People that fall for conspiracy theories are often the less educated

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Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2018
United States
I honestly think that the evil indoctrination comes from certain courses of study though. I don't think they exist in all course perhaps.
From what I've been seeing, it's being permeating throughout. "Common Core" is one way. It seems every week there's something more in the news, how such and such elementary school math book is teaching racism, things like that. Of course there's all the LGBTQWERTY being pushed at all grade levels.

Much love!


Well-Known Member
Feb 24, 2011
United States
They have conducted studies that show that people who fall for conspiracy theories often have less education. And I think that is what I am seeing. The lack of ability to consider the vast concepts that leads to true fact finding and the actual truth regarding issues.

Further more the organizations that push these conspiracy theories prey on these less educated to make money off of them. It's perhaps a business model.

"One of the main differences between conspiracy believers and nonbelievers that’s cropped up in multiple studies is that nonbelievers tend to be more highly educated. For a new study in Applied Cognitive Psychology, Jan-Willem Van Prooijen at VU Amsterdam has conducted two large surveys to try to dig into just what it is about being more educated that seems to inoculate against belief in conspiracy." Why more highly educated people are less into conspiracy theories
If what you say were true, those who conduct the studies would not arrange the data to suit themselves. Such is a false witness, and those who chime in receive the same.


Well-Known Member
Jul 14, 2020
United States
If what you say were true, those who conduct the studies would not arrange the data to suit themselves. Such is a false witness, and those who chime in receive the same.
LOL, suit themselves. Not sure about that one, but yes the studies are conducted by the educated yes.


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Aug 10, 2012
There is a multi-dimensional psychological issue at hand here.

Intelligence would play a part in one's ability to process information, reconcile contradictions, critical thinking, imagination for thinking outside the box. If someone believes whatever they have been told that has nothing to do with intelligence.

Then there is wisdom, which would entail who or what you should or shouldn't believe. Ascertaining motives to establish trust or mistrust. This is informed by past experience with a person. And there seems to be different kinds of wisdom, some of this world and one from God.

Which leads to insight, the feeling that something is right or wrong. Acertaining the spirit behind something. Knowing without understanding.

David H.

Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2020
United States
I'm just curious how the flat earth theory can be considered a "conspiracy"


  1. An agreement to perform together an illegal, wrongful, or subversive act.
  2. A group of conspirators.
  3. An agreement between two or more persons to commit a crime or accomplish a legal purpose through illegal action.

Believing the earth is flat isn't illegal. It isn't a wrongful or subversive act.
It's not a crime to believe the earth is flat, it used to be a crime to believe the world was round, but we don't live under that kind of authority anymore.
And what legal purpose could believing the earth to be flat accomplish through what illegal action??

I mean you want to call it a theory, I agree with that. I just don't know where the "conspiracy" comes into it.

Conspiracy theories deny facts, truthers do not. You can present facts to a conspiracy theorist and they explain them away, or use their fundamental distrust of the government to deny those facts.

Some people call me a conspiracy theorist for being an anti-vaxer with regard to the Covid Vaccines, but i base my decision on the facts that I have and even now many doctors are coming to the same conclusions.

How are flat earthers conspiracy theorists? Because they deny facts instead of embrace them. The illegality of their position is just that. They are not searching for truth instead seeking to corrupt Christianity into an uneducated world view.... they are shilling Christianity. Just as a matter of fact regarding Flat earth, its roots are in Jesuit teachings as a means of corrupting Protestantism (Fundamentalism in particular which is sola scriptura in its foundation). This is what I discovered a while back while debating a flat earther. They use this base understanding to interpret scripture to make it say the earth is flat (I.E. four Pillars holding up the earth) Instead of seeing that the Bible used analogies to explain deep scientific truths which with the increase in scientific knowledge can prove true. For examples those four pillars are the four forces that hold all matter together, rightly understood, and when God says he will shake them he is referring to the destabilization of those four forces (Gravitational force, electromagnetic force, strong force and weak force) The whole earth "stands" on these forces, and without them we would not exist. Flat earthers cannot even see this as what scripture refers to so they stand on their literal understanding of this which is a conspiracy.

Another example of this is when the psalmist says we were "Knit in the womb". This is an analogy that only can be fully appreciated with the discovery of DNA and the process of genetics showing this "Knitting" process. It does not mean we were literally knit together.


Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2020
Maine, USA
United States
Conspiracy theories deny facts, truthers do not. You can present facts to a conspiracy theorist and they explain them away, or use their fundamental distrust of the government to deny those facts.

Some people call me a conspiracy theorist for being an anti-vaxer with regard to the Covid Vaccines, but i base my decision on the facts that I have and even now many doctors are coming to the same conclusions.

How are flat earthers conspiracy theorists? Because they deny facts instead of embrace them. The illegality of their position is just that. They are not searching for truth instead seeking to corrupt Christianity into an uneducated world view.... they are shilling Christianity. Just as a matter of fact regarding Flat earth, its roots are in Jesuit teachings as a means of corrupting Protestantism (Fundamentalism in particular which is sola scriptura in its foundation). This is what I discovered a while back while debating a flat earther. They use this base understanding to interpret scripture to make it say the earth is flat (I.E. four Pillars holding up the earth) Instead of seeing that the Bible used analogies to explain deep scientific truths which with the increase in scientific knowledge can prove true. For examples those four pillars are the four forces that hold all matter together, rightly understood, and when God says he will shake them he is referring to the destabilization of those four forces (Gravitational force, electromagnetic force, strong force and weak force) The whole earth "stands" on these forces, and without them we would not exist. Flat earthers cannot even see this as what scripture refers to so they stand on their literal understanding of this which is a conspiracy.

Another example of this is when the psalmist says we were "Knit in the womb". This is an analogy that only can be fully appreciated with the discovery of DNA and the process of genetics showing this "Knitting" process. It does not mean we were literally knit together.
Thank You I like that explanation.

Personally I don't think it's truly relevant compared to the spiritual issues we are dealing with today.
I've watched some videos about it and found it an interesting theory. But whether the earth is shaped this way or that, would it change anything?
The Lord tells me he is with me always, so whether I be on a ball or on a plate, or on a triangle, he's still be with me anyways.
Thank You
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Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2020
Maine, USA
United States
I think the world is getting tired of conspiracy theories and being pushed around by mockingbird media and other entities that don't have our best interest in mind.
I just found this video..
It's time.


David H.

Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2020
United States
How to farm, or repair a truck, or what medication to dispense, these require education that doesn't need to affect our cosmology or theology. And yes, that's good education. But then they teach that the universe is billions of years old, and man came from rain on rocks, and that truth is relative, and some of us don't deserve to be treated fairly, and it doesn't matter, since we came from rain on rocks, and on it goes.

Educated, but not indoctrinated. The indoctrinated have no business being anywhere near leadership roles. And seriously, do you want someone operating on your body who looks at you and sees, "white male conservative Christian therefore privileged and racist" (that would be me) so don't worry too much about whether the patient dies . . . ?

We need people who have learned to think not according to the "higher education" cultural narratives.

There are obviously two different types of education being referred to here.... Doctors and scientists who are taught to use the scientific method, and observable science, vs theoretical science that is based on opinions and the fundamental denial of God in its worldview. It is very similar to the conspiracy theorist vs. truther distinction I made earlier here. One is based on conjecture, the other on empirical data.

For the record, I am a young earth creationist, and have no conflict with science in coming to this conclusion, once you eliminate the uniformitarianistic assumption from history, and accept the variable speed of Light theory (Proposed first by Einstein, later to be denied by Him in order to make his theory of relativity work, making "C" a constant). Can I prove my view empirically? No, and I am not a scientist as to have any credence to do so, But I have the written account of scripture which maintains my world view, which says Light was created intantaneously by the Spoken word, and that the light of the stars shone instantaneously, as well as the biblical account of cataclysmic events happening on the earth such as the flood and the continents splitting over a short time frame rather than a uniformitarian timespan.


Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2018
United States
Doctors and scientists who are taught to use the scientific method, and observable science, vs theoretical science that is based on opinions and the fundamental denial of God in its worldview.
Actually I was more referring to indoctinations not based on observable or theoretical science, but based on ideological views.

Much love!


Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2018
United States
Thank You I like that explanation.

Personally I don't think it's truly relevant compared to the spiritual issues we are dealing with today.
I've watched some videos about it and found it an interesting theory. But whether the earth is shaped this way or that, would it change anything?
The Lord tells me he is with me always, so whether I be on a ball or on a plate, or on a triangle, he's still be with me anyways.
Thank You

Functionally, it's the same.

I had a friend who was really into this flat earth thinking. For him, the big deal about it was how we perceived ourselves concerning God. Are we drifting through space, a ball spinning in an enormous universe, tiny among all the stars, as we go about on it's face?

Or do we live in the center of all that is, a table top upon which God gazed down on all humanity? His concern was that "round earth thinking" made it easier for us to feel like God isn't seeing what we do, that we don't live under His scrutinizing eye.

But we don't need flat earth for that, just the right understanding about God.

Much love!
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Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2020
Maine, USA
United States
Some people call me a conspiracy theorist for being an anti-vaxer with regard to the Covid Vaccines, but i base my decision on the facts that I have and even now many doctors are coming to the same conclusions.
I know the feeling :D
I just add it to the list of other names..
I think it all began with basket of deplorables, and morphed into Nazi, then white supremist, now a domestic terrorist LOL
Where do we go from here?
Sticks and stones...

We will find at the end of the day, that their ultimate goal is to erase God from this earth.
They are destroying our children.

But there is still light, but it's getting darker...
I see glimpses of different cultures waking up to the realization that something is terribly wrong.
Not too many of us older christians into rap and new age culture.
But I'm finding it more and more in all kinds of places.
We may not agree with the tone, or the beat, or even the words. But they in their own way are reaching out to a generation that won't talk to me.
They won't hear me. But somehow, this new other generation is taking on the battle between light and dark.
It's awesome to see it.
Even if they can change one life and turn them in another direction, make them think, wake them up,
then regardless how they reach them, I believe God is working with them.

We don't sing the same songs Moses sang. We don't use the same instruments.
Each generation brings a new level, a new brand. A new sound.
All the media wants to show us are the kids gone astray,
but there is a whole generation out there trying to walk that path and show others the way.

I believe God will use whatever means necessary to get his word across to a deaf and dying world.


Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2020
Maine, USA
United States
It's not our typical "gospel" music.
But they are hitting the younger generation with truth bombs.
First they have to see where they are standing before they see a need for change.
Once their eyes are opened, then they will seek and they shall find, they shall ask and it will be given.
It's getting them to open their eyes.. waking them up is the first step.
And today they speak a whole different language.
And only those that talk like them, can get through to them.
Removing the language barriers is important.


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May 12, 2021
United States
United States
Yet his outrageous proposal uncovered the truth.
It was King Solomon, the most wise and intelligent man who will ever live.

He was using Holy Spirit Wisdom as a means to an end.

It was brilliant.

In one move, he was able to uncover the Truth of the matter with very little effort. He cut to the marrow of their true feelings about the situation instantly.

He was renowned as the most wise man to ever live and people came for many miles around just to speak to him and get a taste of his miraculous knowledge of all things.

For anyone interested in this story, read 2 Chronicles 9. He was responsible for creating the original Great White Throne; he made it completely out of ivory and covered it in pure gold.

David H.

Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2020
United States
I know the feeling :D
I just add it to the list of other names..
I think it all began with basket of deplorables, and morphed into Nazi, then white supremist, now a domestic terrorist LOL
Where do we go from here?
Sticks and stones...

Yeah I am still waiting for them to celebrate white male heterosexual month in this country.... I do not foresee this happening anytime soon. We could not even have a "mansplaining minute", where facts are discussed freely, the way its going today. The funny thing is the left is the one that is silencing free thought, much like the Catholic church did with Galileo, etc.


Well-Known Member
May 27, 2018
I think it all began with basket of deplorables, and morphed into Nazi, then white supremist, now a domestic terrorist LOL
Where do we go from here?
Where do we go from here? The citizens are now "the enemy" and the corrupt military and FBI will be deployed to lock up law-abiding conservatives and Christians.

What happened to the Freedom Convoys in Canada and the USA indicates that freedom and democracy will be replaced by totalitarianism on a whim (and COVID tyranny was the perfect avenue to start this).

There is already a gulag in Washington, D.C., a sham inquiry into a bogus "false flag" insurrection, two impeachments of a legitimate president in kangaroo courts, and many prisoner camps have been prepared for the dissenters. As we have seen recently, there have been (and continue to be) serious attempts to shut down all dissenting views so that only the Communist/Fascist party line is heard. Even Fox News is another MSM medium, regurgitating the party line.

"Why would anyone trust Fox News more than CNN LOL or MSNBC? If anything, Fox News is worse than CNN and MSNBC. MSNBC is open about its fascist agenda, and the only lie CNN hides behind is the old trope about being objective. Fox News has been lying, hoaxing, and hoodwinking millions of good people for more than two decades with its fair and balanced; we’re not like those other guys lie."

UPDATE: Explosive Whistleblower Documents Support Missouri AG and Gateway Pundit’s Lawsuit Against Biden Regime’s Conspiring with Big Tech to Censor Free Speech

Why has Joseph Biden not been actually arrested for treason, along with the whole Biden and Clinton Mafia gangs? Ghislane Maxwell became "the fall gal" while the real criminals are at large and simply laughing away everything.
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David H.

Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2020
United States
Functionally, it's the same.

I had a friend who was really into this flat earth thinking. For him, the big deal about it was how we perceived ourselves concerning God. Are we drifting through space, a ball spinning in an enormous universe, tiny among all the stars, as we go about on it's face?

Or do we live in the center of all that is, a table top upon which God gazed down on all humanity? His concern was that "round earth thinking" made it easier for us to feel like God isn't seeing what we do, that we don't live under His scrutinizing eye.

But we don't need flat earth for that, just the right understanding about God.

Although flat earthers are geocentric, if one is geocentric does not mean they are flat earthers. Did you know NASA calculates all their inter-planetary missions from a geo-centric view? Yes this is done for practicality purposes making the math easier, but it is funny how people lump the two together, yet science uses geo-centrism in practical application. Perhaps we are the center of the universe????


Well-Known Member
May 27, 2018
He was renowned as the most wise man to ever live and people came for many miles around just to speak to him and get a taste of his miraculous knowledge of all things.
It's a shame that Solomon did not remain on the straight and narrow road. In the end he became an apostate and because of that Israel was divided into two kingdoms. Then his son Jeroboam made things even worse, and his servant Rehoboam also became an idolater.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2018
United States
Although flat earthers are geocentric, if one is geocentric does not mean they are flat earthers. Did you know NASA calculates all their inter-planetary missions from a geo-centric view? Yes this is done for practicality purposes making the math easier, but it is funny how people lump the two together, yet science uses geo-centrism in practical application. Perhaps we are the center of the universe????
Red shift in stars is visible in all directions from the earth. If in fact the red shift is from the movement of stars away from the earth, then the earth IS the center.

Speaking of flight paths, the airline travel times between countries shows fully that the flat earth view is wrong.

Much love!
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