The Problems of Perpetual Belief Alone Salvation-ism.

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Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2022
United States
All these questions !!!......I don’t know how you expect me to get any Christmas Shopping done if I have to stay stuck here at my keyboard answering all of these inquiries of yours !l lol.....please , can you Narrow this down to one or two questions at a time? You are all over the map here and may God forgive me, I am a very lazy man— retirement has ruined me—— lol.....
Well most folks on here will not openly admit they live in sin, so at least you can see you are sinning and admit to it. I'll ask one question, since you believe only the commandment of faith in Christ is essential to salvation., Does this mean Gods other commandments are non-essential to salvation?
If so your doctrine of salvation is, salvation through belief only and no obedience to Gods commandments

Bible Highlighter

Well-Known Member
Feb 17, 2022
United States
The Apostle Paul taught us to be bold in our testimony of the gospel. 16 For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth; to the Jew first, and also to the Greek.
I used to believe the gospel could only be 1 Corinthians 15:1-4.
But recently when I was reading 1 Corinthians 15, I did not see an end in Paul’s line of thinking on the gospel until verse 10 (with a concluding summary thought with verse 11).
There is no break in his thinking In starting another thought in verses 1-10.
It’s all continuous and unbroken.

This means that 1 Corinthians 15:10 is included in the gospel. For Paul labored more than his brethren, yet not himself, but the grace of God that was within him. I see the grace of God as two fold here. First, the grace of God is Jesus Christ. Two, the grace of God is similar to what happened with the woman who washed Jesus‘ feet with her tears. For she was forgiven much and therefore, she loved much.

This makes sense because it is not only only good news to have our past sins forgiven, but it’s even more good news to be set free from being a slave to sin in this life by the power of Jesus Christ and His grace.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 21, 2021
United States
It’s the power of God unto Salvation. The gospel of Christ. Yes Biblehighlighter. Death, burial, resurrection. God bless.
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Bible Highlighter

Well-Known Member
Feb 17, 2022
United States
It’s the power of God unto Salvation. The gospel of Christ. Yes Biblehighlighter. Death, burial, resurrection. God bless.
This is all people want to hear these days. But the gospel is more. The gospel also includes 1 Corinthians 15:10.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 24, 2020
The Midwest
United States
It’s the power of God unto Salvation. The gospel of Christ. Yes Biblehighlighter. Death, burial, resurrection. God bless.
Yes, the gospel is the "good news" of the death, burial and resurrection of Christ (1 Corinthians 15:1-4) and is the power of God unto salvation to everyone that BELIEVES.. (Romans 1:16) To "believe" the gospel is to trust in the death, burial and resurrection of Christ as the ALL-SUFFICIENT means of our salvation.

God bless you.


Well-Known Member
Apr 21, 2021
United States
@Bible Highlighter i don’t even know if I can believe you or trust you to tell me what is right or wrong. The same should go for speculation of myself.

Therefore all your biblical knowledge while it is great doesn’t mean much in the face of the reality of the one who makes people right with God by faith, and that is all about the Gospel of Christ.


Well-Known Member
Apr 21, 2021
United States
“Now I would remind you, brethren, in what terms I preached to you the gospel, which you received, in which you stand, by which you are saved, if you hold it fast—unless you believed in vain. For I delivered to you as of first importance what I also received, that Christ died for our sins in accordance with the scriptures, that he was buried, that he was raised on the third day in accordance with the scriptures, and that he appeared to Cephas, then to the twelve. Then he appeared to more than five hundred brethren at one time, most of whom are still alive, though some have fallen asleep. Then he appeared to James, then to all the apostles. Last of all, as to one untimely born, he appeared also to me. For I am the least of the apostles, unfit to be called an apostle, because I persecuted the church of God. But by the grace of God I am what I am, and his grace toward me was not in vain. On the contrary, I worked harder than any of them, though it was not I, but the grace of God which is with me.”
‭‭1 Corinthians‬ ‭15‬:‭1‬-‭10‬ ‭RSV‬‬

Any work people do it’s credit to Jesus Christ and them being lead and following the spirit in prayers and supplications to the Father.

Any work any Christian does is to love God and love others. And it’s the spirit that is doing it through them, by supplications and prayers.

Faith + works (which works is love and love = 1 Corinthians 13). The works are from Christ himself and never our flesh.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 21, 2021
United States
Maybe I’m wrong though I don’t know take care

But if the Law came through mOses and grace and truth came through Jesus, that grace moving Paul was the Spirit of Christ within him wouldn’t ya say?


Well-Known Member
Apr 21, 2021
United States
My apologies for the many post but I have shared this with you once before @Bible Highlighter.

Paul was doing everything by the spirit that compelled him to continue to spread the gospel before his death, even the end of the material age of Jerusalem.

He ran the race working out his own salvation in fear and trembling, he did everything out of love and hospitality, conforming to the death of Christ.

Now remember we are talking about Paul here no one else, in Hebrews there is a talking of a better resurrection; and Paul mentioned in Philippians I believe - to receive the resurrection of the dead - the better resurrection.

How does one obtain not just a condemned spiritual body in the after life because of non-faith, not just a normal resurrected spiritual body, but a resurrection that is outside of the normal?

That is something you should go take a look at and explore. You obviously have a lot of fun putting everything together and reading scripture and I believe that is a great thing, even so all of us are individually hoping for the day we go and be with God in the heavenly Jerusalem.

I don’t know why you don’t got you a YouTube or something to post your own teachings, I’m sure some of your writings here have helped others by the spirit.

God bless.

Gospel Believer

Well-Known Member
Aug 2, 2019
Columbus Ohio
United States
You mean believers like you will not read them because you don’t like what they say.
The Scriptures will be fulfilled and there will be righteous and faithful believers to the LORD Jesus who will enter the Kingdom.
Again, the problem is that you are not dealing with what the Bible says. You can call it a wall of Scripture all you like, but if we as believers do not receive the words of Jesus, those words will judge us on the last day (John 12:48).

That’s poor Hermeneutics.
You cannot say that certain verses just takes care of the others as if to suggest that these other verses are no longer valid.

That is a past tense one time event in being saved.
A person can be saved from a burning building in the past (Which is a one time event), but that does not mean they can later at another point in time not be saved (like say, they drowned in stormy waters before the coast guard could reach them).

My Bible says this for 1 Corinthians 1:8.

“Who shall also confirm you unto the end, that ye may be blameless in the day of our Lord Jesus Christ.” (1 Corinthians 1:8).

Did you notice the word “may” in there. That you MAY be blameless. May is not a guarantee.
This is why you are to work out your salvation with fear and trembling (Philippians 2:12).
God is not going to be faithful for you.
1 Timothy 6:12 says fight the good fight of faith and lay hold on eternal life.
But you don’t believe that verse.
You think other easy Believism type verses undoes them (When that’s not the case).
Both sets of verses are true in what they say.
We must believe AND be faithful to make it into God’s Kingdom.
It’s why the Bible says for you to CONTINUE in the faith.
CONTINUE in God’s grace.
CONTINUE in His goodness.
KEEP yourself in the love of God.
So faithfulness it’s not an automatic thing as you suggest.

You are in grave error. Jesus says that everyone who does not do what He says is like a fool who built their house upon the sand and when a storm came, great was the fall of that house (See: Matthew 7:26-27).

It is true that Abraham needed to believe God in regards to the promise. The point was belief. We as Christians need to believe, as well.
Paul made this as a point of how we first need to be saved initially by God’s grace through faith (Which is a process of salvation without works). But after we are saved by God’s grace initially, we know that His grace teaches us to deny ungodliness, and that we should live righteously and godly in this present world (Titus 2:11-12). Grace gives us the ability to do the work (1 Corinthians 15:10). You can even fall from grace (See: Galatians 5:4).

While believers need to have faith in His blood (Romans 3:25), they also need to walk in the light as He is in the light… so that the blood of Jesus will cleanse them from all sin, too (See: 1 John 1:7). This walking in the light = Loving your brother according to the indirect wording in 1 John 2:9-11. So it’s not just believing alone that will save you. Even the demons believe and tremble.So it’s not just believing alone that will save you. Even the demons believe and tremble.g to the indirect wording in 1 John 2:9-11. So it’s not just believing alone that will save you. Even the demons believe and tremble.

So it’s not just believing alone that will save you. Even the demons believe and tremble.

Think what you want to think....I won’t lose any sleep over it...

It’s a shame you have to misquote Scripture to try to make your invalid point....Want the Demons really “Believed “ was that there was “ ONE GOD” at a time when most civilizations ( like the Romans) believed that there were thousands of them —— the point that was trying to be made in these verses ( James 2:19) was that just because you believed the truth of One God verses thousands of them, That was better than nothing , but overall did not amount to a hill of beans.....if you could not read that verse and figure “ THAT” out, why would anybody think that you knew “ anything” about the Word Of God? A 12 year old could see it.....

Here’s something else a 12 year old could figure out—- When the question was asked of Paul by the Phillipian Jailer, “ What Must I do to be Saved?” , what did Paul say? Here was the Golden Opportunity to list all the things that confused people like you think are necessary to be Saved—- your entire, mighty Scripture Wall—- But Paul Only said the following : “ BELIEVE on the Lord, Jesus Christ and thou shall be Saved” .....PERIOD. If there were more to it than that, and Paul left it out and thereby was responsible for the Damnation of millions who simply Trust in what he said under the influence of the Holy Spirit, he should be cursed.....and he ain’t.
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Gospel Believer

Well-Known Member
Aug 2, 2019
Columbus Ohio
United States
Paul made this as a point of how we first need to be saved initially by God’s grace through faith (Which is a process of salvation without works). But after we are saved by God’s grace initially,

“ INITIAL SALVATION “Lol.......I’d just LOVE to see your Chapter and Verse on that UNBIBLICAL load of Clap- Trap! Have you been eating expired food from the Fridge or something ?

What Paul REALLY said is that is FAITH from Start to Finish......Read Galatians ......Paul warned them about trying to “ Finish by Works what was Started by Faith” ......”From FAITH to FAITH”...... How are we to “LIVE” once we are Saved by Faith Plus Nothing? “ The RIGHTEOUS shall ** LIVE** by FAITH!

You confuse what Believers “SHOULD” do , (and with the help of the Holy Spirit, “ WILL” do ) with what a person “ MUST” do.....the only thing one “ MUST” do is to be “ Born Again”...... to do that, one MUST do God's Will......and what would “ that” be? That inquiry was asked and answered by Jesus Himself—— The Will Of The Father was to “ BELIEVE on the One that He sent”........ yeah, it’s that simple......I pray that Newbies that visit this site that have yet to be ruined by you confused and perhaps lost Legalists will not try to complicate what God has made so simple......You even managed to complicate Romans 10:13 ....” Anybody that ASKS to be Saved WILL be Saved”....... You reject God’s simple means of Salvation to all fallen and Lost Sinners that He still Loves so much and you reject the thing that saved every man that was ever saved—-God's Grace ......Just like Modern- Day Pharisees —— “ You don't enter and you don’t let anybody else enter” —— you ought to be ashamed.

Bible Highlighter

Well-Known Member
Feb 17, 2022
United States
So it’s not just believing alone that will save you. Even the demons believe and tremble.

Think what you want to think....I won’t lose any sleep over it...

It’s a shame you have to misquote Scripture to try to make your invalid point....Want the Demons really “Believed “ was that there was “ ONE GOD” at a time when most civilizations ( like the Romans) believed that there were thousands of them —— the point that was trying to be made in these verses ( James 2:19) was that just because you believed the truth of One God verses thousands of them, That was better than nothing , but overall did not amount to a hill of beans.....if you could not read that verse and figure “ THAT” out, why would anybody think that you knew “ anything” about the Word Of God? A 12 year old could see it.....

Here’s something else a 12 year old could figure out—- When the question was asked of Paul by the Phillipian Jailer, “ What Must I do to be Saved?” , what did Paul say? Here was the Golden Opportunity to list all the things that confused people like you think are necessary to be Saved—- your entire, mighty Scripture Wall—- But Paul Only said the following : “ BELIEVE on the Lord, Jesus Christ and thou shall be Saved” .....PERIOD. If there were more to it than that, and Paul left it out and thereby was responsible for the Damnation of millions who simply Trust in what he said under the influence of the Holy Spirit, he should be cursed.....and he ain’t.
Believing in Jesus is more than just believing in the person of Jesus Christ. Believing in Jesus is believing in everything He taught, said, and did. If we are not obeying Jesus or seeking to follow Him then we are not really believing Jesus.

Hebrews 11 defines faith as both a belief (Hebrews 11:3), and it defines it as obeying what God tells you to do, like when God told Noah to build an Ark (See: Hebrews 11:7).

Bible Highlighter

Well-Known Member
Feb 17, 2022
United States
Paul made this as a point of how we first need to be saved initially by God’s grace through faith (Which is a process of salvation without works). But after we are saved by God’s grace initially,

“ INITIAL SALVATION “Lol.......I’d just LOVE to see your Chapter and Verse on that UNBIBLICAL load of Clap- Trap! Have you been eating expired food from the Fridge or something ?

What Paul REALLY said is that is FAITH from Start to Finish......Read Galatians ......Paul warned them about trying to “ Finish by Works what was Started by Faith” ......”From FAITH to FAITH”...... How are we to “LIVE” once we are Saved by Faith Plus Nothing? “ The RIGHTEOUS shall ** LIVE** by FAITH!

You confuse what Believers “SHOULD” do , (and with the help of the Holy Spirit, “ WILL” do ) with what a person “ MUST” do.....the only thing one “ MUST” do is to be “ Born Again”...... to do that, one MUST do God's Will......and what would “ that” be? That inquiry was asked and answered by Jesus Himself—— The Will Of The Father was to “ BELIEVE on the One that He sent”........ yeah, it’s that simple......I pray that Newbies that visit this site that have yet to be ruined by you confused and perhaps lost Legalists will not try to complicate what God has made so simple......You even managed to complicate Romans 10:13 ....” Anybody that ASKS to be Saved WILL be Saved”....... You reject God’s simple means of Salvation to all fallen and Lost Sinners that He still Loves so much and you reject the thing that saved every man that was ever saved—-God's Grace ......Just like Modern- Day Pharisees —— “ You don't enter and you don’t let anybody else enter” —— you ought to be ashamed.
Yes, Paul mentions many times of our Initial Salvation in places like Ephesians 2:8-9, Titus 3:5, etcetera.
If you are honest in reading the context, you will discover that this is so.

As for Paul condemning works in Galatians:

Well, this would be the works of the Laws of Moses (i.e. the 613 Laws of Mose or the Old Law) and not the laws given to us by Christ and His followers. Paul says this because of the heresy of which I call, “Circumcision Salvationism.” This was the false belief that said you had to first be circumcised initially to be saved (See: Acts 15:1, Acts 15:5, Acts 15:24). Paul himself said if you seek to be circumcised, Christ will profit you nothing (Galatians 5:2). For if a person thought they had to be circumcised to be initially saved, then they would be making a Law or Work the entrance gate and foundation of their salvation instead of God’s grace through faith in Jesus Christ. This is why Paul spoke negatively of the Law or works. Paul was not condemning the works of faith that are a requirement of our faith. Boasting is excluded by the Law of Faith (Romans 3:27). So Ephesians 2:9 that talks about boasting in one’s works is not referring to the work of faith that Paul talks about elsewhere (1 Thessalonians 1:3) (2 Thessalonians 1:11).

I mean, you cannot in good conscience read 1 Timothy 6:12 that says fight the good fight of faith and lay hold on eternal life and claim that is referring to Belief Alone Salvationism. You gotta also fight the good fight of faith. But hey. You can ignore those parts of the Bible you don’t Iike and see how that works out for you in the end. I know it will not work for you because there are many warnings against be unfruitful. There is even a warning for a particular church about how their works were not found perfect before God (with them being called dead) in Revelation 3. I will take my chances with God’s Word and not the candy coated sin and still be saved version of Christianity that is popular these days.

Gospel Believer

Well-Known Member
Aug 2, 2019
Columbus Ohio
United States
Well most folks on here will not openly admit they live in sin, so at least you can see you are sinning and admit to it. I'll ask one question, since you believe only the commandment of faith in Christ is essential to salvation., Does this mean Gods other commandments are non-essential to salvation?
If so your doctrine of salvation is, salvation through belief only and no obedience to Gods commandments

Anybody that thinks that they have somehow “ risen above sin” since they got Saved is a blind Fool....Why does Jesus” Forever Live to be our Advocate “ if we don’t need one .....why does God say that He “ Chastises the Children That He Loves” If His Children no longer “ Stumble” ( as even James admits!) and don’t ever deserve to be Corrected with the Rod ? Does God punish those that don’t deserve it so as to get “ kicks” out of it or something? Jesus taught that even the thought of Sin is just as bad as the deed itself ( “ he that lusts in his heart after a woman is Guilty Of Adultery!) Even the more than unlikely Unsaved writer “ Dear Abbey” had the insight to know that”we ALL have secret thoughts hat would shame Hell! “

Commandment - Keeping is Great! I strive to keep all of the 613 ( not just Ten) Commandments That I can! They are for our own good! Try to Keep them and God will most certainly Bless you for it—— He just won’t SAVE you for it! If we could Save ourselves by Keeping Commandments , Jesus suffered and died for no reason....

Anybody that desires to get Justified by going the LegalRoute is certainly free to do so, but just remember this ——“ By The Deeds Of The Law, NO FLESH will be Justified! “ .....also realize that if you want to be under the Law you will also be under “ The Curse Of The Law! “ ......that Curse is that if you break Just ONE LAW , you are “ Guilty Of breaking them ALL! “

So, if you are Foolish enough to take on the Law to try to get Saved—- have at it and good luck! For those of you out there that have the sense to agree with Paul that the Law is “ Weak and Useless” unless you know how to use it ( and you “ use it” to let it show you that you are a Sinner That MUST have a Savior) , take advantage of the “ Good News”........The Good News ( The Gospel ) is that all those Sins that you have committed and are STILL committing have been dealt with! Jesus died for them! If you simply Believe that Jesus died for your sins and rose from the grave , God will give you a Deal that only Somebody with His unfathomable Grace and Love could ever dream up! For your Faith and your Trust in the Shed Blood Of His Son, Jesus,and THAT ALONE, He will take All Of your Sins and out them on the Cross and in turn, take the Perfection Of His Son and IMPUTE That Perfection to your Heavenly Account......
Make no mistake.....If you are Trying ( and of course, Failing ) to keep all of God’s Commandments in order to achieve Eternal Life, the Standard is PERFECTION ! .....24/7.....and you can’t do it! You can never “ make your self “ Worthy”...... however, you can be * MADE* Worthy , if you simply stop “ Trying” to be Saved and start “ TRUSTING” to be Saved......BELIEVE the Gospel Found In 1Cor15:1-4......Believe and REST in the fact that Jesus “ Died for your Sins and rose from the Grave”.......Believe that Promise of God .....that is what Faith is—— taking a Promise Of God and Trusting in it.....THAT is the Faith That Saves.....All Of That “ do do this and don’t do that” stuff that the confused and perhaps Lost Legalists in here preach in order to get Saved? That stuff FOLLOWS Salvation as God goes to work “ Transforming us into the Image Of His Son “ and “ HE will Finish the Good Work That He started”......Don’t Put the Horse Before the cart! May God Bless you in the understanding of these things.....
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Gospel Believer

Well-Known Member
Aug 2, 2019
Columbus Ohio
United States
Yes, Paul mentions many times of our Initial Salvation in places like Ephesians 2:8-9, Titus 3:5, etcetera.
If you are honest in reading the context, you will discover that this is so.

As for Paul condemning works in Galatians:

Well, this would be the works of the Laws of Moses (i.e. the 613 Laws of Mose or the Old Law) and not the laws given to us by Christ and His followers. Paul says this because of the heresy of which I call, “Circumcision Salvationism.” This was the false belief that said you had to first be circumcised initially to be saved (See: Acts 15:1, Acts 15:5, Acts 15:24). Paul himself said if you seek to be circumcised, Christ will profit you nothing (Galatians 5:2). For if a person thought they had to be circumcised to be initially saved, then they would be making a Law or Work the entrance gate and foundation of their salvation instead of God’s grace through faith in Jesus Christ. This is why Paul spoke negatively of the Law or works. Paul was not condemning the works of faith that are a requirement of our faith. Boasting is excluded by the Law of Faith (Romans 3:27). So Ephesians 2:9 that talks about boasting in one’s works is not referring to the work of faith that Paul talks about elsewhere (1 Thessalonians 1:3) (2 Thessalonians 1:11).

I mean, you cannot in good conscience read 1 Timothy 6:12 that says fight the good fight of faith and lay hold on eternal life and claim that is referring to Belief Alone Salvationism. You gotta also fight the good fight of faith. But hey. You can ignore those parts of the Bible you don’t Iike and see how that works out for you in the end. I know it will not work for you because there are many warnings against be unfruitful. There is even a warning for a particular church about how their works were not found perfect before God (with them being called dead) in Revelation 3. I will take my chances with God’s Word and not the candy coated sin and still be saved version of Christianity that is popular these days.

Producing “ Fruit” on your own is nothing more than a “ Dead Work”

I never concern myself with “ Fruit Production” even though I understand the importance if it .....I would venture to say that I produce more “ Fruit” by accident as a NATURAL by-product Of my Faith Plus Nothing approach to Salvation than you do by working and worrying about producing it.....

It’s like this, my well- meaning( perhaps) but confused friend—— You don’t get Fruit out of a tree by grabbing it by the trunk and by shaking it and by yelling at it and demanding , “ PRODUCE FRUIT! PRODUCE FRUIT!” Fruit bearing occurs naturally ....Concentrate on your Faith and get the Holy Spirit in you instead of being a Leaven- Spreading Legalist and you will “ Find Yourself “ producing Fruit Without Trying so hard to manufacture it on your own.....

The Bible also says to “ Pray without ceasing “...... since I started practicing Faith and actually got Saved, I do this naturally —- It’s like all day,every day, I have an on-going conversation with God.....I never have to Force myself to pray.....I never even “ consider” setting aside certain times and places to pray.....If you are doing that, something is wrong....I could never FORCE myself to have these all day conversations with all came naturally as a By- product of my Trusting God and Him ALONE to Save me.....It’s the same thing with “ Fruit- Bearing”...... If it ain’t coming naturally, you are wasting your time with Dead Works ......Your REAL Problem with everything is This—- you don’t really know how to TRUST GOD instead of trusting in yourself and THAT is what True Faith is All about.....If you don’t know how to “ Let Go and Let God”, you have not even entered the Starting Gate Of Real may be just a Religious person That “ Apes” the “Behavior” Of a True Christian Without really possessing the Thing that *CAUSES* that Behavior.....

Bible Highlighter

Well-Known Member
Feb 17, 2022
United States
Anybody that thinks that they have somehow “ risen above sin” since they got Saved is a blind Fool....Why does Jesus” Forever Live to be our Advocate “ if we don’t need one .....why does God say that He “ Chastises the Children That He Loves” If His Children no longer “ Stumble” ( as even James admits!) and don’t ever deserve to be Corrected with the Rod ? Does God punish those that don’t deserve it so as to get “ kicks” out of it or something? Jesus taught that even the thought of Sin is just as bad as the deed itself ( “ he that lusts in his heart after a woman is Guilty Of Adultery!) Even the more than unlikely Unsaved writer “ Dear Abbey” had the insight to know that”we ALL have secret thoughts hat would shame Hell! “

Commandment - Keeping is Great! I strive to keep all of the 613 ( not just Ten) Commandments That I can! They are for our own good! Try to Keep them and God will most certainly Bless you for it—— He just won’t SAVE you for it! If we could Save ourselves by Keeping Commandments , Jesus suffered and died for no reason....

Anybody that desires to get Justified by going the LegalRoute is certainly free to do so, but just remember this ——“ By The Deeds Of The Law, NO FLESH will be Justified! “ .....also realize that if you want to be under the Law you will also be under “ The Curse Of The Law! “ ......that Curse is that if you break Just ONE LAW , you are “ Guilty Of breaking them ALL! “

So, if you are Foolish enough to take on the Law to try to get Saved—- have at it and good luck! For those of you out there that have the sense to agree with Paul that the Law is “ Weak and Useless” unless you know how to use it ( and you “ use it” to let it show you that you are a Sinner That MUST have a Savior) , take advantage of the “ Good News”........The Good News ( The Gospel ) is that all those Sins that you have committed and are STILL committing have been dealt with! Jesus died for them! If you simply Believe that Jesus died for your sins and rose from the grave , God will give you a Deal that only Somebody with His unfathomable Grace and Love could ever dream up! For your Faith and your Trust in the Shed Blood Of His Son, Jesus,and THAT ALONE, He will take All Of your Sins and out them on the Cross and in turn, take the Perfection Of His Son and IMPUTE That Perfection to your Heavenly Account......
Make no mistake.....If you are Trying ( and of course, Failing ) to keep all of God’s Commandments in order to achieve Eternal Life, the Standard is PERFECTION ! .....24/7.....and you can’t do it! You can never “ make your self “ Worthy”...... however, you can be * MADE* Worthy , if you simply stop “ Trying” to be Saved and start “ TRUSTING” to be Saved......BELIEVE the Gospel Found In 1Cor15:1-4......Believe and REST in the fact that Jesus “ Died for your Sins and rose from the Grave”.......Believe that Promise of God .....that is what Faith is—— taking a Promise Of God and Trusting in it.....THAT is the Faith That Saves.....All Of That “ do do this and don’t do that” stuff that the confused and perhaps Lost Legalists in here preach in order to get Saved? That stuff FOLLOWS Salvation as God goes to work “ Transforming us into the Image Of His Son “ and “ HE will Finish the Good Work That He started”......Don’t Put the Horse Before the cart! May God Bless you in the understanding of these things.....
Do you know posters Taken and or Behold?
They also have a problem with the caps lock key and they are not really into addressing any of the points I bring up with Scripture.
They also tend to ramble on ignoring the points I made with Scripture.

BTW ~ The gospel is 1 Corinthians 15:1-10. Not just 1 Corinthians 15:1-4. But even if you wanted it to be just verses 1-4, the gospel calls us in 2 Thessalonians 2:13-14. That call is… God has chosen us to salvation through the Sanctification of the Spirit and a belief of the truth. Just as Titus 2:11-12 says God’s grace teaches us to deny ungodliness and that we should live righteously and godly in this present world. Galatians 6:8-9 is unmistakable. You have to sow to the Spirit in well doing as a part of reaping everlasting life. But hey. You can just keep ignoring or twisting these verses in Scripture if it helps you to sleep at night. Just know I told you the truth of God’s Word.
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Bible Highlighter

Well-Known Member
Feb 17, 2022
United States
Producing “ Fruit” on your own is nothing more than a “ Dead Work”

I never concern myself with “ Fruit Production” even though I understand the importance if it .....I would venture to say that I produce more “ Fruit” by accident as a NATURAL by-product Of my Faith Plus Nothing approach to Salvation than you do by working and worrying about producing it.....

It’s like this, my well- meaning( perhaps) but confused friend—— You don’t get Fruit out of a tree by grabbing it by the trunk and by shaking it and by yelling at it and demanding , “ PRODUCE FRUIT! PRODUCE FRUIT!” Fruit bearing occurs naturally ....Concentrate on your Faith and get the Holy Spirit in you instead of being a Leaven- Spreading Legalist and you will “ Find Yourself “ producing Fruit Without Trying so hard to manufacture it on your own.....

The Bible also says to “ Pray without ceasing “...... since I started practicing Faith , I do this naturally —- It’s like all day,every day, I have an on-going conversation with God.....I never have to Force myself to pray.....I never even “ consider” setting aside certain times and places to pray.....If you are doing that, something is wrong....I could never FORCE myself to have these all day conversations with all came naturally as a By- product of my Trusting God and Him ALONE to Save me.....It’s the same thing with “ Fruit- Bearing”...... If it ain’t coming naturally, you are wasting your time with Dead Works ......Your REAL Problem with everything is This—- you don’t really know how to TRUST GOD instead of trusting in yourself and THAT is what True Faith is All about.....If you don’t know how to “ Let Go and Let God”, you have not even entered the Starting Gate Of Real may be just a Religious person That “ Apes” the “Behavior” Of a True Christian Without really possessing the Thing that *CAUSES* that Behavior.....
*Sigh*. Where did I ever say I must produce fruit on my own?
I didn’t. I am a firm believer in God doing the good work through us.
I don’t believe we can do any good on our own. Only God can do the good through us.
So the point is to surrender to God. Do you even know that you have to pick up your cross daily according to Scripture?
Do you even know that Scripture tells you to STRIVE to enter the straight gate? Your way does not sound like these truths mentioned in Scripture. But hey. Just ignore these verses, right? If it helps you to sleep at night. Just go ahead and ignore em. Just know I warned you about these verses that demolishes your imaginary belief.

Gospel Believer

Well-Known Member
Aug 2, 2019
Columbus Ohio
United States
*Sigh*. Where did I ever say I must produce fruit on my own?
I didn’t. I am a firm believer in God doing the good work through us.
I don’t believe we can do any good on our own. Only God can do the good through us.
So the point is to surrender to God. Do you even know that you have to pick up your cross daily according to Scripture?
Do you even know that Scripture tells you to STRIVE to enter the straight gate? Your way does not sound like these truths mentioned in Scripture. But hey. Just ignore these verses, right? If it helps you to sleep at night. Just go ahead and ignore em. Just know I warned you about these verses that demolishes your imaginary belief.
* Sigh*. As always, you Confuse Salvation with Sanctification.....I , nor anybody else ,ever got SAVED by “ Striving” ...... I got Saved by TRUSTING ......You oughta give it a try.....

We should always STRIVE to “ add to our Faith” with MANY things.....but NOT in order to GET Save or to attempt to STAY Saved.....Salvation was a “ GIFT” , remember ? A Gift GIVEN to those that DONT WORK for it.....stop confusing things that “Follow” Salvation with those things that “Initialize” it ! Only TWO THINGS initialize or bring about Salvation —— #1 The Shed Blood Of Jesus #2 Our Faith In #1 That song that you sing like a Hypocrite on Sunday’s? That one named “ Nothing But The Blood Of Jesus? “ God wants you to either start Believing that Old Hymn or tear it out of your Song Book.....
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Bible Highlighter

Well-Known Member
Feb 17, 2022
United States
* Sigh*. As always, you Confuse Salvation with Sanctification.....I , nor anybody else ,ever got SAVED by “ Striving” ...... I got Saved by TRUSTING ......You oughta give it a try.....

We should always STRIVE to “ add to our Faith” with MANY things.....but NOT in order to GET Save or to attempt to STAY Saved.....Salvation was a “ GIFT” , remember ? A Gift GIVEN to those that DONT WORK for it.....stop confusing things that “Follow” Salvation with those things that “Initialize” it ! Only TWO THINGS initialize or bring about Salvation —— #1 The Shed Blood Of Jesus #2 Our Faith In #1 That song that you sing like a Hypocrite on Sunday’s? That one named “ Nothing But The Blood Of Jesus? “ God wants you to either start Believing that Old Hymn or tear it out of your Song Book.....
STRIVE to enter the straight gate is in the Bible. Try reading Luke 13:24.