD loving them... and that is what He does through us, otherwise, He would not tell us to love our enemies., ect, ect.
If we ALL have the "law" written into our hearts, then we already know what's right and wrong. The OP KNOWS he's committing sin by having sex with his girlfriend, who he's not married to. I already KNOW that cussing out a driver who cut me off that it's not good....

Forget about this whole "justification" "sanctification" thing...What Makes SENSE?


Well-Known Member
Feb 24, 2011
United States
I think, as others have said, that for SOME, it takes time. For others, it happens all at once.

That is a very profound and yet clear way of putting it.

If we all looked at salvation by God's timeless ("the same yesterday, today, and forever") terms (the real and only truth)--which many do not, we would all see it as He sees it--as the same, without time being a factor.

Time being the illusion that it is, yes, many believe the illusion is true, while few believe that God in whom the illusion does not exist, is true. Unfortunately...because the illusion of time is of this world and thus under the ruler of this world...whose terms many prefer.
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Aunty Jane

Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2021
Yup. Seen it before myself. Knew a man who had EVERYTHING. Beautiful home...furnishings...friends...a beautiful daughter...great career as a in the bank...

...and was ANGRY at God for not giving him MORE..

For some, EVERYTHING isn't enough...
Yes....we live in world ruled by the devil (1 John 5:19)...a very materialistic world where "I want it all, and I want it now", prevails. As soon a one "want" is satisfied, another "want" takes its's a never ending cycle catered to by the commercial system. No one seems to understand that a want is very different to a need.

The catch cry of the commercial system is..... "THINGS make you happy".....if you are not happy, it means you haven't got enough THINGS".
The more THINGS people have, the more THINGS they want.....but nothing makes them happy...WHY?

Jesus said that "there is more happiness in giving than there is in receiving" there you have it.....all those people who are waiting for THINGS to be given to, or to be acquired by them are happy for a very short period of time, and then when the 'happiness' wears off, they become miserable again? If they just understood that giving to those in genuine NEED is where happiness comes from.
Giving to satisfy a WANT is never really satisfying because you know it is just temporary....the next WANT will be along shortly.
Satisfying a NEED is so much more providing water for a village in Africa....or medicine to those in poorer nations who cannot afford a meal to a homeless person.....but the most important thing that people need right HOPE....hope of better things to come, whilst watching the world implode into chaos, led by corrupt men intent on bringing about the end of humanity in the name of power.

Being fed a steady diet of bad news from the media, is it any wonder that there is a huge need to lift people's spirits? give them some "good news" about God's Kingdom. Jesus told us to share his message with the "lost" ones.
And yet...we see pictures/videos of some people who live in absolute poverty...and are smiling!
That is usually because those who know what "NEED is, will usually share what little they have. It makes them happy to fill a NEED.
Contentment is a rare thing these days....I heard a saying that I believe sums it all up....
"Contentment is wanting what you have....not having what you want".....we all need to practice the art of contentment and learn what real happiness is by giving to others....not just materially, but with our time and attention, so sadly lacking in relationships these days.
Time is one of the most precious things we have, and it's limited by so many unnecessary things. The problem is we do not know how much time we have to do what we need to do in this life. So use time wisely for the benefit of others and happiness will find you......
you won't need to keep chasing it. :pursuit:
What do THEY have that the 'rich' person doesn't have? (I can already guess the answer...;) )
I'll tell you a story about a friend of mine who had occasion to accept the hospitality of a very poor Christian family in Fiji, who happily shared their meager belongings and food with her. When she wanted to repay them for their kind hospitality by sending some gifts to them when she got home, they were insistent that they wanted nothing in return......because they did not want to create envy among their friends and family....we can take a leaf or two out of their book, I think....
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Dan Clarkston

Active Member
Dec 16, 2023
Denver Colorado
United States
Show me a bible verse...ANY bible verse where it says, "YEAH! Repeat this prayer! And keep on doing what you KNOW is wrong! You're forgiven ANYWAY!"

Sounds like Jesus does not cover all future sins then.

We, are born, with the innate nature of the Devil. Thats our "sin nature".

Then it's unjust for God to hold us responsible for our actions!

After all, we were born sinners and we just can't help it!

"So as a person THINKS, so are they"..

A minute ago you just said we were born sinners and we can't help but doing sin since we are born that way.

What happened to that?

"Believes" = this is the born again Believer, who is "not under the Law, but under Grace".

Cool! And grace covers all past present and future sins and God only sees Jesus when He looks at us so if we sin He doesn't know we are sinning.

Lots of folks are teaching this and claim it's the grace message and is orthodox Christianity.


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Mar 9, 2023
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United Kingdom
What, exactly, do you think the word of God is?
The word of God is Alive and I have posted countless scripture on this.

The carnal mind could never understand this, because they don’t have the Spirit of God.

God spoke the earth into existence....?

He testifies with our spirit that we are his children.....he speaks to our spirit....he leads us through the Holy Spirit.....oh yeah of limited faith and understanding.....I pray you too receive that revelation to your heart.

But, beware....Pride won’t bring us closer to God and you must know he “ hates” you walk in the Spirit?

Is that not live, walking in the Spirit?....

And how about this scripture...what’s it saying @JBO

1 Peter 1:23 ESV / 16 helpful votes​

Since you have been born again, not of perishable seed but of imperishable, through the living and abiding word of God;

I pray for a breakthrough from God to your heart...

God speaks to the heart/ spirit of his child and his word will never contradict scripture.

He speaks to us all differently...he speaks to my heart most of the time....then I check what I believe him to be saying to my heart with scripture.....and there it is, the Living word of God.

Everything I hear....I always check it out with his word.

34 Scriptures on Hearing God's Voice
  • Romans 10:17 – Faith Comes By Hearing the Message Of God's Word. ...
  • John 10:27 – My Sheep Listen to My Voice. ...
  • Hebrews 3:15 – If You Hear His Voice Do Not Harden Your Hearts. ...
  • 2 Timothy 3:16-17 – All Scripture Is God-Breathed. ...
  • Hebrews 1:1-2. ...
  • Job 33:14 – God Does Speak.

Don’t harden your heart.....I learnt that a while back...I hardened my heart to what God was saying to me once and I suffered the was all meant to be, it was a hard / painful lesson I learnt....Praise God.

Look how God spoke to Saul, who later became Paul.

The Damascus Road: Saul Converted
9 Then Saul, still breathing threats and murder against the disciples of the Lord, went to the high priest 2 and asked letters from him to the synagogues of Damascus, so that if he found any who were of the Way, whether men or women, he might bring them bound to Jerusalem.

3 As he journeyed he came near Damascus, and suddenly a light shone around him from heaven. 4 Then he fell to the ground, and heard a voice saying to him, “Saul, Saul, why are you persecuting Me?”

5 And he said, “Who are You, Lord?”

Then the Lord said, “I am Jesus, whom you are persecuting. [a]It is hard for you to kick against the goads.”

6 So he, trembling and astonished, said, “Lord, what do You want me to do?”

Then the Lord said to him, “Arise and go into the city, and you will be told what you must do.”

7 And the men who journeyed with him stood speechless, hearing a voice but seeing no one. 8 Then Saul arose from the ground, and when his eyes were opened he saw no one. But they led him by the hand and brought him into Damascus. 9 And he was three days without sight, and neither ate nor drank.

God can still speak like this today, if he chooses....he has increased my faith, beyond my wildest just have to trust and have faith in him.....get out of that old mindset.....remember the renewing of our minds.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
What does that even MEAN? I am SO TIRED about hearing about "justification" and "sanctification" and "belief" in this and that...

That's all Theological "christianese"..

Salvation is "the simplicity that is IN Christ".

Its simple, but you have to believe it, Reader.

God came down here, as Jesus "manifested in the Flesh". = Virgin Born.


Because God's righteousness is so HOLY, that only God can provide it., as we have to have it, or God can't accept us.
So He did.
He died on the Cross, as Jesus the God man, and this SACRIFICE, is so powerful, that is redeems the entire world from sin.

However, to get that forgiveness, that is "the GIFT of Salvation".... God has a requirement...

Just one.

And its not water baptism, and its not trying to be like Christ..

Its "all that BELIEVE in Jesus"...

THAT is what God requires...
He REQUIRES us to come to Christ by FAITH,, and God takes that Faith, and does the rest.

Salvation is HIS to Give, because HE died on the Cross, to provide it.

Jesus said from the Cross...,. "IT is FINISHED/Accomplished".

What is Finished??

A.) = SALVATiON.,, forgiveness of SIN, and the Gift of Eternal Life.

That is what God gives to US, when we give God our FAITH in Christ.

Welcome to : God's SALVATiON

Its a "Gift."
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Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
Then it's unjust for God to hold us responsible for our actions!

When Jesus redeemed the world from sin, He didnt remove your conscience.
He actually repaired it so that you become CARNALITY sensitive, which allows you to understand it more clearly, and thereby avoid it.

And here is the other thing you need to know.,.
It is true that Jesus became sin, but what He didn't do was remove a spiritual reality that is continuing on this earth, for the unbeliever and the Believer,

Its this..

"You will REAP what you sow'.

This means that consequences for behavior, is continuing.
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Well-Known Member
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Encounter Team
Mar 9, 2023
United Kingdom
United Kingdom
When Jesus redeemed the world from sin, He didnt remove your conscience.
He actually repaired it so that you become CARNALITY sensitive, which allows you to understand it more clearly, and thereby avoid it.
So very true!!!.



Well-Known Member
Aug 4, 2020
Las Vegas
United States
That's all Theological "christianese"..

Salvation is "the simplicity that is IN Christ".

Its simple, but you have to believe it, Reader.

God came down here, as Jesus "manifested in the Flesh". = Virgin Born.


Because God's righteousness is so HOLY, that only God can provide it., as we have to have it, or God can't accept us.
So He did.
He died on the Cross, as Jesus the God man, and this SACRIFICE, is so powerful, that is redeems the entire world from sin.

However, to get that forgiveness, that is "the GIFT of Salvation".... God has a requirement...

Just one.

And its not water baptism, and its not trying to be like Christ..

Its "all that BELIEVE in Jesus"...

THAT is what God requires...
He REQUIRES us to come to Christ by FAITH,, and God takes that Faith, and does the rest.

Salvation is HIS to Give, because HE died on the Cross, to provide it.

Jesus said from the Cross...,. "IT is FINISHED/Accomplished".

What is Finished??

A.) = SALVATiON.,, forgiveness of SIN, and the Gift of Eternal Life.

That is what God gives to US, when we give God our FAITH in Christ.

Welcome to : God's SALVATiON

Its a "Gift."
As to what I bolded and underlined...what does "believing" and/or having "faith" mean to you? To me (I know you didn't ask me, but I'm gonna tell ya anyway! Chkl:) both belief and faith are 'action' words, much like love. The action doesn't have to be some gargantuan feat; it can be as simple as a word. As a Catholic, we are taught that the simplest prayer for us to say is, "Jesus." That's it. Not said in some moment of frustration, usually accompanied by an eye-roll. But as a word of love. Perhaps a pause in our busy day.

Yes, theological 'christianese' (there's that eye-roll I mentioned earlier!) In the spirit of the approaching holiday, all I have to say about it is, "Bah-HUMBUG!" ;) Does it REALLY matter? I can read about justification, sanctification, merits, salvation, grace etc., and preach about it until the cows come home. But for me, what matters most, is that I'd rather be a 'doer' of the Word, than a 'hearer' of the Word.

Make sense?


Well-Known Member
Oct 20, 2023
Prescott, AZ
United States
What does that even MEAN? I am SO TIRED about hearing about "justification" and "sanctification" and "belief" in this and that...

Seriously, I don't believe that God meant this to be so hard.

If we ALL have the "law" written into our hearts, then we already know what's right and wrong. The OP KNOWS he's committing sin by having sex with his girlfriend, who he's not married to. I already KNOW that cussing out a driver who cut me off that it's not good....

Forget about this whole "justification" "sanctification" thing...What Makes SENSE?
That is because you don't know what any of that means. That whole "justification" "sanctification" thing... does make sense. And it isn't really so hard.


Well-Known Member
Aug 4, 2020
Las Vegas
United States
That is because you don't know what any of that means. That whole "justification" "sanctification" thing... does make sense. And it isn't really so hard.
On the contrary...I DO know what it means.

I just don't put so much weight on it as some others do. You wanna get to Heaven? Fine. Love God and love others. SHOW God you love Him through loving others.

And you're right. Loving God and loving others isn't so hard...