Remember the real reason for the season!

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Lifelong student of God's Word.
May 13, 2014
Calgary, Alberta, Canada
mjrhealth said:
Yes Christ is mentioned in the bible, but God forbid, give Jesus 2 days a year, He is worth every second of every minute of every hour of every day of evry month of evrey year of the rest of my life and to eternity, and still I dont give His enough of my time. Is He not worth that to you??

Dont recall them celebrating His birth in teh bible.

In all His Love
I meant in the word Christmas. We celebrate one day, but we live the other 364 days, just as all believers do, or should do.
Jesus means as much to me every day, but I celebrate His birth and death & resurrection, because without them, we would NOT have salvation. If the gospels spent all the time they did recounting the birth of Jesus, it obviously has important significance to God, who inspired the Bible. You may want to read through the gospels again, especially the part about the 3 wise men and all the rejoicing that went on before that.


Well-Known Member
Mar 15, 2009
YEs well I rejoice in every day He gives me and for all that he has done and is doing as many do.


New Member
Nov 12, 2015
Merry Saturnelia! Mithra the Sun-god was born!

Birthday of Jesus is still few months away and He did not tell us to celebrate it or when to do so.

I heard some preacher on the radio say that celebrating "christmas" was once illegal in US. I guess Puritans knew what they were doing. Well, sodomite marriage and abortion was once illegal in US too.


Lifelong student of God's Word.
May 13, 2014
Calgary, Alberta, Canada
Skitnik said:
Merry Saturnelia! Mithra the Sun-god was born!

Birthday of Jesus is still few months away and He did not tell us to celebrate it or when to do so.

I heard some preacher on the radio say that celebrating "christmas" was once illegal in US. I guess Puritans knew what they were doing. Well, sodomite marriage and abortion was once illegal in US too.
That is NOT factual and all you're doing now is repeating yourself and showing you mind is set in stone. Most people like you also have their feet set in cement and NEVER move on.


New Member
Nov 12, 2015
StanJ said:
That is NOT factual and all you're doing now is repeating yourself and showing you mind is set in stone. Most people like you also have their feet set in cement and NEVER move on.
How about you prove factually that:

Jesus was born on Dec 25

He commanded or at least hinted that his birthday is to be celebrated.

He gave any indications as to what date to celebrate it on.


Lifelong student of God's Word.
May 13, 2014
Calgary, Alberta, Canada
Skitnik said:
How about you prove factually that:

Jesus was born on Dec 25

He commanded or at least hinted that his birthday is to be celebrated.

He gave any indications as to what date to celebrate it on.
I never said he was, and the point is NOT about what God commanded as far as our celebrating His birth, it's about what we do as Paul teaches in Phil 4:8

What I stated is that YOUR post and assertions are NOT factual.


Active Member
Nov 11, 2009
United States
Those who carefully listen to Jesus words (such as "let the one who has ears listen", Matt 13:9), who are his genuine disciples "will know the truth" and be "" from religious error.(John 8:31, 32) This includes Christmas as the birthday of Jesus. Though many in the churches look at celebrating birthdays as okay, how does God look upon them ?

At Ecclesiastes 7, it says: "A good name is better than good oil, and the day of death is better than the day of birth".(Ecc. 7:1) Why is the "day of death....better than the day of birth" ? Because at birth, no one has made "a good name" with God, but at death, a person can be shown as having made a good name or reputation with our Maker, Jehovah God.

Nowhere in the Bible is any of God's loyal people seen observing theirs or others birthdays, but there are two accounts of birthdays being observed by those who do not worship God, that of Pharaoh at Genesis 40 and that of Herod Antipas at Matthew 14. On both occasions, someone was murdered.

Celebrating a person's birthday puts that one in the limelight, the center of attention. Jesus said that "when making gifts of mercy (not because of it being a person's birthday but rather just wanting to), do not blow a trumpet ahead of you.....But you, when making gifts of mercy, do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing". Gifts should be given quietly, with "your gifts of secret" so that "your Father who looks on in secret will repay you".(Matt 6:2-4)

At birth as a perfect child, had Jesus made "a good name" with God ? No. It is possible that he could have failed the test of his loyalty as the Messiah, but at death, it could be shown that he was loyal without reservation. Jesus told loyal ones in Smyrna that "the Devil will keep on throwing some of you into prison.....Prove yourself faithful even to death, and I will give you the crown of life".(Rev 2:10) Hence, in order to receive the "crown of life", "the day of death is far better than the day of birth" for those wanting to please Jehovah God.(see Matt 24:13)

So where did Jesus "birthday" called Christmas come from ? The date surrounding Christmas was an absorption from pagan Roman observances, such as December 17-24 that was celebrated by the ancient Romans as the festival of Saturnalia, the Roman god of agriculture. It was marked by the giving of gifts such as waxen fruit and candles, schools and courts had a holiday, all business stopped, war operations were brought to a halt and in which slaves switched places with their masters.

December 25 was observed by the pagan Romans as the birthday of Mithra, Persian god of light. Regarding the date for Christmas celebrations, the Enciclopedia de la Religión Católica (Encyclopedia of the Catholic Religion) frankly states: “The reason that the Roman Church decided to assign this date to the festival seems to be its tendency to replace pagan festivals with Christian ones. . . . We know that in Rome at that time, the pagans consecrated December 25 as the celebration of natalis invicti, the birth of the ‘invincible sun' " or Mithra. This celebration went from ' the birth the invincible sun' to "the birth of the invincible son" by the Roman Catholic church. What a difference one letter can make.

Microsoft Encarta 2005 Reference Library says that "many Romans.....celebrated the lengthening of daylight following the winter solstice by participating in rituals to glorify Mithra, the ancient Persian god of light". With just a few changes, the Roman Catholic church was able to slyly incorporate the two pagan Roman festivals of Saturnalia and Mithra without so much as raising an eyebrow.

The apostle Paul was inspired to write, quoting from Isaiah 52:11: "What fellowship do righteousness and lawlessness have ? Or what sharing does light (Bible truth) have with darkness (pagan doctrines and practices) ? " ' Therefore get out from among them (pagan practices and teachings along with the people who promote them), and separate yourselves,' says Jehovah, ' and quit touching the unclean thing' ", " 'and I will take you in' ".(2 Cor 6:14, 17)

Thus, no true Christian celebrates the birthday of anyone including Jesus, but they do celebrate the day of Jesus death as he commanded his disciples at Luke 22:19, 20 and in which the apostle Paul reiterated at 1 Corinthians 11:23-26.

Jesus gave the command to observe the memorial of his death that was pictured by the Jewish Passover whereby the blood of the sacrificial sheep was splashed upon both doorposts and upper part of the doorway of the Israelites homes that saved the firstborn from being struck down by the death angel.(Ex 12:3-13)

Hence, it is Jesus death and subsequent shed blood that saves and not his birthday, by exercising faith in that perfect blood as covering our sins.(see Heb 9:12-15) By his shed blood, he made the Mosaic Law covenant obsolete and instituted the New Covenant.(Heb 8:13) This was not possible at his birth.(see Matt 20:28)


New Member
Jan 1, 2016
Christ was not born on Christmas. The satanists attempt to turn everything backward.

He was born in the sign of Cancer (in a manger, M44) 6 months different. Conceived of a Virgin (Virgo, 9 months before cancer). Cancer has always been known as 'The Gate of God'.

The Christmas Tree is symbolic of the tree of good and evil (satan claws checking his naughty and nice list, beast and image of beast), 8 reindeer (8 is the symbol of ouroboros (the snake eating its own tail worshipped by satanists). The reason they put 'lights' on the tree if obvious, and the round christmas decorations actually represent eyes.

Satanists like to use anagrams and homynyms because it represents not saying what they mean, or lying.

The reason they use pine trees (evergreen) as christmas trees is they want their tree of good and evil to live forever. (Christ killing the fig tree was also about this as fig trees are also symbolic of the tree of good and evil) The pine cone is symbolic of the pineal gland - the part of the brain that allowed them to 'see' the things others can't see. This is what eve (mrs. claws, eve, jezebel, lydia, and many other names who is the whore dressed in scarlet who rides the beast) got from the snake that he told herr would make her like God. Once satan is invited in through the chimney, the satanists believe (wrongly) that gives them permission to possess (mind control or walk into) members of that household.

Saturnalia, that occurs around christmas, is an old pagan roman festival of drunken orgies and ritual murders/human sacrifice. recent news stories of senseless murders and shootings is satanists 'celebrating' saturnalia. (You belong to your father, the devil, and you want to carry out your father's desires. He was a murderer from the beginning, not holding to the truth, for there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies.).

The satanists will also claim that christmas represents Christ on the cross because it is the time of year when the sun is at its lowest and then the days become longer (the 'light' being resurrected) but this is an old pagan tradition of nature worship and human sacrifice and eve (who represents nature to them) causing the fall out of her desire to be 'illuminated' and be like God (which she isn't).

When Christ told them"If you were blind, you would not be guilty of sin; but now that you claim you can see, your guilt remains." this is what He was talking about.

They are blind now or will be blind soon. (Revelation, darkness for the kingdom of the beast that the whore rides).

They is no forgiveness for any of them this time and there will be no sacrifice for them. The recent stories of Christmas trees bursting into flames is one of many signs indicating Christ's imminent return and their imminent demise.

I could tell you a lot more about this but I won't as I have disavowed my membership to this forum and I am awaiting my account to be deleted because even this forum is not as it seems.