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Gods Servant

New Member
Aug 20, 2011
Alright look, if your reading this then the first thing you need to know about life is that the only reason we are on this planet is to bring praise, glory, and recongnition to Jesus Christs name and bring souls to the kingdom of heaven through our loving Father God who sent His only Son to die on a wooden cross for our sins, so that all of our sins are washed clean by His blood. Thats not it though, not only did he die for our sins, but after 3 days of beng dead ( in that time i believe he was with the Father in heaven planning how His return was gonna be ), was risen from the dead to break the bondoage of death and fullfill that which was meant for Him to do. Now this being done makes Jesus Christ the LIVING Son of God. Thats not it though, Jesus dying for us doesnt wash our sins, but BELIEVING that he died for our sins, does. John 3:16 ( for God so loved the world, that he gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes on Him, shall not perish, but have everlasting life). Now you may be reading this thinking, alright well I dont belive any of this and I dont belive in Jesus. If thats the case, stop reading, move on with your life, just know that YOU WILL HAVE HELL TO PAY, you have been warned. This book is not on how to get a relationship with God, this book is not to learn about God, thats what the bible is for. This book is for WARRIORS, SOLDIERS, and LEVITES, who pray for God to use them daily for this spiritual warfare called life.
Now if you want God to use you, you have to be willing to be used. You cant go through the whole day without thinking about God once, n then at the end of the day pray n ask God why He didnt use you today. You must keep God in your thoughts ALL DAY EVERYDAY, in all your thoughts and your actions. (Proverbs 3:6 In all thy ways acknowldge Him, and He shall direct thy paths). Notice it doesnt say, (go to church once a week and God will give you lamborgini). You must let God use you throughout the whole entire day for every little thing you feel He is calling you to do. This may cause problems with some of the people around you whether it be family, friends, co-workers, people on the street, or whoever else, but count it all joy to know that your are doing the will of the Lord for your life. You never have to ask God if he wants to you to ask that person across the street or in the apartment under you if they know about Jesus Christ. That is all of our responsibility as followers of Christ while were on this earth is to spread the news to every soul that we come in contact with, lest their blood be on our hands. Ezekiel 33:7-9 (So you, son of man: I have made you a watchman for the house of Israel; therefore you shall hear a word from My mouth and warn them for Me. When I say to the wicked, ‘O wicked man, you shall surely die!’ and you do not speak to warn the wicked from his way, that wicked man shall die in his iniquity; but his blood I will require at your hand. Nevertheless if you warn the wicked to turn from his way, and he does not turn from his way, he shall die in his iniquity; but you have delivered your soul). You see what God requires of you is not that you deliver these peoples soul from Hell, only that you warn them that they are going to Hell unless they accept Jesus Christ as their Savoir and believe on His name. After letting them know that, their blood is on their own hands.
Chapter 3
The streets need Jesus, and when I say the streets, I dont mean just the hood, I mean the hood, the suburbs, the city, the country, the oceans, the mountains and etc. Jesus Christs name must be preached EVERYWHERE. If you do not know what God is calling you to do, then it starts out as simple as this, walk around your neighborhood and ask everybody you see if they know about Jesus. Knock on doors and ask if they know about Jesus, tell them as much as God puts in your mouth to tell them. Some people will want to sit there and talk to you for an hour, some people will cuss you out, and just like Jesus said (Mark 11 "And if any place will not welcome you or listen to you, shake the dust off your feet when you leave, as a testimony against them"). And thats it, you cant force anybody to hear you, you cant force anybody to wanna listen but I can guarantee that if you go out for an hour and talk to at least 5 people, that it will make some sort of impact in at least one of their lives. Thats the beautiful thing about doing this is once you leave the presence of these people is your work is done, after that God is in control and the seed that He has used you to plant is able to grow however he will have it. All we can do after we leave from these people is pray that the Lord will do beautiful works in their lives. This walk with Christ is about living our whole entire lives for Him. If you really want to see God pour down so many blessings right before your eyes I cannot stress how important this is. Everybody that comes in our path needs to hear about Jesus, and even though some of them may already know about Him they need to have His name BEAT in their head so that if after all they have heard about Him they still deny Him, when they get to heaven they cant be like "God nobody told me about you", cause that would be a lie right to the creators face and as we know He knows our hearts and everything else so it aint none of that.
Chapter 4
Also make sure that you are a light to the people you keep yourself around, even if you dont have alot of friends. Whoever it is you come in contact with, whatever family youhave, friends, coworkers, people from school, whoever it is, make sure that they know about Jesus, make sure they know that your whole life is for serving Him. Jesus said Matthew 10:32 (Whosoever therefore shall confess me before men, him will I confess also before my Father which is in heaven. But whosoever shall deny me before men, him will I also deny before my Father which is in heaven"). Make sure that they know, not only because you need to confess the Lord before men, (and thats ALL men, and women) but because if nobody has ever really came to that person seriousley and just chilled with them and talked to them about Christ, and Heaven and things of the matter of eternity, they could very well be going to Hell and their blood will be on your hands. Another important part of this is that you want people to be able to see the impact on your life God has made, is making, and will continue to make so long as your serve Him wholeheartedly. Let God use you as an example to that person of what God can do for their lives. But make sure that you actually live what you tell these people, lest the Lord find you a hypocrite and your witness to that person is shot.
Chapter 5
One of the most beautiful parts of evangelising is that Holy Spirt will fill you to speak the words that person needs to hear. The words that come on your lips will not be your own, they will only go forth as your voice, which is the beautiful part of being a vessel you can actually feel God moving you to say certain things as long as you stay focused. It is such a rewarding and powerful feeling being a vessel of God and the blessings that God will send you on this earth do not evene compare to the treasures and rewards that we have saved up in heaven for every SINGLE person that we speak to about Christ. This is so important when I tell you that as soldiers for God we must remain strong, day in and day out, stay in our bibles every day at LEAST once a day, praying always, fasting when you feel lead and getting involved with every little bit of ANYTHING we can get involved in to bring glory and service to our Lord and Savoir. Some people just go to church on sundays and nobody ever even knows they love Jesus. Other people feel like because they do something in particular for the Lord, that is enough for them to never have to do anything else but stick with that one thing. Serve the Lord in every aspect of your life, pray that He will really use you as a vessel and actually WANT to be used in more then one area. All of us on this earth have the ability to attend a convalesecent home, talk to our friends and families about Jesus, evangelise and whatever other things you feel ike God has given you the ability to do. We have the creator on our sides and that means that not one thing in this world is not possible or unattainable. Psalm 37:4 (Delight thyself in the LORD, and He will give you the desires of your heart). This verse could not be more true because im telling you if you give the Lord your all, for every step that you take towards Him he WILL take three towards you. Seek ye the Lord, praise ye the Lord, serve ye the Lord, God bless you.