What are the main doctrinal differences between Jehovah's Witnesses and mainstream Christianity?

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Aunty Jane

Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2021
Arguing beliefs never did me any good when the parties are not really interested. I stand by my statement that JWs have "Arian" type of beliefs, and as such engage in what has historically been called "heresy."
You are entitled to believe as you wish, but before you argue “heresy” you first have to know what is truth.
In a world ruled by the devil, that is obviously in short supply. (1 John 5:19)

There is a reason why the world at present is in such turmoil.....
Rev 12:7-12....
“And war broke out in heaven: Michael and his angels fought with the dragon; and the dragon and his angels fought, but they did not prevail, nor was a place found for them in heaven any longer. So the great dragon was cast out, that serpent of old, called the Devil and Satan, who deceives the whole world; he was cast to the earth, and his angels were cast out with him.
Then I heard a loud voice saying in heaven, “Now salvation, and strength, and the kingdom of our God, and the power of His Christ have come, for the accuser of our brethren, who accused them before our God day and night, has been cast down. . . . Therefore rejoice, O heavens, and you who dwell in them! Woe to the inhabitants of the earth and the sea! For the devil has come down to you, having great wrath, because he knows that he has a short time.” (NKJV)

Satan and his cronies have never been so active in trying to promote their deceptions...it’s their last stand! ......for the majority of mankind living in this “time of the end” they have managed to kill God completely for those who want to substitute science for religion......and for those in the divided churches of Christendom, there continues to be animosity and contention over interpretation and an abject failure to persuade people to follow God’s laws. They follow only what is convenient.
Add to that the “lone rangers” who believe that they alone are granted special knowledge and it’s their mission to tell their truth to the world.....

Where is God in a world ruled by the devil? Only in the hearts of those who love the truth, and who will never allow the devil’s deceptions to sway them from it. (2 Thess 2:9-12)

Aunty Jane

Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2021
JW's dont believe that Jesus rose in a physical body.
That is because the scriptures say that he rose “in the spirit”. (2 Peter 3:18) He was a spirit before coming to earth in the form of a human....so in order to return to heaven to his God and Father, Jesus was raised in spirit form. “Flesh and blood” cannot exist outside of earth’s atmosphere.
So, when Jesus told the Apostles...

""""Behold my hands and my feet, that it is I myself: handle me, and see; for a spirit hath not flesh and bones, as ye see me have.'"""
If you recall, angels are spirit beings who could materialise human form to communicate with God’s servants on earth.....they ate and drank like any other humans, but when their mission was concluded, they dematerialised and returned to heaven. Jesus had the same ability. If you read the scriptures you will see that he “appeared” to his apostles and disciples....he did not reside with them as he had done for the previous three and a half years.

He was not always in the same body, and when necessary he produced the wounds of his execution to convince a doubting Thomas. At other times his wounds were not visible.....never mentioned. Would His God raise him in the same appalling physical condition in which he died...without healing him?
Do you never explore these questions?

How can a human go to heaven? What do you think it means to be “born again”? At the resurrection, God will give each of the elect the very same spiritual body as Jesus was given in order to exist in heaven. These are “born again” because their first “birth” was in human form.....their resurrection is a “new birth” in a spirit body.
The JWs say that Jesus is lying.
No, sorry, we just tell you what the scriptures say without the falsehoods added by Christendom.
Why would we lie? The scriptures don‘t.....but Christendom does and always has. Go to the source and see who created your beliefs......Jesus warned that the “weeds” of counterfeit Christianity would be sown by the devil.....he has no new tricks because the old ones still work. He corrupted the Jewish religion and he has done the same to Christianity.....

Randy Kluth

Well-Known Member
Apr 27, 2020
Pacific NW
United States
You are entitled to believe as you wish, but before you argue “heresy” you first have to know what is truth.
In a world ruled by the devil, that is obviously in short supply. (1 John 5:19)

Well, of course. Truth is critical. I don't mean to be rude, but I've used the word "heresy" as governed by doctrinally-orthodox Christianity. From your point of view, my beliefs are obviously corrupt?

Someone asked about the differences, and I've spent quite a good amount of time listening to those in the Christian world who are expert at describing it. I am by no means an expert, but I don't have a big problem understanding where these differences lie. It's unfortunate that truth is the same for both of us, and yet we can't agree on what it is!

Randy Kluth

Well-Known Member
Apr 27, 2020
Pacific NW
United States
1 Corinthians 15:28
When all things are subjected to him, then the Son himself will also be subjected to him who put all things in subjection under him, that God may be all in all.
This has been a somewhat difficult passage for me, but I'll tell you what I think it means in my own words. The Son has always been in subjection to the Father. But this is talking about a time in which he performs an act of submission that brings the world into full conformity to God's Kingdom.

Whereas in the present age the Son is actively defeating God's enemies, one after another, in the future the kingdoms of the world will be completely defeated. And then the Son will perform an act of final submission by subjecting the world not just to his judgment, but also to an idealized form of God's image. The Son will subject himself and his victorious rule over the world to his Father to become a new earth.

The idea of God becoming "all in all" is a completion of a process of God turning the world back into conformity with His own image. He has always been in the world, in particular through His Son and through His people. But the world has been hostile to Him, and He wants "all" to be conformed to His image and likeness.

This will happen in a final act of submission by Christ when he subjects his conquered world back to God in an idealized, paradisical form. That's the best I can do with this passage at present.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 21, 2022
Orlando, Florida
United States
This has been a somewhat difficult passage for me, but I'll tell you what I think it means in my own words. The Son has always been in subjection to the Father. But this is talking about a time in which he performs an act of submission that brings the world into full conformity to God's Kingdom.

Whereas in the present age the Son is actively defeating God's enemies, one after another, in the future the kingdoms of the world will be completely defeated. And then the Son will perform an act of final submission by subjecting the world not just to his judgment, but also to an idealized form of God's image. The Son will subject himself and his victorious rule over the world to his Father to become a new earth.

The idea of God becoming "all in all" is a completion of a process of God turning the world back into conformity with His own image. He has always been in the world, in particular through His Son and through His people. But the world has been hostile to Him, and He wants "all" to be conformed to His image and likeness.

This will happen in a final act of submission by Christ when he subjects his conquered world back to God in an idealized, paradisical form. That's the best I can do with this passage at present.
I think all of that makes sense.

I want to make an analogy using video games. Have you ever played any video games?

Randy Kluth

Well-Known Member
Apr 27, 2020
Pacific NW
United States
I think all of that makes sense.

I want to make an analogy using video games. Have you ever played any video games?
Ask me a real question. I'll be happy to play.

As I said, I'm not real clear on this passage. But I do believe that the Son has come to do the will of the Father. Once God's enemies have been completely defeated at Armageddon, the Son will return to earth and model submission anew, with his return in glory.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 21, 2022
Orlando, Florida
United States
Ask me a real question. I'll be happy to play.

As I said, I'm not real clear on this passage. But I do believe that the Son has come to do the will of the Father. Once God's enemies have been completely defeated at Armageddon, the Son will return to earth and model submission anew, with his return in glory.

I think God the creator created his own character, Jesus, to be inserted into the "video game" to represent him. In the end, however, the countless characters in the video game will be given to God by Jesus and ALL will worship God in-person.

Aunty Jane

Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2021
Is it true that JW oppose blood transfusions, celebrating Christmas and birthdays?
Let's take them one at a time....
Blood transfusions have always been a contentious issue, but let me say first of all, that our stand on the blood issue is scriptural.
The sanctity of blood has always been included in God's laws to his worshippers.
The first mention was to Noah as he began a new life outside of the arc.
God told Noah....
"Every moving animal that is alive may serve as food for you. Just as I gave you the green vegetation, I give them all to you. 4 Only flesh with its life—its blood—you must not eat. 5 Besides that, I will demand an accounting for your lifeblood. I will demand an accounting from every living creature; and from each man I will demand an accounting for the life of his brother. 6 Anyone shedding man’s blood, by man will his own blood be shed, for in God’s image He made man." (Genesis 9:3-6)

In his law to Israel God said....
"‘If any man of the house of Israel or any foreigner who is residing in your midst eats any sort of blood, I will certainly set my face against the one who is eating the blood, and I will cut him off from among his people. 11 For the life of the flesh is in the blood, and I myself have given it on the altar for you to make atonement for yourselves, because it is the blood that makes atonement by means of the life in it. 12 That is why I have said to the Israelites: “None of you should eat blood, and no foreigner who is residing in your midst should eat blood.”

Then it was reiterated to the Christians after the inclusion of Gentiles into the Christian arrangement.......some of the Jews wanted the Gentiles to be circumcised, but they were told what the "necessary" things were.....
"For the holy spirit and we ourselves have favored adding no further burden to you except these necessary things: 29 to keep abstaining from things sacrificed to idols, from blood, from what is strangled, and from sexual immorality. If you carefully keep yourselves from these things, you will prosper. Good health to you!”

So three times in three different eras, God restated his prohibition on consuming blood.....but does this cover blood transfusions as a medical procedure? We would say "yes", for the simple reason that when someone cannot be fed by mouth, food is often given intravenously. The method of consumption makes no difference to us.....so has this been a terrible issue for JW's dying all over the place because they refuse blood transfusions? NO! I have lost count of the number of friends and fellow believers who have been told point blank that they would die without blood....but none of them did. Why? Because now it has been acknowledged that blood transfusions are not the great life saving procedure they were promoted to be.

Here is a brief video put out on the Australian Government Blood Authority's website....some of this info goes back to 2006, so its not new.
What is the Evidence Telling us?"

They have known for some time that blood transfusions have more bad outcomes and death, than any other medical procedure. But because blood is big business, you will never hear about the downside. It wasn't until some caring physicians developed ways to treat JW patients without blood that they discovered that blood was not good medicine after all. There are now whole hospitals dedicated to non blood management for all their patients. For the informed medical fraternity, it is no longer an issue and God's law on blood has been vindicated.

I'll get to Christmas and birthdays next...stay tuned, I have errands to run...
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Well-Known Member
Dec 21, 2022
Orlando, Florida
United States
Thanks Jane. I think the prohibition about blood relates to the demonic concept of drinking it. I presume this may have been an issue with some segments of early humanity. I don't believe that a blood transfusion is the same thing.

Aunty Jane

Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2021
Thanks Jane. I think the prohibition about blood relates to the demonic concept of drinking it. I presume this may have been an issue with some segments of early humanity. I don't believe that a blood transfusion is the same thing.
The scripture in Acts 15:19-20....
“Therefore, my decision is not to trouble those from the nations who are turning to God, 20 but to write them to abstain from things polluted by idols, from sexual immorality, from what is strangled, and from blood.”
You see the word “abstain”? If a doctor told you to “abstain” from alcohol, would it be OK to take it straight into your bloodstream via infusion?

“Abstain” means to avoid something altogether.....so we won’t take blood into our body because we have no medical need to do so, and we have God’s word to tell us how God feels about the sanctity of blood.

If you watched the video you will see why many in the medical profession have changed their mind about the efficacy of blood transfusions, even warning people about the possible harm that they cause.

We don’t tell other people what to do, because all medical decisions are personal....but will not have blood transfusions ourselves.

Aunty Jane

Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2021
Now, about Christmas and birthdays.....

If you do a Google search on the origin of Christmas, you will see where most of the customs originate.....not from the Bible...not even the story is authentic if you read the Bible account. (Matt ch 2)
The three so called “wise men” were never at the stable where Jesus was born....and nowhere does the Bible say that there were three of them.
By the time they arrived, Jesus was a “young child” and living in a “house”. The star led them directly to him stopping above the very place where he lived with his parents.

These men did not come to worship Jesus as a god because they were Babylonian astrologers who had come to honour a new king.

It wasn’t God who brought them to find the child Jesus because God announced the birth of his son to Jewish shepherds who were taking their care of their flocks outdoors, so this proves that it was not in the cold, rainy and sometimes snowy month of December when they kept their flocks under cover.

The star that guided them did not take them directly to Jesus in Bethlehem but to Jerusalem and to the notice of a jealous and wicked king who saw the birth of a new “king of the Jews” to be a threat to his own family dynasty. He had all the male infants two years of age and under put to death in order to destroy any threat to his own sons taking over his kingship.

Jesus birthdate is not recorded in the Bible and neither is any other servant of God said to celebrate their birthday. The Jews did not celebrate birthdays because of its association with astrology. So if Jesus did not celebrate his own birthday, and neither did the Jews, why would we adopt customs that are pagan in origin and part of the beliefs and practices of the worshippers of false gods?

We don’t need a date on a calendar in order to give someone we love a gift, or to hold a family get together.
Especially do we not need to adopt pagan celebrations as if God is not offended by that. We celebrate life whenever we want to, not shackled by beliefs and practices that are totally exploited by the commercial world and which promote getting rather than giving. No sooner have they finished cashing in on one celebration than they are stocking their shelves ready for the next fleecing of the masses.

So that is why we don’t celebrate Christmas, or birthdays or other occasions that are pagan in origin.
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Randy Kluth

Well-Known Member
Apr 27, 2020
Pacific NW
United States
I think God the creator created his own character, Jesus, to be inserted into the "video game" to represent him. In the end, however, the countless characters in the video game will be given to God by Jesus and ALL will worship God in-person.
Yes, God sort of inserted His own Person into a character, like creating a video game. All of the other characters in the game would not be created to represent His Person. The Word of God has an infinite ability to do things like this. It created people to fill the earth, and it created a representation of God's own personality such that the man, Jesus, was God in human flesh. Amazing stuff!
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Aunty Jane

Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2021
Well, of course. Truth is critical. I don't mean to be rude, but I've used the word "heresy" as governed by doctrinally-orthodox Christianity. From your point of view, my beliefs are obviously corrupt?
“Orthodoxy” is not always a reliable base for Bible truth. “Orthodox Christianity” as it is practiced today, did not originate from first century Christian teachings, but as Jesus warned, “while men were sleeping” “the devil” sowed the “weeds” of a counterfeit form of what Jesus and his apostles began. (Matt 13:24-30; 36-42)
The devil was experienced in leading people astray as he has always done.....look what he did with the Jews. When Jesus walked the earth, he did not have a good thing to say about the corrupt religious leaders and this is what led them to hate him and want him silenced. (Matt ch 23)

Most of what is taught in Christendom...the very core of what is accepted truth, (no matter the denomination) finds its origin in 4th century Roman Catholicism which was a complete departure from original Christianity. A very astute Emperor made a very important decision “while men were sleeping” (spiritually) to consolidate his religiously divided empire, and introduced a State Religion to which all had to adhere.
Roman Catholicism was a fusion between weakened Christianity and pagan Roman beliefs. Zeus was turned into Christ and they celebrated his birth on a day that the Romans honoured their god, Mithra, blending all the customs of their Saturnalia with sun worship, and creating Christmas. The sun features very prominently in Catholic worship. Have people never wondered why there is an obelisk in St Peter’s square? It was imported from Egypt where it represented the sun god, Ra.....and why St Peter’s “Square” is not a square at all, but represents a pagan Babylonian sun wheel?

Because it contained elements of both religions, and the pagans got to keep their favourite festivals under a new name, there was little protest. This disgusting counterfeit Christianity provided all the core beliefs that are accepted in all of Christendom’s churches. I for one was quick to exit that form of worship.

I considered too that Jesus never once claimed equality with his Father, nor did he ever call himself a deity. But by confusing the Sovereign Lord Jehovah, with the Lord Jesus, they created a different god to the one taught by Jesus himself. According to Jesus, his Father was “the only true God” (John 17:3) and he was “sent” by him to fulfill a mission. Jesus is called God’s “holy servant”. (Acts 4:27) Can God be his own servant? The God of Jesus is his Father, even in heaven. (Revelation 3:12)

Also, the Jews did not believe in an immortal soul that survived the death of the body.....and Jesus never spoke of hellfire as a place of eternal conscious torment for the wicked. The Jews accepted that when they died, they would “sleep” in death until the resurrection took place in the future, but the wicked would remain eternally in death. That was their punishment....banished from life forever.

If there was no belief in an immortal soul, then there was no conscious soul or spirit to experience this suffering. Everlasting life was promised only to the righteous, but in order to torment the wicked, God would also need to given them everlasting life.....so, do you see the problem? What need does God have to keep the wicked alive only to torture them? He is a God of love. All these things are accepted as Bible truth in Christendom, when they never were.

Unless you know what the truth is, as the Bible teaches it, you will fall in with what is accepted rather than what is true. Those who are deceived, do not know that they are, usually until it is too late. The devil is an expert at what he does.
Someone asked about the differences, and I've spent quite a good amount of time listening to those in the Christian world who are expert at describing it. I am by no means an expert, but I don't have a big problem understanding where these differences lie. It's unfortunate that truth is the same for both of us, and yet we can't agree on what it is!
Perhaps you have been listening to people who said what you wanted to hear? Who are these “experts” in describing our differences? Have you ever talked to us about them? I once held those same beliefs myself, but a study of the scriptures over many years, showed me that the devil had indeed sown his weeds and that I had been lied to my whole life by a church system that was corrupted in the very early centuries....long before any of us were born. (2 Peter 2;1-3; 1 Timothy 4:1-3)

If you or anyone else would like to discuss these difference just for clarity, I would be happy to answer any questions, provided that they are civil and well meaning. I have no need to argue. The truth stands alone and the Bible is it’s only source....there can be no contradictions or it isn’t the word of God.


Well-Known Member
Dec 21, 2022
Orlando, Florida
United States
Now, about Christmas and birthdays.....

If you do a Google search on the origin of Christmas, you will see where most of the customs originate.....not from the Bible...not even the story is authentic if you read the Bible account. (Matt ch 2)
The three so called “wise men” were never at the stable where Jesus was born....and nowhere does the Bible say that there were three of them.
By the time they arrived, Jesus was a “young child” and living in a “house”. The star led them directly to him stopping above the very place where he lived with his parents.

These men did not come to worship Jesus as a god because they were Babylonian astrologers who had come to honour a new king.

It wasn’t God who brought them to find the child Jesus because God announced the birth of his son to Jewish shepherds who were taking their care of their flocks outdoors, so this proves that it was not in the cold, rainy and sometimes snowy month of December when they kept their flocks under cover.

The star that guided them did not take them directly to Jesus in Bethlehem but to Jerusalem and to the notice of a jealous and wicked king who saw the birth of a new “king of the Jews” to be a threat to his own family dynasty. He had all the male infants two years of age and under put to death in order to destroy any threat to his own sons taking over his kingship.

Jesus birthdate is not recorded in the Bible and neither is any other servant of God said to celebrate their birthday. The Jews did not celebrate birthdays because of its association with astrology. So if Jesus did not celebrate his own birthday, and neither did the Jews, why would we adopt customs that are pagan in origin and part of the beliefs and practices of the worshippers of false gods?

We don’t need a date on a calendar in order to give someone we love a gift, or to hold a family get together.
Especially do we not need to adopt pagan celebrations as if God is not offended by that. We celebrate life whenever we want to, not shackled by beliefs and practices that are totally exploited by the commercial world and which promote getting rather than giving. No sooner have they finished cashing in on one celebration than they are stocking their shelves ready for the next fleecing of the masses.

So that is why we don’t celebrate Christmas, or birthdays or other occasions that are pagan in origin.

Thanks for the explanation and may God bless you always!
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Randy Kluth

Well-Known Member
Apr 27, 2020
Pacific NW
United States
“Orthodoxy” is not always a reliable base for Bible truth. “Orthodox Christianity” as it is practiced today, did not originate from first century Christian teachings, but as Jesus warned, “while men were sleeping” “the devil” sowed the “weeds” of a counterfeit form of what Jesus and his apostles began. (Matt 13:24-30; 36-42)
That is a judgment call--that is not a fact. Orthodoxy evolved as men began to translate the apostles' doctrines into a language that fit into the Roman culture. They had to explain what they saw as the Deity of the Son in terms that explained biblical references to the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
The devil was experienced in leading people astray as he has always done.....look what he did with the Jews. When Jesus walked the earth, he did not have a good thing to say about the corrupt religious leaders and this is what led them to hate him and want him silenced. (Matt ch 23)
Again, this is a judgment call. I would say that at times God succeeded with the Jews and at other times did not. This is the way of all nations--in fact, of all religions, including your own group. Social units corrupt because people corrupt. The corruption may begin small, but it can advance rapidly.

Christianity certainly had compromise from the start. But it also had reformers. In the end, judgment will come to all, and establish whatever units God wishes to put in place. I believe Bible Prophecy had determined that Israel and many nations will be restored after judgment.
Most of what is taught in Christendom...the very core of what is accepted truth, (no matter the denomination) finds its origin in 4th century Roman Catholicism which was a complete departure from original Christianity. A very astute Emperor made a very important decision “while men were sleeping” (spiritually) to consolidate his religiously divided empire, and introduced a State Religion to which all had to adhere.
This is yet another judgment call. Rome converted from paganism by stages--1st Christian tolerance, and then full acceptance of Christianity for the whole State. To say that the religion itself was corrupt just because pagan elements remained within the government and the people, is not accurate, in my view. Flaws or imperfections does not render a Christian populace "corrupt." It is when the standards, as well as the practices, deteriorate that the original product can be viewed as "corrupted."

Roman Catholicism was a fusion between weakened Christianity and pagan Roman beliefs. Zeus was turned into Christ and they celebrated his birth on a day that the Romans honoured their god, Mithra, blending all the customs of their Saturnalia with sun worship, and creating Christmas. The sun features very prominently in Catholic worship. Have people never wondered why there is an obelisk in St Peter’s square? It was imported from Egypt where it represented the sun god, Ra.....and why St Peter’s “Square” is not a square at all, but represents a pagan Babylonian sun wheel?
Christianity adopted things like calendars and elements of previous pagan religion as a cultural continuity and not as a corruption of its religion. For example, an eagle may have been pagan Rome's symbol for a god. But Roman Christianity could just as easily find the eagle a popular symbol for Roman culture without worshiping it as a god. In fact, Christianity did *not* worship these pagan gods. I find nothing in ancient Christianity that indicates worshiping Roman gods is okay.
I considered too that Jesus never once claimed equality with his Father, nor did he ever call himself a deity. But by confusing the Sovereign Lord Jehovah, with the Lord Jesus, they created a different god to the one taught by Jesus himself. According to Jesus, his Father was “the only true God” (John 17:3) and he was “sent” by him to fulfill a mission. Jesus is called God’s “holy servant”. (Acts 4:27) Can God be his own servant? The God of Jesus is his Father, even in heaven. (Revelation 3:12)
Yes, according to Trinitarian belief, Jesus can be both servant and lord, both human and divine. That is Trinitarianism 101.

And yes, Christians believe that Jesus claimed deity. He was nearly stoned for identifying with the great "I Am."

The name "Son of Man" may itself have had supernatural connotations from Dan 7, where the Son of Man comes down from heaven. Jews may deny this today, but I believe that in ancient times some Jews felt that the "Son of Man" was a divine figure, an anthropomorphism or angelic figure representing God, a theophany.

As such, Jesus may have been indicating his Deity. Also, his claim to be able to "forgive sin" was seen in his time to be the exclusive rights of Deity. This wasn't just "forgiving a neighbor," but much more, being in a sense the "atonement" for sin, assuming the role both of high priest and God.
Also, the Jews did not believe in an immortal soul that survived the death of the body.....and Jesus never spoke of hellfire as a place of eternal conscious torment for the wicked. The Jews accepted that when they died, they would “sleep” in death until the resurrection took place in the future, but the wicked would remain eternally in death. That was their punishment....banished from life forever.
I don't know where you get this? The Jews clearly believed in life after death, although apparently some religious leaders didn't believe in the resurrection of the body. There are a number of passages indicating this, not the least of which is Dan 12, where the resurrection of both the righteous and the wicked is mentioned.

The reference to "sleep" has nothing to do with unconsciousness after death, since Saul was brought up by the witch of Endor, and he was very much *awake!* The term "sleep" refers to the appearance of the body as a lifeless hulk. It represents the person whose body is dead but whose spirit is alive and yet waiting for a future body in a conscious state. The body with eyes closed merely "looks" like its sleeping, when in reality the spirit is gone from the corpse.
If there was no belief in an immortal soul, then there was no conscious soul or spirit to experience this suffering. Everlasting life was promised only to the righteous, but in order to torment the wicked, God would also need to given them everlasting life.....so, do you see the problem? What need does God have to keep the wicked alive only to torture them? He is a God of love. All these things are accepted as Bible truth in Christendom, when they never were.
Here I will at least partly agree with you. I don't believe God tortures people. They may assume a place outside of God's city in the New Jerusalem, but the torment is of their own making--they've chosen to live outside of God's presence. "Outer Darkness" is a better term than "Hell." It just refers to living outside of the light of God's presence. I do believe there are limited forms of punishment, but they are only called "eternal" because the abandonment to being outside of the City lasts forever.
Unless you know what the truth is, as the Bible teaches it, you will fall in with what is accepted rather than what is true. Those who are deceived, do not know that they are, usually until it is too late. The devil is an expert at what he does.

Perhaps you have been listening to people who said what you wanted to hear? Who are these “experts” in describing our differences? Have you ever talked to us about them? I once held those same beliefs myself, but a study of the scriptures over many years, showed me that the devil had indeed sown his weeds and that I had been lied to my whole life by a church system that was corrupted in the very early centuries....long before any of us were born. (2 Peter 2;1-3; 1 Timothy 4:1-3)
I listened to Dr. Walter Martin, perhaps the foremost expert on what Jehovah's Witnesses are to orthodox Christianity in his time. He taught at my church down in S. CA, and I listened to his Bible Answerman radio program for hours on weekends in the late 70s. I don't think anybody ever was able to sue him for stating untruths about your religion. He was very scholarly about it. His book "The Kingdom of the Cults" is a classic. I have it in my library.
If you or anyone else would like to discuss these difference just for clarity, I would be happy to answer any questions, provided that they are civil and well meaning. I have no need to argue. The truth stands alone and the Bible is it’s only source....there can be no contradictions or it isn’t the word of God.
Of course we can discuss anything you like. I also hate hostility in arguing. It sometimes seems unavoidable. However, we can only try.
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Reggie Belafonte

Well-Known Member
Mar 16, 2018
The scripture in Acts 15:19-20....
“Therefore, my decision is not to trouble those from the nations who are turning to God, 20 but to write them to abstain from things polluted by idols, from sexual immorality, from what is strangled, and from blood.”
You see the word “abstain”? If a doctor told you to “abstain” from alcohol, would it be OK to take it straight into your bloodstream via infusion?

“Abstain” means to avoid something altogether.....so we won’t take blood into our body because we have no medical need to do so, and we have God’s word to tell us how God feels about the sanctity of blood.

If you watched the video you will see why many in the medical profession have changed their mind about the efficacy of blood transfusions, even warning people about the possible harm that they cause.

We don’t tell other people what to do, because all medical decisions are personal....but will not have blood transfusions ourselves.
Hey Aunty Jane, I don't eat meat with blood coming out of it and never have. Don't know why, I just don't ! A mate is mental about having blood come out of the meat, he just cooks under high heat both sides just enough to his standards ? and goes off his rocker if you do not eat it his way.
Now he can not have Ice cream Milk etc and I said that's because you do not cook your meat correctly, with blood in it !

Now I had a mate next door 1 year younger than me, knew him from day dot and he had a kidney transplant at 14yo ?
Well I am not for transplant's anymore after I seen all that he went through, I have to say honestly. he lived to 48yo tho, but his mind went and was always so glad to claim to be Jew and Anti-Christ. He would love to do the wrong thing by others, that was his legacy ! he wanted to be seen as a septic tank by everyone !

I am not for Blood transfusions as well, as it's not as they claim. as they are not truly open on the issue totally. If they set the standard ? that does not mean I am fine with their set standards ?

I am not for birthdays as well, especially for ones self, as I have seen some do, I think it disgusting ego trip, but if others want to do so for one that's ok.

I am not for Santa, but as for young children that's ok, but as for some adults like one of my brothers girl friend that is seen as a abomination Satanic ! It's all about the presents and they all must be worth over $50 or else I will rant and rave as possessed ! Like a Hitler dictating over all.
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Aunty Jane

Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2021
That is a judgment call--that is not a fact. Orthodoxy evolved as men began to translate the apostles' doctrines into a language that fit into the Roman culture. They had to explain what they saw as the Deity of the Son in terms that explained biblical references to the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
That, I believe was the problem...instead of the Roman culture adapting to Christianity, they adapted the Christianity to fit what was already held as truth in their religion. IOW, they did not "Christianize" the paganism but "paganized" the Christianity.

I'll tackle your subjects one at a time, so bear with me....

We have God's command to his people before they entered the Promised Land. The Land of Canaan was very corrupt both spiritually and morally, so the Israelites were told....
“When you come into the land which the Lord your God is giving you, you shall not learn to follow the abominations of those nations. 10 There shall not be found among you anyone who makes his son or his daughter pass through the fire, or one who practices witchcraft, or a soothsayer, or one who interprets omens, or a sorcerer, 11 or one who conjures spells, or a medium, or a spiritist, or one who calls up the dead. 12 For all who do these things are an abomination to the Lord, and because of these abominations the Lord your God drives them out from before you."
So there was to be no adopting of pagan religious or spiritistic practices.
Paul reinforced this principle when he wrote to the Corinthians....
"Do not be unequally yoked together with unbelievers. For what fellowship has righteousness with lawlessness? And what communion has light with darkness? 15 And what accord has Christ with Belial? Or what part has a believer with an unbeliever? 16 And what agreement has the temple of God with idols? For you are the temple of the living God. As God has said:

“I will dwell in them
And walk among them.
I will be their God,
And they shall be My people.”

17 Therefore,
“Come out from among them
And be separate, says the Lord.
Do not touch what is unclean,
And I will receive you.”
18 “I will be a Father to you,
And you shall be My sons and daughters,

Says the Lord Almighty.

There was to be no sharing of true religion with false religion or its practices.

The sun as you know, features strongly in Catholic worship. Even the wafer is in the shape of the sun. When Jesus broke the bread it wasn't in any particular shape. What justification can there be for this?

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Aunty Jane

Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2021
I would say that at times God succeeded with the Jews and at other times did not. This is the way of all nations--in fact, of all religions, including your own group. Social units corrupt because people corrupt. The corruption may begin small, but it can advance rapidly.

Christianity certainly had compromise from the start. But it also had reformers. In the end, judgment will come to all, and establish whatever units God wishes to put in place. I believe Bible Prophecy had determined that Israel and many nations will be restored after judgment.
I have faith in this fact....when Jesus comes as judge, he will separate the "sheep" from the "goats". But there are "goats" who apparently assume that they are "sheep"....Jesus lets them know in no uncertain terms whose worship is acceptable to his Father and whose worship is not.
"Not everyone who says to Me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ shall enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father in heaven. 22 Many will say to Me in that day, ‘Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in Your name, cast out demons in Your name, and done many wonders in Your name?’ 23 And then I will declare to them, ‘I never knew you; depart from Me, you who practice lawlessness!’"

No one wants to be on the receiving end of that rejection, but the majority will receive it according to what Jesus said in vs 13-14.
“Enter by the narrow gate; for wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to destruction, and there are many who go in by it.
14 Because narrow is the gate and difficult is the way which leads to life, and there are few who find it."

The choices here are clear....it is life verses destruction....life or death are the only things offered.