Putin's Russia, A Communist Dictatorship Or Christian Nation?

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Reggie Belafonte

Well-Known Member
Mar 16, 2018
NATO, The US politicians, have all been extremely hostile to the Russians for many decades. NATO has been putting the squeeze on Russia what with more countries joining NATO and they also want to imperially impose on Russia the immorality of the western nations.
The western leaders also covet Russia's great amounts of natural resources, and they do not want Russians to gain more economic power, nor do they want them used.
Russia is a huge source of cheap energy and that also is contrary to their goals of enforced energy poverty onto the world stop the climate change which they claim is existential, as in their belief the world is being destroyed by cheap hydrocarbon fuels.
The formation of BRICS is a serious challenge to US dominance (hegemony) over the world.
For years we heard about the 'petro dollar' and how the US must uphold the doctrine or loose world dominance, so that is also a major issue for the US. This Ukraine war is existential for Russia to remain free of the western hegemony and their ideology which is often actually evil.

In actuality, Russia entered the civil war that had been ongoing since 2014 in eastern Ukraine on the sides of people who are ethnographically Russian identifying. That is Russia's gain and anything that makes Russia more powerful, the US world hegemony is strongly in opposition of.
Yes I believe that the powers that be want to undermine the USA and all of the West World.
So the powers that be fear that Russia would become so much a power house if left to one like Putin ?
I know that the powers that be want Russia to become a Gay pride controlled Socialist creep show like they have pushed for dominate in the West.

So what would one expect from Satanist who run this World ? Jesus pointed them out ! Deceptions and Delusions is what they are all about in fact and they were murdered from the beginning. Jesus said so in fact !
That is the Key ! If one is truly born again one is not of this world, so the deceptions and delusions are exposed to one who understands such workings. We are not slaves to this World, for we are free of such powers of Sin, such does not dominate over us. we recognize the works of such Sin and who it's from.
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May 29, 2021
United States
Russia needed time to heal coming out from Communism and Putin did a fantastic job of all that for the people. who can doubt that fact.

I appreciate your response, thanks.
Having said that, Putin wants to relieve the glorious old days of the former Soviet Union. Putin thinks Ukraine is just the beginning.
To achieve his demented goals Putin has destroyed huge sections of Ukraine while murdering thousands and counting.
Putin is going to lose and lose big. This will come to an end in 2023 when one of Putin’s generals puts a bullet in his head.

Soon thereafter oil and gas will begin to flow and Putin’s name will only be used in vain.
it is what it is, like it or not



Well-Known Member
Jan 2, 2014
United States
I appreciate your response, thanks.
Having said that, Putin wants to relieve the glorious old days of the former Soviet Union. Putin thinks Ukraine is just the beginning.
To achieve his demented goals Putin has destroyed huge sections of Ukraine while murdering thousands and counting.
Putin is going to lose and lose big. This will come to an end in 2023 when one of Putin’s generals puts a bullet in his head.

Soon thereafter oil and gas will begin to flow and Putin’s name will only be used in vain.
it is what it is, like it or not

CNN is reporting 40% of Ukraines power stations and electrical grid has been destroyed, drones are flying everywhere like bumble bee's, destroying everything in their path

That's a far cry from Putin Running away with his tail between his legs

It's going to be a cold winter in Ukraine, add to that no electricity, Zelenskys white flag of surrender is just around the corner


Well-Known Member
Jan 2, 2014
United States
I know that the powers that be want Russia to become a Gay pride controlled Socialist creep show like they have pushed for dominate in the West.

So what would one expect from Satanist who run this World ? Jesus pointed them out ! Deceptions and Delusions is what they are all about in fact and they were murdered from the beginning. Jesus said so in fact !
That is the Key ! If one is truly born again one is not of this world, so the deceptions and delusions are exposed to one who understands such workings. We are not slaves to this World, for we are free of such powers of Sin, such does not dominate over us. we recognize the works of such Sin and who it's from.
I Agree 100%, the west wants Putin and Russia to bow to the homosexual rainbow flag in same sex marriage, ain't gonna happen!

Putin is the guardian and protector of the innocent children and families in Russia, Hero #1, unlike America, Germany, Australia, United Kingdom, Canada, France, Spain, and the rest of Sodom and Gomorrah
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Reggie Belafonte

Well-Known Member
Mar 16, 2018
I appreciate your response, thanks.
Having said that, Putin wants to relieve the glorious old days of the former Soviet Union. Putin thinks Ukraine is just the beginning.
To achieve his demented goals Putin has destroyed huge sections of Ukraine while murdering thousands and counting.
Putin is going to lose and lose big. This will come to an end in 2023 when one of Putin’s generals puts a bullet in his head.

Soon thereafter oil and gas will begin to flow and Putin’s name will only be used in vain.
it is what it is, like it or not

But Zelensky is an Anti-Christ in fact !
But Zelensky has brought the War on the Ukraine people in fact, too what ends ? He is a total moron ! he and his criminal mates Joe Biden and all forced Putin's hand in to this War in fact.
Joe Biden clearly does not care less about the Ukraine people or people period ! The War did not have to happen, it was all provoked by Joe Biden and Co.

If Trump was in power we would have no Ukraine conflict at all, because Trump has no criminal intent to hide with Ukraine and it would of all been sorted diplomatic wise not the killing spree or wiping out Homes etc.

This moron Zelensky is no diplomat at all, he is a Comedian ! and look at how the MSM portrayed him on the first day, as a W Churchill:rolleyes: really :confused:

How in tarnation could Zelensky be even remotely regarded as a W Churchill ! really ! :oops: what an insult to W Churchill ! A jumped up comedian being portrayed as a W Churchill, from day one by who ? the MSM :rolleyes: THAT IS A JOKE IF I EVER HEARD ONE ! This shows the true colours of the MSM intentions to create a image ! that is an out right full on lie, but one that works on fools.
Seriously I would of punched such a one for coming out with such a blight. it's just totally un founded not to mention an insult to anyone who has any real intelligence.

Zelensky ! oh my gods, your right ! I can see the resemblance ? Not ! :rolleyes: who swallows that nonsense ! Donald Duck may get away with it and I would be fine with that ! but Zelenzky is a puppet, he is not bright at all, non of his comedian antics were bright at all, but totally sick and depraved only.

Have you taken note of all of the new age so called comedians of the last 5 years or so, they are sick and deranged filth, women degrading themselves :confused: fags big noting themselves with such depravity that you could vomit. They think that depravity is funny.

You know what the funniest comedian is Frank Spencer I believe but you could not have a Frank Spencer nowadays because the bigot Political Correct Police would come and undermine such not fitting, just like cartoons such as Speedy G the fastest mouse in all Mexico. and all the rest.
One would of never of thought that back in the 60's that such would be under attack form such morons who take offence as such, but that's the type of total morons who are making demands over everyone nowadays, morons dictating to us all, not to mention most fear such as them, due to their cunning and malice that will be directed on all who stand up to them.
May 29, 2021
United States
CNN is reporting 40% of Ukraines power stations and electrical grid has been destroyed
They will be rebuilt and the electricity will flows once again.
, drones are flying everywhere like bumble bee's, destroying everything in their path
The US and other countries are sending in drone killers and then we have
kills bumble bees dead

That's a far cry from Putin Running away with his tail between his legs
Putin is not going to run anywhere. One of his general’s is going to put a bullet in his head. Soon thereafter oil/gas will again flow to all who need it.
It's going to be a cold winter in Ukraine, add to that no electricity, Zelenskys white flag of surrender is just around the corner
Then I farted :)-


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Scott Downey

Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2021
New Brunswick
Mydros V.Putin: "It's the time of the East! - The West becomes a pariah worldwide - Introduces dozens of tribes and pride parades! (Part II) - WarNews247
Translation text
Part II of the most important interview of the last 20 years of Russian President V.Putin talks about the rise of Asia and the dissolution of the West due to the policies adopted by governments.

It is characteristic that the interview was completed and V.Putin stopped talking after almost 4 hours. He concluded the event with the words "Success is assured"

At first, the Russian president delivered a keynote speech (42 minutes), and then the Russian head of state answered questions from members of the club for almost three hours.

Read also: V.Putin's historic speech: The unipolar world is over – S.Arabia asked to join the BRICS! – Ukraine has a "dirty" bomb ready (Part I)

V.Putin's special reference to Iranian General K. Suleimani and the way in which he was assassinated by the Americans "even though he was a representative of the Iranian government in Baghdad" stands out.

They have no limits. They are not ashamed of anything. You can judge Suleimani however you want but he is an official of another state. They murdered him on the territory of a third country and said 'yes we killed him'.

What the heck is that? Where do we live?"

V.Putin seals with this special reference the now strategic alliance with Iran.

"It's The Time of the East and Asia"
V.Putin stressed:

-Westerners have the illusion that there is only Western civilization in the world. They find it difficult to adapt to the new reality, but they will be forced. The majority of the world's population is in the East.

-There are two Wests, the traditional West, mainly of Christian values, with which we have many common and still ancient roots, and the cosmopolitan West, which acts as a tool of the liberal elites.

-The West, losing its superiority, turns into a minority, but its rights must be guaranteed unconditionally

-By losing its world domination, the West becomes a pariah worldwide. In Western societies they have imposed new trends, parades of homosexuals, dozens of new tribes of foreigners. Their right. But they have no right to want to impose the same on other countries.

"If Western culture wants to introduce dozens of genders and pride parades, so be it. But they don't have the right to demand that others follow in their footsteps."

-Human dignity is the foundation on which we must build our future. Traditional values are not a fixed set of claims, in each case they are unique to each nation, they should not be imposed, but respected

-The neo-liberal (s.s. internationalist) ideology has crossed the line. Neo-liberals have begun to declare that an open society has enemies and that their freedom must be restricted or destroyed.

-We see that complex demographic, political and social processes occur in Western countries (s.p. Great Restart). This is their internal affair. Russia is not meddling in these matters and will not intervene. Unlike the West, we do not invade someone else's backyard.

-The Western economic blitzkrieg against Russia failed.

Fierce attack on the West
Russian President V.Putin unleashed anti-Western tantrums from the Valdai forum.

He argued that the US and NATO are doing everything to escalate combat operations in Ukraine.

"Westerners are playing a dangerous, dirty and bloody game.

They are fuelling the war in Ukraine, sending politicians to Taiwan, destabilising global food and energy markets.

As for the latter, I do not doubt.

It is due to a series of systemic mistakes committed by the Western authorities," he said, adding:

"The West wants to dominate the world, it wants to determine the fate of the world.

For this he plays a game dangerous, dirty and bloody.

It questions the sovereignty of peoples and nations, their identity and uniqueness, and does not care about the interests of other states.

It is no coincidence that she says that the culture of... It should be recognized as global.

This is how they behave.

And they insist through their policy that everyone accepts these values unconditionally.

She is blinded by colonialism.

With the support of the West, the Kiev regime publicly renounced the Minsk agreements.
NATO expansion was unacceptable to Russia, all our attempts to convey this idea were ignored.

The coup organized there led to Russia's special military operation in Ukraine.

And, unfortunately, behind their arrogance, many European countries do not notice that they themselves have already become vassals, often without the right to vote."

The domination of the West is over
Referring to Ukraine, he stressed that the developments since the beginning of the military operation mark changes in the existing world order, adding that the domination of the West is over.

He added that from now on Asia's word in world affairs will be stronger.

The Russian president stressed that he constantly has in mind the losses of Russian soldiers on the battlefield, but stressed that Moscow had no choice but to launch the "special military operation".

Referring to nuclear weapons, he stressed that the risk of using nuclear weapons will always be real as long as they exist.

"Ukraine has historically evolved as an artificial state," the Russian president said.

Putin, when asked if what is happening between Russia and Ukraine can be considered a civil war, said: "In part, yes.

The Russian and Ukrainian people are united, this is a historical fact.

Ukraine is an artificial state."

'Two options'
According to the Russian president, humanity has two options: either to continue to "accumulate all the problems that are sure to crush all of us", or for nations to work together "to find solutions".

Putin argued that Russia is not an enemy of the West, but stressed that he would not tolerate dictates and orders from it.

"Western elites do not have the right to impose their way on others, no one can dictate to our people how we should build our society.

Westerners are indifferent to laws and norms, considering other people second-class.

They use economic sanctions and "color revolutions" (coups d'état) against its opponents, as they cannot compete fairly with the rising economic and political power of Asia.

The US devalued the international financial system by using the US dollar as a weapon and estimated that other countries' moves would be accelerated in order to reduce their dependence on the dollar.

Westerners, however, are hypocrites.

They sell their businesses for a dollar to their administrations and whisper to them in the ear, we will not be late, we will return soon.

The latest developments are 'tectonic shifts of the world order'," he said, adding that we are facing one of the most "dangerous" and "unpredictable" decades since World War II.
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Reggie Belafonte

Well-Known Member
Mar 16, 2018
Mydros V.Putin: "It's the time of the East! - The West becomes a pariah worldwide - Introduces dozens of tribes and pride parades! (Part II) - WarNews247

They have no limits. They are not ashamed of anything.
-Westerners have the illusion that there is only Western civilization in the world. They find it difficult to adapt to the new reality, but they will be forced. The majority of the world's population is in the East.

-There are two Wests, the traditional West, mainly of Christian values, with which we have many common and still ancient roots, and the cosmopolitan West, which acts as a tool of the liberal elites.

-The West, losing its superiority, turns into a minority, but its rights must be guaranteed unconditionally

-By losing its world domination, the West becomes a pariah worldwide. In Western societies they have imposed new trends, parades of homosexuals, dozens of new tribes of foreigners. Their right. But they have no right to want to impose the same on other countries.

"If Western culture wants to introduce dozens of genders and pride parades, so be it. But they don't have the right to demand that others follow in their footsteps."

-Human dignity is the foundation on which we must build our future. Traditional values are not a fixed set of claims, in each case they are unique to each nation, they should not be imposed, but respected

-The neo-liberal (s.s. internationalist) ideology has crossed the line. Neo-liberals have begun to declare that an open society has enemies and that their freedom must be restricted or destroyed.

-We see that complex demographic, political and social processes occur in Western countries (s.p. Great Restart). This is their internal affair. Russia is not meddling in these matters and will not intervene. Unlike the West, we do not invade someone else's backyard.
-The Western economic blitzkrieg against Russia failed.
He argued that the US and NATO are doing everything to escalate combat operations in Ukraine.
"Westerners are playing a dangerous, dirty and bloody game.
For this he plays a game dangerous, dirty and bloody.

It questions the sovereignty of peoples and nations, their identity and uniqueness, and does not care about the interests of other states.

With the support of the West, the Kiev regime publicly renounced the Minsk agreements.
NATO expansion was unacceptable to Russia, all our attempts to convey this idea were ignored.

The coup organized there led to Russia's special military operation in Ukraine.

And, unfortunately, behind their arrogance, many European countries do not notice that they themselves have already become vassals, often without the right to vote."
They sell their businesses for a dollar to their administrations and whisper to them in the ear, we will not be late, we will return soon.

The latest developments are 'tectonic shifts of the world order'," he said, adding that we are facing one of the most "dangerous" and "unpredictable" decades since World War II.
Fags are just like 5year olds truly in the brain with no real maturity worth mentioning, that's why they are so corrupted and make spastic displays if they do not get their ways. They are leading the West into a position that is and will undermine the West of all regard. So the East will end up with total domination over the West values down the track.

Us of the real traditional West are being ignored for many years now in the New Age Cosmopolitan West, based on the brainwashed deluded selfish ego driven Boy Man or metrosexual ? Gay or Poofter truly believe they are more evolved:rolleyes:.
They are easy lead to swallow all the conditioning that they have been fed over the years. much like Nazi Germany planted stupid ideas into the younger generation from the school system, so to has this been fed into the mined of the young, so when I point out that they are wrong they get very hostile on there vision for the future, of being a degenerate low life grub who does not truly respect anyone, not even them selves do they have any real respect at all but for ego driven crap.
They think that having sex with just anyone is of merit :eek: and going to a whore is a general pastime, well it's legal now ! so it makes such right ?
I say that going to a Whore is totally depraved and all Whores are totally depraved, I have worked for such people on their homes and I would not give one the time of day, if I knew before hand that they were a Whore I would not even deal with such a one. and a Man who comes to such a whore is a total idiot fool regardless. Depraved !

As to The State of Queensland before the de criminalising of brothels, they full on attacked the Premer for such existing ! It was illegal under that Premier ! but such always goes on regardless, but the Left wanted Brothels in fact ! and pushed like hell for the Casino's ! Fact is that both are worthy of Hell in fact and they were warned by the Christian Premer about such things for years, but the MSM palmed all such off as rubbish ! Then the Right wing Co worked too undermine the Premier forcing his hand to accept the Casino.
Then the Left and MSM claimed that the Premier was going to brothels, total full on lies ! but the MSM knew nothing of any QLD brothels :rolleyes: beforehand of the enquiry ? Now if the Premier had no knowledge of such working, how come the MSM did not ? Yet they played this on the News and the majority were too stupid to pick up on that the MSM was a Whore with an agenda with the Satanic Left in fact. For They worked too get what they wanted ! a whore house and whore Casino both are a curse on the people and the State and Nation in fact.
For they cloud the reality's of such, we even had the Lefty who was pushing like a mad man for Casino's, who became Premier and then turned around and have a swipe at the Premier that was forced to bring them in :rolleyes: so now this Premier woke up too how evil Casino's were in fact but the MSM went along with all the childish BS that this idiot lefty Premier claimed, as if it were gold. but he was the main antagonist for pushing for it all in the beginning in fact.
But when talking to my lefty mates, they kicked back blaming the right wing Premier for bringing it in :rolleyes::confused:
But He warned what would happen and was forced to sign in fact, if anyone listened to what he said before hand, too much money was in it for him to stop it in fact, but all under him left and right demanded it total or they were going to kick him out. But the MSM did not bother too point such out in fact. because they were pushing for such as well.
So I said to my lefty mates see the facts regarding such things, but they do not want to see reality :confused: why, because they don't know any better or could not care less. they just follow along with the MSM flow because they are not man enough to truly think for themselves, they like others to do that for them and then they just chose a side, so as too be on a popular side.


Active Member
Mar 3, 2021
United States
I Agree 100%, the west wants Putin and Russia to bow to the homosexual rainbow flag in same sex marriage, ain't gonna happen!

Putin is the guardian and protector...unlike America, Germany, Australia, United Kingdom, Canada, France, Spain, and the rest of Sodom and Gomorrah

I do think that Christians in America have become far too lenient and secular in recent years. For example, 56% of U.S. Catholics supporting abortion should raise anyone's eyebrows.
Like Americans overall, Catholics vary in their abortion views, with regular Mass attenders most opposed

That being said...I don't think Putin is some kind of great hero either. :(


Well-Known Member
Jan 2, 2014
United States
I do think that Christians in America have become far too lenient and secular in recent years. For example, 56% of U.S. Catholics supporting abortion should raise anyone's eyebrows.
Like Americans overall, Catholics vary in their abortion views, with regular Mass attenders most opposed

That being said...I don't think Putin is some kind of great hero either. :(
Russia, Hungary, Romania, are basically the last stand in Europe against the western evils of Homosexuality, same sex marriage, and the woke agenda, in Sodom and Gomorrah

Russia has written in the constitution marriage is between a male and female, no homosexuals marching in the streets or pushing their agenda on families in public or children in school rooms

Putin is a Hero leading the fight against the western world's evil, Hungary and Romania have followed Putins lead, a "Good" thing!

The war in Ukraine is a western world "Proxy War" trying to bring Putin and Russia into submission, with Ukranian citizens being used as pawns in their evil plans
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Well-Known Member
May 27, 2018
The war in Ukraine is a western world "Proxy War" trying to bring Putin and Russia into submission, with Ukranian citizens being used as pawns in their evil plans
Correct. So why hasn't Putin sent a hypersonic missile to land on the White House? That could resolve the issue in minutes.


Well-Known Member
Aug 7, 2021
Birmingham, Al
United States
Correct. So why hasn't Putin sent a hypersonic missile to land on the White House? That could resolve the issue in minutes.
Because, the hypersonic missile has to be plane launched. Hypersonic has been around for more than 20 years ...nothing new at all. Notice that Russia is not using their drones? Russia has runout of parts. They are using Iranian drones. My joke is that Russia ran out of old Radio Shack parts and cannot manufacture missiles or drones anymore ...
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May 29, 2021
United States
The war in Ukraine is a western world "Proxy War" trying to bring Putin and Russia into submission, with Ukranian citizens being used as pawns in their evil plans
The west has nothing to do with what Russia is trying to do to Ukraine.

Putin is trying to rebuild the old Russian empire.

Putin is experiencing a nostalgic empire complex where he envisions Russia the great empire it once was,

In short, Putin is insane.


Well-Known Member
Aug 7, 2021
Birmingham, Al
United States
Because, the hypersonic missile has to be plane launched. Hypersonic has been around for more than 20 years ...nothing new at all. Notice that Russia is not using their drones? Russia has runout of parts. They are using Iranian drones. My joke is that Russia ran out of old Radio Shack parts and cannot manufacture missiles or drones anymore ...

Reggie Belafonte

Well-Known Member
Mar 16, 2018
The west has nothing to do with what Russia is trying to do to Ukraine.

Putin is trying to rebuild the old Russian empire.

Putin is experiencing a nostalgic empire complex where he envisions Russia the great empire it once was,

In short, Putin is insane.
Biden and -
All outright lies mate in fact.

It's Biden who is delusional and insane ! It was Biden who wanted this War in fact ! and it's all about Oil and Gas in fact, that's Big money !
The MSM do not even show the truth or both sides of the story or the History between Russia and Ukraine, something that the world is totally ignorant about and totally ignorant about !

Putin is totally correct in fact and should not let the Fat cats get away with undermining the Slavic people like they have, for it is they who are getting the People killed and homes and business destroyed with glee !

When Biden put his full support to create this War in Ukraine he knew that it was going to force Putin's hand to have to go too War on the issue in fact.
Biden and crew would totally know that this would force Putin's Hand to go to War in fact ! and Biden totally knew the lives lost would be massive but Money wins over that of peoples lives clearly with Biden.

As to Putin on the subject, could he of just let this all slide ? as a non issue ! well This issue is between Russia and Ukraine in fact and the USA and others in West could not care less what the real issues are truly in fact ! They clearly do not give a rats, nor care that the Ukraine people have had killed and destroyed, just could not care less !

Their was no need for this War regarding the People of Ukraine, this was a rotten to the core Government that has a comedian as a Puppet for very very wealthy men who have been playing the people of Ukraine for fools. let alone could not give a rates about the Ukraine people at all in fact because just look what they willed on the people in fact and they still totally dominate over the Ukraine people. Zelensky is a outright Dictator in fact, his orders kills any Ukraine people who do not do his will, on the spot ! Their is no opposition party in Ukraine in fact, because Dictator Zelensky banned them !

Zelensky is a Tyrant in fact ! and monopolized the Media in Ukraine and Bombed Poland and lied so as to try and provoke WW3 in fact.

The West MSM talk so much BS, it's not open sided at all, but all one sided lies upon lies.

This War was wanted by Biden and Co and he gave the go ahead and total backup of USA tax payers money to kill ! Kill people regardless. The Blood is on Biden's and Co hands in fact.

Putin's hands were tied as the Russian people know what is being played out by Biden and Co in fact and they are not going to give up !
This War will drag on for years and years .

Where did we see any idiot say escalate escalate escalate a War ? But from Biden and his grub of a side kick Zelensky, what were they truly doing ? trying to frighten Russia away ? did they truly think that Russia will run away !
Now I know that Biden and Zelensky are only just like a 5yo child in the brain, gutless as they come in reality and Queer as Sin ! They are both poofters and child molesters in fact. Just look at them and their history, filth mongers, it proves them to be degenerates in fact both filth mongers ! spreading all types of filth ! like a maggot. nothing but lies and deceptions.
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