The deep danger of politicizing Christianity. It simply reveals our deep need for revival.

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Well-Known Member
Dec 2, 2019
United States
I am not sure how this will be received, but it must be said. The rift created by this election should scare the pants off of us, not because the party we are affiliated with may not like the results, nor because some are now talking about armed civil war (although that is truly disturbing) but because, ultimately, it reveals the terrible state of the church here in the U.S.

We as His body are called to be the salt of the earth, its 'preservative' from evil having free rein, but sadly, the truth is, we have become sucked into the earths death throlls and on each side of the argument, Christians have been deceived, each one convinced that satan is motivating the other side. The truth is, they are both right.

We as His eternal children, are not of the earth. We are simply sojourners, passers through, but we simply do not get that yet. This is not our home. It never was. I have seen posts here even recently talking about armed rebellion to send 'the left' to see satan. Good Lord, have mercy on us!

On the one side, you have those approving abortion, transgender treatment for kids, gay marriage and stopping support of Israel. On the other side, a leader willing to separate children from parent, one who lies constantly, a man who has no moral compass at all, who has an army of yes men to do his bidding no matter what laws he has to break to get his way. Conspiracy theories have been eaten up like candy, even when no proofs have been presented to substantiate them.

We have all been so overrun by lies and fake news that few have the wisdom to see what is happening. It truly is a terrifying time.

Both of these choices should send us to our knees but instead, multitudes have chosen sides and by doing so, are choosing evil, no matter which side they think is 'more' right. Both are evil and I pray we see that.

America is not God's bastion of truth in a world running amok. We are carnal, self-centered, doing what benefits us just like everyone else. God and patriotism will soon have to part ways and if any think they can keep one foot in each arena, they will soon have to make a choice. We cannot serve God and the god of this earth.

Perilous times are fast approaching. We cannot even fathom how close we are to the end. There is but one place of safety, on our knees, submitting to Him alone, begging Him to forgive us for our blindness and hardness of heart. God will abundantly pardon us and bring us to His place of safety, freed from the grip of our carnal natures and the sin that so easily besets us, but He is waiting on us, each one of us, to tell Him we need Him to rescue us from our carnal, earthly mindset.

In the early church, as Caesar was burning Christians to light His courtyard, as entire families were being fed to wild beasts to entertain the public, Christians did not fight back. They believed that whoever was the governing authority was appointed by God. It was not a stamp of approval on them. Do we understand that?

Now is the time when we need to revisit the verse that tells us:

2 Chronicles 7:14
King James Version

"14 If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land."

The question before us is..... will we admit our need, both collectively and individually, that it is OUR sin that needs to be confessed and healed? God has promised to heal our land.... not America, but the church itself, worldwide.

I do not think I can remember a time I have been more saddened by what I see happening to us as His people. Yes, we will have tribulation in the world. Yes, things are terrible and confusing and disheartening. But guys, for Jesus to return, these things MUST come to pass.

We are to overcome evil, but cannot do so until the evil is first subdued in us, in our own hearts. Our call is not to overcome evil with armed 'defense of the truth', no matter what we believe is the truth.

There is but ONE truth, Jesus Himself, and He does not need us defending Him. He needs us to submit to Him, fully, 100% surrender, for it is the only way we can overcome evil with good.

May God awaken us to our great need, for it is the only path to us having our eyes opened to how, despite the world rolling on towards destruction, we can walk faithful to Him all the way to the end.

Let us remember that the wrath of man worketh not the righteousness of God. Let us cry out to our God for heavenly mindedness, eyes that have a laser focus on Christ. Evil men will wax worse and worse, both democrats and republicans. This world is rotting and the rot is coming towards the surface, infecting even those who are called to be part of the Bride. I pray eyes are opened to what satan's plan is and that we all flee into the safety of Christ's open arms.

blessings to all who are His children,


Lord Jesus, have mercy upon your servant for such a poorly worded call to your children. Forgive us all Lord, mysrlf at the head of the line, for our self willed blindness to the truth of who we are and what our calling actually entails.

Let the blinders fall from our eyes that we might see the hope of our calling and the exceeding great power You have towards usward who believe.

Forgive each one of us for our part, big or small, in promoting our own kingdom at the expense of yours.

Restore us to full spiritual health, no matter the cost to us personally, and use us Lord in these last days, to save as many as possible from the destruction we know is coming.

Give us eyes that see past today, our past our own little worlds, or past the borders of our own country of residence. Let us see that ultimately, there is simply your will or ours and our call is full and absolute surrender. Amen.

Great post, but God is promising to heal nobody's land today.

That was in the O.T. to the Jews in a geographical place.

The only thing God has promised for us today is the rapture, the great tribulation, the 2nd coming of Christ and the millennial reign of Christ.

All of these political exercises we are beholding are just leading to these events.

There are zero promises from God referring to MAGA, but God's promises are MJGA(make Jerusalem Great Again), which we saw a year ago via President Trump....

2 Behold, I will make Jerusalem a cup of trembling unto all the people round about, when they shall be in the siege both against Judah and against Jerusalem.

3 And in that day will I make Jerusalem a burdensome stone for all people: all that burden themselves with it shall be cut in pieces, though all the people of the earth be gathered together against it.


amigo de christo

Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
San angelo
United States
That's not quite right.

Jesus told the Jews that they ARE the salt of the earth. Nowhere are the body of Christ "called to be" salt.

Much love!
That same JESUS said to go and teach all nations to OBSERVE , TO DO , those things i have commanded you .
THE WORDS of JESUS applies to any lamb of HIS whether jew or gentile . Lambs hear only ONE VOICE
the shepard of the SHEEP . Lambs have the holy spirit which is our comforter
which Reminds us of ALL things Jesus said . ITs real simple . IF JESUS said it LOVE and DO IT .


Well-Known Member
Nov 3, 2020
Maryville, Tn.
United States
Devil led Heretics would teach that Christians are to "fear", are to be "scared'.

Paul Teaches, according to Jesus, that God has not given us a spirit of "scared" or "fear", but rather the opposite of this....of "power".. and "soundness of Mind".

The depraved heretic would rant about a Christian's need to be scared, and this is the doctrine of a devil, who has no fellowship with truth, and would commit the public sin of trying to cause Real Born Again Christians to "fear", or as you define it... "be scared".

Only a bible denier would publically confess that a born again believer, with Christ in them and with God on their side would need to be "scared" and only an advanced heretic would attempt to justify their devilment by twisting the word of God in a future post.

No doubt you'll do it and not just once more.
May I ask for clarification? Are you saying I am a depraved heretic and Bible denier? Don't skirt the issue. Answer plainly. Thanks in advance.

blessings to you, Behold

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Well-Known Member
Nov 3, 2020
Maryville, Tn.
United States
Great post, but God is promising to heal nobody's land today.

That was in the O.T. to the Jews in a geographical place.

The only thing God has promised for us today is the rapture, the great tribulation, the 2nd coming of Christ and the millennial reign of Christ.

All of these political exercises we are beholding are just leading to these events.

There are zero promises from God referring to MAGA, but God's promises are MJGA(make Jerusalem Great Again), which we saw a year ago via President Trump....

2 Behold, I will make Jerusalem a cup of trembling unto all the people round about, when they shall be in the siege both against Judah and against Jerusalem.

3 And in that day will I make Jerusalem a burdensome stone for all people: all that burden themselves with it shall be cut in pieces, though all the people of the earth be gathered together against it.

If you read what I said concerning that verse, I tried to clarify and define land not as a country but as God's people. Whether it be Jerusalem or the church, the principle given applies to both. Rhank you fpr writing.




Well-Known Member
Nov 3, 2020
Maryville, Tn.
United States
Religion is not politics...
But religion definitely affects political views.

It has done so since the Garden in Eden...and since Noah and his family were aboard the Ark.

Can't get away from the two...

Religion's theologies shapes your opinions.
So, if this be true, either there are two correct theologies or one side of the rift is God's side and the other, fake believers who only pretend to be Christians..... or.... we all have stopped up ears to God's voice and are trying to bend God's theology to fit the political agenda WE have deemed totally correct.

There is only one correct answer.



Hidden In Him

Well-Known Member
May 10, 2018
Lafayette, LA
United States
The depraved heretic would rant about a Christian's need to be scared, and this is the doctrine of a devil, who has no fellowship with truth, and would commit the public sin of trying to cause Real Born Again Christians to "fear", or as you define it... "be scared".

Only a bible denier would publically confess that a born again believer, with Christ in them and with God on their side would need to be "scared" and only an advanced heretic would attempt to justify their devilment by twisting the word of God in a future post.

No doubt you'll do it and not just once more.

Behold, this is over-reactionary nonsense. I'm assuming posts like this are why you love teaching that all your sins are "covered in the blood" so you can justify accusing everyone who happens to disagree with you a little of "serving the Devil."

If you are a Bible teacher, explain to me what 2 Timothy 2:24-25 means.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
May I ask for clarification? Are you saying I am a depraved heretic and Bible denier? Don't skirt the issue. Answer plainly. Thanks in advance.

blessings to you, Behold


Im saying that on a Public Christian Forum, you told the Born again, they should be "scared".

"Scared"...... that's FEAR.

Fear is not of God.
Similar to you.

Is that clear enough?
Write me back if you need more clarity, as i have plenty more to give you.


Well-Known Member
Jun 20, 2020
Im saying that on a Public Christian Forum, you told the Born again, they should be "scared".

"Scared"...... that's FEAR.

Fear is not of God.
Similar to you.

Is that clear enough?
Write me back if you need more clarity, as i have plenty more to give you.

I have reported this post as being vendictive and cruel. Just saying...


Well-Known Member
Nov 3, 2020
Maryville, Tn.
United States
Im saying that on a Public Christian Forum, you told the Born again, they should be "scared".

"Scared"...... that's FEAR.

Fear is not of God.
Similar to you.

Is that clear enough?
Write me back if you need more clarity, as i have plenty more to give you.
Actually, that is simply dodging the question I posed totally. This was a simply yes or no question.

Are you saying that I am depraved heretic? Your post made it pretty clear that you thought exactly that with just enough of a smokescreen to hide in the smoke. So, yes or no, for those are consequential words to speak?

And here again in this post. your words "Fear is not of God, similar to you." Would you clarify what that means? Thanks in advance.

blessings to you, Behold


Ronald Nolette

Well-Known Member
Aug 24, 2020
South Carolina
United States
I am not sure how this will be received, but it must be said. The rift created by this election should scare the pants off of us, not because the party we are affiliated with may not like the results, nor because some are now talking about armed civil war (although that is truly disturbing) but because, ultimately, it reveals the terrible state of the church here in the U.S.

We as His body are called to be the salt of the earth, its 'preservative' from evil having free rein, but sadly, the truth is, we have become sucked into the earths death throlls and on each side of the argument, Christians have been deceived, each one convinced that satan is motivating the other side. The truth is, they are both right.

We as His eternal children, are not of the earth. We are simply sojourners, passers through, but we simply do not get that yet. This is not our home. It never was. I have seen posts here even recently talking about armed rebellion to send 'the left' to see satan. Good Lord, have mercy on us!

On the one side, you have those approving abortion, transgender treatment for kids, gay marriage and stopping support of Israel. On the other side, a leader willing to separate children from parent, one who lies constantly, a man who has no moral compass at all, who has an army of yes men to do his bidding no matter what laws he has to break to get his way. Conspiracy theories have been eaten up like candy, even when no proofs have been presented to substantiate them.

We have all been so overrun by lies and fake news that few have the wisdom to see what is happening. It truly is a terrifying time.

Both of these choices should send us to our knees but instead, multitudes have chosen sides and by doing so, are choosing evil, no matter which side they think is 'more' right. Both are evil and I pray we see that.

America is not God's bastion of truth in a world running amok. We are carnal, self-centered, doing what benefits us just like everyone else. God and patriotism will soon have to part ways and if any think they can keep one foot in each arena, they will soon have to make a choice. We cannot serve God and the god of this earth.

Perilous times are fast approaching. We cannot even fathom how close we are to the end. There is but one place of safety, on our knees, submitting to Him alone, begging Him to forgive us for our blindness and hardness of heart. God will abundantly pardon us and bring us to His place of safety, freed from the grip of our carnal natures and the sin that so easily besets us, but He is waiting on us, each one of us, to tell Him we need Him to rescue us from our carnal, earthly mindset.

In the early church, as Caesar was burning Christians to light His courtyard, as entire families were being fed to wild beasts to entertain the public, Christians did not fight back. They believed that whoever was the governing authority was appointed by God. It was not a stamp of approval on them. Do we understand that?

Now is the time when we need to revisit the verse that tells us:

2 Chronicles 7:14
King James Version

"14 If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land."

The question before us is..... will we admit our need, both collectively and individually, that it is OUR sin that needs to be confessed and healed? God has promised to heal our land.... not America, but the church itself, worldwide.

I do not think I can remember a time I have been more saddened by what I see happening to us as His people. Yes, we will have tribulation in the world. Yes, things are terrible and confusing and disheartening. But guys, for Jesus to return, these things MUST come to pass.

We are to overcome evil, but cannot do so until the evil is first subdued in us, in our own hearts. Our call is not to overcome evil with armed 'defense of the truth', no matter what we believe is the truth.

There is but ONE truth, Jesus Himself, and He does not need us defending Him. He needs us to submit to Him, fully, 100% surrender, for it is the only way we can overcome evil with good.

May God awaken us to our great need, for it is the only path to us having our eyes opened to how, despite the world rolling on towards destruction, we can walk faithful to Him all the way to the end.

Let us remember that the wrath of man worketh not the righteousness of God. Let us cry out to our God for heavenly mindedness, eyes that have a laser focus on Christ. Evil men will wax worse and worse, both democrats and republicans. This world is rotting and the rot is coming towards the surface, infecting even those who are called to be part of the Bride. I pray eyes are opened to what satan's plan is and that we all flee into the safety of Christ's open arms.

blessings to all who are His children,


Lord Jesus, have mercy upon your servant for such a poorly worded call to your children. Forgive us all Lord, mysrlf at the head of the line, for our self willed blindness to the truth of who we are and what our calling actually entails.

Let the blinders fall from our eyes that we might see the hope of our calling and the exceeding great power You have towards usward who believe.

Forgive each one of us for our part, big or small, in promoting our own kingdom at the expense of yours.

Restore us to full spiritual health, no matter the cost to us personally, and use us Lord in these last days, to save as many as possible from the destruction we know is coming.

Give us eyes that see past today, our past our own little worlds, or past the borders of our own country of residence. Let us see that ultimately, there is simply your will or ours and our call is full and absolute surrender. Amen.

So true!

While as followers of jesus, we truly should desire to see godly leaders run thius nation, there is also the danger of over emphasizing the politics while downplaying the kingdom we represent!

I have to be very careful as politics is like an avid hobby of mine!:p

One thing that always remains true, no matter who sits in Pennsylvania Avenue, God is still on the throne.

US govt. promises come and go, but the promises of our Father in heaven are eternal!
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Well-Known Member
Jun 20, 2020
So true!

While as followers of jesus, we truly should desire to see godly leaders run thius nation, there is also the danger of over emphasizing the politics while downplaying the kingdom we represent!

I have to be very careful as politics is like an avid hobby of mine!:p

One thing that always remains true, no matter who sits in Pennsylvania Avenue, God is still on the throne.

US govt. promises come and go, but the promises of our Father in heaven are eternal!

Very wise words.... indeed!


Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
Behold, this is over-reactionary nonsense. I'm assuming posts like this are why you love teaching that all your sins are "covered in the blood" so you can justify accusing everyone who happens to disagree with you a little of "serving the Devil."

If you are a Bible teacher, explain to me what 2 Timothy 2:24-25 means.

Truthfully......Ive noticed that people who respond like you, are worried about "touchy, feely, love", but could care less about bible doctrine.

So, Gideon300, posted that you are to be""" scared"""". So, go ahead with that, if you think that is scriptural.
I'll go in another direction and so will the Holy Spirit.

Listen carefully...
Ive witnessed the harm this person can do, on another forum.
"Worthy Christian Forum".
Go there, and talk to The Mods.....Find she's a mod there for many years, and will confirm what im telling you.
So, what you perceive incorrectly as some random personal attack, is actually just the first wall im going to build between the real believers here and this person.
He flames forums, then fans the flames.
He lives on "christian" forums...= to post controversial or anger generation Threads, and then he just sits back and laughs at the FIGHTING.
Ive seen it for MONTHS on another Forum.
He mixes a little truth with a lot of error, and text-speaks in a epic faux- spiritually fake manner that just overwhelms the simple and the easily misled.
Watch and see...
And if he stops, it's because of ME.
Believe it.

Ok, now to your verses.

And your 2nd Tim Verse, is a good one, but you have to understand something about the Word of God

Let me show you.

1. Scripture teaches, confirms, and verifies, other scriptures..

We compare Scripture with Scripture to get the without this, it all pretext, and confusion, and heresy.

So, when you just arbitrarily try to create a pretext... a false idea, . using a single verse....then you have failed to understand why the bible has more then one verse in it.

A Teacher like me, has an ability to let you see inside the meaning....which is the Light.
This why i dont need to post 345 verses, per i can help you to see, the Light that is the meaning of the verses.
Sometimes i post a Verse, and that is the Thread, and i open it in the Thread.....
But normally, i teach the Light that is the verse's meaning.

Paul says a few things, including your verse... and they balance perfectly.....your verse, that you have yanked completely out of Context.

Now you asked me if i am a teacher.....well, 120+ Threads, speak for themselves.

Next, Paul says that we are to ......""""as much as we can, live peacefully with all people"""", including with the Born Again Brethren.
But, Just as Jesus was using a small whip of cords and running people out of the Temple in Jerusalem, there is time for unrelenting and hot, spotlight centered on a heretic.
This is always necessary when someone who will use a forum to harm believers, is in operation.
In that case, you dont play with it, you dont hold hands with it, and you dont abide it.. You dont run up to it with agape` love and try to make friends.
What you do is this..... Titus 3:10
Now go and study that verse, and learn something you need to KNOW.

Lastly....the same Paul who wrote 2nd Tim, also said in those epistles to "rebuke sharply", the believers.
This is one of the best ways, if not the best, that a skilled Teacher will stop heresy, dead, as well as help a confused Christian get back on the right spiritual track.

Now are you following me?
What im telling you is....there is a time for everything, and a means to deal with it.
The Bible is not just a "lets all hug and get along", manuscript.
Jesus Himself said.....that your enemies.....ENEMIES, """"would be found in your own family, and household.""""

So, you think on all that, and see if you can find your way out of the mind you have, that isn't helping you here.
Last edited:


Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
Actually, that is simply dodging the question I posed totally. This was a simply yes or no question.

Are you saying that I am depraved heretic? Your post made it pretty clear that you thought exactly that with just enough of a smokescreen to hide in the smoke. So, yes or no, for those are consequential words to speak?

And here again in this post. your words "Fear is not of God, similar to you." Would you clarify what that means? Thanks in advance.

blessings to you, Behold


I pointed out what you said.
So, never mind all the dodges..... The people on this forum, are not unaware.

You wrote that born again Christians are supposed to be "Scared".

Now, let me give you a list, of 3.
You tell me, of the list, who would want a Believer to Fear.

Here is the List.

1. Jesus
2. Paul
3. Satan

I've no doubt you'll be able to figure this out., and you wont be the only one here, who does.

Now, come back with your next clever trick, and i'll help you with that one also, and also with the next 50.
Believe it.

Prayer Warrior

Well-Known Member
Sep 20, 2018
United States
I did take your comment personally because you assumed that I don't care about abortion... and you then told me you are glad I am not in US to vote.... Anyways... no harm done....It's all good...

I have never voted in my entire life and I will be 58 in a month.... I have never followed or cared about politics when I was a non-believer and that did not change when I became a Christian... I do not assume to be right... but my simple little brain cannot handle complicated matters... I bring my concerns to God and I have complete trust in His Sovereignty.

My opinion of your sitting president was an honest one... and like you stated... has no value as I am not even American...

I do think the point of this thread is the terrible anger and accusations that are brewing between what you guys call the left and the right.
God knows our hearts... and like I stated... I do hope that all TRUTH comes to light.... as my dislike of your leader means absolutely nothing... LOL

It helps if you hit the reply button so that the person you're replying to is notified. I had no idea that you replied to me until I happened to see this comment when I was scrolling through this thread. It just keeps things more fair when we let the other person know we're responding.

I did NOT think that you don't care about abortion. My comment that you initially responded to about this was made to someone else. You took my comment to that person and responded as though I was talking to you even though I quoted that person by hitting the reply button.

To think that this is just a matter of differences between the "left and right" is just plain wrong. If both groups had equally evil platforms or equally good ones, then I would agree. Look at the party platforms. They're on the Internet. The Democrat's platform has become extremely godless over the last decade or two.

If you want to discuss American politics from an informed position, educate yourself. If you just want to sound off, you can do that; it's a free country (I mean the U.S., of course).
Last edited:

Prayer Warrior

Well-Known Member
Sep 20, 2018
United States
There's your physical evidence.

Game over . . . or it should be.
And there is so much more evidence! There is a preponderance of it. The perps have been very creative in their evil schemes. Just about every way they could cheat in this election, they have...and are still trying to. I've never seen anything like it!

BUT praise God, these evil schemes are being exposed daily!


Well-Known Member
Jun 20, 2020
So.....”as a Canadian” you prefer a man who believes it’s okay to kill babies over a man whose policies have defended the unborn???????

I must say that I’m glad you can’t vote in America. Sorry. I don’t intend to sound mean in a thread where diplomacy is the order of the day, but I have found that diplomacy has its limits.

My prayers for Canada!
My comment that you initially responded to about this was made to someone else. You took my comment to that person and responded as though I was talking to you even though I quoted that person by hitting the reply button.

If you look at post #86.... You quoted me directly.... and I responded in kind.

If you want to discuss American politics from an informed position, educate yourself. If you just want to sound off, you can do that; it's a free country (I mean the U.S., of course).[/QUOTE]

The above in bold is your last comment to me.... and it seems to prove the point of this thread... Christians are giving themselves permission to lash out and devour each other over differences of opinion and/or lack of knowledge. I have no interest in American or Canadian politics.

Prayer Warrior

Well-Known Member
Sep 20, 2018
United States
If you look at post #86.... You quoted me directly.... and I responded in kind.
Your very first comment to me in this thread was a reply to a comment I had made to someone else. Go back and look.

And my comment in your above post was anything but "devouring." I purposefully did not respond to you in that way.

If you have no interest in a topic, then why comment in discussions about it? Debates can get steamy. I would say that if you can't take the heat, it's best to stay out of the kitchen. This is what I have to do at times. Sadly, some "people" on here really do try to devour others with very condemning comments. And as you know, condemnation is straight from the devil.

I pray that the Lord will bless you and keep you, Adoration!


Well-Known Member
Jun 20, 2020
The original post of this thread expresses concern over how Christians are devouring each other over what should be a personal and respected
choice...( to vote for whomever one chooses ). What has happened in the Christian world is truly disturbing... no matter how you cut it.

So... I did have interest in this topic... just not a political one. I take your blessing and kiss it back to your heart.

@Prayer Warrior


Well-Known Member
Nov 3, 2020
Maryville, Tn.
United States
Truthfully......Ive noticed that people who respond like you, are worried about "touchy, feely, love", but could care less about bible doctrine.

So, Gideon300, posted that you are to be""" scared"""". So, go ahead with that, if you think that is scriptural.
I'll go in another direction and so will the Holy Spirit.

Listen carefully...
Ive witnessed the harm this person can do, on another forum.
"Worthy Christian Forum".
Go there, and talk to The Mods.....Find she's a mod there for many years, and will confirm what im telling you.
So, what you perceive incorrectly as some random personal attack, is actually just the first wall im going to build between the real believers here and this person.
He flames forums, then fans the flames.
He lives on "christian" forums...= to post controversial or anger generation Threads, and then he just sits back and laughs at the FIGHTING.
Ive seen it for MONTHS on another Forum.
He mixes a little truth with a lot of error, and text-speaks in a epic faux- spiritually fake manner that just overwhelms the simple and the easily misled.
Watch and see...
And if he stops, it's because of ME.
Believe it.

Ok, now to your verses.

And your 2nd Tim Verse, is a good one, but you have to understand something about the Word of God

Let me show you.

1. Scripture teaches, confirms, and verifies, other scriptures..

We compare Scripture with Scripture to get the without this, it all pretext, and confusion, and heresy.

So, when you just arbitrarily try to create a pretext... a false idea, . using a single verse....then you have failed to understand why the bible has more then one verse in it.

A Teacher like me, has an ability to let you see inside the meaning....which is the Light.
This why i dont need to post 345 verses, per i can help you to see, the Light that is the meaning of the verses.
Sometimes i post a Verse, and that is the Thread, and i open it in the Thread.....
But normally, i teach the Light that is the verse's meaning.

Paul says a few things, including your verse... and they balance perfectly.....your verse, that you have yanked completely out of Context.

Now you asked me if i am a teacher.....well, 120+ Threads, speak for themselves.

Next, Paul says that we are to ......""""as much as we can, live peacefully with all people"""", including with the Born Again Brethren.
But, Just as Jesus was using a small whip of cords and running people out of the Temple in Jerusalem, there is time for unrelenting and hot, spotlight centered on a heretic.
This is always necessary when someone who will use a forum to harm believers, is in operation.
In that case, you dont play with it, you dont hold hands with it, and you dont abide it.. You dont run up to it with agape` love and try to make friends.
What you do is this..... Titus 3:10
Now go and study that verse, and learn something you need to KNOW.

Lastly....the same Paul who wrote 2nd Tim, also said in those epistles to "rebuke sharply", the believers.
This is one of the best ways, if not the best, that a skilled Teacher will stop heresy, dead, as well as help a confused Christian get back on the right spiritual track.

Now are you following me?
What im telling you is....there is a time for everything, and a means to deal with it.
The Bible is not just a "lets all hug and get along", manuscript.
Jesus Himself said.....that your enemies.....ENEMIES, """"would be found in your own family, and household.""""

So, you think on all that, and see if you can find your way out of the mind you have, that isn't helping you here.
Wow! That is the longest yes or no answer in the history of avoiding having to actually answer. Do you feel answering directly might have consequences you may not like? I understand, and I hope you see that there is a better way to co-exist.

Look Behold, I know you do not like nor agree with what I am sharing. I get that. You have not been the first nor will you be the last. LOL. But even if we disagree, we are brothers in Christ and Jesus commands us to be patient and kind to one another. I want that interaction between us.

I understand you are not of the same mind as I so I purposely leave your posts alone, for the most that can come out it is further divide, and that in no way glorifies our savior.

I ask the same of you.

If, however, you do not feel our call to live in peace is applicable because I am not a Christian at all but a heretic, then you be clear about that.

I pray you choose peace, dear brother, if per chance, at a future date, our God builds a bridge of fellowship between us.

blessings to you,
