Recognizing the antichrist and the subtle methods of the adversary

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Jun 17, 2011
To All,

Please allow me to clarify my previous post (being it is past the Edit timeline) per the following circumstance:

Topic: Recognizing the antichrist ..., Post #16

Edward Palamar, on 07 November 2011 - 04:54 PM, said:
I baptized Jesus Christ in the river Jordan under His command to do so, and you are going to introduce me to Him after He has raised me from the dead?



Well-Known Member
Feb 26, 2011
East Stroudsburg, PA
United States
Hi again, Bible Scribe,
Don't be too hard on Ed the Baptist, just yet. I think he's probably just some kid playing at religion like its a fantasy role playing game, such as dungeons and dragons (I hope.) I don't expect anyone to be of a sound mind until they've received Christ. Nor do I expect anyone on the forums here to take Ed too seriously, unless their hearts remain unregenerate or their minds haven't yet been renewed through the power of the Holy Spirit and the transforming power of the word of God. I've heard well educated people of above average intellect, say that they believe life on earth was deposited by aliens or arrived on space debris (like the movie the Andromeda strain) after their study of genetics, statistics and probability, convinced them that evolution wasn't likely, or even possible given the time frame for the projected age of the universe. Believing even the most goofy of lies becomes possible when you reject the truth. That's part of the way that God's wrath is revealed (according to the Apostle Paul in the book of Romans) and the Word of the Lord is proven over and over again.
I hope that his thing is fantasy rather than possession. I don't want to follow Ed's post and badger him, but if you see evidence of the unclean spirit, let me know. I haven't fasted in a long time, and don't know how I'd handle it with diabetes, but I'm certainly willing to try for the sake of a tormented soul or the protection of the young that might be seeking answers in a mine field. If its just a game to him, I'm sure that it will get real soon enough. Thanks in advance.

Edward Palamar

New Member
Nov 1, 2011
Pennsylvania, USA
I've heard well educated people of above average intellect,

What good is that to someone with too fat a head to listen?

As you botch up prophecy so well, Mike, try this one - what is your relation to Don Pardo, the announcer?

The Bible says "eye has not seen, nor ear heard", yet when you get a taste of that, all that you can do is clam up into apostasy.


New Member
May 25, 2011
Montreal, Qc
Interesting to note that Israel recognized John the Baptist as a prophet, all the while he did not declare himself a prophet, but simply filled the role of one.

On the other hand, some people call themselves prophets, even Elijah, while everyone says they are not.

John the Baptist even said he wasn't Elijah :blink:

Strange difference of character, whouldn't you say? ;)

John 1:21
And they asked him, “What then? Are you Elijah?” He said, “I am not.” “Are you the Prophet?” And he answered, “No.”

Striking difference... and quite revealing!


Jun 17, 2011
Hi again, Bible Scribe,
Don't be too hard on Ed the Baptist, just yet. I think he's probably just some kid playing at religion like its a fantasy role playing game, such as dungeons and dragons (I hope.) I don't expect anyone to be of a sound mind until they've received Christ. Nor do I expect anyone on the forums here to take Ed too seriously, unless their hearts remain unregenerate or their minds haven't yet been renewed through the power of the Holy Spirit and the transforming power of the word of God. I've heard well educated people of above average intellect, say that they believe life on earth was deposited by aliens or arrived on space debris (like the movie the Andromeda strain) after their study of genetics, statistics and probability, convinced them that evolution wasn't likely, or even possible given the time frame for the projected age of the universe. Believing even the most goofy of lies becomes possible when you reject the truth. That's part of the way that God's wrath is revealed (according to the Apostle Paul in the book of Romans) and the Word of the Lord is proven over and over again.
I hope that his thing is fantasy rather than possession. I don't want to follow Ed's post and badger him, but if you see evidence of the unclean spirit, let me know. I haven't fasted in a long time, and don't know how I'd handle it with diabetes, but I'm certainly willing to try for the sake of a tormented soul or the protection of the young that might be seeking answers in a mine field. If its just a game to him, I'm sure that it will get real soon enough. Thanks in advance.

Hi Michael V Pardo,

Certainly you offer excellent advice. And where you suggest that this individual is ~gaming~ this Forum, so too he should be cautious of mocking both GOD and the Holy Spirit. For such an offense may not be recoverable.

Your Friend,


Well-Known Member
Feb 26, 2011
East Stroudsburg, PA
United States
Hello Ed the Baptist,
I'd rather be a saved fathead than a lost soul inflated with hot air, but that’s beside the point. I take it that you believe yourself to be an intellectual, good for you. My tested IQ was right up there with Mr. Einstein (Fred, not Albert), but at 55 years of age I still can't keep my shoes tied with a single knot. Intellect means nothing in God's realm. I have a friend named John whose brain was damaged during the birthing process from a lack of oxygen (I think his umbilical cord got wrapped about his neck.) John is a brother in the Lord and if I believed in the lie of reincarnation, and I don't (I'm not Hindu or Buddhist) then I would be quicker to believe that he was John the Baptist than you. My buddy John received the gospel and put his faith in Jesus Christ alone and I have heard him speak the wisdom of God in the simplest ways, rebuking my soul and trampling on my pride. He's still a sinner by nature and his simple thought processes sometimes require more explanation than you or I might need, but he has the Spirit of Christ in residence, and I know that you don't according to the words that you write. This is what God said through Isaiah: And when they say to you, "Seek those who are mediums and wizards, who whisper and mutter,'' should not a people seek their God? Should they seek the dead on behalf of the living? To the law and to the testimony! If they do not speak according to this word, it is because there is no light in them. Isaiah: NKJ Isaiah 8:19-20
Now, if you're not a little boy, or maybe a little girl, there is a curse in the book of Zechariah that you need to know is true and applies to whoever it applies to: Then I turned and raised my eyes, and saw there a flying scroll. And he said to me, "What do you see?'' So I answered, "I see a flying scroll. Its length is twenty cubits and its width ten cubits.'' Then he said to me, "This is the curse that goes out over the face of the whole earth: `Every thief shall be expelled,' according to what is on this side of the scroll; and, `Every perjurer shall be expelled,' according to what is on that side of it.'' "I will send out the curse,'' says the Lord of hosts; "It shall enter the house of the thief and the house of the one who swears falsely by My name. It shall remain in the midst of his house and consume it, with its timber and stones.'' NKJ Zechariah 5:1-4
I had a little fire in my attic a few years ago and I believe that the Lord allowed it to keep me on track, but my house didn't burn to the ground. When Jesus judged the priests of the temple, he called it their house rather than God's house (because that's what they'd made it to be,) and not one stone was left upon another.
My council to you is to buy some fire insurance. Those that worship the mother of the Lord do a great disservice to her and if she can see what goes on down on the planet, I'm also quite sure that she's greatly grieved by it.
Now, if you're not foaming at the mouth yet and still able to read, this is the fire insurance that I would offer to you. Confess your sin to God, (don't bother with a priest unless it makes you feel better), and believe that His Son has risen from the dead ( about 2000 years ago) and is your judge. This makes it much easier to call on the Lord Jesus Christ to save you. He's already paid the price of every sin that you've ever committed and ever will commit short of rejecting Him having received the knowledge of who He is through the power of His Spirit. He won't condemn you if you submit to Him and receive His Spirit, but He might give you a harder road to walk in light of the things that you've done in ignorance. He will by no means reject you if you come to Him in sincerity of heart, but you can't insist on holding onto idols. We all bring our own baggage with us, in our defiled minds, but He is the great physician and heals us of our infirmities, and clears up the clutter that he uncovers, overcoming every lie with the truth.
If you're one of those guys who like to wear dresses, then you should understand that you'll be among the first to be judged and it won't be a bit pleasant or fun. Seek the Lord while He may be found. He's come near you and the voices that you've been listening to are trying to keep you from Him. Leave the dead to bury the dead and receive Him who is able to save or to destroy. The Lord is a life giving Spirit and takes no pleasure in the death of those who are dying, so turn and live.
If you work for Mikey Weinstein, then you can make him the same offer.

I call upon all the saints present to pray for Ed, because our God is a God of peace and these forums should be conducted in peace. We don't want to see Him wage war when it isn't necessary, but He will not allow confusion to reign for much longer.

Oh, I hear the moody blues on the radio singing knights in white satin. That’s a love song for majesty and the armies of the Lord, but that band went all over the place because they listened to other voices as well. What a shame.


Jun 17, 2011
Hi Michael V Pardo,

I'm not sure this is working:

Topic: Beheading!, Post #17

I was an answer on the TV game show "Jeopardy!" tonight.

Topic: New-Views-On-The-Rapture, Page 6, Post #180

lioncubseal, on 06 June 2011 - 01:24 AM, said:

The mainstream belief about the rapture . . .

. . . was possibly shattered when Christ raised His angel from the dead. Now I say Christ, but it is the power of the Father which glorifies the Son. And all God's people said, that's right - "Amen."

Your Friend,


Well-Known Member
Feb 26, 2011
East Stroudsburg, PA
United States
Hi Bible scribe,
Yeah, I guess I'll try fasting and prayer, but my wife won't approve of the first. It's already the tenth so I'll stick to just water from the morning until evening and do some praying if I can keep my mind focused on it. Sometimes my mind wanders as the flesh starts making demands. I'd ask the same if you're able ("Wherever two or more are gathered in my name" and I think we both qualify as witnesses. Thanks again.
Sincerely, and in His love,


Jun 17, 2011
Hi Michael V Pardo,

I don't know about you, but I still work for a living, and it's 10 hour ~fun~ filled days. :lol: But I think GOD has already made the answer clear to me as to some of the Posters in this Forum. So where even Jesus called Peter "satan", so too we know the source of these individuals.

But I will continue to agree with you in that the body will be brought into perfection so that we can discern the hearts of men so that none should perish, but that all should come to receive everlasting life, and that life more abundantly. :)

Your Dear Friend,


Well-Known Member
Feb 26, 2011
East Stroudsburg, PA
United States
Hello again everybody,
I need to appologize, sort of, to Frank Herbert,the author of Dune. While his works are deceptive and loosely grounded in biblical concepts and history, the sci-fi author who started up dianetics is L.Ron Hubbard. I'm surprised that nobody noticed my mistake; I suppose that there aren't too many readers of science fiction on the forums, (just writers of it.) I'm glad that the Lord let me remember this as I was driving around this morning doing food shopping, etc. I suppose that confusion is quite easy when you call on extrabiblical resources for an argument. What else is genuinely trust worthy?
Not with an errorless foundation, but standing on the rock, Michael


Well-Known Member
Feb 26, 2011
East Stroudsburg, PA
United States
Hi again, Bible Scribe,
I did what the Lord lead me to do on Thursday, and by evening I was at work with a killer headache. A tuna wrap and a twix bar helped after sundown. I don't know if the Lord delivered Ed or not, but I had a great day of ministry on Friday, first to my father-in-law, and then to others we met on the way through the day (I had the holiday off from my employer, but not from the Lord. That's okay too, His work is easy and can be quite joyful.) Praise God for His great faithfulness, and the ways in which He honors His word. I had to stay until 1:00AM Thursday too, because of radio system problems, so I ended up with a 10 hour work day,(plus the commute), but at least I get OT (Praise the Lord.) Usually the days are a couple hours shorter. I consider overtime to be blood money, but we all have bills to pay. I can take an early retirement now, but I know that we can't live on it here, even with the wife's disability checks, so I suppose I'll just limp along until the Lord takes me home. Since my blood pressure was found to be too high, Thursday, and the medication can be almost as deadly, maybe that'll be sooner rather than later. My wife can take care of the animals if I'm not around, but I'm not so sure that my wife can take care of herself (I am quite sure however that the Lord can take care of her.) Have you ever wondered why the modern sorcerers with their pharmaceuticals are a good thing, while the old time ones were to be killed under thr Law, or hung, burnt at the stake, etc? I mean, poison is still poison, even when you understand the physiology being affected. Look up the word Caduceus. Well, at least a few are Christian. A beloved brother in the Lord is an anasthesiologist, but I'll bet that he never really thought about it as more than a craft or profession, and I don't think that the rich and powerful hire doctors to kill people anymore with their mixtures. That's usually accidental. The road to hell is paved with good intentions (you won't find that in scripture either), but dead people can't pay bills anymore.
I don't know if you saw my previous post, but I did some damage to the message, confusing Frank Herbert with L.Ron Hubbard. I'm only human too, but I'm awed by what the Lord can do with us, on any given day. Some day there won't be any more confusion. Some day we'll all speak the same language, a pure one, and we won't need technology to do it. Some day the continents might even be rejoined in a single landmass. I wonder if there is a Hebrew name that means the opposite of Peleg. I'm pretty sure that there won't be any atheists around on that day, or antichrists of any kind. I just wrote a response to a white supremecist on another forum, and the guy actually thinks that he's a Christian. Lord help us. I think that I'd rather be called Jeshurun than Christian, but some of the Jews have already made the claim to that one. Anyway, take care and adios for now.
Rejoicing in the day,


Jun 17, 2011
Hi Michael V Pardo,

GOD has been so gracious with my family. Our challenges aren't half what so many others face, especially given the economic distress which is so prevalent. And where I'm fortunate to live 10 minutes from work, I jokingly complain the next morning about the ~snow caused traffic delay~, where their typical 30 minute commute turns into a 4 hour ordeal, but I'm angry because it took me 15 minutes to get home. :lol:

Regarding Peleg, have you ever considered that at the same time the earth was being flooded, that Mars was being carved with channels, and Venus was completely resurfaced? As such I would propose that an ice asteroid belt flew through our solar system and as these dusty snowballs melted upon entry, that the layer of non-naturally-occurring iridium bears further testimony to that circumstance. And of course, with all this pressure on the mantle of the earth, plate tectonics was achieved. Thus Peleg. :)

But if there were any mixed news, it might be that you should only have to prepare/plan for the next seven years. Because Scripture suggests a significant event at that time.

Your Friend,


Jun 17, 2011
To All,

Please allow me return to the Topic, and present an aspect which may be of some importance.

During WWII GOD made a way of escape for the Jews. He provided a "national fatherland" in Palestine, with four immigration waves from the early 1900s to 1929. A total of ~560,00 Jews immigrated, whereupon 2/3rds re-emigrated, leaving a remaining ~186,000.

However, many remained in Europe with their families, friends, businesses, and communities. And although some eventually left to other nations, most stayed behind. And for the most part, those perished. I say this because we need to perceive the signs of our times. And if we fail to heed the warnings, we too are in jeopardy of our futures.

And so it would behoove each to take account as to the instructions from Scripture. For it is satan who comes to steal, kill, and destroy, but GOD comes that we may have life, and life more abundantly. Thus I would council that each pray for wisdom to discern the a/c and other end-time events, so that you may possibly preserve both your lives and the lives of your loved ones:

Rev. 13
[sup]18[/sup] Here is wisdom. Let him who has understanding calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man: His number is 666.



Well-Known Member
Feb 26, 2011
East Stroudsburg, PA
United States
Hello again Bible scribe,
I don't want to drift off topic, but since I made some mistakes in my original post with regard to different authors, the remaining posts have lost some effect. I just wanted to mention, that my oldest brother, who is by no means christian, always had an interest in mythologies and legends, some of which were incredibly far-fetched. One such legend is called "Nemesis" which is supposedly based upon the Gilgemesh epic (which I've never taken time to read for myself.) The premise is that a small star, black hole, or massive planet in a wildly irregular orbit, passes through the solar system at very long intervals, and tears things up on the way. The existence of an astoroid belt where there should be a planet is sited as an evidence, but the total mass of the asteroid belt seems way too small for the debris of a planet, even when phobos and deimos, the moons of mars are added in. I'd be inclined to believe that some massive object passed through once and tore things up, altered our orbit, moved some of the planetary orbits out of the ecliptic, etc., but if it were in an orbit about the sun and with a mass anywhere approaching that of the sun, then you'd expect greater perturbations in the orbits of the planets and the sun about the center of mass of the solar system (we don't orbit around the sun, but around the center of mass, as does the sun itself, but this center is still within the sun, because of the great difference in relative masses.) Then again an object with the mass of a large planet could still do some damage in passing. Talk about getting off topic. Maybe this thread or topic should just be removed for stronger and more biblical discussion.
Take care brother.



Jun 17, 2011
Hey Michael V Pardo,

I'm not sure this Topic should be discarded, but possibly re-invigorated. As such, I would propose the following be addressed:

1. A symbol which is the earth and a broken cross.

2. A technology symbol which is the number 6.

3. The eligibility technology which sums to 666.

4. The technological basis which has a 666.

5. The name of the individual which sums to 666.

-- And not-so-coincidentially, the number 7 has a 111, which I would assert is a confirmation of the Trinity, ( -- not the one in Alamagordo, :) ).

As such, I would be happy to present each of these four aspects for the greater perspective of the body.



New Member
Aug 6, 2010
Southeast USA
PS Veteran, please reconsider your "waste of time" council and comply with Scriptural guidance. -- Specifically, to "let" is not to simply ~allow~, but to proactively ~assert~, exactly as provided in Matt. 11:12 : [sup]12[/sup] And from the days of John the Baptist until now the kingdom of heaven suffers violence, and the violent take it by force.

As soon as another world leader manifests, that's how soon some are ready to arbitrarily assign Antichrist status to that one. The Reformers thought the pope of their day was 'the Antichrist', but they were wrong we now know. The early Church fathers expected the coming of a singular Antichrist as per their understanding of the last day's prophecy, so they were busy looking for him in their days too; but he didn't come. Not in their days, not in the Reformer's days, and still not yet today. But that singular Antichrist will come as the Scripture states.

All kinds of numerology 666 symbols are applied, 10 kingdoms, many of the symbols given from prophetic Scriptures, EXCEPT... the very TYPE of ACTS the real Antichrist is to do (miracles, wonders and great signs), and WHERE he is to set himself up as king in place of Christ Jesus (Jerusalem).

If that trying to make history and all sorts of number names fit some flesh man isn't enough of a waste of time, others on that boat would rather just do away with how Scripture points to the coming of a singular Antichrist for the end altogether, and instead just declare there's 'many antichrists' only, and not a specific false one coming as the "another Jesus" of 2 Cor.11.


Jun 17, 2011
As soon as another world leader manifests, that's how soon some are ready to arbitrarily assign Antichrist status to that one. The Reformers thought the pope of their day was 'the Antichrist', but they were wrong we now know. The early Church fathers expected the coming of a singular Antichrist as per their understanding of the last day's prophecy, so they were busy looking for him in their days too; but he didn't come. Not in their days, not in the Reformer's days, and still not yet today. But that singular Antichrist will come as the Scripture states.

All kinds of numerology 666 symbols are applied, 10 kingdoms, many of the symbols given from prophetic Scriptures, EXCEPT... the very TYPE of ACTS the real Antichrist is to do (miracles, wonders and great signs), and WHERE he is to set himself up as king in place of Christ Jesus (Jerusalem).

If that trying to make history and all sorts of number names fit some flesh man isn't enough of a waste of time, others on that boat would rather just do away with how Scripture points to the coming of a singular Antichrist for the end altogether, and instead just declare there's 'many antichrists' only, and not a specific false one coming as the "another Jesus" of 2 Cor.11.

I certainly would never insist that you perceive there's ONE individual whose name calculates to six hundred and sixty-six. However, SCRIPTURE does suggest such a thing.

Secondly, I would never insist that you employ wisdom to discern this individual. However, SCRIPTURE does suggest such a thing.

Rev. 13:18
[sup]18[/sup] This calls for wisdom: let the one who has understanding calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man, and his number is 666.

Thus it would seem one either has or doesn't have "wisdom". I think I do, but it's ok if you don't. :)


To All,

For those who have wisdom and understanding, please consider the following concepts:

1. A symbol which is the earth and a broken cross.

2. A technology symbol which is the number 6.

3. The eligibility technology which sums to 666.

4. The technological basis which has a 666.

5. The name of the individual which sums to 666.

-- And not-so-coincidentially, the number 7 has a 111, which I would assert is a confirmation of the Trinity, ( -- not the one in Alamagordo, :) ).



New Member
Aug 6, 2010
Southeast USA
I certainly would never insist that you perceive there's ONE individual whose name calculates to six hundred and sixty-six. However, SCRIPTURE does suggest such a thing.

Secondly, I would never insist that you employ wisdom to discern this individual. However, SCRIPTURE does suggest such a thing.

Rev. 13:18
[sup]18[/sup] This calls for wisdom: let the one who has understanding calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man, and his number is 666.

Thus it would seem one either has or doesn't have "wisdom". I think I do, but it's ok if you don't. :)

Playing numerology games with that number 666 based on a faulty interpretation of Rev.13:18 to look for some man in world history like a pope, a U.S. President, etc., is not a show of the wisdom that verse is pointing to. Instead, doing those kind of things is a show of earthly wisdom, man's wisdom, which is faulty. That faulty interpretation has led some to try and point to Hitler, a pope, Saddam, and many others as that man of Rev.13:8. So their faulty interpretation of the verse is open for all to see, because they cannot settle on just a single specific man like the verse is pointing to.


Well-Known Member
Dec 24, 2006
Playing numerology games with that number 666 based on a faulty interpretation of Rev.13:18 to look for some man in world history like a pope, a U.S. President, etc., is not a show of the wisdom that verse is pointing to. Instead, doing those kind of things is a show of earthly wisdom, man's wisdom, which is faulty. That faulty interpretation has led some to try and point to Hitler, a pope, Saddam, and many others as that man of Rev.13:8. So their faulty interpretation of the verse is open for all to see, because they cannot settle on just a single specific man like the verse is pointing to.

Hello Veteran

Some,if not most people are just not meant to understand.....They will worship satan in ignorance,that's why as it is written,the whole world shall worship the beast.....What they don't understand is the fact that,satan cannot make you worship him,it will be by their own free will......