The deep danger of politicizing Christianity. It simply reveals our deep need for revival.

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Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2019
United States
The rift created by this election should scare the pants off of us
You think that the election created this rift?

it reveals the terrible state of the church here in the U.S.

What is the terrible state of the church in the U.S.? What is the state of the church in other countries?

Christians have been deceived, each one convinced that satan is motivating the other side. The truth is, they are both right.

Categorically I disagree. Still no one is perfect and politicians get a double dose. But the devideling line between good and grey opinion. As they say opinion vary! But if you think murdering 600,000 babies a year is good? If you think murderous mops are good? If you think lawlessness and anarchy is good? If you think marching around cussing out Christ and burning Bibles is good? If you think that communism is good? Then I can see your confusion , evil is good to you?

We as His eternal children, are not of the earth. We are simply sojourners, passers through, but we simply do not get that yet. This is not our home. It never was. I have seen posts here even recently talking about armed rebellion to send 'the left' to see satan. Good Lord, have mercy on us!

So you say we should just stand by and let Satan have his way? What is your suggestion, lets hear it!

In the early church, as Caesar was burning Christians to light His courtyard, as entire families were being fed to wild beasts to entertain the public, Christians did not fight back. They believed that whoever was the governing authority was appointed by God. It was not a stamp of approval on them. Do we understand that?

Hitler appointed by God? You have an interesting interpretation of religion there.

The question before us is..... will we admit our need, both collectively and individually, that it is OUR sin that needs to be confessed and healed? God has promised to heal our land.... not America, but the church itself, worldwide.

Are you thinking that the people that cuss God, cuss this country, burn Bibles and our flag are looking for healing? Our need is not a religious concept.

I do not think I can remember a time I have been more saddened by what I see happening to us as His people. Yes, we will have tribulation in the world. Yes, things are terrible and confusing and disheartening. But guys, for Jesus to return, these things MUST come to pass.

We are to overcome evil, but cannot do so until the evil is first subdued in us, in our own hearts. Our call is not to overcome evil with armed 'defense of the truth', no matter what we believe is the truth.

There is but ONE truth, Jesus Himself, and He does not need us defending Him. He needs us to submit to Him, fully, 100% surrender, for it is the only way we can overcome evil with good.

Disagree, I stand with God. I will defend God and this country! I guess you have not noticed that God has always assigned champions to put forth His will and defend the religions
Let us remember that the wrath of man worketh not the righteousness of God. Let us cry out to our God for heavenly mindedness, eyes that have a laser focus on Christ. Evil men will wax worse and worse, both democrats and republicans. This world is rotting and the rot is coming towards the surface, infecting even those who are called to be part of the Bride. I pray eyes are opened to what satan's plan is and that we all flee into the safety of Christ's open arms.

So whoever knows the right thing to do and fails to do it, for him it is sin. Living as a coward is not the way of Christ. Where would we be if Christ was a coward?



Well-Known Member
Apr 5, 2020
United States
Reporting deaths FRAUDULENTLY is not medical science. It is politics. Kindly scrutizine CDC web site carefully and seen how they have tried to obfuscate the truth.

A Johns Hopkins researcher recently published a paper showing that COVID deaths HAD NOT increased total deaths in the USA in any significant way. But because this went against the Leftist narrative, this paper was *disappeared* in a hurry. Check it out for yourself.
And the media is Satan's puppet.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2020
Maine, USA
United States
My OP tried to make it clear. If we think by supporting one evil choice over another will bring about the will of God, we will be sowing to the wind. I would like to stay on task here trying to point us away from this world and the mess we are in. These things must come to pass, but no matter who wins, if hate reigns in our hearts, we all lose.

Overcoming evil with good, hatred with love, impatience with patience, this is our calling as His children. May God awaken us to who we are.... and who we are not.


These are complicated times Brother. I hear your concern.
All I can suggest is turn off the news. All of it is ... listen ... ALL of it is propaganda.
The powers that be are trying to turn us against each other. Whether through race, religion, social status.. anything they can
use to divide us.
They have us running in circles chasing this new story or this breaking news. They manipulate our emotions.
We are a social experiment to them.
If they can get you to hate your neighbor because of a difference of an opinion, an absolute principle you are not willing to bend.
If they can cause division between people in your own family because of something over the airwaves.
If they can make you hate those you love...
They've won.

If politics is the stumbling block that will lead you away from the PEACE of The Lord..
RUN... RUN... and don't look back.
Don't let it eat you. Don't let it fester in your mind.





Well-Known Member
Nov 3, 2020
Maryville, Tn.
United States
I’m asking you to consider the facts—the truth.
Each side has their version of what truth is. Each side believes their side with absolute loyalty, doubting nothing their side puts forth as the truth. In this day and age of social media, and news agencies on both sides that are simply no longer news agencies but propaganda agents, we are simply peons to whoever has our ear, lapping up their half-truths and yes, even bold face lies, with great enthusiasm and un-swerving loyalty.

So whose truth do we believe? Should we not believe THE truth ... Jesus Christ? We fix our eyes upon Him, because everything else will be shaken and not stand. We are entering into the valley of decision, and choices we make now will have eternal consequences.

Do we even realize what truly is happening? What will bring about conditions for the anti-Christ to reveal himself? Will it not be a time so full of uncertainty and fear, of societal upheaval, of economic chaos, of wars and rumors of wars, of panic, of anger, of truth shredded so badly on both sides to the point no one can truly trust anything or anyone anymore, a world that has lost its way?

Will such a moment not be the perfect moment for one man to rise up, a man who will have all the answers to all the seeming unanswerable dilemmas? If such a man were to calm everyone, and keep a teetering world from destroying itself, and yes, even unite those who have been sworn enemies, would not the world bow to the one who can pull it off? One who can prevent economic collapse, and even bring peace and safety back into conversations again? Will not people look to him as a 'savior' and give him their allegiance if he simply preserves them from destruction and promises to restore to them 'the good old days'?

We are being played by satan. Do we not see he has even God's own people majoring on the minors when all the while, his satanic maneuverings are afoot behind it all to bring his will to bear on our lives. We cannot prevent this. CANNOT. But.... we can escape it.

It is not to late to extricate ourselves. Are we willing to lay down OUR battles, OUR view of right and wrong, and simply bow before Him and say "Lord, I have no answers. Thou knowest. What would you have me to do, Lord?"

Is this not the truly only suitable cry n a time such as this? As those saved by His eternal sacrifice, should this not have been our heart cry from the very beginning? It certainly has not been mine, and for that, I am truly ashamed. But I see clearly what is even now unfolding and as unworthy as I am, to speak out to not only warn but to help any I can to see the fullness of blessing God has for those who will surrender 100% to whatever He has for us. His will alone is "that good and perfect and acceptable will of God. Here is where peace is found. Here is where we can find rest for our weary souls, and Lord, we so need it.

God has prepared a way for us to walk above the gathering storm, to walk as overcomers of every one of the devil's temptations, to bring us to the point that we walk in real victory over the world, the flesh and praise God, the devil himself. May our hearts be bowed low so He can raise us up and let us see what he has for us in these final days. He will not disappoint us.


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Well-Known Member
Nov 3, 2020
Maryville, Tn.
United States
These are complicated times Brother. I hear your concern.
All I can suggest is turn off the news. All of it is ... listen ... ALL of it is propaganda.
The powers that be are trying to turn us against each other. Whether through race, religion, social status.. anything they can
use to divide us.
They have us running in circles chasing this new story or this breaking news. They manipulate our emotions.
We are a social experiment to them.
If they can get you to hate your neighbor because of a difference of an opinion, an absolute principle you are not willing to bend.
If they can cause division between people in your own family because of something over the airwaves.
If they can make you hate those you love...
They've won.

If politics is the stumbling block that will lead you away from the PEACE of The Lord..
RUN... RUN... and don't look back.
Don't let it eat you. Don't let it fester in your mind.



Ziggy, I could not have said it better. Of course, I would have used 500 more words to not say it better, lol, but oh well, it is a curse I must bear.

Thank you for such a wise post.


Prayer Warrior

Well-Known Member
Sep 20, 2018
United States
Each side has their version of what truth is. Each side believes their side with absolute loyalty, doubting nothing their side puts forth as the truth. In this day and age of social media, and news agencies on both sides that are simply no longer news agencies but propaganda agents, we are simply peons to whoever has our ear, lapping up their half-truths and yes, even bold face lies, with great enthusiasm and un-swerving loyalty.

You certainly are a walking speech (LOL), but honestly, I don't know where you're getting this.

My loyalty first, and foremost, is to God--that His will be done.

So whose truth do we believe? Should we not believe THE truth ... Jesus Christ? We fix our eyes upon Him, because everything else will be shaken and not stand. We are entering into the valley of decision, and choices we make now will have eternal consequences.

Yes, we fix our eyes on Jesus, AND as Paul said, we are not ignorant of the devil's schemes going on around us. Destroying human beings if one of his main schemes. Killing babies by the millions. If my vote can make this illegal, I will use my vote....

Do we even realize what truly is happening? What will bring about conditions for the anti-Christ to reveal himself? Will it not be a time so full of uncertainty and fear, of societal upheaval, of economic chaos, of wars and rumors of wars, of panic, of anger, of truth shredded so badly on both sides to the point no one can truly trust anything or anyone anymore, a world that has lost its way?

The world lost its way a looooong time ago. Of course, I see that the system to be used by the antichrist is being put into place as we speak. No doubt both major parties will be used to accomplish this. BUT before this is set in stone, I will fight evil wherever I see it--spiritually, politically, personally, and every other way God calls me to fight.

Will such a moment not be the perfect moment for one man to rise up, a man who will have all the answers to all the seeming unanswerable dilemmas? If such a man were to calm everyone, and keep a teetering world from destroying itself, and yes, even unite those who have been sworn enemies, would not the world bow to the one who can pull it off? One who can prevent economic collapse, and even bring peace and safety back into conversations again? Will not people look to him as a 'savior' and give him their allegiance if he simply preserves them from destruction and promises to restore to them 'the good old days'?

Sounds like you think Trump is the antichrist, like our good friend Bukka. Hmm

I don't have any illusions about Trump, but I do not believe that he is the antichrist. He is not my hero. I cannot afford to have any heroes. My confidence in man has been shaken to the ground.

We are being played by satan. Do we not see he has even God's own people majoring on the minors when all the while, his satanic maneuverings are afoot behind it all to bring his will to bear on our lives. We cannot prevent this. CANNOT. But.... we can escape it.

It is not to late to extricate ourselves. Are we willing to lay down OUR battles, OUR view of right and wrong, and simply bow before Him and say "Lord, I have no answers. Thou knowest. What would you have me to do, Lord?"

Are YOU being played by Satan??

The Holy Spirit has been leading me to pray. That's what I've been doing. At the same time, I'm seeing answered prayer as the truth about election fraud is being exposed.

I'm not praying for MY will to be done. I believe it's God's will that Trump serve 4 more years for HIS own reasons. We will see.

God has prepared a way for us to walk above the gathering storm, to walk as overcomers of every one of the devil's temptations, to bring us to the point that we walk in real victory over the world, the flesh and praise God, the devil himself. May our hearts be bowed low so He can raise us up and let us see what he has for us in these final days. He will not disappoint us.

I agree with this. I'm counting on revival coming to America--possibly one last gasp before the antichrist takes power--the final harvest. I don't know for sure, but I believe that we are close. All the more reason to be about God's business, whatever He is leading us to do.


Well-Known Member
Nov 9, 2020
Kansas City
United States
Blessings and thank you for sharing your thoughts with us @Gideons300.

I hearken back to the history of this nation wherein the founders invoked God and his leading to form a more perfect union. I recall how brave men fought back against the oppression of a monarchy that imagined itself entitled to own a land and a people. And have those subjects be beholding to an authority thought to be sovereign as appointed by God.

I remember the history of the American Revolution and President George Washington taking a knee and praying before the battle at Valley Forge.

I weep to this day when I visit the massive gravestone that is the Vietnam War Memorial in our nations capitol, Washington D.C. , and as I visit Arlington memorial cemetery.
And when I see a soldier in uniform, or a police officer, I say to them, looking them in their eyes, and trying not to weep when they are a soldiers eyes I see, remembering that memorial and the sacrifice that one I now gaze upon is willing to make so that I remain free, and that so many may take for granted , God bless you for your service.

And I know, as sure as the United States military has chaplains, and soldiers carry Bibles into battle, that while I may not be of this world I am certainly living in it. I'm reminded of that fact when the bills arrive in my email.
And as that is the fact of this my God given life, I find without reservation that I would disrespect the 244 years of liberty, freedom, and independence so many died to insure and preserve if I allowed myself to be complacent, apathetic, and disassociated from that what occurs within my homeland. And in my name.

Because while I am promised Heaven, I am conscious and alive here on earth in America.

And if my Christian American forefathers and mothers committed their very lives to their faith, and prayer that God guide, protect, and save America from those who would throw her and her people under the authority of the crown, I will absolutely without reservation or apology do my level best to remain vigilant and aware of those who would now throw us under the yoke of Socialism.

In God I trust to understand that. Because God sent his warriors into battle to protect and defend what he held as sacred, inviolable, and righteous, so that those warriors would also be able to live free in this world, and in their worship of his mighty presence in their lives and all that exists.

As relates to the comments concerning President Trump. Donald John Trump is my brother in Christ. I believe no one has a right to hold the sins of my brother against him now when God my father forgave them. And promised Donald he would remember them no more.
If I remember and hold Donald's sins, real or perceived, and accepted as truth the false witness Donald's enemies levy against him, I am assuming I am able to condemn and judge that man whom God forgave. And blessed with a new immortal life in Him.

As relates to the comments concerning Joseph Robinette Biden Jr. I believe Joe Biden will answer to God for approving abortion, transgender treatment for kids, gay marriage, defunding police,reducing monetary support for our military, and stopping support of Israel. And all other unrighteous positions he assumes as a public servant of we the people. Be we Christian or not.

Having said that and in closing, God commands me not to steal. And I don't. I work hard for a living and am grateful to have a job so that the monies I'm blessed to earn are able to bless others as well.
When I was 17 I couldn't wait to turn 18! Arriving at the official age of independence as an adult was secondary to being able to cast a vote and have it counted to insure my future and that of my fellow citizens. Following the construct, the ideology, of the Republican party.

If my God commands against theft, I would be remiss were I to be indifferent when I am made aware my vote on November 3rd 2020 was not only stolen from me, but was also given over to a man who approve abortion, transgender treatment for kids, gay marriage, defunding police,reducing monetary support for our military, and stopping support of Israel.

Were I to allow myself to not vote, I would then need to insure I remained indifferent to what happens next due to those fellow citizens who did. I would have to take responsibility. I didn't speak up, I cannot now speak out. Because I had a choice and I made that which insured others would decide my future. And I then conceded to take the ride.

Identifying the enemy is not a sin. When someone shows you who they are the first time, believe them. Maya Angelou was not speaking of nor to politics. However, I accept that axiom in this instance to forewarn me, if someone shows America's free people they are unfit to serve the values of America, and that unfitness threatens the future of America, then it is incumbent upon this American to object and feel offended regarding their efforts to rob my vote in order to oppress myself and my people.

I would rather fight to defend America in the ways I am able, as a Christian and a citizen, than to remain removed, uninvolved, apathetic, and indifferent, to the acts of our enemies. That I be led later after they've done their worst to pray God saves that America I didn't speak up for when I had the right.



Active Member
Sep 30, 2020
British Columbia
I am not sure how this will be received, but it must be said. The rift created by this election should scare the pants off of us, not because the party we are affiliated with may not like the results, nor because some are now talking about armed civil war (although that is truly disturbing) but because, ultimately, it reveals the terrible state of the church here in the U.S.

We as His body are called to be the salt of the earth, its 'preservative' from evil having free rein, but sadly, the truth is, we have become sucked into the earths death throlls and on each side of the argument, Christians have been deceived, each one convinced that satan is motivating the other side. The truth is, they are both right.

We as His eternal children, are not of the earth. We are simply sojourners, passers through, but we simply do not get that yet. This is not our home. It never was. I have seen posts here even recently talking about armed rebellion to send 'the left' to see satan. Good Lord, have mercy on us!

On the one side, you have those approving abortion, transgender treatment for kids, gay marriage and stopping support of Israel. On the other side, a leader willing to separate children from parent, one who lies constantly, a man who has no moral compass at all, who has an army of yes men to do his bidding no matter what laws he has to break to get his way. Conspiracy theories have been eaten up like candy, even when no proofs have been presented to substantiate them.

We have all been so overrun by lies and fake news that few have the wisdom to see what is happening. It truly is a terrifying time.

Both of these choices should send us to our knees but instead, multitudes have chosen sides and by doing so, are choosing evil, no matter which side they think is 'more' right. Both are evil and I pray we see that.

America is not God's bastion of truth in a world running amok. We are carnal, self-centered, doing what benefits us just like everyone else. God and patriotism will soon have to part ways and if any think they can keep one foot in each arena, they will soon have to make a choice. We cannot serve God and the god of this earth.

Perilous times are fast approaching. We cannot even fathom how close we are to the end. There is but one place of safety, on our knees, submitting to Him alone, begging Him to forgive us for our blindness and hardness of heart. God will abundantly pardon us and bring us to His place of safety, freed from the grip of our carnal natures and the sin that so easily besets us, but He is waiting on us, each one of us, to tell Him we need Him to rescue us from our carnal, earthly mindset.

In the early church, as Caesar was burning Christians to light His courtyard, as entire families were being fed to wild beasts to entertain the public, Christians did not fight back. They believed that whoever was the governing authority was appointed by God. It was not a stamp of approval on them. Do we understand that?

Now is the time when we need to revisit the verse that tells us:

2 Chronicles 7:14
King James Version

"14 If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land."

The question before us is..... will we admit our need, both collectively and individually, that it is OUR sin that needs to be confessed and healed? God has promised to heal our land.... not America, but the church itself, worldwide.

I do not think I can remember a time I have been more saddened by what I see happening to us as His people. Yes, we will have tribulation in the world. Yes, things are terrible and confusing and disheartening. But guys, for Jesus to return, these things MUST come to pass.

We are to overcome evil, but cannot do so until the evil is first subdued in us, in our own hearts. Our call is not to overcome evil with armed 'defense of the truth', no matter what we believe is the truth.

There is but ONE truth, Jesus Himself, and He does not need us defending Him. He needs us to submit to Him, fully, 100% surrender, for it is the only way we can overcome evil with good.

May God awaken us to our great need, for it is the only path to us having our eyes opened to how, despite the world rolling on towards destruction, we can walk faithful to Him all the way to the end.

Let us remember that the wrath of man worketh not the righteousness of God. Let us cry out to our God for heavenly mindedness, eyes that have a laser focus on Christ. Evil men will wax worse and worse, both democrats and republicans. This world is rotting and the rot is coming towards the surface, infecting even those who are called to be part of the Bride. I pray eyes are opened to what satan's plan is and that we all flee into the safety of Christ's open arms.

blessings to all who are His children,


Lord Jesus, have mercy upon your servant for such a poorly worded call to your children. Forgive us all Lord, mysrlf at the head of the line, for our self willed blindness to the truth of who we are and what our calling actually entails.

Let the blinders fall from our eyes that we might see the hope of our calling and the exceeding great power You have towards usward who believe.

Forgive each one of us for our part, big or small, in promoting our own kingdom at the expense of yours.

Restore us to full spiritual health, no matter the cost to us personally, and use us Lord in these last days, to save as many as possible from the destruction we know is coming.

Give us eyes that see past today, our past our own little worlds, or past the borders of our own country of residence. Let us see that ultimately, there is simply your will or ours and our call is full and absolute surrender. Amen.

I'm constantly repulsed by believers who think that there's a morally correct way to vote, and that anyone who votes differently is somehow a lesser Christian or not even a Christian at all. Everyone is going to prioritize different issues when considering how to cast a ballot regardless of the faith convictions he or she holds. No party, ideology, or candidate has a monopoly as the "Christian" way to vote. To think otherwise is the absolute height of arrogance and self-righteousness.


Well-Known Member
Nov 26, 2017
United Kingdom
'I exhort therefore, that, first of all,
.. supplications,
.... prayers,
...... intercessions,

........ and giving of thanks,
.......... be made for all men;
............ For kings, and for all that are in authority;

that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life
.. in all godliness and honesty.
.... For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Saviour;
Who will have all men to be saved,
and to come unto the knowledge of the truth.'

For there is one God,
.. and one mediator between God and men,
.... the man Christ Jesus;
...... Who gave Himself a ransom for all,
........ to be testified in due time.
Whereunto I am ordained a preacher, and an apostle,
.. ( I speak the truth in Christ, and lie not )
.... a teacher of the Gentiles in faith and verity.
I will therefore that men pray every where,
lifting up holy hands, without wrath and doubting.'

(1 Timothy 2:1-8)
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Prayer Warrior

Well-Known Member
Sep 20, 2018
United States
I'm constantly repulsed by believers who think that there's a morally correct way to vote, and that anyone who votes differently is somehow a lesser Christian or not even a Christian at all. Everyone is going to prioritize different issues when considering how to cast a ballot regardless of the faith convictions he or she holds. No party, ideology, or candidate has a monopoly as the "Christian" way to vote. To think otherwise is the absolute height of arrogance and self-righteousness.
Are you “repulsed” by babies being mutilated in the womb? This is what the Democrats support.


Well-Known Member
Jun 20, 2020
Are you “repulsed” by babies being mutilated in the womb? This is what the Democrats support.

That indeed does seem to be the clincher in this debate.... I am Canadian... so my little voice does not matter.... however... for the last four years... I have watched and listened to the president directly... his own words at press conferences etc... I do not follow any news broadcasts other than the National ( which is our Canadian nightly news )... and I have done this mostly to follow covid 19 updates in my province.

With the above said... I have also heard from people in the United States that are indeed Christians... but are no longer able to turn a blind eye to the appalling behaviour and demeaning rhetoric of this sitting president... His constant need to seek approval... his dismissive attitude towards people who dare to voice a different opinion... and how he has chosen to handle/mishandle the pandemic by literally trying to downplay it's realness and then deciding to politicize mask-wearing... I think that is the point being made here.

I do hope IF there was true FRAUD in this election that the TRUTH be brought to light... I absolutely believe this and I am also praying for it...
However.... I have to admit... ( as a Canadian )... I am not eager to see another four years of this man in office if the results are over turned... as sadly... I am one who seems unable to look beyond the rhetoric... and arrogant attitude...That is being honest... and I do consider myself a Christian.
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Prayer Warrior

Well-Known Member
Sep 20, 2018
United States
I’m enjoying the eloquence and passion expressed in this thread. I just want to give one insight that I have shared many times.

It seems in the Christian life that we want things to be either/or, but so many things are both/and. As the saying goes, we Christians are in the world, not of it. While we live and work in this world, we fulfill our God-given calling in the world, but our mindset is to be of the Holy Spirit.

Of course, we don’t put our hope in this world system, but God uses us in this world to be His light in the darkness. We don’t put our hope in politics, but we have a moral obligation to do what we can to see that the laws and policies of our government are not an affront to God.

As Christians, should we sit back and let the devil take over our government? Or could it be that we have a duty to influence our government? God has called me to the latter through civic involvement at times and through prayer. All I can say is I will will do as He leads.

Prayer Warrior

Well-Known Member
Sep 20, 2018
United States
That indeed does seem to be the clincher in this debate.... I am Canadian... so my little voice does not matter.... however... for the last four years... I have watched and listened to the president directly... his own words at press conferences etc... I do not follow any news broadcasts other than the National ( which is our Canadian nightly news )... and I have done this mostly to follow covid 19 updates in my province.

With the above said... I have also heard from people in the United States that are indeed Christians... but are no longer able to turn a blind eye to the appalling behaviour and demeaning rhetoric of this sitting president... His constant need to seek approval... his dismissive attitude towards people who dare to voice a different opinion... and how he has chosen to handle/mishandle the pandemic by literally trying to downplay it's realness and then deciding to politicize mask-wearing... I think that is the point being made here.

I do hope IF there was true FRAUD in this election that the TRUTH be brought to light... I absolutely believe this and I am also praying for it...
However.... I have to admit... ( as a Canadian )... I am not eager to see another four years of this man in office if the results are over turned... as sadly... I am one who seems unable to look beyond the rhetoric... and arrogant attitude...That is being honest... and I do consider myself a Christian.
So.....”as a Canadian” you prefer a man who believes it’s okay to kill babies over a man whose policies have defended the unborn???????

I must say that I’m glad you can’t vote in America. Sorry. I don’t intend to sound mean in a thread where diplomacy is the order of the day, but I have found that diplomacy has its limits.

My prayers for Canada!


Well-Known Member
Jun 20, 2020
So.....”as a Canadian” you prefer a man who believes it’s okay to kill babies over one whose policies have defended the unborn???????

I must say that I’m glad you can’t vote in America. Sorry. I don’t intend to sound mean in a thread where diplomacy is the order of the day, but I have found that diplomacy has its limits.

My prayers for Canada!

I don't vote in my country either... I never have... because I don't believe in politics... and to answer your aggressive accusation towards me... I don't believe in abortion... or the LGTBQ agenda... or anything else that the bible clearly states is wrong... I do not prefer one man over the other ... I simply admitted that I am unable to understand the rude and demeaning rhetoric of your sitting president.

Your opinion of me is of no concern to me... but thanks for the evaluation. LOL

Prayer Warrior

Well-Known Member
Sep 20, 2018
United States
I don't vote in my country either... I never have... because I don't believe in politics... and to answer your aggressive accusation towards me... I don't believe in abortion... or the LGTBQ agenda... or anything else that the bible clearly states is wrong... I do not prefer one man over the other ... I simply admitted that I am unable to understand the rude and demeaning rhetoric of your sitting president.

Your opinion of me is of no concern to me... but thanks for the evaluation. LOL

I'm afraid that you took my comment way too personally. I was responding to what you said to me, not lodging an aggressive accusation.

I will say that sometimes, we have to look below the surface of politicians--beyond the rhetoric to how they vote, what policies they support and pass. When I compare rudeness to supporting and passing legislation that makes it easier to kill babies, there is no comparison.

BUT we must ALL do as God calls us to do. If He has told you not to vote (in Canada), then don't vote. My calling is different.

Blessings to you!


Well-Known Member
Feb 7, 2010
United States
Religion is not politics...
But religion definitely affects political views.

It has done so since the Garden in Eden...and since Noah and his family were aboard the Ark.

Can't get away from the two...

Religion's theologies shapes your opinions.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 20, 2020
I did take your comment personally because you assumed that I don't care about abortion... and you then told me you are glad I am not in US to vote.... Anyways... no harm done....It's all good...

I have never voted in my entire life and I will be 58 in a month.... I have never followed or cared about politics when I was a non-believer and that did not change when I became a Christian... I do not assume to be right... but my simple little brain cannot handle complicated matters... I bring my concerns to God and I have complete trust in His Sovereignty.

My opinion of your sitting president was an honest one... and like you stated... has no value as I am not even American...

I do think the point of this thread is the terrible anger and accusations that are brewing between what you guys call the left and the right.
God knows our hearts... and like I stated... I do hope that all TRUTH comes to light.... as my dislike of your leader means absolutely nothing... LOL