People that fall for conspiracy theories are often the less educated

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Well-Known Member
May 27, 2018
I'm sick of people labelling my life a conspiracy theory and I will call them out as Satan's minions
That's right. Satan has been conspiring against humanity ever since his fall. But since we are approaching the reign of the Antichrist, God is allowing Satan and his evil angels to conspire intensely at this time.

The COVID Scamdemic was the tool which would allow Satan's minions to destroy lives and destroy nations through bogus vaccines. We are seeing this all around us. But Fauci got his comeuppance.

Fauci says he got sicker after taking Pfizer drug for COVID (

There is a small elite cabal of Jewish billionaire Satanists who have one goal -- prepare the world for the Antichrist. Therefore the WEF, UN, EU, WHO, all Western governments, and the media are working day and night to enslave humanity. The shortages we are seeing have been deliberately projected and created. The sabotage of food plants and farms at this time is no accident. That is deliberate sabotage to cause a worldwide shortage, panic, and more destruction. Bill Gates buying up millions of acres of farmland to PREVENT crop production is no accident.

In the meantime monkey pox has been let loose to create more panic. And illegitimate president Biden just announced that another plandemic is on its way (since there is a whole array of bioweapons waiting to be unleashed). At the same time every evil effort is being made by the Democrats to block Trump from running again, since he would reverse all the damage done by Biden and the globalists.

The sham "January 6 Committee" is all about blocking Trump. But they have nothing, therefore they are using lies and murder to intimidate people. They have just murdered a key witness who would have exposed the false flag operation of January 6. In the meantime their "star" witness is being exposed as a liar by the Secret Service and others. The real issue is (a) how did Mark Meadows hire one of Trump's enemies and (b) how did Trump allow this liar into his inner sanctum?

amigo de christo

Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
San angelo
United States
I know many people who have been hurt by these toxic needles including my dad who has brain hemmoraging now...
That is not a conspiracy theory

I'm in my 2nd year away from home and family, living out of a van cos of the states discrimination against us.
That is not a conspiracy theory.

I'm sick of people labelling my life a conspiracy theory and I will call them out as Satan's minions
My friend they aint hiding anymore . They have declared war on all who refuse to conform to the system of their dragon and of its beast .
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amigo de christo

Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
San angelo
United States
That's right. Satan has been conspiring against humanity ever since his fall. But since we are approaching the reign of the Antichrist, God is allowing Satan and his evil angels to conspire intensely at this time.

The COVID Scamdemic was the tool which would allow Satan's minions to destroy lives and destroy nations through bogus vaccines. We are seeing this all around us. But Fauci got his comeuppance.

Fauci says he got sicker after taking Pfizer drug for COVID (

There is a small elite cabal of Jewish billionaire Satanists who have one goal -- prepare the world for the Antichrist. Therefore the WEF, UN, EU, WHO, all Western governments, and the media are working day and night to enslave humanity. The shortages we are seeing have been deliberately projected and created. The sabotage of food plants and farms at this time is no accident. That is deliberate sabotage to cause a worldwide shortage, panic, and more destruction. Bill Gates buying up millions of acres of farmland to PREVENT crop production is no accident.

In the meantime monkey pox has been let loose to create more panic. And illegitimate president Biden just announced that another plandemic is on its way (since there is a whole array of bioweapons waiting to be unleashed). At the same time every evil effort is being made by the Democrats to block Trump from running again, since he would reverse all the damage done by Biden and the globalists.

The sham "January 6 Committee" is all about blocking Trump. But they have nothing, therefore they are using lies and murder to intimidate people. They have just murdered a key witness who would have exposed the false flag operation of January 6. In the meantime their "star" witness is being exposed as a liar by the Secret Service and others. The real issue is (a) how did Mark Meadows hire one of Trump's enemies and (b) how did Trump allow this liar into his inner sanctum?
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Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2020
Maine, USA
United States
And that is the key to weighing the stories of conspiracies. For example; The BLM riots...taking cities hostage, raping, killing, burning, looting and no reaction to stop them and no prosecutions, is it wrong to ask why not? Cancel culture...destruction and or defacing of national monuments, and no prosecutions, is it wrong to ask why not? Voter fraud...covering up the windows, interfering with monitors, not allowing law enforcement to be present, video tapes showing people running ballots from containers after the monitors had left and dozens of witnesses with affidavits testifying....but no prosecutions, is it wrong to ask why not? The campaign against law enforcement...defunding the it a surprise that those that are behind this, are the ones that have little respect for the law or the Constitution. The vaccines, oh boy! The vaccines saved the day! There has been a lot of pandemics and plagues through history, even before medicines and vaccines, they always work themselves out. There is no such thing as a perpetual pandemic. There are countries that did not vaccinate and they did well with the Covid pandemic, some of them are third world countries. So there is questions as to what was actually going on. Common sense applies, so is there any wonder why people are questioning as to what is actually going on.

Why you talkin like this bro? You know it's all been debunked.
Said the wacko.. lol

You know I been sharing information since I got here about a certain letter we call seventeen.
Now there's a lot of push against that letter, calling it a conspiracy theory and all.
And yet, there have been so many things that have been proved by the posts, written before they happened and are happening still.
And just like the flat earth theory, I'm not here to defend or debunk it.
But there are people that have control of how things move in this world.
A lot of movies that came out in the 70's and 80's, specially the science fiction ones, all seem to have some truth in them as we see these "ideas" rolling out in real time today.
Now you have to understand, Hollywood, The Government, NASA, CIA, and the Military all have a hand in Hollywood and the way they produce their movies. Not only does Hollywood go to these agencies to help them build a factual based script, let's say Top Gun, you would want to consult the military on the aircraft, speed, whatever it would take to make the movie realistic.
But the thing with Hollywood, is it works both ways.
Sometimes the Government goes to Hollywood to have them produce certain scenerios to covertly bring information to the public without it being realized. More like subliminal.
Do you know what movie got the most ratings during the pandemic, while everyone was in lockdown?
You think that was by accident or coincidence?
It was designed to keep people in a state of fear, when they had nowhere to go.

2016 was a hell of a year. There were riots in DC the day of Trump's inauguration.
Not by MAGA, but by Antifa and angry mobs burning and destroying the businesses right in city.
Trump was under attack, he was being spied on, they called it a rigged election.
Even Hillary made a video asking why she didn't win?
I think a lot of people on the republican side were happy and yet there was an air of discouragement.
It seemed as if all justice and fairness had been erased from the earth.
I remember those days. Every news channel was calling Trump a traitor, a liar.. you name it.
No matter what he did they found a way to criticize his every move.
And we didn't think it was right.
Well, we're not doing right either by criticizing Biden's every move.
It always depends on what foot the shoe is on.
Regardless if you know your in the right or wrong.. we're better than that.
Let's stick to the policies and stop with the personal attacks. We didn't like, and it's just not right.

But during this time of Russia Russia Russia, and the media had become so biased, so one sided, that people just stopped listening, and caring.
Then one day this letter shows up. Telling people, investigate stuff for yourself, don't believe everything the media is telling you.
Do your own research. Look here, look there. Are these connected? Are they relevant?
At no time was anyone told outright that such and such a thing was happening.
Everything was left to people to search and investigate for themselves.
People started uncovering things. Legal documents, Court cases, Biographies and histories.
We all research geography, figured out how to learn "symbols" and how the "elite" communicate.
We investigated history, science, behaviors, military programs that had been hidden.
We learned about the Constitution, the Nuremburg trials, the assaination of JFK and Martin Luther King.
We taught ourselves, because all we needed was a push. And that push was the letter Q.

Now there is no such thing as Qanon. No matter how many times the media repeats and regurgitates it, there is no Qanon.
Q was whoever was posting. And there wasn't one Q, there were multiple Q's. Some say as many as 10. Some military and some civilian.
But no one ever knew, and still doesn't know who Q is. We believe that Q stands for Q Clearance. WHich means people who are authorized with certain knowledge in the government, was leaving "crumbs" for us to research.
Now anon, that represents the people who are anonymous, who were doing the researching and the learning.
People like me. I am an anon. I don't draw attention to myself, it's not about me, it's about information, knowledge, research, that all anons were bringing to the table. We all picked up "crumbs" and put the data together which we called "bread" .

This went on from fall of 2017 until about 18 months ago, right after the election when all posts abruptly stopped.
But the digging didn't, the research didn't, the learning didin't. Anons carried on, discovering and sharing and making memes, and fighting this information war, the spiritual war on all factions. We been under attack as "conspiracy theorists" since Q became known.
The reason why the media has been so obtuse, is because anons reveal the truth and hold their feet to the fire, and what you see is the panic overflowing in their news broadcasts. The lies, the hypocricy, the utter disconnect with reality.
We did that. People who woke up from the delusion were doing that.
And the reason why you see the darkness and the light, you see it plainly. There is no denying the left from the right.
The reason why you see that is because people for years been putting out the truth. Uncovering the lies.
Waking people up. Removing the veil of deception.

And you know what thanks we get?
Your a conspiracy theorist or a wacko.

But that's not important. The important thing is that people are awake. They see the lies. They see the hypocricy.
They know the enemies tactics. They know how the media works. They know how the government workd.
They know about the "elites" and their agendas. They know, because we worked our butts off getting out that information so people would wake the hek up.
Otherwise the world would still be sleeping.
Trump would of been impeached.
Hillary would of been your president.
And we would already have entered Nuclear WW3 with N Korea and Russia.

We call it being Red Pilled. And I think we did a damn good job.
I guess I am defending it after all.
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amigo de christo

Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
San angelo
United States
Why you talkin like this bro? You know it's all been debunked.
Said the wacko.. lol

You know I been sharing information since I got here about a certain letter we call seventeen.
Now there's a lot of push against that letter, calling it a conspiracy theory and all.
And yet, there have been so many things that have been proved by the posts, written before they happened and are happening still.
And just like the flat earth theory, I'm not here to defend or debunk it.
But there are people that have control of how things move in this world.
A lot of movies that came out in the 70's and 80's, specially the science fiction ones, all seem to have some truth in them as we see these "ideas" rolling out in real time today.
Now you have to understand, Hollywood, The Government, NASA, CIA, and the Military all have a hand in Hollywood and the way they produce their movies. Not only does Hollywood go to these agencies to help them build a factual based script, let's say Top Gun, you would want to consult the military on the aircraft, speed, whatever it would take to make the movie realistic.
But the thing with Hollywood, is it works both ways.
Sometimes the Government goes to Hollywood to have them produce certain scenerios to covertly bring information to the public without it being realized. More like subliminal.
Do you know what movie got the most ratings during the pandemic, while everyone was in lockdown?
You think that was by accident or coincidence?
It was designed to keep people in a state of fear, when they had nowhere to go.

2016 was a hell of a year. There were riots in DC the day of Trump's inauguration.
Not by MAGA, but by Antifa and angry mobs burning and destroying the businesses right in city.
Trump was under attack, he was being spied on, they called it a rigged election.
Even Hillary made a video asking why she didn't win?
I think a lot of people on the republican side were happy and yet there was an air of discouragement.
It seemed as if all justice and fairness had been erased from the earth.
I remember those days. Every news channel was calling Trump a traitor, a liar.. you name it.
No matter what he did they found a way to criticize his every move.
And we didn't think it was right.
Well, we're not doing right either by criticizing Biden's every move.
It always depends on what foot the shoe is on.
Regardless if you know your in the right or wrong.. we're better than that.
Let's stick to the policies and stop with the personal attacks. We didn't like, and it's just not right.

But during this time of Russia Russia Russia, and the media had become so biased, so one sided, that people just stopped listening, and caring.
Then one day this letter shows up. Telling people, investigate stuff for yourself, don't believe everything the media is telling you.
Do your own research. Look here, look there. Are these connected? Are they relevant?
At no time was anyone told outright that such and such a thing was happening.
Everything was left to people to search and investigate for themselves.
People started uncovering things. Legal documents, Court cases, Biographies and histories.
We all research geography, figured out how to learn "symbols" and how the "elite" communicate.
We investigated history, science, behaviors, military programs that had been hidden.
We learned about the Constitution, the Nuremburg trials, the assaination of JFK and Martin Luther King.
We taught ourselves, because all we needed was a push. And that push was the letter Q.

Now there is no such thing as Qanon. No matter how many times the media repeats and regurgitates it, there is no Qanon.
Q was whoever was posting. And there wasn't one Q, there were multiple Q's. Some say as many as 10. Some military and some civilian.
But no one ever knew, and still doesn't know who Q is. We believe that Q stands for Q Clearance. WHich means people who are authorized with certain knowledge in the government, was leaving "crumbs" for us to research.
Now anon, that represents the people who are anonymous, who were doing the researching and the learning.
People like me. I am an anon. I don't draw attention to myself, it's not about me, it's about information, knowledge, research, that all anons were bringing to the table. We all picked up "crumbs" and put the data together which we called "bread" .

This went on from fall of 2017 until about 18 months ago, right after the election when all posts abruptly stopped.
But the digging didn't, the research didn't, the learning didin't. Anons carried on, discovering and sharing and making memes, and fighting this information war, the spiritual war on all factions. We been under attack as "conspiracy theorists" since Q became known.
The reason why the media has been so obtuse, is because anons reveal the truth and hold their feet to the fire, and what you see is the panic overflowing in their news broadcasts. The lies, the hypocricy, the utter disconnect with reality.
We did that. People who woke up from the delusion were doing that.
And the reason why you see the darkness and the light, you see it plainly. There is no denying the left from the right.
The reason why you see that is because people for years been putting out the truth. Uncovering the lies.
Waking people up. Removing the veil of deception.

And you know what thanks we get?
Your a conspiracy theorist or a wacko.

But that's not important. The important thing is that people are awake. They see the lies. They see the hypocricy.
They know the enemies tactics. They know how the media works. They know how the government workd.
They know about the "elites" and their agendas. They know, because we worked our butts off getting out that information so people would wake the hek up.
Otherwise the world would still be sleeping.
Trump would of been impeached.
Hillary would of been your president.
And we would already have entered Nuclear WW3 with N Korea and Russia.

We call it being Red Pilled. And I think we did a damn good job.
I guess I am defending it after all.
They grow very bold now ziggy . There will be no place for the true lambs in their utopian society .
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Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2019
United States
Why you talkin like this bro? You know it's all been debunked.
Said the wacko.. lol

You know I been sharing information since I got here about a certain letter we call seventeen.
Now there's a lot of push against that letter, calling it a conspiracy theory and all.
And yet, there have been so many things that have been proved by the posts, written before they happened and are happening still.
And just like the flat earth theory, I'm not here to defend or debunk it.
But there are people that have control of how things move in this world.
A lot of movies that came out in the 70's and 80's, specially the science fiction ones, all seem to have some truth in them as we see these "ideas" rolling out in real time today.
Now you have to understand, Hollywood, The Government, NASA, CIA, and the Military all have a hand in Hollywood and the way they produce their movies. Not only does Hollywood go to these agencies to help them build a factual based script, let's say Top Gun, you would want to consult the military on the aircraft, speed, whatever it would take to make the movie realistic.
But the thing with Hollywood, is it works both ways.
Sometimes the Government goes to Hollywood to have them produce certain scenerios to covertly bring information to the public without it being realized. More like subliminal.
Do you know what movie got the most ratings during the pandemic, while everyone was in lockdown?
You think that was by accident or coincidence?
It was designed to keep people in a state of fear, when they had nowhere to go.

2016 was a hell of a year. There were riots in DC the day of Trump's inauguration.
Not by MAGA, but by Antifa and angry mobs burning and destroying the businesses right in city.
Trump was under attack, he was being spied on, they called it a rigged election.
Even Hillary made a video asking why she didn't win?
I think a lot of people on the republican side were happy and yet there was an air of discouragement.
It seemed as if all justice and fairness had been erased from the earth.
I remember those days. Every news channel was calling Trump a traitor, a liar.. you name it.
No matter what he did they found a way to criticize his every move.
And we didn't think it was right.
Well, we're not doing right either by criticizing Biden's every move.
It always depends on what foot the shoe is on.
Regardless if you know your in the right or wrong.. we're better than that.
Let's stick to the policies and stop with the personal attacks. We didn't like, and it's just not right.

But during this time of Russia Russia Russia, and the media had become so biased, so one sided, that people just stopped listening, and caring.
Then one day this letter shows up. Telling people, investigate stuff for yourself, don't believe everything the media is telling you.
Do your own research. Look here, look there. Are these connected? Are they relevant?
At no time was anyone told outright that such and such a thing was happening.
Everything was left to people to search and investigate for themselves.
People started uncovering things. Legal documents, Court cases, Biographies and histories.
We all research geography, figured out how to learn "symbols" and how the "elite" communicate.
We investigated history, science, behaviors, military programs that had been hidden.
We learned about the Constitution, the Nuremburg trials, the assaination of JFK and Martin Luther King.
We taught ourselves, because all we needed was a push. And that push was the letter Q.

Now there is no such thing as Qanon. No matter how many times the media repeats and regurgitates it, there is no Qanon.
Q was whoever was posting. And there wasn't one Q, there were multiple Q's. Some say as many as 10. Some military and some civilian.
But no one ever knew, and still doesn't know who Q is. We believe that Q stands for Q Clearance. WHich means people who are authorized with certain knowledge in the government, was leaving "crumbs" for us to research.
Now anon, that represents the people who are anonymous, who were doing the researching and the learning.
People like me. I am an anon. I don't draw attention to myself, it's not about me, it's about information, knowledge, research, that all anons were bringing to the table. We all picked up "crumbs" and put the data together which we called "bread" .

This went on from fall of 2017 until about 18 months ago, right after the election when all posts abruptly stopped.
But the digging didn't, the research didn't, the learning didin't. Anons carried on, discovering and sharing and making memes, and fighting this information war, the spiritual war on all factions. We been under attack as "conspiracy theorists" since Q became known.
The reason why the media has been so obtuse, is because anons reveal the truth and hold their feet to the fire, and what you see is the panic overflowing in their news broadcasts. The lies, the hypocricy, the utter disconnect with reality.
We did that. People who woke up from the delusion were doing that.
And the reason why you see the darkness and the light, you see it plainly. There is no denying the left from the right.
The reason why you see that is because people for years been putting out the truth. Uncovering the lies.
Waking people up. Removing the veil of deception.

And you know what thanks we get?
Your a conspiracy theorist or a wacko.

But that's not important. The important thing is that people are awake. They see the lies. They see the hypocricy.
They know the enemies tactics. They know how the media works. They know how the government workd.
They know about the "elites" and their agendas. They know, because we worked our butts off getting out that information so people would wake the hek up.
Otherwise the world would still be sleeping.
Trump would of been impeached.
Hillary would of been your president.
And we would already have entered Nuclear WW3 with N Korea and Russia.

We call it being Red Pilled. And I think we did a damn good job.
I guess I am defending it after all.

I am thinking you misunderstood my post. LOL Re-read it and give me a specific.


Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2020
Maine, USA
United States
They grow very bold now ziggy . There will be no place for the true lambs in their utopian society .
We haven't given up yet Brother.
Our armour is still sharp, our shoes still have soles, and our sword, The SWORD, has not yet lost it's bite.
We may be dented and we may be bruised, but we haven't done all, and still we stand!
God Bless US ALL Brother..
We Are STRONG because Jesus is on OUR side!

I know some people looking to throw in the towel and just head on home.
But there still babies worth fightin for.
We're not ready to give up yet.
When it's time, we'll be in the Battle with Michael and his angels, marching through the grapes of wrath.

Keep the Faith Brother, don't give up, don't give in, and always stand your ground.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2020
Maine, USA
United States
I am thinking you misunderstood my post. LOL Re-read it and give me a specific.
Conspiracy theorists are a different breed.....I find them entertaining. Kind of like ghost stories around a campfire. But conspiracy theorists have an interest in promulgating conspiracy stories, and or feeding off them. A lot of these guys, if you actually meet them are wackos!

I did read your post and I know you was coming from the other side of the argument.
Like the reporter standing in front of a burning city saying mostly peaceful protest...

I guess I got offended at the term conspiracy theorist itself. Because I tend to fall in that catagory a lot.

amigo de christo

Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
San angelo
United States
We haven't given up yet Brother.
Our armour is still sharp, our shoes still have soles, and our sword, The SWORD, has not yet lost it's bite.
We may be dented and we may be bruised, but we haven't done all, and still we stand!
God Bless US ALL Brother..
We Are STRONG because Jesus is on OUR side!

I know some people looking to throw in the towel and just head on home.
But there still babies worth fightin for.
We're not ready to give up yet.
When it's time, we'll be in the Battle with Michael and his angels, marching through the grapes of wrath.

Keep the Faith Brother, don't give up, don't give in, and always stand your ground.
We gots to DOUBLE DOWN an all out effort to contend , defend for the true faith . While there still be time to do so .
Cause in an hour many think NOT that SKY IS GONNA RIP and many will then wail . As for the lambs we GO HOME WITH THE KING .
SO we must be busy doing all we can , cause by the signs of the times , TIME BE GETTING REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEL SHORT .


Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2019
United States

I did read your post and I know you was coming from the other side of the argument.
Like the reporter standing in front of a burning city saying mostly peaceful protest...

I guess I got offended at the term conspiracy theorist itself. Because I tend to fall in that catagory a lot.

LOL My main point is that we live in a reality of conspiracies. It is the normal process both good and bad in politics.
Some people see the word conspiracy and think it just exist in the minds of conspiracy theorists. When it is everywhere.
And I am definitely not calling you a conspiracy theorist.
And I gave examples of a bunch of things that are conspiracies.
No intention to offend you.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2020
Maine, USA
United States
You know what happened Brother?
We sped up the clock. We pushed them to have to move faster.
Trump took 4 years out of their game plan, now they are playing catch up.
But haste makes waste, and they are making so many mistakes, even the normies (people who don't normally pay attention to politics) are saying, something aint right. They are panicking. The things they are trying to push through, they haven't had the time to write them up correctly. They haven't had the time to convince the people that all their ways are right.
They lost 4 years. We gained 4 years.
That means their 2030 Agenda just turned into 2026.
You see why they can't have Trump get elected in 2024?
They are out of time and they know it.
And what we are witnessing is total panic and chaos.
Shutting down the factories, killing our livestock, shutting down our energy supply, flooding the borders.
All of this happening in such a rushed madness, they can't slip this by unnoticed, like they planned.
Even they lost control of the Supremem Court. They are losing the Congress. And they will lose the White House.

We got our eyes on the Bill Gates and the Klaus Shwabs and the Clintons, and the Roths, and the Rockerfellers..
people watching. Markets messing with them big time. Electric cars with no batteries, China going after Taiwan and Taiwan is where those chips are made. Russia keeping Europe on their toes with prospects of nuclear war.
It's all A show.
It's choreographed like a fine tuned symphony.
They already lost Brother.
Just Believe..
Have Faith
God WON!



Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2020
Maine, USA
United States
We gots to DOUBLE DOWN an all out effort to contend , defend for the true faith . While there still be time to do so .
Cause in an hour many think NOT that SKY IS GONNA RIP and many will then wail . As for the lambs we GO HOME WITH THE KING .
SO we must be busy doing all we can , cause by the signs of the times , TIME BE GETTING REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEL SHORT .
Not for us Brother, not for us.
Judgement is coming for them.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2020
Maine, USA
United States
LOL My main point is that we live in a reality of conspiracies. It is the normal process both good and bad in politics.
Some people see the word conspiracy and think it just exist in the minds of conspiracy theorists. When it is everywhere.
And I am definitely not calling you a conspiracy theorist.
And I gave examples of a bunch of things that are conspiracies.
No intention to offend you.
Temporary insanity on my part.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2020
Maine, USA
United States
I'm working on a conspiracy theory right now.
I don't know if there is any truth in it yet, I'm just working on connecting dots.
It has to do with taking our country back and giving it to the people.
I believe the Government has done a massive land grab against the laws of the Constitution.
Bill Gates is being investigated by the State of N Dakota? For puchasing a lot of farmland.
The Governor and the Attorney general bringing this investigation worked with the Trump Admin.
I wrote it out in another thread...The coming Global Mandates.. thread in current events this morning.

This is what a conspiracy theory looks like. Until more evidence is revealed it will remain a theory until it's proven a fact.
I Love conspiracy theories because I always learn more than what I intended to find.
Today was about the Constitution and Federal Land rights:
Article I Legislative Branch

  • Section 8 Enumerated Powers
    • Clause 17 Enclave Clause
    • To exercise exclusive Legislation in all Cases whatsoever, over such District (not exceeding ten Miles square) as may, by Cession of particular States, and the Acceptance of Congress, become the Seat of Government of the United States, and to exercise like Authority over all Places purchased by the Consent of the Legislature of the State in which the Same shall be, for the Erection of Forts, Magazines, Arsenals, dock-Yards, and other needful Buildings;–And
Why is Bill Gates buying so much farmland?
Why are facing a food shortage?
What is his intention for this land?
That's what the state is going to find out.

I believe we will get our land back from a rogue Federal Government that has claimed public lands as their own.
This is MY conspiracy theory. I started it. I didn't get this idea from anywhere but my own thoughts.
Let's see where it goes?
Now someone else may come along and read my conspiracy theory and spread it somewhere else.
Then someone who has knowledge concerning Federal lands, the Constitution, and how much land can a trust lease or purchase in a State according to their laws.
And the digging begins.
If you get close to the target of the conspiracy theory, then people begin to come out of the woodwork calling it debunked, or fake news or whatever they call it to keep people from investigating further.
I'm going to keep digging and I'm going to keep watching if any debates or discussions come up about Federal Lands.
It may go nowhere, but then again...

Why is Bill Gates buying up so much farmland?
Why is the Attorney General starting an investigation on this purchase?
How much land is the Government allowed to own and for what cause?

I think these questions are important, when you consider how much of our country is being baught by other countries, or for reasons that are outside the Constitutional laws of the land.

This is what a conspiracy theory in it's infancy looks like.
Does that make me "uneducated" ? or lacking in education?
Maybe, but that's how I learn the truth and educate myself.

And so it continues:

He stopped giving new contracts for drilling on Federal lands...
And yet what they are proposing to do now is to build abortion facilities on the Federal lands in states that only have minimum facilities available.
However, the State is the one with the authority over it's own land to authorize the use of these Federal lands.

So 5:49 this morning I asked the question above...
At 7:24 PM this is what I got for an answer.

Just sayin..

Here’s Why The Government Can’t Set Up Abortion Clinics On Federal Land
June 29, 20227:24 PM ET
Despite demands from several prominent Democrats, the federal government is prohibited from using taxpayer dollars to fund abortions.
The Hyde Amendment, first included in federal appropriations bills in 1976, prohibits the federal government from funding abortions unless “the life of the mother would be endangered if the fetus were carried to term or where the pregnancy is the result of an act of rape or incest.” Activists estimate that the Hyde Amendment prevents at least 60,000 abortions every year.

The amendment is named for Republican Illinois Rep. Henry Hyde, the chairman of the House Judiciary Committee who championed it.

Although support for the amendment was initially bipartisan, Democrats in recent years have attempted to pass federal budgets that do not include the provision. President Joe Biden flip-flopped on support for the amendment during his 2020 presidential campaign, and Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi attempted to jettison the provision for an early COVID-19 relief package. Democratic West Virginia Sen. Joe Manchin’s demand that the Hyde Amendment be included in a social spending package was a key factor in the breakdown in Build Back Better negotiations.

Following the Supreme Court’s ruling in Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization, several Republican-controlled states instituted trigger laws limiting abortion. In response, prominent left-wing Democrats urged the Biden administration to take actions to protect abortion access in those states.

New York Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren both called on the federal government to make abortions available on federal lands like national parks, where state governments could not regulate the procedure.

Warren and Minnesota Sen. Tina Smith claimed in a New York Times op-ed that Biden could provide “federal resources for individuals seeking abortion care in other states” and use “federal property and resources to protect people seeking abortion services locally.” Warren also claimed that the administration could designate “federal lands as a place where abortions can occur.”

Ocasio-Cortez added that providing abortion services on federal lands is the “the babiest of the babiest of the baby steps” that the federal government can take.

Neither Warren nor Ocasio-Cortez responded to the Daily Caller’s request for comment on whether or not they believe that such actions would violate the Hyde Amendment.
Here’s Why The Government Can’t Set Up Abortion Clinics On Federal Land

This should be in either the Global mandate thread in current events, or the conspiracy theory thread.
I'm following a theory I have on Federal Lands and the People of the US taking back control of them and out of the Federal Governments hands.
I seem to have 3 threads that I'm currently posting on, as it relates to a certain topic.
How this ended up in the right to have guns, I don't remember.
So if you see this duplicated in another thread, please bear with me, I'm trying to consolidate.
Thank You


Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2019
United States
I was just sharing the video with as many as i could . The point of this video is , THE BEAST SYSTEM IS MOVING FAST
and they have grown very bold against truth and those who would speak it .

Not only that, they have grown so bold that in some cases they are tell us what they intend to do.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2020
Maine, USA
United States
Not only that, they have grown so bold that in some cases they are tell us what they intend to do.
They messing up Big Time
People waking up everywhere now.
Even those that were blind are opening their eyes.

Their time is short, and they know it


Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2019
United States
yea, it is so blatantly obvious now. When SCOTUS overruled the abortion case....they are yelling and screaming. They are going to kill us all! No medical treatment for anything to do with feminine reproductive organs. Contraception of all types are going to be made illegal! The sky is falling!!! The sky is falling!!!

Harassingly the homes of SCOTUS members and the demonrats allow it.....that is another conspiracy. They would have called the FBI....the armed wing of the demonrats, and if the republicans were doing it they would call it a hate crime.
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