Where does the Bible say?

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Well-Known Member
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Encounter Team
Feb 6, 2018
United States
United States
Time for a Bible and Language lesson . . .

First of all - I HATE to break this to you - but the Bible wasn't written in English. Nope - not even "King James" English.
The NT was written in Koine Greek.

The Greek word "Kecharitomene" that Luke used in his Gospel (v.1:28), is the perfect passive participle, indicates a completed action with a permanent result. It translates, completely, perfectly, enduringly endowed with grace.”
is not a mere description here. It is used as a title – a name.

The Angel didn’t say, “Hail Mary, full of grace.”
He said, "Hail, Kecharitomene.”

People in Heaven are in this state - but not people on earth.
Mary is the ONLY one in ALL of Scripture who is given this title.

turn . . .

Time for a lesson.
People are NOT in Heaven.

A Body, "OF" An Earthling Hu-man Person, IS from Dust OF the Earth, IS Mortal, Dies "And" Returns To Dust.
(It's LIFE IS Blood. It's Blood Returns to the Dust)

Did Jesus' BODY MEET every Requirement of an Earthly Hu-MAN Body?
Jesus' Body came From Heaven "AND" "Returned" TO Heaven.

* Jesus' was Never called, By God...
That IS A Man's TEACHING...NOT Gods Teaching.
(Just as you Teach- PEOPLE, Are IN Heaven, is a Corrupt Teaching).

A Soul, "OF" An Earthly Hu-man Body IS "from God".
A Soul OF An Earthly Body, is Given Every Earthly Born Body.
"A Soul" OF an Earthly Body ...that IS Saved:
GOES TO "Paradise".
(The LIFE OF a Soul IS Gods Breath).

Are you Following Along so Far?
1) Earthly BODY'S come out of The Dust OF the Earth, Die, (Have NO LIFE IN Them), and Return to the Dust of the Earth.
2) Souls IN an Earthly Born Body, leave the Earthly DYING Body...
If that Soul IS Saved It Goes To Paradise.

And....IF that Soul ... IS Not Saved???
It goes to Hell.

Get it?
All Earthly Body's Are from Dust OF the Earth.
All Earthly Born Body's That are Born Alive, Shall Die, and Return to the Dust!
All Souls IN an Earthly Body...shall Remain Living, Depart the Dying Earthly Body...
* Saved Living Souls go to Paradise.
* Unsaved living souls go to Hell.

You should have Learned:
Salvation / Saving OF a Soul,
Occurs...While the Living Soul IS IN the Living Body .

In the Natural Living Earthly Body...
Is A Mind...located IN the Brain With-IN the Body.
That Mind, is Carnal...Natural, Earthly, and has The Ability to Learn, Reason, Logically Pick and Choose, what to Believe.

1) that Mind Picks and Chooses TO Believe what it Learns.
* A prudent Person SHOULD reason, it's Mind is Continually Learning NEW knowledge...and thus Continually, Making its Picking and Choosing of LOGICAL Choices, Between this Knowledge and That Knowledge...as to what to Believe...FROM day to day...the Minds Logical Belief CAN and Does Change. *

God is QUITE adamant ...
The Carnal Mind IS AGAINST God.

* That SHOULD be a prudent persons CLARING CLUE... that Trying to Believe, Understand, Debate, Dictate, Discuss God....with the Logic, Ever-changing, Understanding, OF and WITH ones Carnal Mind...IS A Fail.

A spirit of an Earthly Natural born man, "IS", the man's Natural Truth.
That Natural TRUTH, "IS" in a Natural born Earthly man's Heart.

A man's Natural spirit (hearts Truth...) is more Unique, than his Ever-Changing Carnal Mind.

A Natural man's Natural spirit...hinges ON TRUST. (Trusting a Truth IS Truth, without a mindful logical deduction, between this and that)
Whereas A Natural man's Natural Mind, hinges ON LOGIC. (Ciphering BETWEEN this Choice and that Choice...guessing by Logical decuction)

A Natural New born Baby...IS Mindfully Capable of Picking and Choosing ...
What he Likes and Agrees with, AND Accepts... and What he Does NOT Like, Does NOT Agree with, AND Rejects.
* However A new Born Babe...CAN NOT...
Reason WHY, he Accepts or Rejects Anything.

A Natural new born Baby, has his own Natural spirit IN His Own Heart... he Knows what he TRUSTS....and gravitates Toward What he TRUSTS.

If you have Ever Observed a Baby...he Seeks,
Food, Cuddling, "comfort, tender attention, peaceful rest" (etc.) and gravitates toward another, he TRUSTS, to give him those things...and Balks at those "who Do Not"...or "has not".

If you have ever Observed an Adult, with the Mind of a Child...They have the Same "kind" of Carnal Mind, and Natural spirit...as a baby/ little Child.

If you Understood, THAT ^...
And Understood Gods WAY...
1) That God searches...a man's Natural spirit in a man's Natural heart...for that person's Truth (not the man's Mind).
2) That any person whose spirit TRUSTS, that Which IS Good, feeds him, comforts him, etc.;
* You would Understand... GOD HAS Open Arms to save the Living souls, and quicken the Living spirits of "mindful little children" ...
BECAUSE of their spirits TRUST.
(God searches the spirit...Not the Mind)
* And takes UNTO Him (God), "TO HIS KINGDOM " ... the Living souls, and spirits OF Little children, Who Bodily Die ...
They ARE Expressly ... Entitled to A place IN Gods KINGDOM...

Matt: 19:14
"Little children BELONG TO the Kingdom of God.

Not because I say so...
But Because the Word of God says so.

**** Further ... regarding Mary.
She was Naturally Born, like Every Other Natural Born Earthly Man.

Her Body was but Dust of the Earth and "Returned" to the Dust of the Earth.

God Foretells Knowledge-
Men "Wait", for the Foretold Knowledge to Be "REVEALED".
Once "Revealed"...the Foretold Knowledge,
"Has come to Pass"!

What you Should have Learned.....
IS ...
What IS Foretold...is an Expectation, that Has NOT yet Occurred.
* Until the Expectation, the Foretelling...
HAS Occurred ... it Has NOT come to pass.

The Day Mary was TOLD, "she" was Highly Favored...was New Knowledge, TO "her", at that moment.

Not one Scripture proclaims, even Hints, that Mary was "Foretold" she was "highly favored".

Her "highly favored" knowledge came to her On the Day the angel REVEALED that Knowledge "TO her."

* Did an Angel Come to You...or Any other Natural man, and announce ... Foretell ...
That "MARY" was "Highly favored" or Why?

"Were men ... with such (supposed) Foreknowledge searching the Land for a "highly favored (of God) Virgin NAMED Mary" ?

If not...why Not?
Wouldn't Natural men, seeking Knowledge About God...be Seeking after this "foretold" "Novelty", named Mary?
(Like men heard...the actual, Foretelling of John The Baptist...and sought to See Him?)

* "When" did any Earthly Man ...Have Foreknowledge That "MARY"... was highly favored...BEFORE her Natural Birth?

* You Teach and Preach Mary Was "Highly Favored" from her Natural Birth...
* what Scripture even Mentions the Foretelling of Mary's Own Natural Birth??
Last edited:


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Encounter Team
Feb 6, 2018
United States
United States
God and Jesus held Mary in very high regard. They loved, respected and honored her.

Do you?

God "respects and honors" any human?

Because they are Naturally Born in Sin?
Because they commit Sin?



Active Member
Jun 15, 2020
City of David
Time for a lesson.
People are NOT in Heaven.

A Body, "OF" An Earthling Hu-man Person, IS from Dust OF the Earth, IS Mortal, Dies "And" Returns To Dust.
(It's LIFE IS Blood. It's Blood Returns to the Dust)

Did Jesus' BODY MEET every Requirement of an Earthly Hu-MAN Body?
Jesus' Body came From Heaven "AND" "Returned" TO Heaven.

* Jesus' was Never called, By God...
That IS A Man's TEACHING...NOT Gods Teaching.
(Just as you Teach- PEOPLE, Are IN Heaven, is a Corrupt Teaching).

A Soul, "OF" An Earthly Hu-man Body IS "from God".
A Soul OF An Earthly Body, is Given Every Earthly Born Body.
"A Soul" OF an Earthly Body ...that IS Saved:
GOES TO "Paradise".
(The LIFE OF a Soul IS Gods Breath).

Are you Following Along so Far?
1) Earthly BODY'S come out of The Dust OF the Earth, Die, (Have NO LIFE IN Them), and Return to the Dust of the Earth.
2) Souls IN an Earthly Born Body, leave the Earthly DYING Body...
If that Soul IS Saved It Goes To Paradise.

And....IF that Soul ... IS Not Saved???
It goes to Hell.

Get it?
All Earthly Body's Are from Dust OF the Earth.
All Earthly Born Body's That are Born Alive, Shall Die, and Return to the Dust!
All Souls IN an Earthly Body...shall Remain Living, Depart the Dying Earthly Body...
* Saved Living Souls go to Paradise.
* Unsaved living souls go to Hell.

You should have Learned:
Salvation / Saving OF a Soul,
Occurs...While the Living Soul IS IN the Living Body .

In the Natural Living Earthly Body...
Is A Mind...located IN the Brain With-IN the Body.
That Mind, is Carnal...Natural, Earthly, and has The Ability to Learn, Reason, Logically Pick and Choose, what to Believe.

1) that Mind Picks and Chooses TO Believe what it Learns.
* A prudent Person SHOULD reason, it's Mind is Continually Learning NEW knowledge...and thus Continually, Making its Picking and Choosing of LOGICAL Choices, Between this Knowledge and That Knowledge...as to what to Believe...FROM day to day...the Minds Logical Belief CAN and Does Change. *

God is QUITE adamant ...
The Carnal Mind IS AGAINST God.

* That SHOULD be a prudent persons CLARING CLUE... that Trying to Believe, Understand, Debate, Dictate, Discuss God....with the Logic, Ever-changing, Understanding, OF and WITH ones Carnal Mind...IS A Fail.

A spirit of an Earthly Natural born man, "IS", the man's Natural Truth.
That Natural TRUTH, "IS" in a Natural born Earthly man's Heart.

A man's Natural spirit (hearts Truth...) is more Unique, than his Ever-Changing Carnal Mind.

A Natural man's Natural spirit...hinges ON TRUST. (Trusting a Truth IS Truth, without a mindful logical deduction, between this and that)
Whereas A Natural man's Natural Mind, hinges ON LOGIC. (Ciphering BETWEEN this Choice and that Choice...guessing by Logical decuction)

A Natural New born Baby...IS Mindfully Capable of Picking and Choosing ...
What he Likes and Agrees with, AND Accepts... and What he Does NOT Like, Does NOT Agree with, AND Rejects.
* However A new Born Babe...CAN NOT...
Reason WHY, he Accepts or Rejects Anything.

A Natural new born Baby, has his own Natural spirit IN His Own Heart... he Knows what he TRUSTS....and gravitates Toward What he TRUSTS.

If you have Ever Observed a Baby...he Seeks,
Food, Cuddling, "comfort, tender attention, peaceful rest" (etc.) and gravitates toward another, he TRUSTS, to give him those things...and Balks at those "who Do Not"...or "has not".

If you have ever Observed an Adult, with the Mind of a Child...They have the Same "kind" of Carnal Mind, and Natural spirit...as a baby/ little Child.

If you Understood, THAT ^...
And Understood Gods WAY...
1) That God searches...a man's Natural spirit in a man's Natural heart...for that person's Truth (not the man's Mind).
2) That any person whose spirit TRUSTS, that Which IS Good, feeds him, comforts him, etc.;
* You would Understand... GOD HAS Open Arms to save the Living souls, and quicken the Living spirits of "mindful little children" ...
BECAUSE of their spirits TRUST.
(God searches the spirit...Not the Mind)
* And takes UNTO Him (God), "TO HIS KINGDOM " ... the Living souls, and spirits OF Little children, Who Bodily Die ...
They ARE Expressly ... Entitled to A place IN Gods KINGDOM...

Matt: 19:14
"Little children BELONG TO the Kingdom of God.

Not because I say so...
But Because the Word of God says so.

**** Further ... regarding Mary.
She was Naturally Born, like Every Other Natural Born Earthly Man.

Her Body was but Dust of the Earth and "Returned" to the Dust of the Earth.

God Foretells Knowledge-
Men "Wait", for the Foretold Knowledge to Be "REVEALED".
Once "Revealed"...the Foretold Knowledge,
"Has come to Pass"!

What you Should have Learned.....
IS ...
What IS Foretold...is an Expectation, that Has NOT yet Occurred.
* Until the Expectation, the Foretelling...
HAS Occurred ... it Has NOT come to pass.

The Day Mary was TOLD, "she" was Highly Favored...was New Knowledge, TO "her", at that moment.

Not one Scripture proclaims, even Hints, that Mary was "Foretold" she was "highly favored".

Her "highly favored" knowledge came to her On the Day the angel REVEALED that Knowledge "TO her."

* Did an Angel Come to You...or Any other Natural man, and announce ... Foretell ...
That "MARY" was "Highly favored" or Why?

"Were men ... with such (supposed) Foreknowledge searching the Land for a "highly favored (of God) Virgin NAMED Mary" ?

If not...why Not?
Wouldn't Natural men, seeking Knowledge About God...be Seeking after this "foretold" "Novelty", named Mary?
(Like men heard...the actual, Foretelling of John The Baptist...and sought to See Him?)

* "When" did any Earthly Man ...Have Foreknowledge That "MARY"... was highly favored...BEFORE her Natural Birth?

* You Teach and Preach Mary Was "Highly Favored" from her Natural Birth...
* what Scripture even Mentions the Foretelling of Mary's Own Natural Birth??
If mankind body is a dust of the earth, how do you explain the incorruptible body of the saints ?
Jesus warned the hypocrisy of babylonian religious leader, that they'd made the body of others as a den of robbers (Matthew 21:13), since OC until today they still had delivering their kids to pass thru fire as a circumcision (Deuteronomy 18:10).


Well-Known Member
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Encounter Team
Feb 6, 2018
United States
United States
If mankind body is a dust of the earth, how do you explain the incorruptible body of the saints ?

I can not explain what you are asking...since You have not identified ... any one saint WITH an uncorrupted body.

What "Incorruptible Body's" of What "saints" are you referring to?


Well-Known Member
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Encounter Team
Feb 6, 2018
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United States

SINLESS means Never having Had Sin...

I wonder IF a Catholic thinks ... Marys Soul was Saved...

And From what? ... "supposed perfection" :rolleyes:

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Well-Known Member
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Encounter Team
Feb 6, 2018
United States
United States
Time for a Bible and Language lesson . . .

First of all - I HATE to break this to you - but the Bible wasn't written in English. Nope - not even "King James" English.
The NT was written in Koine Greek.

The Greek word "Kecharitomene" that Luke used in his Gospel (v.1:28), is the perfect passive participle, indicates a completed action with a permanent result. It translates, completely, perfectly, enduringly endowed with grace.”
Kecharitomene is not a mere description here. It is used as a title – a name.

The Angel didn’t say, “Hail Mary, full of grace.”
He said, "Hail, Kecharitomene.”

People in Heaven are in this state - but not people on earth.
Mary is the ONLY one in ALL of Scripture who is given this title.

turn . . .

He said, "Hail, Kecharitomene.”

People in Heaven are in this state - but not people on earth.
Mary is the ONLY one in ALL of Scripture who is given this title.

So, Kecharitomeme is a Title?
Wait, Kecharitomeme is a state?

And an angel, spoke to Mary, with the Title, Kecharitomeme...while Mary was IN Heaven?

So when did Mary leave Heaven ... ?


Well-Known Member
Mar 7, 2017
United States
God "respects and honors" any human?

Because they are Naturally Born in Sin?
Because they commit Sin?

Hi Taken,

God honors us for serving Him: "If anyone serves me, he must follow me; and where I am, there will my servant be also. If anyone serves me, the Father will honor him" (John 12:26). Where does Scripture say that God honors any human???

Also, Not "any human" was chosen by God to be the Mother of His child. Not any human was called highly favored and blessed amongst women (Luke 1:28). Church elders and teachers are to receive a double portion of honor (1 Timothy 5:17). If they are worthy of "double honor" how much more honor should the Mother of God be given????


Well-Known Member
Mar 7, 2017
United States
Time for a Bible and Language lesson . . .

First of all - I HATE to break this to you - but the Bible wasn't written in English. Nope - not even "King James" English.
The NT was written in Koine Greek.

The Greek word "Kecharitomene" that Luke used in his Gospel (v.1:28), is the perfect passive participle, indicates a completed action with a permanent result. It translates, completely, perfectly, enduringly endowed with grace.”
Kecharitomene is not a mere description here. It is used as a title – a name.

The Angel didn’t say, “Hail Mary, full of grace.”
He said, "Hail, Kecharitomene.”

People in Heaven are in this state - but not people on earth.
Mary is the ONLY one in ALL of Scripture who is given this title.

turn . . .

I wonder if @kcnalp or @Taken can even type the words "I love, honor and respect the Mother of God, Mary"?

I have tried to get others on here to say it....they won't!! :(


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Encounter Team
Feb 6, 2018
United States
United States
Hi Taken,

God honors us for serving Him: "If anyone serves me, he must follow me; and where I am, there will my servant be also. If anyone serves me, the Father will honor him" (John 12:26). Where does Scripture say that God honors any human???

Thanks for the Scripture.

Also, Not "any human" was chosen by God to be the Mother of His child.


Not any human was called highly favored and blessed amongst women (Luke 1:28).

Pretty sure, Mary was told she was "highly favored".

how much more honor should the Mother of God be given????

I've never read any Scriptures that say God had a mother



Well-Known Member
Jan 2, 2017
United States

I wonder if @kcnalp or @Taken can even type the words "I love, honor and respect the Mother of God, Mary"?

I have tried to get others on here to say it....they won't!! :(
It's because they've been conditioned to HATE her.
At the very least - they resent her . . .


Well-Known Member
Jan 2, 2017
United States
So, Kecharitomeme is a Title?
Wait, Kecharitomeme is a state?

And an angel, spoke to Mary, with the Title, Kecharitomeme...while Mary was IN Heaven?

So when did Mary leave Heaven ... ?
Who said she left Heaven??
Pay attention . . .


Well-Known Member
Jan 2, 2017
United States
Time for a lesson.
People are NOT in Heaven.

A Body, "OF" An Earthling Hu-man Person, IS from Dust OF the Earth, IS Mortal, Dies "And" Returns To Dust.
(It's LIFE IS Blood. It's Blood Returns to the Dust)

Did Jesus' BODY MEET every Requirement of an Earthly Hu-MAN Body?
Jesus' Body came From Heaven "AND" "Returned" TO Heaven.

* Jesus' was Never called, By God...
That IS A Man's TEACHING...NOT Gods Teaching.
(Just as you Teach- PEOPLE, Are IN Heaven, is a Corrupt Teaching).

A Soul, "OF" An Earthly Hu-man Body IS "from God".
A Soul OF An Earthly Body, is Given Every Earthly Born Body.
"A Soul" OF an Earthly Body ...that IS Saved:
GOES TO "Paradise".
(The LIFE OF a Soul IS Gods Breath).

Are you Following Along so Far?
1) Earthly BODY'S come out of The Dust OF the Earth, Die, (Have NO LIFE IN Them), and Return to the Dust of the Earth.
2) Souls IN an Earthly Born Body, leave the Earthly DYING Body...
If that Soul IS Saved It Goes To Paradise.

And....IF that Soul ... IS Not Saved???
It goes to Hell.

Get it?
All Earthly Body's Are from Dust OF the Earth.
All Earthly Born Body's That are Born Alive, Shall Die, and Return to the Dust!
All Souls IN an Earthly Body...shall Remain Living, Depart the Dying Earthly Body...
* Saved Living Souls go to Paradise.
* Unsaved living souls go to Hell.

You should have Learned:
Salvation / Saving OF a Soul,
Occurs...While the Living Soul IS IN the Living Body .

In the Natural Living Earthly Body...
Is A Mind...located IN the Brain With-IN the Body.
That Mind, is Carnal...Natural, Earthly, and has The Ability to Learn, Reason, Logically Pick and Choose, what to Believe.

1) that Mind Picks and Chooses TO Believe what it Learns.
* A prudent Person SHOULD reason, it's Mind is Continually Learning NEW knowledge...and thus Continually, Making its Picking and Choosing of LOGICAL Choices, Between this Knowledge and That Knowledge...as to what to Believe...FROM day to day...the Minds Logical Belief CAN and Does Change. *

God is QUITE adamant ...
The Carnal Mind IS AGAINST God.

* That SHOULD be a prudent persons CLARING CLUE... that Trying to Believe, Understand, Debate, Dictate, Discuss God....with the Logic, Ever-changing, Understanding, OF and WITH ones Carnal Mind...IS A Fail.

A spirit of an Earthly Natural born man, "IS", the man's Natural Truth.
That Natural TRUTH, "IS" in a Natural born Earthly man's Heart.

A man's Natural spirit (hearts Truth...) is more Unique, than his Ever-Changing Carnal Mind.

A Natural man's Natural spirit...hinges ON TRUST. (Trusting a Truth IS Truth, without a mindful logical deduction, between this and that)
Whereas A Natural man's Natural Mind, hinges ON LOGIC. (Ciphering BETWEEN this Choice and that Choice...guessing by Logical decuction)

A Natural New born Baby...IS Mindfully Capable of Picking and Choosing ...
What he Likes and Agrees with, AND Accepts... and What he Does NOT Like, Does NOT Agree with, AND Rejects.
* However A new Born Babe...CAN NOT...
Reason WHY, he Accepts or Rejects Anything.

A Natural new born Baby, has his own Natural spirit IN His Own Heart... he Knows what he TRUSTS....and gravitates Toward What he TRUSTS.

If you have Ever Observed a Baby...he Seeks,
Food, Cuddling, "comfort, tender attention, peaceful rest" (etc.) and gravitates toward another, he TRUSTS, to give him those things...and Balks at those "who Do Not"...or "has not".

If you have ever Observed an Adult, with the Mind of a Child...They have the Same "kind" of Carnal Mind, and Natural spirit...as a baby/ little Child.

If you Understood, THAT ^...
And Understood Gods WAY...
1) That God searches...a man's Natural spirit in a man's Natural heart...for that person's Truth (not the man's Mind).
2) That any person whose spirit TRUSTS, that Which IS Good, feeds him, comforts him, etc.;
* You would Understand... GOD HAS Open Arms to save the Living souls, and quicken the Living spirits of "mindful little children" ...
BECAUSE of their spirits TRUST.
(God searches the spirit...Not the Mind)
* And takes UNTO Him (God), "TO HIS KINGDOM " ... the Living souls, and spirits OF Little children, Who Bodily Die ...
They ARE Expressly ... Entitled to A place IN Gods KINGDOM...

Matt: 19:14
"Little children BELONG TO the Kingdom of God.

Not because I say so...
But Because the Word of God says so.

**** Further ... regarding Mary.
She was Naturally Born, like Every Other Natural Born Earthly Man.

Her Body was but Dust of the Earth and "Returned" to the Dust of the Earth.

God Foretells Knowledge-
Men "Wait", for the Foretold Knowledge to Be "REVEALED".
Once "Revealed"...the Foretold Knowledge,
"Has come to Pass"!

What you Should have Learned.....
IS ...
What IS Foretold...is an Expectation, that Has NOT yet Occurred.
* Until the Expectation, the Foretelling...
HAS Occurred ... it Has NOT come to pass.

The Day Mary was TOLD, "she" was Highly Favored...was New Knowledge, TO "her", at that moment.

Not one Scripture proclaims, even Hints, that Mary was "Foretold" she was "highly favored".

Her "highly favored" knowledge came to her On the Day the angel REVEALED that Knowledge "TO her."

* Did an Angel Come to You...or Any other Natural man, and announce ... Foretell ...
That "MARY" was "Highly favored" or Why?

"Were men ... with such (supposed) Foreknowledge searching the Land for a "highly favored (of God) Virgin NAMED Mary" ?

If not...why Not?
Wouldn't Natural men, seeking Knowledge About God...be Seeking after this "foretold" "Novelty", named Mary?
(Like men heard...the actual, Foretelling of John The Baptist...and sought to See Him?)

* "When" did any Earthly Man ...Have Foreknowledge That "MARY"... was highly favored...BEFORE her Natural Birth?

* You Teach and Preach Mary Was "Highly Favored" from her Natural Birth...
* what Scripture even Mentions the Foretelling of Mary's Own Natural Birth??
Another long, psychotic rant hat says nothing.
There ARE people in Heaven per Rev. 5:8, 6:9-11, etc.

And NOBODY said that their corruptible BODIES are there, Einstein -= so calm down . . .