Warning about vaccines from doctors and scientists

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Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2020
Does that apply to yourself? After all, you made this judgmental statement earlier -- post #474.
Post 474 actually says this

"No. I just have had enough of people acting as if they made a superior decision and anyone who looks for a second opinion is unintelligent or dishonest etc."

Pointing out that one side is judmental does not make me judgmental in any way. One thing we can judge though is that many of the vaccine propaganda pushers also support molesting children with nature altering medical procedures.

Ronald Nolette

Well-Known Member
Aug 24, 2020
South Carolina
United States
Obey “unbiblical” ? No.
Obey “unConstitutional” Laws? No.

Acts 5:
[29] Then Peter and the other apostles answered and said, We ought to obey God rather than men.

The purpose of the US Constitution is to Limit the Power of the Government, NOT the People.

An UnConstitutional Law, is no Law at all.
Federalist Papers, Created and Established BY America Founders;
Federalist Essay #78 9th paragraph.
Federalist Essay # 45 9th paragraph.

And...NO ONE is claiming the US Government “created” an “UNConstitutional” Law regarding “Forcing of human experiments called Covid Vaccines”....
The “Forcing” was implemented by “Verbal Spoken Mandate”.....
NOT by a Congressional ACT of “Congress Creating a Legislative Law”.

There “IS” a Master / Servant relationship Biblically and Secularly...
If you do not KNOW what constitutes/establishes that Relationship and it’s LIMITATIONS, ‘YOU” can choose to “DO” what any man tells you to “DO”.

Same as I can “choose” to “IGNORE” what any man tells me to “DO”.

Yes, very familiar, God has “Established” every individual with Freewill “TO DO what they choose”.

Biden IS NOT in any way, shape, or form... My Master.
Well if you choose to ignore the governing authorities, that is you privilege, I hope you are prepared to suffer imprisonment for it.

But as for me, I choose to obey what the Bible says:

Romans 13

King James Version

13 Let every soul be subject unto the higher powers. For there is no power but of God: the powers that be are ordained of God.
2 Whosoever therefore resisteth the power, resisteth the ordinance of God: and they that resist shall receive to themselves damnation.
3 For rulers are not a terror to good works, but to the evil. Wilt thou then not be afraid of the power? do that which is good, and thou shalt have praise of the same:
4 For he is the minister of God to thee for good. But if thou do that which is evil, be afraid; for he beareth not the sword in vain: for he is the minister of God, a revenger to execute wrath upon him that doeth evil.
5 Wherefore ye must needs be subject, not only for wrath, but also for conscience sake.
6 For for this cause pay ye tribute also: for they are God's ministers, attending continually upon this very thing.
7 Render therefore to all their dues: tribute to whom tribute is due; custom to whom custom; fear to whom fear; honour to whom honour.

As long as they call us to obey rules that do not violate SCripture--- we are bound by Scripture to obey. If they are unconstituional laws- then it is a fight that will ensue to see if it is considered unconstitutional or not.

Biden is the POTUS, not my master.


Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2022
New York
United States
Some people say they should not even call it a vaccine. If some experimental shot causes the body to attack what it should not or some such, that is not good. There are experts who warn that the covid vaccines might be dangerous for some. You trust it is not so all you like. You do not speak for me.

I trust the Covid vaccine? You must be reading my post when your drunk. I don't even think it's a real vaccine.


Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2020
I trust the Covid vaccine? You must be reading my post when your drunk. I don't even think it's a real vaccine.
So what is your position? Are you one of those that agree with experts that we should be wary of it or not?
edit: apologies. In rereading you post I see you were not saying what I thought


Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2020
As long as they call us to obey rules that do not violate SCripture--- we are bound by Scripture to obey.
Maybe we should say that if a government fulfills it's mandate to protect the innocent etc etc etc etc, then we should try, as much as lies in us, to obey. When they become His enemies and slay the innocents and stand for outright evil, then it is our job to obey God rather than man.


Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2022
New York
United States

Ronald Nolette

Well-Known Member
Aug 24, 2020
South Carolina
United States
Maybe we should say that if a government fulfills it's mandate to protect the innocent etc etc etc etc, then we should try, as much as lies in us, to obey. When they become His enemies and slay the innocents and stand for outright evil, then it is our job to obey God rather than man.
It is always our job to obey God over man when the two are in direct conflict. But obeying God is not marching in protest, starting a rebellion or revolution, refusing to pay taxes etc. It simply means we do not obey the law that contradicts Gods law.

Sorry but the drug companies in seeing children die in clinical trials is not even close to Herods command to go and saly all teh young malke children 2 and under in Bethlehem. YOu are just being paranoid and taking facts and twisting them because of a predisposed bias you have.


Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2020
It is always our job to obey God over man when the two are in direct conflict.

I agree

But obeying God is not marching in protest, starting a rebellion or revolution, refusing to pay taxes etc. It simply means we do not obey the law that contradicts Gods law.

The woman who was arrested for silently praying near an abortion clinic was not marching in the streets. How about we don't judge how people feel they need to obey God? On the issue of having our bodies affected in a way that some experts suggest is against nature with experimental shots, I see that as a matter of conscience and choice. The governments overstepped their place in making it something else, closing churches, foisting it on children, underhandedly getting media to cover things up and preach their story..etc

Mr E

Well-Known Member
Aug 17, 2022
San Diego
United States
Yeah I listened to all of it and I will tell you one thing about me for sure. If pilots are forced to take the shot then Peter is not getting on an airplane.

Died Suddenly - World Premiere (Full documentary just released in HD)

I don't know if anyone else noticed it, but I find it strange and interesting in that Died Suddenly footage you see clips of people succumbing to death, or perhaps just collapsing prior to dying (but from the title you have to conclude that those featured, died).

Several of them just prior to collapsing are doing quite ordinary things with no appearance of anything wrong... then-- they turn their faces upwards, like they are being swarmed by some unseen 'thing' and they try to swat 'it' away a few times..... then they are taken.

Did anyone else observe that in the film?

Watch some of those at the 45, 46, 48 ,49 min marks.

Ronald Nolette

Well-Known Member
Aug 24, 2020
South Carolina
United States
I agree

The woman who was arrested for silently praying near an abortion clinic was not marching in the streets. How about we don't judge how people feel they need to obey God? On the issue of having our bodies affected in a way that some experts suggest is against nature with experimental shots, I see that as a matter of conscience and choice. The governments overstepped their place in making it something else, closing churches, foisting it on children, underhandedly getting media to cover things up and preach their story..etc
So you are willing to believe "some experts who SUGGEST" as far as shots go but then disobey other experts who say "prayer is a psychologically damaging thing"? Once again you are just cherry picking who you will call expert.

I agree shots and medicines are a matter of individual choice, but we are still forced to get many mandren if we wish to enter school.

I also agree that teh fedderal government way overstepped its bounds. It only has legal authority to mandate shots for its own employees. States and towns have legal autrhority to mandate shots for all in their jurisdiction.

BTW Praying near an abortion clininc does not fit the classic definition of protesting- unless she was blocking access- which then she is legally wrong and can be arrested.


Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2020
So you are willing to believe "some experts who SUGGEST" as far as shots go but then disobey other experts who say "prayer is a psychologically damaging thing"? Once again you are just cherry picking who you will call expert.

Yes we have the bible to tell us what is right and wrong. Experts must agree or be waved off.

I agree shots and medicines are a matter of individual choice, but we are still forced to get many mandren if we wish to enter school.

So there can be no line in the sand?

I also agree that teh fedderal government way overstepped its bounds. It only has legal authority to mandate shots for its own employees. States and towns have legal autrhority to mandate shots for all in their jurisdiction.


BTW Praying near an abortion clininc does not fit the classic definition of protesting- unless she was blocking access- which then she is legally wrong and can be arrested.


Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2022
New York
United States
I don't know if anyone else noticed it, but I find it strange and interesting in that Died Suddenly footage you see clips of people succumbing to death, or perhaps just collapsing prior to dying (but from the title you have to conclude that those featured, died).

Several of them just prior to collapsing are doing quite ordinary things with no appearance of anything wrong... then-- they turn their faces upwards, like they are being swarmed by some unseen 'thing' and they try to swat 'it' away a few times..... then they are taken.

Did anyone else observe that in the film?

Watch some of those at the 45, 46, 48 ,49 min marks.

I'm only interested in two things...

1.) The number of young people dying suddenly
2.) Whatever the heck they are pulling out of people's bodies

Ronald Nolette

Well-Known Member
Aug 24, 2020
South Carolina
United States
Yes we have the bible to tell us what is right and wrong. Experts must agree or be waved off.
Well you are in a quandary then. For even biblical experts disagree, so I guess you wave all them off.
So there can be no line in the sand?

People can draw lines in the sand as oft as they wish. If they are not founded in solid biblical principles, they are personal lines then and they must be willing to pay what price they must for drawing those lines.

UK woman arrested for silent prayer outside English abortion clinic

The case is calling into question whether authorities have jurisdiction over the private thoughts within one's own head.
Welcome to the new world of governance. What was criminal in Russia. China, NK etc is now more and more becoming illegal in places like the UK and the USA. It doesn't matter what we think or do, govts. will do what they wish, we try to influence and if they go all Roman Empire ala Nero we just must prepare for persecution for the faith!


Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2020
Well you are in a quandary then. For even biblical experts disagree, so I guess you wave all them off.
No. We have God and His spirit. If we believe something we should not be led around by the nose by so called experts.

People can draw lines in the sand as oft as they wish. If they are not founded in solid biblical principles, they are personal lines then and they must be willing to pay what price they must for drawing those lines.

The line referred to was a conscience based on biblical principles. They should do that despite and against the wishes of those who think others need to pay a price for respecting God and His truth.

Welcome to the new world of governance. What was criminal in Russia. China, NK etc is now more and more becoming illegal in places like the UK and the USA. It doesn't matter what we think or do, govts. will do what they wish, we try to influence and if they go all Roman Empire ala Nero we just must prepare for persecution for the faith!
The two witnesses in the end will be dishing out punishments to the wicked nations. Others will obey God rather than Satan's zombies. It is a good thing that the people of God and Satan are divided. The Rapture will accelerate that process something fierce. Yay


Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2022
New York
United States
People tell me they are suffering terrible things with their bodies after the vaccine shots. I saw a video of one woman that could not stop her body from twitching. It's so sad to look at that I would not send it to you. What is in those shots?

Anybody have any answers for me as to why some people live and others die suddenly whereas others have weird (very weird) side effects?


Ronald Nolette

Well-Known Member
Aug 24, 2020
South Carolina
United States
No. We have God and His spirit. If we believe something we should not be led around by the nose by so called experts.
So if I believe I have a right to kill you, I should not be led by the nose?

We are commanded by god to obey the governing authorities. We have no right to protest, rebel or cause an uprising. We may choose to disobey based on conscience, but you must be willing to pay the price if there is a penalty for your disobedience.

Crazy example: You believe god has granted you to do 75 in a 55 mile/hour zone. When the police pull you over- you will get a $250 ticket no matter what you believe.
The line referred to was a conscience based on biblical principles. They should do that despite and against the wishes of those who think others need to pay a price for respecting God and His truth.
Show me the biblical principle that says you should not get a shot if the state, town or employer you deal with mandate it.

If an employer calls for all to get a shot- and you refuse- you can and probably will be rightly fired.


Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2020
So if I believe I have a right to kill you, I should not be led by the nose?
You should be led to the gas chamber if you tried. That is what governments are for, to protect us.

We are commanded by god to obey the governing authorities. We have no right to protest, rebel or cause an uprising. We may choose to disobey based on conscience, but you must be willing to pay the price if there is a penalty for your disobedience.
So Paul was wrong to protest to Caesar? Daniel was wrong to publicly pray despite the government decree? The apostles were wrong to 'flee justice' when Jesus was taken? The early church was wrong to meet secretly despite government orders? The apostles were wrong to be broken out of jail where they were lawfully placed? The apostles were wrong to preach and do so publicly and happily and defiantly, despite severe government rules against doing so? etc

Are the end time witnesses wrong to preach while under penalty of death for so doing? Are they wrong to call fire from heaven down on enemies and stop rain and whatever else they feel like doing?? The ones who must be willing to pay the price are nations that fight God! They will be killed by Jesus. Destroyed completely. Taken over. I think the time for justifying wickedness is past and we should warn the wicked that justice really is coming soon. Nations should know they crossed the Rubicon. They should know that they must repent or die. Obeying God is not protesting. It is informing the protesters that they better stop rebelling against the Almighty.

Crazy example: You believe god has granted you to do 75 in a 55 mile/hour zone. When the police pull you over- you will get a $250 ticket no matter what you believe.
Or maybe one did not feel good doing a min speed of 100 on an autobahn and got a ticket. Once they entered the highway, maybe they felt safe only going 85 till they got to the next exit. They got caught and fined before that. Maybe another guy in California saw the road was destroyed by an earthquake and stopped despite a no stopping sign. People are to obey as much as lies in them. Not in a nazi style lockstep against reason and all that is good.

Show me the biblical principle that says you should not get a shot if the state, town or employer you deal with mandate it.

People are warned not to get a mandatory procedure called the mark of the beast. People are to remember we are created by God and our temple is holy. We are also told cursed is he that trusts man.
Jeremiah 17:5

Thus saith the Lord ; Cursed be the man that trusteth in man, and maketh flesh his arm, and whose heart departeth from the Lord

If an employer calls for all to get a shot- and you refuse- you can and probably will be rightly fired.

Says who that it is rightly? Blessed are you when men shall persecute you and say all manner of evil against you for my sake. What if a government says your young child is getting a gender change whether you like it or not? Abortion? Does that make it right? No. That makes them wicked. Why did Moses' mom not deliver him to be killed? Was she wrong in hiding Moses?