Should Christians Always Be Healed?

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Paul Christensen

Well-Known Member
Mar 2, 2020
New Zealand
Is was calm because he knew he would not die, because Jesus said, it would not harm him! And true to his faith, he did not even get sick.

There are just to many scriptures about the healing of God for us. People are basing what they believe on experience... there own, Paul, someone then know... The Bible says, "the Word of God is true, let every man be a liar" I like to say, "let every man, or experience be a liar if it does not line up with the Word of God."
But I don't see anything in the New Testament that guarantees automatic healing for Christian believers. So how does it "line up with the Word of God"?

Paul Christensen

Well-Known Member
Mar 2, 2020
New Zealand
Yes, everything is the bible belongs to us, do we receive it always, NOW... not always, but the bible say WHEN WE PRAY believe that we received it... not when we receive it! And you SHALL have them! (mark 11:24) But it will happen according to YOUR faith! You have already said where your faith is.
But my question is, are your automatically healed through prayer when you get sick? If not, then where is your faith? Aren't you judging someone's faith, when your faith is at the same level?

Paul Christensen

Well-Known Member
Mar 2, 2020
New Zealand
So because of that I should assume somethign that is not written. Why?

I would too. If she needed it..

So again I rest my belief system on something that was never said. I just make it up as if it happened (they used it as a pun)
ASSumed again. You have far to many assumptions for me. If I have to assume that much, I would look for somethign more realistic.

yep he did, That it was HIM WRITING WITH HIS OWN HANDS (they knew his handwriting and could tell it was him. Which means paul write in large letters as a norm.. Because they recognized it.

He healed me 40 some years ago. The best healing I could ever wish for.

My faith and rest is in him, no matter what happens to my physical body. If I get sick and he heals me, praise God, If he says no, Praise God, I will worship and serve him in either case..

I will use that sickness also for his good.. To share his love with others.
This seems to me to be a realistic way of looking at it.
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Well-Known Member
May 27, 2018
Works for me. (Except wine usually makes a bad stomach worse.)
That's fine. But since Paul recommended a little wine to Timothy because of his stomach, there is a principle here which is mostly missed. God has already provided a multitude of plants, roots, herbs, and spices to mankind for health and wellbeing. God expects Christians to make use of what he has provided, as well as how he has regulated the human body and its amazing immune system. If people will not do what is right in terms of eating, resting or sleeping, exercising, and working, then they can expect health problems. Additionally Christians are not to allow stress into their lives (even when in stressful situations), and there are many Scriptures which address this. So before we go to the Lord for healing, we need to be doing some serious self-examination and how we are conducting our lives.

Desire Of All Nations

Well-Known Member
Jun 23, 2021
United States
1) True, but we keep better records than they did back then
We don't keep better records than people did in Paul's day. This current era is full of people who are either trying to blot out existing history or rewrite history according to their own biases.
That was said to the Israelites who came out of Egypt. It doesn't seem to work with modern believers somehow. I wonder if the Scripture doesn't directly apply to us in terms of automatic guaranteed healing?
As 1 Cor. 10:6 says, the OT is for Christians to learn from because it definitely applies to them. God is not a respecter of persons. As Paul said in Romans, God is just as much a God of the Gentiles as He is the God of the Israelites. The fact that God healed a Syrian leper in 2 Kings is all the proof one needs that God's promise concerning healing didn't just apply to Israelites.
Yay!!!! So next question. Lord's prayer. Thy will be done on earth as it is in Heaven. Should all Christians be healed. Yes. The times we are judged/disciplined is because we are in sin. It is never God to blame. This is why I don't say God wills sickness. His will/ultimate goal is for healing/restoration. Correction is not part of His plan. We created that part of it. God has to do it so us sheep won't be condemned. Correct?
It is extremely dangerous to say Christians should always be healed because it implies Christians are entitled to it. It definitely sounds like a religion that is centered around the self. Healing is just as much an undeserved gift from God as His forgiveness is an undeserved gift. God never promised anywhere in the Bible that His followers are entitled to being healed. God allowed the prophet Elisha to die from an illness, and He never healed Jacob of the limp he got from the wrestling match.

God doesn't owe Christians His services, but the Christian certainly owes God a lifetime of service(Rom. 12:1-2). While God said it is His desire to heal people, that should never be twisted as Him saying that He is obligated to do it. If He believes it is in a follower's best interest to be physically healed, He will do it. However, there will also be times when He will choose not to heal a follower because they either need to learn a lesson or they completely fulfilled the mission God called them for. Biblical Christianity is about focusing one's life on what they can do for God, not the other way around.
then why do we die?

if God healed our bodies and made them perfect like we are perfectly saved. we would never get sick and we would never die.
As Paul taught in Romans and the Corinthian letters, every human being has to experience physical death because Adam deliberately disobeyed God's command not to eat from the tree of knowledge.
I disagree my friend

the trial in his flesh....a physical infirmity

Gal 4: 13 You know that because of physical infirmity I preached the gospel to you at the first. 14 And my trial which was in my flesh you did not despise or reject, but you received me as an angel of God, even as Christ Jesus. 15 What then was the blessing you enjoyed? For I bear you witness that, if possible, you would have plucked out your own eyes and given them to me.

why would they offer to give paul their own eyes. unless paul had a major issue with his own eyes?

we know that Pauls infirmity at the time of this writing was still not healed.

Gal 6 11 See with what large letters I have written to you with my own hand!

Pauls eyesight was so bad he had to use large letters.

If you notice the context in which he speaks of the infirmity in 2 Cor. 11:26-28, he is speaking of the various problems and concerns that distracted him from what he was commissioned to do. The word "astheneia" that is translated as "infirmity/infirmities" in KJ and NKJ bibles can refer to character weaknesses as well as a physical sickness or handicap. That's the "infirmity" Paul speaks of in Gal. 4. He was reminding the Galatians that he never forgot the fact that they didn't reject the gospel when he first preached it to them, even though he was apparently distracted by his own problems at the time.


Well-Known Member
Jul 13, 2021
Island of Misfit Toys
United States
God has already provided a multitude of plants, roots, herbs, and spices to mankind for health and wellbeing. God expects Christians to make use of what he has provided, as well as how he has regulated the human body and its amazing immune system. If people will not do what is right in terms of eating, resting or sleeping, exercising, and working, then they can expect health problems.
Along those lines, I’m okay with healing prayers being answered through normal medical techniques and medicines. These are themselves provided by God as part of His act of Creation.

Also along those lines, it frustrates me to no end to see my diabetic friend making some poor dietary choices. Not to mention some poor lifestyle choices. Although the cancer is the primary concern in my prayers for her healing, maybe I should add a few other requests …

(There! I said it! I had to get that out of my system.)
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Well-Known Member
Jan 26, 2017
United States
That's fine. But since Paul recommended a little wine to Timothy because of his stomach, there is a principle here which is mostly missed. God has already provided a multitude of plants, roots, herbs, and spices to mankind for health and wellbeing. God expects Christians to make use of what he has provided, as well as how he has regulated the human body and its amazing immune system. If people will not do what is right in terms of eating, resting or sleeping, exercising, and working, then they can expect health problems. Additionally Christians are not to allow stress into their lives (even when in stressful situations), and there are many Scriptures which address this. So before we go to the Lord for healing, we need to be doing some serious self-examination and how we are conducting our lives.

maybe you or @Backlit can help with what is the significance of: Jesus Christ first miracle being the jugs of water made wine? I mean, why did He turn water into wine?


Well-Known Member
Jul 14, 2018
United States
Being part of a dead humanity is not a prescription for health. Living on a wrecked planet doesn't help! We were made for the garden. Our bodies are not what they were, the garden is gone, and here we are, sick and dying. What should anyone expect??

Does God intend that His children all live without sickness, but not do it? What sense would that make?

Much love!

God's children do a lot of things He doesn't intend for us to walk in. Romans 12:1-2
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Well-Known Member
Jul 14, 2018
United States
Correct. But now, my question is this: If someone is in such sin that they are worthy of being disciplined by the Lord, is it still His will in the moment that they be healed, or has it now become His will that they come under judgment unless and until they repent.

Look again at the passage. Paul associated the fact that many were sick with the discipline of God, implying that they were stricken by Him because he wanted them to repent, lest they be condemned with the world:

27 Therefore whoever eats this bread or drinks this cup of the Lord in an unworthy manner will be guilty of the body and blood of the Lord. 28 But let a man examine himself, and so let him eat of the bread and drink of the cup. 29 For he who eats and drinks in an unworthy manner eats and drinks judgment to himself, not discerning the Lord’s body. 30 For this reason many are weak and sick among you, and many sleep. 31 For if we would judge ourselves, we would not be judged. 32 But when we are judged, we are chastened by the Lord, that we may not be condemned with the world. (1 Corinthians 11:27-32)

@Faithbuilders I am unsure if you ever saw this, you went to work, but I was curious what your response would be to sickness being used as judgement. Like with Ananias and Sapphira having breathed their last. Or in regards to this passage.

I believe God's will is always to heal, but what do you believe in regards to correction/judgement. Does God use sickness?

I have agreed with everything you have said so far regarding healing, so was curious what your answer would be.


Well-Known Member
Apr 13, 2019
United States
"To each is given the manifestation of the Spirit for the common good. To one is given through the of healing by the same Spirit, to another the working of miracles (1 Cor. 12:7-10)." Only a few receive the gifts of healing and miracles, and even then, exercise these gifts for a limited duration and only at the Spirit's discretion.
"Do all work miracles? Do all possess gifts of healing (12:29-30)?" The answer to these rhetorical questions is, "Of course not!"
It is the potential for healing that is in the atonement ("By His stripes we are healed."), not a guarantee that all can be physically healed.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 14, 2018
United States
It is extremely dangerous to say Christians should always be healed because it implies Christians are entitled to it. It definitely sounds like a religion that is centered around the self. Healing is just as much an undeserved gift from God as His forgiveness is an undeserved gift. God never promised anywhere in the Bible that His followers are entitled to being healed. God allowed the prophet Elisha to die from an illness, and He never healed Jacob of the limp he got from the wrestling match.

God doesn't owe Christians His services, but the Christian certainly owes God a lifetime of service(Rom. 12:1-2). While God said it is His desire to heal people, that should never be twisted as Him saying that He is obligated to do it. If He believes it is in a follower's best interest to be physically healed, He will do it. However, there will also be times when He will choose not to heal a follower because they either need to learn a lesson or they completely fulfilled the mission God called them for. Biblical Christianity is about focusing one's life on what they can do for God, not the other way around.

grace is not getting what we deserve, which is Hell.

Mercy is getting what we don't deserve, which is healing (one example), just like grace. Both are available through Christ Jesus.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 14, 2018
United States
I was looking at some scriptures to see by what conditions that God's healing takes place in. Healing would take place more often I believe, if people lived this way:

1) believing for healing(Mark 9:23, Luke 8:50, Mark 10:52)

2) by elders praying in faith (going to elders for prayer) (James 5:14-15)

3) a merry heart/positive outlook/encouragement(proverbs 17:22, proverbs 16:24

4) fearing God and turning away from evil (proverbs 3:7-8)

5) confession/repentance/ prayer (James 5:16, 2 Chronicles 7:14)

6) walking in God's ways- Exodus 15:26, Malachi 4:2

When healing happens without these conditions, it is still a mercy, because healing is done to begin with, because of Jesus Christ.


Well-Known Member
Apr 13, 2019
United States
There is no evidence that Jesus healed anyone prior to receiving the Holy Spirit at His baptism. His own step-father Joseph seems to have died before Jesus began His ministry and thus figures in no story of the adult Jesus' life. So the crucified Jesus has to entrust His mother's care to the Beloved Disciple because Joseph is dead. Why wasn't Jesus able to heal His Dad. Yes, Mary refers to Joseph as Jesus' Dad (Luke 2:48). Why didn't God allow Joseph to live to witness his boy's marvelous ministry? Apart from His virgin birth, Jesus grows up a carpenter so ordinary that His family largely rejects stories of His messianic claims and miracles (Mark 3:19-20; 6:4; John 7:5) and thinks He's "out of His mind." Even with the Spirit, He bombs in His home town: the natural interpretation of "could do no deeds of power' is that He tried and failed in some of His efforts Mark 6:5). Many scholars consider the "except" clause in 6:5 a later gloss.


Well-Known Member
May 27, 2018
maybe you or @Backlit can help with what is the significance of: Jesus Christ first miracle being the jugs of water made wine? I mean, why did He turn water into wine?
That is a very good question although it may not be related to what Paul told Timothy about the healing effects of wine.
1. Had it not been for the pleading of Mary the mother of Jesus, Christ would not have done this, His first miracle. His time had not yet come.
2. At the same time, knowing all things, He saw this as an opportunity to "manifest His glory" (and divine power) so that His disciples would truly believe in Him as the Messiah.
3. He told the servants to fill those large pots to the brim with water so that there would be no doubt that it was water which was turned into wine. A firkin is about 9 gallons, so 3 x 9 x 6 water pots = 162 gallons. Christ did not touch those pots, but asked the servants to draw out the wine.
4. Since the miracle was instantaneous this was what the Bible calls "new wine" (tirosh) in the OT (unfermented wine) and what we would call grape juice. However, it was extraordinary in its quality.
5. The fact that Christ attended the marriage feast means that God Himself approves of lawful marriage, and the Bible says that wine gladdens the heart.
6. John tells us the significance of this miracle in John 2:11: This beginning of miracles did Jesus in Cana of Galilee, and manifested forth his glory; and his disciples believed on him.
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Active Member
May 16, 2017
If a heart stops, it is usually due to heart disease of some kind. A heart does not just stop.

A heart attack is caused by a blood clot. A blood clot is caused due to illness, Bad diet, and many other possible issues.

One who was completely healed of all sickness and the cause of the fall would never die. They woudl never get sick.

Not so, I know a number of people, they knew in advance when they were going to go; and they just left.... others have died, but doctors can't explane why, cause they were so healthy.


Active Member
May 16, 2017

Thats not what Paul said. I quoted what paul said about all the afflictions he suffered.

He went through it because he knew to be absent was to be present.

He looked to eternity, Not to this lifetime. He was more worried about others than himself.

I must ask. Why are you so worried about self? Shoud you not be focused on others?

Absolutely, he was not scared of death, I am just referring to the fact that his faith prevented him from getting sick when the snake bit him, because he believed the words of Jesus.


Active Member
May 16, 2017
Um yes you do. You stated you could find now place where it was written. So you have to assume that is what happened.

Nor does it talk about the 100’s of times where people continued and was not healed.

You will only see what you want to see. That includes all of us.

Yes there are 100’s even thousands of healings. But we can;t ignore the time God did not heal.. Otherwise. We taint scripture and come up with false beliefs

Never, not once did Jesus, or the disciples not heal someone who came in faith.... not once! Those that did not get healed, why, well one reason Jesus could not heal was because of there unbelief. Another time, the bible says that the power of God was present to heal them all! But only the one who came through the roof got healed because of his faith!

You are right, many people do not get healed, but it is not because of God, God wants to heal them - but there are things that block what God want to do.

Again I refer to the promise of God; for what He has done for one He WILL do for another!


Active Member
May 16, 2017
SO how do you go about (Mark 11:22-24) "Believing IN YOUR HEART - NOTHING DOUBTING" - when you have doubt??? what's your "work around"???

Work around? There is no work around, simply believe in your heart, no doubt! The devil will try to bring doubt, that is when you need to fight the fight of faith, using the spoken Word of God as a weapon!


Active Member
May 16, 2017
But I don't see anything in the New Testament that guarantees automatic healing for Christian believers. So how does it "line up with the Word of God"?

Jesus took our sickness, healed us by His stripes, redeemed us from all sickness in the law... If he took them, why should we take them back!