Reader, if you are Born again...
1.) You have a eternal relationship with God your Father... that is based on Jesus becoming all your sin, and then God giving you the new birth, after He deals with all your sin.
See, God can't join Himself Spiritually to a sinner.....So, Christ has to deal with all your sin, and THEN God will birth you as His "Born again" Son/Daughter.
See, its sin that prevents you and me from eternal spiritual union with God.
So, God resolves this for Eternity, through The Cross of Christ.
The Cross of Christ, is the means that forever removes your sin, so that you can become God's Eternal "Son or Daughter", "In Christ".
All your sin has to be dealt with by Christ's eternal Sacrifice., and is, once you BELIEVE in Jesus, and receive "The Gift of Righteousness".
If you read 2 Corinthians 5:19 and John 3:17, you'll read that God was in Christ, not holding your sin against you, anymore.
Romans 4:8 teaches you the same.
Because God Can't judge you for sin, when Jesus has died for them All, 2000 yrs ago.
2.) Reader..
This Sacrifice of Christ, took the law off of you, and put you here....>= "not under the Law, but under Grace"..
"Christ is the END of the LAW, for righteousness, to/for EVERYONE who BELIEVES">..
So, the law, that could judge you as a sinner and your deeds as sin, is GONE from you, if you are truly born again.
YOu are no longer UNDER The Law.
You are here..>"not under the law.......but under Grace"...
So, now you are under God's Grace, and that defines you as this one....
= "As Christ is.......so are the born again... in THIS World"..
And Christ has no sin, and you are "IN Christ"...
You have become as born again... a = "New Creation in Christ" and "old things are passed away"..
That's your sin.... that is the "passed away".
A.) "God hath made JESUS..TO BE.SIN....for us""", and we become "the Righteousness of God, in Christ ... Forever.
Welcome to Salvation.. : Its a GIFT...
3.) And notice.....= ""The GIFTS and callings of God, are without Repentance""... = God will never take it back....you can't ever lose it... because Your Eternal Salvation is not based on you. Its based on The Cross of Christ..
Now look at this..
"God who started (His) Salvation, in all the born again.. will HIMSELF, be FAITHFUL to Complete it"..
Welcome to : Salvation..
Its "The Gift of Salvation"" and "The Gift of Righteousness"..
Reader...The main error of most believers, is that they dont understand their Salvation..
They are trying to confess to keep what can't be lost, while they try to earn what can't be earned.
Its Eternal.
You can't stop being Born Again.
4.) "there are none good".. "all have sinned"..
So, we Go to the Cross, so that God can give us HIS Righteousness, and we become born again, as "The righteousness of God, in Christ"..
= God came down here as Jesus, Virgin born., to deal with all your sin, and give you His Righteousness, as "The Gift of Salvation".
God is HOLY, and God is Righteous, and God told us.."be Holy as I am Holy"..
A.) We can't do that......as "all have sinned"......so, we go the Cross and Jesus "becomes our sin" and we become "Christ's Righteousness" as a "born again.. "new creation" "In Christ... "made righteous"..= "One with God".
Welcome to Salvation: Its a GIFT
What we are doing is giving God Credit for giving us His Salvation, and that Salvation is our Righteousness.
Real Christians, who understand The Cross, are not trying to perform for God, as if He requires it to keep us.
Remember.....Its God's "Gift of Righteousness", and to be born again, is proof you have it.
Reader, if you are Born again...
1.) You have a eternal relationship with God your Father... that is based on Jesus becoming all your sin, and then God giving you the new birth, after He deals with all your sin.
See, God can't join Himself Spiritually to a sinner.....So, Christ has to deal with all your sin, and THEN God will birth you as His "Born again" Son/Daughter.
See, its sin that prevents you and me from eternal spiritual union with God.
So, God resolves this for Eternity, through The Cross of Christ.
The Cross of Christ, is the means that forever removes your sin, so that you can become God's Eternal "Son or Daughter", "In Christ".
All your sin has to be dealt with by Christ's eternal Sacrifice., and is, once you BELIEVE in Jesus, and receive "The Gift of Righteousness".
If you read 2 Corinthians 5:19 and John 3:17, you'll read that God was in Christ, not holding your sin against you, anymore.
Romans 4:8 teaches you the same.
Because God Can't judge you for sin, when Jesus has died for them All, 2000 yrs ago.
2.) Reader..
This Sacrifice of Christ, took the law off of you, and put you here....>= "not under the Law, but under Grace"..
"Christ is the END of the LAW, for righteousness, to/for EVERYONE who BELIEVES">..
So, the law, that could judge you as a sinner and your deeds as sin, is GONE from you, if you are truly born again.
YOu are no longer UNDER The Law.
You are here..>"not under the law.......but under Grace"...
So, now you are under God's Grace, and that defines you as this one....
= "As Christ is.......so are the born again... in THIS World"..
And Christ has no sin, and you are "IN Christ"...
You have become as born again... a = "New Creation in Christ" and "old things are passed away"..
That's your sin.... that is the "passed away".
A.) "God hath made JESUS..TO BE.SIN....for us""", and we become "the Righteousness of God, in Christ ... Forever.
Welcome to Salvation.. : Its a GIFT...
3.) And notice.....= ""The GIFTS and callings of God, are without Repentance""... = God will never take it back....you can't ever lose it... because Your Eternal Salvation is not based on you. Its based on The Cross of Christ..
Now look at this..
"God who started (His) Salvation, in all the born again.. will HIMSELF, be FAITHFUL to Complete it"..
Welcome to : Salvation..
Its "The Gift of Salvation"" and "The Gift of Righteousness"..
Reader...The main error of most believers, is that they dont understand their Salvation..
They are trying to confess to keep what can't be lost, while they try to earn what can't be earned.
Its Eternal.
You can't stop being Born Again.
4.) "there are none good".. "all have sinned"..
So, we Go to the Cross, so that God can give us HIS Righteousness, and we become born again, as "The righteousness of God, in Christ"..
= God came down here as Jesus, Virgin born., to deal with all your sin, and give you His Righteousness, as "The Gift of Salvation".
God is HOLY, and God is Righteous, and God told us.."be Holy as I am Holy"..
A.) We can't do that......as "all have sinned"......so, we go the Cross and Jesus "becomes our sin" and we become "Christ's Righteousness" as a "born again.. "new creation" "In Christ... "made righteous"..= "One with God".
Welcome to Salvation: Its a GIFT
What we are doing is giving God Credit for giving us His Salvation, and that Salvation is our Righteousness.
Real Christians, who understand The Cross, are not trying to perform for God, as if He requires it to keep us.
Remember.....Its God's "Gift of Righteousness", and to be born again, is proof you have it.
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