What is wrong with all these Christian anti-vaxxers?

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Well-Known Member
Apr 6, 2021
United States
Then please release the info you have come across that Dr. Bartlett has published showing he is saving lives!

Once again this is a corticoid steroid and will reduce inflammation. However as long as Covid is alive and well in the lung, it will keep producing inflammation (the famous cytokine storm). It does not heal, just relieve symptoms. But if you have real data showing it healed covid patients I am all eyes and willing to repent. but prepare for me to critique it.

Do you actually read what I post?

I posted the Oxford university study showing a 90% reduction in hospitalization, which only happened because of Dr. Bartletts success, knowledge of which is now all over the world.

You can wait for your precious placebo controlled, double blind study taking years, meanwhile lives are being saved without you.

If you have a fire and water put it out when you used it, you don’t need a trial or study about it, because it’s obvious it works.


Well-Known Member
Apr 6, 2021
United States
and once again (just ignoring it doesn't change the facts) HCQ, Ivermectin work well if Covid is caught before the lungs become fully impacted!
IOW this protocol will not help most [people! Most go seek help long after the time these therapies are effective! That has been proven over and over and over and over again Tapping your heels three times and saying it will cure hard cases of covid will not make it so Dorothy!

So what? The vast majority of the people who died from COVID were diagnosed in plenty of time, but their doctor used the NIH do nothing protocol, which is go home with no early treatment, wait until they can’t breathe, then go to the ER to be stuck on a ventilator to die.

Compare to Dr. Zelenko, who uses early treatment protocol and out of 6,000 elderly COVID patients from His Jewish community, very few have died or even needed hospitalizations.

When he first became known for treating COVID patients with hydroxychloroquine, he had treated 1500 patients, with only 4 hospitalizations and 2 deaths.

Now he’s up to 6,000 last I checked.

The only reason I keep wasting time with you is for the benefit of others who will read this and hear beneficial information from me.


Well-Known Member
Apr 6, 2021
United States
My girlfriend is on hydroxychloroquine every day for her Sjogren's Syndrome. It didn't stop her from getting Covid and didn't help with the symptoms. She is finally feeling better but had to go to the ER twice. The first time they diagnosed her with Covid pneumonia and the second time they said that her pneumonia was a little worse and that she needed to see a cardiovascular doctor. They didn't tell her why and I wasn't allowed to be with her, even though she wasn't exactly at the top of her game cognitively. She has that cardiovascular appointment on Wednesday, but her PCP who we saw Thursday said not to panic about it. It's probably out of an abundance of caution.

Hydroxychloroquine is a zinc ionophore, it transports zinc across the cell membrane so it gets into the cell, and it’s the zinc that stops the virus from getting in the cell and propagating.

Zinc needs taken with it, and the protocol includes D and C as well.

If the use of hydroxychloroquine wasn’t being blocked, that would be widespread knowledge.

Doctors worldwide are using that or ivermectin, with great success.

Budesonide all by itself has saved patients on ventilators when the hospital wanted to pull the plug on them.


Well-Known Member
Apr 6, 2021
United States
This is what happened to me. I have moderate to severe asthma. I knew that if I got Covid it would be bad. So, I got vaccinated. I fully believe as does my doctor that the vaccination kept me from going to the hospital. I did end up with Covid pneumonia, but I was able to treat it at home. I am mostly recovered from COvid and pneumonia, but I still have the fatigue.
They have discovered that asthma isn’t a top ten co-morbity for COVID - because what kills people sent the virus, it’s the severe inflammation in the lungs from the immune system overreaction to the virus - the infamous cytokine storm - and asthmatics already take inhalants and anti inflammatory drugs, which explains why asthma isn’t the huge co-morbidity they expected it to be.
This is one reason Oxford university did a study which showed that budesonide- a steroid used in nebulizers, reduced hospitalizations by a staggering 90% of COVID cases.
You weren’t as big a risk for it as you thought.


Well-Known Member
Jul 5, 2021
United States
Hydroxychloroquine is a zinc ionophore, it transports zinc across the cell membrane so it gets into the cell, and it’s the zinc that stops the virus from getting in the cell and propagating.

Zinc needs taken with it, and the protocol includes D and C as well.

She takes a zinc supplement as well. Still didn't keep her from getting Covid. All I am saying is it doesn't work for everyone.

They are being blocked for good reason. We will obviously disagree on that point, but disagreements are allowed.

Mugre Pinzon

Oct 4, 2019
United States
Seems odd that Modern & Pfizer are both trying a new way of making a vaccine by a programmable RNA strand and our government went with that new unproven method rather than the normal way of making a vacciine.

My guess is it was because mRNA "vaccine", and I use the term vaccine loosely, was going to be quicker to develop than a traditional vaccine.

That said, now that the dust has settled, the mRNA COVID vaccines appear to be a big fail.


Well-Known Member
Jan 6, 2022
Pennsylvania / Hermitage
United States
My guess is it was because mRNA "vaccine", and I use the term vaccine loosely, was going to be quicker to develop than a traditional vaccine.

That is likely the reason why they went for that rather than the tradiational way which would not be quick enough to meet supply and demand.

That said, now that the dust has settled, the mRNA COVID vaccines appear to be a big fail.

Mass global vaccination has proven to be a mistake because that is where all the variants are coming from. originally, old people and those with health problems were at risk and they should have designated the vaccine the normal way for that instead of trying to vaccinate the whole world
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Ronald Nolette

Well-Known Member
Aug 24, 2020
South Carolina
United States
My Point is, I don’t look to the Govt Reps, to see what they promote, THEN consider IF I think it a good idea.
I have a Teacher. He is a Spirit. His Teaching is the ONLY teaching I concern myself with consideration to follow.
As far as Govt Reps, I simply observe what they do and do not do.

You may think the current situation is “not bad”.... I totally disagree.

Well we will see in time won't we. Personally if Russia invades Ukraine it is going to get real bad.

Ronald Nolette

Well-Known Member
Aug 24, 2020
South Carolina
United States
This is what happened to me. I have moderate to severe asthma. I knew that if I got Covid it would be bad. So, I got vaccinated. I fully believe as does my doctor that the vaccination kept me from going to the hospital. I did end up with Covid pneumonia, but I was able to treat it at home. I am mostly recovered from COvid and pneumonia, but I still have the fatigue.

I go back to work after being out for four weeks. Thankfully, my job never pressured me to come back and told me to take the time that I need in order to heal.

I was only given a five-day course of prednisone. My doctor wanted me on dexamethasone, but I refused as it causes me to get very mean. Roid rage is a thing!

My girlfriend is on hydroxychloroquine every day for her Sjogren's Syndrome. It didn't stop her from getting Covid and didn't help with the symptoms. She is finally feeling better but had to go to the ER twice. The first time they diagnosed her with Covid pneumonia and the second time they said that her pneumonia was a little worse and that she needed to see a cardiovascular doctor. They didn't tell her why and I wasn't allowed to be with her, even though she wasn't exactly at the top of her game cognitively. She has that cardiovascular appointment on Wednesday, but her PCP who we saw Thursday said not to panic about it. It's probably out of an abundance of caution.

Her doctor has also said that her getting the vaccine has helped keep her out of the hospital. She is on the mend now and will return to work on Monday. They were trying to force her to go back last week even with the pneumonia diagnosis, so she took PTO instead so she could stay home.

This virus is such a mystery to try to pin down. I know of a 93 year old with several co morbidities with no shots. Got covid and had little more than sniffles. then an athlete in apparent good health, eats well, takes vitamins, got the shots, got covid and died!
People have lived without the shots and people have died with the shots!

Took me a while to get my first shot. With all the conspiracy theories out there, I did lots of research before I saw my doctor.
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Jim B

Well-Known Member
Jun 5, 2020
Santa Fe NM
United States
Oh good grief.
No one said WHO YOU have to Trust or listen TO or take their Advice.

Why did you ASK “YOUR DOCTOR”?
DID you hear Government Reps speaking of a SCARY Virus?
DID you hear a news Commentary of a News Reporters Opinion?
DID you do as the Government Suggested and New Reporters Suggested ....”Go ask YOUR Doctor” ?
DID you decide to go ask YOUR Doctor?
DID you DO as your Doctor Advised?
THAT is the result of your choices, of people YOU DETERMINED are “qualified”.

Personally, the Governments reps speaking, about something I have not, seen, heard, smelled, tasted, or felt, did not SCARE me.
Personally, I am not impressed by the seated Government reps.
Personally, I am not interested in news reporters opinions.
Personally, I do not “have” a Doctor.
So, no, I do not gut react to other men I do not know, simply because they have a platform to broadcast their feelings, ideas, opinions or agendas.
THAT is the result of my choices.

* Pretty bold of you to call people LIARS, who have DETERMINED who THEY Believe are “QUALIFIED”....because it is NOT the same who “YOU” Believe is “QUALIFIED”.

No one said WHOM [grammatically correct] YOU have to Trust or listen TO or take their Advice. Does that include you?

Again, I trust my "primary" doctor, not those unqualified people who post disinformation on the WWW, including this forum.

Ronald Nolette

Well-Known Member
Aug 24, 2020
South Carolina
United States
Other than that this RNA strand is programmable, not sure if any one would share that it can be reprogrammable. Loss of money and all that.

Well the article you cite has not gone into people yet.

There is a Precision Medicine that the Chinese own and although the basis concept is to program DNA for the cure, it can also go in the reverse. China being big on population control, one can be wary what sinners will do with that technology.

Well nearly every innovation and creation is by nature- neutral. Evil men will design evil purposes and people who though unsaved, do not practice evil like the others will seek to do good. But I am sure that china has not released the schematics of this medicine to the world. They are control freaks.
There was a report on the National news regarding one of the southern states that were having an outbreak of women becoming sterile after taking covid 17 vaccine.

Try finding a search results about side effects from covid 19 vaccine now and you will find it fruitless. I have seen quite a few. let me check Youtube and see.

Here is one.

I really like this news story. It shows teh caution and the fact that reporting is heavily skewed toward women over men. The effects of the se vaccines are far more reported simply because of the hysteria, politics and daily force feeding about teh disease. Teh shots do have more adverse effects than anyother shot to date, but like the story said the supermajority are minor effects like pain, discomfort, flu like sypmtoms etc. I am grateful the number of very severe problems is very small so far.

The second video is awesome. It warns against making cause and effect until you find the background. their example- On average 793 people of an age group get heart attacks weekly, you take the vaccine count from that age group and compare it to the whole age group and see if the incidence of heart attacks becomes higher in the vaccinated group! This is sound and protects people from going off the deep end with partial information.

Feel free to copy and paste this to them and anyone else needing corrections, but you need His help to forgive them for they know not what they do either.

I am one who is very blunt and direct and that can easily come off as being angry at people. Though I am angry at the false information they promote, I am saddened for them as believers. I do not hate them and would love to see them be more balanced in the whole covid debacle. I would have no problems kneeling and prahying and praising with any of them. Though I debate intensely, this is not a subject I would divide the body over.
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Ronald Nolette

Well-Known Member
Aug 24, 2020
South Carolina
United States
Holding prayer meetings and bible studies doesn't mean they truly believe in the authority of the Bible. If there were any true believers in politics, they would know what the Bible has to say about the foundation of this politics being anti-God. To modern politicians, God and the Bible are nothing more than political props for them to score points with religious voters. Pence intentionally omitting "turn from your wicked ways" while quoting 2 Chr. 7:14 perfectly sums up how illiterate and dishonest those people are.

True, just like for us as well! but it is a very hopeful sign that they do take time to pray and read! Seeking the face of God and taking in His Word is only a positive. It gives the Spirit lots of juice to work with.

Well before making a sweeping condemnation of Pence, maybe it was just not essential for the speech. I do not know I wasn't there. but He is a very solid believer. He is a godly man, not a perfect man.

Ronald Nolette

Well-Known Member
Aug 24, 2020
South Carolina
United States
It really is!

I am glad you and yours are doing better. I will praise for your recoveries. I had a heart valve replaced in August. when I awoke in recovery I told the doctors I was angry with them cuz I could have gone home but they stopped me!!! LOL!

God is not ready for me yet :rolleyes:

Ronald Nolette

Well-Known Member
Aug 24, 2020
South Carolina
United States
I posted the Oxford university study showing a 90% reduction in hospitalization, which only happened because of Dr. Bartletts success, knowledge of which is now all over the world.

Here is the Oxford study that deals with 90%:

Common asthma treatment reduces need for hospitalisation in COVID-19 patients, study suggests

Early treatment with a medication commonly used to treat asthma appears to significantly reduce the need for urgent care and hospitalisation in people with COVID-19, researchers at the University of Oxford have found.

The STOIC study found that inhaled budesonide given to patients with COVID-19 within seven days of the onset of symptoms also reduced recovery time. Budesonide is a corticosteroid used in the long-term management of asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD).

Findings from the phase 2 randomised study, which was supported by the NIHR Oxford Biomedical Research Centre (BRC), were published on the medRxiv pre-print server.

The findings from 146 people – of whom half took 800 micrograms of the medication twice a day and half were on usual care – suggests that inhaled budesonide reduced the relative risk of requiring urgent care or hospitalisation by 90% in the 28-day study period


It is sad we don't have the actual report of the hospital saying his protocol cleared an ICU!
It is sad we don't have the data other than his say so for a 100% cure rate.
He has presented peer reviewed publications on this, but why not showing the 100% cure rate?
But once again it is an effective part of a whole protocol in the early stages of covid before the lungs are impacted!

Dr Richard Bartlett Inhaled Budesonide Protocol for COVID-19 (2022)

January 28, 2022
In April 2021, The Lancet reported evidence of UK’s first effective drug to treat COVID-19 in patients at home, inhaled budesonide, showing the treatment can reduce recovery time by a median of three days. The treatment has since been included in clinical guidelines for treating early-stage COVID-19 across the UK, Canada and India.
Dr. Richard Bartlett shared with ACWT (America Can We Talk) about how asthma medicine Budesonide emptied a hospital ICU after being used to treat coronavirus.

Inhaled budesonide is a safe, generic, inexpensive prescription medication that is being successfully used by millions of people who suffer from asthma every day. It can be prescribed by any doctor or nurse practitioner for respiratory symptoms or lung inflammation (FDA-approved). Budesonide is also available in some over-the-counter nasal sprays such as Rhinocort.

Richard Bartlett made waves in a July 2, 2020 interview (the video has been removed for violating YouTube's Community Guidelines) that already has racked up 4.1 million views online. In the interview, Bartlett, who has practiced medicine for 28 years and was part of former Texas Gov. Rick Perry’s Health Disparities Task Force, boasted a 100% survival rate for his patients since March 2020 by using his treatment strategy, centered around an inhaled steroid called budesonide.

Dr Richard Bartlett Inhaled Budesonide Protocol for COVID-19 (2022)

Medical Journal Articles or Studies
Below are links to a peer-reviewed studies, articles in medical journals, or news articles regarding the efficacy of budesonide.

News Reports & Studies

See this is good! Well researched, trials, reports and publications proving the claims.

JUST TOO BAD NOT ONE ARTICLE SHOWING YOUR LIE HE CLEARED A HOSPITAL ICU. His protocol helps in weaning people off ventilators that were hard to wean as a study shows, but that isd because they are on the mend and the steroids help reduce the inflammation which causes the need for a ventilator.

Also this is becoming a more widely used protocol!

End part 1

Ronald Nolette

Well-Known Member
Aug 24, 2020
South Carolina
United States
Curtis: Part 2

Below are links to studies or articles about the efficacy or success of some of the other remedies we recommend for prevention and treatment.
Clinical Research
There are several open-label studies currently open to recruitment examining the role of inhaled budesonide in COVID-19 infection (ISRCTN86534580, NCT04355637, NCT04331054) and others investigating the role of inhaled ciclesonide (NCT04330586, NCT04377711, NCT04381364, NCT04356495); whether these studies also show an effect on long COVID will be of importance.

Most of these are preventative therapies based on strengthening the body. this can be true for nearly all viruses! Keep teh body strong and healthy and you greatly reduce your risk of catching a severe case of any virus!

I wish you would see that I agree with everything these people are doing! They are great treatments for preventing or reducing teh severity of Covid if caught early enough!

but you have yet to show one treatment that actually stops the virus once people have contracted a severe case!

I would like to see all these early diagnosis protocols used. And it appears they are being used! But if someone already has a severe case of covid- none of these are curatives. Steroids are therapeutic and palliative, but not curative. I like that most hospitals are already using steroids in severely impacted patients to help reduce pain and inflammation. May budesonide is a better steroid in weaning people from ventilators.

but once again, all this well and fine, but the far more serious disease is the anger and hate you spew from your heart! Your false accusations, you rlying about what people have written. these are more deadly diseasews in teh kingdom than the worst case of covid.

Ronald Nolette

Well-Known Member
Aug 24, 2020
South Carolina
United States
So what? The vast majority of the people who died from COVID were diagnosed in plenty of time, but their doctor used the NIH do nothing protocol, which is go home with no early treatment, wait until they can’t breathe, then go to the ER to be stuck on a ventilator to die.

Compare to Dr. Zelenko, who uses early treatment protocol and out of 6,000 elderly COVID patients from His Jewish community, very few have died or even needed hospitalizations.

When he first became known for treating COVID patients with hydroxychloroquine, he had treated 1500 patients, with only 4 hospitalizations and 2 deaths.

Now he’s up to 6,000 last I checked.

The only reason I keep wasting time with you is for the benefit of others who will read this and hear beneficial information from me.
I guess you did not bother to read the post I already wrote the first time you posted this. I am not surprised! Saddened but not surprised.

Read post #92 to educate yourself on why the vast super majority of asymptomatic or mild case people are sent home!

And once again Zelenko supports what I have siad over what you have falsely claimed! It is an effective early treatment, but not once the lungs are impacted! I wish you would finally get that.


Well-Known Member
Jan 6, 2022
Pennsylvania / Hermitage
United States
Well the article you cite has not gone into people yet.

It hasn't? My bad. It didn't share that bit of info. I just assume. Here is the link proving how they were making the vaccines for covid 19.

Understanding mRNA COVID-19 Vaccines

Quoting from link "The Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna COVID-19 vaccines are messenger RNA vaccines also called mRNA vaccines. mRNA vaccines are some of the first COVID-19 vaccines authorized and approved for use in the United States." end of quote

I am one who is very blunt and direct and that can easily come off as being angry at people. Though I am angry at the false information they promote, I am saddened for them as believers. I do not hate them and would love to see them be more balanced in the whole covid debacle. I would have no problems kneeling and prahying and praising with any of them. Though I debate intensely, this is not a subject I would divide the body over.

The love of money is the root of all evil. Dr. Fauci has not denied having invested in that Wuhan research facility. For all the other Chinese viruses that came into US like SARS, and there is a photo of Biden as Vice President being on top of it then, but the government has not been on top of it?

Then you have to wonder why we get reports on YouTube about a doctor complaining about an order to inflate the numbers of deaths by covid 19. I cannot find that video again but here is an elected official addressing this.

And although below this video report the love of money can be the cause, it denies it being the motivation because of civil lawsuit but then who could prove it otherwise without losing their jobs at that hospital?