OSAS Deniers can “ Sin and Get Away With It Too! Here’s How!

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Feb 6, 2018
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It’s really all quite simple .....they don't believe the Gospel.....That first half of it that says “ Jesus died for our sins ?” .......they say that just like they sing” Nothing But The Blood ...they say and sing these things mindlessly —-What they “ really” Believe is quite the opposite. If they really believed that Jesus “ died for their sins”, they would never question their Salvation again.They would be set free. “Set Free” to be a Slave .....isn’t Christianity Amazing? In a great way !

The Fact is:...ALL Scripture IS True.
The Fact is:...There IS A Division of People.
The Fact is....The DIVISION Of People, has a Precise LINE/Barrier.
The Fact is:
Scripture is Divided as well.
•Some Scripture Applies exclusively to One Side...of The divided people.
•Some Scripture Applies exclusively to the Other Side...of the Divided people.

The issue is...
• I can state Definitively...what Scriptural Teaching Applies to me.

•An Other can state What Applies to them.

It is not rocket science...to figure out when a person is stating TWO Divided Scriptures, are Both Applying TO THEM... that the result IS..their Minds Thoughts AND Hearts Thoughts...IS Blatenly Obvious NOT IN Harmony.

They are too inept, to figure it out...and resort to the child's tactic of deflection, accusations.

Pretending one can Be perched ON the Dividing Line, in a Pseudo "safe zone"...is A False Notion.

The DIVISION Line is Clear.
There are no Strays, Uncertain, Fence sitters to Consider...

Jesus made it Expressly Clear...

Matt 12:
[30] He that is not with me is against me;

the Express DIVISION of People.

The utter notion and ridiculous teaching...
That the Faithful and True Lord God...
Would Save a man's soul, Quicken a man's spirit...and then Reverse what He HAS DONE...

Is a most corrupt egregious pack of Lies.

Glory to God,


Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2020
Northeast USA
United States
•Some Scripture Applies exclusively to One Side...of The divided people.
•Some Scripture Applies exclusively to the Other Side...of the Divided people.

Man, do you realize how contrary to the truth these comments are?

2 Timothy 3:16-17 KJV

[16] All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: [17] That the man of God may be perfect, throughly furnished unto all good works.

So, since all scripture is not “to you”, only some of it, you will never be perfect and thoroughly equipped to all good works.

Man, wake up and open your eyes! Purge out whatever doctrine has brought you to this point.
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Feb 6, 2018
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Man, do you realize how contrary to the truth these comments are?

I realize instead of asking what you do not know...you ask a silly question based on your lack of knowledge.

You should have studied. You can not divide the Word of truth...if you are unaware of the Whole Truth..and quick to reject....what you do not know.

2 Timothy 2:
[15] Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.

2 Timothy 3:16-17 KJV
[16] All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: [17] That the man of God may be perfect, throughly furnished unto all good works.

Beautiful Scripture....but Totally irrelevant to the point.

I was speaking of applicability of Scripture.

I showed you now the Verse That Applies to my point of dividing the Truth.

2 Tim 3:16 is NOT about dividing the Truth.
2 Tim 3:16 is About the Profitability of All Scripture.

Are you UNAWARE...
You Trying to OBJECT to the Point of DIVISION and APPLICABILITY....with a Scripture of PROFITABILITY
Is completely irrelevant!

OF course ALL Scripture is Profitable...
And I did Not infer or say otherwise...
(Thus you introduce your ineptness to comprehend what Was said to you).

Only particular Scriptures Apply to me.
Me, speaking for myself...Not you.
Any one with a teeny tiny bit of functioning grey matter should know...
A Saved person and Unsaved person...
Are not the same person!
Yet Scripture speaks about Saved and unsaved...Scriptures speaking about the Saved and unsaved...are both true Scriptures...but both Scriptures Do Not Apply to One same person!

Unbeknownst to you...you just disagreed with that! Ridiculous.

And your Supposed "reasoning" is because "all Scripture is profitable"... Further ridiculous reasoning to disagree with DIVISION and applicability!

Profitability...Advantage of ALL Scripture ... is I know what Applies TO me is According to Gods WAY...and also what Applies TO others is AGAINST God...
It is to my advantage- Profit to Know as much, and WHAT to expect from my enemy, who also is an enemy of my Lord.

So, since all scripture is not “to you”,
only some of it, you will never be perfect and thoroughly equipped to all good works.

Irrelevant response to your deflection.

Man, wake up and open your eyes! Purge out whatever doctrine has brought you to this point.

Obvious...your understanding in general things is shallow.
Dividing the Truth...Applying the Truth...
Is not the same thing as Not considering All Scriptures profitability.

Surely you must have an incling...you have to Look at the Whole, to know what to divide?

BloodBought 1953

Well-Known Member
Jun 3, 2020
Portsmouth Ohio
United States
I adhere to ALL of the Gospel....not just Pauls.

“ YOUR” Gospel is a False, Perverted Gospel Of Works.....catholics have Seven “ hoops” to jump through in order to be Saved.....you add to Paul’s Gospel......you and everybody that holds to a catholic doctrine is “Fallen from Grace”......Read Galatians......Those That Preach a False Gospel are “Accursed”—- damned by God for Eternity....

BloodBought 1953

Well-Known Member
Jun 3, 2020
Portsmouth Ohio
United States
Got it!

The Catholic Church and any Protestant that disagrees with you are wrong because you are always right because you would never post anything you know to be lie.

I explained myself .....I am no different than you, except that you are too silly to talk to...

Do you post lies ? I hope not....

Let me say this.....let me know if you have the intelligence and the humility to agree and say the same thing——

I “ could” be WRONG about everything that I think, say, or do.....I do not Believe that I “am” however . I pray....I study....I ask God to send me to the best Teachers of the Word out there ( God sends wise Teachers to us as gifts) .There is just One Bible, But there are thousands of different interpretations .....I don’t think anybody this side of Heaven gets it 100% Right.....I ask God to send me to those that teach closest to His Truth....
I never post here without first asking God to be with me in my mind with Correct as possible Doctrine and I also ask Him to be in my Heart, to try to genuinely Bless others with what I believe to be True.....what else can a person do?
Do you have the sense and the humility to admit , as I did, that you could possibly be wrong about everything you post?
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Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2020
Northeast USA
United States
Only particular Scriptures Apply to me.

Romans 15:4 KJV
For whatsoever things were written aforetime were written for our learning, that we through patience and comfort of the scriptures might have hope.

Suit yourself.

All scripture applies to me to learn from it and be made wise unto salvation through faith in Jesus.

2 Timothy 3:15 KJV
[15] And that from a child thou hast known the holy scriptures, which are able to make thee wise unto salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus.

By your own words you have limited yourself and will never attain to wisdom in the faith. Which is why you believe a doctrine like Once Saved Always Saved.
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BloodBought 1953

Well-Known Member
Jun 3, 2020
Portsmouth Ohio
United States
Jesus cleared the temple of money lenders, and sacrificial animals. Why did Jesus do that? He did it because of what He and Only He could do, and did do.

The Old Testament is about a pagan people.

Jesus cleared the Temple Of “Thieves”——- he even said as much....
NOWHERE does it say that he “ drove out” the Sacrificial Animals .....God DEMANDED these sacrifices....”without the shedding of blood, there is no forgiveness for sins....”
Despite all of their “pagan ness , sinfulness and lack of Faith at times.....like it our not —- the OT is about a race of “ Chosen People” , Gifted with the Commandments and Promises Of God—- whether they obeyed them or not....

Paul Christensen

Well-Known Member
Mar 2, 2020
New Zealand
It seems to me that some are afraid of the prospect of having assurance of salvation and continued security as they maintain their faith in Christ. As soon as someone says, "I am eternally secure because of my faith and trust in the finished work of Christ", they are met with accusations of false doctrine, antimomian practice (which is doing what one pleases with their life while continuing in their religion).

There is a type of self-blindness which makes a person unable to see or accept that no one is sinlessly perfect, that often we sin through omission and commission, and mostly through our own fault. There are those who maintain that all conscious sin is the type of willful sin that threatens salvation, and they post condemnation on those who "willfully" sin, but don't specify what these "willful" sins are and who actually commits them.

There seems to be a tarring and feathering of anyone who comes on the thread and says, "I am eternally secure through my faith in Christ". But all the accusers can do is to give generalised comments that all who claim OSAS have to be living a life of willful sin.

There are those who claim that they have totally victory over sin - that they no longer sin, like one guy on CF who said that he had not sinned for the last 30 years! But what is this other than the doctrine of entire sanctification by faith of Wesleyan Methodists and members the Nazarene church?

Then there are the Arminians who adopt a semi-Pelagian theology that says that it is all up to us to decide to be saved through Christ, and that maintenance of the Christian life and holiness is through personal choice, and so may choose to be saved one day, and yet choose to be lost through sin the next. These are the ones who fill counsellors' offices filled with fear that they may end up being rejected at the Judgment. It is impossible for an Arminian to have full assurance of salvation. The live a type of bipolar religious existence - up in glory one day, and down in the valley of the shadow of death the next. This is why many take a legalistic stance and are very judgmental of those who are not as "holy" as they are. They cannot accept that someone who does not live up to their legalistic standard can claim full assurance of salvation.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 31, 2020
Sheffield, Yorkshire, home of Robin Hood.
United Kingdom
Jesus cleared the Temple Of “Thieves”——- he even said as much....
NOWHERE does it say that he “ drove out” the Sacrificial Animals .....God DEMANDED these sacrifices....”without the shedding of blood, there is no forgiveness for sins....”
Despite all of their “pagan ness , sinfulness and lack of Faith at times.....like it our not —- the OT is about a race of “ Chosen People” , Gifted with the Commandments and Promises Of God—- whether they obeyed them or not....
You would be best reading up on it. Briefly, when they went to Jerusalem at Passover, instead of taking animals with them for sacrifice they would buy them in the temple when they got there, even borrowing money from the moneylenders for the purpose. The temple that was supposed to be holy, was turned into a market place. Jesus cleared them out, what they were doing was abhorrent to him and an insult. You read the scriptures I posted I assume. Neither does this have anything to do with OSAS. It sounds to me as though you have some crazy religion of your own making.

John 2:13-16 KJV
(13) And the Jews' passover was at hand, and Jesus went up to Jerusalem,
(14) And found in the temple those that sold oxen and sheep and doves, and the changers of money sitting:
(15) And when he had made a scourge of small cords, he drove them all out of the temple, and the sheep, and the oxen; and poured out the changers' money, and overthrew the tables;
(16) And said unto them that sold doves, Take these things hence; make not my Father's house an house of merchandise.

You are wrong again. Here are the sacrificial animals.

To refresh your memory, the true God hates these pagan practices.
Bring no more vain offerings; incense is an abomination to me. New moon and Sabbath and the calling of convocations—I cannot endure iniquity and solemn assembly. (Isaiah 1:13)

Thou shalt not do so unto the LORD thy God: for every abomination to the LORD, which he hateth, have they done unto their gods; for even their sons and their daughters they have burnt in the fire to their gods. (Deu 12:31 KJV)

Isaiah 1:11 NKJV "To what purpose is the multitude of your sacrifices to Me?" Says the LORD. "I have had enough of burnt offerings of rams And the fat of fed cattle. I do not delight in the blood of bulls, Or of lambs or goats.

1 Samuel 15:22 NKJV So Samuel said: "Has the LORD as great delight in burnt offerings and sacrifices, As in obeying the voice of the LORD? Behold, to obey is better than sacrifice, And to heed, is than the fat of rams.

Psa 40:5-6 Many, O LORD my God, are Your wonderful works Which You have done; And Your thoughts toward us Cannot be recounted to You in order; If I would declare and speak of them, They are more than can be numbered. Sacrifice and offering You did not desire; My ears You have opened. Burnt offering and sin offering You did not require.

The true God requires that we make a sacrifice of our heart.

Below is the false pagan god of the Israelites.
Jeremiah 7:21 Thus says Yahweh of Armies, the God of Israel: Add your burnt offerings to your sacrifices, and eat meat.

Ezekiel 20:40 For in my holy mountain, in the mountain of the height of Israel, says the Lord Yahweh, there shall all the house of Israel, all of them, serve me in the land: there will I accept them, and there will I require your offerings, and the first fruits of your offerings, with all your holy things.

Ezekiel 44:15 But the priests the Levites, the sons of Zadok, who performed the duty of my sanctuary when the children of Israel went astray from me, they shall come near to me to minister to me; and they shall stand before me to offer to me the fat and the blood, says the Lord Yahweh:

You can read about the pagan god of the Israelites here. Yahweh - Wikipedia
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Feb 6, 2018
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Romans 15:4 KJV
For whatsoever things were written aforetime were written for our learning, that we through patience and comfort of the scriptures might have hope.

Suit yourself.

All scripture applies to me to learn from it and be made wise unto salvation through faith in Jesus.

2 Timothy 3:15 KJV
[15] And that from a child thou hast known the holy scriptures, which are able to make thee wise unto salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus.

By your own words you have limited yourself and will never attain to wisdom in the faith. Which is why you believe a doctrine like Once Saved Always Saved.

Of course I suit myself.

You pretending I ignore all scripture is ridiculous. I implied nor said any such thing.

You would do well to not rewrite an others words, and then negatively respond to what a poster "did not say."

Thanks for sharing ALL Scripture APPLIES TO you....
Must be a tad confusing when Scripture Applies to one gender you ARE NOT...
As well when Scripture Applies TO Tribal ISRAEL and you are NOT...
Guess you take the old saying..."you can be anything you wanna be" literally.


Well-Known Member
Mar 7, 2017
United States
I explained myself .....I am no different than you, except that you are too silly to talk to...

Do you post lies ? I hope not....

Let me say this.....let me know if you have the intelligence and the humility to agree and say the same thing——

I “ could” be WRONG about everything that I think, say, or do.....I do not Believe that I “am” however . I pray....I study....I ask God to send me to the best Teachers of the Word out there ( God sends wise Teachers to us as gifts) .There is just One Bible, But there are thousands of different interpretations .....I don’t think anybody this side of Heaven gets it 100% Right.....I ask God to send me to those that teach closest to His Truth....
I never post here without first asking God to be with me in my mind with Correct as possible Doctrine and I also ask Him to be in my Heart, to try to genuinely Bless others with what I believe to be True.....what else can a person do?
Do you have the sense and the humility to admit , as I did, that you could possibly be wrong about everything you post?
Hi BB53,

No, I do not post lies. Scripture says the church is the pillar and foundation of truth. Since The Church is the pillar and foundation of truth and I only post what The Church teaches then what I post can't be wrong since it is the truth.

Are you the pillar and foundation of truth?

Jesus said "upon this rock I will build my church and the gates of hell will not prevail against it". What you believe is that God gave us a book (which he didn't, he gave us The Church) and you believe that anyone that asks God to be with them when they read that book then they will come into the truth. Scripture does not say that.

With that said I am happy you have the humility to admit you could possibly be wrong about everything you post. That means I have no reason to believe anything you post.

Scripture says that we "will know the truth, and the truth will set you free." You say that we don't know the truth and that you are still bound with uncertainty! I believe Scripture, not you.


Well-Known Member
Jun 28, 2018
San Pedro
United States
2 Timothy 2:13 ......” If we are Without Faith, He remains Faithful , because He cannot renounce Himself...”

2Ti 2:12, If we suffer, we shall also reign with him: if we deny him, he also will deny us:
2Ti 2:13, If we believe not, yet he abideth faithful: he cannot deny himself.

The Gospel says that “ Jesus died for my Sins” ....so what Sins did He NOT die for that could ever cause me to go to Hell?

Sins that you do not repent of, laying them at the foot of the Cross, surrendering them to His Lordship in your life.

My Faith is in “ Nothing But The Blood”...

And of course, the blood of Jesus does not only justify (as per Romans 5:9)...it also sanctifies (Hebrews 13:12, Hebrews 10:29) and cleanses us from all sin (1 John 1:7)...

If there is ANYTHING out there other than Resting in the Gospel Of 1Cor15:1-4 to get one Saved ( and there isn’t) it’s up to God to take care of it

Jesus died for our sins according to the passage...this statement is qualified by the following:

Mat 1:21, And she shall bring forth a son, and thou shalt call his name JESUS: for he shall save his people from their sins.

Tit 2:14, Who gave himself for us, that he might redeem us from all iniquity, and purify unto himself a peculiar people, zealous of good works.

When the Jew committed a sin and offered up his sacrifice, it showed him that every time he sinned, there was a PRICE to be paid.....an INNOCENT’S Blood had to be shed .....something INNOCENT had to pay for what YOU did!

That should produce in anyone a good conscience...a conscience that is discontented with a lifestyle of sinning.

Yet there are people out there who do not see the doctrine of entire sanctification as being good news....

This to me, means that they are content with being sinners for the rest of their lives....impaho, such people have no concept of God's feelings about sin.

THAT pointed to Jesus and that was the only value of it....

The value of it was also in producing a good conscience in the hearts of those whose consciences would be trained by the understanding given to them by such a practice.

Yes, I see your point and I agree with it. Soooo what I think that we are agreeing to is that one SHALL be saved IF one does certain things and continues to do them?


Of course we do not maintain our salvation by works. It is the righteousness of faith that we must continue in in order to stay saved...a faith that makes someone into a new creature in Christ (2 Corinthians 5:17 (kjv)).

There is a type of self-blindness which makes a person unable to see or accept that no one is sinlessly perfect,

I suppose that reading the Bible is conducive to having spiritual blindness...for it teaches that a person can be entirely sanctified (of which the term "sinlessly perfect" is applied as a misnomer in an attempt to create a straw man that is easily toppled by 1 John 1:8...while entire sanctification does not teach that sin is eradicated (i.e. we do not become sinless) when we obtain that second benefit...but rather that the element of sin within us is rendered dead (Romans 6:6, Galatians 5:24, Romans 7:8) so that it no longer has any say over our behaviour (Romans 6:14)).

The doctrine of entire sanctification is established by such verses as 1 Thessalonians 5:23-24 (kjv), Hebrews 10:14 (kjv), 1 John 3:9; Jude 1:24, 2 Peter 1:10, 1 John 2:10; 1 John 3:7, 1 John 3:3, 1 John 2:6; Romans 6:6, Colossians 2:11; 1 John 3:6, 1 John 2:17.

There are those who claim that they have totally victory over sin - that they no longer sin, like one guy on CF who said that he had not sinned for the last 30 years! But what is this other than the doctrine of entire sanctification by faith of Wesleyan Methodists and members the Nazarene church?

Both of these are good faith traditions.

It is impossible for an Arminian to have full assurance of salvation.

It is impossible for a Calvinist to have real assurance. Follow my reasoning. According to Calvinism, if someone thought that they were saved, but later fell away, they were never really saved in the first place. Therefore, if I fall away in the future (a factor which is unknown to me), I do not have salvation now. Since I have no way of knowing whether I will persevere or fall away in the future, whether or not I am saved in the current moment is up in the air....no way of knowing whether I am truly saved or not in the current moment. Just a bare cockiness that because I believe in eternal security, therefore I must be eternally secure myself.
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Paul Christensen

Well-Known Member
Mar 2, 2020
New Zealand
I suppose that reading the Bible is conducive to having spiritual blindness...for it teaches that a person can be entirely sanctified (of which the term "sinlessly perfect" is applied as a misnomer in an attempt to create a straw man that is easily toppled by 1 John 1:8...while entire sanctification does not teach that sin is eradicated (i.e. we do not become sinless) when we obtain that second benefit...but rather that the element of sin within us is rendered dead (Romans 6:6, Galatians 5:24, Romans 7:8) so that it no longer has any say over our behaviour (Romans 6:14)).

It is impossible for a Calvinist to have real assurance. Follow my reasoning. According to Calvinism, if someone thought that they were saved, but later fell away, they were never really saved in the first place. Therefore, if I fall away in the future (a factor which is unknown to me), I do not have salvation now. Since I have no way of knowing whether I will persevere or fall away in the future, whether or not I am saved in the current moment is up in the air....no way of knowing whether I am truly saved or not in the current moment. Just a bare cockiness that because I believe in eternal security, therefore I must be eternally secure myself.

The fact is, whether we believe in the extremes of Calvinism or Arminianism, as soon as we were born again of the Spirit of God, we are entirely sinless in God's sight. He doesn't see it because it is totally covered by the righteousness of Christ. The Scripture says that God has buried our sins in the deepest sea of His forgetfulness. Jesus took the guilt and penalty for sin in the three hours He hung on the cross. When the sin debt was fully paid, He cried out, "It is finished!" God's total plan of salvation, designed from the foundation of the world was complete.

Therefore, our sinfulness (in our flesh which is condemned to die), is no longer an issue to God. He doesn't see it, and He doesn't want to see it. But for those who choose to live with sin-consciousness, they are not proficient in their faith. That is, if their sin-consciousness hinders them in their walk with Christ and they struggle with walking in the Spirit because they believe the lying spirit that tells them that every time they fall off wagon of holiness they have committed willful sin and has lost their standing with God. It is not their besetting sin that has broken the bond of fellowship with God, but their unbelief in that they have listened to the inner voice of the lying, condemning spirit.

We can still say that we are sinners according to our flesh. That's what Paul said: "There is nothing good in me, that is in my flesh". This is why those who are in the flesh cannot please God. We are not to walk in the flesh, but in the Spirit. We are to forsake the deeds of the flesh so that sin does not have dominion over us. Paul lists the deeds of the flesh in Galatians 5. Some on this thread who tend to be argumentative and accusative in their comments need to take notice, because being argumentative and accusative is part of the deeds of the flesh, which those who walk in the Spirit need to forsake.

When someone uses "you" messages to accuse me, my response is, "That is old news. The devil has already accused me of that!" The argumentative person adopts the attitude, "I'm right, and you're wrong, and I'm going to make sure you know it!" Also, justifying or excusing oneself is also of the flesh. So, someone has made a comment that makes me feel defensive...so what? Who cares?

Someone accused me of having the attitude that the world revolves around me; So I bought a tee shirt that says, "Well actually, the world DOES revolve around me!" I enjoyed wearing it, When I was younger and more assertive in my witness for the Lord, I was accused by a regional manager that I was mentally unstable and needed psychiatric help. Three weeks later, on the bowling green, he collapsed and died. That showed me what God thinks of people who falsely accuse His blood-bought children.

Reggie Belafonte

Well-Known Member
Mar 16, 2018
It seems to me that some are afraid of the prospect of having assurance of salvation and continued security as they maintain their faith in Christ. As soon as someone says, "I am eternally secure because of my faith and trust in the finished work of Christ", they are met with accusations of false doctrine, antimomian practice (which is doing what one pleases with their life while continuing in their religion).

There is a type of self-blindness which makes a person unable to see or accept that no one is sinlessly perfect, that often we sin through omission and commission, and mostly through our own fault. There are those who maintain that all conscious sin is the type of willful sin that threatens salvation, and they post condemnation on those who "willfully" sin, but don't specify what these "willful" sins are and who actually commits them.

There seems to be a tarring and feathering of anyone who comes on the thread and says, "I am eternally secure through my faith in Christ". But all the accusers can do is to give generalised comments that all who claim OSAS have to be living a life of willful sin.

There are those who claim that they have totally victory over sin - that they no longer sin, like one guy on CF who said that he had not sinned for the last 30 years! But what is this other than the doctrine of entire sanctification by faith of Wesleyan Methodists and members the Nazarene church?

Then there are the Arminians who adopt a semi-Pelagian theology that says that it is all up to us to decide to be saved through Christ, and that maintenance of the Christian life and holiness is through personal choice, and so may choose to be saved one day, and yet choose to be lost through sin the next. These are the ones who fill counsellors' offices filled with fear that they may end up being rejected at the Judgment. It is impossible for an Arminian to have full assurance of salvation. The live a type of bipolar religious existence - up in glory one day, and down in the valley of the shadow of death the next. This is why many take a legalistic stance and are very judgmental of those who are not as "holy" as they are. They cannot accept that someone who does not live up to their legalistic standard can claim full assurance of salvation.

Well when one comes claiming that they are eternally secure through their faith in Christ ? I have seen many of them who fell away over the years in fact.

As for the finished works of Christ ? well what does that mean to many that I know ? well such is like a cartoon Donald Duck type of thing or it's finished type of thing as if it's to no regards as to us now type of dribble, ah he has did it man ! leave it as that ? if we just believe such we are saved ? don't pick up the Cross man ! pick up the bong. your saved leave it at that, don't bother it's a done deal ! now you can boast that you are going to heaven in fact and take the easy option man. OSAS well I said the words man I believe he saved everyone who believes.
Well Satan believes who Jesus is, so he is saved as well now, is he:rolleyes:.

Well no ! no one can get into the Kingdom of God until you are truly born again in fact and their is a list of who can not enter into the Kingdom of God in fact and do you know why they can't get in, well because they are not worthy of God in fact, see the list 1 Cor 6 :9-10 and read Gal 5.

What I get back from my mate up the road and his mob is that they are peddling a total con job, they are trying to undermine the Church ! the body of Christ and him as the head there of and they are disregarding the true Jesus Christ in fact for a mans works, now they are very cunning in the way that they do such. The Devil is a master of delusions ! and has so much power over the religious dupes, now religion never saved anyone in fact and only Jesus Christ Saves ones Soul.
I see from this Mob of religious that they claim to be against works but then the fact is that they into mans Works totally in fact. they in fact reject Jesus Christ in fact ! they do not truly believe in him. they are on about the 2ed coming and the State that they are building claiming it to be Israel ? such proves that they are lost ! because if they were truly Saved they would know Jesus Christ. they are not abiding in Jesus Christ they are abiding in so called Jews who in fact reject Jesus Christ, they are Anti-Christ in fact !

Fact is that Jesus Christ is not finished in his works, it was never a done deal ? whenever I hear the words, Done deal that is of Satan, God never does deals ! you abide or you don't. can you fathom God asking you for a Deal :rolleyes:. Satan only does Deals with dupes in fact.