What are the main doctrinal differences between Jehovah's Witnesses and mainstream Christianity?

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Well-Known Member
Dec 21, 2022
Orlando, Florida
United States
Also, according to JW, approximately how many or what percentage of human beings will get to live with God in the end? Thank you.

Randy Kluth

Well-Known Member
Apr 27, 2020
Pacific NW
United States
Also, according to JW, approximately how many or what percentage of human beings will get to live with God in the end? Thank you.
I wouldn't be surprised if JWs add to the "144,000" others who will experience "heaven" on a lower level. Somehow they can't hope to attract millions to a religion that promises great reward for only 144,000!

JWs are Arians. They do not see Jesus as incarnate God, but as some kind of lesser god. As such, they have to elevate themselves as gods, just as they see Jesus as a god. And they cannot believe God, via His Son, died for our sins. As such, it falls upon us to save ourselves by doing good works. Christianity doesn't believe that.

Aunty Jane

Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2021
I was kind of waiting for the JW "experts" to chime in.....all they demonstrate is that they know nothing about us except what is told to them by our opposers.....no surprises there, we have heard it all. We are not Arians.

Jesus told his disciples....
“If the world hates you, know that it has hated me before it hated you. 19 If you were of the world, the world would love you as its own; but because you are not of the world, but I chose you out of the world, therefore the world hates you. 20 Remember the word that I said to you: ‘A servant is not greater than his master.’ If they persecuted me, they will also persecute you. If they kept my word, they will also keep yours. 21 But all these things they will do to you on account of my name, because they do not know him who sent me."

This is our experience....we cop more flack for less offense than any other religious group. We simply do what Jesus did....tell an inconvenient truth to people who don't want to hear it.....yet some do. (John 6:44; 65)

I came out of Christendom, so I have been on both sides of this fence, and the things said about us in ignorance are sometimes quite comical....

We hold NO doctrinal beliefs in common with Christendom......so the differences between us are large.

We are Bible students first and foremost, and this allows us to examine every doctrine formulated by the "church" system even though there is little cohesion among those who claim to be Christ's disciples in the many denominational churches. But they are usually united in their dislike for us. The Bible says that the Pharisees and Sadducees of Jesus' day had an intense dislike for one another, but were united in their hatred for Jesus and his disciples.....so it is nothing new.

Here is a brief summary...
What do Jehovah's Witnesses Believe?

Aunty Jane

Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2021
Also, according to JW, approximately how many or what percentage of human beings will get to live with God in the end? Thank you.
The Bible does tells us how many will rule with Christ in his Kingdom....144,000....but this is not the total number who are "saved".....the Bible leaves that number open....the 144,000 will rule over earthly subjects, returned the paradise conditions that God first placed them in. (Rev 21:2-4) We all have the choice to be there....


Apr 15, 2023
port orange, fl
United States

What are the main doctrinal differences between Jehovah's Witnesses and mainstream" Churchianity?​

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Randy Kluth

Well-Known Member
Apr 27, 2020
Pacific NW
United States
I was kind of waiting for the JW "experts" to chime in.....all they demonstrate is that they know nothing about us except what is told to them by our opposers.....no surprises there, we have heard it all. We are not Arians.
Some groups thrive on opposition, and the JWs are no different. Some would say they have a "persecution complex." I do not "dislike" nor hate JWs. They do present competition, however, for true Christians, and they would be opposed in their doctrines.

Though they are not strictly Arians, in the sense of following all of Arius' teachings, I think it can safely be said that their beliefs are "Arian," in the sense their beliefs roughly claim a similar counterfeit to the Trinitarianism of the Bible. Instead of presenting an equality of Deity between Father, Son, and Spirit, as the Bible does, they present Jesus as distinct from the full deity of the Father.

They, like the Arians, claim that Jesus is not equal with God. It would be entirely misleading to say that Jesus is not eternal simply because his human body was not eternal. His body was fashioned after a divine Being who existed in eternity. As such, Jesus is, in fact, eternal, and the Scriptures indicate that clearly.

Although all men (and women) have been fashioned after God in the sense of having been "made in the image of God," Jesus' person was fashioned in a very unique way, different from all other men. He was fashioned by the Word of God to express Jesus' divine Person, such that his person not only expressed a created human being but also a person who existed from eternity. In seeing Jesus' human person one also sees the divine Person. This is not true of any other created man or woman.


Apr 15, 2023
port orange, fl
United States
Some groups thrive on opposition, and the JWs are no different. Some would say they have a "persecution complex." I do not "dislike" nor hate JWs. They do present competition, however, for true Christians, and they would be opposed in their doctrines.

Though they are not strictly Arians, in the sense of following all of Arius' teachings, I think it can safely be said that their beliefs are "Arian," in the sense their beliefs roughly claim a similar counterfeit to the Trinitarianism of the Bible. Instead of presenting an equality of Deity between Father, Son, and Spirit, as the Bible does, they present Jesus as distinct from the full deity of the Father.

They, like the Arians, claim that Jesus is not equal with God. It would be entirely misleading to say that Jesus is not eternal simply because his human body was not eternal. His body was fashioned after a divine Being who existed in eternity. As such, Jesus is, in fact, eternal, and the Scriptures indicate that clearly.

Although all men (and women) have been fashioned after God in the sense of having been "made in the image of God," Jesus' person was fashioned in a very unique way, different from all other men. He was fashioned by the Word of God to express Jesus' divine Person, such that his person not only expressed a created human being but also a person who existed from eternity. In seeing Jesus' human person one also sees the divine Person. This is not true of any other created man or woman.
Talking to your triune-self again?

Randy Kluth

Well-Known Member
Apr 27, 2020
Pacific NW
United States
Talking to your triune-self again?
I'm referring to JW beliefs, in comparison with Christian orthodoxy. Insults do not further the conversation. I believe not just in Christian doctrine, but also in Christian practice. If you wish to believe you're some kind of "Christian," then we should begin by acting in step with what we claim to believe.
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Apr 15, 2023
port orange, fl
United States
I'm referring to JW beliefs, in comparison with Christian orthodoxy. Insults do not further the conversation. I believe not just in Christian doctrine, but also in Christian practice. If you wish to believe you're some kind of "Christian," then we should begin by acting in step with what we claim to believe.
Insult? You weren't addressing me.
"Christian" is a label for those often naught.
Jesus SAID THAT he was sent, taught, and given authority by someone else.

Think him a Clone of the Trinity?
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Randy Kluth

Well-Known Member
Apr 27, 2020
Pacific NW
United States
Insult? You weren't addressing me.
"Christian" is a label for those often naught.
Jesus SAID THAT he was sent, taught, and given authority by someone else.

Think him a Clone of the Trinity?
Arguing beliefs never did me any good when the parties are not really interested. I stand by my statement that JWs have "Arian" type of beliefs, and as such engage in what has historically been called "heresy."
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Apr 15, 2023
port orange, fl
United States
Arguing beliefs never did me any good when the parties are not really interested. I stand by my statement that JWs have "Arian" type of beliefs, and as such engage in what has historically been called "heresy."
Who cares about your stand since it's not biblical?
It sure did ME good to argue about my Catholic belefs!

Stan B

Well-Known Member
Jul 21, 2019
Arguing beliefs never did me any good when the parties are not really interested. I stand by my statement that JWs have "Arian" type of beliefs, and as such engage in what has historically been called "heresy."
My experience with this Satanic cult has been close up and personal, in their efforts to destroy my family! The god if ever so familiar, when we here about the stuff going on in Iran and Afghanistan. They follow the very same kind of control freak god!!
My nephew married one of those JW witches! When I had been discussing the Bible on the internet, the JW guards found out about it, and sent me an email, warning me that if I EVER again contacted my nephew and his wife, they would call the police on me!!! Of course, the JW witch blocked all contact with me, to satisfy her Satanic Lord!!

I have had JW typically low IQ sales people visit my home, opening their Bibles to a canned sales pitch. Ask them a question about the Bible, and they can't wait to get out of there!! The Bible as well as Christianity is their enemy. And if they really believe that they are going to reign on earth, Why would Jesus abandon His very carefully selected 144,000 first fruits from each tribe of Israel, to a bunch of Satanic low IQ JWs??


Apr 15, 2023
port orange, fl
United States
My experience with this Satanic cult has been close up and personal, in their efforts to destroy my family! The god if ever so familiar, when we here about the stuff going on in Iran and Afghanistan. They follow the very same kind of control freak god!!
My nephew married one of those JW witches! When I had been discussing the Bible on the internet, the JW guards found out about it, and sent me an email, warning me that if I EVER again contacted my nephew and his wife, they would call the police on me!!! Of course, the JW witch blocked all contact with me, to satisfy her Satanic Lord!!

I have had JW typically low IQ sales people visit my home, opening their Bibles to a canned sales pitch. Ask them a question about the Bible, and they can't wait to get out of there!! The Bible as well as Christianity is their enemy. And if they really believe that they are going to reign on earth, Why would Jesus abandon His very carefully selected 144,000 first fruits from each tribe of Israel, to a bunch of Satanic low IQ JWs??
I can't relate- that sounds like wacko-JWs. They do exist.
What questions would you like to hurl MYT way, Stan!


Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2020
Northeast USA
United States

What are the main doctrinal differences between Jehovah's Witnesses and mainstream Christianity?​

One is, The absurd notion that Jesus is Michael the Angel …
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Stan B

Well-Known Member
Jul 21, 2019
I can't relate- that sounds like wacko-JWs. They do exist.
What questions would you like to hurl MYT way, Stan!
I have no questions. I already know the answers. The JWs I have encountered have convinced me that the JW religion is totally Satanic. Add that that my thorough knowledge of the Bible; and yeah even the demonic New World Translation joke.
I have no interest in engaging in any kind of theological discussion with JWs. They have already made their choice..
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Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
Also, according to JW, approximately how many or what percentage of human beings will get to live with God in the end? Thank you.

JW's dont believe that Jesus rose in a physical body.

So, when Jesus told the Apostles...

""""Behold my hands and my feet, that it is I myself: handle me, and see; for a spirit hath not flesh and bones, as ye see me have.'"""

The JWs say that Jesus is lying.

Aunty Jane

Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2021
I am not here to argue or to be contentious over these differences.....we are told in the scriptures that we do not need to fight over these things, but to simply present our truth, backed up by the scriptures, and allow people to make their own decisions....God does the rest. No one can come to the Father except through Jesus....and no one can come to Jesus without an invitation from his Father (John 6:44; 65)......so it’s not really about what we think or believe...it’s about God evaluating each individual on his or her own merits, and what is in their heart. It’s how we reflect Jesus in our arguments and demeanour. Jesus did not tip-toe around the issues, but he did not revile those who chose to believe the religious leaders. He exposed their leaders and allowed the people to make their own choices.

There is no end of the kinds of stories that are told about us, but unless we hear the other side of the story, that is all it is. People who judge by those one sided stories are exactly like those in Jesus’ day who believed the negative accusations about Jesus and his apostles.

When Jesus was arrested and brought to Pilate he stated that he found no fault in him and wanted to free him, but when presented to the people, they went ballistic and threatened to report him to Caesar for treason.....but what they said was incredible......reading the account from Matt 27:11 onward we see that the crowd was whipped up by the haters....the religious leaders whom Jesus exposed as despicable hypocrites. (Matt 15:7-9; Matt 23)

Their statement reflects the conviction that they were persuaded to hold....
“So when Pilate saw that he was gaining nothing, but rather that a riot was beginning, he took water and washed his hands before the crowd, saying, “I am innocent of this man's blood; see to it yourselves.” And all the people answered, “His blood be on us and on our children! (ESV)

Did these people believe that this statement would come back to bite them? Because they followed the wrong leaders, the whole nation was divorced from their God, who handed them back to become part of the nations that they felt superior to because of their connection to Abraham. Today we see Israel as a political nation, not as a spiritual one.....allied, like their disobedient forefathers, with nations whose worship they despise.
Unless we have the whole picture, we will be misled by Satan who has always painted the true disciples of Christ as disobedient rebels, teaching lies and becoming a threat to the accepted system, just as occurred in Jesus’ day. But those who reject the lies, will see an opposite picture....and very clearly because Jehovah will have opened their eyes.

Despite the fact that we are seen as the enemy of truth, the church system is rapidly losing ground in a world that is becoming increasingly secular and unstable because they are inept and seen as rather pathetic by those who can’t understand why they even exist. Even the charities that they run, are for the most part struggling to cope with the increasing numbers who need help. So many now are homeless and hopeless.

I am grateful to say that this is not the case among JW’s because we follow the principles outlined by Jesus in taking care of each other. (Loving our neighbor as ourselves) We do not run charities because these do not change lives. We educate people to know the God of the Bible....to learn how to take care of themselves and each other by sharing even what little we have.

People will judge according to what is in their hearts.....God is judging those hearts.