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Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2018
United States
Romans 8:3-4
He thus condemned sin in the flesh, 4so that the righteous standard of the law might be fulfilled in us
Again, in us, but not through us, that's not what it's saying. We have such a higher calling than to merely keep the Law. That's like saying after we graduate from college we have to keep all the rules from high school. Why not instead put those away, and live a Spirit led life?

Much love!


Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2019
Central PA
United States
We have such a higher calling than to merely keep the Law.
There is no higher calling. Just because Christ magnified the law that doesn't mean He spiritualized it into some evasive, uber-lofty panacea. The law is the law, whether it's written on tables of stone or on the heart.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2018
United States
except that it's clear to me they are merely parroting what a teacher has told them to say about it and don't actually have any experience of their own as to what the genuine Christian's life is like.
Assume this if you like.

Where does that struggle lead you? The struggle is not the destination. The destination is to rest in God's grace, trusting in Jesus, regardless of how your flesh feels, or thinks, or what it wants.

That struggle is when life is contrary and we aren't trusting Jesus in that circumstance. So yes, when your faith is faltering, when this seems to bad to be within God's loving plan, we struggle against taking things into our own hands, which is to yield to sin, and we struggle towards keeping our confidence in God. And having our trust in Jesus, we overcome all those situations.

We overcome the same way Jesus did, by believing God's Word and acting accordingly. Jesus believed His Father, and committed Himself to His Father, to the point of death, even THAT death. This too is the life the Spirit produces in us, as our minds are renewed, as we are matured.

Much love!


Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2018
United States
I guess Jesus was talking about demon-like belief. Rationalization is not the key to interpreting Scripture.
I'm just rationalizing? Or perhaps I've studied this a great deal? Could be?

Much love!


Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2018
United States
Maybe both?
I'm just a seeker for truth, with a great love for the Bible, and a greater love for my Father. And no real need for one thing to be right or another. Freedom is found in truth.

Much love!


Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2018
United States
The real freedom I've found - from horrific things that no one should ever have to face - true freedom is found in Christ, in His mercy and grace, by which I have peace with Him. And from that flows all else.

Behold! The Lamb of God! He bore away the sin of the world! Having been reconciled while His enemies, what now that we've been born His children?

Who is there to condemn us? God has given all judgment to Jesus, and Jesus intercedes for us.

Much love!


Well-Known Member
Jun 28, 2018
San Pedro
United States
Listen to Paul's words here.

If you return to the Law, you have left Grace. You can have Law, or you can have Grace. But if you choose Law, you have to be perfect in all of it. Not your "short list" missing the ceremonial Law, or some such like that.

I'm fixated on the wrong thing, am I? I'm fixated on Jesus Christ, and His work, and His faith, and His sanctification, and His righteousness.

And besides . . . in this passage you've quoted . . . where did it say they were hellbound? Or are you just adding that in because it puts some fire in your message?

What does it say? You've fallen from Grace. Become alienated from Christ. Are you thinking this mean that God's promise, I will NEVER leave you, nor forsake, stops being true? God forbid!! I'll take God's clear Word over you additions to the passage any day!

It's this focus on "works of Law", as if that's what gives you "feelings of assurance" of salvation, that is what "falling from grace" is. You stop looking to Jesus, and start looking to what you do, or, more to the point, your own opinions of yourself.

We are not saved or kept saved by "feeling saved", because we've created some measure for ourself which we find we "live up to".

I agree with you completely, the most important thing is to make certain we know our Creator. But you won't find that in works of Law. You can have a great relationship with someone else's covenant, but the Law is only the barest starting point in experiencing, possessing, eternal life with our Heavenly Father.

Much love!

The law is written on the hearts and in the minds of all those who are under the New Covenant (Hebrews 8:8-10, Hebrews 10:16, Romans 8:7, Romans 8:4, 1 John 5:3, 2 John 1:6).

If you read Romans 13:8-10, or Galatians 5:14, or 1 John 5:3, or 2 John 1:6, I believe that you will see that love fulfills the law and that the law is the specifics of God's love.

We are not saved by loving other people...for we cannot muster up such a thing in our own strength. We must believe in Jesus in order to obtain the Holy Ghost by whom the love of the Lord is shed abroad in our hearts (Galatians 3:14, Romans 5:5). This love is not impractical (1 John 3:17-18); and it is the fulfilling of the righteousness of the law within us (Romans 13:8-10, Galatians 5:14, 1 John 5:3, 2 John 1:6, Romans 8:4). Therefore we are saved through faith (Galatians 3:14) by which the love of the Lord is shed abroad in our hearts (Romans 5:5); and this is a major aspect of the salvation that is given to us.

All sin is willful.

I disagree with you there. If all sin is willful, then the slightest sin, after you have come to the knowledge of the truth, will mean that the sacrifice of Christ no longer avails for you (Hebrews 10:26-31).
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Ferris Bueller

Well-Known Member
Sep 9, 2020
Middle South
United States
If you return to the Law, you have left Grace. You can have Law, or you can have Grace. But if you choose Law, you have to be perfect in all of it. Not your "short list" missing the ceremonial Law, or some such like that.
You only have to literally keep all the law if you are trying to be justified (made righteous) by the law, as the Galatians were trying to do. For believers, we uphold the law through our faith in Christ. Which means some laws are literally upheld by us when we 'love our neighbor as ourselves', loving them 'in action and in truth', while other laws are upheld for us through our faith in the finished work of Christ and don't require a literal 'letter of the law' keeping of the law by us. The laws about blood sacrifice for sin are the best example of that. So you can see it's not a 'short list' of the law. It's the whole law of Moses. Faith in Christ upholds the entire law of Moses. Some of it literally by us. The rest of it upheld by Christ's work on the cross.

I'm fixated on the wrong thing, am I? I'm fixated on Jesus Christ, and His work, and His faith, and His sanctification, and His righteousness.
All Christians are fixated on that. Even the fake ones. This fixation doesn't mean you have all that applied to your life in salvation. You know if it's truly applied to you in salvation by if you're a new creation that seeks to live for God and not purposely living in your old life of willful sin in the name of grace.

Now that the Christian says he's saved he is told to 'make your calling and election sure'. If you can't do that then you have to honestly consider whether you're really in the faith or not. And then fix it if you're not. But once saved always saved will tell you to forget all that (Biblical) stuff and just assure yourself that you can not lose the salvation that you say you have (but may not have at all) and just plug along in your unchanged life telling yourself that you are saved and can't lose it.

And besides . . . in this passage you've quoted . . . where did it say they were hellbound? Or are you just adding that in because it puts some fire in your message?
They rejected justification through faith. They have denied Christ. They are not trusting in Christ apart from works of the law for justification. They are accursed. They will go to the lake of fire. I thought you understood that better than me, lol. Are you now saying that's not true?

What does it say? You've fallen from Grace. Become alienated from Christ. Are you thinking this mean that God's promise, I will NEVER leave you, nor forsake, stops being true?
I don't know. I just know they don't believe in faith in Christ apart from works of the law for justification. You people are the quickest of all people to make sure everyone understands that the person who is working the works of the law to be justified is damned for following a works gospel. Now I'm the one that has to convince you of that? That's funny.

God forbid!! I'll take God's clear Word over you additions to the passage any day!
I'm the one going by the clear words of Galatians. They have departed from reliance on Christ exclusively for justification. They're working to earn their own salvation. And now you are going to tell me that's not a damnable works gospel after all, despite your insistence all along that it is? You're the one making additions to the passage and now flip flopping and saying their works gospel does not damn them.

It's this focus on "works of Law", as if that's what gives you "feelings of assurance" of salvation, that is what "falling from grace" is.
I know that assurance through how you act is a foreign aspect of the gospel to you. The church departed from that message of assurance spelled out in our Bibles a long time ago and replaced it with a once saved always saved message of assurance. The assurance that you are saved comes through seeing the Holy Spirit at work in your deeds (1 John 3:24). Meanwhile, the security of salvation comes through the perfect work of Christ in salvation. Don't confuse the assurance that you are really saved with the security of salvation. The Bible is crystal clear about this, assurance comes from how you behave. How we act in accordance to God's commands is how we are 'sure' that we are really saved. You make your calling and election sure by what you do (Hebrews 6:11, 2 Peter 1:10). Strive to do that, Peter says! (Yes, I know.....'strive' is the forbidden word of the works gospel never to be uttered in the church these days, lol).

You stop looking to Jesus, and start looking to what you do, or, more to the point, your own opinions of yourself.
No, lol. You look to what Jesus is doing in you. This is a Biblical truth that the church knows nothing about anymore, but it's right in the Bible. The church can't see that truth in the Bible anymore because it replaced Biblical assurance with once saved always saved assurance.

We are not saved or kept saved by "feeling saved", because we've created some measure for ourself which we find we "live up to".
It's not about what you feel. It's about what you do. What you do shows if you have the Holy Spirit inside of you in salvation or not. That's how you 'make your calling and election sure'. I get why that's alien to you. The church does not teach this Biblical truth anymore. Christians are programmed by the church to not see it in the Bible even when they do read it in the Bible. Christians almost always give preference to what they've been taught over what the Bible says.

I agree with you completely, the most important thing is to make certain we know our Creator. But you won't find that in works of Law.
You do not understand the argument. You don't get saved and come into a knowing relationship with God by keeping the law. You know you're in a knowing relationship with God by if you uphold the righteousness of the law. That's the argument.

1 John 3
4Everyone who sins breaks the law; in fact, sin is lawlessness.
6No one who lives in him keeps on sinning. No one who continues to sin (breaks the law) has either seen him or known him.

You can have a great relationship with someone else's covenant, but the Law is only the barest starting point in experiencing, possessing, eternal life with our Heavenly Father.
You don't keep the law to obtain eternal life. In this New Covenant you 'keep' the law because you are in the New Covenant God has established with his people. I'm continually amazed at how the church can only understand upholding the law as you trying to earn your salvation as if that is the only thing 'keeping' the law can mean. It's very narrow thinking. The church has no grasp at all that faith upholds the law of Moses even when you show them that Paul plainly said it does (Romans 3:31). The church is so programmed to only be able to see 'keeping' the law as trying to save yourself that even when they read Romans 3:31 they still can't see 'keeping' the law any other way.
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BloodBought 1953

Well-Known Member
Jun 3, 2020
Portsmouth Ohio
United States
But once saved always saved will tell you to forget all that (Biblical) stuff and just assure yourself that you can not lose the salvation that you say you have (but may not have at all) and just plug along in your unchanged life telling yourself that you are saved and can't lose it.[/QUOTE]

You have made a very eloquent and intelligent case for your position, but here is the thing.You are wrong and As I read your Post I KNOW you are wrong because so much of your astute reasoning is based on Assumptions—- Assumptions That I have no way to disprove other than you take my word for it.....
You assume that I live an “ unchanged” life.You assume that I attach no importance to that.All I can do is give you the facts and if you think the “ new” BB is NOT a radical change from the “ old” BB you are certifiably Nuts .......let’s look at the Facts.....let’s examine the changes:
Before I turned to God as a Lost Sinner ( The TRUE Repentance required for Salvation) I was an Atheist —- God was a “ Fairy Tale”, a “ crutch” for weak people that could not handle life.I NOW believe God exists and the Bible is True and every thing the Bible says about God is True.Sounds like a change occurred ....
Before I became a Believer, without the Indwelling if the Holy Spirit——- Jesus meant Nothing to me.” IF” He existed at all He was no more than “ a good and wise “ man. I was changed from my thinking that Jesus was “ A” son of God to Believing that Jesus of Nazareth was “ THE” SON of GOD...The God of the Universe .....Lord Of All and My Savior....God in the Flesh. Once again , sounds like a little Change occurred in my Life.
I used to think that those who gave money to any church were the biggest Fools on Earth....give a pittance if caught in a church where the plate was passed around and somebody might see what you do. I have gone from that position of not being a Giver —- a man that gave with a heart of extreme reluctance and bitterness to a man who “ gives Cheerfully” ..... over the years I have “ cheerfully” Given to God Tens Of thousands of Dollars , not to mention the thousands that I have given to Charity....all of this stuff would have been an “ INSANE” Waste Of Money until God , once again—- CHANGED me.....
For Twenty Years , I got drunk every night.....let me repeat that, for it is no exaggeration —- EVERY NIGHT! Since becoming a man of could not FORCE me to drink a beer, or anything else . What happened to that “ Old Desire ?” Sounds like more “ Change” to me?
I used to be a dedicated “ Skirt Chaser”. Enough said. Now I am a Faithful Husband who would never consider cheating on my Wife .....more Change.
You wanna talk “ prayer ?” gotta be kidding, right? What a complete waste of time “ that” was. The Holy Spirit That indwelled me after I became a Believer in Jesus took me from a man with absolutely NO prayer life to a man who prays the Bible-Way...... I pray” Without Ceasing”. From the time I arise in the morning to the time I go to bed at night.A lot of things can be “ faked” in the life of a “ Christian”—— not that one. In fact, I could never understand those who thought it necessary to set aside “time to pray.” Why do that if you are “ praying without ceasing”. I don’t know. I “ DO” know this—- it takes a man “ Changed “ by the Holy Spirit to become a man who “ prays without ceasing”.Yes, once again , just another Department of my life that has undergone “ Change”
Many other changes have taken place in my Life that can’t be seen by Self Righteous “ Fruit Inspectors” —- some of these are MUCH more important than outward changes that can be seen by the World. Did you know that DESPITE all the Rules......all the Commandments ....all the Warnings....all the threats that God put forth in the Old Testament, the Main Thing That God desired above all else and all along , was this—— a “ Contrite Heart” . God cannot deal with any man who lacks that type of heart......a Proud Heart That does not recognize and admit that without the “ Turning to God “ with Faith in Jesus Christ they are hopeless , helpless Sinners headed towards a Hell That is well- deserved—— THAT Proud Heart will NEVER be Receptive to the Gospel Of 1Cor15:1-4 That Saves.That Hard, Proud Heart That MUST be CHANGED from the SIN of Self- Righteousness , saying “ I am Good Enough” to make it to Heaven and I am NOT going to do it God’s Way ( Faith in Jesus) , I will do things MY WAY, by conjuring up a Performance Of Law-Keeping that will Force God to give me what I have worked so hard for! PLUS.....all those times I “ screwed up?” Well, I had the Luck to REPENT Of ALL Of Those Sins, so I got “ That” going for me too!” I used to think like that at I have one of those “ Contrite Hearts”.......Again.God Changed me.
Anything else you demand on hearing? They most important things to God are a heart that believes in Love, Kindness, Forgiveness , Mercy and Justice .....I was formerly a man who was not concerned about ANY of those things .....I was a Sinful, selfish man who just was content to go through life grabbing at anything that gave me pleasure .....I want what I want and I want it now—- let the chips fall where they may.....
I am not like that Anymore.....God Changed will just have to take my Word ....God bless

BloodBought 1953

Well-Known Member
Jun 3, 2020
Portsmouth Ohio
United States
The law is written on the hearts and in the minds of all those who are under the New Covenant (Hebrews 8:8-10, Hebrews 10:16, Romans 8:7, Romans 8:4, 1 John 5:3, 2 John 1:6).

If you read Romans 13:8-10, or Galatians 5:14, or 1 John 5:3, or 2 John 1:6, I believe that you will see that love fulfills the law and that the law is the specifics of God's love.

We are not saved by loving other people...for we cannot muster up such a thing in our own strength. We must believe in Jesus in order to obtain the Holy Ghost by whom the love of the Lord is shed abroad in our hearts (Galatians 3:14, Romans 5:5). This love is not impractical (1 John 3:17-18); and it is the fulfilling of the righteousness of the law within us (Romans 13:8-10, Galatians 5:14, 1 John 5:3, 2 John 1:6, Romans 8:4). Therefore we are saved through faith (Galatians 3:14) by which the love of the Lord is shed abroad in our hearts (Romans 5:5); and this is a major aspect of the salvation that is given to us.

I disagree with you there. If all sin is willful, then the slightest sin, after you have come to the knowledge of the truth, will mean that the sacrifice of Christ no longer avails for you (Hebrews 10:26-31).

Man, you get so much right .....then you get tripped up by an inexcusable misunderstanding of Hebrews 10...... have you ever taken 15 minutes to study other “ takes” on these horrifying verses that are “ NOT” Horrifying when you take them in Context?
“Text Without Context is Error”..... There are Nine other Chapters before you get to Chapter 10 of Hebrews .....they all deal with the Sin Of Unbelief, the “ Willful Sin” that Will damn you .....Chapter Ten does not deviate —- when Hebrews was written there was no such thing as Chapter and Verse, you should approach the Book Of Hebrews that way.....
If the Holy Spirit ever opens your eyes to the Truth Of Hebrews 10 and if you ever abandoned your False, “ Perverted” Gospel Addition Of “ Lucky Repentance” to Paul’s Gospel Of Grace Plus Nothing , we could break bread together or perhaps go out together and get a beer or two ! Lol.....I won’t be holding my breath on that last one....( actually , beer makes me wanna gag—- I was just joking)


Well-Known Member
Aug 24, 2020
New Zealand
You have made a very eloquent and intelligent case for your position, but here is the thing.You are wrong and As I read your Post I KNOW you are wrong because so much of your astute reasoning is based on Assumptions—- Assumptions That I have no way to disprove other than you take my word for it.....
You assume that I live an “ unchanged” life.You assume that I attach no importance to that.All I can do is give you the facts and if you think the “ new” BB is NOT a radical change from the “ old” BB you are certifiably Nuts .......let’s look at the Facts.....let’s examine the changes:
Before I turned to God as a Lost Sinner ( The TRUE Repentance required for Salvation) I was an Atheist —- God was a “ Fairy Tale”, a “ crutch” for weak people that could not handle life.I NOW believe God exists and the Bible is True and every thing the Bible says about God is True.Sounds like a change occurred ....
Before I became a Believer, without the Indwelling if the Holy Spirit——- Jesus meant Nothing to me.” IF” He existed at all He was no more than “ a good and wise “ man. I was changed from my thinking that Jesus was “ A” son of God to Believing that Jesus of Nazareth was “ THE” SON of GOD...The God of the Universe .....Lord Of All and My Savior....God in the Flesh. Once again , sounds like a little Change occurred in my Life.
I used to think that those who gave money to any church were the biggest Fools on Earth....give a pittance if caught in a church where the plate was passed around and somebody might see what you do. I have gone from that position of not being a Giver —- a man that gave with a heart of extreme reluctance and bitterness to a man who “ gives Cheerfully” ..... over the years I have “ cheerfully” Given to God Tens Of thousands of Dollars , not to mention the thousands that I have given to Charity....all of this stuff would have been an “ INSANE” Waste Of Money until God , once again—- CHANGED me.....
For Twenty Years , I got drunk every night.....let me repeat that, for it is no exaggeration —- EVERY NIGHT! Since becoming a man of could not FORCE me to drink a beer, or anything else . What happened to that “ Old Desire ?” Sounds like more “ Change” to me?
I used to be a dedicated “ Skirt Chaser”. Enough said. Now I am a Faithful Husband who would never consider cheating on my Wife .....more Change.
You wanna talk “ prayer ?” gotta be kidding, right? What a complete waste of time “ that” was. The Holy Spirit That indwelled me after I became a Believer in Jesus took me from a man with absolutely NO prayer life to a man who prays the Bible-Way...... I pray” Without Ceasing”. From the time I arise in the morning to the time I go to bed at night.A lot of things can be “ faked” in the life of a “ Christian”—— not that one. In fact, I could never understand those who thought it necessary to set aside “time to pray.” Why do that if you are “ praying without ceasing”. I don’t know. I “ DO” know this—- it takes a man “ Changed “ by the Holy Spirit to become a man who “ prays without ceasing”.Yes, once again , just another Department of my life that has undergone “ Change”
Many other changes have taken place in my Life that can’t be seen by Self Righteous “ Fruit Inspectors” —- some of these are MUCH more important than outward changes that can be seen by the World. Did you know that DESPITE all the Rules......all the Commandments ....all the Warnings....all the threats that God put forth in the Old Testament, the Main Thing That God desired above all else and all along , was this—— a “ Contrite Heart” . God cannot deal with any man who lacks that type of heart......a Proud Heart That does not recognize and admit that without the “ Turning to God “ with Faith in Jesus Christ they are hopeless , helpless Sinners headed towards a Hell That is well- deserved—— THAT Proud Heart will NEVER be Receptive to the Gospel Of 1Cor15:1-4 That Saves.That Hard, Proud Heart That MUST be CHANGED from the SIN of Self- Righteousness , saying “ I am Good Enough” to make it to Heaven and I am NOT going to do it God’s Way ( Faith in Jesus) , I will do things MY WAY, by conjuring up a Performance Of Law-Keeping that will Force God to give me what I have worked so hard for! PLUS.....all those times I “ screwed up?” Well, I had the Luck to REPENT Of ALL Of Those Sins, so I got “ That” going for me too!” I used to think like that at I have one of those “ Contrite Hearts”.......Again.God Changed me.
Anything else you demand on hearing? They most important things to God are a heart that believes in Love, Kindness, Forgiveness , Mercy and Justice .....I was formerly a man who was not concerned about ANY of those things .....I was a Sinful, selfish man who just was content to go through life grabbing at anything that gave me pleasure .....I want what I want and I want it now—- let the chips fall where they may.....
I am not like that Anymore.....God Changed will just have to take my Word ....God bless

What a brilliant heartfelt written post that Clearly shows your change of heart Ezekiel 36:26 A new heart also will I give you, and a new spirit will I put within you.
I notice you always try to help New members or those new to the Faith, and always teach the Grace Of God, It is always a Blessing to Read your posts to be honest I look forward to reading them everyday! In amongst a bunch of judaizers your voice is so important, Keep up the great work
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Well-Known Member
Jun 20, 2020
What a brilliant heartfelt written post that Clearly shows your change of heart Ezekiel 36:26 A new heart also will I give you, and a new spirit will I put within you.
I notice you always try to help New members or those new to the Faith, and always teach the Grace Of God, It is always a Blessing to Read your posts to be honest I look forward to reading them everyday! In amongst a bunch of judaizers your voice is so important, Keep up the great work

And this my froggy friend is the POND that you want to sit in... swim in... float in... and get renewed in.... THE POND of GRACE... OUTRAGEOUS GRACE... given freely to those who LOVE Him... He desires us to be SECURE in our SALVATION so that we can feel confident to approach HIM with all our concerns... worries... weaknesses and sin... Come as you are.... Come to ME... for I am the Lord your God... and I LOVE YOU with an ETERNAL LOVE. BASK in this truth... for it is in knowing WHO we are in Christ that allows us to walk victoriously... and free from condemnation.

BloodBought 1953

Well-Known Member
Jun 3, 2020
Portsmouth Ohio
United States
What a brilliant heartfelt written post that Clearly shows your change of heart Ezekiel 36:26 A new heart also will I give you, and a new spirit will I put within you.
I notice you always try to help New members or those new to the Faith, and always teach the Grace Of God, It is always a Blessing to Read your posts to be honest I look forward to reading them everyday! In amongst a bunch of judaizers your voice is so important, Keep up the great work

It is plain to see—- the “ Genius” Of your Wife is clearly rubbing off on you! Lol.....
God has blessed you immensely —- May He CONTINUE to bless you this New Year...
“ YOU” have certainly “ BLESSED “ me with this encouraging Post......I thank you VERY much.....
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BloodBought 1953

Well-Known Member
Jun 3, 2020
Portsmouth Ohio
United States
And this my froggy friend is the POND that you want to sit in... swim in... float in... and get renewed in.... THE POND of GRACE... OUTRAGEOUS GRACE... given freely to those who LOVE Him... He desires us to be SECURE in our SALVATION so that we can feel confident to approach HIM with all our concerns... worries... weaknesses and sin... Come as you are.... Come to ME... for I am the Lord your God... and I LOVE YOU with an ETERNAL LOVE. BASK in this truth... for it is in knowing WHO we are in Christ that allows us to walk victoriously... and free from condemnation.

I don’t know exactly “ what “ they are adding to the water in Canada and New Zealand , But we could sure use some of it here in the Good Ol’ appears to Be some kind of antidote for those types who want to be “ Co- Saviors” with their phony “ Righteous “ Performances and “ Lucky Repentance”

Perhaps the year 2021 will be the year that the Modern Day Judaizers will be able to sing “ Nothing But The Blood Of Jesus” Without being Hypocrites.....we’ll see, won’t we ?


Well-Known Member
Jun 20, 2020
I don’t know exactly “ what “ they are adding to the water in Canada and New Zealand , But we could sure use some of it here in the Good Ol’ appears to Be some kind of antidote for those types who want to be “ Co- Saviors” with their phony “ Righteous “ Performances and “ Lucky Repentance”

Make no mistake... Canada is filled with them also.... I had to fight my way to this place of GRACE. I have also fought along side you at another site... I think you knew me as Addy... but I had a bit of trouble with one of your companions... LOL... I am not into sinless perfection any more so than I am into legalism... Bless you Blood Bought... and ... HAPPY NEW YEAR.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 21, 2009
North America
Make no mistake... Canada is filled with them also.... I had to fight my way to this place of GRACE. I have also fought along side you at another site... I think you knew me as Addy... but I had a bit of trouble with one of your companions... LOL... I am not into sinless perfection any more so than I am into legalism... Bless you Blood Bought... and ... HAPPY NEW YEAR.
@Adoration The Scriptural position is neither legalism nor sinless perfection, right?

I do love John 6, which emphasizes the sovereignty of God in conversion... (plus a lot of other passages also...)
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Well-Known Member
Jun 20, 2020
The Scriptural position is neither legalism not sinless perfection, right?

I am assuming that your word not sinless perfection should read NOR.... If that is the case... then YES... I believe the scriptural position is neither legalism nor perfection.
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