What is wrong with all these Christian anti-vaxxers?

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Well-Known Member
Apr 6, 2021
United States
This is THE BIG LIE that got the Scamdemic rolling. The COVID conspirators were hoping that coronavirus would be like Ebola. But it turned out that it was no better or worse than the flu virus. There would not have been a single coronavirus death had the governments and the conspirators not sabotaged ivermectin, HCQ, and the HCQ combo pack.

So Ronald, you have been promoting the lies of the evildoers. Which makes you complicit in their criminal conspiracy to STEAL, KILL, AND DESTROY. Satan's agenda.

They told many lies about Ivermectin, and are still covering up that it’s an effective, safe, and cheap drug.

A NIH study shows a 74% reduction in COVID infection rates - this should be headline news all over the country!

NIH: Ivermectin in use in humans since 2015, and reduces COVID19; infection rate by 74%:

Ivermectin: a multifaceted drug of Nobel prize-honoured distinction with indicated efficacy against a new global scourge, COVID-19
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Well-Known Member
Apr 6, 2021
United States
This is even better news being covered up - a safe, cheap, and effective inhaled steroid reduces COVID hospitalizations by an astounding 90%! This is from prestigious Oxford university.

Ronald believed the propaganda that anti inflammatory steroids aren’t effective with COVID.

NIH study on budesonide:

Oxford study budesonide 90% reduction in hospitalization for COVID:

Common asthma treatment reduces need for hospitalisation in COVID-19 patients, study suggests | University of Oxford

This should be headline news everywhere!

85% of the deaths from COVID were preventible, especially with early treatment that many doctors are using, despite the NIH continuing to lie and say there’s no early treatment protocol.
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Well-Known Member
May 27, 2018
85% of the deaths from COVID were preventible, especially with early treatment that many doctors are using, despite the NIH continuing to lie and say there’s no early treatment protocol.
And let's not forget that 94% of the so-called COVID deaths were misrepresented in America, and 96% in Italy. And had the very cheap and very effective remedies been freely available from day one, then possibly no one would have died (unless they were very old or had some other serious health issues).

The attacks against ivermectin and HCQ were actually criminal in that they ensured that people would die from Wuhan virus. Which means that all the conspirators should be rounded up and charged with murder in the first degree.


Well-Known Member
Apr 6, 2021
United States
The Salk institute did A study proving that the spike protein all by itself, without the virus, does great harm to the endothelial cells in arteries, causing all kinds of vascular problems, blood clots, heart attacks, strokes.

Now if a person will apply some common sense, they will realize that when a vaccine turns the human body into a spike making factory, making spike proteins continually, it is going to be harmful to the body, and it is going to kill or debilitate huge numbers of people.

Here’s the link to the Salk Institute study:

The novel coronavirus’ spike protein plays additional key role in illness - Salk Institute for Biological Studies

Common sense makes a person an anti-vaxxer.

Not to mention that the Science behind actual vaccines is good – wherein they take a virus and kill it and inject the killed virus into the body, which causes antibodies to be produced, so that the immune system remembers that virus and has immunity to it- but these shots are so obviously not a vaccine: they are in fact an experimental gene therapy injection , And everyone that takes one is a guinea pig, and get to be part of a long-term review of damage and illnesses done by these fake vaccines.
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Ronald Nolette

Well-Known Member
Aug 24, 2020
South Carolina
United States
Yeah, non-vaxers are being bullied by vaxers. Not just that though, even Christian vaxers are joining non-Christian vaxers in persecutions and trying to impose laws to harm and imprison those who do not comply with their tyranny.

Well if it is bullying on this or similar issuews, it definitely is un-Christ like behavior.

That's all good for you--that is unless you are one of those who react to the non-vaccine shot. But for everyone like you there is someone else who may be just the opposite. My wife is one of them. Most medications make her worse, so the shot would probably kill her.

A person needs to be able to choose.

I agree 100% for me and my doctor, the risk /benefit ration was tilted very far to teh benefit side. There is always risk with all medications aka side effects. That is why it is so important to discuss with your physician. I know I have several health issues and taking a shot that may prevent, or definitely lessen the severity of things if I do get them are to my advantage!

Ronald Nolette

Well-Known Member
Aug 24, 2020
South Carolina
United States
The attacks against ivermectin and HCQ were actually criminal in that they ensured that people would die from Wuhan virus. Which means that all the conspirators should be rounded up and charged with murder in the first degree.

I would love to see your proof for this conspiracy allegation! You are now accussing nearly every government and the super vast majority of the medical field of intentional murder!

And you forget that HCQ and iveremectin were given EAU for over four months in 2020! THE EAU's were pulled because they are only effective if one catches th evirus before the organs become involved! ONce the infection has taken root- they are nearly useless.

Remember antibiotics do not work against viruses. Nor do anti paraasitics work against viral infections! And both of these were used in conjunction with other protocols which had a high cure rate IF the virus was caught before the organs became impacted.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 6, 2021
United States
Well if it is bullying on this or similar issuews, it definitely is un-Christ like behavior.

I agree 100% for me and my doctor, the risk /benefit ration was tilted very far to teh benefit side. There is always risk with all medications aka side effects. That is why it is so important to discuss with your physician. I know I have several health issues and taking a shot that may prevent, or definitely lessen the severity of things if I do get them are to my advantage!

That’s laughable because doctors have no clue what’s in those vaccines, they’ve never read the inserts, because most of them are blank, as has been reported.

All doctors know is what they’ve been told by the NIH, which is lying to them and telling them there’s no early treatment protocol available, when thousands of doctors worldwide, are now using early treatment protocols and saving lives - using ivermectin with zinc, using budesonide, etc - but sadly the majority of doctors are still doing nothing except telling patients to go home and wait until they are half dead and can’t breathe, then go to the ER and get put on a high pressure lung damage ventilator.

And you can bet that your doctor hasn’t seen the Salk institute study proving that the spike proteins alone do serious damage to the endothelial lining of the arteries, causing blood clots with all the related damage that blood clots do - If he had, he would have realized that it’s a very serious error to convert the human body into a continuous spike making factory, as the so-called vaccines are doing.

The truth is as I have shown in the past posts with studies that prove ivermectin cuts COVID infections in healthcare workers by 74%, and that budesonide reduces hospitalizations by 90%, and combine that fact with early treatment protocols, there is zero need for any vaccinations.
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Ronald Nolette

Well-Known Member
Aug 24, 2020
South Carolina
United States
This is THE BIG LIE that got the Scamdemic rolling. The COVID conspirators were hoping that coronavirus would be like Ebola. But it turned out that it was no better or worse than the flu virus. There would not have been a single coronavirus death had the governments and the conspirators not sabotaged ivermectin, HCQ, and the HCQ combo pack.

So Ronald, you have been promoting the lies of the evildoers. Which makes you complicit in their criminal conspiracy to STEAL, KILL, AND DESTROY. Satan's agenda.

So let me get this straight. Teh conspiracy people who do not have access to the medical files, autopsy reports, medical records, daily governor briefings on covid cases, have better knowledge than all the professionals who do the info gathering.

My oldest daughter works for a hospital. She has been tasked as the covid point person. she has daily telecons with all the regional hospitals and the governor on new cases, healings, deaths, hospitalizations etc.. She also collates for the fed govt. data from multiple state telecons like hers!

She is a believer and she doesn't fudge numbers. She says the results we see posted daily are accurate to within a few% Based on hospital reporting.

Now if you have empirical evidence to show hospitals are intentionally lying I am all ears, and so wouldn't my daughter!

Personally I believe that covid cases are vastly under-reported and deaths from covid and deaths from covid shots are over reported.
I have seen your compatriot Curtis report on deaths from myocarditis and cases of athletes getting myocarditis globally. Well I showed that in America annually there are over 200,000 cases of myocarditis with a healing rate of 96% so we see 8,000 deaths from myocasrditis without covid as a norm!

He cannot even prove that teh shot was the cause of myocarditis! it is a heart condition that can go undiagnosed until one drops. Sothat is a number that is unknown until deep exams and autopsies are done.

But as for deaths from teh flu? The last big death count was the spanish Flu epidemic which killed over 25,000,000 world wide. We had no shots back then.

Since then America alone bounces from between 12,000- 52,000 deaths annually from influenza. We have 400,000 deaths reported for covid. Even if that is 50% over reported that still leaves 200,000 dead which is 4 times the worst years of the flu! but the most empirical numbers come from hospitalizations!

The flu hits anywhere from 9 to 41,000,000 annually (est) with 140,000 to 710,000 hospitalizations
Covid has infected 48,000,000 annually (est) with with 1,700,000 hospitalized due to covid

So yes Covid is far nastier than the normal flu season!

I have given you and Curtis much time to produce the empirical evidence to prove your overblown conspiratorial claims and you fail every time!

You take a several deaths that APPEAR to be shot related and extrapolate that number into the hundreds of thousands!

I at least get numbers from hospitals doing daily reporting and from my wife who works in an ER! She has seen dozens leave in body bags due to covid! She also sees 85-90% of admissions for covid are "unvaxxed".

Have people died from the shot? Y*es
Have people been permanently injured from the shot? Yes
Did the politicians lie about the shots efficacy? Absolutely!
Is there political evil surrounding the shot? without doubt!
Did we screw the pooch early in with covid? Yep!
Are HCQ and ivermectin the cure alls touted on conspiracy videos? NO
do they work great if used before the organs become impacted ? Absolutely!
Were these and dozens of other protocols given EAU early? Yes!

I know the world is heading towards the global dictator many call the antichrist! I know that corruption is more the norm than the exception.

Am I willing to accept a global conspiracy? Sure am! in my church I have spoken up about alot of conspiracies with the caveat we need to not over blow without strong evidence.

so, if you and Curtis can produce the empirical data that shows the massive numbers you both love to throw out here, I am more than willing to read, watch and listen to see!

Fauci and collins are criminal! Wollensky borders on incompetent. Dr. Malone uses more extrapolation than actual data.
So far on these threads we have seen folks like you say the following:

The shot (don't know if all or just one or two) is the mark of the beast.
Hundreds of thousands have died from the shot.
Millions have gotten very ill from the shot.
There is a knowing global cabal of nearly all medical personnel to hide the truth.
There is a knowing cabal of nearly all governments to hide the truth.
There is a knowing cabal by nearly all media to cover up the evils of the shot.
They have intentionally doctored the data to hide that HCQ and Ivermectin are cures at all stages of covid.

There are more, but these are all I can think of off the top of my head!

All but #1 contains germs of truth in them, but then get overblown and the numbers explodied by using algorithms instead of body counts.

OUR God is still on the throne and I do not believe the time is right for God to release th ekind of full blown evil thatr you , Curtis and others are preaching about Covid. But even if so, What difference does it make? It is not the mark, it is not turning people away from teh faith or ordering them from teh faith.

We are supposed to be lights of the world and not boys who cry wolf when there is most likely not one!

But for my own piece of anecdotal evidence you love to pour out here. In my family, we have had 7 cases of covid! All but one unvaxxed. No hospitalizatiuons thank god. All the vaxxed save one, so far have not had covid, or if we have had it- we were asymptomatic! This covers 34 people!
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Ronald Nolette

Well-Known Member
Aug 24, 2020
South Carolina
United States
That’s laughable because doctors have no clue what’s in those vaccines, they’ve never read the inserts, because most of them are blank, as has been reported.

I guess they don't have the internet then! It took me three minutes to show Enoch the ingredients in the three shots authorized for regular use and not one poison listed!

All doctors know is what they’ve been told by the NIH, which is lying to them and telling them there’s no early treatment protocol available, when thousands of doctors worldwide, are now using early treatment protocols and saving lives - using ivermectin with zinc, using budesonide, etc - but sadly the majority of doctors are still doing nothing except telling patients to go home and wait until they are half dead and can’t breathe, then go to the ER and get put on a high pressure lung damage ventilator.

Isn't that so funny! I went on line and found from Joh Hopkins and the Mayo Clinic that HCQ, Ivermectin and budesonide show great preomise for early treatment IF the organs are not impacted! . YOu are either lying, blowing verbal gas, or woefully ignorant! google can be your friend here.

And you can bet that your doctor hasn’t seen the Salk institute study proving that the spike proteins alone do serious damage to the endothelial lining of the arteries, causing blood clots with all the related damage that blood clots do - If he had, he would have realized that it’s a very serious error to convert the human body into a continuous spike making factory, as the so-called vaccines are doing.

couldn't tell you that. but I have read that online and because it was not presented for peer review and publication which is the standard all doctors and researhcers do when they find something- it means nothing! So I guess you are also saying that teh spike proteins found in teh normal coronaviruses people contract (aka the flu) do damage to the endothelial linings of the arteries causing blood clots with all teh related damage that blood clots do! Covid 19 does not have a more nasty spike protein!

As for making teh body a spike protein factory? That has been debunked so manytimes with peer reviewed an dpublished research and data as to make anyone who still believes that laughable!

As for your half the doctors accusation? YOu got that number how? did you do a survey of doctors? or are you just doing what you usually do, taking a number from a few doctors and blowing it up using your special revelation algorithms?

What I find funny is that I am not what one would call a "pro-vaxxer"! I am a prochoice with info choice person! I knew when teh vaccine first came out without any data yet that there would be more seriuos events associated with it than all other "shots" why? Because the dreug houses did not have the normal time to work all the kinks out like they do with almost all other meds. They have been adjusting on the fly because governments demanded the shots ASAP!
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Mugre Pinzon

Oct 4, 2019
United States
Politicians promote eating healthy8. YOu try not to eat healthy?

One person's version of eating healthy can differ substantially from another's. I don't need politicians telling me what to eat. That's something I'd like to decide for myself. I guess it's time to head to McDonalds for a 2 month allotment of burgers...
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Well-Known Member
Jan 21, 2009
North America
I agree 100% for me and my doctor, the risk /benefit ration was tilted very far to teh benefit side. There is always risk with all medications aka side effects. That is why it is so important to discuss with your physician.
@Ronald Nolette Yes, I wholeheartedly agree that it is very sensible to talk over the health issues with one's doctor in the light of other possible medication that one may be taking, rather than be swayed by sweeping statements by those without medical knowledge.

Ronald Nolette

Well-Known Member
Aug 24, 2020
South Carolina
United States
A NIH study shows a 74% reduction in COVID infection rates - this should be headline news all over the country!

So now you are trusting the NIH again? they stopped being on the Devils side because of one study?

How many people were in the study?
How ill were they?
How impacted were their lungs?
Were they being treated with other medications?

all these need to be known to conclusively say if Ivermectin was the conlcusive and primary med in the healings!

Once again Ivermectin and HCQ AZT pak had EAU's for months! The EAUS were dropped along with dozens of other protocls because outside of early treatment, they are ineffective! And most people reproting ill with Covid are alreadin experiencing mass infection and kitocine storms from the virus!

YOu really need to stop promotiong half truths as teh whole truth- It demeans you as a witness for Christ! And this is the most improtant factor in these debates.

Ronald Nolette

Well-Known Member
Aug 24, 2020
South Carolina
United States
One person's version of eating healthy can differ substantially from another's. I don't need politicians telling me what to eat. That's something I'd like to decide for myself. I guess it's time to head to McDonalds for a 2 month allotment of burgers...

Tru, but they promote healthy eating and he said he doesn't do anything politicians promote. I was just pointing out the fallacy of that sweeping statement.
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Well-Known Member
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Encounter Team
Feb 6, 2018
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United States
Politicians promote eating healthy8. YOu try not to eat healthy?

Politicians promote....Fear, illegal aliens, hand outs with other peoples earnings, spying on citizens, rand-sacking citizens homes, indoctrinating children with liberty oppressing Marxist ideologies, oppressing Godly teaching, exponential debt, managing individuals health care...
and that they are the Protector and Savior of mans life.

No, I do not look to what politicians promote and play in their cesspool.
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Well-Known Member
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Encounter Team
Feb 6, 2018
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United States
What is wrong with all these Christian anti-vaxxers? OP^

Prophecy unfolding....

RIGHT is called WRONG!

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Well-Known Member
Jan 21, 2009
North America
What is wrong with all these Christian anti-vaxxers? OP^

Prophecy unfolding....

RIGHT is called WRONG!

...and what if someone with health issues already is advised medically that getting sick with Covid could be life-threatening?