Thoughts on the events of 9/11/2001

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Ronald Nolette

Well-Known Member
Aug 24, 2020
South Carolina
United States
On that sad day, America lost over 3000 souls to eternity by brutal attacks. Now I am not a scientist, architect or engineer but after spending dozens of hours studying reports of architects, engineers and scientists, I still remains convinced the twin towers and building 7 were intentionally dropped! And that the Pentagon was hit byu a missile and not a plane. Let me present in summary the evidence from over three thousand architects, engineers, chemists, physicists, metallurgists and pilots.

1. Those towers should not have fallen straight down. they both were hit in a quadrant creating an asymmetrical rip in the building- so the top parts should have fallen over.
2. When the planes hit the tower- over 95% of the jet fuel exploded inthose fireballs, thus severely restricting fuel to burn and melt steel.
3. Jet fuel can only burn at a maximum of 980c. Steel melts at 1371-1540c. Jet fuel cannot heat up enough to melt steel.
4. The towers were to code so they had flame retardant coatings and sheetrock. They had fire suppression systems so a fire was designed to be kept at bay.
5. When the buildings fell, they fell at free fall speed! Just like a building that was intentionally demolished
6. If a building is collapsing straight down there is a physics process known as "pancaking". The upper floors will fall, slow down when it reaches the next floor, and so on and so on. so the fall should have been in a jerky matter. also as a building pancakes down- as one floor hits another both top and bottom where contacting lose material, so even with the tower that wwas hit near floor 70, as it fell the top chunk would keep losing mass until finally the building standing would cause the collapse to stop after approx. 40 floors.
7. Interviews with Firefighters right before the collape, showed on TV, they heard multiple pops right before the buildings fell. This is 100% consistent with a building being demoished! They set charges at specific floors at specific points and set them off in a precise order to drop a building at free fall speed.

7. the debris itself speaks against a natural collapse. The pile for a natural fall was too small and debris to fine.
8. the debris field was too small. In a natural collapse, material would have been hurled much further than it was here. As one floor came crashing to another, chunks of debris would have arced and hurled as much as twice as far in this destruction.
9. Molten steel was seen pouring out of one of the towers! This event was almost 400c. to cool to actually melt steel
10. Building 7 which was not hit by a plane nor by massive debris- fell in a perfect preplanned demolition way. When one looks at teh collpase frame by frame, you see it collapse in on itself then drop at free fall speed . This was a planned drop. Buildings damaged do not drop at free fall speed. Demolioshed building do.

11. there are mnay other salient points but I do not wish this to become too lengthy. Especially in light of the fact that many of the professional visdeos showing these were drops have been removed from the internet.

As for the pentagon?

1. 300 Pilots signed an affidavit saying no plane could have hit the pentagon.
2. Flying to fast for the speed, th eplane would have cartwheeled from the vortex it created.
3. the hol ein the pentegon is too small.
3. All videos showing the scent approx. 30 minutes after the "plane" hit shows no seats, no luggage no strewwn clothing, no bodies, no bloody parts, no major plane parts ( engines and wings would have sheared off and be lying on the grond- no wings, no major jet engines)
4. The one video showing the collision is a blur but it is too close to the grouns for a plane flying at that speed. A plane would create a vortex and cartwheel.
5. Planes do not make near 90 degree turns on a dime like this did.
6. this crash is a classic example of a cruise missile hit.

I know this is controversial and that many will think I am nuts (what else is new).

but I remember coming home from work and watching the replays of the towers collapsing and I told my wife, they dropped those buildings! I speculatged that maybe they pre set charges in buildings like them soi that if they sustain serious damage, they can drop them straight down to reduce the damage to the city ( that was a blind guess on my part)

But the n when I saw and heard and read reports from chemists who studied the debris, engineers who rebuilt the towers tro scale and recreated the crashes, architectsm, physicists etc.etc.etc. I became coninced those buildings were intentionally dropped.

there are still many videos on you tube! Look up architects for 9?11 truth and they will also link you to many other reports by PHD's who actually experimentd and tested and examined 9/11


Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2020
After watching many videos, I came to the same conclusion, crazy as it sounds! It goes right along with everything else the Lord taught me over what I call my university of the internet education.
Nuclear weapons
The military


Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2020
Twenty years already. These players are responsible for the state we find ourselves in. This is nothing new. They turn us on each other. Lowlifes. They think they're elite. Judgement day is coming, and then they'll be sorry...if they don't repent through Christ.


Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2020
I recall boiling a pot of water, and then tossing in a live lobster. EEEEEEEH...crack! Lol

Ronald Nolette

Well-Known Member
Aug 24, 2020
South Carolina
United States
Twenty years already. These players are responsible for the state we find ourselves in. This is nothing new. They turn us on each other. Lowlifes. They think they're elite. Judgement day is coming, and then they'll be sorry...if they don't repent through Christ.

This event brought about the start of the demise of the American Republic. The Patriot Act was massivew overreach, but now witrh all the surveillance of Americans going on near continuously, I would welcome back just teh early Patriot Act days. but these things must be and America must fall for the end times to advance as the bible predicts.

I have heard theories as to teh whys the govt. brought these buildings down (follow the money theories mostly) but I would love to know why for sure before we go home to be with the Lord.

amigo de christo

Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
San angelo
United States
This event brought about the start of the demise of the American Republic. The Patriot Act was massivew overreach, but now witrh all the surveillance of Americans going on near continuously, I would welcome back just teh early Patriot Act days. but these things must be and America must fall for the end times to advance as the bible predicts.

I have heard theories as to teh whys the govt. brought these buildings down (follow the money theories mostly) but I would love to know why for sure before we go home to be with the Lord.
I can see the WHY is important for you . So let me just give a real simple childlike answer .
All that was brought in , so as the beast system could come to power . its really that simple . Satan still works through men in high places
just as he does through all men who do NOT know JESUS . Look how close we are to fullfillment today .
Biden , and scores of others also not just him , have got us here to a society and a world that will soon
be able to shut anyone out of said world and society , IF they have not , do not , agree with the mainstream flow .
I see a time fast coming where if one is not conforming , THEY wont even be able to buy or sell in said world and said society .
NOW HOW FAMILIAR DOES THAT SOUND ..........................think revelation and think chapter thirteen .
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Ronald Nolette

Well-Known Member
Aug 24, 2020
South Carolina
United States
I can see the WHY is important for you . So let me just give a real simple childlike answer .
All that was brought in , so as the beast system could come to power . its really that simple . Satan still works through men in high places
just as he does through all men who do NOT know JESUS . Look how close we are to fullfillment today .
Biden , and scores of others also not just him , have got us here to a society and a world that will soon
be able to shut anyone out of said world and society , IF they have not , do not , agree with the mainstream flow .
I see a time fast coming where if one is not conforming , THEY wont even be able to buy or sell in said world and said society .
NOW HOW FAMILIAR DOES THAT SOUND ..........................think revelation and think chapter thirteen .

Agreed! all world events are moving us forward to the time of the end. The one world govt. the tenkings, then the antichrist. I am convinced the powers that be are using the pandemic and vaccines and mask mandates as a test run for ordering the masses that ultimately will be ordering all to take the mark.

I already can see a very plauible scenarion where it will be packaged where the super majority of people will think it a good thing to do, to their eternal damnation.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2020
I can see the WHY is important for you . So let me just give a real simple childlike answer .
All that was brought in , so as the beast system could come to power . its really that simple . Satan still works through men in high places
just as he does through all men who do NOT know JESUS . Look how close we are to fullfillment today .
Biden , and scores of others also not just him , have got us here to a society and a world that will soon
be able to shut anyone out of said world and society , IF they have not , do not , agree with the mainstream flow .
I see a time fast coming where if one is not conforming , THEY wont even be able to buy or sell in said world and said society .
NOW HOW FAMILIAR DOES THAT SOUND ..........................think revelation and think chapter thirteen .
It's not just unbelievers he works through.

Ronald Nolette

Well-Known Member
Aug 24, 2020
South Carolina
United States
It's not just unbelievers he works through.

Sad but True. Many saints have become pawns of the devil because they refuse ot keep growing and advancing in the word and their relatiosnhip with Jesus, so they go to mankinds default position, unwitting pawns of Satan in many areas.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 4, 2018
United States

Jews Pressure Spike Lee To Remove Any Evidence That Israel Was Behind 9/11 Attacks From His HBO Documentary

August 26, 2021 By CFT Team -- 19 Comments


Spike Lee has announced that he is re-editing the final episode of his new HBO documentary series about New York following reports of early media screenings that criticized the Oscar-winning filmmaker for prominently featuring Richard Gage — an accredited high rise architect — who believes that Israel was behind the 9/11 attacks:

“New York Epicenters: 9/11-2021½,” a four-part documentary examining the character of the city in the 21st century, began airing Sunday on HBO. In its original cut, the final episode, which had been scheduled to air on the 20th anniversary of the 9/11 attacks, featured extensive interviews with members of the conspiracy group Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth.

Lee did not specify whether he would cut the segment featuring the group or what other changes might be in the works. “I’m Back In The Editing Room And Looking At The Eighth And Final Chapter Of ‘NYC EPICENTERS 9/11-2021½,’” Lee said in a statement released by HBO and provided to Variety. “I Respectfully Ask You To Hold Your Judgement Until You See The FINAL CUT.”

The announcement follows articles in The New York Times and Slate about Lee’s flirtation with 9/11 conspiracy theories. Slate in its article critical of Lee [written by Jewish writer Jeremy Stahl] focused on the interview space devoted to Richard Gage, the leader of Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth. At a 2012 event, Gage appeared to endorse the suggestion by another participant that Israel was behind the terrorist attack. He regularly appears on podcasts where conspiracies about Jews and the Holocaust are common.

The Times, meanwhile, quoted Lee as saying that he still had “questions” about what caused the Twin Towers to collapse after they were hit by airplanes, alluding to an alleged government cover-up.

Spike Lee owes his entire career as a director in Hollywood to Jews — and he’s not about to jeopardize his over-inflated and unjustified reputation now by biting the hand that feeds him — he may be dumb — and he is — but he’s not that dumb.

Jews will promote Blacks like Lee in Hollywood — and in all other positions of influence — even as educators — but only under certain tacit conditions — that they promote degeneracy and foment racial hatred — especially toward police — but only as long as they ignore the Jewish hand it in — and don’t criticize Israel.

In 2004, the Jews of Hollywood enlisted ultra-liberal attack dog, Michael Moore, to do the first mainstream 9/11 documentary — Fahrenheit 9/11 — whose sole purpose was to blame corrupt and incompetent “conservatives” like George Bush and the Saudis for the attacks, shifting the attention and blame away from Israel.

While there are many documentary films about 9/11 that expose different aspects of the conspiracy, still the best — and most censored — is Missing Links: The Definitive Truth About 9/11 — which directly addresses the Israeli and American Zionist conspiracy behind the attacks.

The C.I.A. coined the term “conspiracy theorist” to smear and discredit anyone who didn’t buy into the official whitewashed explanation of the JFK assassination — which was another conspiracy masterminded by the Israelis and their pro-Zionist support network in America.

At this point, we can safely say that a conspiracy theorist is anyone who believes Jews have a hand in any event that happens — no matter how big or small.

As a corollary to that truth, a conspiracy theorist is therefore necessarily an antisemite.

--------------continued below --------------------


Well-Known Member
Feb 4, 2018
United States
If you realize Israel is behind the 9/11 attacks, it won’t be long until you figure out that the Holocaust was also a psy-op used to justify the foundation of Israel — and before you know it, you’ll figure out that the Jews are history’s greatest imposters — that they aren’t even the “Hebrews” from the Old Testament that they claim to be.

The battle lines will come into focus — and you will realize what their greatest instrument of deception is.

You’ll have identified “the synagogue of Satan” in the Book of Revelation — and discover who the prime movers are behind the destruction of our western Christian civilization — and the people who built it to glorify our kinsman Redeemer, Jesus Christ — wherein you will find the real Israel of the Bible.

But unraveling this mystery of the material world is just the beginning — having this knowledge won’t save you or our people — the next and most important step is have a true knowledge of Jesus Christ, without Whom our destruction is promised.

And this is why Spike Lee is being sent back into the editing room with his tail between his legs — and why the police now investigate anyone who does publicly question 9/11 — so you never go down that path.

Ronald Nolette

Well-Known Member
Aug 24, 2020
South Carolina
United States

Jews Pressure Spike Lee To Remove Any Evidence That Israel Was Behind 9/11 Attacks From His HBO Documentary

August 26, 2021 By CFT Team -- 19 Comments


Spike Lee has announced that he is re-editing the final episode of his new HBO documentary series about New York following reports of early media screenings that criticized the Oscar-winning filmmaker for prominently featuring Richard Gage — an accredited high rise architect — who believes that Israel was behind the 9/11 attacks:

“New York Epicenters: 9/11-2021½,” a four-part documentary examining the character of the city in the 21st century, began airing Sunday on HBO. In its original cut, the final episode, which had been scheduled to air on the 20th anniversary of the 9/11 attacks, featured extensive interviews with members of the conspiracy group Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth.

Lee did not specify whether he would cut the segment featuring the group or what other changes might be in the works. “I’m Back In The Editing Room And Looking At The Eighth And Final Chapter Of ‘NYC EPICENTERS 9/11-2021½,’” Lee said in a statement released by HBO and provided to Variety. “I Respectfully Ask You To Hold Your Judgement Until You See The FINAL CUT.”

The announcement follows articles in The New York Times and Slate about Lee’s flirtation with 9/11 conspiracy theories. Slate in its article critical of Lee [written by Jewish writer Jeremy Stahl] focused on the interview space devoted to Richard Gage, the leader of Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth. At a 2012 event, Gage appeared to endorse the suggestion by another participant that Israel was behind the terrorist attack. He regularly appears on podcasts where conspiracies about Jews and the Holocaust are common.

The Times, meanwhile, quoted Lee as saying that he still had “questions” about what caused the Twin Towers to collapse after they were hit by airplanes, alluding to an alleged government cover-up.

Spike Lee owes his entire career as a director in Hollywood to Jews — and he’s not about to jeopardize his over-inflated and unjustified reputation now by biting the hand that feeds him — he may be dumb — and he is — but he’s not that dumb.

Jews will promote Blacks like Lee in Hollywood — and in all other positions of influence — even as educators — but only under certain tacit conditions — that they promote degeneracy and foment racial hatred — especially toward police — but only as long as they ignore the Jewish hand it in — and don’t criticize Israel.

In 2004, the Jews of Hollywood enlisted ultra-liberal attack dog, Michael Moore, to do the first mainstream 9/11 documentary — Fahrenheit 9/11 — whose sole purpose was to blame corrupt and incompetent “conservatives” like George Bush and the Saudis for the attacks, shifting the attention and blame away from Israel.

While there are many documentary films about 9/11 that expose different aspects of the conspiracy, still the best — and most censored — is Missing Links: The Definitive Truth About 9/11 — which directly addresses the Israeli and American Zionist conspiracy behind the attacks.

The C.I.A. coined the term “conspiracy theorist” to smear and discredit anyone who didn’t buy into the official whitewashed explanation of the JFK assassination — which was another conspiracy masterminded by the Israelis and their pro-Zionist support network in America.

At this point, we can safely say that a conspiracy theorist is anyone who believes Jews have a hand in any event that happens — no matter how big or small.

As a corollary to that truth, a conspiracy theorist is therefore necessarily an antisemite.

--------------continued below --------------------

Israel was not behind 9?11 This is manure expelled by a host of antisemitic groups.

IO have heard over 25 hours of seminar talks by Richard Gage and not once does He even imply Jews are behind the tower attacks.

Ronald Nolette

Well-Known Member
Aug 24, 2020
South Carolina
United States
If you realize Israel is behind the 9/11 attacks, it won’t be long until you figure out that the Holocaust was also a psy-op used to justify the foundation of Israel — and before you know it, you’ll figure out that the Jews are history’s greatest imposters — that they aren’t even the “Hebrews” from the Old Testament that they claim to be.

The battle lines will come into focus — and you will realize what their greatest instrument of deception is.

You’ll have identified “the synagogue of Satan” in the Book of Revelation — and discover who the prime movers are behind the destruction of our western Christian civilization — and the people who built it to glorify our kinsman Redeemer, Jesus Christ — wherein you will find the real Israel of the Bible.

But unraveling this mystery of the material world is just the beginning — having this knowledge won’t save you or our people — the next and most important step is have a true knowledge of Jesus Christ, without Whom our destruction is promised.

And this is why Spike Lee is being sent back into the editing room with his tail between his legs — and why the police now investigate anyone who does publicly question 9/11 — so you never go down that path.

So you don't believe Hitler exterminated nearly 6 million Jews in His final solution plan?

WOW won't you be embarrassed when you stand before God! Maybe you should sign up for AA or NA. You really are out there.


Well-Known Member
Feb 4, 2018
United States
Israel was not behind 9?11 This is manure expelled by a host of antisemitic groups.

IO have heard over 25 hours of seminar talks by Richard Gage and not once does He even imply Jews are behind the tower attacks.
It sounds like you have your mind molded solid on this subject already, and not willing to hear original sources. For example the ADL news net said Gage did say the Mossad/Jews were behind 9/11. The news article I presented is not far off in it contents. It is definitely not manure made by so-called Anti-semites!

From the ADL site...quote
Gage’s brushes with antisemitism

While Richard Gage doesn’t have a history of explicit antisemitism, he has appeared on multiple podcasts and at conferences where other speakers have promoted conspiracy theories blaming Jews and/or Israel for the 9/11 attacks.

I think the ADL organization is an Anti-Christian site through and through. Wouldn't you agree?

another from the FBI...

The FBI came to the conclusion... that the five Israelis arrested in New Jersey last September were conducting a Mossad surveillance mission
and that their employer, Urban Moving Systems of Weehawken, N.J., served as a front.
-Forward (A Jewish Magazine) March 15, 2002

"Evidence linking these Israelis to 9/11 is classified. I cannot tell you about evidence that has been gathered. It's classified information."
--US official quoted in Carl Cameron's Fox News report (that was later erased from the Fox News website) on the Israeli spy ring and its connections to 9-11.

and there's much much more than this info if you want to hear it...

The Israeli Mossad were at least ankle deep in the 9/11 plot/event

//and what do think anti-semitism means Ron?


Well-Known Member
Feb 4, 2018
United States
So you don't believe Hitler exterminated nearly 6 million Jews in His final solution plan?

WOW won't you be embarrassed when you stand before God! Maybe you should sign up for AA or NA. You really are out there.
I see you are also on solidified ground with 'facts' on this subject as well. I would not be so easily fooled Ron.

What is 'the final solution' and where did you uncover what it really meant Ron?

I don't think I will be embarrassed at all, as I do not what I'm speaking about. You are quick to point fingers out at me as you have also done when you believe Yahshua is the same as God the Father Almighty and I do not.

Are you really on solid ground with your truth on this subject? And who is really out there Ron? Your lot do not do any real research? Yes, I wager you have not one shred of objective truth or set of facts on this subject, only hear say and propaganda is what your confidence relies on.

Jay Ross

Well-Known Member
Jun 20, 2011

Has no one read that 9/11 was a confirmation sign that the kings of the earth will be drawn to assemble in the valley of decision to be judged, at the same time as the heavenly hosts are being judged, and that together the heavenly hosts and the kings of the earth will be gathered together in a pit to await the time of their future punishment.

Twenty years ago I read the scriptures and saw the connection between the 9/11 event and the soon to begin gathering of the kings of the earth, as is found in both the Old and New Testaments.

Satan was so clever in that he sent four planes, but the fourth plane passengers rose up against the powers of darkness to stop Satan's plane to have a fourth plane doing signs and wonders. However, Satan Good and faithful servants have been working hard peddling the various conspiracy theories in an attempt to hide his hand that the foul spirits where sent out by him to do his bidding.

Oh how blind are the people who claim that they are Saints of the Most High God?


amigo de christo

Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
San angelo
United States
Agreed! all world events are moving us forward to the time of the end. The one world govt. the tenkings, then the antichrist. I am convinced the powers that be are using the pandemic and vaccines and mask mandates as a test run for ordering the masses that ultimately will be ordering all to take the mark.

I already can see a very plauible scenarion where it will be packaged where the super majority of people will think it a good thing to do, to their eternal damnation.
Bennett: 'Our tolerance for the unvaccinated has run out'
OH yes they sure are using this to push us fast forward right into the beast system .


Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2020

Jews Pressure Spike Lee To Remove Any Evidence That Israel Was Behind 9/11 Attacks From His HBO Documentary

August 26, 2021 By CFT Team -- 19 Comments


Spike Lee has announced that he is re-editing the final episode of his new HBO documentary series about New York following reports of early media screenings that criticized the Oscar-winning filmmaker for prominently featuring Richard Gage — an accredited high rise architect — who believes that Israel was behind the 9/11 attacks:

“New York Epicenters: 9/11-2021½,” a four-part documentary examining the character of the city in the 21st century, began airing Sunday on HBO. In its original cut, the final episode, which had been scheduled to air on the 20th anniversary of the 9/11 attacks, featured extensive interviews with members of the conspiracy group Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth.

Lee did not specify whether he would cut the segment featuring the group or what other changes might be in the works. “I’m Back In The Editing Room And Looking At The Eighth And Final Chapter Of ‘NYC EPICENTERS 9/11-2021½,’” Lee said in a statement released by HBO and provided to Variety. “I Respectfully Ask You To Hold Your Judgement Until You See The FINAL CUT.”

The announcement follows articles in The New York Times and Slate about Lee’s flirtation with 9/11 conspiracy theories. Slate in its article critical of Lee [written by Jewish writer Jeremy Stahl] focused on the interview space devoted to Richard Gage, the leader of Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth. At a 2012 event, Gage appeared to endorse the suggestion by another participant that Israel was behind the terrorist attack. He regularly appears on podcasts where conspiracies about Jews and the Holocaust are common.

The Times, meanwhile, quoted Lee as saying that he still had “questions” about what caused the Twin Towers to collapse after they were hit by airplanes, alluding to an alleged government cover-up.

Spike Lee owes his entire career as a director in Hollywood to Jews — and he’s not about to jeopardize his over-inflated and unjustified reputation now by biting the hand that feeds him — he may be dumb — and he is — but he’s not that dumb.

Jews will promote Blacks like Lee in Hollywood — and in all other positions of influence — even as educators — but only under certain tacit conditions — that they promote degeneracy and foment racial hatred — especially toward police — but only as long as they ignore the Jewish hand it in — and don’t criticize Israel.

In 2004, the Jews of Hollywood enlisted ultra-liberal attack dog, Michael Moore, to do the first mainstream 9/11 documentary — Fahrenheit 9/11 — whose sole purpose was to blame corrupt and incompetent “conservatives” like George Bush and the Saudis for the attacks, shifting the attention and blame away from Israel.

While there are many documentary films about 9/11 that expose different aspects of the conspiracy, still the best — and most censored — is Missing Links: The Definitive Truth About 9/11 — which directly addresses the Israeli and American Zionist conspiracy behind the attacks.

The C.I.A. coined the term “conspiracy theorist” to smear and discredit anyone who didn’t buy into the official whitewashed explanation of the JFK assassination — which was another conspiracy masterminded by the Israelis and their pro-Zionist support network in America.

At this point, we can safely say that a conspiracy theorist is anyone who believes Jews have a hand in any event that happens — no matter how big or small.

As a corollary to that truth, a conspiracy theorist is therefore necessarily an antisemite.

--------------continued below --------------------
They just don't stop. They must believe that if they rewrite everything, it will actually change the past.
They are sorely mistaken, as well as delusional.
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Well-Known Member
Staff member
Encounter Team
Feb 6, 2018
United States
United States
Thoughts on the events of 9/11/2001
OP ^

And the suspicion lies in the ones who gain the most to advance their agenda.

You can not gander the attention of the world with scenes of a dog naturally wagging it's tail....
A well thought plan requires backstage conspirators to WAG THE DOG...HOW the performance will unfold, the Patsy's in place, the pretend Public Tear of Sadness, and the BITE of a Lengthy prepared OPPRESSION upon the Citizenry...."who DID WHAT to cause the event?" ZIP.

REMEMBER..."the Patsy's" ?
REMEMBER..."WHO" Allowed them IN the US?
WHO...immediately, TOOK restructure handing out VISA'S like candy?
WHO....failed to moniter VISA holders?

WAGGING THE simply a staged plan to Cause a pseudo CRISIS, pretend to blame the "target Patsy", and take yet ANOTHER BITE of the LIberty of the People at Large, in the pseudo name of "Maintaining ones Liberty".

Ya, uh, I don't find "Oppressing the citizens Liberty equated with Maintaining the citizens Liberty"....

Ronald Nolette

Well-Known Member
Aug 24, 2020
South Carolina
United States
Gage’s brushes with antisemitism

While Richard Gage doesn’t have a history of explicit antisemitism, he has appeared on multiple podcasts and at conferences where other speakers have promoted conspiracy theories blaming Jews and/or Israel for the 9/11 attacks.

I think the ADL organization is an Anti-Christian site through and through. Wouldn't you agree?

another from the FBI...

The FBI came to the conclusion... that the five Israelis arrested in New Jersey last September were conducting a Mossad surveillance mission
and that their employer, Urban Moving Systems of Weehawken, N.J., served as a front.
-Forward (A Jewish Magazine) March 15, 2002

"Evidence linking these Israelis to 9/11 is classified. I cannot tell you about evidence that has been gathered. It's classified information."
--US official quoted in Carl Cameron's Fox News report (that was later erased from the Fox News website) on the Israeli spy ring and its connections to 9-11.

Wow talk about making a mountain out of grains of sand!

Gage has spoken at all sorts of ideological and non-ideological gatherings. His focus is to get the message out that the towers were intentionally dropped! I suppose you would accuse a pastor of being a drunk, because he walks into a barf to preach to the people there .

ADL is a non-Christian site as opposed to an anti Christian site. they do not believe in Christianity (being Jewish), but do not promote hatred of the faith.

Mossad has spied on america for decades as we have spied on Israel for decades. So your point?

So all your evidence is an unnamed govt. official not telling any info about an Israeli spy ring connection to 9-11
Think about how microscopically thin your evidence really is!

I see you are also on solidified ground with 'facts' on this subject as well. I would not be so easily fooled Ron.

Well after years of studying the events of 9/11 freom many facets and angfles including the supposed anti-semitic angle, and based on you rsubatomic thin evidence so far, I think I am on solid ground.

Israel is no saint, but no one has produced any solid evidence to date to show that Israel had any collaberation with the 19 Arab fundamentalists or the US govt, to bring the three towers down.