Who are : "Vessels fitted for Destruction"?

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Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
There are vessels "fitted for destruction".....

That is everyone who is never born again, and dies. This does not include babies or small children.

So, John 3:36, says that God's Wrath is on unbelievers.. So THEY are the "vessels fitted", and waiting.

This is every unbeliever.......They are all the "vessels"... It was once you and me....... We were "fitted", but we didnt end up there...because we gave our faith in Christ to GOD..
Those "Vessels fitted, never do.. and their END, is pre-determined, based on their CHOICE to Reject Christ and die never born again.

See, the confusion is.... when a teaching arrives that teaches that some people are destined to be those vessels.. and have no choice.
So, THAT is where the lie, comes into play..

How to get past that deception if a person is a Calvinist?

It like this.. There is a hell, and there is a pre-determined situation that is "ready to go", regarding everyone who dies as a Christ rejector, never born again.
So, everyone who decides to die in unbelief.......they are pre-destined to become the "Vessels fitted".. and that is not because God decided that for them to become........Its because there is a pre-determined outcome that awaits any and all who die, never born again.
So, because they chose that...they CHOSE to die never trusting in Christ........then God has a pre-determined outcome waiting for them, when they die.

The NT refers to them as "Vessels fitted".

So, when we read "vessels fitted"... that is simply another way of saying.. "Eternally Damned"..... "going to hell", then "the lake of Fire".
Its the same pre-destined outcome, that awaits every unbeliever who is currently breathing, that THEY destined upon themselves... by their unbelief..
But if they turn to Jesus, then they stop being the "vessel fitted" and become the "new creation In Christ".

That Pre-determined DAMNATION, that is defined as "vessel fitted" , is simply.. "you are going to hell, because you never trusted in Christ"...

That is all there is to it......yet the NT has... some nomenclature, connected to.. it.

Like.. "The 2nd Death".. .and "Vessels fitted for Destruction".. and "Under the Wrath of God". "Eternal Damnation"

Those are just phrases that really just mean....""""You are damned to Hell, because you chose to die in unbelief, never borm again".... .and Just like going to Heaven is the Pre-destined outcome, of FAITH IN CHRIST.. then going to Hell, as a "vessel fitted" that is the 2nd Death...is the predetermined outcome of choosing to die never born again... as a Christ Rejector.

Where Calvin stepped in and made it a "doctrine of Devils" is when he changed the REASON a person goes to Heaven or Hell.

So, instead of the Person, having that Choice, Calvin decided that God made that choice for them, (pre-determined) and THAT is the heresy.. that is the "doctrine of Devils"..
Calvin lays the blame on GOD, regarding why someone goes to heaven or hell.. and the Bible lays the Blame, on "FREE WILL", as you decided.

And just to try to deny that the Person chooses to be the "Saint" or the "Vessel Fitted"....... you have TULIP< that steps in and says that Total Depravity extends to the WILL... which is an attempt to get rid of Free Will, as without that Calvinism and Tulip can't BLAME GOD, and that is what it does most of All.
Its designed to get a person to BLAME GOD for everything.., as that is what a Calvinists does. He first blames God, if he becomes sick.. He first blames God if His kid is murdered. He first blames God for ALL THE BAD.........that ever happens.
And why?
Because that allows The DEVIL to become BLAMELESS and that makes Him very well pleased.. and that is why He created Calvinism and TULIP and that is why its Probably His Masterpiece, regarding "doctrines of Devils' other then the "Cult of the Virgin", or "ISLAM."


Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
Calvinism, which is a product of Satanism, essentially teaches that God is causing you to suffer, and The Devil is on Vacation.
This is how effectively the Devil has inundated Calvinism + Tulip's doctrine into mainstream Christianity, as well as everywhere else.

Calvinism + TULIP will get you killed.


Its because Calvin and TULIP, will have you lost inside a twisted hyper religious mindset that has you believing... "It was all meant to be". 'It was predestined to happen to me"...

Here are some Examples of CALVIN + TULIP... = Killing Christians :

1.) "Did your wife die of Cancer'? "Yeah, it was meant to be". "God gave it to her to test her faith, and to make her more like Jesus"...

2.) "Did someone burn down your business"? "Yeah, it was all a part of God's plan, as he wants me to live in my car, and cry myself to sleep every night in the front seat,.... so that by carrying this Cross, im learning how to be a better person and more Christ-Like".

3.) "What did the doctor tell you"... ""He said that the painful knot on my knee is Tuberculosis of the Bone, and that there is no cure""... ""But that's ok, I'm good..... as ive had a good life, all 22 yrs.. .and im thankful that God found me worthy of this final painful test to death"".

So, what is wrong with all that, READER?

A.) There is no real Christianity in any of it. Its all self inflicted "martyr syndrome".. that is Caused by : CALVINISM + TULIP infection of the mind.

So how does that Get you killed by = Calvinism?
Well, each of those cases, each of those dying TULIP + Calvinists, are going to suffer, and they Believe "" God caused it."", and that is what the Devil wants you to believe..
The Devil wants you to RECEIVE From Him,... a death sentence, a life sentence...and then you complete it by believing that God is Killing you, or ruining your life to "make you better".

Notice what is missing in their reactions?

1.) Real Christianity, is missing.

Not one of them understands that the DEVIL is their mortal enemy for life....., as its the DEVIL who is the cause of DISEASES.... many times.
So, none of them are attributing to ""the DESTROYER"" = ""The DEVOURER"" = the Fact that its quite possible that HE IS Killing them.
And that is because Calvinism + TULIP has them believing that "God caused it.. He pre-destined it".

And what else is wrong with these deceived Calvinist's - TULIP ????

= Where is their PRAYER LIFE?
= Why are they not asking GOD for HEALING... GRACE.....HELP?... ??

= Its because John The Devil Calvin, has convinced them that God is doing this to them, so they can't pray to God for Healing, when John Calvinism + TULIP has them believing that GOD is causing their DEATH as a "blessing" or "pre-destined".

A.) Calvinism will get you Killed.

Dont let it kill you, Reader.
Stay away from it. Stay away from anyone who tries to CONVERT you to "Calvinism" or "TULIP".


Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola

Every time you open a NT, God is speaking to us, on the pages.
He wrote it, .. they just wrote it down, for the most part....

WE can know we are "of the truth", first of all because Jesus IS THE Truth, ... John 14:6, and He is IN US.
This is one of the PROOFs that we are born again. = We are "OF the Truth" because we are "in Christ".
"Christ IN YOU< the Hope of Glory".

The effect of the Spirit working in you, as you study the word, is that its Truth becomes yours.
So, when we have that.. we have the Truth in us., and we are not a Dark Light.

Luke 11:35

A partial verse says... "a workman that/who needeth not to be ASHAMED"...

And how is it that a Believer is a shame to the NT?

Its when their Theology is confused and has issues with God's Grace.

Can a believer be deceived?
A.) Often, unless they do what that verse tells us to do.... Hebrews 13:0

Reader, once the born again believer, has come to the perfected understanding of God's Grace as Christ's Cross, then they are safe from 'Doctrines of Devils."
Calvin can't get then you then.
The Pope can't get you then,.
Mary Baker Eddy can't get you then.
Mormonism can't get you... JW"s can't get you...
None of the cults can get your mind, once your mind is renewed = revelation knowledge regarding God's GRACe.

See, when you truly know what Jesus has accomplished on the Cross, that God has ETERNALLY IMPUTED to US, the born again..= when this is fully realized as the LIGHT of revelation, then CALVIN and the POPE and the MORMONS and the JW's and all these "cross confused" or "Cross denying" CULTS, and their MINISTERS..... can not infect your mind with their THEOLOGY.. on the FORUM, or from the PULPIT or in the Video or Commentary, ever again.

And yet.... they CAN ruin your faith and deceive you away from NT Truth... until you have "worked out your salvation" and that is by "walking in the Spirit" and that is all done in your BELIEVING, regarding understanding who you have become as a "new Creation in Christ".
Is is right, or is it wrong?
If its wrong then the Cult's will get you.

See, wrong theology is a spiritual mind blindness....
The ANTIDOTE for that, if you have been deceived.... is to "get your heart established with God's Grace". Hebrews 13:9

= THE REVELATION OF it..= Hebrews 13:9
Once you are there, then your mind is "one" with NT Truth., = Paul's Doctrine... and then the Devil can't get you caught up in his "doctrines of Devils" .. such as Calvinism + TULIP.


Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
Saint... = Born again Believer...

According to John Calvin, predestination is God’s unchangeable decree from before the creation of the world that God would freely save some people (the elect), foreordaining them to eternal life, while the others would be “barred from access to” salvation and sentenced to “eternal death."., (Just for being born).

So, according to Calvin's theology, some of your family were "pre-chosen" by God to burn in the Lake of Fire, before they were even born.


See that Reader? ??

That is the Demonic John Calvin teaching that before some are born, God has "decreed" that they are born only to burn in the Lake of FIRE. = pre-destined.

"Pre-destined by GOD, to go to Hell, then the Lake of Fire"...

See,..... the issue with this doctrine of devil's is MANY.... as this hellish doctrine is (T.U.L.I.P) LEGION... and what you have to SEE.. .Reader... is that all of us are EQUAL, regarding originally being a SINNER.

Why? "Because ALL HAVE SINNED".

This is why "Jesus came into the world TO SAVE SINNERS"< not the "elect only" as Demonic "TULIP" & Calvinism Teaches.

Calvinism Abuses God, willfully..= by falsely accusing Him of causing people to NOT BELIEVE... As they are not "chosen" to believe.
They are "pre-destined into ..(FORCED BY GOD))...= Unbelief".., .is what this DEVIL Teaches people to Believe.

So, here is how THEOLOGICALLY INSANE John Calvinism is...

Reader, ....

Unbelievers go to Hell because they never Believed in Jesus, were never born again, and die.... so God judges them... John 3:36, after they die., for their Christ REJECTION....

So, if God is causing them NOT to Believe, ..as the demonic John Calvin teaches... then How can GOD be just, honest, true, and right, if He decided they can't BELIEVE in Jesus, before they were born...... and then after they, you, me, are here on earth, and we die.... God judges us into eternal damnation, and HE is the reason we could not believe. !!

Do you see how CALVINISM accuses God of being some sort of cosmic psychopath, who wont let you believe in Jesus, then sends you to hell after you die, for "not BELIEVING", as you were not 'chosen/pre-destined to believe".,,. according to the Theological Blasphemy of John Calvin.

His Theology is OF THE DEVIL.
Its a CANCER on the Body of Christ.

Don't believe it reader.
Avoid people who teach it.
Don't let them get to your family.
And if you have been infected with demonic Calvinism, then simply realize that God's Grace, that is the Cross of Christ, is not Limited in any Way... as its "The GIFT of Salvation" to ALL who will believe.


Well-Known Member
May 4, 2018

Who are : "Vessels fitted for Destruction"?​

The up will be down and the down will be up. From This text I deduct that those who consider themselves 'up' end with the short stick.


Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola

Who are : "Vessels fitted for Destruction"?​

The up will be down and the down will be up. From This text I deduct that those who consider themselves 'up' end with the short stick.


Calvin + TULIP : = teaches that some of your family, is "pre-chosen" to be born to go to Hell, then the Lake of Fire, because GOD refused to allow them to be "caused" to Believe in Jesus.

That is what "CALVINISM" and "TULIP" teaches about your FAMILY>... Reader.

And that teaching is a "doctrine of Devils", and Calvin is a clever devil, and his deceived are utterly deceived.


Calvin + TULIP : Deceives them.

Ronald Nolette

Well-Known Member
Aug 24, 2020
South Carolina
United States
That Pre-determined DAMNATION, that is defined as "vessel fitted" , is simply.. "you are going to hell, because you never trusted in Christ"...

That is all there is to it......yet the NT has... some nomenclature, connected to.. it.
That is your opinion, but not what God's Word says.


Well-Known Member
Dec 22, 2024
United States
"The Lord has made everything for its purpose, even the wicked for the day of trouble."
Proverbs 16:4


Well-Known Member
May 4, 2018
That is your opinion, but not what God's Word says.
You know Ronald, this has got to be the stalest retort ever. Every religious person with a inflated self opinion uses it. They assume it gives them the edge.


Active Member
Dec 3, 2023
United States
Everyones' vessel gets destroyed sooner or later, but it's just a matter of when. The vessel in this context is where the Spirit of God would be, the temple, but I don't believe Paul was saying some people are going to be predestined to be destroyed in hell for example. I think all Paul meant is that some people are going to die in this line of work (Jesus, Stephen, countless other martyrs, etc) and some aren't. Some are going to live out their days, but some may not live out it completely. All it talks about is the vessel being destroyed. Just something to keep in mind.


Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
That is your opinion, but not what God's Word says.

Set your TULIP aside and just consider that Jesus came to do this..

"Jesus came to save sinners".

So, that verse does not say "only the elect"...but you have been caused to SEE IT that way.

That is what John Calvin does to people. He causes them to SEE what He has them SEEING when they read verses.

Paul teaches this as....>"WHO has BEWITCHED YOU"...."so that you no longer obey the Truth"?


Who are the vessels.? and why are they "fitted"?

A.) Fitted means......God knows (Foreknowledge)... who is already DAMNED... as its everyone.......until they become a CHRISTian.

Notice ..

"You are of your father the devil".... until you are born again as a child of God..

ALL are "of your father the DEVIL"......... before you are born again........= ALL are the "fitted".....everyone is this, John 3:36... UNTIL WE are born again of ANOTHER FATHER = Spiritually.

See that @Ronald Nolette
See how easy that is to realize?
Yet John Calvin and "the 5 Points" never could realize it, and that is why this theology is not the TRUTH.

So, everyone is a "vessel fitted".... is : John 3:36.. That is everyone is under the law, a sinner, damned, until they are NOT anymore... .and that means they have trusted in Christ, and are born again.

Now, does God Almighty KNOW who is going to trust in Christ and who isnt......before they are born?

OF COURSE.......as that is God's Foreknowledge..

See it?

Now lets Calvinize it and make it something that isn't TRUE.
Like this.
God caused all those who are John 3:36.......to STAY that way........He predestined them to go to Hell.

See that?
That is how Calvin teaches WHY the damned are the vessels........and in fact everyone is a DAMNED> Vessel, until we trust in Christ, and all are allowed.......everyone is invited to TRUST IN CHRIST as its "Gods will that all come to Jesus.. 1 Tim 2:4.. that "none should perish"............because "ALL who call on the name of Jesus shall be saved".

So, we see that God's will is that A will come to Jesus.....but not all will, because that is their FREE WILL....= to decide, if they will become one of the ALL, or stay as a "vessel fitted"".......John 3:36.

Ronald Nolette

Well-Known Member
Aug 24, 2020
South Carolina
United States
You know Ronald, this has got to be the stalest retort ever. Every religious person with a inflated self opinion uses it. They assume it gives them the edge.
Are you speaking of your retort? Because you offered opinion and not the Word of God. It may be old and cliché but very relevant still.

Ronald Nolette

Well-Known Member
Aug 24, 2020
South Carolina
United States
Set your TULIP aside and just consider that Jesus came to do this..

"Jesus came to save sinners".

So, that verse does not say "only the elect"...but you have been caused to SEE IT that way.

That is what John Calvin does to people. He causes them to SEE what He has them SEEING when they read verses.

Paul teaches this as....>"WHO has BEWITCHED YOU"...."so that you no longer obey the Truth"?


Who are the vessels.? and why are they "fitted"?

A.) Fitted means......God knows (Foreknowledge)... who is already DAMNED... as its everyone.......until they become a CHRISTian.

Notice ..

"You are of your father the devil".... until you are born again as a child of God..

ALL are "of your father the DEVIL"......... before you are born again........= ALL are the "fitted".....everyone is this, John 3:36... UNTIL WE are born again of ANOTHER FATHER = Spiritually.

See that @Ronald Nolette
See how easy that is to realize?
Yet John Calvin and "the 5 Points" never could realize it, and that is why this theology is not the TRUTH.

So, everyone is a "vessel fitted".... is : John 3:36.. That is everyone is under the law, a sinner, damned, until they are NOT anymore... .and that means they have trusted in Christ, and are born again.

Now, does God Almighty KNOW who is going to trust in Christ and who isnt......before they are born?

OF COURSE.......as that is God's Foreknowledge..

See it?

Now lets Calvinize it and make it something that isn't TRUE.
Like this.
God caused all those who are John 3:36.......to STAY that way........He predestined them to go to Hell.

See that?
That is how Calvin teaches WHY the damned are the vessels........and in fact everyone is a DAMNED> Vessel, until we trust in Christ, and all are allowed.......everyone is invited to TRUST IN CHRIST as its "Gods will that all come to Jesus.. 1 Tim 2:4.. that "none should perish"............because "ALL who call on the name of Jesus shall be saved".

So, we see that God's will is that A will come to Jesus.....but not all will, because that is their FREE WILL....= to decide, if they will become one of the ALL, or stay as a "vessel fitted"".......John 3:36.
Here is where we part ways. You are so obsessed with Calvin, you can't even see that he didn't compose tULIP nor the verses that show why it is biblical. They were written almost 3 centuries after his death.

You have been given several wonderful giftrs from god. You have good insight in many areas. However your animosity and condescending nature to believers (though you think them not and have publicly said so) has poisoned you rheart.

If I may use Star Wars as an allegory. My prayer is you return to being young Anakim Skywalker and walk away from descending in to Darth Vader.

Have the last word, but I shall not see it.

Until God directs me otherwise I am placing yo on ignore.

If you wish to call that victory- I really care not.


Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
Here is where we part ways. You are so obsessed with Calvin,

If i was obsessed with John Calvinism, i would be in agreement with your theology and ministry. @Ronald Nolette .

So, as i told you.

Calvinism, that is Hyper-Calvinism... is of The Devil.

See, God would never limit Jesus's Salvation to only some........as that denies The Cross.

And this terrible theology....even has you believing that you have no free will.
Hopefully, This Calvinism Mania you have, has not convinced you that God has pre-destined your Illness.

God would never cause you or "pre-destine" you....to be sick.
Just take a look at Jesus......Did he ever cast illness into anyone?
Did Jesus ever cause anyone to become SICK?

And Jesus told you...>"if you've seen ME.......you've seen the FATHER". "I and my Father are ONE">..

They are the same, in word and in deed.........always.

And you recall, that a few months ago, i wrote a Thread that explained....>>"Calvinism will get you killed".

It really will.

Avoid it.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
I don't believe Paul was saying some people are going to be predestined to be destroyed in hell for example.

God sent Jesus to the "WORLD">... that is for everyone.........John 3:16.


To die on The Cross for EVERYONE's Sin...

If a person wont have it........wont allow Jesus to do this for them... then they remain...... NOT a part of God's Family.

So, this is to remain, here...

= "You are of YOUR FATHER......the DEVIL"..... , and that is everyone who is not born again by another FATHER... = Father God.

See, Reader.......

Being Born again... causes you to become the Son/Daughter of GOD the Father.........and that is why He becomes our Heavenly Father.......whereas before we are born again........He's not.

So, that is Why Jesus tells us..

"YOU MUST... be born again"......= Of another Spiritual Father, or you remain a child of the Devil, and Hell was created for the DEVIL.
This is why a child of the Devil, goes to Hell.

See, the born again end up with Their Spiritual Father, = IN HEAVEN.

And those who are not born again....
John 3:36.......go to their Father when they die...= "Hell was created for the DEVIL, and His angels"... before Adam was created.
And once Adam obeyed the Devil, then the Devil's nature became Adam's...

This is the "SIN Nature".. or......= "you are of your Father the Devil, and the LUSTS (sin) of your FATHER, you shall DO"

See that?

Welcome To : Salvation.

Its where you change Spiritual Father's... forever.... once you are BORN.....again....

Jay Ross

Well-Known Member
Jun 20, 2011
Are you speaking of your retort? Because you offered opinion and not the Word of God. It may be old and cliché but very relevant still.

I cannot see the difference between the saucepan and the pot, they both live in a dark place where light only shines when the door is opened to take them out so that they can be used.


Active Member
Dec 3, 2023
United States
God sent Jesus to the "WORLD">... that is for everyone.........John 3:16.


To die on The Cross for EVERYONE's Sin...

If a person wont have it........wont allow Jesus to do this for them... then they remain...... NOT a part of God's Family.

So, this is to remain, here...

= "You are of YOUR FATHER......the DEVIL"..... , and that is everyone who is not born again by another FATHER... = Father God.

See, Reader.......

Being Born again... causes you to become the Son/Daughter of GOD the Father.........and that is why He becomes our Heavenly Father.......whereas before we are born again........He's not.

So, that is Why Jesus tells us..

"YOU MUST... be born again"......= Of another Spiritual Father, or you remain a child of the Devil, and Hell was created for the DEVIL.
This is why a child of the Devil, goes to Hell.

See, the born again end up with Their Spiritual Father, = IN HEAVEN.

And those who are not born again....
John 3:36.......go to their Father when they die...= "Hell was created for the DEVIL, and His angels"... before Adam was created.
And once Adam obeyed the Devil, then the Devil's nature became Adam's...

This is the "SIN Nature".. or......= "you are of your Father the Devil, and the LUSTS (sin) of your FATHER, you shall DO"

See that?

Welcome To : Salvation.

Its where you change Spiritual Father's... forever.... once you are BORN.....again....
Right. The "vessels of destruction" doctrine in Reformed theology isn't actually about people being predestined to go to hell in the New Testament. They have misunderstood that, I believe. Everyone vessels gets destroyed sooner or later regardless of their salvation status.


Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
Right. The "vessels of destruction" doctrine in Reformed theology isn't actually about people being predestined to go to hell in the New Testament. They have misunderstood that, I believe. Everyone vessels gets destroyed sooner or later regardless of their salvation status.

There are no Christians found in Hell.

There are no unbelievers, never born again.......found in Heaven.

One of the most famous Cross Denying Theologies, is : Hyper Calvinism.

This is on over-emphasis regarding the Doctrines of John Calvin.

There are no Christians found in Hell.

There are no unbelievers, never born again.......found in Heaven.

There is a truly demonic Teaching that says that The Cross of Christ, is LIMITED to only save....= only those who God chose, before they are born.

In other words.......This demonic teaching is telling Jesus The Lord......that : "you can only save those whom we define as the pre-destined to be saved according to the way we twist NT Bible verses to teach our Cult theology.".

And Jesus Said. to them....

"I came to seek and SAVE all that was LOST"......= and that is everyone, as "All have sinned" so "all are lost" until they are SAVED...

And Jesus Said to them......" I came into the world to save SINNERS">........and ""all have sinned, there is none righteous, no not one"""..""so I came for them All, as my verse says.."

I came for everyone in the ""World"".. to offer them my blood and death to SAVE THEM !!.... as John 3:16 says....

And a demonic CULT Theology said....""""Listen Jesus..... WE say that you are LYING......because our "5 points of Calvinism,"" says that you died on the Cross only for the SOME of them, who are pre-destined before they were born"... "So that means that not everyone is allowed by God to trust in YOU".. ."So Jesus, you are a LIAR.. and your Cross is NOT FOR EVERYONE""""... And now, you need to change your Ministry and your WORDS..... so that it agrees with the "5 points of TULIP = Calvinism......asap"..
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