The 10 Commandments are FOREVER

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Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2019
Central PA
United States
I would never want anyone to burn in the lake of fire.
Not you, not anyone.
Talk is cheap. Your words aren't consistent. A little while ago you were talking like you could barely wait to see how it turns out and who's right. I don't even care about being right. I already told you that I love your soul.
But you have to understand something.
Its this.
Galatians 1:8.
Listen....The person who wrote that, wrote most of the New Testament and he gave us the Gospel of the Grace of God that is "the preaching of the Cross'.
And Paul, in that verse said something very interesting.
He said, that he would have it, that if an angel or a born again christian, or a religious fakir, preached any offensive Cross denying False Gospel, such as "self saving" or "the gospel of works"..or the "gospel of commandment keeping and abiding".. or the "gospel of enduring to the end"........that this person doing this, Paul said he would have it that they were CURSED of God.
See that?
Take a good long look at that verse., BarnyFife.
I get it. I'm cursed because my Gospel is different than yours.
So..You are still angry because i wont stop giving Christ all the credit due Him alone, for Salvation.,
You can be very entertaining at times.
When I call you a name, I'm angry.
When you call people names, it's just business as usual.
i wont let you have any of the credit for yourself.
How could you stop me if I wanted to (which I don't)?
(Why do people lose touch with reality on the interweb?)
So, if you are born again, you can't "Burn".....
Are you born again ??, or are you just water baptized and religious, faking being a Christian??
Then that is the final answer, Barnyfife.
So what does it matter what I say? Do people ask you questions like this?
God knows your heart and your belief, and i know your words.
You don't know anything about me if you think I believe you can work your way into heaven. Not a thing.
Welcome to Salvation.
Its only Christ on the Cross.
Its different than you thought, isn't it. ?

You can't teach people by talking at them.
At least, not in an environment like this.

Do you even realize that you talk to nearly everyone on this board as though they'd never cracked a Bible in their lives?

"Welcome to Salvation." Can you really not see how utterly obnoxious that is?

It's extremely insulting to act as if other people's lifetimes of praying and studying the Bible have availed nothing.

Do you really expect to reach people with your Gospel by belittling them and talking past them by ignoring what they say to you?

Your platitudes, condescending insults, and bullying are practically the worst thing that goes on here on CB.

You behave as no one else does on here.

That leads me to believe that you think you have something to say that no one else understands.

What does this mean to you?

Philippians 2:3 KJV: Let nothing be done through strife or vainglory; but in lowliness of mind let each esteem other better than themselves.

You may now proceed to reply with barely any regard for what I've said.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
Why don't you take your stupid little quiz

My so called by a Legalist, "stupid little quiz", gave you the opportunity to give Christ all the Credit for Salvation, and yourself none of it.
You can't.
See, any believer, who understands the Grace of God, as Christ on the Cross.....would not do what you have just done, again..
So, as i told are defined by your own words, barnyfife.
Jesus said that you will be judged by them.
He's not kidding you.


Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
Talk is cheap. Your words aren't consistent. A little while ago you were talking like you could barely wait to see how it turns out and who's right. I don't even care about being right. I already told you that I love your soul.
I get it. I'm cursed because my Gospel is different than yours.
You can be very entertaining at times.
When I call you a name, I'm angry.
When you call people names, it's just business as usual.

BarnyFife, ... your gospel is different the Paul's, so< that is how you are defined by a person who teaches Paul's Gospel.

And your opinion, misinformed you that i was hoping you will burn in the lake of fire.
Actually i was just stating that you have this idea that me Preaching the Cross, is ranting, and you teaching Legalism, is God's will.
So, i told you that in the end, we'll see about that, and that is what i meant....exactly as i meant it.

Also, i dont "call people names".....what i do is define their theology as for the Cross or against it.
Because the NT teaches, in Jude, that we are to oppose false gospel and "strive for the real faith".
You teach, as Jude defined it...."the error of Cain".
So, when you begin to teach faith in Christ, vs, faith in self, then you wont be defining yourself as a Legalist.

The thing is.....Im here for a year, and you have been 100% consistent to preach "self saving".
You are devoted to Legalist theology, and i suspect for over 25 yrs, at least.


Well-Known Member
May 12, 2021
United States
United States
Are you a bona fide liar?

Show me a sentence in 200 Threads that ive written on this Forum, or 5000 posts, that have ever said anything about me "keeping commandments", with regards to being born again.
I don't need a single sentence, nor post, of yours to make my point. Your numbers are nothing.

Do you murder, do you steal, do you teach Christians to practice lying to one another or to worship demon idols?

I rest my case.

You follow, and teach others to follow, NINE of the 10 Commandments. The ONLY Commandment you don't practice, nor teach others to practice, is the 4th - the 7th Day Sabbath Commandment.

Checkmate, ... mate!

Now, ... are you a hypocrite?


Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
I'm just not jumping through your ridiculous hoops.
Do people actually do that for you?

Ha! The Liar who calls people "Liars."
Good show!
No amount of commandment-keeping can atone for a man's sin.

You believe you can lose your salvation.
That is the proof of legalism, which is . that you do not have faith that Christ keeps you saved.
This Legalism, denies the Cross.
Thats the reality, Barnyfife.
So, anytime you want to admit that you believe you can lose your salvation, instead of yelling in TEXT, is good for you.
I already know all about you., as i have read your self saving posts, for a year., while you have read me talk about the Cross and the blood of Jesus, and you have only attacked this truth.
And you'll do it again, while denying that you have done it in so many posts you've posted to me.
Even today, you called it "ranting"....when in fact its the Gospel of the Grace of God that you say is the "rant", that is all i teach.
So, thats on you, as those are your words, fella.


Well-Known Member
May 12, 2021
United States
United States
You would pretend that you have not sinned since you have been saved?
If so, then you have committed the offense you are posting.

And you will say.."yes, but i repented, and confessed".

A.) yawn

I successfully demolished your claim that Christians are 'ready for heaven' the moment they are saved and made 'righteousness.'

That is not the case. As you have now admitted that all of us still sin, and are still capable of sin, after being saved.

And why is that? The only way that it can be possible to sin after being saved = the 10 Commandments are still valid.

After all, what is sin?
1 John 3:4
The breaking of the Commandments of God.


Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola

I successfully demolished your claim that Christians are 'ready for heaven' the moment they are saved and made 'righteousness.'

You live in a delusion, if you think that being Born again, is not to become: "one with God".

So, if you are "one with God", (born again) are not only ready for heaven, you are in it, as..>"seated in heavenly places IN Christ".


Well-Known Member
May 12, 2021
United States
United States
I use your words to define you.
Just like God does, fella.

So....Lets find out if you are a Legalist, like this.

All legalists believe they can lose their salvation...which proves they do not trust in Christ to keep them Saved, which proves they have no real faith in Christ.
See it?
Its very CLEAR, isnt it?
So, who are they trusting in, ... in that case, to get them to heaven. ???

Now.... Do you believe you can lose your salvation, Barnyfife?

If not, then answer this........ "Jesus, who saved me, keeps me saved, no matter what, because...."
Jesus doesn't keep anybody "saved, no matter what". That would mean He was turning us into automatons; into robots.

God wants us to choose HIM until our dying breath.

It would be a very humanly insecure thing to 'FORCE' us, by His divine power, to love Him, and no one and nothing else, until the day we die.

Don't you see the difference? He still gives us an unimaginably miraculous gift in His Holy Spirit teaching us, guiding us and assisting us in obeying all the Commandments He has put in our hearts. It doesn't need to 'FORCE' its will upon men.

If a man chooses not to continue on that path, that is the test God has put before men to begin with.

He only wants those who truly love Him, and are willing to give up anything and everything, to come and be with Him in Heaven. After all, all of the other things man can fall in love with upon the earth, and choose instead of God, are all illusions anyway.

Don't you see?


Well-Known Member
Jun 26, 2018
United States
Yes, because Christ is the END of the LAW = for Righteousness....

For whom ??

"For EVERYONE who BELIEVETH"............. as they are BORN AGAIN...... and have been "made righteous"...having received...."the GIFT of Righteousness".

And that means they do not sin.


Well-Known Member
Jun 26, 2018
United States
Could you tell me exactly what this means to you? :)

The verses before 9 tell you.

It is like this. Before the law of don't think about a pink elephant, you never thought of a pink elephant. But now that there is a law against thinking about a pink elephant you can't help but think of pink elephants.

That is what Paul is saying, except about the Ten Commandments, like coveting.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2019
Central PA
United States
You believe you can lose your salvation.
That is the proof of legalism, which is . that you do not have faith that Christ keeps you saved.
This Legalism, denies the Cross.
Thats the reality, Barnyfife.

Arminianism is not legalism.

Jesus laid aside His crown, came to the devil's dominion of earth, lived, died, and was risen to save us from our sins--not in our sins, and to take back the dominion that Adam forfeited to the serpent.


Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
Arminianism is not legalism. Jesus laid aside His crown, came to the devil's dominion of earth, lived, died, and was risen to save us from our sins--not in our sins, and to take back the dominion that Adam forfeited to the serpent.

The proof of legalism, is that you believe you can lose your salvation.
That is you, barnyfife.
You dont even deny it, because you can't... So, you run to the commentaries, hoping to find a way out.
There is none.
They wont help.....and Joseph A, and J.Calvin wont help.

Listen, God saves not the righteousness, but the ungodly, who are yet sinners.

God "Justifies the UNGODLY"......."while we are YET Sinners".
See that?
That is God making the sinner, a "made righteous" Son.
By His MERCY. <<<<
= By the blood of Jesus and the death of Christ.
Not by water, not by works, not by self effort.
But by the "Gift of Salvation" and "the Gift of Righteousness".

The Legalist, you, is trying to earn this, vs, believing it.

See, you, like all self savers, will agree that God is the Savior, that Christ is the redeemer, and then you say..>"but, see, you also have to DO THIS">

See that? That is NO FAITH IN CHRIST< pretending to be a christian.


Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2019
Central PA
United States
The proof of legalism, is that you believe you can lose your salvation.
That is you, barnyfife.
You dont even deny it, because you can't... So, you run to the commentaries, hoping to find a way out.
There is none.
They wont help.....and Joseph A, and J.Calvin wont help.

Listen, God saves not the righteousness, but the ungodly, who are yet sinners.

God "Justifies the UNGODLY"......."while we are YET Sinners".
See that?
That is God making the sinner, a "made righteous" Son.
By His MERCY. <<<<
= By the blood of Jesus and the death of Christ.
Not by water, not by works, not by self effort.
But by the "Gift of Salvation" and "the Gift of Righteousness".

The Legalist, you, is trying to earn this, vs, believing it.

See, you, like all self savers, will agree that God is the Savior, that Christ is the redeemer, and then you say..>"but, see, you also have to DO THIS">

See that? That is NO FAITH IN CHRIST< pretending to be a christian.
What is it that makes you feel you have a right to bully people into jumping through your ridiculous hoops? I have nothing to confess to you regarding my standing with God. Christ is my Mediator, thank you. Perhaps you can find someone else to enter your confessional booth since you seem to be playing the papist. I speak freely with people who are not engaged in sophistry. I've never read Arminius (that I'm aware of), and very little of Calvin.

When you call me a self-saver, you make yourself a liar.

But again, I wouldn't impose upon you to be truthful or silent about me, because refraining from bearing false witness against your neighbor might make you a self-saver.

then you say..>"but, see, you also have to DO THIS">
Only if you're interested in pleasing God. Why is that so revolting to you?

I love you Lord.

John 14:15 KJV: If ye love me, keep my commandments.


Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
What is it that makes you feel you have a right to bully people into jumping through your ridiculous hoops?

John 14:15 KJV: If ye love me, keep my commandments.

The best you can do to deny your legalism is to say that the reason you can't, and wont, respond to simple questions about the Cross, is because its to be "bullied", to answer them?

Well, here is the reality.
When you can't answer them without being shown the truth about yourself, you'll say anything.

I wonder what you will say next?

Also, you wrote yesterday that "commandments" have nothing to do with Salvation, yet, today, you are again trying to prove that commandments are all about salvation.

If you decide you would like to understand the Blood Atonement, and how the "one time eternal sacrifice of Christ" is your eternal hope, then i can help.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2019
Central PA
United States
If you decide you would like to understand the Blood Atonement, and how the "one time eternal sacrifice of Christ" is your eternal hope, then i can help.
Do you know anything about Seventh-day Adventists, Behold?
Do you know that the only doctrine that is unique to Seventh-day Adventism is about the Atonement? All the rest are borrowed from Baptists, Methodists, Lutherans, Presbyterians, etc.

Help me to understand the Blood Atonement, Behold.

Tell me what all the typical elements of the ancient Hebrew Sanctuary service represent in the antitypical reality of the Christ and His ministration.


Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2019
Central PA
United States
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