One last question!

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Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
I think that Buddha doesn't teach us to not want anything

What you are speaking about is reformed or revised Buddhism.

See, the original Buddhism understood that there is a difference, regarding wanting ... as some is innate, and some is lust based.

The orig. understood that to want some water and some food is not the same wanting power, and money, and control over other people.

So, the revisers, (Lotus Sutra) now teach what you are explaining... as revised Buddhism.

What i noticed also, is that Buddhism beliefs, vary from country to country..
For example, i was dealing with Buddhist in France, devout, lifelong, who believes that the Buddha teaches pre-destination of all things.
Similer to Calvinism's pre-determination.

Other Buddhists, dont believe that at all......

This reminds me of USA Southern Baptist Churches, that are a part of the Souther Baptist Convention.
Each is a sort of Satellite, that is somewhat autonomous, and that can be great.


Well-Known Member
Aug 4, 2020
Las Vegas
United States
What you are speaking about is reformed or revised Buddhism.

See, the original Buddhism understood that there is a difference, regarding wanting ... as some is innate, and some is lust based.

The orig. understood that to want some water and some food is not the same wanting power, and money, and control over other people.

So, the revisers, (Lotus Sutra) now teach what you are explaining... as revised Buddhism.

What i noticed also, is that Buddhism beliefs, vary from country to country..
For example, i was dealing with Buddhist in France, devout, lifelong, who believes that the Buddha teaches pre-destination of all things.
Similer to Calvinism's pre-determination.

Other Buddhists, dont believe that at all......
O.k. Thanks. I don't keep up with Buddhism, but I "dabbled" in it for a bit a few years ago. I DO have an issue with this:

The orig. understood that to want some water and some food is not the same wanting power, and money, and control over other people.
Wanting water and food to me is a need, rather than a want.

Perhaps in some cases, want breeds need?


Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
I've seen/read many a story about some who are so miserable because they're not rich or they don't have a life-partner (for example) that it's ALL they can think about.

Its a fairly natural state of existence to live every moment of your life doing something that you wanted to do next.
As, that is what we do.
We are always looking for the next thing to do, that we want to do... usually because this makes us feel good, or feel entertained, or feel appreciated.

The Holy Spirit and Bible Study, helps us discipline those choices, so that we dont choose what destroys our lives.

Unbelievers dont have that "pause" or that "inner reflection" that CLEAN FILTER that is the change in us... Its that inner analysis thing that is always evaluating our choices.. so that we dont choose the bad stuff..
And if a believer does choose to NetFlix Binge on R-Rated movies, they will feel dirty....
And that is because we are Joined to Holy God and what we do, .. He is right there in us, as the Holy Spirit.
So, if we offend Him, we feel it.... and that is one more proof of being SAVED.

Unbelievers dont feel that.. they just feel the LUST and Craving for more.

The Unbelievers, dont have Christ in them, who is our guide, who is that still small voice of conscience that is guiding our choices.
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Aunty Jane

Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2021
Can you lose your salvation or not?
Yes....any prize can be lost if there is no appreciation for why it is offered in the first place.
People of the OSAS persuasion believe that deliberate sin can be pardoned in a believer who thinks that their salvation is permanent.

2 Pet 2:20-22...
"Certainly if after escaping from the defilements of the world by an accurate knowledge of the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, they get involved again with these very things and are overcome, their final state has become worse for them than the first. 21 It would have been better for them not to have accurately known the path of righteousness than after knowing it to turn away from the holy commandment they had received. 22 What the true proverb says has happened to them: “The dog has returned to its own vomit, and the sow that was bathed to rolling in the mire.”

Can we be a dog who has returned to eat their own vomit.....or can we be a pig who was bathed who returns to the mire that was washed off? Surely not! :doldrums:
I keep having people tell me I must do this or that which sounds a lot like they are saying you can't be saved unless you do a bunch of good things.
Is "doing a bunch of good things", a bad thing? :IDK:
For those attracted to Christ's personality and his teaching, NOT just the reward he is offering, then selfishness has to be curtailed.
Motive is more important to God than actions themselves. If you are not rightly motivated, no action will save you.

Paul's advice is to be taken seriously...
"Do you not know that the runners in a race all run, but only one receives the prize? Run in such a way that you may win it. 25 Now everyone competing in a contest exercises self-control in all things. Of course, they do it to receive a crown that can perish, but we, one that does not perish. 26 Therefore, the way I am running is not aimlessly; the way I am aiming my blows is so as not to be striking the air; 27 but I pummel my body and lead it as a slave, so that after I have preached to others, I myself should not become disapproved* somehow."

God can disapprove of our behavior if we do not exercise self control in all things....disapproval in the Bible has always led to punishment.
That makes me think they believe you can lose your salvation.

If you cannot lose your salvation then why is all this other being said?
People look for excuses to keep on sinning....they find it hard to do good things, and to keep doing them when the flesh wants to keep doing the bad things that feel good. God does not accept excuses.

OSAS is a fantasy, as many will find out in the end....


Well-Known Member
Aug 4, 2020
Las Vegas
United States
Uh oh, they'll be claiming you are a troll since you don't agree with everybody else who all say we can never lose our salvation no matter what.
Ohhhh, pish-posh! This is a place where differences of opinion are welcome. First of all, not EVERYONE who's here says we can never lose our salvation, no matter what. Yup, we argue...we debate...we intellectualize...

But NONE of it means that anyone is "trolling." My goodness...


Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
O.k. Thanks. I don't keep up with Buddhism, but I "dabbled" in it for a bit a few years ago. I DO have an issue with this:

Wanting water and food to me is a need, rather than a want.

Perhaps in some cases, want breeds need?i

The devil's nature is sin.
Sin is lust.... And after God put the Law and the 10 in place, it was defined., as "tho shalt not" and 613 Laws.

If a person is in a coma, "flat-line"... no brain activity, their brain stem keeps on informing the body, to do what the body needs to do to stay alive...including needing water and food.

So, the Brain is the soul realm....(Mind, will, emotions).

Its a Blank Tape when we are born, that is always set to "record", and its recording all the time.
These recordings become who we are.... and what we think, and what we want...

The DEVIL understands that what we bring into our soul realm, becomes what we think about, and that becomes what we want and do.
So, he wants us focused on lustful things, always.
This is why you can't go anywhere and not see some enticement to lust.
You can't watch TV and not see something dirty.........often its the commercials.
You can't go to a store and not see things that are going to be placed EXACTLY so that you see them..

The Devils fills every part of the planet with an eye gate issue, or a ear gate issue.

"worldly" = Lust Driven.

This is why we are told to be "in the world" but not OF IT.

And here is the thing....

The reason that we have to be born again, is because this birth, is God becoming our Father.
We are changing spiritual Fathers when we are BORN... again.
That's why Jesus said.. "you MUST be born again", as that is everything.
Its why we go to heaven..

So, born again, from What?

What are we born again from??
Its not just spiritual "death"...
Its also this..

Jesus said.. "you are of YOUR FATHER, the DEVIL.. .and the lust of your FATHER, you will DO".

Those are our SINS, and that is why we are doing them, before we are born again by ANOTHER FATHER, and get a "divine nature"., and become a "new Creation".

See it?

Being born again, changes your Spiritual Father, and that is why the Born again, end up in Heaven, as that is where God our Father is located.

HELL< was created, originally for the DEVIL and his Angels, and because unbelievers are children of the devil, then when they die they go to HELL, as that is for their Father, and that is why they go there.
They are not going to HEAVEN, as their Father, their Spiritual Father,... is not in Heaven.

when you die, you are going to your Spiritual Daddy..
That's a fact that your church needs to teach you.
And that is why if your church taught you that water baptism washed away you sin, then you still have the wrong spiritual father.
So, now you can tell your SS class, or your converts, about that..
As its a fact.


Well-Known Member
Aug 4, 2020
Las Vegas
United States
Its a fairly natural state of existence to live every moment of your life doing something that you wanted to do next.
As, that is what we do.
We are always looking for the next thing to do, that we want to do... usually because this makes us feel good, or feel entertained, or feel appreciated.

The Holy Spirit and Bible Study, helps us discipline those choices, so that we dont choose what destroys our lives.

Unbelievers dont have that "pause" or that "inner reflection" that CLEAN FILTER that is the change in us... Its that inner analysis thing that is always evaluating our choices.. so that we dont choose the bad stuff..
And if a believer does choose to NetFlix Binge on R-Rated movies, they will feel dirty....
And that is because we are Joined to Holy God and what we do, .. He is right there in us, as the Holy Spirit.
So, if we offend Him, we feel it.... and that is one more proof of being SAVED.

Unbelievers dont feel that.. they just feel the LUST and Craving for more.

The Unbelievers, dont have Christ in them, who is our guide, who is that still small voice of conscience that is guiding our choices.
What's bolded reminds me of a therapist I once had. I was going through some pretty bad stuff with my late husband. He was an unbeliever who simply wasn't 'satisfied'. Thought he "deserved" MORE than what he had.

I asked the therapist, "What would happen if he got EVERYTHING he wanted?" She told me, "He'd STILL be unhappy...because there was nothing left to want..."

Her words left a HUGE impression on me...
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Bob Estey

Well-Known Member
Aug 18, 2021
Sparks, Nevada
United States
I think it's more than that, and I think Jesus preached more than that. The desire to murder, steal, covet, commit adultery, starts in the heart. Our own PRIDE...our own feelings of how we "deserve" this or that, and how we're more important than someone else is what causes us to act out by murdering, robbing etc.

But it also causes us to act out in seemingly small ways. Cutting in front of someone in line...blasting a customer service rep for having to wait "too long"...avoiding giving anything to a homeless person because they're "probably on drugs"...

Jesus stresses humility. But how many of us actually have it? Actually LIVE it?
Do we suddenly repent of all our sin, or does it take time?

Dan Clarkston

Active Member
Dec 16, 2023
Denver Colorado
United States
I think, as others have said, that for SOME, it takes time. For others, it happens all at once.

Is this true for rapists too?

They get saved but they are still raping women but over time we hope they rape fewer and fewer women.

If all future sins are already forgiven, then the Lord won't mind if the guy goes on raping women as long as he is making some progress where he's raping fewer and fewer woman as he grows spiritually?


Well-Known Member
Aug 4, 2020
Las Vegas
United States
The devil's nature is sin.
Sin is lust.... And after God put the Law and the 10 in place, it was defined., as "tho shalt not" and 613 Laws.

If a person is in a coma, "flat-line"... no brain activity, their brain stem keeps on informing the body, to do what the body needs to do to stay alive...including needing water and food.

So, the Brain is the soul realm....(Mind, will, emotions).
O.k. With you so far...
Its a Blank Tape when we are born, that is always set to "record", and its recording all the time.
These recordings become who we are.... and what we think, and what we want...
I'm not so sure if I agree with that. I don't think it's a blank tape WHEN we're born. After all, while being formed in the womb, isn't MY DNA intermingled with my husband's DNA? Is a baby born of a criminal destined to BE a criminal? I respect you a LOT Behold, and I believe you and I could have a really energetic conversation about this! But alas...don't want to hijack the convo!

Fer NOW! :D
The DEVIL understands that what we bring into our soul realm, becomes what we think about, and that becomes what we want and do.
So, he wants us focused on lustful things, always.
This is why you can't go anywhere and not see some enticement to lust.
You can't watch TV and not see something dirty.........often its the commercials.
You can't go to a store and not see things that are going to be placed EXACTLY so that you see them..

The Devils fills every part of the planet with an eye gate issue, or a ear gate issue.

"worldly" = Lust Driven.

This is why we are told to be "in the world" but not OF IT.

And here is the thing....

The reason that we have to be born again, is because this birth, is God becoming our Father.
We are changing spiritual Fathers when we are BORN... again.
That's why Jesus said.. "you MUST be born again", as that is everything.
Its why we go to heaven..

So, born again, from What?

What are we born again from??
Its not just spiritual "death"...
Its also this..

Jesus said.. "you are of YOUR FATHER, the DEVIL.. .and the lust of your FATHER, you will DO".

Those are our SINS, and that is why we are doing them, before we are born again by ANOTHER FATHER, and get a "divine nature"., and become a "new Creation".

See it?

Being born again, changes your Spiritual Father, and that is why the Born again, end up in Heaven, as that is where God our Father is located.

HELL< was created, originally for the DEVIL and his Angels, and because unbelievers are children of the devil, then when they die they go to HELL, as that is for their Father, and that is why they go there.
They are not going to HEAVEN, as their Father, their Spiritual Father,... is not in Heaven.

when you die, you are going to your Spiritual Daddy..
That's a fact that your church needs to teach you.
And that is why if your church taught you that water baptism washed away you sin, then you still have the wrong spiritual father.
So, now you can tell your SS class, or your converts, about that..
As its a fact.
Again, I have nothing to add. Or debate. It's all good...even if I AM a Catholic (ducking rotten vegetables being thrown at me...):p


Well-Known Member
Apr 24, 2022
United States
I guess I need to start listening to preachers that teach you can lose your salvation and see what bible passages they are using to make that claim.

And then compare those passages to the ones used by preachers that claim you can not lose your salvation to see what the bible says about this.

So you believe if one lives in sin they will still go to Heaven since they cannot ever lose their salvation?
Some would just argue that the person who lives in sin was never really saved in the first place.


Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
What's bolded reminds me of a therapist I once had. I was going through some pretty bad stuff with my late husband. He was an unbeliever who simply wasn't 'satisfied'. Thought he "deserved" MORE than what he had.

I asked the therapist, "What would happen if he got EVERYTHING he wanted?" She told me, "He'd STILL be unhappy...because there was nothing left to want..."

Her words left a HUGE impression on me...

Smart Therapist....

We've all heard the Sunday School for Children teaching..

"we are all born with a hole in our heart, that only God can fill".

That hole is "bottomless want"..

"lust of the eye"... etc.

"why am i never satisfied".. "why is nothing ever good enough"..

I know people who "binge buy".. expensive items, .. they research them for weeks, and finally purchase, and before the item is arrived, they are already looking for the next one, while thinking about how to try to sell the one that has not yet arrived.

I know other people who are unhappy.... and they buy, they spend, because this dulls their pain.......and they just keep doing that... burning money...trying to feel better.

Only God can satisfy all that, as that hole is designed to be filled with Him.. and He is able to satisfy.

That contentment is what Jesus said is '"My Peace i give unto you...leave with you". "that passes all understanding".

That is "godliness with Contentment"..

Paul teaching : 1 Timothy 6:6