Why do you believe?

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New Member
May 15, 2011
This is a pretty broad question, so feel free to answer it however you like. I am really curious to know why Christians (and those of other faiths) believe what they believe. First of all, why did you choose to believe in Christianity? More specifically, why Christianity over any other religion? Why did you choose to believe in the Christian god and Jesus as his son?

Thanks in advance for your answers ^.^


Well-Known Member
May 17, 2011
This is a pretty broad question, so feel free to answer it however you like. I am really curious to know why Christians (and those of other faiths) believe what they believe. First of all, why did you choose to believe in Christianity? More specifically, why Christianity over any other religion? Why did you choose to believe in the Christian god and Jesus as his son?

Thanks in advance for your answers ^.^

God found me!


“"The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few
Apr 25, 2012
West Coast
United States
This is a pretty broad question, so feel free to answer it however you like. I am really curious to know why Christians (and those of other faiths) believe what they believe. First of all, why did you choose to believe in Christianity? More specifically, why Christianity over any other religion? Why did you choose to believe in the Christian god and Jesus as his son?

Thanks in advance for your answers ^.^

I used to be obsessed with this question, but after awhile, when I realized that most people have no idea why they believe what they believe; I stopped asking.....

As for me, I believe in Christianity for several reasons:


1. It is part of my culture
2. It is familiar
3. I find it to be intellectually challenging


1. Chasing after God satisfies a deep spiritual longing
2. It shapes how I relate with others in a positive way - promoting deep, meaningful relationships.
3. I enjoy the feelings associated with prayer and the purpose of my life; loving God and loving others.


1. Placing others needs above my own is not longer a quaint exercise, it is a mandate.
2. What I do counts today and in the future.
3. Experiencing God in prayer, through the scriptures and in daily life helps me to live in the present moment.

I am a Benedictine oblate - I am associated with a monastery in Oregon, so I am drawn to the mystical Catholic authors, who believe that God can be directly experienced. My prayer life is exciting and fulfilling on a deep level.

Also, I have decided that if my spiritual life with Christ is simply an illusion created by neurotransmitters mixing in my brain, I would not want to live differently. The fact is, if the universe is godless, cold, and without meaning or purpose, loving well is my ultimate statement - my personal rebellion in the face of nothingness.

Thankful 1

New Member
Dec 2, 2010
This is a pretty broad question, so feel free to answer it however you like. I am really curious to know why Christians (and those of other faiths) believe what they believe. First of all, why did you choose to believe in Christianity? More specifically, why Christianity over any other religion? Why did you choose to believe in the Christian god and Jesus as his son?

Thanks in advance for your answers ^.^

You ask why one believes what he or she does about God. I though may be what happened to me might give others an insight to our God.

I was raised in a Roman Catholic family, went to Catholic schools. I did not believe much of what my family taught me, but I did believe what the Church taught. I believed at an early age that Jesus would answer prayers. I was a bed wetter, and had a stepmother that made one huge fuss when ever it happened. I asked Jesus to make it so I would never wet my bed again. I promised Jesus that I would say my night prayers every night if he would make it so I would not pee my bed. I never peed my bed again.

Later when I was in my early teens and was praying, Jesus/God came to me in a very spectacular way. A hand and arm came down through the ceiling of the room. The hand touched me. I knew it was God and thought that then because God touched me I was special and God would give me every thing I wanted. I soon found out that was not true. This discouraged me so much that I never ever shared what happened to me with anyone. I forgot about what happened for many years.

When in my twenties I needed Jesus badly, and again prayed for something, and it was granted in a spectacular way. I started to take God’s teaching much more serious, but did not have the grace to always live his Word.

Later in life I was having a hard time finding work that would give me a future. I promised Jesus I would go to Mass and Communion every day if he would let me find a job that would give me the life I wanted.

I found the job, and did well at it for over fifteen years. Then Jesus started calling me into his ministry. Miracles and other supernatural events kept happing around me for the next two years. Then I said yes to Jesus’ call to his ministry, then everything changed in my life. I came to personally know Jesus. Jesus started to personally teach me. In the last thirty some years Jesus has performed many miracles, and healings in and through me.

I have been taught to love, and live the whole Word of God. Jesus has kept me free from sin for over thirty years.

Jesus has called me by name, and has been guiding me for over thirty years. Jesus has sat next to me to teach me. Jesus has told me he is God.

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Active Member
Encounter Team
Mar 22, 2011
North Carolina
1. I choose Jesus the Christ not Christianity
2. I was brought up in the faith
3. I choose for myself and got saved by the blood of Jesus Christ
4. The Scriptures of my God YHWH nourish my soul and spirit
5. Jesus makes himself known and relaer to me every day
6.Holy Spirit keeps and comforts me
7. I have seen God work and manifest in my life
8. I have seen and know that my prayers are answered
9. The power of Jesus Christ and his love I have seen manifested in my life and in others around me
10. Christianity is different and more so real to me than all the others
11. Most if not all religions see Jesus Christ my Lord and redeemer as either a great moral teacher, prophet or some type of "god"

"Come now, and let us reason together, saith the LORD: though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they be red like crimson, they shall be as wool." (Isaiah 1:18)

There is no greater love than a man who would lay down his liffe for a friend. They hung jesus high, streched him wide, he hung his head and for me he died that's love! hhe came form heaven down to earth toredeem man and bring me back into align with God. he loved me and still loves me to die for me and know that i would not believe in him, I would still sin, I would doubt him but he still died. he loves me and there is no greater love!


New Member
May 9, 2011
This is a pretty broad question, so feel free to answer it however you like. I am really curious to know why Christians (and those of other faiths) believe what they believe. First of all, why did you choose to believe in Christianity? More specifically, why Christianity over any other religion? Why did you choose to believe in the Christian god and Jesus as his son?

Thanks in advance for your answers ^.^

To be honest, I guess I was about forced by guilt to believe in Chrisianity when I was young. However, aside from all the unhealthiness of that, something "good" just tugged on my heart to believe in God in a different way.. I guess now I can say it was the Holy Spirit giving me glimpses of who our heavenly father really is. Next I was drawn by a need for a friend and to find the creator, hoping the friend was the creator. This broadens the view among choosing who you believe in. But God, the Christian Redeemer, is engrained in my mind forever, it's like the words Jesus said, "Heaven and earth will pass away, buy my words shall not pass away." There really is not a place to hide from Christ's words. I can hide from other religion's "calls" or their way of faith, but wherever I lead myself I can't get away from the truth of the matter - Jesus could be right when he claimed he bore all my burdens in his heart and on his body, that he loves me, that he died and rose again.... all this is too important to pass up for another religion that doesn't intrigue me. So as I search to seek the Kingdom of God, and I discover peace and love from God, I have no where else I want to spend my time than with the God of Abraham, the God incarnate Jesus Christ.

So for me, it was that drove me: fear --> goodness --> need for a friend and connection to "God" ---> words of Jesus wouldn't go away ---> seeing the bigger picture, Jesus is too great to pass up ----> peace and love


New Member
May 15, 2011
Thanks for all the answers so far. I think it's helping me understand a little bit better.

@aspen: I really like your answer; I think it is very objective and honest. I appreciate that ^.^


Active Member
May 31, 2010
This is a pretty broad question, so feel free to answer it however you like. I am really curious to know why Christians (and those of other faiths) believe what they believe. First of all, why did you choose to believe in Christianity? More specifically, why Christianity over any other religion? Why did you choose to believe in the Christian god and Jesus as his son?

Thanks in advance for your answers ^.^

it was a few different things that convinced me that the bible was the word of God... someone showed me several prophecies, and then I looked closely at the bible chronology for the end of the gentile times and became absolutely convinced that something higher was at work.

still am. :)