Recognizing the antichrist and the subtle methods of the adversary

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Well-Known Member
Feb 26, 2011
East Stroudsburg, PA
United States
As we are engaged on these boards in the practice of identifying the man of sin, the son of perdition, the one called antichrist, we need to understand that since the time of Christ there have been many antichrists. The spirit of antichrist is the spirit of the age and ascends from the adversary of God, who was the ruler of this world and still has power in the world, until the day when our Lord and Savior returns as the Lion of Judah and consumes His enemies. In a previous post, I made mention of one antichrist of the past, the founder of Islam. Mohammed derived much of his power by drawing upon the word of God, but rewriting it for the Koran and making changes to support his evil intent. This is where much of Satan’s power has always been derived, veiling his lies, in partial truth to give them a feel of authenticity, but ultimately to cast doubt upon the veracity of the Scriptures and to create doubt in the hearts of men as to the good and just character of God.
The scripture tells us a little about worldly wisdom or “craftiness” which is carnal or fleshly in nature, but not that which comes down from heaven: 13 Who is wise and understanding among you? Let him show by good conduct that his works are done in the meekness of wisdom. 14 But if you have bitter envy and self-seeking in your hearts, do not boast and lie against the truth. 15 This wisdom does not descend from above, but is earthly, sensual, demonic. 16 For where envy and self-seeking exist, confusion and every evil thing will be there. 17 But the wisdom that is from above is first pure, then peaceable, gentle, willing to yield, full of mercy and good fruits, without partiality and without hypocrisy. 18 Now the fruit of righteousness is sown in peace by those who make peace. NKJ James 3:13-18
Unfortunately, we have to look a little deeper at this worldly wisdom in order to understand the works of the devil, which are manifest throughout the world. Jesus told us to be wise as serpents, but gentle as lambs, so it is helpful to understand something of worldly wisdom, but we should be careful not to apply it, but to battle it with divine wisdom through the application of the word of God, the sword of the Spirit.
I want to use an example of a modern antichrist, a clever and well educated fellow who passed away recently, but still has a powerful following with a demonic agenda. If you are a person that has enjoyed the reading of books of “science fiction,” you may be familiar with the author by the name of Frank Herbert. You may or may not know that Mr. Herbert invented a pseudo scientific religion called Scientology which practices the principles he called “dianetics.” I was introduced to this occult practice when I was a youth and engaged in roaming about in midtown Manhattan with some friends, doing things that our parents wouldn’t have been pleased with. A proselytizer for the cult grabbed me off of 42[sup]nd[/sup] Street and gave me a quick introductory pitch in an attempt to enlist me (and get quite a substantial sum of money for my participation.)
Mr. Herbert was a student of science and of history, and being an intelligent man, recognized some carnal truths about us in our fallen nature. Some authors of science fiction like to call themselves futurists as they imagine where science and technology will take humanity and sometimes see it as a vision to aspire to. Other authors prefer to think of themselves as moralists, attempting to use their fiction to teach moral lessons, e.g. Ray Bradbury. Mr. Herbert belonged to the first group and he used the profits from his fictitious works to support his “scientific” religion in his own efforts to move humanity toward his own vision for the future. In other words, he had no problem with playing at being God and believed that this could be accomplished through “scientific” knowledge of good and evil. Mr. Herbert recognized that men are capable of far more than they usually accomplish and correctly identified one of our major limiting factors as “fear.”

13. For You have formed my inward parts; You have covered me in my mother's womb. 14. I will praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; Marvelous are Your works, And that my soul knows very well. NKJ Psalms 139:13-14

Scientology is about eliminating or overcoming your personal fear so that you can become all that you can be. Through the processes of “dianetics” Mr. Herbert believed that he could unleash the hidden potential of men to live life as fully as possible, not through faith in Christ, but by banishing fear through recognizing it as caused by mental and emotional blocks he called engrams, and dissolving them by a process which is essentially brain washing. Now, a sound faith in Jesus Christ with an understanding of God’s character, will do that which Mr. Herbert promised to do with his dianetics, but to the modern mind, the “scientific” sound of Mr. Herbert’s doctrine seems more reasonable than faith in an unseen God gained through the reading and believing of an ancient book.
The scientologists are so determined to replace Christianity, that they have taken to using Christian methods to sell their demonic product. Just last year I saw a billboard with an advertisement during the Christmas season, visible from the ramp to the Lincoln tunnel, stating that there is a hole in the human heart which only dianetics can fill.
That there is power in the false teachings is evident in the success of some of its most famous adherents such as John Travolta and Tom Cruise. They have found their own lives and careers energized, by the expensive treatments that they submitted themselves to, but dianetics is all about self empowerment and self reliance for the sole purpose of self advancement: 13 For you have said in your heart: `I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God; I will also sit on the mount of the congregation on the farthest sides of the north; 14 I will ascend above the heights of the clouds, I will be like the Most High.'NKJ Isaiah 14:13-14
There are at least a few little problems with dianetics. It doesn’t help someone with tragic loss as I’m sure the first impoverished soul I’ve used as an example is painfully aware of. I hope and pray that he turns to the Lord for salvation and comfort before the reckoning with Hollywood and the “city of the angels.” Another little problem with it is that while you are less likely to make mistakes when your fear is banished from your conscious mind, no man ever has control over their own circumstances, and if you fall off a cliff while rock climbing, your parachute and backup chute don’t open after you’ve jumped out of the plane, or someone with a pathological hatred comes after you and puts a bullet in your head, you’re just as dead as anyone else who’s gone before you without the knowledge of God and faith in Christ Jesus. After that, death, the really big problem with Dianetics starts: Hell and eternal destruction.
Frank Herbert’s fiction may have been used to finance his antichristian adventure, but his personal beliefs and philosophy were to some extent revealed by the fiction that he wrote, and this is true of all authors, artists, musicians, etc. His most popular work was actually a series of books, at least two of which have been made into movies. When you understand the plot you can understand why Hollywood would run after it for profit and why the devil would love them as well. The series is called the Dune series, the first of which was created for the big screen, then produced a second time for television with a follow up from the second book of the series. Dune is about a future empire, where machines have been largely banished, and technology is only tolerated in the form of enhancements to innate human abilities. The universe is ruled by Monarchies of ruling families that plot against each other for power and have developed the human potential through religious physical and mental training and the use of mind altering drugs. He populates his worlds with guilds, (craftsmen) who use mental powers to move great ships through space, develop their minds to full potential to act like human computers, religious orders of nuns that use selective breeding to try to bring forth a super human with the power to control matter with his mind (that they can control with their motherly influence), etc. These things reflect how Antichrist Herbert viewed religion. He believed, as many of his kind always have, that religion was created by man to control people through fear and zeal. However, religion was typically created by spiritual powers, wicked in nature, to control people through fear and zeal. God appointed these powers to rule and reign over men until the coming of His Son, whose purpose was to set us free from fear and re-establish our relationship with God in love.
Another aspect of Herbert’s writings, another common tool of the devil, is to use a false messiah as a hero of the book, creating doubt in the minds of the readers (or movie viewers) into the veracity of their own beliefs. Herbert’s messiah is the result of the genetic breeding of the evil sisterhood, who turns against them, takes control of the drug that fuels the economy of the universe, and sets himself up as the living god emperor, through taking advantage of religious beliefs planted by the sisterhood, his miraculous mental powers to see through time, manipulate matter with his mind, and the recruitment of rugged fighters for his own personal holy war. Frank Herbert recognized that religious zeal is tying strong emotion to purpose, and has been used by many false christs through the ages to enlist support for their schemes. The early empires of the earth were all ruled by men who fancied themselves to be living gods and their power came from the spiritual realm, and the wickedness of the rulers in those places. The promised rewards of the false christs tend to be riches and personal wealth, physical pleasures, virgins, etc., things which make their appeal to the flesh, rather than to the true reward of knowing and loving God and being loved by Him: 5 `Now therefore, if you will indeed obey My voice and keep My covenant, then you shall be a special treasure to Me above all people; for all the earth is Mine. 6 `And you shall be to Me a kingdom of priests and a holy nation.' These are the words which you shall speak to the children of Israel.'' NKJ Exodus 19:5-6
To the ones that desire power and control over their own destiny, the false christs promises that you shall be as god. This last is probably the cleverest lie in that God’s intent for us is to be like Him, renewed in His image, but in submission to Him, to have His character, and without corruption. The devil doesn’t want to be like God, He wants to be god and usurp His throne. I’d rather have nothing and walk with my God than all the riches promised by the devil, yet He has reserved His greatest reward for His Son and all that are found in Him.
The other aspect of this entertainment industry fuel is that in presenting religion as man made invention; it allows those that are rejecting God to imagine things like “Jesus was an alien” or that “the Bible is just fiction.” We are dealing with the works of the inventor of deception. The Lord doesn’t want us to focus on the devil and his servants, but on Him. If you know the real article, the counterfeit is easier to recognize. Forgive me if I seem to make the Lord and Prince of peace seem like merchandise by my word usage, but that is also what the world has made Him, from plastic statues for your dashboard, to T-shirts that proclaim “Try Jesus” as though the Lord of glory is nothing more than a diet soft drink. I’m sorry that I’m getting a little angry as I write. This marketing of our Lord offends me more than most things and I tell you that the days of cheap grace are coming to an end and there will be a reckoning in the flesh.
I’ll pray that God will bring repentance and my heart wishes that He would, but I was a pragmatist before I was saved, and that hasn’t changed. Understand the adversary. With all his cleverness, he still tips his hand and reveals his works, because his mind is corrupted, his spirit entirely defiled, and his pride is his great weakness. The scriptures tell us that heaven will give the saints into his hand, but even this is for our purification and glorification, so be fearless yourselves knowing this, that the Almighty has a Son who is the inheritor of all things, will raise us up even from the dead to be with Him, and whose desire for us is only good and not evil, even the blessed and beloved, our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, blessed forever. Amen.


New Member
May 25, 2011
Montreal, Qc
The antichrist is an enemy of the cross. Through the cross, we have life with God, that is death to self, surrender to the ways of God and to his power.

Whether it be serving him in our own imagination, by the external appearance of the flesh, or not serving him at all, the spirit of the antichrist seeks to uplift himself in the temple of God, rather than lifting up God, giving glory to God.

The cross is our death, which is the only way to God's life. The antichrist will seek by any means to deceive us away from that death, whether by the striving in dead works, or the believing we are not to obey at all! ;)


Jun 17, 2011
Hi Michael V Pardo,

It would seem that your post is a little like finding "Elmo". -- He's not here, he's not here, and he's not here...

Why dance around when the identity of that individual, his power base, his alliances, and his ultimate residence are plainly known?


Edward Palamar

New Member
Nov 1, 2011
Pennsylvania, USA
In a previous post, I made mention of one antichrist of the past, the founder of Islam. Mohammed derived much of his power by drawing upon the word of God, but rewriting it for the Koran and making changes to support his evil intent.
2 Thess. 2 states that Mohammed who died in Medina (whom many curse without understanding) will rise first. The logistics of Christ calling Mohammed at a time when the "filioque" began is simple : to correct an error begun through the children of Isaac by the children of Ishmael - thus do we find the simple command by angel Gabriel "Recite".

True, the command was not "rewrite" - but futher study will show that the Mohammed who died in Medina did not write the Holy Koran. The resultant book is eked out as reactionary to "recite" : the Holy Koran showing how the devil, who in the Koran uses the name "allah", views Creation as a whole. The use of Mohammed in the Holy Koran is a substitute for "Christ". It is only in this way that one can see how God allowed the Holy Koran to come to be. Not only is the Koran misunderstood by the muslims who claim to know it, but, for the most part, is not understood by anyone else, as well. Mohammed who died in Medina was called to Christ through God the Father, just like any one else.


Well-Known Member
Feb 26, 2011
East Stroudsburg, PA
United States
Lets try this again. My computer's been acting up a bit recently. My antivirus software blocked over 500 attempts at entry in the last few weeks, but it might have missed some Tojan horses.
Hi Bible Scribe,
I'm not too familiar with waldo either. I'm from the Atari generation and while I've played with PCs almost from day 1, I was more into strategy games, battle simulations, and the like. I think that I was on the "A" list before I received the gospel at just short of 40 years of age. Prior to enlisting in the USAF, I'd checked into officer recruitment, because I had a bachelor's of science from a SUNY University. At first I was only offered a navigator's job (because of my less than perfect vision), but after testing I was offered a spot in the missile command which later became the Space Command. I had enought common sense, even under the influence of alcohol and weed, to not want the responsibility of working with weapons of mass destruction. After enlistment, inspite of laughing at our female TI and refusing to participate in a few "fun" activities, they still gave me an honor graduate ribbon and the same after tech. school. During my first assignment out at SAC's 15th airforce headquarters, after my initial OJT and testing, they offered me OCS and a new contract. I always had the feeling that I was being groomed for the corporation, if you can understand what I'm getting at. When I decided to get out and be a civilian, I was even offered a job doing high tech. installations for a defense contractor, as long as I would stay connected through the Air National Guard.The only problem with all that is that even before I'd received the gospel, I looked to Jesus as my master and as my friend, and couldn't reconcile His teaching with what the world wanted me to do. I took a lot of different roads before the Lord got my attention and opened my eyes to the truth, but I might've been an antichrist if He hadn't reached down and swung me about. That's what the world does. That's what being conformed to the world is about, rather than being transformed by the renewing of your mind. One little problem that we have as human beings is that God sometimes gets our attention very early, and sometimes very late in the day. We can carry a lot of baggage in our "natural minds" when the latter is true, but the world never stops trying to conform us, saved or not. That's why I wouldln't be too quick to say this guy or that guy is THE antichrist. Sin makes us all go in that direction. You should remember that even the devil is decieved, though his deception is self deception. I'm pretty sure that this is why Jesus spoke about good trees bearing good fruit and bad trees bearing bad fruit, bad branches being cut off and cast into the fire, etc. You have lots of people that believe that they're holy; Some have gone on crusades, some have strapped bombs on their bodies. I don't pretend to be holy based upon anything but believing the Lord and struggling to keep myself from old sin and new (and not always so successfully.) What makes a man holy is the presence of God in his life and more specifically in his heart. I don't like the garbage that I managed to store up in my heart and I want the Lord to clean house in there, while I work at cleaning house out here. When you preach to others, you're really preaching to yourself. When you point a finger, usually at least three are pointing back at you.
Some folks think that the current meat puppet in the oval office is the antichrist, and he could be, but he just doesn't seem that bright. I'd be more concerned about whoever's got the money bags for the church. Jesus Himself referred to Judas as the son of perdition, and he was one of the twelve.
What we're generally supposed to do, according to scripture, is believe the best of people and not the worst, and that gets more and more difficult as corruption does its thing in the church at large. So again I say that as a body we need to spend more time in the word and less time in the world. More time in praying for each other and for those who haven't a clue what's going on, rather than so much time trying to figure out which one is most conformed to the evil one. I'm not saying to be blind to reality, but to be prudent and prepared, for the day of the Lord comes as a thief in the night and who will stand?


Jun 17, 2011
Hey Michael V Pardo,

I certainly appreciate your background and perspectives. However, when you decline trying to figure out which one is the a/c, I would agree if Scripture didn't provide that information. As such, it's not ~88 Reasons Why 1988~ easter egg hunt, but a road map with driving directions, mileage intervals, and driving times.

And so I would again propose that any search for "Waldo" should begin with those foundational concepts which include:

1. A symbol which is the earth and a broken cross.
2. A technology symbol which is the number 6.
3. The eligibility technology which sums to 666.
4. The technological basis which has a 666.
5. The name of the individual which sums to 666.

And not-so-coincidentially, the number 7 has a 111, -- which I would assert is a confirmation of the Trinity, ( -- not the one in Alamagordo, :) ).

But if we were to take this to the next concept, -- chronology --, Scripture would validate that premise.



Well-Known Member
Feb 26, 2011
East Stroudsburg, PA
United States
Hello Edward,
I wan born into a cult that believed that their spiritual leader was errorless, but he's just another deceived man who likes to wear pointy hats and dresses. I don't really believe that the current one is microcephalic, he has more temporal power than most people on the planet, yet it's only the power of numbers and my Savior is unconcerned about numbers. My only solid foundation is the rock which is Christ Jesus and the word given through the prophets and the apostles. The whore who sits upon the 7 hills has been doing it's best to kill off the body of Christ for the last 1700 years, but as we are born of the Spirit of God, there are always more. The gospel has no limits and contrary to what some of the protestants say, it was never lost, nor is it in danger of being lost as long as the Word exists and the Word endures forever. As you do not speak according to the word, but from your own resources, you haven't known Him, nor are you known by Him.
Even so, I'd be glad to introduce you. I won't ask you to renounce anything, jump through any hoops, flagellate yourself, kiss any rings, or bow before anyone except the Lord Jesus Christ, which you will surely do on the day of your judgment. He loves you, inspite of the fact that you don't know Him. He died for you as much as He died for me, but you have to seek Him with your whole heart. You can't allow some carnal organization that calls itself a church to come between you and Him; no statues, no demons pretending to be someone from the past or an angel of light, no masters, no priests, no gurus, or wisemen, no mothers, no fathers, no sisters, no brothers, no fantasies or wicked imaginations, no principalities, or powers, stars, sun, or moon, no form of idolatry at all, no not one. Seek Him with your whole heart, confess your sin to Him and ask Him to save you and He surely will. He can deliver you from the demons that assail you and I pray that He does. He takes no pleasure in the death of those that are dying, so turn to Him and live, even our Lord and Savior, blessed forever, Jesus Christ, firstborn of the dead, Lord of all creation, and equal to the Father in as much as He is the Son, inheritor of all that was spoken into existance.
I would suggest that you do this soon, as the rocks are already proclaiming His coming. Hosanna in the highest! Amen. May the Lord open the eyes of your heart, quicken your spirit and reveal to you the way of life. Amen.


Well-Known Member
Feb 26, 2011
East Stroudsburg, PA
United States
Hi Bible Scribe,
I know about the constantine legend, though I don't know if it was true. I know that the star of David is a six sided hexagram with six axies of symetry and is composed of 6 triangles, but I don't think that this made David an antichrist (though I wouldn't be the least bit surprised if the antichrist was a blood relative of our Lord.) However, Hollywood has certainly spent enough time spreading the seeds of that mythology and the grail hunters, power brokers, bankers of medieval europe, ETC. had some skilled artisans capable of producing all sorts of convincingly contrived artifacts. Back when my hands were steadier, I could've probably created some really neat images on cloth with the use of the sun and a magnifying glass. The partially oxidized carbon would have been a wonderful touch. With the techology available today, I might've been able to produce fire from the sky, but this is an expensive undertaking requiring the resources of a huge cult or nation, and I've never volunteered the products of my evil imagination for weapons production. The only problem is that whatever I might've thought of has probably entered into other minds as well and most people don't have moral restraints when large sums of money are involved. I think that the point I was trying to make is that Satan's purposes are not so easily thwarted, because he has so much raw material to work with. I don't believe that the antichrist identity is so important as to take our attention away from Jesus. If you know the Lord, then you aren't going to be fooled by an imitation, however the scripture tells us that the rest of humanity will be. The primary duty of the saints is to share the gospel and to make disciples of men, teaching them all things that Jesus taught us. My main purpose in posting any notes on forum pages such as end times forums, is to evangelize. I've shared more about myself than I have in the past on other websites, because it is a part of my testimony, and the only weight to my words is that which is found in scripture. I've read apocryphal writings and have enjoyed some of them, and I've written my own messages in the way of prophecy, but not of revelation. All that can be known about Godly living can be found through scripture, and more significantly, the way of salvation can be found in scripture to the extent that the reader or hearer is quickened by the Holy Spirit. Its a shame that some people see the scripture as a way to power, but we know where that comes from. As a matter of fact, I just started writing a short story which is also a parable of sorts, completely true with regard to it's biblical origins, but still the work of my own thoughts and perceptions. However the Lord hasn't objected so I'll finish it and offer it just the same and as just that, a parable.


New Member
Aug 6, 2010
Southeast USA
There are "many antichrists" like Apostle John said. But there's only one Antichrist that could ever fit a fake Christ that could fool the whole world into believing on him, and that's the devil himself.

So this whole tirade of looking for a pope, or for any flesh man as that Antichrist, is really just a waste of time.


Jun 17, 2011
Hi Michael V Pardo,

Certainly we should anticipate that certain books are targeted for certain audiences. As such it is observed that the Book of Daniel is for the nations, and the Book of Revelation is for the Church. Accordingly, these two books ~parallel~ each other, being that the church is comprised of the nations (i.e., gentiles), and the presentations often complimentary (i.e., the world empires).

So given the above, it would seem inappropriate to assign any Star of David implications to the 666. -- Certainly some might consider the inference/significance of those aspects, but probably not in context with the Rev. 13:18 depiction.

But as suggested in my prior post, there are ~statistically significant~ coincidences which one might consider toward the characterization, quantification, and determination of the intended significance:

1. A symbol which is the earth and a broken cross.
2. A technology symbol which is the number 6.
3. The eligibility technology which sums to 666.
4. The technological basis which has a 666.
5. The name of the individual which sums to 666.

And not-so-coincidentially, the number 7 has a 111, -- which I would assert is a confirmation of the Trinity, ( -- not the one in Alamagordo, :) ).

So instead of pointing in some general direction (or no direction at all), do you think one could perform as instructed?

Rev. 13:18
[sup]18[/sup] Here is wisdom. Let him who has understanding calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man: His number is 666.


PS Veteran, please reconsider your "waste of time" council and comply with Scriptural guidance. -- Specifically, to "let" is not to simply ~allow~, but to proactively ~assert~, exactly as provided in Matt. 11:12 :

[sup]12[/sup] And from the days of John the Baptist until now the kingdom of heaven suffers violence, and the violent take it by force.

Edward Palamar

New Member
Nov 1, 2011
Pennsylvania, USA
. . . yet it's only the power of numbers and my Savior is unconcerned about numbers.

Christ said, "Even the hairs on your head are numbered."

Hello, Michael

Even so, I'd be glad to introduce you.

I baptized Jesus Christ in the river Jordan under His command to do so, and you are going to introduce me to Him after He has raised me from the dead?

You're on, fathead - show me the money.


Jun 17, 2011
I baptized Jesus Christ in the river Jordan under His command to do so, and you are going to introduce me to Him after He has raised me from the dead?

Hey Michael V Pardo,

It's unfortunate for this poor soul that he should be tormented by a demon(s).

To Edward's demon, -- how many are you, and what is your name?



Well-Known Member
Feb 26, 2011
East Stroudsburg, PA
United States
Hi Bible Scribe,
I think you lost me with the first post. I work with technology now because I have to, that is, I want to retire with a pension in a year or so and I don't know much else that anyone places value in. I'm hoping to find a janitorial job or something far removed from technology when I retire, (unless I can land a public job out west and work on a second small pension, but the idea doesn't hold that much appeal anymore.) My main reason for making any comments on the end times forums is to attract guys like our little friend Ed the baptist, and have an opportunity to present the gospel. I don't care if Ed can receive it, but other folks with hearts prepared for it just might. Back when my wife was young, she worked in banks as a teller. The standard training is to study real bills, so that you can recognize the fake ones. Again, I don't like to compare our Lord to common things, but if you know Him and trust Him, I don't think you'll have any problems recognizing satan's progeny.
By the way, since you identify yourself as being from the southwest, do you know what the closest civilization is to the great caldera at Yellowstone? I don't hold to the 2012 nonsense, as the Mayan calendar starts over again after every great cycle, and Nostradamus may have had some kind of visions associated with the astronomical oddities associated with 2012, but who cares what some dead guy has to say? I serve a living Savior and I'm sure that He's coming back soon. Yet there was certainly some truth to the stuff about the caldera ( I read about that in National Geographic some time ago.) All things considered, I'd rather be living on top of the caldera than be around for what's coming later, though I don't think that this is what the Lord has in mind for me. Do you have any numbers on the growth of that thing?
Oh, yeah, I finished my little parable last night and since I promised a story I'll create another post and see if we can draw another one out of the wood work. I love the gospel and It's difficult to get anyone to take the time to listen to it. I've been sharing with a hard working little Chinese fellow and he's been sharing some little martial arts things with me which I suppose is one of our common interests. Its tough when someone has no prior root in scripture, but we know that its far tougher with those who believe that they are something. Pray for Norman. His wife barely speaks English and he's got a little boy he hopes to bring up in a strange land. I love seeing what the Lord will do with His word, and for a stranger to the covenants Norman is a really nice guy. We were talking about wars and governments this morning and I told him that there's no peace for the wicked, and we all pretty much fall into that category (in the natural.) I only hope that I have enough time to do some more planting and watering before its too late. Take care and enjoy the sunshine while you can. Sincerely, and resting in God's grace. Michael