Who can give an answer to the Vail?

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Well-Known Member
Jun 22, 2015
Proverbs 25:2 :closed: feel free to discuss among yourselves...Matthew 16:7 :crossword:


Well-Known Member
Aug 15, 2020
United States
Lol the resident revealer of all truth. And all this time I thought that was the Holy Spirits work .


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Encounter Team
Apr 9, 2019
United Kingdom
Hebrews 10:19 Therefore, brothers and sisters, since we have confidence to enter the sanctuary by the blood of Jesus, 10:20 by the fresh and living way that he inaugurated for us through the curtain, that is, through his flesh.

Why through the flesh? And what does Christ's flesh have to do with the curtain in the Temple?

May God bless your searching and answers!

Through the death of Jesus the temple curtain is no longer required as no all those who are born again can approach the holy place without the need for a third party. Previously nobody was allowed through the curtain apart from the high priest on certain days.
Now Jesus is our High Priest and our only way to God.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 24, 2022
United States
Thanks Charlie24, a well put together answer!
Consider how the writer phrased this new access to God, i.e. "through the curtain, that is his flesh"
We all agree the curtain was removed but what of the Lord's body?
Clearly something was removed to provide this access!
When his flesh was torn the veil was torn.


Well-Known Member
Apr 2, 2022
Durban South Africa
South Africa
Admittedly, if you hold wrong teaching this verse is a real thorn in the Christians side!
Wouldn't want to hold to "wrong teaching"

By a new and living way which he hath consecrated for us (ἣν ἐνεκαίνισεν ἡμῖν ὁδὸν πρόσφατον καὶ ζῶσαν)
The A.V. is wrong. Ἣν which is to be construed with εἴσοδον entrance. Thus: “having boldness for the entrance which he has inaugurated (or opened) for us - a way new and living.” For ἐνεκαίνισεν see on Hebrews 9:18. The way must be opened, for every other way is closed. Ἐνκαινίζειν in lxx of the inauguration of a house, kingdom, temple, altar. See Deuteronomy 20:5; 1Samuel 11:14; 1Kings 8:63; 2Chronicals 15:8. Πρόσφατον new, N.T.o. In lxx, see Numbers 6:3; Deuteronomy 32:17; Psalms 80:9; Ecclesiastes 1:9. The derivation appears to be πρὸς near to, and φατός slain (from πέμφαμαι, the perfect of φένειν to kill). According to this the original sense would be newly-slain; and the word was used of one so recently dead as to retain the appearance of life: also, generally, of things which have not lost their character or appearance by the lapse of time; of fishes, fruits, oil, etc., which are fresh; of anger which has not had time to cool. Later the meaning was weakened into new. Note that the contrast is not between a new and an old way, but between a new way and no way. So long as the old division of the tabernacle existed, the way into the holiest was not opened, Hebrews 9:8. Ζῶσαν living. A living way seems a strange expression, but comp. Peter's living stones, 1Peter 2:5. Christ styles himself both way and life. The bold figure answers to the fact. The new way is through a life to life.
Through the veil (διὰ τοῦ καταπετάσματος)
The veil of the holy of holies is rent. Christ's work does not stop short of the believer's complete access to God himself.
That is to say his flesh (τοῦτ' ἔστιν τῆς σαρκὸς αὐτοῦ)
Const. with veil: the veil which consisted in his flesh. His flesh was the state through which he had to pass before he entered heaven for us. See Hebrews 2:9-18; Hebrews 5:7-9; Hebrews 10:5. When he put off that state, the veil of the temple was rent. He passed through humanity to glory as the forerunner of his people, Hebrews 6:20.

By the way which he dedicated for us (hēn enekainisen hēmin hodon). This “new” (prosphaton, freshly killed, newly made, from pros and the root of phatos, in the papyri, only here in N.T.) and “living” (zōsan) Jesus opened (“dedicated”) for us by his Incarnation and Death for us. Thus he fulfilled God’s promise of the “New Covenant” (Hebrews 8:7-13) in Jeremiah. The language is highly symbolic here and “through the veil” here is explained as meaning the flesh of Christ, his humanity, not the veil opening into heaven Hebrews 6:20 Some do take “veil” here as obscuring the deity of Christ rather than the revelation of God in the human body of Christ John 1:18; John 14:9 At any rate because of the coming of Christ in the flesh we have the new way opened for access to God Hebrews 2:17.; Hebrews 4:16

10:20 Our approach is by a new and living way. New here may have the meaning of “newly slain” or “newly made”. Living seems to be a reference to Jesus in resurrection, therefore, to a living Savior. This way was opened through the veil, that is, His flesh. This clearly teaches that the veil between the two compartments of the tabernacle was a type of the body of our Lord. In order for us to have access into God's presence, the veil had to be rent, that is, His body had to be broken in death. This reminds us that we cannot draw near by Christ's sinless life, but only by His vicarious death. Only through the mortal wounds of the Lamb can we go in. Every time we enter God's presence in prayer or worship, let us remember that the privilege was bought for us at tremendous cost.

Fausset said it well

The veil. As the veil had to be passed through to enter the holiest, so the human suffering flesh
Hebrews 5:7
of Christ’s humanity (which veiled His Godhead) had to be passed through by Him in entering the heavenly Holiest for us; in putting off His rent flesh, the temple veil, its type, was simultaneously rent from top to bottom Matthew 27:51 Not His body, but His suffering flesh, was the veil: His body was the temple (Joh_2:19).

We enter into the presence of God by means of the veil, that is, by the flesh of Jesus. That is a difficult thought, but what he means is this. Before the Holy of Holies in the Tabernacle hung the veil to screen off the presence of God. For men to enter into that presence the veil would have to be torn apart. Jesus' flesh is what veiled his godhead. Charles Wesley in his great hymn appealed to men:

"Veiled in flesh the godhead see."

It was when the flesh of Christ was rent upon the Cross that men really saw God. All his life showed God; but it was on the Cross that God's love really was revealed. As the rending of the Tabernacle veil opened the way to the presence of God, so the rending of the flesh of Christ revealed the full greatness of his love and opened up the way to him.

(ii) Jesus is the High Priest over God's house in the heavens. As we have seen so often, the function of the priest was to build a bridge between man and God. This means that Jesus not only shows us the way to God but also when we get there introduces us to his very presence. A man might be able to direct an enquirer to Buckingham Palace and yet be very far from having the right to take him into the presence of the Queen; but Jesus can take us the whole way.

...so Clarke

The way is called ὁδον προσφατον και ζωσαν, new or fresh, and living. This is evidently an allusion to the blood of the victim newly shed, uncoagulated, and consequently proper to be used for sprinkling. The blood of the Jewish victims was fit for sacrificial purposes only so long as it was warm and fluid, and might be considered as yet possessing its vitality; but when it grew cold, it coagulated, lost its vitality, and was no longer proper to be used sacrificially. Christ is here, in the allusion, represented as newly slain, and yet living; the blood ever considered as flowing and giving life to the world. The way by the old covenant neither gave life, nor removed the liability to death. The way to peace and reconciliation, under the old covenant, was through the dead bodies of the animals slain; but Christ is living, and ever liveth, to make intercession for us; therefore he is a new and living way.
In the Choephorae of Aeschylus, ver. 801, there is an expression like this of the apostle: -
Αγετε, των παλαι πεπραγμενων
Αυσασθ’ ἁιμα προσφατοις δικαις.
Agite, olim venditorum
Solvite sanguinem recenti vindicta.
This way, says Dr. Owen, is new,
1. Because it was but newly made and prepared.
2. Because it belongs unto the new covenant.
3. Because it admits of no decays, but is always new, as to its efficacy and use, as in the day of its first preparation.
4. The way of the tabernacle waxed old, and so was prepared for a removal; but the Gospel way of salvation shall never be altered, nor changed, nor decay; it is always new, and remains for ever.
It is also called ζωσαν, living,
1. In opposition to the way into the holiest under the tabernacle, which was by death; nothing could be done in it without the blood of a victim.
2. It was the cause of death to any who might use it, except the high priest himself; and he could have access to it only one day in the year.
3. It is called living, because it has a spiritual vital efficacy in our access to God.
4. It is living as to its effects; it leads to life, and infallibly brings those who walk in it unto life eternal.
Through the veil - As the high priest lifted up or drew aside the veil that separated the holy from the most holy place, in order that he might have access to the Divine Majesty; and as the veil of the temple was rent from the top to the bottom at the crucifixion of Christ, to show that the way to the holiest was then laid open; so we must approach the throne through the mediation of Christ, and through his sacrificial death. His pierced side is the way to the holiest. Here the veil - his humanity, is rent, and the kingdom of heaven opened to all believers.


Well-Known Member
Jun 22, 2015
Wouldn't want to hold to "wrong teaching"

By a new and living way which he hath consecrated for us (ἣν ἐνεκαίνισεν ἡμῖν ὁδὸν πρόσφατον καὶ ζῶσαν)
The A.V. is wrong. Ἣν which is to be construed with εἴσοδον entrance. Thus: “having boldness for the entrance which he has inaugurated (or opened) for us - a way new and living.” For ἐνεκαίνισεν see on Hebrews 9:18. The way must be opened, for every other way is closed. Ἐνκαινίζειν in lxx of the inauguration of a house, kingdom, temple, altar. See Deuteronomy 20:5; 1Samuel 11:14; 1Kings 8:63; 2Chronicals 15:8. Πρόσφατον new, N.T.o. In lxx, see Numbers 6:3; Deuteronomy 32:17; Psalms 80:9; Ecclesiastes 1:9. The derivation appears to be πρὸς near to, and φατός slain (from πέμφαμαι, the perfect of φένειν to kill). According to this the original sense would be newly-slain; and the word was used of one so recently dead as to retain the appearance of life: also, generally, of things which have not lost their character or appearance by the lapse of time; of fishes, fruits, oil, etc., which are fresh; of anger which has not had time to cool. Later the meaning was weakened into new. Note that the contrast is not between a new and an old way, but between a new way and no way. So long as the old division of the tabernacle existed, the way into the holiest was not opened, Hebrews 9:8. Ζῶσαν living. A living way seems a strange expression, but comp. Peter's living stones, 1Peter 2:5. Christ styles himself both way and life. The bold figure answers to the fact. The new way is through a life to life.
Through the veil (διὰ τοῦ καταπετάσματος)
The veil of the holy of holies is rent. Christ's work does not stop short of the believer's complete access to God himself.
That is to say his flesh (τοῦτ' ἔστιν τῆς σαρκὸς αὐτοῦ)
Const. with veil: the veil which consisted in his flesh. His flesh was the state through which he had to pass before he entered heaven for us. See Hebrews 2:9-18; Hebrews 5:7-9; Hebrews 10:5. When he put off that state, the veil of the temple was rent. He passed through humanity to glory as the forerunner of his people, Hebrews 6:20.

By the way which he dedicated for us (hēn enekainisen hēmin hodon). This “new” (prosphaton, freshly killed, newly made, from pros and the root of phatos, in the papyri, only here in N.T.) and “living” (zōsan) Jesus opened (“dedicated”) for us by his Incarnation and Death for us. Thus he fulfilled God’s promise of the “New Covenant” (Hebrews 8:7-13) in Jeremiah. The language is highly symbolic here and “through the veil” here is explained as meaning the flesh of Christ, his humanity, not the veil opening into heaven Hebrews 6:20 Some do take “veil” here as obscuring the deity of Christ rather than the revelation of God in the human body of Christ John 1:18; John 14:9 At any rate because of the coming of Christ in the flesh we have the new way opened for access to God Hebrews 2:17.; Hebrews 4:16

10:20 Our approach is by a new and living way. New here may have the meaning of “newly slain” or “newly made”. Living seems to be a reference to Jesus in resurrection, therefore, to a living Savior. This way was opened through the veil, that is, His flesh. This clearly teaches that the veil between the two compartments of the tabernacle was a type of the body of our Lord. In order for us to have access into God's presence, the veil had to be rent, that is, His body had to be broken in death. This reminds us that we cannot draw near by Christ's sinless life, but only by His vicarious death. Only through the mortal wounds of the Lamb can we go in. Every time we enter God's presence in prayer or worship, let us remember that the privilege was bought for us at tremendous cost.

Fausset said it well

The veil. As the veil had to be passed through to enter the holiest, so the human suffering flesh
Hebrews 5:7
of Christ’s humanity (which veiled His Godhead) had to be passed through by Him in entering the heavenly Holiest for us; in putting off His rent flesh, the temple veil, its type, was simultaneously rent from top to bottom Matthew 27:51 Not His body, but His suffering flesh, was the veil: His body was the temple (Joh_2:19).

We enter into the presence of God by means of the veil, that is, by the flesh of Jesus. That is a difficult thought, but what he means is this. Before the Holy of Holies in the Tabernacle hung the veil to screen off the presence of God. For men to enter into that presence the veil would have to be torn apart. Jesus' flesh is what veiled his godhead. Charles Wesley in his great hymn appealed to men:

"Veiled in flesh the godhead see."

It was when the flesh of Christ was rent upon the Cross that men really saw God. All his life showed God; but it was on the Cross that God's love really was revealed. As the rending of the Tabernacle veil opened the way to the presence of God, so the rending of the flesh of Christ revealed the full greatness of his love and opened up the way to him.

(ii) Jesus is the High Priest over God's house in the heavens. As we have seen so often, the function of the priest was to build a bridge between man and God. This means that Jesus not only shows us the way to God but also when we get there introduces us to his very presence. A man might be able to direct an enquirer to Buckingham Palace and yet be very far from having the right to take him into the presence of the Queen; but Jesus can take us the whole way.

...so Clarke

The way is called ὁδον προσφατον και ζωσαν, new or fresh, and living. This is evidently an allusion to the blood of the victim newly shed, uncoagulated, and consequently proper to be used for sprinkling. The blood of the Jewish victims was fit for sacrificial purposes only so long as it was warm and fluid, and might be considered as yet possessing its vitality; but when it grew cold, it coagulated, lost its vitality, and was no longer proper to be used sacrificially. Christ is here, in the allusion, represented as newly slain, and yet living; the blood ever considered as flowing and giving life to the world. The way by the old covenant neither gave life, nor removed the liability to death. The way to peace and reconciliation, under the old covenant, was through the dead bodies of the animals slain; but Christ is living, and ever liveth, to make intercession for us; therefore he is a new and living way.
In the Choephorae of Aeschylus, ver. 801, there is an expression like this of the apostle: -
Αγετε, των παλαι πεπραγμενων
Αυσασθ’ ἁιμα προσφατοις δικαις.
Agite, olim venditorum
Solvite sanguinem recenti vindicta.
This way, says Dr. Owen, is new,
1. Because it was but newly made and prepared.
2. Because it belongs unto the new covenant.
3. Because it admits of no decays, but is always new, as to its efficacy and use, as in the day of its first preparation.
4. The way of the tabernacle waxed old, and so was prepared for a removal; but the Gospel way of salvation shall never be altered, nor changed, nor decay; it is always new, and remains for ever.
It is also called ζωσαν, living,
1. In opposition to the way into the holiest under the tabernacle, which was by death; nothing could be done in it without the blood of a victim.
2. It was the cause of death to any who might use it, except the high priest himself; and he could have access to it only one day in the year.
3. It is called living, because it has a spiritual vital efficacy in our access to God.
4. It is living as to its effects; it leads to life, and infallibly brings those who walk in it unto life eternal.
Through the veil - As the high priest lifted up or drew aside the veil that separated the holy from the most holy place, in order that he might have access to the Divine Majesty; and as the veil of the temple was rent from the top to the bottom at the crucifixion of Christ, to show that the way to the holiest was then laid open; so we must approach the throne through the mediation of Christ, and through his sacrificial death. His pierced side is the way to the holiest. Here the veil - his humanity, is rent, and the kingdom of heaven opened to all believers.

Unfortunately those commentators missed Paul's wisdom in Ephesians 2 and Hebrews 10 - so easy to do if you hold wrong doctrine. The Trinity is an awful blight on Christianity. BTW God cannot be His own sacrifice nor can he dwell with enmity. I also see you are still copying and pasting Johann. Still time to grow!


Well-Known Member
Aug 15, 2020
United States
Unfortunately those commentators missed Paul's wisdom in Ephesians 2 and Hebrews 10 - so easy to do if you hold wrong doctrine. The Trinity is an awful blight on Christianity. BTW God cannot be His own sacrifice nor can he dwell with enmity. I also see you are still copying and pasting Johann. Still time to grow!
Hebrews 8 and 9 makes it clear the Testator must die . That is none other than God.

hope this helps !!!

Philip James

Well-Known Member
May 4, 2018
Why through the flesh? And what does Christ's flesh have to do with the curtain in the Temple?

The cup of blessing that we bless, is it not a participation in the blood of Christ? The bread that we break, is it not a participation in the body of Christ?

The doors are yet open! All are welcome to come to the wedding Feast of the Lamb of God!

Pax et Bonum


Well-Known Member
May 27, 2018
It is through Jesus that we have access to the mercy seat in heaven. Just as it was through the curtain that one had access to the mercy seat in the Mosaic temple.
There you have it. His "flesh" represents (a) His body, (b) the blood that was shed, (c) the immense sufferings of Christ in His body, (d) that His body was "broken" for us, but (e) not a bone of His was broken as prefigured in the Passover Lamb.

Hebrews tells us that none of the animal sacrifices under the Old Covenant could accomplish what Christ accomplished through His "flesh" -- eternal redemption. Therefore just as the veil (or heavy curtain) which separated the Holy of Holies from the Holy Place was torn in two at His crucifixion, to open the way to the Mercy Seat on earth, His torn flesh opened the way to the Mercy Seat in Heaven. God the Father was totally satisfied with the perfect sacrifice of His Son, and with the blood which was sprinkled on the Mercy Seat in Heaven. Now there remains no more sacrifice for sins.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 22, 2015
There you have it. His "flesh" represents (a) His body, (b) the blood that was shed, (c) the immense sufferings of Christ in His body, (d) that His body was "broken" for us, but (e) not a bone of His was broken as prefigured in the Passover Lamb.

Hebrews tells us that none of the animal sacrifices under the Old Covenant could accomplish what Christ accomplished through His "flesh" -- eternal redemption. Therefore just as the veil (or heavy curtain) which separated the Holy of Holies from the Holy Place was torn in two at His crucifixion, to open the way to the Mercy Seat on earth, His torn flesh opened the way to the Mercy Seat in Heaven. God the Father was totally satisfied with the perfect sacrifice of His Son, and with the blood which was sprinkled on the Mercy Seat in Heaven. Now there remains no more sacrifice for sins.
Like this...need to add Paul's explanation in Ephesians 2:15 and its complete.


Well-Known Member
Apr 2, 2022
Durban South Africa
South Africa
The Trinity is an awful blight on Christianity.
The Triune Godhead is in scriptures, even the ancient rabbis, scholars, and Messianic's are well aware of this. As for copy and paste, you might learn something with that preconceived mindset.


Well-Known Member
Apr 2, 2022
Durban South Africa
South Africa


Well-Known Member
Jun 22, 2015
Amazing how the simplicity of the Scriptures is unpalatable for "scholars" such as yourself...a heteros Besuroh Tovoh

This is funny Johann, the Trinity is far from Simple and even scholars who hold to its contradictions openly state it's a mystery! Get off the commentaries and into the Word and then you will find simplicity!