Trump Says US COVID-19 Deaths ‘Far Exaggerated,’ Blames CDC for Bad Statistics

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Well-Known Member
Mar 10, 2011
in a house
United States
President Donald Trump on Jan. 3 questioned the accuracy of the official nationwide CCP virus cases and death counts, saying that the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has exaggerated the numbers.

“The number of cases and deaths of the China Virus is far exaggerated in the United States because of [the CDC’s] ridiculous method of determination compared to other countries, many of whom report, purposely, very inaccurately and low,” Trump wrote on Twitter. “‘When in doubt, call it Covid.’ Fake News!”

According to the CDC, nearly 337,000 Americans have died of COVID-19, and more than 19.4 million people were infected by the end of 2020. The agency says on its website that the statistics are based on the most recent numbers reported by states, territories, and other jurisdictions.

“Data are dependent on jurisdictions’ timely and accurate reporting,” the CDC website states. It adds that counting exact numbers of COVID-19 cases “is not possible” due to the symptoms of COVID-19 not appearing immediately, delays in reporting and testing, infected individuals not getting tested or seeking medical care, and differences in how completely states and territories report their cases.

Dr. Anthony Fauci, a leading member of the White House pandemic task force, objected to Trump’s comments on Jan. 3, saying the numbers are not fake.

“All you need to do is go out into the trenches,” Fauci said in an interview with ABC News. “Go to the hospitals and see what the health care workers are dealing with. They are under very stressful situations in many areas of the country. The hospital beds are stretched, people are running out of beds, running out of trained personnel who are exhausted.”

Trump responded to Fauci on Twitter, saying: “Something how Dr. Fauci is revered by the LameStream Media as such a great professional, having done, they say, such an incredible job, yet he works for me and the Trump Administration, and I am in no way given any credit for my work. Gee, could this just be more Fake News?”

Earlier this week, a pair of Minnesota legislators called for a nationwide audit of the COVID-19 death count after they allegedly found evidence that people who died from other causes were added to the state’s pandemic death totals.

Republican state Rep. Mary Franson and state Sen. Scott Jensen said during an interview with Fox News that a team they enlisted to examine data provided by Minnesota’s health department found that COVID-19 was blamed for some deaths that were clearly unrelated.

“We found clear-cut examples from the Minnesota Department of Health’s own files—public records—of suicide, a drowning, an auto accident where the passenger was ejected from the vehicle,” Franson said.

Trump Says US COVID-19 Deaths 'Far Exaggerated,' Blames CDC for Bad Statistics
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Reggie Belafonte

Well-Known Member
Mar 16, 2018
President Donald Trump on Jan. 3 questioned the accuracy of the official nationwide CCP virus cases and death counts, saying that the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has exaggerated the numbers.

“The number of cases and deaths of the China Virus is far exaggerated in the United States because of [the CDC’s] ridiculous method of determination compared to other countries, many of whom report, purposely, very inaccurately and low,” Trump wrote on Twitter. “‘When in doubt, call it Covid.’ Fake News!”

According to the CDC, nearly 337,000 Americans have died of COVID-19, and more than 19.4 million people were infected by the end of 2020. The agency says on its website that the statistics are based on the most recent numbers reported by states, territories, and other jurisdictions.

“Data are dependent on jurisdictions’ timely and accurate reporting,” the CDC website states. It adds that counting exact numbers of COVID-19 cases “is not possible” due to the symptoms of COVID-19 not appearing immediately, delays in reporting and testing, infected individuals not getting tested or seeking medical care, and differences in how completely states and territories report their cases.

Dr. Anthony Fauci, a leading member of the White House pandemic task force, objected to Trump’s comments on Jan. 3, saying the numbers are not fake.

“All you need to do is go out into the trenches,” Fauci said in an interview with ABC News. “Go to the hospitals and see what the health care workers are dealing with. They are under very stressful situations in many areas of the country. The hospital beds are stretched, people are running out of beds, running out of trained personnel who are exhausted.”

Trump responded to Fauci on Twitter, saying: “Something how Dr. Fauci is revered by the LameStream Media as such a great professional, having done, they say, such an incredible job, yet he works for me and the Trump Administration, and I am in no way given any credit for my work. Gee, could this just be more Fake News?”

Earlier this week, a pair of Minnesota legislators called for a nationwide audit of the COVID-19 death count after they allegedly found evidence that people who died from other causes were added to the state’s pandemic death totals.

Republican state Rep. Mary Franson and state Sen. Scott Jensen said during an interview with Fox News that a team they enlisted to examine data provided by Minnesota’s health department found that COVID-19 was blamed for some deaths that were clearly unrelated.

“We found clear-cut examples from the Minnesota Department of Health’s own files—public records—of suicide, a drowning, an auto accident where the passenger was ejected from the vehicle,” Franson said.

Trump Says US COVID-19 Deaths 'Far Exaggerated,' Blames CDC for Bad Statistics
Trump is correct in all that he said, but the MSM have an agenda that is so deranged that they are just like Nazi Germany Media was in fact, but that's typical of any Socialism controlled Nation, such a MSM only must push one sided view as if it were the Law.

It's much like the unions dribble, that all must be as one and anyone who honestly stands up to question what they are doing, is attacked full on, and the rest warned that nothing to be seen here !

The Unions are a Company that looks after themselves first and foremost over all, just like Socialist Governments are a Company who do work to own and dominate over the people, only problem is that all fools are taken in and swallow all the spin that this cunning mob play out, because they are to ignorant to understand that they are being diddled and the foundations of ones rights are being eroded.
The Socialist are masters of delusions they will give such all a degenerate wish for ones self and then turn around on anyone like a mongrel dog and totally dominate over all and you can not vote the bastards out because they have worked to undermine all that.

Look at Biden he claimed that he would steal the election and what a great job he and his mob has done a good job of all that cunning, not to mention the MSM working 24/7 on undermine Trump and the stupid all out attacks on Trump on everything and anything 24/7 they are relentless, the same will come upon all people who do not submit to their Slandering and Malice, they will become just like Hitler was, totally insane dictators over all and everything, there new age religion the Political Correctness god must be obeyed with the zeal like that of the fanatical that I have seen ranting and raving about a utopia. such people are dreaming and such will crash badly like the Cancer that it truly is. because it destroys people both body and Soul.

Fact is that Socialism is Anti-Christ !

True Christianity has everything one needs to make a society's people great, we see that in the roots of the OT foundations and when the people turned their back on God they always failed and that's a fact, so the Socialist do not have a leg to stand on, they will fail because they are of Satan and there will be Hell to pay.


Well-Known Member
Feb 4, 2018
United States
@historyb ...Why did you distort the truth in your OP on this subject, Shame on you. You made Fauci seem like a saint and he definitely not..

Fauci the con and crook never said the 'deaths were fake' as you said in your OP. He deliberately avoided answering the statements posed by Trump that the COVID deaths reported by the CDC were exaggerated, by a very large margin. So Fauci the slick and slippery person that he is, deliberately avoided saying that all these COVID deaths were all from COVID, because he cannot support it and he knows it. He knows there is a huge deception going on with these so-called deaths and he is neck deep in it.

So instead, he said 'the deaths were/are real.' Deliberately making his answer vague and deceptive. You see in his mind the deaths are certainly real, although as Trump said, many are not from the so-called COVID....

And them Fauci began to weave his story by saying,...folks should go to the trenches....right, get kicks out or arrested on the spot, for trying to get to the truth and see 1st hand what is going on in these so-called overworked over capacity, and stressed out hospitals....

Fauci is such a weasel.....why cannot most folks see though his cons...? Amazes me. Trump needs to get the military in all these hospitals and IG, inspect ALL these places and report back to the people in what they found...just like the fraud in the elections, they will find the same fraud of a medical and pharma nature, a real massive and widespread fraud and conspiracy against the people...folks are being had again....



Well-Known Member
May 27, 2018
President Donald Trump on Jan. 3 questioned the accuracy of the official nationwide CCP virus cases and death counts, saying that the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has exaggerated the numbers.
Too little and too late. In a corporation, the CEO must take final responsibility for all the misdeeds of his underlings. Similarly, in the Administration, the CDC, NIH/NIAID, FDA, HHS, etc. were all operating under the authority of the President . Since he allowed all these criminal COVID conspirators to continue for 12 months, and did not fire a single one of them, it would appear that he must take ultimate responsibility for the fakery of CDC, Fauci, etc.

There has been report after report after report that all these public health officials have conflicts of interest, vested interest in raking in millions, and having engaged in questionable shenanigans in the past. Which means that by March or April at the latest, they should all have been fired, and an independent non-partisan expert investigative commission should have been set up to thoroughly investigate the COVID conspiracy. This was Mr. Trump's responsibility. But he failed to dig deep into this Swamp activity.

I have been a strong supporter of Donald Trump since he presented his original agenda to Make America Great Again and to Drain the Swamp. But he did not drain the Swamp, and then appointed Swamp creatures to sabotage America. Fraudster Fauci was an ARDENT ADMIRER of Hillary Clinton. So how in the world did he become spokesman for Trump and ruin the country?

There is absolutely no doubt that there was (and still is) a criminal conspiracy behind the release of Wuhan virus and its aftermath. Had patriotic, faithful, ethical and professional officials been in charge from day one, we would not have seen this absolute disaster of public health mis-management. Why was Dr. Ben Carson excluded? Why was Dr. Vladimir Zelenko excluded? There were at least a couple of dozen moral and ethical doctors who should have been handling this so-called pandemic and insisting that the HCQ combo pack be made available freely to all who were infected. None of them was on the Task Force.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 5, 2020
United States
Ain't no stopping it!

Revelation 13:7 (NKJV)
7 It was granted to him to make war with the saints and to overcome them. And authority was given him over every tribe, tongue, and nation.