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An Apologetic Sheepdog

Well-Known Member
Aug 12, 2021
Atlanta, Ga
United States
Oh I don't know about this...
Jesus ate with sinners, he came to save sinners.
I believe Jesus was very patient and "tolerant" let's call it merciful.

That's because they were the target audience (The well have no need of the physician)- in no way is that and indication of "tolerance" or 'acceptance" or anything else regarding the sin. Don't misread or add that which is not there

it 'sounds' warm and fuzzy or otherwise "religious"

If we had to wait on forgiveness on the contingency of repentence, no one would ever get saved.
God loves us so much, we are already forgiven. We have to acknowledge that, believe that, accept that.
And only then is repentance an option.

That's a combination of wishful thinking, romanticizing and complete disregard for what scripture actually says and uses as examples.

Repentance is the FIRST step ( by the sinner) in the "salvation process" and it is clearly stated in many places that without repentance 9 the literal changed mind) there is no forgiveness.

You have to be wise and understanding.
Coming at people with sticks and stones only chases them farther away.
That's not the game plan.

You also have to be firm, steadfast in the truth too ( even when its unpopular and hurts) and Jesus didn't "save" everyone and others he made no serious attempt to (The pharisees). Its not a "game plan"- its a Commission and Command for those who are called for it.

Tell us about 'sticks and stones" when Jesus himself dealt with the money changers or when he properly made it clear the pharisees were a "brood of vipers" (an insult in that culture which could justify a death penalty) or them being of their father the devil?

One thing we need to remember..
We are not God.
We don't hold the sceptre and make the laws.
Our job is to love our neighbors, our enemies, and introduce them to the one that can change their lives.
If they don't listen... walk away.
The Lord will deal with them in his good time.

Actually no, thats a weak milksop interpretation of what scripture says that gives the weak and lazy an excuse to do little or nothing they deem "not nice".

We have the commission, we have the scripture, we have the Spirit and part of that "love" is rebuke, reproof, teaching and standing fast.

If it was all a situation of just "letting the Lord" then why does He call us to do His work?

I suggest you read and study a good bit deeper.


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Encounter Team
Feb 6, 2018
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United States
~ Ziggy ~

Read your post. Interesting. Like everything else, Experiences a person Does Experience, Does affect their Physiological and Psychological thoughts.
Every kid wants to be a shinning star in their Parents eye.
When a kid, hears or observes a Parents longed for wish, and the kid can not DELIVER ... be it an opposte gender child, a talented musician, sports, orater, actor, singer, academic, farmer, whatever....and the kid can not measure up to what the Parent has made clear, they desire.... the child will do one of two things....
Anything they can think of to BE the highlight of their Parent....or
Completely cut off their Parent.

When a Child has taken Extreme measures to fulfill a Parents desire, and it still does not Please the parent...the Parent WILL get a taste of being CUT OFF... (as the Child ONLY sees those two opitions)...
(Cindy cuts mommy off for a week, because mommy rejected, "Cindy's" extreme efforts, by calling her by mommy's sons name).

All of my children are different. Boy, Girls, Oldest, Middle, Youngest, Planned / unplanned, Hearing, Deaf, excell in talents of their own abilities...
I love them all Equally...and Yet also Love each ones own individual uniqueness.
I don't Love my Daughter is Deaf, but I do Love her fortitude and strength to deal with her deafness...
Moreso saying, each child has their acknowledgment and support and favortism from the Parents and each child toward the other children's own uniqueness.

Maybe some kids don't have that, and sink into a mindset, they can only be acceptably pleasing, favorable to their Parent...IF they become what their parent does not have.

You can use the same scenario, for a Parent who is a Doctor, Pro athlete, Lawyer, Pastor, Politician, Farmer....and WANT their child to DO the SAME....And some kids do, but hate it, and it reflects that "their passion", "their talent"... is not in what they do.

Pretty SAD state of affairs...when a man can reveal their known tendency to not be attracted to females....yet marries...and makes a whole history of an other persons life nothing to remember or reminisce. Pretty selfish and crummy.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2020
Maine, USA
United States
That's because they were the target audience (The well have no need of the physician)- in no way is that and indication of "tolerance" or 'acceptance" or anything else regarding the sin. Don't misread or add that which is not there

it 'sounds' warm and fuzzy or otherwise "religious"

That's a combination of wishful thinking, romanticizing and complete disregard for what scripture actually says and uses as examples.

Repentance is the FIRST step ( by the sinner) in the "salvation process" and it is clearly stated in many places that without repentance 9 the literal changed mind) there is no forgiveness.

You also have to be firm, steadfast in the truth too ( even when its unpopular and hurts) and Jesus didn't "save" everyone and others he made no serious attempt to (The pharisees). Its not a "game plan"- its a Commission and Command for those who are called for it.

Tell us about 'sticks and stones" when Jesus himself dealt with the money changers or when he properly made it clear the pharisees were a "brood of vipers" (an insult in that culture which could justify a death penalty) or them being of their father the devil?

Actually no, thats a weak milksop interpretation of what scripture says that gives the weak and lazy an excuse to do little or nothing they deem "not nice".

We have the commission, we have the scripture, we have the Spirit and part of that "love" is rebuke, reproof, teaching and standing fast.

If it was all a situation of just "letting the Lord" then why does He call us to do His work?

I suggest you read and study a good bit deeper.
That's a great suggestion and one i take seriously daily.
Thank you

I understand the "stand your ground" concept.
You don't change where you stand in the truth.
The plan is to change the hearts and minds of where other's stand in their truth, which is only their truth, not The Truth.

I have a grandson who is autistic. His manerisms are way outside the norms of what christianity would find acceptable.
He has very little control over his actions. He is almost 19 and has the manerism of a 5 year old. Intellectually he has a mind of maybe an 8 year old. He can do math, read, all the common academic things, but when it comes to socializing..
He won't talk to me on the phone. He says Hi, and hands the phone back to my daughter.
When I visit, he is emersed in whatever he is doing, and if you interfere he gets visually frustrated.
He has moments when he will become self inflicting damage, like banging his head against a wall.
So you have to approach him differently and with understanding than you would other 19 year olds.

I don't know all the causes or facts behind transgenderism. I hardly know all the facts about autism.
But I know there is something that causes these shifts from what we consider "normal"

Trying to stay on topic.. because I understand what your saying, but not everything fits inside the same box.
And when things fall outside the "norm" , we should have a plan on how to approach those situations.
I believe listening, understanding, kindness, and tolerance would go a lot farther than trying to get a 19 year old autistic boy to enjoy and partticipate in a large birthday party..
it's not going to happen..
and we have to accept that, and not expect things that are out of our hands.
The Lord can make those changes if it's His plan to do so.
All we can do is be compassionate and loving, in whatever situation presents itself.

Your being judged according to how you judge others.
And no one is perfect. So we should be as forgiving as we would have the Lord be forgiving towards us.

Is not this according to scripture?

God Bless

An Apologetic Sheepdog

Well-Known Member
Aug 12, 2021
Atlanta, Ga
United States
The plan is to change the hearts and minds of where other's stand in their truth, which is only their truth, not The Truth.

"Man" cannot change the heart and mind of another- only the Spirit can.

I have a grandson who is autistic. His manerisms are way outside the norms of what christianity would find acceptable.
So you have to approach him differently and with understanding than you would other 19 year olds.

I'm sorry and will certainly pray for strength for all of you in this trial you have been given. That said, autism is clearly an involuntary medical condition- this 'thing' called transgenderism is not so any comparison between 2 unequal things is invalid.

I don't know all the causes or facts behind transgenderism. I hardly know all the facts about autism.
But I know there is something that causes these shifts from what we consider "normal"

Its called sin and a straying from the Word on one hand combined with temptation on the other.

Trying to stay on topic.. because I understand what your saying, but not everything fits inside the same box.
And when things fall outside the "norm" , we should have a plan on how to approach those situations.

Agree provided that "plan" is firmly grounded in reality, has a clear and defined scope with deliverables and execution strategy ( thats usually the part thats lacking and where people use the lack thereof to justify any number of wrong things under the excuse of "i tried")

Your being judged according to how you judge others.
And no one is perfect. So we should be as forgiving as we would have the Lord be forgiving towards us.

Is not this according to scripture?

You are running together several different concepts under one heading and thats grounds for serious error.

We do not "judge" ( literally sit in the seat of a judge and interpret and apply the law) but we are commanded to hold accountable, evaluate, correct, reprove and even discipline to the scriptures ( the law is the standard, not our opinion)

The fact we are "imperfect' is not only irrelevant but is too often used as excuse to do nothing when in fact we are commanded to do something under the guise of wanting an 'escape clause" to do ( or not to do) that which we "don't like" ( and others go the opposite route and are equally wrong)

Being "forgiving" is also not an excuse or justification for tolerating that which is sin either or failing to address it as scripture instructs.


Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2020
Maine, USA
United States
Pretty SAD state of affairs...when a man can reveal their known tendency to not be attracted to females....yet marries...and makes a whole history of an other persons life nothing to remember or reminisce. Pretty selfish and crummy.
The reason why we got married...
We had just both of us gone through a divorce.
I was looking for a job and the company he worked for was hiring.
That's how we met. And then I eventually moved in with him because it made commuting to work easier.
The relationship was never based on attraction. Until I became attracted. Looking back now, I believe I was the one that was pushing for marriage, but he kept saying someday, someday...

His parents were coming to visit, but his parents were uncomfortable staying under his roof while we were unmarried.
I believe he felt coerced into getting married in order to please his parents and having them visit, acceptable to them.

I don't regret the years we spent together. We worked hard, (everything was work) , playtime was fishing and boating, gardening and visiting junk yards. He loved motors and building things, small engine repair. I learned a lot about diesel engines and trucking.
The hiccup of course was the personal relationship that was lacking..
I didn't understand...
Sometimes I still don't.
But I don't blame either one of us. It was what it was. And when the time came to move on, we agreed.

Seems the parents have a lot to do with how children grow and respond to different circumstances.
Neither of them wanted to displease their parents. And they both took different routes to please them.
All I know is dad was a marine military vet. He didn't take any foolishness. And mom, well, she didn't question anything, but she had a way of making things confusing..
for instance:
My ex got in trouble by hanging with some kids who stole something. He was in the car but didn't have anything to do with the theft. The theft had happened earlier and later he was in the car with them.
He got arrested in the group.
His mother told him she was coming down to post bail, but she never showed up.
When my ex came home he blew up at his mother for lying.
His father wouldn't have that. You don't disrespect your parents.
Eventually my ex told his dad what happened and how mom had broke her promise and left him sitting in jail, even though he was innocent of the charges.
This wasn't the first story of this kind of thing that went on in his upbringing..
we all have stories.
It's putting all the pieces together from all points of view, and honestly reflecting on how you got from there to here.

I don't think he thought it was selfish or crummy,
I think he though he was respecting his parents wishes.

I don't hold him guilty, or me, or his parents..
it's just another lesson, a learning curve..
and what don't kill ya, makes you stronger..



Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2020
Maine, USA
United States
We do not "judge" ( literally sit in the seat of a judge and interpret and apply the law) but we are commanded to hold accountable, evaluate, correct, reprove and even discipline to the scriptures ( the law is the standard, not our opinion)

The scripture say whom we are to hold accountable, evaluate, correct, reprove, and discipline.
I believe this applies to those who are "in" the church. Those that should know better.
Doesn't it say that God judges those who are outside the church?

Are all transgenders christians?
Are they "in" the church?
Should they know better?

If not, then who is the judge?

1Co 5:12 For what have I to do to judge them also that are without? do not ye judge them that are within?
1Co 5:13 But them that are without God judgeth. Therefore put away from among yourselves that wicked person.

That doesn't mean to shun them, it doesn't mean to accept their sin.
It means don't allow yourselves to become victim to and fall into the same sense of acceptance, as the world gives acceptance.
Just because I don't understand transgenderism, doesn't mean I'm going to become a transgender.
Just because the world accepts abortion as normal, and I may even agree a woman has a right to choose what she does with her body.
Doesn't mean I'm going to have an abortion or even agree that I have a moral choice to do so.

I don't have a choice because I don't live by the world's standards. They live in the world and they do live by their standards.
It's not us who judges them. We can warn them they will be judged, and whether they heed the call or not is on them.
All we can do is blow the trumpet, if they don't take the warning.. then they get swept away in the war.

I believe we're saying the same thing, just coming at it from different angles.

An Apologetic Sheepdog

Well-Known Member
Aug 12, 2021
Atlanta, Ga
United States
The scripture say whom we are to hold accountable, evaluate, correct, reprove, and discipline.
I believe this applies to those who are "in" the church. Those that should know better.
Doesn't it say that God judges those who are outside the church?

I submit you need to do a little more in depth study. It "applies" to all ( some as a tool for edification and growth such as in a body of believers and others as a tool of discernment [ testing the spirits])

Are all transgenders christians?
Are they "in" the church?
Should they know better?

That question is unanswerable by any human mean but the 'act' of transgenderism is in fact a sin. That being said, "that sin" can and will be forgiven just like any other CAN be. Contrary to some "hellfire and damnation" teachings- Jesus fully understands the weakness of the flesh and many have "chronic" issues that they themselves never fully shake- those can easily be forgiven by those who repent because the spirit is willing but the flesh is weak. Its those who walk in deliberate defiance that are going to pay the price.

That level of judgement is beyond man''s pay grade and authority.

If not, then who is the judge?

There is but one judge in that day and He sits on a White Throne but i think you confuse the person of a judge with the act of "judging accountability or adherence" to a law or standard. They are not the same.

I believe we're saying the same thing, just coming at it from different angles.

I think we are reasonable close but with some key differences
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Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2020
Maine, USA
United States
I submit you need to do a little more in depth study. It "applies" to all ( some as a tool for edification and growth such as in a body of believers and others as a tool of discernment [ testing the spirits])

That question is unanswerable by any human mean but the 'act' of transgenderism is in fact a sin. That being said, "that sin" can and will be forgiven just like any other CAN be. Contrary to some "hellfire and damnation" teachings- Jesus fully understands the weakness of the flesh and many have "chronic" issues that they themselves never fully shake- those can easily be forgiven by those who repent because the spirit is willing but the flesh is weak. Its those who walk in deliberate defiance that are going to pay the price.

That level of judgement is beyond man''s pay grade and authority.

There is but one judge in that day and He sits on a White Throne but i think you confuse the person of a judge with the act of "judging accountability or adherence" to a law or standard. They are not the same.

I think we are reasonable close but with some key differences
People say that Sodom was destroyed because of homosexuality, but the Lord says it was because of pride, idleness and a lack of hospitality.
I'm not one for pointing fingers at other people. I have enough of my own challenges to deal with.
I don't understand the "depth" of transgenderism, just like I don't know the "depth" of autism.
I don't understand why some men and women are attracted to the same sex.
Is it out of beligerence or is it a chemical imbalance or something else?
I don't know.
So the only thing I am able to discern is the fruit people bare.
They either have fruit of the spirit or fruit of the world.
I believe it's what's in the heart that matters more than the physical "sins" we see.
I don't have to agree with people's behaviors, but I don't have to follow their behaviors.
That's my choice. And they have choices. Or maybe they don't.
I don't know.
I'm willing to say I don't know, I'm not ashamed that I don't have all the answers.
The only answer that I am aware of that is given to me, is to love my neighbor, and love my enemies.
It all comes down to being loving and merciful on our part.
It's in God's hands whether he wants to open eyes and ears to receive the truth and a willingness to change.
All we can do is guide them to water, and the Lord decides whether they are thirsty enough to drink.
And keeping oneself from falling into the desire to sin. That's why Paul said to remove the man that was committing sin,
we don't condone it, but we don't want it to be part of our structure. But when the man knew he had done wrong and was repentant, then Paul said to forgive him and let him back in.
I get it.. I do.
But there is a reason for everything, and I tend to believe that everything is for my benefit and my testing.
This is how I see the world:
The world is one big parade. Not everyone is in the parade, there are many standing in the crowds watching the parade.
As the parade passes by we see all people from all walks of life. And as they go by we judge them. This is good, that is bad..
But I don't believe the Lord is watching the parade. I believe He is watching the reactions of the crowd.
I am an onlooker who once was a parade walker. I don't judge others because I know I am being judged by the same standards I set for others.
Doesn't mean I have to understand why this one is this way, or that one is that way.
What matters is how I respond to what I see and what I hear.
This is how I understand my place in this life.
Others may see their life differently. And I'm ok with that, it's their life, not mine.

God says His ways are higher than our ways and His thoughts are higher then our thoughts..
I won't pretend to think I know the thoughts and ways of God to the depths and heights that he knows.
All I can do is follow the example we were given in the Bible.
If I go astray, my Shepherd will find me and set me straight.. I have no doubt about that.

So enjoy the parade, watch it with mercy and understanding and forgiveness.
Some compassion and grace and charity..
You may find the parade is a lot more challenging when you turn the focus not on what you see, but how you respond to what you see.
That is the test.


amigo de christo

Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
San angelo
United States
People say that Sodom was destroyed because of homosexuality, but the Lord says it was because of pride, idleness and a lack of hospitality.
I'm not one for pointing fingers at other people. I have enough of my own challenges to deal with.
I don't understand the "depth" of transgenderism, just like I don't know the "depth" of autism.
I don't understand why some men and women are attracted to the same sex.
Is it out of beligerence or is it a chemical imbalance or something else?
I don't know.
So the only thing I am able to discern is the fruit people bare.
They either have fruit of the spirit or fruit of the world.
I believe it's what's in the heart that matters more than the physical "sins" we see.
I don't have to agree with people's behaviors, but I don't have to follow their behaviors.
That's my choice. And they have choices. Or maybe they don't.
I don't know.
I'm willing to say I don't know, I'm not ashamed that I don't have all the answers.
The only answer that I am aware of that is given to me, is to love my neighbor, and love my enemies.
It all comes down to being loving and merciful on our part.
It's in God's hands whether he wants to open eyes and ears to receive the truth and a willingness to change.
All we can do is guide them to water, and the Lord decides whether they are thirsty enough to drink.
And keeping oneself from falling into the desire to sin. That's why Paul said to remove the man that was committing sin,
we don't condone it, but we don't want it to be part of our structure. But when the man knew he had done wrong and was repentant, then Paul said to forgive him and let him back in.
I get it.. I do.
But there is a reason for everything, and I tend to believe that everything is for my benefit and my testing.
This is how I see the world:
The world is one big parade. Not everyone is in the parade, there are many standing in the crowds watching the parade.
As the parade passes by we see all people from all walks of life. And as they go by we judge them. This is good, that is bad..
But I don't believe the Lord is watching the parade. I believe He is watching the reactions of the crowd.
I am an onlooker who once was a parade walker. I don't judge others because I know I am being judged by the same standards I set for others.
Doesn't mean I have to understand why this one is this way, or that one is that way.
What matters is how I respond to what I see and what I hear.
This is how I understand my place in this life.
Others may see their life differently. And I'm ok with that, it's their life, not mine.

God says His ways are higher than our ways and His thoughts are higher then our thoughts..
I won't pretend to think I know the thoughts and ways of God to the depths and heights that he knows.
All I can do is follow the example we were given in the Bible.
If I go astray, my Shepherd will find me and set me straight.. I have no doubt about that.

So enjoy the parade, watch it with mercy and understanding and forgiveness.
Some compassion and grace and charity..
You may find the parade is a lot more challenging when you turn the focus not on what you see, but how you respond to what you see.
That is the test.

Let us not reason one thing by the carnal mind . That is how all will be trapped and overcome .
Sin is sin . What if a murder and thief says , HEY I WAS BORN THIS WAY , does GOD excuse that . NOPE .
puts a love of truth and a hate of sin in our hearts . ANYONE JUSTIFYING SIN is not following the SPIRIT .
We need to stop trying to understand things through our own carnal mind . JUST TRUST GOD .


Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2020
Maine, USA
United States
If my brother in law who is now considered my sister in law in the eyes of the world,
ever called me and asked me for help....
I would never miss an opportunity to be the best witness for Jesus in any situation.
I would not look on the outward appearance to choose whether to help or not to help.

God puts people in our lives for a reason. I don't know all the reasons. I just accept whatever he brings into my life as something that will increase whatever fruits need increasing.
If that means patience, kindness, longsuffering, mercy... whatever needs fertilization..
I take it as a lesson I am still in need of learning in order to grow.

I don't know why certain people come in and out of my life.
I have some pretty interesting characters and my father's girlfriend is at the top of the list.
Backbiting, name calling, gossipping, hateful, mean woman.
But if she ever needed my help..
For God's sake I would do whatever I could to show her what Jesus looks like in me.

My dad called me last night and asked if I would go to her house where he is and help him shave today.
He is having troubles with his legs and can't stand at the sink like he usually does.
Apparently he asked her if she would help him shave and she said she felt uncomfortable, so he called me.
I drove over this morning, it's about a 45 minute drive one way.
I walked in and she was clipping his fingernails. Something I'm not comfortable with but if asked would do it anyways.
(Praying I don't cut too deep) .
She helped provide the water in the basin, the facecloth and the shaving gear.
I brought a fold-up table and a self-standing mirror so he could see himself shave.
He has troubles with his hands, so about half way through I took over.
I never shaved nobody until my dad asked me a few weeks ago if I would help.
I'm getting pretty good at it, if I do say so myself.

She asked me if I would like to stay for lunch, they were ordering pizza.
"Do you like pepperoni" she asked me....

I almost fell off the chair.
This is the first time in 5 years that woman said something civil to me.
Not only civil, but she invited me to lunch and asked if I like something..

I can't emphasize enough how out of the ordinary this was.

If I had said, Dad, I really don't like going over there because she is so mean and hateful bird. everytime she sees me she snears at me and says very disrespectful things. And I feel really uncomfortable in her house. (Because I do)
If I had said that instead of I'll be over first thing in the morning...
Look what I would have missed.

It may seem a small thing to some, but to me, it was a miracle. A breakthrough.
And I give God ALL the glory.

My dad liked his shave, and we got to talk politics because we like talking politics.
I had a good morning and the sun was shining and it was a beautiful day.

I'm just saying..
I don't know why the Lord puts people in the path of my life. I just accept it and do the best I can with the fruits he has given me.
And at the end of the day I feel blessed.


Waiting on him

Well-Known Member
Dec 21, 2018
North America
United States
Oh I don't know about this...
Jesus ate with sinners, he came to save sinners.
I believe Jesus was very patient and "tolerant" let's call it merciful.

If we had to wait on forgiveness on the contingency of repentence, no one would ever get saved.
God loves us so much, we are already forgiven. We have to acknowledge that, believe that, accept that.
And only then is repentance an option.
You can choose not to repent.
Doesn't make his forgiveness any less forgiving. You have already been forgiven, now it's up to you to fulfill the other half of that new contract.
Will you sign your name on the dotted line?
Will you repent?
The offer is always on the table for any who are willing to sign up.

I agree there are a lot of sinister deceptions in the world.
But I don't believe most people even realize they are being decieved.
You tell a transgender, you don't really feel the way you do, the world is decieving you...
you think they're going to listen?

You have to be wise and understanding.
Coming at people with sticks and stones only chases them farther away.
That's not the game plan.
We need better tactics to open the door of hospitality, to invite people to a better way.
I just don't see how beating people into submission would work.

One thing we need to remember..
We are not God.
We don't hold the sceptre and make the laws.
Our job is to love our neighbors, our enemies, and introduce them to the one that can change their lives.
If they don't listen... walk away.
The Lord will deal with them in his good time.

Those just my thoughts..
The wife and I were talking about this earlier today.

1 Corinthians 14:23-25 KJV
[23] If therefore the whole church be come together into one place, and all speak with tongues, and there come in those that are unlearned, or unbelievers, will they not say that ye are mad? [24] But if all prophesy, and there come in one that believeth not, or one unlearned, he is convinced of all, he is judged of all: [25] And thus are the secrets of his heart made manifest; and so falling down on his face he will worship God, and report that God is in you of a truth.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2020
Maine, USA
United States
The wife and I were talking about this earlier today.

1 Corinthians 14:23-25 KJV
[23] If therefore the whole church be come together into one place, and all speak with tongues, and there come in those that are unlearned, or unbelievers, will they not say that ye are mad? [24] But if all prophesy, and there come in one that believeth not, or one unlearned, he is convinced of all, he is judged of all: [25] And thus are the secrets of his heart made manifest; and so falling down on his face he will worship God, and report that God is in you of a truth.

NLT: But if all of you are prophesying, and unbelievers or people who don’t understand these things come into your meeting, they will be convicted of sin and judged by what you say.

What does the word prophecying mean in this context?
I'm having trouble understanding.. prophecying when it comes to someone being convicted..
I know "prophecy" as in a future event of somethhing not yet happened..
but in this sentence.. how is prophecying used?

Thank You

Waiting on him

Well-Known Member
Dec 21, 2018
North America
United States
NLT: But if all of you are prophesying, and unbelievers or people who don’t understand these things come into your meeting, they will be convicted of sin and judged by what you say.

What does the word prophecying mean in this context?
I'm having trouble understanding.. prophecying when it comes to someone being convicted..
I know "prophecy" as in a future event of somethhing not yet happened..
but in this sentence.. how is prophecying used?

Thank You
The wife is right.
1 Corinthians 4:5 KJV
[5] Therefore judge nothing before the time, until the Lord come, who both will bring to light the hidden things of darkness, and will make manifest the counsels of the hearts: and then shall every man have praise of God.

they were speaking truth. Their truth.
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amigo de christo

Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
San angelo
United States
If my brother in law who is now considered my sister in law in the eyes of the world,
ever called me and asked me for help....
I would never miss an opportunity to be the best witness for Jesus in any situation.
I would not look on the outward appearance to choose whether to help or not to help.

God puts people in our lives for a reason. I don't know all the reasons. I just accept whatever he brings into my life as something that will increase whatever fruits need increasing.
If that means patience, kindness, longsuffering, mercy... whatever needs fertilization..
I take it as a lesson I am still in need of learning in order to grow.

I don't know why certain people come in and out of my life.
I have some pretty interesting characters and my father's girlfriend is at the top of the list.
Backbiting, name calling, gossipping, hateful, mean woman.
But if she ever needed my help..
For God's sake I would do whatever I could to show her what Jesus looks like in me.

My dad called me last night and asked if I would go to her house where he is and help him shave today.
He is having troubles with his legs and can't stand at the sink like he usually does.
Apparently he asked her if she would help him shave and she said she felt uncomfortable, so he called me.
I drove over this morning, it's about a 45 minute drive one way.
I walked in and she was clipping his fingernails. Something I'm not comfortable with but if asked would do it anyways.
(Praying I don't cut too deep) .
She helped provide the water in the basin, the facecloth and the shaving gear.
I brought a fold-up table and a self-standing mirror so he could see himself shave.
He has troubles with his hands, so about half way through I took over.
I never shaved nobody until my dad asked me a few weeks ago if I would help.
I'm getting pretty good at it, if I do say so myself.

She asked me if I would like to stay for lunch, they were ordering pizza.
"Do you like pepperoni" she asked me....

I almost fell off the chair.
This is the first time in 5 years that woman said something civil to me.
Not only civil, but she invited me to lunch and asked if I like something..

I can't emphasize enough how out of the ordinary this was.

If I had said, Dad, I really don't like going over there because she is so mean and hateful bird. everytime she sees me she snears at me and says very disrespectful things. And I feel really uncomfortable in her house. (Because I do)
If I had said that instead of I'll be over first thing in the morning...
Look what I would have missed.

It may seem a small thing to some, but to me, it was a miracle. A breakthrough.
And I give God ALL the glory.

My dad liked his shave, and we got to talk politics because we like talking politics.
I had a good morning and the sun was shining and it was a beautiful day.

I'm just saying..
I don't know why the Lord puts people in the path of my life. I just accept it and do the best I can with the fruits he has given me.
And at the end of the day I feel blessed.

We would feed anyone . But always remember this as well . Never lie to them . If they are a man and ask you to call them mam
or etc . YE are not to do any such thing . Never allow one to ever feel their sin is okay in the eyes of God .
The more we read the bible the more we see the real pattern on how to appraoch any situation .

Waiting on him

Well-Known Member
Dec 21, 2018
North America
United States
NLT: But if all of you are prophesying, and unbelievers or people who don’t understand these things come into your meeting, they will be convicted of sin and judged by what you say.

What does the word prophecying mean in this context?
I'm having trouble understanding.. prophecying when it comes to someone being convicted..
I know "prophecy" as in a future event of somethhing not yet happened..
but in this sentence.. how is prophecying used?

Thank You
Imagine a church, a body,,, one day you decide to enter that body. You sit and the fellowship begins, everyone begins to confess their individual sins, you know the things done in darkness. If you were not among the born of God you’d have to acknowledge these things in yourself, or would you.
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