What does the Bible say about psychic intuition?

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Well-Known Member
May 4, 2021
United States
Your disagreements with poster's other threads, intending to sully the OP's character in this thread, are the non sequitur's - which don't make her look bad but make you look bad.

I agree with your concern 100%. However, there are nearly 700 hits on this thread, which indicates to me that there are likely many others following this drama; we have a responsibility to them, as well. So when I post here, I acknowledge that I am solely responsible for my content, and that others can, and will, be affected, to whatever degree, by what I post. And staying on point with the OP is one of those responsibilities.

We must put our own prejudices, faults and sinful tendencies aside when we go public here in our efforts to help others. Hopefully, some (particularly jessicaleks93) have been "enlightened" by what has been revealed here thus far.
I stand by what I've said. If you disagree with anything I've said, for any reason whatsoever, again, "duly noted".


Well-Known Member
Feb 11, 2018
Southeastern U.S.
United States
I'm not a prophet but I do watch and have been given insight to do so many times by the Lord.

Prophets have a purpose today, their role in the church is: "But everyone who prophesies speaks unto men to edification, and exhortation and comfort."1 Corinthians 14:3

If I had to describe my understanding of how a prophet operates from what I've gathered about them: it is like they are using augmented reality glasses with a direct feed to what God wants to show them. There is something artistic about it.

Only the more charismatic churches may entertain the possibility of someone being a prophet of God.

About charismatic churches, something I never understood about them, because most of those type churches that I know of believe in Darby's 19th century Pre-tribulational Rapture theory which is not written in God's Word.

So if those charismatic churches claim those spiritual gifts they are experiencing are from The Holy Spirit, then how come The Holy Spirit is not correcting their following a false doctrine like the Pre-trib Rapture theory?

And in case some may doubt as to the Biblical accuracy of what I said above, look at Matthew 24:29-31 and Mark 13:24-27 where Lord Jesus showed His coming to gather His saints will be AFTER... the tribulation, not prior to it.

Also, look closely at the very last phrase in those 2 Scripture examples. They align perfectly with the 1 Thess.4 Scripture by Apostle Paul about the day of Christ's future coming and gathering of His Church.


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Aug 10, 2012
About charismatic churches, something I never understood about them, because most of those type churches that I know of believe in Darby's 19th century Pre-tribulational Rapture theory which is not written in God's Word.

So if those charismatic churches claim those spiritual gifts they are experiencing are from The Holy Spirit, then how come The Holy Spirit is not correcting their following a false doctrine like the Pre-trib Rapture theory?

And in case some may doubt as to the Biblical accuracy of what I said above, look at Matthew 24:29-31 and Mark 13:24-27 where Lord Jesus showed His coming to gather His saints will be AFTER... the tribulation, not prior to it.

Also, look closely at the very last phrase in those 2 Scripture examples. They align perfectly with the 1 Thess.4 Scripture by Apostle Paul about the day of Christ's future coming and gathering of His Church.
At the very least their openness makes them a more tempting target to the enemy.


Well-Known Member
Feb 11, 2018
Southeastern U.S.
United States
At the very least their openness makes them a more tempting target to the enemy.
That sounds like a support of their claim of spiritual gifts while believing on man's pre-trib rapture theory.

Do you support Darby's pre-trib rapture theory?


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Aug 10, 2012
That sounds like a support of their claim of spiritual gifts while believing on man's pre-trib rapture theory.

Do you support Darby's pre-trib rapture theory?
I do support the belief in spiritual gifts within the church.

Regarding Darby and the pre-trib rapture, I find this revelation to be suspiciously late in the game.


Well-Known Member
Feb 11, 2018
Southeastern U.S.
United States
I do support the belief in spiritual gifts within the church.

Regarding Darby and the pre-trib rapture, I find this revelation to be suspiciously late in the game.
Yeah, Darby's pre-trib rapture theory he began to preach in Great Britain in the 1830's. Prior to that, the Christian Church held to a post-tribulation coming by Christ, which is what is actually written in God's Word (Matthew 24:29-31 and Mark 13:24-27).

I support the idea of spiritual gifts too, but only according to Bible Scripture as the Measure. And when I hear gibberish with someone claiming is the cloven tongue of Pentecost, I refuse to believe that example. Only if all present understand in their own dialect of their language of birth when it is spoken, will I then believe it is authentic, because that is how it manifested in Acts 2 on Pentecost.

So hearsay won't get it, God's Word is the Measure for such things as spiritual gifts.

Big Boy Johnson

Well-Known Member
Sep 28, 2023
North America
United States
I refuse to believe that example.

Well, it's a good thing the unbelief of others does not make God's Word of no effect (Romans 3:3,4)

Those that choose to not believe won't be bothered with the gifts of the Spirit.

1 Corinthians 14:2
For he that speaketh in an unknown tongue speaketh NOT unto men, but unto God: for NO MAN UNDERSTANDS HIM howbeit in the spirit he speaketh mysteries.

1 Corinthians 12:7-11

But the manifestation of the Spirit is given to every man to profit withal.
For to one is given by the Spirit the word of wisdom; to another the word of knowledge by the same Spirit;
To another faith by the same Spirit; to another the gifts of healing by the same Spirit;
To another the working of miracles; to another prophecy; to another discerning of spirits;
to another divers kinds of tongues; to another the interpretation of tongues:
But all these worketh that one and the selfsame Spirit, dividing to every man severally as he will.
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Jan 1, 2024
United Kingdom
Well-intentioned, but sooooo mainstream wrong.

Poster himself/herself stated that those abilities existed as a child. Indeed, we are ALL born with said abilities that we are no longer aware of.

And so, we again go back to the OP:

Poster says he/she knows that seeking out answers from anything/anyone outside of God is wrong. So folks need to get off their soapboxes and rather address what poster is asking.

The issue is twofold:
1) Definition of terms; we must define terms (which has pretty much been thrashed about here already); and
2) Ignorance, or denial, of the human biofield.

The masses have been conditioned, mind controlled, to believe that nothing exists outside of their own five senses. This has been a very focused, long-term plan of the enemy for centuries.

We are electrical beings (as per post #16). Think EEG's, EKG's, CAT scans and MRI's. When we are out of electrical stasis ("harmony"), we get sick. Knowledge of the electrical human body part (of which poster is referring to), the bioenergetic field, got purposefully erased from scientific & public discourse, for about 100 years (BTW, this is what is being abused today, particularly via the jabs, to route data through your body -- another thread for another time.).

Anyone who can put two brain cells together will understand what I just stated. Others will react violently, as per their conditioning, to the abundant but intentionally hidden facts of the matter.

So poster is probably one who has not yet been thoroughly polluted with biofield-cancelling nanotech in its various guises. His/her biofield is less damaged and thus more "active" than Joe Sixpack's.
Apologies for the late reply, thank you for your response, I agree, we are electrical beings and I'm not jabbed, one of the things that has 'came to me' by whoever tells me things, is the mark of the beast comes in threes, apparently, I'm not that far ahead yet in my learning of the bible and that the jab is one of them. I've also not had any vaccinations since the initial ones as a baby, I have been aware since a teenager of poison food, pharmaceuticals etc and been cautious ever since, so yeah I think biofield could play a part of it, I am from the UK too and I am a girl btw.
Either way I have been in touch with someone from 'spirit' since a child, and I think the more I establish my faith in Christianity the more I'm starting to realize it could well have always been the Holy Spirit all along, I've never known who it is, and been open to just one day figuring it out, I've never focused much on who it is, more what they tell me as I know they watch over me, warn me, and wish me well.


Jan 1, 2024
United Kingdom
The very worst thing you can do for yourself as a new Christian is risk moving into an occultic branch of Christianity.

So when you move from the New Age, stick to the gospel. That's it. That's the thing you need and you need to stick to knowing the very, very basics and mature in that alone.

The reason I am so adamant about this is because I know, from experience, if you're leaving witchcraft and looking to Jesus, you need to stay focused on Jesus.

It's important to not get caught up in traps and there are a LOT of things under the guise of being Christian that are not safe for your spiritual or mental health, so just try to stay with the Word and stay focused in reality.
Oh I am, I'm sticking to Jesus above all, I am coming from a New Age background, and its very interesting to be reading things in the bible that Christians teach against for being New Age, like I've just read a number of chapters in Exodus this morning, Aaron with a breastplate of crystals, the blood rituals over the tabernacle.... It would be interesting to learn (not to ever practice or believe) where these things strayed off and became not of God and how they ended up being evil and not good for Christians.


Jan 1, 2024
United Kingdom
Psychic abilities and/or intuitions have always worked against God in the bible, and especially during the old testament times. One of the most powerful was when Samuel the prophet had passed away, and King Saul was about to go into battle. King Saul always looked toward his prophet for assurance and guidance from God. King Saul decided to go to a psychic, she was called a "Seer" and he asked her to raise up Samuel the prophet and so she did. When Samuel arose, his first words were "who is this that awakens me from my slumber". After a brief explanation from King Saul to the Prophet, the prophet told Saul that because of this act, he would parish in battle. King Saul went ahead with his battle only to lose not only his life, but his son's as well.

When Moses first went to the Pharaoh in Egypt and announced God's demand, "Let my people go". Pharaoh wanted a sign, so Moses commanded called out to the Lord God and his cane became a snake. The pharaoh called upon his sorcerers to replicate the same, and so the sorcerers turned their canes to snakes, but only Moses snake was strong enough to kill both of the Sorcerers snakes.

There are other accounts throughout the scriptures, but the point to be made here is this jessicalek93, if you have repented and have confessed Jesus as your Lord and Savior, then you must know that your old self died on the cross with Jesus and you are now a new creation. The old is past. You must put away your old self and focus on the power of the resurrection that is in you, namely Christ Jesus.

Your body is now the temple of the Holy Spirt and not the dwelling place of unholy spirits. Talk to your body in Jesus name and cast them out. Once you do, you may find you have perhaps found a ministry in sharing with psychics about Jesus and what he did for you...just sayin.

Now, there was a woman in the new testament who was owned by two masters. In other words, partners in fortune telling with a very powerful psychic slave. Paul the apostle and Barnabas Paul's companion came upon this woman while preaching at a fair, the woman interrupted Paul's message by saying to all the people that she knew who these men were, about their message, where they were from and who sent them. In other words she was saying, if I can tell you all that about these men, imagine what I could share with you about you. When the Apostle of Christ Jesus saw that she was attempting to draw men away from Salvation toward her profiteering Paul called upon the Holy Spirit, and she became dumb, speechless and her voice was shut. They went out of business.

God does not entertain psychic intuition. Again consider it dead on the cross and accept the fulness of Christ so no Unholy spirit can squat in your temple. Be blessed jessicaleks93. Jesus loves you, don't let Him down.
'm not denying that the voice I hear is the Holy Spirit and whoever it actually is, is definitely not bad in anyway, I've clarified that very clearly in my original post, its either a loved one watching over me or the holy spirit, its definitely not a demon or anything evil, I've never once been shown or told anything evil, bad etc. I'm always given warnings and information for my wellbeing and others around me and its proven true everytime. No this is not the devil pretending either. Hence my post asking if this could in fact be the holy spirit

Jay Ross

Well-Known Member
Jun 20, 2011
Saw this the tonight.

Leviticus 20: 27; - - 'A man or a woman who is a medium, or who has familiar spirits, THEY shall die the second death; you shall stone them with stones. Their blood shall be upon them.'"




Jan 1, 2024
United Kingdom
Saw this the tonight.

Leviticus 20: 27; - - 'A man or a woman who is a medium, or who has familiar spirits, THEY shall die the second death; you shall stone them with stones. Their blood shall be upon them.'"


How lovely, what is the second death?


Active Member
Jan 18, 2024
Post Falls
United States

'm not denying that the voice I hear is the Holy Spirit and whoever it actually is, is definitely not bad in anyway, I've clarified that very clearly in my original post, its either a loved one watching over me or the holy spirit, its definitely not a demon or anything evil, I've never once been shown or told anything evil, bad etc. I'm always given warnings and information for my wellbeing and others around me and its proven true everytime. No this is not the devil pretending either. Hence my post asking if this could in fact be the holy spirit


'm not denying that the voice I hear is the Holy Spirit and whoever it actually is, is definitely not bad in anyway, I've clarified that very clearly in my original post, its either a loved one watching over me or the holy spirit, its definitely not a demon or anything evil, I've never once been shown or told anything evil, bad etc. I'm always given warnings and information for my wellbeing and others around me and its proven true everytime. No this is not the devil pretending either. Hence my post asking if this could in fact be the holy spirit
There are many documented psychics in history who have made powerful impacts on those seeking information regarding loved ones or themselves. These cases are documented and written in volumes of books. But please understand clearly...THEY ARE PSYCHICS.

From the beginning of time until now, Satan has tempted mankind into being on the wrong side of God. It isn't Satan's fault that man fell to Satan's temptations. God put that blame squarely on man and then God removed man. The bible says "all have sinned and fall short...". Psychics are not the exception. Psychics need salvation as much as the next person. Psychics don't get a free pass in the judgment. The bible is replete with that example. Do not take the subtle way in which Satan operates as excluding you from condemnation. Your soul is too precious to end up on the wrong side of eternity. If you are born again, Jesus says "where I am there you shall be also". If you are not then you will be wherever your greater power takes you, and it isn't the kingdom of heaven. Again, being Psychic doesn't spare you or your soul from judgment.

You possess something that you don't have control of, this is very clear. Get free of it, get washed, get saved and receive your assurance from Jesus, not a voice you don't control.


Well-Known Member
Jul 14, 2020
United States
Hey Wrangler, note this: like a cosmic comedy duo, some folks think psychic vibes are a hotline to the supernatural. But hold up – Big Boy Johnson says it's demons on the line, not divine insights. It's a celestial showdown between intuition and witchcraft. The cosmic question: Is it vibes or villainous spirits? Either way, this psychic showdown is a real head-scratcher! #PsychicDrama #CelestialComedy
I think what we have here is we need to define what the OP is talking about when she says psychic intuition. Is she saying she is getting thoughts of things before they happen or insight into people before she meets them.

If that is the case then it could be God or Satan or a mixture of the two.

It looks like someone is putting down the judgmental crown over her and demanding that it is Satan. While others are being less judgmental.


Well-Known Member
Jul 14, 2020
United States
How lovely, what is the second death?
I would ignore him on that note, a medium is someone who talks to the dead and invites them to posses them to speak thru them. I don't see that you have spelled out spiritual medium anywhere.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 8, 2021
United States
Oh I am, I'm sticking to Jesus above all, I am coming from a New Age background, and its very interesting to be reading things in the bible that Christians teach against for being New Age, like I've just read a number of chapters in Exodus this morning, Aaron with a breastplate of crystals, the blood rituals over the tabernacle.... It would be interesting to learn (not to ever practice or believe) where these things strayed off and became not of God and how they ended up being evil and not good for Christians.
I think you would do well posting a topic on specific verses in debate. I think you'll get a lot of responses.

Having said that, the Old Testament is also a historical record and should be read in full context and you have to research and ask questions from people who know more than you. And it will be that way with everything in life. Always have people who know more than you, or you will miss out!

Example in Numbers 19:

“The heifer is to be burned—its hide, flesh, blood and intestines. The priest is to take some cedar wood, hyssop and scarlet wool and throw them onto the burning heifer…For the unclean person, put some ashes from the burned purification offering into a jar and pour fresh water over them. Then a man who is ceremonially clean is to take some hyssop, dip it in the water and … sprinkle anyone who has touched a human bone or a grave or anyone who has been killed or anyone who has died a natural death. The man who is clean is to sprinkle those who are unclean on the third and seventh days, and on the seventh day he is to purify them. Those who are being cleansed must wash their clothes and bathe with water, and that evening they will be clean.”

Sounds like an occultic ritual?

it's a recipe for soap
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Active Member
Jan 18, 2024
Post Falls
United States
I think you would do well posting a topic on specific verses in debate. I think you'll get a lot of responses.

Having said that, the Old Testament is also a historical record and should be read in full context and you have to research and ask questions from people who know more than you. And it will be that way with everything in life. Always have people who know more than you, or you will miss out!

Example in Numbers 19:

“The heifer is to be burned—its hide, flesh, blood and intestines. The priest is to take some cedar wood, hyssop and scarlet wool and throw them onto the burning heifer…For the unclean person, put some ashes from the burned purification offering into a jar and pour fresh water over them. Then a man who is ceremonially clean is to take some hyssop, dip it in the water and … sprinkle anyone who has touched a human bone or a grave or anyone who has been killed or anyone who has died a natural death. The man who is clean is to sprinkle those who are unclean on the third and seventh days, and on the seventh day he is to purify them. Those who are being cleansed must wash their clothes and bathe with water, and that evening they will be clean.”

Sounds like an occultic ritual?

it's a recipe for soap
The only reason Satan has power, THE ONLY REASON, is because he takes just enough truth that one can believe in and then distorts it.

He speaks to Eve saying "did God say not to eat from the tree of good and evil, well that's because God doesn't want you to become like him if you do eat it. Just look how beautiful it is.

The Occult didn't come first. God did, and God made it clear that all creation comes from His "GOOD" work. Understand also, that God created Lucifer and if God so desired God can un-create him real fast, like a vapor. The Occult is a distorted and fractured representation of God's goodness. It attracts those who are looking to question God.

God made a loaf of unleavened bread, Satan tempts us to add a little leaven to it, and when we do, we eat the Occult because the bread is now unholy.
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