OSAS Deniers can “ Sin and Get Away With It Too! Here’s How!

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BloodBought 1953

Well-Known Member
Jun 3, 2020
Portsmouth Ohio
United States
You people who claim that Christians cannot stop sinning and still go to heaven give occasion to the world to speak evil of the way of truth (2 Peter 2:2). I’m not surprised at the rate that the world is increasing in ungodliness when those who are supposed to be the light of the world are in fact in darkness with the lost; claiming to be in the light (1 John 1:6).

You “saved sinners” ought to be ashamed of yourselves! But your doctrine does not produce shame and humility, only a boasting mouth and contempt against those who actually magnify holiness as prescribed in the holy scriptures.

Stop and think for a moment; if we will never stop sinning, then discipline is moot. Chastening someone for something they will never stop doing is a waste of time.

Common sense should awake you to the fact that men are capable of ceasing from evil doing. But when you believe that you will escape hell no matter what you do, where’s the motivation to stop sinning? Where’s the incentive to forsake all for Christ? Why bother carrying a cross for the Lord? Why suffer in the flesh (1 Peter 4:1)?

With all your learning you have made the word of God of non effect that you may keep your OSAS (Mark 7:13).

When a scripture mentions “belief”, “faith”, and being “cut off”, you should pay attention; the implication when these words are used is in regard to salvation, nothing else. You can lie to yourself all you want with nonsense like “I’m not an Israelite, it doesn’t apply to me”... blah blah blah.

Explain to me what the object of belief is in Romans 11:20-23.

What else does the Bible speak of in believing and having faith in other than the gospel?


Stop and think for a moment; if we will never stop sinning, then discipline is moot. Chastening someone for something they will never stop doing is a waste of time.

Common sense should awake you to the fact that men are capable of ceasing from evil doing. But when you believe that you will escape hell no matter what you do, where’s the motivation to stop sinning? Where’s the incentive to forsake all for Christ? Why bother carrying a cross for the Lord? Why suffer in the flesh (1 Peter 4:1)?

God puts people through specific Chastisements for specific Sins. Like the guy who was sleeping with his step mother .The sin was obvious. God’s Specific Chastisement for that specific sin was to be kicked out of the church... God’s Chastisement was just what the Dr. ordered.....the man abandoned his sin and the church happily welcomed him back....perhaps later on , the man exhibited “ other” sins in his life.If so , and if God deemed it necessary, God had the option to chastise the poor guy again . The man might not like it....he might not understand it , but God , like any loving Father , will discipline his children because he Loves them! It is for there own good!
You wonder what the “ incentive” is for living a God- pleasing life if you are not dangling over the pits of hell every second of your life with “ a mean old man in the sky” just itching to damn you forever if you commit the slightest sin?
Try to imagine this scenario —- I know it’s tough, but just “try” it. For once .
You hear the ” Good News” Of 1Cor15:1-4..... it says that “ Jesus died for you sins” .....Now, lets pretend to take that at Face-Value. If Jesus died for my Sins , how can I go to Hell ? There would be no sins of mine to take me there because all of my Sins were put on the Cross.Like John the Baptizer said.....Jesus was the Lamb Of God that “ TOOK AWAY the SINS of the WORLD.” As predicted by John, Jesus performed HIS part and “the World”means EVERYBODY .....All that is left for anybody to “ DO”is to “ cash in” on what Jesus has already done FOR them....
If you have made it this far , “IF” we can Pretend that this is all true, imagine the Relief you would feel knowing that the PRESSURE to somehow “ Make Yourself Worthy” By always having to check your Performance Level was to be replaced by knowing that you were “ MADE WORTHY” by the Shed Blood Of The Lamb That John said would “ Take Away” your Sins. ...
With me so far? Hmmmmm.....let’s proceed anyway, lol.....Imagine that God REALLY DID what He promised to do ( does God's Promises mean “ Anything” to you, it must be asked).He Promised to take your Sins and cast them ALL into the deepest depths and “ REMEMBER THEM NO MORE”
Perhaps I have been duped — maybe I got it all wrong somehow . But once again, use your imagination.....what if I am “ Right” ........Put yourself in my place,even if it is mistaken......
I actually believe that because of What Jesus did for me on the Cross and my Faith in HIS WORK puts me in this thing that Paul refers to as “The Body Of Christ” where I am Forever “ sealed” and I can “ NEVER come under Condemnation” .....I “ Already Have “ Eternal Life” because I Did the Will Of God as Jesus told the Disciples when He was asked “ what must we do to inherit Eternal Life”, and Jesus said to “ BELIEVE on the One that He Sent”....
I did that . Maybe I am a Fool, but I honestly Believe that I am “ off the hook”. Finally.What a Relief. As a matter of fact, I am so “ relieved” , I now REST in this “ Good News.” Resting in the Gospel Of 1Cor15:1-4 spurs such a Relief .....spurs so much gratitude.....and dare I say it.....so much LOVE for God that I “ find myself “ doing the Will Of God Without having to “try” so hard.Maybe God knew this all along —— after all, the Greatest Commandment is to “Love Your God .....” Maybe this was no coincidence .....maybe this has been the Secret to Living a life that pleases God, no matter what “ Cross we have to bear”. God always knew that LOVE was the Engine that drove Obedience.....maybe that is why he considers everything else “ Dead Works” and “ Filthy Rags”.....
Now, back to what you would call “ The Real World”.....it’s the World Of Religion ....The World That has one “ Trying” to be Saved as opposed to “ Trusting “ to be Saved.Its a world of “ Don’t do This” and “ Do Do That” to “ make yourself” fit for Heaven. A world of works and Law-Keeping even though the Bible is clear that “ by the WORKS Of the Law— NO MAN will be Justified.
The Truth of the matter is this: that “ Pretend world” that I created for you “ IS” the “Real World” .Believing the Gospel to the point that you Truly “ Sabbath” or REST in it is the Key to Everything that matters to God. It should matter to you also because Paul said that when you stand before God , He is going to JUDGE you by that Gospel .....did you REALLY Believe it? If you REALLY Believed it , why did you worry about your Salvation ? Had you RESTED in it like I Commanded you to do , you would have Showed Confidence in your Salvation —— That Thing That I call FAITH! When I said “ Jesus died for your sins and rose from the grave ....that First Half? I meant it ....it was supposed to bring you comfort.....but I guess you actually had to Believe it .....the evidence shows you didn’t.....
I’ll stop there....its a lot of conjecture on my part there at the last....Perhaps it won’t olay out that way. Meanwhile , I’m going to believe that Jesus took care of my sin - debt at the Cross 100%. I ‘ll concentrate on my Faith.
“The man who finds LIFE will find it by Trusting God”
“ The Righteous shall LIVE by Faith”....... Faith in Jesus.....Manifested by one’s Faith in the Gospel....The Gospel That God will Judge you by.....are you Resting in it? I pray that you are..... God bless....


Well-Known Member
Jun 28, 2018
San Pedro
United States
Therefore, our sinfulness (in our flesh which is condemned to die), is no longer an issue to God. He doesn't see it, and He doesn't want to see it.

God is Omniscient; not blind...

Heb 4:13, Neither is there any creature that is not manifest in his sight: but all things are naked and opened unto the eyes of him with whom we have to do.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 28, 2018
San Pedro
United States
You hear the ” Good News” Of 1Cor15:1-4..... it says that “ Jesus died for you sins” .....Now, lets pretend to take that at Face-Value. If Jesus died for my Sins , how can I go to Hell ? There would be no sins of mine to take me there because all of my Sins were put on the Cross.

If they are on the Cross, then they are not any longer on you...

And yet, if you are still committing them, they are still on you.

With me so far? Hmmmmm.....let’s proceed anyway, lol.....Imagine that God REALLY DID what He promised to do ( does God's Promises mean “ Anything” to you, it must be asked).He Promised to take your Sins and cast them ALL into the deepest depths and “ REMEMBER THEM NO MORE”

If your sins are on you, then they are in the face of the Lord who wants a relationship with you.

If you are a worker of iniquity, then He doesn't know you (Matthew 7:23).

If you are a worker of iniquity, you will be cast into the furnace of fire, except you repent (Matthew 13:41-42).

If the Lord is looking at you, He sees your sins if they are on you (Hebrews 4:13).

So then, the only way He is not going to remember them any more is if you repent and lay them down at the foot of the Cross.

Paul Christensen

Well-Known Member
Mar 2, 2020
New Zealand
God is Omniscient; not blind...

Heb 4:13, Neither is there any creature that is not manifest in his sight: but all things are naked and opened unto the eyes of him with whom we have to do.
God doesn't see our sins because the righteousness of Christ is a total covering so that when God looks at us as born again believers, all He sees is the pure and holy righteousness of Christ.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 31, 2020
Sheffield, Yorkshire, home of Robin Hood.
United Kingdom
God doesn't see our sins because the righteousness of Christ is a total covering so that when God looks at us as born again believers, all He sees is the pure and holy righteousness of Christ.
I often wonder if the sins God sees are those sins committed against himself, like blasphemy and apostasy, for only the one who has been sinned against can forgive the sinner. When our neighbour sins against us, it is us who forgives them. If we sin against God, then we need God to forgive us. This ties in with what you say above. I wondered what your thoughts were?

In line with this, we have the situation, where those who commit the unforgivable sin of blasphemy against the Holy Spirit will be condemned, and likewise those backsliders who commit apostasy will suffer the same fate, for they are also back with the unbelievers the same as the blasphemers. Even those who do not give a cup of tea to the thirsty in the name of Christ are condemned. How much greater is the sin of apostasy and blasphemy! What excuses do you think the OSAS people would use? I'm talking about believers who turn their backs on God later in life, often after a personal tragedy, a tsunami, earthquake, forest fire, mass shooting, or even war.
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BloodBought 1953

Well-Known Member
Jun 3, 2020
Portsmouth Ohio
United States
God doesn't see our sins because the righteousness of Christ is a total covering so that when God looks at us as born again believers, all He sees is the pure and holy righteousness of Christ.

Something the Legalists, The Religionists and the Tares never See nor understand ....Knowing we are completely and forever Forgiven makes us want to Sin less, not more .....you simply have to live it to understand it, I am sorry to say.....

BloodBought 1953

Well-Known Member
Jun 3, 2020
Portsmouth Ohio
United States
If they are on the Cross, then they are not any longer on you...

And yet, if you are still committing them, they are still on you.

If your sins are on you, then they are in the face of the Lord who wants a relationship with you.

If you are a worker of iniquity, then He doesn't know you (Matthew 7:23).

If you are a worker of iniquity, you will be cast into the furnace of fire, except you repent (Matthew 13:41-42).

If the Lord is looking at you, He sees your sins if they are on you (Hebrews 4:13).

So then, the only way He is not going to remember them any more is if you repent and lay them down at the foot of the Cross.

I don’t see anything in here about “ Lucky Repentance” being the over- riding factor in Salvation...you have yet to explain it.....now is your chance...


Well-Known Member
Jun 28, 2018
San Pedro
United States
But I tell you, Nay, but except ye repent, you will all likewise perish, Luke 13:1-5, compare John 3:16.

See also Matthew 3 (was John the Baptist a false teacher?)

And, of course, Ezekiel 33:11-20.

Consider this also:

Tit 2:14, Who gave himself for us, that he might redeem us from all iniquity, and purify unto himself a peculiar people, zealous of good works.
Tit 2:15, These things speak, and exhort, and rebuke with all authority. Let no man despise thee.

Now, is he going to redeem anyone from all iniquity, who wants to keep their sins?

It has been said that the Holy Spirit is a gentleman...that He will not sanctify anyone against their will.

This is why repentance is needed; for salvation is from sin; not just its penalty (Matthew 1:21) but from the sin itself;

And the Holy Spirit, being a gentleman, is not going to take away your sins if you want to keep them.

God loves you enough to give you a free choice in the matter, of whether you will surrender to the Lordship of Jesus Christ and be saved; or whether you will keep your sin and be lost for ever.

Jesus said,

Mat 16:25, For whosoever will save his life shall lose it: and whosoever will lose his life for my sake shall find it.

Mar 8:35, For whosoever will save his life shall lose it; but whosoever shall lose his life for my sake and the gospel's, the same shall save it.

Luk 9:24, For whosoever will save his life shall lose it: but whosoever will lose his life for my sake, the same shall save it.

Luk 17:33, Whosoever shall seek to save his life shall lose it; and whosoever shall lose his life shall preserve it.

Paul Christensen

Well-Known Member
Mar 2, 2020
New Zealand
I often wonder if the sins God sees are those sins committed against himself, like blasphemy and apostasy, for only the one who has been sinned against can forgive the sinner. When our neighbour sins against us, it is us who forgives them. If we sin against God, then we need God to forgive us. This ties in with what you say above. I wondered what your thoughts were?

In line with this, we have the situation, where those who commit the unforgivable sin of blasphemy against the Holy Spirit will be condemned, and likewise those backsliders who commit apostasy will suffer the same fate, for they are also back with the unbelievers the same as the blasphemers. Even those who do not give a cup of tea to the thirsty in the name of Christ are condemned. How much greater is the sin of apostasy and blasphemy! What excuses do you think the OSAS people would use? I'm talking about believers who turn their backs on God later in life, often after a personal tragedy, a tsunami, earthquake, forest fire, mass shooting, or even war.
There is only one question that is going to be asked of all those who appear before the Judgment. "What was your attitude to Christ?" It is whether a person embraces Christ as Saviour or not that determines the outcome for everyone who appears before God in the Judgment. If a person has embraced Christ as Saviour, they will be accepted because Jesus has taken upon Himself the guilt and penalty of their sin. But those who reject Christ, their sins will be exposed as conclusive evidence against them so that they will know they are guilty and God will be totally righteous and justified sending them to hell.

The Scripture clearly says that those who will persevere to the end will be saved, and that those who put their hand to the plough and looking back are not fit for the kingdom of God. So this is clear that those who embrace Christ and continue to run the race of faith to the finish line will be the ones who will enter heaven to be with the Lord. You will find that this is the basis of belief for those who believe in eternal security. Their security depends on their faith and trust in Christ and their continued walk in the Spirit until they reach the finish line where the eternal prize awaits them at the Judgment.

Because people make decision to join churches and adopt a profession of Christianity for all sorts of reasons other than having a strong conviction of their own sin and their need for Christ as Saviour; and because their conduct as they walk the talk is indistinguishable from true believers, unless there is the supernatural discernment of their true spirit which would expose them for the hypocrites they are. This is because we all look on the outward appearance of people, and only God can know their hearts.

So, a hypocrite who has joined the church for social and appearance reasons shows a clue to their hypocrisy when after a year or so, they either get bored with the religious life, unwilling to give up their worldly life, experience problems or persecution, and return back to their former life, so even declaring themselves to be atheist, because of "the hypocrites in the church", when in reality, someone has exposed them for who they are and has challenged them to get their heart right with God. This is the principle of "rend your hearts and not your garments" (Joel 2:13).

This is in keeping with John's statement: "They went out from us because they were not of us" (1 John 2:19). These ones may have adopted the outward appearance of Christianity, but their hearts and spirits were not changed. In other words, they had religion to the highest standards of appearance, but they were not genuinely born again of the Spirit of God. They were so good a mimicking true Christianity, that neither you nor I could tell them apart from the genuine. And so, when they "backslid" many would be inclined to believe that true believers can backslide, not knowing that the backsliding is evidence of a false profession which is exposed by the backsliding. True believers who have been born again of the Spirit of God and have new hearts and spirits don't backslide, because they have the Holy Spirit to keep them in the race to the finish line. False professors of religion don't have the Holy Spirit in them (even if they speak in tongues and prophesy) because they have never had their spirit renewed by the new birth.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 28, 2018
San Pedro
United States
There is only one question that is going to be asked of all those who appear before the Judgment. "What was your attitude to Christ?"

There will be many questions asked of believer and unbeliever alike on that day...all of them intended to search the heart of the person in order to answer the main question which you have mentioned above.

Paul Christensen

Well-Known Member
Mar 2, 2020
New Zealand
Something the Legalists, The Religionists and the Tares never See nor understand ....Knowing we are completely and forever Forgiven makes us want to Sin less, not more .....you simply have to live it to understand it, I am sorry to say.....
Someone has said that 50% of all church goers in our western countries are hypocrites who have never been born again of the Spirit of God, and yet they cannot be told apart from true believers through the outward appearance of moral rightness, religious talk, church attendance, zeal in religious activities, devotion in worship, even speaking in tongues, prophesying, and witnessing. In most cases it will only be at the Judgment when these hypocrites will be exposed, and they will be the ones who will bleat, "Lord, Lord!" But they will be rejected because Jesus was never their Lord.


Well-Known Member
Jun 28, 2018
San Pedro
United States
False professors of religion don't have the Holy Spirit in them (even if they speak in tongues and prophesy)
A person can prophesy without having the Holy Spirit (it may turn out to be false); but I do not believe that a person can speak in tongues without having the Spirit...

Mar 16:17, And these signs shall follow them that believe; In my name shall they cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues;

Now I know that a person can in fact cast out devils without Jesus knowing them; that is by virtue of the name of Jesus which has power.

But tongues is a supernatural sign gift that proves to unbelievers that you are saved and they are not, when you speak in tongues in front of them, they almost will always feel convicted: at least, that was my experience before I got the gift myself.

Paul Christensen

Well-Known Member
Mar 2, 2020
New Zealand
There will be many questions asked of believer and unbeliever alike on that day...all of them intended to search the heart of the person in order to answer the main question which you have mentioned above.
The Scripture contradicts: "The foundation stands sure, having this seal: the Lord knows who are His" (2 Timothy 2:19). True believers have the seal of the Holy Spirit, while false professors of Christianity do not. It goes along with the guy in the wedding banquet who was not wearing the proper wedding garment. He was thrown out. (Matthew 22:11). The wedding garment is the seal of the Holy Spirit that every true believer has. God does not have to question anyone in the Judgment about whether they were genuine believers or not. He has known that from the foundation of the world.

Paul Christensen

Well-Known Member
Mar 2, 2020
New Zealand
A person can prophesy without having the Holy Spirit (it may turn out to be false); but I do not believe that a person can speak in tongues without having the Spirit...

Mar 16:17, And these signs shall follow them that believe; In my name shall they cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues;

Now I know that a person can in fact cast out devils without Jesus knowing them; that is by virtue of the name of Jesus which has power.

But tongues is a supernatural sign gift that proves to unbelievers that you are saved and they are not, when you speak in tongues in front of them, they almost will always feel convicted: at least, that was my experience before I got the gift myself.
Anyone can make up a language and call it tongues. Mormons and Spiritualists do it. The movie Starwars has aliens speaking in "tongues", and Startrek has the Kingon language. For every true gift of the Spirit there is the enemy's counterfeit which is so close to the true that many cannot tell them apart.

True believers who pray in tongues know that their gift is real, because they have gone through Scriptural steps of faith to receive it and they believe that what they are speaking is a spiritual language to God. It is their genuine faith and trust in God that He understands and appreciates what they are speaking.

Speakers of false tongues do it for other reasons - for appearance, conformity with the group, using it a some kind of religious "toy", even using as a form of sorcery to achieve a desired outcome. It is often spoken in public to preserve the appearance of spirituality, and this is why public speaking in tongues is not advised. Once clue to false tongues is when it is accompanied by kundalini falling down, shaking, jerking, uncontrolled laughter all of which are of the flesh or the devil.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 28, 2018
San Pedro
United States
Once clue to false tongues is when it is accompanied by kundalini falling down, shaking, jerking, uncontrolled laughter all of which are of the flesh or the devil.
These things do not only happen because of kundalini but they occur in genuine church services.

I do not presume to judge the salvation of those who have these kinds of experiences. They can indeed be wrought by the power of the Holy Ghost.

Because where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom; and these kinds of manifestations only occur when there is not an established mentality that they are of the flesh or of the devil. The Holy Spirit can indeed be quenched when pastors see these things in operation and try to put a stop to them.

While I know that my tongues are true by your standard because I have never fallen down in a church service except willingly (because it is written that the Lord taketh not pleasure in the legs of a man). But there have been times where I have seen others falling down but I remained standing.

I have indeed used my gift in public situations and one time it even saved my life (there was a murderer in the mental hospital where I was located and he thought that he was in prison...he said to me, "I was going to kill you; but because you are a true believer I'm not going to.") In that situation I had broken out in tongues after a physical battle in which one of the people there tried to take away my Bible away from me.

It is often that when I speak in tongues it is when I become angry and the Spirit is praying in me for vengeance of the Lord on that person so that I don't take vengeance myself (Romans 12:19, Ezekiel 3:14). I normally also pray in English that the Lord will receive them as a son (Hebrews 12:6) :cool:.
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Well-Known Member
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Encounter Team
Feb 6, 2018
United States
United States
OSAS- is definitely a Divided Belief, no question about that.

No mystery to me.

God Promised-
The Lord Offered-
I agreed-
The Lord Gave-

Done Deal!
My soul was Saved once and assured Saved Forever.

Glory to God, Faithful and True,

Paul Christensen

Well-Known Member
Mar 2, 2020
New Zealand
These things do not only happen because of kundalini but they occur in genuine church services.

I do not presume to judge the salvation of those who have these kinds of experiences. They can indeed be wrought by the power of the Holy Ghost.

Because where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom; and these kinds of manifestations only occur when there is not an established mentality that they are of the flesh or of the devil. The Holy Spirit can indeed be quenched when pastors see these things in operation and try to put a stop to them.

While I know that my tongues are true by your standard because I have never fallen down in a church service except willingly (because it is written that the Lord taketh not pleasure in the legs of a man). But there have been times where I have seen others falling down but I remained standing.

I have indeed used my gift in public situations and one time it even saved my life (there was a murderer in the mental hospital where I was located and he thought that he was in prison...he said to me, "I was going to kill you; but because you are a true believer I'm not going to.") In that situation I had broken out in tongues after a physical battle in which one of the people there tried to take away my Bible away from me.

It is often that when I speak in tongues it is when I become angry and the Spirit is praying in me for vengeance of the Lord on that person so that I don't take vengeance myself (Romans 12:19, Ezekiel 3:14). I normally also pray in English that the Lord will receive them as a son (Hebrews 12:6) :cool:.
Without the supernatural gift of discerning of Spirits, we don't have the natural ability to distinguish between genuine and false professors of Christianity. As a result we have to give every fellow believer the benefit of the doubt and view them as true believers unless there is conclusive evidence to the contrary.

Using our perception of their "willful" sins or sinful habit patterns is not conclusive evidence of falsehood. Many true believers struggle with personal issues, and often God will set up circumstances to bring some of these sinful habit patterns to the surface so that earnest prayer for the work of the Holy Spirit to get them sorted. This is all part of the assistance of the Holy Spirit in our development in sanctification and holiness.

False professors will put effort in keeping their sinful habit patterns and areas of willful sin hidden from view. This is in keeping with the Scripture that evil people love the darkness because they walk in it. The darkness hides their true nature and intentions. Instead of openly confessing their faults in accordance with the Scripture, "Confess your faults to one another so that you may be healed" (James 5:16), they cover their faults with the veneer of relgiosity, and often appear holier than everyone else, but this is appearance only to hide their dark hearts.

But in an environment of love and forgiveness, a true believer can be open about their faults and shortcomings, and even some deep sinful habit patterns, and not afraid to confess them one to another because they know that their brethren will get alongside them and pray with them that they may be healed of them. But a false professor will be exposed when a true believer confesses a sinful habit pattern and is met with a judgmental response.


Well-Known Member
Jun 28, 2018
San Pedro
United States
I do believe that if we walk in the light as He is in the light, we will have fellowship one with another and the blood of Jesus will cleanse us from all sin.

If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us of our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.

Therefore, if we are transparent long enough, the sins that were readily apparent before will be cleansed by the blood of Christ; and will no longer be apparent: not because the person is walking in darkness and hiding them from people; but because those sins have been dealt with at the Cross.