After 2,000 years of Christian teaching and belief--so much is still not understood.
And yet many, if not all, seem unwilling to hear the end of the matter, as if everything everyone believed or now believes is correct, and willing to fight unto the death. I started a thread (DOES NO ONE WANT TO BE CORRECTED?) about the coming of "all truth" as promise by God but was foretold not to come until just before the end of time. With the idea that with all that is written regarding the great apostacy and false doctrines foretold to be a reality of our times. But it would appear that we need to go back to "the beginning."
Let's see:
What it says--what is written, is that "God created the heavens and the earth"--and "the earth was without form." Hence, the title of this thread. But who has ever taken the words at face value, as they are plainly written? Anyone?
Is "the earth without form?" --Do you believe what you are reading of the word of God--or, are you like the rest of us who just assumed that the earth was without form before creation--instead of the way it is written and declared from the beginning?
And that was just the first two verses of God's word. Is anyone ready to believe it even as stated and move on to "all truth?"
This is the time--"that time" foretold, but are you ready...or even willing?
And yet many, if not all, seem unwilling to hear the end of the matter, as if everything everyone believed or now believes is correct, and willing to fight unto the death. I started a thread (DOES NO ONE WANT TO BE CORRECTED?) about the coming of "all truth" as promise by God but was foretold not to come until just before the end of time. With the idea that with all that is written regarding the great apostacy and false doctrines foretold to be a reality of our times. But it would appear that we need to go back to "the beginning."
Let's see:
In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. The earth was without form, and void; and darkness was on the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God was hovering over the face of the waters (Genesis 1:1-2).
What it says--what is written, is that "God created the heavens and the earth"--and "the earth was without form." Hence, the title of this thread. But who has ever taken the words at face value, as they are plainly written? Anyone?
Is "the earth without form?" --Do you believe what you are reading of the word of God--or, are you like the rest of us who just assumed that the earth was without form before creation--instead of the way it is written and declared from the beginning?
And that was just the first two verses of God's word. Is anyone ready to believe it even as stated and move on to "all truth?"
This is the time--"that time" foretold, but are you ready...or even willing?
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