Trump is dangerous - a Messianic Complex

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Big Boy Johnson

Well-Known Member
Sep 28, 2023
North America
United States
Revelation is apocalyptic literature that is full of symbols and imagery. Dragons and beasts and such your used to seeing symbolically, but the numbers are just as symbolic and often evokes just as much imagery as the beasts do.

Revelation is a beautiful well...

So... that's your convenient way to make the claim that.... 1000 years does not mean 1000 years!

Oh, and this isn't found in the Book of Revelation homie! disagree.gif

2 Peter 3:8
But, beloved, be not ignorant of this one thing, that one day is
with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day.

So, don't be ignorant of this one thing!

Reggie Belafonte

Well-Known Member
Mar 16, 2018
I'm not sure I completely understand your question. But I think Trump would do everything to end it peacefully, first and foremost. Sending troops would be a sure way to escalate things, and nobody should want that. Biden, NATO, and Zelensky, on the other hand, have been resistant to peace talks. They keep upping the ante, which risks the possibility of it turning from a regional war into a global war. Frankly, I think there's more going on than what we see at the surface level, and I have my own ideas about that. Suffice to say, I don't believe Putin is the devil and Biden is certainly no saint.
The fact of the matter is that Trump would not of did the stupid pathetic idiot thing the Joe Biden did in fact and cause a War !
Joe Biden did everything in his power to create the conflict in fact ! and anyone with a brain regarding the Area of the dispute has nothing to do with the West at all ! It's Russia's back yard ! it concerns Russia in fact very deeply in fact !
But the Satanist play smoke and mirrors regarding the true subject !
Most people in The West know bugger all about Ukraine in fact and are just going with the flow of the MSM and Evil Governments that are totally corrupt or do so out of fear.

When President Trump gets Zelensky to come talk with him, trump will point out that Zelensky should start acting like the Leader of the Nation and come to an agreement with Russia period ! Not more USA Tax payer funded War of senseless murder or Genocide over such.
Putin is a total moron all that moron has done is escalate escalate escalate like a full on stupid brat that has no regard for peoples lives and homes etc etc, it would never of happened under Trump, because he would seen such is futile in fact !
Biden brought it all on ! he and his Mob are retards ! Russia will never put up with such come hell or high water in fact ! for they can not afford not to in fact ! It must be solved diplomatically ! War is not the answer in fact ! and it's the West that is in the wrong in fact, so wrong it's pathetic !
Ukraine is under a Dictatorship in fact ! Their is no opposition Party at all in fact ! their is no Media but the Ukraine Media Zelensky is a total nut case and not worthy of being a Comedian even.
It's all about the Oil and Gas found that's why the West is demanding the War in fact.
Not to mention the Socialist NWO is all about making sure Oil prices go up !
Russia can sell cheap oil to the World and that's a real no no to the NWO, So they have to work to undermine Russia ! We can not have cheap fuel now can we !
Not to mention Russia is not going to give it's Military Base Fleet up, down their for no one in fact ! It's 100% Nuclear War if any moron try's that in fact ! And because of modern advancement in Weapons they also need more of a wider coverage area in regards that Base, given hostility of the Ukraine Government being so stupid ! So Russia was forced in fact into this stupid War in fact !
It's the people of Ukraine that have nothing to gain from Zelensky at all but for some very rich trash.
G Soros has huge investments in Ukraine, he in fact for years created and funded the Nazis in Ukraine !

But you do not hear a peep about Nazis in Ukraine by the MSM or our corrupt Governments in fact, but in Australia they have ranted about some so called Nazi group of 30 people with their face covered up, who i doubt are Nazis at all, and we are not allowed to know what this group are truly on about at all ! they are just Nazis ? shut up ! they are Nazis, that's all you are worthy to know ! period. They do not want the public to be educated on any subject ! So we do not know what they truly are on about.
It's like G Soros the majority do not know who he is at all, he is like Hitler himself ! and Soros funds idiots all over the world ! so are this Australian Nazi group funded by Soros as well ? i want to know ! we also have radical religious idiots getting about as well, so who pushes that nonsense as well ? they shot two Cops here !
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Jay Ross

Well-Known Member
Jun 20, 2011
Another worthless post about something you don’t care enough about to comment on beyond saying it’s pointless. Yawn. :rolleyes:

Since I am not a USA citizen, the discussion for me is pointless. The thrust of the thread is that one side states that Trump has a messianic complex while the other side claims that he does not.

For me this thread brings no hope in Christ for our future. It is just one side donging the other with their big stick which they hope is bigger that the other sides.

Know what I mean.


Well-Known Member
Jan 12, 2024
United States
So... that's your convenient way to make the claim that.... 1000 years does not mean 1000 years!

Oh, and this isn't found in the Book of Revelation homie! View attachment 40905

2 Peter 3:8
But, beloved, be not ignorant of this one thing, that one day is
with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day.

So, don't be ignorant of this one thing!

Since there is expressed interest in the topic of Amillenialism I'll give you some really good resource material.

Pastor Voddie Baucham has preached an entire series on the book of Revelation. For anyone interested they might be enlightened and encouraged by the whole series.

Voddie actually started this series in Daniel first, but you can back track to that sermon if you want.

Grace Family Baptist Church is who has the sermons on YouTube, they have the whole series and I'm sorry but I'm having a difficult time figuring out how to link to the series for some reason, so you will have to go to the YouTube homepage yourself. Here's the first video to get you started:

Also, a book of interest is this one here:


Mr E

Well-Known Member
Aug 17, 2022
San Diego
United States
Since I am not a USA citizen, the discussion for me is pointless. The thrust of the thread is that one side states that Trump has a messianic complex while the other side claims that he does not.

For me this thread brings no hope in Christ for our future. It is just one side donging the other with their big stick which they hope is bigger that the other sides.

Know what I mean.

So then…. Since you admittedly are not interested— your comment was/is pointless.

Why bother commenting such? It’s simply your habit.

Jay Ross

Well-Known Member
Jun 20, 2011
So then…. Since you admittedly are not interested— your comment was/is pointless.

Why bother commenting such? It’s simply your habit.

Mr. E, in another thread I recently posted why God is punishing the USA at present. Sadly, many USA Christians cannot see the sin that occurred that has caused God to prophetically tell us why and how God will punish the USA. I also pointed out that the USA was not the only country involved in this sin and punishment.

Now can you tell me what the sin was that the USA and around 20 other countries committed within the last 20 or so years to warrant God punishing all of these nations?

Now if you are looking for a political solution to heal the USA, then it is obvious that you are looking in the wrong areas for the right solution because all of the suggested solutions presented so far are all seemingly failing.

I wonder if the USA Christian have the laughing matter necessary to discover the solution needed to heal the land.

Oh, by the way, both the present and the hopeful political figures have one foot sliding into their grave and the other foot is presently beginning to fall onto a ditched banana skin near their respective graves.

The probable outcome of the Presidential election in the USA is that shortly after the installation of the elected president and his taking of his office, the position of the USA President will come to rest on someone who was not nominated or elected to be the USA President and that this will probably lead to the scattering of the island states that make up the federation of the USA that was prophetically foretold in the Seventh Bowl judgement after WW2.


PS: - I would prefer to be wrong on this matter, but I am hearing reports already of the war drums beating in the USA.

Chains Broken

Well-Known Member
Oct 26, 2023
United States
United States
As others in this thread have pointed out, peace through strength is literally the only thing that works with some people, and perhaps the only thing that ever will work with some nations.
Yes unfortunately strength is the only thing some people and some governments understand.

It's better to have it and pray you don't need to use it, than to need to use it and pray that you have it.


Well-Known Member
Dec 24, 2006
Biden is a criminal.
Could not even run a hot dog stand.
Trumps companies are legit.
If he expelled foreign business clients or excluded them from renting you would say he is a racist.
He was in business before biden ever entered his criminal political career.
And before he himself entered politics.
Now as for your guy, ALL the money he accepted is dirty and he is a traitor to the USA.
It's a fact ,he received money ,him and his kids, it's all good though , as you'll will follow him whatever


Well-Known Member
Dec 24, 2006
I was very enthusiastic about Ronald Reagan also. No, I'm not "cult of Trump", which is more a derogatory term from those against him. He's the greatest president I've seen in my life, and maybe he's among the greatest the US has known.

The constant religious fervor is from those against him, hammering daily at his image to take him down in the eyes of others.

Look at the E Jean Carroll case. They had to pass new law to get it in the courts. The "evidence" is laughable, it's being paid for by rich never-Trumpers, it's an evil abuse of process, Lawfare. Yet daily in the news, week after week after week, and that's just one example of so many! And after the 1000's of lies year after year, people end up being swayed by it, and they see the accusations, and sound bites, and not the President.

Meanwhile, this is the guy who secured our country's borders, ended Roe v Wade, cut our taxes, built our military, no wars, brought back domestic production, built our economy twice.

I live here, I know what my life was like before President Trump's administration, and during, and after.

No, it's not a cult of Trump, it's a bunch of people who realize what's on the line, and the extreme difference between our choices. Yes we are enthusiastic. It's a good thing.

Much love!
Supporting trump is laughable


Well-Known Member
Jul 22, 2022
Ontario, Canada
So... that's your convenient way to make the claim that.... 1000 years does not mean 1000 years!

Oh, and this isn't found in the Book of Revelation homie! View attachment 40905

2 Peter 3:8
But, beloved, be not ignorant of this one thing, that one day is
with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day.

So, don't be ignorant of this one thing!
A thousand years is as a day and a day is as a thousand already allegorical in itself. But what day is it talking about? What day are we in? Aren't we in the Sabbath day of rest...?......the "Today" of scripture whereby that rest (salvation) may be still be found? See Heb. 3 and 4. Looks very much to me like this now, "Today" is the long day of longsuffering that is spoken of in 2Peter 3, likened to a thousand years, which we are to account as meaning that salvation for souls is still possible.

In 2 Peter 3, Peter was mentioning those who were scoffing because Lord hadn't returned yet. When he said a thousand years is as a day, and talked about the time of God's longsuffering that we are to account as salvation, he was responding to the scoffers who were saying in effect, "If He was supposed to be coming back soon, or at any time now , well where is He then?" (Peter was essentially pointing out that the "soon" of God isn't necessarily the "soon" of man.)

For Israel as a nation as a whole, that time of longsuffering came to an end in 70 AD when her transgressions came to the full, fully ripened. Except for a remnant. The faithful remnant of Jews who accepted Christ and His gospel were spared the wrath. And as we are told in scripture, these things happened to Israel as an ensample and admonition to the church....well we should take that seriously. To the Jew first then the Gentile.


Well-Known Member
Feb 14, 2021
Shining City on a Hill
United States
Another pointless thread discussion.
Feel free to post only in threads you find value. There is no point writting pointless posts in threads you find pointless.

Perhaps you should petition the administrators to filter attempts to start threads for you to approve for having a sufficient degree of gravitas?
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Well-Known Member
Jul 22, 2022
Ontario, Canada
I am personally Amillenial.

This means I do believe we are living right now in the 1,000 years reign - the 1,000 years just being an indeterminate time between the resurrection and the second coming.

I believe Christ's second coming will occur with little to no warning.

And I also believe Scripture shows that things in the world will get better and better, and then at one point society the world over will decline prior to The Second Advent.

I agree with you that how we see eschatology is sharply affecting how they are reacting to the present moment.

For instance I, though I know that Christ can return any minute, I also have to act like He could also continue to tarry another 1,000 of our own years.

It's silly to decide, just because things are bad today, that we couldn't overcome the problems and challenges we face in our society, even though to our eyes it seems insurmountable.

I'm sure our people have faced worse than this. In Christ all things are possible.

But Christians with different eschatological views will and are responding quite a bit differently... Not treating the problems of our day as challenges to be tackled in, with and through Christ...

I think this right here is what is making the political landscape so messy, and what's more I almost think this is a concerted, strategic effort to make people believe this is the end, to force people to react instead of think.

We are facing a challenge, socialism is taking over the country, but in Christ there's no challenge we can't overcome. And that's just honest.

Whether He comes back tomorrow or not shouldn't matter to the actions we take.
The overcoming of scripture isn't talking about changing adverse circumstances, it is talking about overcoming in the midst of adverse circumstances. We are more than conquerors in the midst of adverse circumstances.....because it works for our good....the Lord is turning it all around for our spiritual good. No matter what the devil throws at us, as long as we remain can't help but do us good not evil. The worse things are, the more we suffer, the more good it is doing us. I believe those believers who have it worst in this life, the poor and struggling, disabled and homeless believers, mentally ill, persecuted, downtrodden, etc, will receive greater rewards and honour in heaven than those of us who don't have it so hard. The last shall be first. The least shall be called greatest. God's ways are not man's ways.

I'm sorry if I sound preachy, but let's be careful we aren't setting our hearts on worldly institutions or on any flesh and blood political leader....that is called idolatry and in God's sight, He considers that to be a heart gone a-whoring away from Him. He is a jealous God. We need to be having our hearts set on Him and that way we shall not be moved no matter what the political circumstances are, either good or bad. If we are in the spirit we will not be moved either way. I sure was letting things "move" me for a while there, and I don't mean to be talking down to anyone. Just pleading for what I know is right and asking that we all examine our hearts in this.

I'll be voting conservative again in our next election here, but by God's grace I'm not dazzled or having high hopes of anybody who is but flesh and blood and therefore prone to all the temptations and weakness of man, and if things don't turn out for the better in a political way, I pray that my heart will still say, blessed be the name of the Lord, who gives and takes away.

You know what a reprieve is in God's sight? I believe it is He giving the church a chance to repent of sin in the camp, in face of certain coming judgment - if she will - before judgment falls. If the church repents during that time judgment will be averted....if not, we can expect judgment.

2Ch 7:14

“if My people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land.

Too many teddy bear soft messages being preached in the church without being balanced by the warnings of scripture and fear of the Lord has led to sin in the camp.....that's the sad reality of things these days......which leads to God's judgment, the same as Israel.
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rebuilder 454

Well-Known Member
Jul 15, 2023
United States
It's a fact ,he received money ,him and his kids, it's all good though , as you'll will follow him whatever
Trump is the only president that lost money during his time in office.
All money he received was legit business that he had before office.
Your guy on the other hand is dirty dirty dirty. Took bribes via cunning laundering schemes by his equally corrupt son.

amigo de christo

Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
San angelo
United States
The overcoming of scripture isn't talking about changing adverse circumstances, it is talking about overcoming in the midst of adverse circumstances. We are more than conquerors in the midst of adverse circumstances.....because it works for our good....the Lord is turning it all around for our spiritual good. No matter what the devil throws at us, as long as we remain can't help but do us good not evil. The worse things are, the more we suffer, the more good it is doing us. I believe those believers who have it worst in this life, the poor and struggling, disabled and homeless believers, mentally ill, persecuted, downtrodden, etc, will receive greater rewards and honour in heaven than those of us who don't have it so hard. The last shall be first. The least shall be called greatest. God's ways are not man's ways.

I'm sorry if I sound preachy, but let's be careful we aren't setting our hearts on worldly institutions or on any flesh and blood political leader....that is called idolatry and in God's sight, He considers that to be a heart gone a-whoring away from Him. He is a jealous God. We need to be having our hearts set on Him and that way we shall not be moved no matter what the political circumstances are, either good or bad. If we are in the spirit we will not be moved either way. I sure was letting things "move" me for a while there, and I don't mean to be talking down to anyone. Just pleading for what I know is right and asking that we all examine our hearts in this.

I'll be voting conservative again in our next election here, but by God's grace I'm not dazzled or having high hopes of anybody who is but flesh and blood and therefore prone to all the temptations and weakness of man, and if things don't turn out for the better in a political way, I pray that my heart will still say, blessed be the name of the Lord, who gives and takes away.

You know what a reprieve is in God's sight? I believe it is He giving the church a chance to repent of sin in the camp, in face of certain coming judgment - if she will - before judgment falls. If the church repents during that time judgment will be averted....if not, we can expect judgment.

2Ch 7:14

“if My people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land.

Too many teddy bear soft messages being preached in the church without being balanced by the warnings of scripture and fear of the Lord has led to sin in the camp.....that's the sad reality of things these days......which leads to God's judgment, the same as Israel.
But let patience have her perfect work that ye may be ...........
GOD knows how to chasten . He allows persecutions and tribulations to come against even the true lambs .
HE allows hard times and dangerous things .
Let us see what paul once wrote .
BUT we had the sentence of death in ourselves , SO THAT WE WOULD NOT TRUST IN US , men , the flesh
BUT IN GOD who DELIVERS us . He didnt say but we had hard times
so that we could then find a leader we can trust in to help us . GOD does as HE DOES
to HELP US . TO GET OUR FOCUS off of men , off of us and our trust , hope and faith TO BE IN HE ALONE .
This too is why paul was told BY GOD as to why the thorn would be allowed to remain and not removed .
For when we are weak , THEN WE ARE STRONG . YEAH CAUSE OUR TRUST IS TOTALLY IN GOD , not us and not men but GOD .

amigo de christo

Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
San angelo
United States
Name a policy or act of Trump while in office you disagree with.
The abraham accords . THE POPE and vatican itself is BEHIND THIS .
you asked , i answered . and beware this religous tolerance act too . IT TOO cometh of the most liberal agenda
THEY DOING the work of the dark one and neither side can see the dangers behind the agenda .
THEY can only see the danger if the other side says it , but IF THEIR SIDE DOES IT they fall for it . BOTH SIDES getting duped and will
soon grow even more weary and will soon be led to unite as one and do so against the few lambs WHO DID NOT CONFORM .

amigo de christo

Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
San angelo
United States
Both sides preach this universal we are one lovey do unity .
Both sides are behind the idea of all religoins merging as one for peace and safety .
Both sides . These leaders actually believe that GOD is in all religoins and that every religoin
in part serves GOD .
Both sides preach the same agenda and have sold it unto their own camps .
We better be on gaurd and watch out .
I have seen men speak against the one world govt and religoin
ONLY TO BE DOING ITS AGENDA . they know how to decieve because their father is A DECIEVER .
And they know how to allure each side into the net and in time to UNIFY THEM ALL under
what they will believe is LOVE and GOD . THE DEVIL is VERY DECEPTIVE INDEED .