There are vessels "fitted for destruction".....
That is everyone who is never born again, and dies. This does not include babies or small children.
So, John 3:36, says that God's Wrath is on unbelievers.. So THEY are the "vessels fitted", and waiting.
This is every unbeliever.......They are all the "vessels"... It was once you and me....... We were "fitted", but we didnt end up there...because we gave our faith in Christ to GOD..
Those "Vessels fitted, never do.. and their END, is pre-determined, based on their CHOICE to Reject Christ and die never born again.
See, the confusion is.... when a teaching arrives that teaches that some people are destined to be those vessels.. and have no choice.
So, THAT is where the lie, comes into play..
How to get past that deception if a person is a Calvinist?
It like this.. There is a hell, and there is a pre-determined situation that is "ready to go", regarding everyone who dies as a Christ rejector, never born again.
So, everyone who decides to die in unbelief.......they are pre-destined to become the "Vessels fitted".. and that is not because God decided that for them to become........Its because there is a pre-determined outcome that awaits any and all who die, never born again.
So, because they chose that...they CHOSE to die never trusting in Christ........then God has a pre-determined outcome waiting for them, when they die.
The NT refers to them as "Vessels fitted".
So, when we read "vessels fitted"... that is simply another way of saying.. "Eternally Damned"..... "going to hell", then "the lake of Fire".
Its the same pre-destined outcome, that awaits every unbeliever who is currently breathing, that THEY destined upon themselves... by their unbelief..
But if they turn to Jesus, then they stop being the "vessel fitted" and become the "new creation In Christ".
That Pre-determined DAMNATION, that is defined as "vessel fitted" , is simply.. "you are going to hell, because you never trusted in Christ"...
That is all there is to it......yet the NT has... some nomenclature, connected to.. it.
Like.. "The 2nd Death".. .and "Vessels fitted for Destruction".. and "Under the Wrath of God". "Eternal Damnation"
Those are just phrases that really just mean....""""You are damned to Hell, because you chose to die in unbelief, never borm again".... .and Just like going to Heaven is the Pre-destined outcome, of FAITH IN CHRIST.. then going to Hell, as a "vessel fitted" that is the 2nd Death...is the predetermined outcome of choosing to die never born again... as a Christ Rejector.
Where Calvin stepped in and made it a "doctrine of Devils" is when he changed the REASON a person goes to Heaven or Hell.
So, instead of the Person, having that Choice, Calvin decided that God made that choice for them, (pre-determined) and THAT is the heresy.. that is the "doctrine of Devils"..
Calvin lays the blame on GOD, regarding why someone goes to heaven or hell.. and the Bible lays the Blame, on "FREE WILL", as you decided.
And just to try to deny that the Person chooses to be the "Saint" or the "Vessel Fitted"....... you have TULIP< that steps in and says that Total Depravity extends to the WILL... which is an attempt to get rid of Free Will, as without that Calvinism and Tulip can't BLAME GOD, and that is what it does most of All.
Its designed to get a person to BLAME GOD for everything.., as that is what a Calvinists does. He first blames God, if he becomes sick.. He first blames God if His kid is murdered. He first blames God for ALL THE BAD.........that ever happens.
And why?
Because that allows The DEVIL to become BLAMELESS and that makes Him very well pleased.. and that is why He created Calvinism and TULIP and that is why its Probably His Masterpiece, regarding "doctrines of Devils' other then the "Cult of the Virgin", or "ISLAM."
There are vessels "fitted for destruction".....
That is everyone who is never born again, and dies. This does not include babies or small children.
So, John 3:36, says that God's Wrath is on unbelievers.. So THEY are the "vessels fitted", and waiting.
This is every unbeliever.......They are all the "vessels"... It was once you and me....... We were "fitted", but we didnt end up there...because we gave our faith in Christ to GOD..
Those "Vessels fitted, never do.. and their END, is pre-determined, based on their CHOICE to Reject Christ and die never born again.
See, the confusion is.... when a teaching arrives that teaches that some people are destined to be those vessels.. and have no choice.
So, THAT is where the lie, comes into play..
How to get past that deception if a person is a Calvinist?
It like this.. There is a hell, and there is a pre-determined situation that is "ready to go", regarding everyone who dies as a Christ rejector, never born again.
So, everyone who decides to die in unbelief.......they are pre-destined to become the "Vessels fitted".. and that is not because God decided that for them to become........Its because there is a pre-determined outcome that awaits any and all who die, never born again.
So, because they chose that...they CHOSE to die never trusting in Christ........then God has a pre-determined outcome waiting for them, when they die.
The NT refers to them as "Vessels fitted".
So, when we read "vessels fitted"... that is simply another way of saying.. "Eternally Damned"..... "going to hell", then "the lake of Fire".
Its the same pre-destined outcome, that awaits every unbeliever who is currently breathing, that THEY destined upon themselves... by their unbelief..
But if they turn to Jesus, then they stop being the "vessel fitted" and become the "new creation In Christ".
That Pre-determined DAMNATION, that is defined as "vessel fitted" , is simply.. "you are going to hell, because you never trusted in Christ"...
That is all there is to it......yet the NT has... some nomenclature, connected to.. it.
Like.. "The 2nd Death".. .and "Vessels fitted for Destruction".. and "Under the Wrath of God". "Eternal Damnation"
Those are just phrases that really just mean....""""You are damned to Hell, because you chose to die in unbelief, never borm again".... .and Just like going to Heaven is the Pre-destined outcome, of FAITH IN CHRIST.. then going to Hell, as a "vessel fitted" that is the 2nd Death...is the predetermined outcome of choosing to die never born again... as a Christ Rejector.
Where Calvin stepped in and made it a "doctrine of Devils" is when he changed the REASON a person goes to Heaven or Hell.
So, instead of the Person, having that Choice, Calvin decided that God made that choice for them, (pre-determined) and THAT is the heresy.. that is the "doctrine of Devils"..
Calvin lays the blame on GOD, regarding why someone goes to heaven or hell.. and the Bible lays the Blame, on "FREE WILL", as you decided.
And just to try to deny that the Person chooses to be the "Saint" or the "Vessel Fitted"....... you have TULIP< that steps in and says that Total Depravity extends to the WILL... which is an attempt to get rid of Free Will, as without that Calvinism and Tulip can't BLAME GOD, and that is what it does most of All.
Its designed to get a person to BLAME GOD for everything.., as that is what a Calvinists does. He first blames God, if he becomes sick.. He first blames God if His kid is murdered. He first blames God for ALL THE BAD.........that ever happens.
And why?
Because that allows The DEVIL to become BLAMELESS and that makes Him very well pleased.. and that is why He created Calvinism and TULIP and that is why its Probably His Masterpiece, regarding "doctrines of Devils' other then the "Cult of the Virgin", or "ISLAM."