The Fruit of The Spirit.

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Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2018
United States
Lol, thanks brother but, nothing to do with hormones'. It's frustration from inability to physically DO anything. Which in turn can affect one mentally, socially, emotionally, and psychologically. I know that God is continuing a work in me, humbling me in ways I never knew needed it. It's complex and lengthy and I won't subject you to it.
Thank you for the reply, God bless and keep you!
I've been having my own mental struggles, I feel like it would be so much easier if only things were different, but there were so many things I did that I can't do now, and those things I can d, must do, many of them I cannot actually accomplish (lack of money, ability, strength . . .)

Sometimes I go right out of my mind, and that's the way it is. It's hammer and chisel time! But He loves us!

Much love!


Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2011
Luke 11:13

Now, seeing that God said He would give His Spirit to those who ask Him. Having His Spirit living inside you will cause you to produce the fruit of The Spirit.

So, my question here is, if a professed Christian has many issues and difficulties producing these fruits, do they NOT have His Spirit, are they "none of His", even though they might plead continually with God to send them His Spirit so as to fight sin? Are we to "pretend" that we are all in with the works of The Spirit? Smile when yo do not feel it in your heart? Pretend to have joy when we do not? So much is so vague and lot's of guess work as to things we THINK God said, not sure but we might just imagine we did.

Sorry my friend I have only just seen your thread :rolleyes: I seem to miss so much.

you said -“ Having His Spirit living inside you will cause you to produce the fruit of The Spirit. “

The answer to that is no!

The Holy Spirit within us ‘enables ‘ us to to produce the fruits of the Spirit , He does not ‘cause’ us to.
That is like saying “the devil made me do it”.
God gives the Holy Spirit and gifts and we choose day by day moment by moment whether we walk in the Spirit or not.
Paul says -“ IF you walk in the Spirit you won’t fulfil the lusts of the flesh,”

When we get out of bed in the morning , we choose if we will walk ( and manifest) in the Spirit ,
or walk in our own life and reasonings.

The word Grace (Gk) means - “ Gods ability in you , to do what you can’t do, and the reflection in the life”.
We live by His grace , through faith.

That’s how I see this …:)
You are free to disagree….LOL x

PS I haven’t read this thread yet , only the OP.
So maybe someone has already said this!
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Well-Known Member
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Apr 30, 2018
Buffalo, Ny
United States
Sorry my friend I have only just seen your thread :rolleyes: I seem to miss so much.

you said -“ Having His Spirit living inside you will cause you to produce the fruit of The Spirit. “

The answer to that is no!

The Holy Spirit within us ‘enables ‘ us to to produce the fruits of the Spirit , He does not ‘cause’ us to.
That is like saying “the devil made me do it”.
God gives the Holy Spirit and gifts and we choose day by day moment by moment whether we walk in the Spirit or not.
Paul says -“ IF you walk in the Spirit you won’t fulfil the lusts of the flesh,”

When we get out of bed in the morning , we choose if we will walk ( and manifest) in the Spirit ,
or walk in our own life and reasonings.

The word Grace (Gk) means - “ Gods ability in you , to do what you can’t do, and the reflection in the life”.
We live by His grace , through faith.

That’s how I see this …:)
You are free to disagree….LOL x

PS I haven’t read this thread yet , only the OP.
So maybe someone has already said this!

Hey Helen!
Agreed, did not really think about His Spirit "enabling" us as opposed to "causing" us. That would, yes, be like saying the devil made me do it. Satan sure is working overtime with the attacks, for sure. And, it has become every morning lately. I know what needs to be done. It's just the "getting there" quickly, on my knees upon waking even before leaving the bedroom. Although I have to sleep in a recliner for several weeks until my shoulder heals more, it's quite painful but, was to be expected.
My OP was pretty much a slew of "grumbling" and venting...and we know how God LOVES grumbling...NOT.
thanks for responding Helen.

It is rare that I disagree with you sissy! Thanks for the reply.
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Well-Known Member
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Apr 30, 2018
Buffalo, Ny
United States
I've been having my own mental struggles, I feel like it would be so much easier if only things were different, but there were so many things I did that I can't do now, and those things I can d, must do, many of them I cannot actually accomplish (lack of money, ability, strength . . .)

Sometimes I go right out of my mind, and that's the way it is. It's hammer and chisel time! But He loves us!

Much love!
Oh yes Marks! I totally understand, and am sorry you are dealing with the inability to do some of the simplest things. I've lost all of my muscle tone and am very weak. Praying the shoulder replacement will help me to get things done! Then, the left one needs replacing also. Called a reverse shoulder replacement. And yes, God does love us!
I will be praying for you bro.
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Apr 30, 2018
Buffalo, Ny
United States
would have to be about 7 p.m. after I close the shop. Mon and tues are my days off. Not that we couldn’t zoom during open hours but we would have to cut off if a customer came in and that might be frustrating jumping on and off and on.

7 P.M. is fine with me. It will be so nice to see and talk to you again.
Just let me know, I'll be checking in on and off here today.
Hope you have a good sale day today!
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Well-Known Member
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Apr 30, 2018
Buffalo, Ny
United States
It is a tough place to be, seems the valleys never end sometimes! Love you sister see you soon.
Aw, thanks Soulman! Yeah, the valleys are becoming deeper and deeper as the end nears! We NEED to be praying for one another all the time for strength to fight the fiery arrows that seem never ending. We must continue to fight the good fight, and not become weary in well doing!
God bless and keep you brother.


Well-Known Member
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Apr 30, 2018
Buffalo, Ny
United States
'If in this life only we have hope in Christ,
we are of all men most miserable.
But now is Christ risen from the dead,
and become the firstfruits of them that slept.'

(1 Cor. 15:19-20)

Dear Nancy,

I praise God that you know and echo the thoughts of my own heart, for we, as those who have been saved by God's wondrous grace, have the same inner working of the Spirit, and mirror each other in experience and thought. How great is His faithfulness, great His longsuffering and patience, how limitless His love. How wonderful an eternity spent experiencing His lovingkindness outpoured will be.

Thank you
With love in Christ Jesus
You hit the nail on the smack on the head sister, "hope". It is what we have in Him...and faith because we believe, trust as He will always do what He promises.
You're very uplifting Chris, and I thank God for all of you on here as, we do need one another for strength, lifting up and also (IMHO) to be accountable to each other. It's not so easy IRL to find true Christian friends but, God is Spirit and we are to worship Him in Spirit and Truth! So, we really don't have to fellowship face to face as, I'd think our fellowship should be in the Spirit too.
Much love in Christ sister, and thank you again for your awesome words.


Well-Known Member
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Apr 30, 2018
Buffalo, Ny
United States
Now th
Nancy can we all meet at your place and have a picnic .. please :) I have a travel ministry I will call it. I get on a plane.. train.. bus.. and minister to people on my my to the destination. I'm being a little facetious but it would be nice to meet other forum members.. I have always wanted to do that, and came close a couple timed. I have been doing online stuff since late nineties.
That would be AWESOME brother! I'd sure love to meet many on here. I would certainly be on board and would drive a good ways to meet you and others who would like to do that. I've driven cross country two times so, it is not an issue. Ah well, who knows, could happen. Either way, we WILL all meet one day :)
And, of course we can have a cookout at my place!!! :D
Be blessed as you ARE a blessing bro!


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Apr 30, 2018
Buffalo, Ny
United States
Hi, Nancy. Since this is my favorite version of this song and is done by my favorite worship leader, I thought you might like it.
Beautiful song Truman, I've added it to my Christian favorites list! Thanks for sharing!
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soul man

Well-Known Member
Jan 6, 2018
United States
Aw, thanks Soulman! Yeah, the valleys are becoming deeper and deeper as the end nears! We NEED to be praying for one another all the time for strength to fight the fiery arrows that seem never ending. We must continue to fight the good fight, and not become weary in well doing!
God bless and keep you brother.

Thank you Nancy, we will remember you and what you go through. Keep the chin up it really stings, you are not forsaken.
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soul man

Well-Known Member
Jan 6, 2018
United States
Now th

That would be AWESOME brother! I'd sure love to meet many on here. I would certainly be on board and would drive a good ways to meet you and others who would like to do that. I've driven cross country two times so, it is not an issue. Ah well, who knows, could happen. Either way, we WILL all meet one day :)
And, of course we can have a cookout at my place!!! :D
Be blessed as you ARE a blessing bro!

Yes we will meet one day. It be so cool if some of us who would to could do that.
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amigo de christo

Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
San angelo
United States
Hey Jen, sorry for not getting back till now, but I had reverse shoulder replacement surgery yesterday. Taking me a long time to reply with one hand as my right hand is pretty numb right now. I'd love to Zoom! Have work being done in the house tomorrow morning, afternoon. Maybe we could do it tomorrow night? Actually, most anytime except for my follow ups and a dental appointment on Thursday.
Thanks for the reply, miss you!
These folks are gone sister . they are totally gone now . They may as well call the shot the savoir of mankind . Watch this .
This world is tanking .

soul man

Well-Known Member
Jan 6, 2018
United States
This world has long tanked my friend . all we can do is point to JESUS and have all our hope and all our affections above on HIM .

You have to understand the world and it's purpose, 'schoolhouse for the making and molding of sons.' Nothing wrong with the world when it works for the believer. The world will always be in kaos. Means nothing to a believer in view of God's purpose in the schoolhouse!