The Biblical Basis for Catholic Distinctives

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Well-Known Member
Sep 24, 2021
United States
How the Satanic Black Mass Proves the Truth of Catholicism
There have been a number of stories in the news lately of small Satanic groups publicly performing so-called “Black Masses.”

These rituals are based on the Catholic mass but are inverted toward Satan and often involve the desecration of a Eucharistic host.

This sort of thing is evil and should not be taken lightly. It’s also occurred to me, though, how these Black Masses offer a powerful argument for the truth of Catholicism.

The Eucharist is either Jesus or Evil
The Eucharist is either Jesus or mere bread and wine.

If the Eucharist is Jesus, everyone should be at Mass, worshipping Our Lord. If the Eucharist is Jesus, there should be no such thing as Protestantism, Mormonism, Islam, atheism, etc. But if the Eucharist isn’t Jesus, then for two thousand years, the would-be followers of Jesus Christ were actually idolaters. If that’s the case, nobody should be Catholic.

So those are the stakes. Everyone who encountered Jesus of Nazareth was faced with a crucial question: is this God, in some mysterious guise, or not? The early Christians called this the “aut Deus aut malus homo” (“either God or a bad man”). Everyone encountering the Eucharist is faced with the same question: either God or idolatry.

And of course, if the Eucharist is pagan idolatry, it’s demonic. As 1 Corinthians 10:20 says, “what pagans sacrifice they offer to demons and not to God.”

The whole world hangs on this point: is the Eucharist Jesus or an idol? Is the Sacrifice of the Mass being offered to God, or to demons?

Satan Hates the Eucharist
The satanic Black Mass is a ritual inversion (and mockery) of the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass performed by Satanists. Now, there are two types of Satanists: “LaVey Satanists,” and “theological Satanists.” LaVey Satanists atheists who don’t believe in Satan, and use “Satanism” as a tool to harass and provoke Christians (unlike “theological Satanists,” who believe in Satan and worship him). But whether the practitioners are playing at the occult, or serious, there’s no question that they’re tapping into some seriously dark spiritual forces. Satan is at work here.

And it worth pointing out that when Satanists (of both kind) want to mock a religious ritual, you can bet that it’s going to be the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass that they target. How often do you hear about Muslim or Hindu or Jewish (or even Protestant) services being subjected to such intense Satanic mockery?

Nor is this Satanic targeting of the Mass anything new. As far back as the fourth century, St. Epiphanius of Salamis described a sect of Gnosticism performing a perverted mockery of Mass. I won’t go into the details, but it was graphic enough that the members of this sect became known as “Borborians” (“filthy ones”).

Satan Doesn’t Drive Out Satan

So the Eucharist is either Jesus or evil (since if it’s not Jesus, it’s idolatry) and since the devil hates the Eucharist, we can cross “evil” off the list.

For some additional Biblical support, consider Matthew 12.22-28:

“Then a blind and dumb demoniac was brought to him, and he healed him, so that the dumb man spoke and saw. And all the people were amazed, and said, “Can this be the Son of David?” But when the Pharisees heard it they said, “It is only by Be-el′zebul, the prince of demons, that this man casts out demons.”

“Knowing their thoughts, he said to them, “Every kingdom divided against itself is laid waste, and no city or house divided against itself will stand; and if Satan casts out Satan, he is divided against himself; how then will his kingdom stand? And if I cast out demons by Be-el′zebul, by whom do your sons cast them out? Therefore they shall be your judges. But if it is by the Spirit of God that I cast out demons, then the kingdom of God has come upon you.”

This passage is important: it shows, for example, that Catholic exorcists are operating by the Spirit of God when they drive out demons. But it also means that if Satan hates the Mass, we can be sure that the Mass isn’t evil.

Of course, if the Mass isn’t demonic, if it isn’t idolatry, that really only leaves one option: that the Eucharist is Jesus Christ, and that the Sacrifice of the Mass is presenting Jesus to the Father. This (and as far as I can tell, this alone), accounts for the Satanic mockery.

The Target of Satan

Even if the only thing you knew about Catholicism was that its central form of worship, the Mass, was the target of Satanic ire, you would already have good reason to believe that Catholicism was the true religion.

But taken with all of the other evidence for the truth that the Eucharist is Jesus, that the Mass is a Sacrifice instituted by God, and that the Catholic Church is the Church founded by Christ, Satan is just one more (unwitting) witness for the truth of Jesus Christ and His Church.

Originally posted on Shameless Popery
But the first time Christ instituted the Communion, and said "Take eat, this is my body"" he was still alive. It's is a symbolic act, not literal.


Well-Known Member
Jan 11, 2020
But the first time Christ instituted the Communion, and said "Take eat, this is my body"" he was still alive. It's is a symbolic act, not literal.
Luke 22:19; 1 Cor. 11:24-25 – the translation of Jesus’ words of consecration is “touto poieite tan eman anamnasin.” Jesus literally said “offer this as my memorial sacrifice.” The word “poiein” (do) refers to offering a sacrifice (see, e.g., Exodus 29:38-39, where God uses the same word – poieseis – regarding the sacrifice of the lambs on the altar). The word “anamnesis” (remembrance) also refers to a sacrifice which is really or actually made present in time by the power of God, as it reminds God of the actual event (see, e.g., Heb. 10:3; Num. 10:10). It is not just a memorial of a past event, but a past event made present in time.

In other words, the “sacrifice” is the “memorial” or “reminder.” If the Eucharist weren’t a sacrifice, Luke would have used the word “mnemosunon” (which is the word used to describe a nonsacrificial memorial. See, for example, Matt. 26:13; Mark 14:9; and especially Acts 10:4). So there are two memorials, one sacrificial (which Jesus instituted), and one non-sacrificial.

Lev. 24:7 – the word “memorial” in Hebrew in the sacrificial sense is “azkarah” which means to actually make present (see Lev. 2:2,9,16;5:12;6:5; Num.5:26 where “azkarah” refers to sacrifices that are currently offered and thus present in time). Jesus’ instruction to offer the bread and wine (which He changed into His body and blood) as a “memorial offering” demonstrates that the offering of His body and blood is made present in time over and over again.

Num. 10:10 – in this verse, “remembrance” refers to a sacrifice, not just a symbolic memorial. So Jesus’ command to offer the memorial “in remembrance” of Him demonstrates that the memorial offering is indeed a sacrifice currently offered. It is a re-presentation of the actual sacrifice made present in time. It is as if the curtain of history is drawn and Calvary is made present to us.

Mal. 1:10-11 – Jesus’ command to his apostles to offer His memorial sacrifice of bread and wine which becomes His body and blood fulfills the prophecy that God would reject the Jewish sacrifices and receive a pure sacrifice offered in every place. This pure sacrifice of Christ is sacramentally re-presented from the rising of the sun to its setting in every place, as Malachi prophesied.

Heb. 9:23 – in this verse, the author writes that the Old Testament sacrifices were only copies of the heavenly things, but now heaven has better “sacrifices” than these. Why is the heavenly sacrifice called “sacrifices,” in the plural? Jesus died once. This is because, while Christ’s sacrifice is transcendent in heaven, it touches down on earth and is sacramentally re-presented over and over again from the rising of the sun to its setting around the world by the priests of Christ’s Church. This is because all moments to God are present in their immediacy, and when we offer the memorial sacrifice to God, we ask God to make the sacrifice that is eternally present to Him also present to us. Jesus’ sacrifice also transcends time and space because it was the sacrifice of God Himself.

Heb. 9:23 – the Eucharistic sacrifice also fulfills Jer. 33:18 that His kingdom will consist of a sacrificial priesthood forever, and fulfills Zech. 9:15 that the sons of Zion shall drink blood like wine and be saved.

The so called 'reformers' had no biblical basis for abolishing the sacramental priesthood, thus forced to adopt a novel "symbolic" viewpoint.

THE EUCHARIST - Scripture Catholic


Well-Known Member
Jan 2, 2017
United States
Yes, and I'm the throne room of God are innumerable numbers of angels worshiping they one on the throne... Just as the picture I showed reveals one on a throne pretending to be Christ on earth. Between 2 cherubim, and 4 living creatures. It's not an SDA picture. That's from the Vatican, and I couldn't care less whether it's a mass of a confession. It's a counterfeit of God's throne room as depicted in scripture, and you pathetic protestations cannot deny it.

If the change to the Sabbath was so cute and dried and obvious per your misrepresentation of Colossians, why couldn't the Jesuits at the council of Trent see that? But no, the only defense of Sunday was to appeal to tradition which the council declared was the signal victory for the Catholic party over the protestants and the scriptures.
I didn't say it was an "SDA picture". I said it was an SDA misrepresentation - which it most definitely IS.
I can take ANY photograph, zoom-in and create ANY kind of narrative that I want - but I'm not a dishonest SDA.

As to your obsession with the Sabbath - you have perverted its meaning by placing ALL of the importance on the observcance on Saturday. As Chriatians, we onserve the Sabbath - but NOT as a mefre "shadow "of Christ (Col. 2:16-17) as YOU do - as the Jews did.
Our day of observance points to the REALITY that IS Chgrist, His Death and Hisa Resurrection.

YOUR issues with the God-given Authority of Christ's Church stem from the gavt YOU are outside of it - but that's your OWN doing.
The door is wide open and Jesus is calling - but YOU have abandoned His call in favor of prophet and earthly founder, Ellen White . . .


Well-Known Member
Aug 4, 2020
Las Vegas
United States
Yes, and I'm the throne room of God are innumerable numbers of angels worshiping they one on the throne... Just as the picture I showed reveals one on a throne pretending to be Christ on earth. Between 2 cherubim, and 4 living creatures. It's not an SDA picture. That's from the Vatican, and I couldn't care less whether it's a mass of a confession. It's a counterfeit of God's throne room as depicted in scripture, and you pathetic protestations cannot deny it.
How in the world do you have ANY idea what God's "throne room" looks like? Were you ever THERE? Did you snap a PICTURE? And when was the last time you saw a cherubim?

Oh, that's right. It's described in Ezikiel's dream...and doesn't even look close to what the pope is sitting on. Plus, in Revelations, the throne is simply described as a "large white throne". HOW large? Do you really think that plastic-looking seat in the picture could even rival God's throne?

If the change to the Sabbath was so cute and dried and obvious per your misrepresentation of Colossians, why couldn't the Jesuits at the council of Trent see that? But no, the only defense of Sunday was to appeal to tradition which the council declared was the signal victory for the Catholic party over the protestants and the scriptures.
You're reading much more into what happened than what actually happened.