Yes, sorry about that.
I was taking offense at the terms "selfish demand for answers" and "Intellectual humility". (from two of the topics we are on)
With fresh eyes this morning, I can see what you were trying to say with "selfish demand for answers". (questions are good, but...)
Still not sure about "Intellectual humility". Maybe these terms are triggering for me since I am re-evaluating my religious upbringing.
I object to the message I encountered in my religious upbringing that told us that:
Believer = no questions = heaven
Unbeliever = questions = hell
This idea that skepticism = unbelief
Questions were allowed as long as the standard apologetics were accepted as the answers.
Christian maturity was measured by the ability to memorize and recite all the apologetic answers.
Anything outside of that was considered "bad" doctrine.
Sounds like you were subject to an unhealthy spiritual culture.
There is but One mediator for each of us - Jesus...
It is the anointing of His Spirit within that confirms truth - all else leads to bondage.
We are a long way from where we are meant to be as His Church, and doctrine, no matter how good, does not bring life and fruitfulness.
Healthy fellowship does not impose judgements on the flock.
Consider this scripture...
1 Cor 4
5 Therefore do not go on passing judgment before the time,
but wait until the Lord comes who will both bring to light the things hidden in the darkness and disclose the motives of
men’s hearts; and then each man’s praise will come to him from God.
So I have seen joy and praise in fellowship that is absent in unhealthy judgemental cultures.
So while Christianity is not an individual sport, we work out out own salvation personally and will be judged individually on that Day.
We won't be able to raise the excuse that the church didn't do that, or the pastor said this or that.
Strange that we have to fight for the precious personal loving relationship with our Father which spawns life and freedom.
Hey - is this not the treasure to be gained - in fact the very heart of the Gospel - Christ in us.