The Scarlet Thread Throughtout the Bible, The Blood Covenant

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Ronald David Bruno

Well-Known Member
Nov 7, 2020
United States
and not a single “because Yah requires blood” anywhere to be found, see?
Yah hates your desire for blood, ok
I am thankful for Christ's blood sacrifice, am washed with it and born again. Faith is a gift. I am under grace, not the law. And He died so I can live eternally.
I do not desire blood ... other than the sacrifice of animals. I like chicken, steak, bacon, a little turkey. They die so I can eat. But lately because of my prostate problems, I'll have to give them up too and go vegan.

Ronald David Bruno

Well-Known Member
Nov 7, 2020
United States
and not a single “because Yah requires blood” anywhere to be found, see?
Yah hates your desire for blood, ok
For the life of the flesh is in the blood, and I have given it to you upon the altar to make atonement for your souls; for it is the blood that makes atonement for the soul.’ Lev. 17:11
Actually His first blood sacrifice was with Adam and Eve. After they sinned and were naked, God sacrificed an animal and He covered their bodies with the skins, symbolically covering the sins.


Nov 30, 2016
Ute City, COLO
United States Minor Outlying Islands
I am thankful for Christ's blood sacrifice, am washed with it and born again. Faith is a gift. I am under grace, not the law. And He died so I can live eternally.
making statements as if they were truth is pretty easy i guess, Ron. Asking the right questions is maybe a bit harder
How do you know for sure that you are under grace, and not law? I tell you that your very language use and phrasing reveals who you are right now
For the life of the flesh is in the blood, and I have given it to you upon the altar to make atonement for your souls; for it is the blood that makes atonement for the soul.’ Lev. 17:11
Actually His first blood sacrifice was with Adam and Eve. After they sinned and were naked, God sacrificed an animal and He covered their bodies with the skins, symbolically covering the sins.
yes, that is what the brochure says, but you might note that that is not what Scripture says; Yah made a coat of skins for them see, no killing at all, except in your mind. Also Lev 17:11, while still not saying that God required it, also is during the time of the giving of the law, designed to fail as ive already mentioned, so you are twice removed from truth there, possibly


Well-Known Member
Apr 2, 2022
Durban South Africa
South Africa
yes, that is what the brochure says, but you might note that that is not what Scripture says; Yah made a coat of skins for them see, no killing at all, except in your mind. Also Lev 17:11, while still not saying that God required it, also is during the time of the giving of the law, designed to fail as ive already mentioned, so you are twice removed from truth there, possibly
Definitely the way rabbi's would argue.
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Ronald David Bruno

Well-Known Member
Nov 7, 2020
United States
No son of man may die for another’s sins
Jesus said He was the son of man but He was also the son of God. God became flesh and dwelt among us. So no mere man can do this. He became sin. Do you fathom what that entails? All the sins for all time present , past and future - trilions were cast upon Him. What does that mean? He had to know about all of them. That means He had to be God and omniscient, otherwise it was not possible.
Everything—every single thing, that we are taught in “church” about the Bible is warped in some respect
I went to a great church and had a wonderful Pastor who was led by the Spirit and taught the truth of the Bible. It is important to stick close to scripture for a Pastor/Priest. No church or Pastor/ Priest is perfect; but I would say I agreed with him 95% of the time.
If you think everything is off with every church, how could you possibly know unless you attended every church -- so that statement is frivolous. But then even your judgment is must be coming from the natural man, who finds himself rebelling against God, the Church, Christianity as a whole.
You said you are "like Esau now, wrestling with Yah". So you have not been born again, washed with His blood, baptized by the Holy Spirit. All scripture is spiritually discerned, a natural man cannot perceive the deep spiritual insights of the Bible, only superficially and so you assume, " all is warped'. I guess you think we are all warped too? This leads me to suspect you are not honest in your claim to be a Christian, ( which as you state is coming from warped misinterpreted teachings in warped churches); and just a poser to input doubt and derail conversations, like a Troll. ???
and yet you are still under it, see?
Again, Jesus fulfilled the requirements of the Law. We are not under it. The Law was a schoolmaster, to shine light on sin and leadbus to our Savior. But it wasn't abolished, just the requirements of it. The wages of sin is death and so Jesus died for us.
The Law is holy and in essence righteousness. It is perfect. GOD and Heaven are perfect; so when we are there, we will actually be living righteously. There won't need to be a Law in Heaven because there will be no sin. Perfection will be a normal function of all.
For now, Christians are in Christ, sanctified, justified and soon to be glorified. The Law is in place here and now for all unbelievers, those wrestling with God, living in sin. Anyone like Esau will be missing out on eternal life.
You need to stop wrestling with God, reconcile with Him and find peace. JESUS IS THE PRINCE OF PEACE, OUR ETERNAL REST.
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Nov 30, 2016
Ute City, COLO
United States Minor Outlying Islands
He became sin. Do you fathom what that entails?
i would say that humans, being Esau, needed to believe that Yah was as bloodthirsty and unforgiving as we are, and so a way was provided (“red stew”) to get us started on the path. But tbh i would be more impressed if you had addressed the implications of the v. Or i guess you feel that does, but being as how that is what Jesus called Himself, sure seems like thin ice
All the sins for all time present , past and future - trilions were cast upon Him. What does that mean? He had to know about all of them. That means He had to be God and omniscient, otherwise it was not possible.
then why ask Himself “why have You forsaken Me,” someone will ask; but pls take that as rhetorical
I went to a great church and had a wonderful Pastor who was led by the Spirit and taught the truth of the Bible
ha well, how do you know that it was the truth, Ronald? How do you verify that?
No church or Pastor/ Priest is perfect; but I would say I agreed with him 95% of the time
and you think that that is verification? I tell you that you got what you paid for, making no judgements on the pastor, who may well have been a fabulous (cult of sol) guy
Jesus said He was the son of man but He was also the son of God. God became flesh and dwelt among us. So no mere man can do this. He became sin. Do you fathom what that entails? All the sins for all time present , past and future - trilions were cast upon Him. What does that mean? He had to know about all of them. That means He had to be God and omniscient, otherwise it was not possible.

I went to a great church and had a wonderful Pastor who was led by the Spirit and taught the truth of the Bible. It is important to stick close to scripture for a Pastor/Priest. No church or Pastor/ Priest is perfect; but I would say I agreed with him 95% of the time.
If you think everything is off with every church, how could you possibly know unless you attended every church -- so that statement is frivolous. But then even your judgment is must be coming from the natural man, who finds himself rebelling against God, the Church, Christianity as a whole.
You said you are "like Esau now, wrestling with Yah". So you have not been born again, washed with His blood, baptized by the Holy Spirit. All scripture is spiritually discerned, a natural man cannot perceive the deep spiritual insights of the Bible, only superficially and so you assume, " all is warped'. I guess you think we are all warped too? This leads me to suspect you are not honest in your claim to be a Christian, ( which as you state is coming from warped misinterpreted teachings in warped churches); and just a poser to input doubt and derail conversations, like a Troll. ???

Again, Jesus fulfilled the requirements of the Law. We are not under it. The Law was a schoolmaster, to shine light on sin and leadbus to our Savior. But it wasn't abolished, just the requirements of it. The wages of sin is death and so Jesus died for us.
The Law is holy and in essence righteousness. It is perfect. GOD and Heaven are perfect; so when we are there, we will actually be living righteously. There won't need to be a Law in Heaven because there will be no sin. Perfection will be a normal function of all.
For now, Christians are in Christ, sanctified, justified and soon to be glorified. The Law is in place here and now for all unbelievers, those wrestling with God, living in sin. Anyone like Esau will be missing out on eternal life.
You need to stop wrestling with God, reconcile with Him and find peace. JESUS IS THE PRINCE OF PEACE, OUR ETERNAL REST.
yes, ty Ron
so go with that then, and avoid the question again (how do you know you are not under the law, since you merely saying you are not but then demonstrating that you are is in conflict), and i wish you the best of luck on your journey ok. Which apparently involves "frustrated preacher" right now? :)
i mean maybe you dont realize, but i became a Xtian about 30 years before you were born, and i found Immanuel 10-15 years ago…or 5 anyway, i dunno, i dont do time in numbers much
You need to stop wrestling with God, reconcile with Him and find peace. JESUS IS THE PRINCE OF PEACE, OUR ETERNAL REST.
no offense Ron but you dont know what youre talking about, everyone seeking will eventually wrestle with God just like Jacob did—youre just like twenty years from being there, and i shouldn’t even be talking to you—and you refuse to acknowledge that your eternal does not mean forever to boot. Now i honestly wish you the best of luck in your walk ok. Have a good one

ps i love you bro, you seem quite earnest, and my prayer for you is that you might soon stop with the parrot thing that you have been sold and go start seeking again ok? The lexicon is your friend!
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Nov 30, 2016
Ute City, COLO
United States Minor Outlying Islands
Are you Jewish--no son of man may die for another's sins?
why are believers so quick to Quote the parts of the OT that would seem to establish that they are under the law, quite willingly, yet refuse to read the rest? Do you think “No son of man may die for another’s sins” has somehow been repealed? Shall we review some testimony from Yah Himself, on the matter of sacrifices?


Nov 30, 2016
Ute City, COLO
United States Minor Outlying Islands
Definitely the way rabbi's would argue.
ty, but really i mean just read the text?
i suggest that no literal “coat” was made at all—although of course idk—and that that is an analogy that we still even use today, “thick skin” or similar, a “coat of skins”

Ronald David Bruno

Well-Known Member
Nov 7, 2020
United States
then why ask the real God “why have You forsaken Me,”
"The real God"?
There it is, you don't believe Jesus is GOD!
The Father had to turn away from looking at His Son on the cross as He suffered. I would go as far to say that once Jesus was arrested the night before, no communication from His Father ( that he normally had all the time) was given Him. So Jesus was temporarily forsaken until He accomplished His purpose. He had to be alone and suffer. He became sin and the Father could not look upon sin. And after He rose then He ascended to His Father.

ha well, how do you know that it was the truth, Ronald? How do you verify that?
Confirmation of the Holy Spirit speaking to my heart often, a sense of His presense, answers to prayers, spiritual gifts demonstrated, growth, My hunger to continue to receive teaching week after week, year after year, with love, forgiveness, kindness, rhe joy of the Lord seen among the congregants and their service given to the community. They covered all the bases. So when you find a good church, you feel like it's home, you know you are loved.
and you think that that is verification? I tell you that you got what you paid for, making no judgements on the pastor, who may well have been a fabulous (cult of sol) guy
You are a condemning person, saying "most everything taught in churches is warped". A sad spiritual state you are in. You keep mentioning Esau, whom God hated. God loves and hates. The coming judgment of billions thrown into the Lake of Fire is not what anyone would call an act of love.
i mean maybe you dont realize, but i became a Xtian about 30 years before you were born, and i found Immanuel 10-15 years ago…or 5 anyway, i dunno, i dont do time in numbers much
What is an xtian? See again, you disrespect the word Christian, like someone who says Merry Xmas on a greeting card.

I'm 67 btw, been a CHRISTIAN for 32 years ... a REAL Christian who helieves Jesus is GOD AND IN HIS BLOOD SACRIFIICE!
no offense Ron but you dont know what youre talking about, everyone seeking will eventually wrestle with God just like Jacob did
Unbelievers wrestle and the Old Testament believers didn't have the Holy Spirit living in them, they were not born again.
Jacob didn't know he was wrestling with the Lord until at the end.

We have peace, the peace that Jesus gives not as the world gives. We may get angry at God and that is because of weakness of faith, lack of trust, ignorance.
my prayer for you is that you might soon stop with the parrot thing that you have been sold
Parroting? Who me? You are the byrd ... a bad byrd, 9 on the richter scale!
My prayer for you is to forget about Esau, get washed by Jesus blood and baptized by the Holy Spirit.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 2, 2022
Durban South Africa
South Africa
has somehow been repealed? Shall we review some testimony from Yah Himself, on the matter of sacrifices?

ty, but really i mean just read the text?
i suggest that no literal “coat” was made at all—although of course idk—and that that is an analogy that we still even use today, “thick skin” or similar, a “coat of skins”
So you reckon the "coat, skin" was bloodless?
And the idea that Christ shed His blood on that cross, the perfect "sacrifice for sin" you find appalling? Since no man can die for another's sins?

that Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach died on behalf of avoneinu (our averos YESHAYAH 1:4, iniquities, gross wickedness, depravities) according to the Kitvei Hakodesh (YESHAYAH 53:8-9; DANIEL 9:26),

Yes or no?


Well-Known Member
Apr 2, 2022
Durban South Africa
South Africa
ty, but really i mean just read the text?
i suggest that no literal “coat” was made at all—although of course idk—and that that is an analogy that we still even use today, “thick skin” or similar, a “coat of skins”
Unto Adam also and to his isha did Hashem Elohim make kesonos ohr, and clothed them.

This what you are referring to?

These were to symbolize the "garments of light"

Dr. Alewine in The Creation Gospel Workbook Four: The Scarlet Harlot and the Crimson Thread has this to say:

“Rabbinic insight is that the clothing of Adam and Eve was glory, or radiance (or with an aleph), a white light invisible to the human eye that was replaced with a covering of skins (or with an ayin). The white light is the same covering of the Bride of Messiah in Revelation. The Bride reflects the Lamp of the New Jerusalem, the Lamb. In terms of the menorah, there was a spiritual covering over the first couple’s earthly bodies, a covering or radiance pictured when Moses spoke with Adonai on the mountain, receiving the Torah covenant for Israel. Like the Holy One in whose image they were made, they had corresponding covers of light like garments.” (p. 175)

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Well-Known Member
Apr 2, 2022
Durban South Africa
South Africa
why are believers so quick to Quote the parts of the OT that would seem to establish that they are under the law, quite willingly, yet refuse to read the rest? Do you think “No son of man may die for another’s sins” has somehow been repealed? Shall we review some testimony from Yah Himself, on the matter of sacrifices?
Yes let's review the "matter of sacrifices"


Well-Known Member
Apr 2, 2022
Durban South Africa
South Africa
ps i love you bro, you seem quite earnest, and my prayer for you is that you might soon stop with the parrot thing that you have been sold and go start seeking again ok? The lexicon is your friend!
A very bold statement coming from you to Ron, yes, the lexicon is our friend, which one are you using?


Well-Known Member
Apr 2, 2022
Durban South Africa
South Africa
why are believers so quick to Quote the parts of the OT that would seem to establish that they are under the law, quite willingly, yet refuse to read the rest? Do you think “No son of man may die for another’s sins” has somehow been repealed? Shall we review some testimony from Yah Himself, on the matter of sacrifices?
I would submit to you that you have not yet make an alijah to the New Covenant, or if you did, the tradition of rabbis are still strong.


Nov 30, 2016
Ute City, COLO
United States Minor Outlying Islands
"The real God"? There it is, you don't believe Jesus is GOD!
i guess “ask Himself” would be a better way to ask that
and no, i dont believe that Jesus is YHWH…but also i believe what YHWH said about you, “you are Elohim,” so of course Christ being our Head, He would also be, moreso even i guess?
dang, later than i thought, more from work later ok
The Father had to turn away from looking at His Son on the cross as He suffered. I would go as far to say that once Jesus was arrested the night before, no communication from His Father ( that he normally had all the time) was given Him. So Jesus was temporarily forsaken until He accomplished His purpose. Hebhad to be alone and suffer. He became sin and the Father could not look upon sin.
horse puckey, wadr
Yah "went looking" for Adam and Eve after they had eaten the fruit, right?
you;re just parroting me more brochure jazz, sorry
i mean great place to start tho ok, got you to here right
Confirmation of the Holy Spirit speaking to my heart often, a sense of His presense, answers to prayers, spiritual gifts demonstrated, growth, My hunger to continue to receive teaching week after week, year after year, love seen, forgiveness, kindness, rhe joy of the Lord seen in the congregants and servicw given to the community. They covered all the bases. So when you find a good church, you feel like it's home, loved, etc.
ya, feelings are powerful things i guess. Gotta go with what you know
You are a condemning person, saying "most everything taught in churches is warped" Sad spiritual state you are in. You keep mentioning Esau, whom God hated. God loves and hates. The coming judgment of billions thrown into the Lake of Fire is not what anyone would call an act of love.
see, this here is what makes that up there suspect; since you cant really Quote "billions in the lake of fire," and it is a concept taken from bad eisegis; Gehenna is on earth, right? And they had a perfectly good term for that, "Tartarus," that was not used there. That all these terms are actually Greek gods we might get into later

ha but im the "condemning person" lol
Confirmation of the Holy Spirit speaking to my heart often, a sense of His presense, answers to prayers, spiritual gifts demonstrated, growth, My hunger to continue to receive teaching week after week, year after year, love seen, forgiveness, kindness, rhe joy of the Lord seen in the congregants and servicw given to the community. They covered all the bases. So when you find a good church, you feel like it's home, loved, etc.
ya, feelings are powerful things i guess. Gotta go with what you know
You are a condemning person, saying "most everything taught in churches is warped" Sad spiritual state you are in. You keep mentioning Esau, whom God hated. God loves and hates. The coming judgment of billions thrown into the Lake of Fire is not what anyone would call an act of love.
see, this here is what makes that up there suspect; since you cant really Quote "billions in the lake of fire," and it is a concept taken from bad eisegis; Gehenna is on earth, right? And they had a perfectly good term for that, "Tartarus," that was not used there. That all these terms are actually Greek gods we might get into later
Confirmation of the Holy Spirit speaking to my heart often, a sense of His presense, answers to prayers, spiritual gifts demonstrated, growth, My hunger to continue to receive teaching week after week, year after year, love seen, forgiveness, kindness, rhe joy of the Lord seen in the congregants and servicw given to the community. They covered all the bases. So when you find a good church, you feel like it's home, loved, etc.
ya, feelings are powerful things i guess. Gotta go with what you know
You are a condemning person, saying "most everything taught in churches is warped" Sad spiritual state you are in. You keep mentioning Esau, whom God hated. God loves and hates. The coming judgment of billions thrown into the Lake of Fire is not what anyone would call an act of love.
see, this here is what makes that up there suspect; since you cant really Quote "billions in the lake of fire," and it is a concept taken from bad eisegis; Gehenna is on earth, right? And they had a perfectly good term for that, "Tartarus," that was not used there. That all these terms are actually Greek gods we might get into later
What is an xtian? See again, you disrespect the word Christian, like someone who says Merry Xmas on a greeting card.
I'm 67 btw, been a CHRISTIAN for 32 years.
Xmas, yikes, dont get me started lol. May as well grease yourself up and get a goat :)
man, you look pretty good for 67 Ron!

anyway, i mean you gotta be aware by now that xmas was imported from Saturnalia by Constantine, right
Parroting? Who me? You are the byrd! My prayer for you is to forget about Esau, get washed by Jesus blood and baptized by the Holy Spirit.
ok tks, and best of luck to you with the death more abundantly deal, truly
and the being so sure of everything too
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Ronald David Bruno

Well-Known Member
Nov 7, 2020
United States
no, i dont believe that Jesus is YHWH…but also i believe what YHWH said about you, “you are Elohim,”
Non-Trinitarian. That would have saved a lot of banter, I would have dismissed ling ago. You should state that in your profile.
Yah "went looking" for Adam and Eve after they had eaten the fruit, right?
THE LORD sees all and our sin as well, but Jesus had taken on all sin for all time. I was like a dirty rag before I was washed in His blood. Let's say I had vomit stains on me. The Lord can look at vomit stains on a rag, but imagine Jesus carrying an ocean of vomit.
you cant really Quote "billions in the lake of fire," and it is a concept taken from bad eisegis; Gehenna is on earth, right? And they had a perfectly good term for that, "Tartarus," that was not used there. That all these terms are actually Greek gods we might get into later
Have you examined the Book of Revelation? The Second coming brings death to more than half the population ... who will be thrown in the Lake of Fire along with all former unbelievers in Hades. Death itself will be thrown in there and destroyed, Esau too, at the Great White Throne Judgment. This is after the Millennial Kingdom.

When the Lamb opened the fourth seal, I heard the voice of the fourth living creature say, “Come!” I looked, and there before me was a pale horse! Its rider was named Death, and Hades was following close behind him. They were given power over a fourth of the earth to kill by sword, famine and plague, and by the wild beasts of the earth. Rev. 6:7-8
1/4 of the population today is 2 billion. Then that leaves 6 billion ofbwhoch in the following verse, another 1/3 is killed - that's another 2 billion. There are 2.65 billions Christians, which is 1/3, ( that is those who have faith in Christ - maybe not all of them do?) Christians are translated/ resurrected ( raptured at the last trumpet, which I believe is #7). Still, that leaves the wrath if God in the Seven Bowls - more death to add.

And the four angels who had been kept ready for this very hour and day and month and year were released to kill a third of mankind. Rev. 9:15

you look pretty good for 67 Ron!
Thank you, a 7 year old photo.


Nov 30, 2016
Ute City, COLO
United States Minor Outlying Islands
Parroting? Who me? You are the byrd! My prayer for you is to forget about Esau, get washed by Jesus blood and baptized by the Holy Spirit.
ok tks, and best of luck to you with the death more abundantly deal, truly
Non-Trinitarian. That would have saved a lot of banter, I would have dismissed ling ago. You should state that in your profile.
meh. i guess none of this matters much if we arent good-hearted anyway, right
and im pretty sure you got me beat ta heck there, as i am pretty much a jerk :)
does make me sad tho, an OG like you who hasnt even bothered to start reading for himself

if you and me was walkin down the street somewheres, to get coffee or whatever, drugs, and you told most any of that tripe to some younster, id have to punch you in the face! i tell ya what
but then id most likely feel bad, and pick you up
but then id prolly punch you again! :D

anyway Edom, id maybe be marinatin on how hopeless you are, i mean i got dunning-kruger too but damn